URL=${1:-http://localhost:8000/v1/audio/speech} | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1\", | |
\"input\": \"I'm going to play you the original voice, followed by the piper voice and finally the X T T S version 2 voice\", | |
\"voice\": \"echo\", | |
\"speed\": 1.0 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
for voice in alloy echo fable onyx nova shimmer ; do | |
echo $voice | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1\", | |
\"input\": \"original\", | |
\"voice\": \"echo\", | |
\"speed\": 1.0 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
curl -s$voice.wav | mpv --really-quiet - | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1\", | |
\"input\": \"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. This voice is called $voice, how do you like this voice?\", | |
\"voice\": \"$voice\", | |
\"speed\": 1.0 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1-hd\", | |
\"input\": \"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. This HD voice is called $voice, how do you like this voice?\", | |
\"voice\": \"$voice\", | |
\"speed\": 1.0 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
done | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1\", | |
\"input\": \"the slowest voice\", | |
\"voice\": \"onyx\", | |
\"speed\": 0.25 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1-hd\", | |
\"input\": \"the slowest HD voice\", | |
\"voice\": \"onyx\", | |
\"speed\": 0.25 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1\", | |
\"input\": \"And this is how fast it can go, the fastest voice\", | |
\"voice\": \"nova\", | |
\"speed\": 4.0 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |
curl -s $URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ | |
\"model\": \"tts-1-hd\", | |
\"input\": \"And this is how fast it can go, the fastest HD voice\", | |
\"voice\": \"nova\", | |
\"speed\": 4.0 | |
}" | mpv --really-quiet - | |