from typing import Optional, Generator, Deque from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from collections import deque import os import platform import subprocess import cv2 import gradio from tqdm import tqdm import facefusion.globals from facefusion import logger, wording from facefusion.content_analyser import analyse_stream from facefusion.typing import Frame, Face from facefusion.face_analyser import get_average_face from facefusion.processors.frame.core import get_frame_processors_modules from facefusion.ffmpeg import open_ffmpeg from import normalize_frame_color, read_static_images from facefusion.uis.typing import StreamMode, WebcamMode from facefusion.uis.core import get_ui_component WEBCAM_CAPTURE : Optional[cv2.VideoCapture] = None WEBCAM_IMAGE : Optional[gradio.Image] = None WEBCAM_START_BUTTON : Optional[gradio.Button] = None WEBCAM_STOP_BUTTON : Optional[gradio.Button] = None def get_webcam_capture() -> Optional[cv2.VideoCapture]: global WEBCAM_CAPTURE if WEBCAM_CAPTURE is None: if platform.system().lower() == 'windows': webcam_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0, cv2.CAP_DSHOW) else: webcam_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) if webcam_capture and webcam_capture.isOpened(): WEBCAM_CAPTURE = webcam_capture return WEBCAM_CAPTURE def clear_webcam_capture() -> None: global WEBCAM_CAPTURE if WEBCAM_CAPTURE: WEBCAM_CAPTURE.release() WEBCAM_CAPTURE = None def render() -> None: global WEBCAM_IMAGE global WEBCAM_START_BUTTON global WEBCAM_STOP_BUTTON WEBCAM_IMAGE = gradio.Image( label = wording.get('webcam_image_label') ) WEBCAM_START_BUTTON = gradio.Button( value = wording.get('start_button_label'), variant = 'primary', size = 'sm' ) WEBCAM_STOP_BUTTON = gradio.Button( value = wording.get('stop_button_label'), size = 'sm' ) def listen() -> None: start_event = None webcam_mode_radio = get_ui_component('webcam_mode_radio') webcam_resolution_dropdown = get_ui_component('webcam_resolution_dropdown') webcam_fps_slider = get_ui_component('webcam_fps_slider') if webcam_mode_radio and webcam_resolution_dropdown and webcam_fps_slider: start_event =, inputs = [ webcam_mode_radio, webcam_resolution_dropdown, webcam_fps_slider ], outputs = WEBCAM_IMAGE), cancels = start_event) source_image = get_ui_component('source_image') if source_image: for method in [ 'upload', 'change', 'clear' ]: getattr(source_image, method)(stop, cancels = start_event) def start(webcam_mode : WebcamMode, resolution : str, fps : float) -> Generator[Frame, None, None]: facefusion.globals.face_selector_mode = 'one' facefusion.globals.face_analyser_order = 'large-small' source_frames = read_static_images(facefusion.globals.source_paths) source_face = get_average_face(source_frames) stream = None if webcam_mode in [ 'udp', 'v4l2' ]: stream = open_stream(webcam_mode, resolution, fps) # type: ignore[arg-type] webcam_width, webcam_height = map(int, resolution.split('x')) webcam_capture = get_webcam_capture() if webcam_capture and webcam_capture.isOpened(): webcam_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FOURCC, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG')) # type: ignore[attr-defined] webcam_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, webcam_width) webcam_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, webcam_height) webcam_capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, fps) for capture_frame in multi_process_capture(source_face, webcam_capture, fps): if webcam_mode == 'inline': yield normalize_frame_color(capture_frame) else: try: stream.stdin.write(capture_frame.tobytes()) except Exception: clear_webcam_capture() yield None def multi_process_capture(source_face : Face, webcam_capture : cv2.VideoCapture, fps : float) -> Generator[Frame, None, None]: with tqdm(desc = wording.get('processing'), unit = 'frame', ascii = ' =', disable = facefusion.globals.log_level in [ 'warn', 'error' ]) as progress: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = facefusion.globals.execution_thread_count) as executor: futures = [] deque_capture_frames : Deque[Frame] = deque() while webcam_capture and webcam_capture.isOpened(): _, capture_frame = if analyse_stream(capture_frame, fps): return future = executor.submit(process_stream_frame, source_face, capture_frame) futures.append(future) for future_done in [ future for future in futures if future.done() ]: capture_frame = future_done.result() deque_capture_frames.append(capture_frame) futures.remove(future_done) while deque_capture_frames: progress.update() yield deque_capture_frames.popleft() def stop() -> gradio.Image: clear_webcam_capture() return gradio.Image(value = None) def process_stream_frame(source_face : Face, temp_frame : Frame) -> Frame: for frame_processor_module in get_frame_processors_modules(facefusion.globals.frame_processors): if frame_processor_module.pre_process('stream'): temp_frame = frame_processor_module.process_frame( source_face, None, temp_frame ) return temp_frame def open_stream(stream_mode : StreamMode, resolution : str, fps : float) -> subprocess.Popen[bytes]: commands = [ '-f', 'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'bgr24', '-s', resolution, '-r', str(fps), '-i', '-' ] if stream_mode == 'udp': commands.extend([ '-b:v', '2000k', '-f', 'mpegts', 'udp://localhost:27000?pkt_size=1316' ]) if stream_mode == 'v4l2': try: device_name = os.listdir('/sys/devices/virtual/video4linux')[0] if device_name: commands.extend([ '-f', 'v4l2', '/dev/' + device_name ]) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(wording.get('stream_not_loaded').format(stream_mode = stream_mode), __name__.upper()) return open_ffmpeg(commands)