MiVOLO / mivolo /structures.py
import math
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from mivolo.data.misc import aggregate_votes_winsorized, assign_faces, box_iou, cropout_black_parts
from ultralytics.engine.results import Results
from ultralytics.utils.plotting import Annotator, colors
# because of ultralytics bug it is important to unset CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG after the module importing
AGE_GENDER_TYPE = Tuple[float, str]
class PersonAndFaceCrops:
def __init__(self):
# int: index of person along results
self.crops_persons: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
# int: index of face along results
self.crops_faces: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
# int: index of face along results
self.crops_faces_wo_body: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
# int: index of person along results
self.crops_persons_wo_face: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
def _add_to_output(
self, crops: Dict[int, np.ndarray], out_crops: List[np.ndarray], out_crop_inds: List[Optional[int]]
inds_to_add = list(crops.keys())
crops_to_add = list(crops.values())
def _get_all_faces(
self, use_persons: bool, use_faces: bool
) -> Tuple[List[Optional[int]], List[Optional[np.ndarray]]]:
if use_persons and use_faces
faces: faces_with_bodies + faces_without_bodies + [None] * len(crops_persons_wo_face)
if use_persons and not use_faces
faces: [None] * n_persons
if not use_persons and use_faces:
faces: faces_with_bodies + faces_without_bodies
def add_none_to_output(faces_inds, faces_crops, num):
faces_inds.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
faces_crops.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
faces_inds: List[Optional[int]] = []
faces_crops: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = []
if not use_faces:
add_none_to_output(faces_inds, faces_crops, len(
self.crops_persons) + len(self.crops_persons_wo_face))
return faces_inds, faces_crops
self._add_to_output(self.crops_faces, faces_crops, faces_inds)
self._add_to_output(self.crops_faces_wo_body, faces_crops, faces_inds)
if use_persons:
add_none_to_output(faces_inds, faces_crops,
return faces_inds, faces_crops
def _get_all_bodies(
self, use_persons: bool, use_faces: bool
) -> Tuple[List[Optional[int]], List[Optional[np.ndarray]]]:
if use_persons and use_faces
persons: bodies_with_faces + [None] * len(faces_without_bodies) + bodies_without_faces
if use_persons and not use_faces
persons: bodies_with_faces + bodies_without_faces
if not use_persons and use_faces
persons: [None] * n_faces
def add_none_to_output(bodies_inds, bodies_crops, num):
bodies_inds.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
bodies_crops.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
bodies_inds: List[Optional[int]] = []
bodies_crops: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = []
if not use_persons:
add_none_to_output(bodies_inds, bodies_crops, len(
self.crops_faces) + len(self.crops_faces_wo_body))
return bodies_inds, bodies_crops
self._add_to_output(self.crops_persons, bodies_crops, bodies_inds)
if use_faces:
add_none_to_output(bodies_inds, bodies_crops,
bodies_crops, bodies_inds)
return bodies_inds, bodies_crops
def get_faces_with_bodies(self, use_persons: bool, use_faces: bool):
faces: faces_with_bodies, faces_without_bodies, [None] * len(crops_persons_wo_face)
persons: bodies_with_faces, [None] * len(faces_without_bodies), bodies_without_faces
bodies_inds, bodies_crops = self._get_all_bodies(
use_persons, use_faces)
faces_inds, faces_crops = self._get_all_faces(use_persons, use_faces)
return (bodies_inds, bodies_crops), (faces_inds, faces_crops)
def save(self, out_dir="output"):
ind = 0
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
for crops in [self.crops_persons, self.crops_faces, self.crops_faces_wo_body, self.crops_persons_wo_face]:
for crop in crops.values():
if crop is None:
out_name = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{ind}_crop.jpg")
cv2.imwrite(out_name, crop)
ind += 1
class PersonAndFaceResult:
def __init__(self, results: Results):
self.yolo_results = results
names = set(results.names.values())
assert "person" in names and "face" in names
# initially no faces and persons are associated to each other
self.face_to_person_map: Dict[int, Optional[int]] = {
ind: None for ind in self.get_bboxes_inds("face")}
self.unassigned_persons_inds: List[int] = self.get_bboxes_inds(
n_objects = len(self.yolo_results.boxes)
self.ages: List[Optional[float]] = [None for _ in range(n_objects)]
self.genders: List[Optional[str]] = [None for _ in range(n_objects)]
self.gender_scores: List[Optional[float]] = [
None for _ in range(n_objects)]
def n_objects(self) -> int:
return len(self.yolo_results.boxes)
def get_bboxes_inds(self, category: str) -> List[int]:
bboxes: List[int] = []
for ind, det in enumerate(self.yolo_results.boxes):
name = self.yolo_results.names[int(det.cls)]
if name == category:
return bboxes
def get_distance_to_center(self, bbox_ind: int) -> float:
Calculate euclidian distance between bbox center and image center.
