import argparse, os, sys, glob import datetime, time from omegaconf import OmegaConf import math import torch from decord import VideoReader, cpu import torchvision from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything from lvdm.samplers.ddim import DDIMSampler from lvdm.utils.common_utils import instantiate_from_config from lvdm.utils.saving_utils import tensor_to_mp4 from scripts.sample_text2video_adapter import load_model_checkpoint, adapter_guided_synthesis import torchvision.transforms._transforms_video as transforms_video from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download def load_video(filepath, frame_stride, video_size=(256,256), video_frames=16): info_str = '' vidreader = VideoReader(filepath, ctx=cpu(0), width=video_size[1], height=video_size[0]) max_frames = len(vidreader) # auto if frame_stride != 0: if frame_stride * (video_frames-1) >= max_frames: info_str += "Warning: The user-set frame rate makes the current video length not enough, we will set it to an adaptive frame rate.\n" frame_stride = 0 if frame_stride == 0: frame_stride = max_frames / video_frames # if temp_stride < 1: # info_str = "Warning: The length of the current input video is less than 16 frames, we will automatically fill to 16 frames for you.\n" if frame_stride > 100: frame_stride = 100 info_str += "Warning: The current input video length is longer than 1600 frames, we will process only the first 1600 frames.\n" info_str += f"Frame Stride is set to {frame_stride}" frame_indices = [int(frame_stride*i) for i in range(video_frames)] frames = vidreader.get_batch(frame_indices) ## [t,h,w,c] -> [c,t,h,w] frame_tensor = torch.tensor(frames.asnumpy()).permute(3, 0, 1, 2).float() frame_tensor = (frame_tensor / 255. - 0.5) * 2 return frame_tensor, info_str class VideoControl: def __init__(self, result_dir='./tmp/') -> None: self.savedir = result_dir self.download_model() config_path = "models/adapter_t2v_depth/model_config.yaml" ckpt_path = "models/base_t2v/model_rm_wtm.ckpt" adapter_ckpt = "models/adapter_t2v_depth/adapter_t2v_depth_rm_wtm.pth" if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/model_rm_wtm.ckpt'): ckpt_path='/dev/shm/model_rm_wtm.ckpt' config = OmegaConf.load(config_path) model_config = config.pop("model", OmegaConf.create()) model = instantiate_from_config(model_config) model ='cuda') assert os.path.exists(ckpt_path), "Error: checkpoint Not Found!" model = load_model_checkpoint(model, ckpt_path, adapter_ckpt) model.eval() self.model = model def get_video(self, input_video, input_prompt, frame_stride=0, vc_steps=50, vc_cfg_scale=15.0, vc_eta=1.0, video_frames=16, resolution=256): torch.cuda.empty_cache() if resolution > 512: resolution = 512 if resolution < 64: resolution = 64 if video_frames > 64: video_frames = 64 resolution = int(resolution//64)*64 if vc_steps > 60: vc_steps = 60 ## load video print("input video", input_video) info_str = '' try: h, w, c = VideoReader(input_video, ctx=cpu(0))[0].shape except: os.remove(input_video) return 'please input video', None, None, None if h > w: scale = h / resolution else: scale = w / resolution h = math.ceil(h / scale) w = math.ceil(w / scale) try: video, info_str = load_video(input_video, frame_stride, video_size=(h, w), video_frames=video_frames) except: os.remove(input_video) return 'load video error', None, None, None if h > w: w = int(w//64)*64 else: h = int(h//64)*64 spatial_transform = transforms_video.CenterCropVideo((h,w)) video = spatial_transform(video) print('video shape', video.shape) rh, rw = h//8, w//8 bs = 1 channels = self.model.channels # frames = self.model.temporal_length frames = video_frames noise_shape = [bs, channels, frames, rh, rw] ## inference start = time.time() prompt = input_prompt video = video.unsqueeze(0).to("cuda") try: with torch.no_grad(): batch_samples, batch_conds = adapter_guided_synthesis(self.model, prompt, video, noise_shape, n_samples=1, ddim_steps=vc_steps, ddim_eta=vc_eta, unconditional_guidance_scale=vc_cfg_scale) except: torch.cuda.empty_cache() info_str="OOM, please enter a smaller resolution or smaller frame num" return info_str, None, None, None batch_samples = batch_samples[0] os.makedirs(self.savedir, exist_ok=True) filename = prompt filename = filename.replace("/", "_slash_") if "/" in filename else filename filename = filename.replace(" ", "_") if " " in filename else filename if len(filename) > 200: filename = filename[:200] video_path = os.path.join(self.savedir, f'{filename}_sample.mp4') depth_path = os.path.join(self.savedir, f'{filename}_depth.mp4') origin_path = os.path.join(self.savedir, f'{filename}.mp4') tensor_to_mp4(video=video.detach().cpu(), savepath=origin_path, fps=8) tensor_to_mp4(video=batch_conds.detach().cpu(), savepath=depth_path, fps=8) tensor_to_mp4(video=batch_samples.detach().cpu(), savepath=video_path, fps=8) print(f"Saved in {video_path}. Time used: {(time.time() - start):.2f} seconds") # delete video (path, input_filename) = os.path.split(input_video) if input_filename != 'flamingo.mp4': os.remove(input_video) print('delete input video') # print(input_video) return info_str, origin_path, depth_path, video_path def download_model(self): REPO_ID = 'VideoCrafter/t2v-version-1-1' filename_list = ['models/base_t2v/model_rm_wtm.ckpt', "models/adapter_t2v_depth/adapter_t2v_depth_rm_wtm.pth", "models/adapter_t2v_depth/" ] for filename in filename_list: if not os.path.exists(filename): hf_hub_download(repo_id=REPO_ID, filename=filename, local_dir='./', local_dir_use_symlinks=False) if __name__ == "__main__": vc = VideoControl('./result') info_str, video_path = vc.get_video('input/flamingo.mp4',"An ostrich walking in the desert, photorealistic, 4k")