im_h, im_w = self.yolo_results[bbox_ind].orig_shape
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.get_bbox_by_ind(bbox_ind).cpu().numpy()
center_x, center_y = (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2
dist = math.dist([center_x, center_y], [im_w / 2, im_h / 2])
return dist
def plot(
Plots the detection results on an input RGB image. Accepts a numpy array (cv2) or a PIL Image.
conf (bool): Whether to plot the detection confidence score.
line_width (float, optional): The line width of the bounding boxes. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
font_size (float, optional): The font size of the text. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
font (str): The font to use for the text.
pil (bool): Whether to return the image as a PIL Image.
img (numpy.ndarray): Plot to another image. if not, plot to original image.
labels (bool): Whether to plot the label of bounding boxes.
boxes (bool): Whether to plot the bounding boxes.
probs (bool): Whether to plot classification probability
ages (bool): Whether to plot the age of bounding boxes.
genders (bool): Whether to plot the genders of bounding boxes.
gender_probs (bool): Whether to plot gender classification probability
(numpy.ndarray): A numpy array of the annotated image.
# return self.yolo_results.plot()
colors_by_ind = {}
for face_ind, person_ind in self.face_to_person_map.items():
if person_ind is not None:
colors_by_ind[face_ind] = face_ind + 2
colors_by_ind[person_ind] = face_ind + 2
colors_by_ind[face_ind] = 0
for person_ind in self.unassigned_persons_inds:
colors_by_ind[person_ind] = 1
names = self.yolo_results.names
annotator = Annotator(
deepcopy(self.yolo_results.orig_img if img is None else img),
pred_boxes, show_boxes = self.yolo_results.boxes, boxes
pred_probs, show_probs = self.yolo_results.probs, probs
if pred_boxes and show_boxes:
for bb_ind, (d, age, gender, gender_score) in enumerate(
zip(pred_boxes, self.ages, self.genders, self.gender_scores)
c, conf, guid = int(d.cls), float(
d.conf) if conf else None, None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item())
name = ("" if guid is None else f"id:{guid} ") + names[c]
label = (
f"{name} {conf:.2f}" if conf else name) if labels else None
if ages and age is not None:
label += f" {age:.1f}"
if genders and gender is not None:
label += f" {'F' if gender == 'female' else 'M'}"
if gender_probs and gender_score is not None:
label += f" ({gender_score:.1f})"
annotator.box_label(d.xyxy.squeeze(), label,
color=colors(colors_by_ind[bb_ind], True))
if pred_probs is not None and show_probs:
text = f"{', '.join(f'{names[j] if names else j} {pred_probs.data[j]:.2f}' for j in pred_probs.top5)}, "
annotator.text((32, 32), text, txt_color=(
255, 255, 255)) # TODO: allow setting colors
return annotator.result()
def set_tracked_age_gender(self, tracked_objects: Dict[int, List[AGE_GENDER_TYPE]]):
Update age and gender for objects based on history from tracked_objects.
tracked_objects (dict[int, list[AGE_GENDER_TYPE]]): info about tracked objects by guid
for face_ind, person_ind in self.face_to_person_map.items():
pguid = self._get_id_by_ind(person_ind)
fguid = self._get_id_by_ind(face_ind)
if fguid == -1 and pguid == -1:
# YOLO might not assign ids for some objects in some cases:
# https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues/3830
age, gender = self._gather_tracking_result(
tracked_objects, fguid, pguid)
if age is None or gender is None:
self.set_age(face_ind, age)
self.set_gender(face_ind, gender, 1.0)
if pguid != -1:
self.set_gender(person_ind, gender, 1.0)
self.set_age(person_ind, age)
for person_ind in self.unassigned_persons_inds:
pid = self._get_id_by_ind(person_ind)
if pid == -1:
age, gender = self._gather_tracking_result(
tracked_objects, -1, pid)
if age is None or gender is None:
self.set_gender(person_ind, gender, 1.0)
self.set_age(person_ind, age)
def _get_id_by_ind(self, ind: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
if ind is None:
return -1
obj_id = self.yolo_results.boxes[ind].id
if obj_id is None:
return -1
return obj_id.item()
def get_bbox_by_ind(self, ind: int, im_h: int = None, im_w: int = None) -> torch.tensor:
bb = self.yolo_results.boxes[ind].xyxy.squeeze().type(torch.int32)
if im_h is not None and im_w is not None:
bb[0] = torch.clamp(bb[0], min=0, max=im_w - 1)
bb[1] = torch.clamp(bb[1], min=0, max=im_h - 1)
bb[2] = torch.clamp(bb[2], min=0, max=im_w - 1)
bb[3] = torch.clamp(bb[3], min=0, max=im_h - 1)
return bb
def set_age(self, ind: Optional[int], age: float):
if ind is not None:
self.ages[ind] = age
def set_gender(self, ind: Optional[int], gender: str, gender_score: float):
if ind is not None:
self.genders[ind] = gender
self.gender_scores[ind] = gender_score
def _gather_tracking_result(
tracked_objects: Dict[int, List[AGE_GENDER_TYPE]],
fguid: int = -1,
pguid: int = -1,
minimum_sample_size: int = 10,
assert fguid != -1 or pguid != -1, "Incorrect tracking behaviour"
face_ages = [r[0] for r in tracked_objects[fguid] if r[0]
is not None] if fguid in tracked_objects else []
face_genders = [r[1] for r in tracked_objects[fguid]
if r[1] is not None] if fguid in tracked_objects else []
person_ages = [r[0] for r in tracked_objects[pguid]
if r[0] is not None] if pguid in tracked_objects else []
person_genders = [r[1] for r in tracked_objects[pguid]
if r[1] is not None] if pguid in tracked_objects else []
if not face_ages and not person_ages: # both empty
return None, None
# You can play here with different aggregation strategies
# Face ages - predictions based on face or face + person, depends on history of object
# Person ages - predictions based on person or face + person, depends on history of object
if len(person_ages + face_ages) >= minimum_sample_size:
age = aggregate_votes_winsorized(person_ages + face_ages)
face_age = np.mean(face_ages) if face_ages else None
person_age = np.mean(person_ages) if person_ages else None
if face_age is None:
face_age = person_age
if person_age is None:
person_age = face_age
age = (face_age + person_age) / 2.0
genders = face_genders + person_genders
assert len(genders) > 0
# take mode of genders
gender = max(set(genders), key=genders.count)
return age, gender
def get_results_for_tracking(self) -> Tuple[Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE], Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE]]:
Get objects from current frame
persons: Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE] = {}
faces: Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE] = {}
names = self.yolo_results.names
pred_boxes = self.yolo_results.boxes
for _, (det, age, gender, _) in enumerate(zip(pred_boxes, self.ages, self.genders, self.gender_scores)):
if det.id is None:
cat_id, _, guid = int(det.cls), float(det.conf), int(det.id.item())
name = names[cat_id]
if name == "person":
persons[guid] = (age, gender)
elif name == "face":
faces[guid] = (age, gender)
return persons, faces
def associate_faces_with_persons(self):
face_bboxes_inds: List[int] = self.get_bboxes_inds("face")
person_bboxes_inds: List[int] = self.get_bboxes_inds("person")
face_bboxes: List[torch.tensor] = [
self.get_bbox_by_ind(ind) for ind in face_bboxes_inds]
person_bboxes: List[torch.tensor] = [
self.get_bbox_by_ind(ind) for ind in person_bboxes_inds]
self.face_to_person_map = {ind: None for ind in face_bboxes_inds}
assigned_faces, unassigned_persons_inds = assign_faces(
person_bboxes, face_bboxes)
for face_ind, person_ind in enumerate(assigned_faces):
face_ind = face_bboxes_inds[face_ind]
person_ind = person_bboxes_inds[person_ind] if person_ind is not None else None
self.face_to_person_map[face_ind] = person_ind
self.unassigned_persons_inds = [
person_bboxes_inds[person_ind] for person_ind in unassigned_persons_inds]
def crop_object(
self, full_image: np.ndarray, ind: int, cut_other_classes: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
IOU_THRESH = 0.000001
obj_bbox = self.get_bbox_by_ind(ind, *full_image.shape[:2])
x1, y1, x2, y2 = obj_bbox
cur_cat = self.yolo_results.names[int(
# get crop of face or person
obj_image = full_image[y1:y2, x1:x2].copy()
crop_h, crop_w = obj_image.shape[:2]
if cur_cat == "person" and (crop_h < MIN_PERSON_SIZE or crop_w < MIN_PERSON_SIZE):
return None
if not cut_other_classes:
return obj_image
# calc iou between obj_bbox and other bboxes
other_bboxes: List[torch.tensor] = [
self.get_bbox_by_ind(other_ind, *full_image.shape[:2]) for other_ind in range(len(self.yolo_results.boxes))
iou_matrix = box_iou(torch.stack([obj_bbox]), torch.stack(
# cut out other objects in case of intersection
for other_ind, (det, iou) in enumerate(zip(self.yolo_results.boxes, iou_matrix)):
other_cat = self.yolo_results.names[int(det.cls)]
if ind == other_ind or iou < IOU_THRESH or other_cat not in cut_other_classes:
o_x1, o_y1, o_x2, o_y2 = det.xyxy.squeeze().type(torch.int32)
# remap current_person_bbox to reference_person_bbox coordinates
o_x1 = max(o_x1 - x1, 0)
o_y1 = max(o_y1 - y1, 0)
o_x2 = min(o_x2 - x1, crop_w)
o_y2 = min(o_y2 - y1, crop_h)
if other_cat != "face":
if (o_y1 / crop_h) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_y1 = 0
if ((crop_h - o_y2) / crop_h) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_y2 = crop_h
if (o_x1 / crop_w) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_x1 = 0
if ((crop_w - o_x2) / crop_w) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_x2 = crop_w
obj_image[o_y1:o_y2, o_x1:o_x2] = 0
obj_image, remain_ratio = cropout_black_parts(
obj_image, CROP_ROUND_RATE)
return None
return obj_image
def collect_crops(self, image) -> PersonAndFaceCrops:
crops_data = PersonAndFaceCrops()
for face_ind, person_ind in self.face_to_person_map.items():
face_image = self.crop_object(
image, face_ind, cut_other_classes=[])
if person_ind is None:
crops_data.crops_faces_wo_body[face_ind] = face_image
person_image = self.crop_object(
image, person_ind, cut_other_classes=["face", "person"])
crops_data.crops_faces[face_ind] = face_image
crops_data.crops_persons[person_ind] = person_image
for person_ind in self.unassigned_persons_inds:
person_image = self.crop_object(
image, person_ind, cut_other_classes=["face", "person"])
crops_data.crops_persons_wo_face[person_ind] = person_image
# uncomment to save preprocessed crops
# crops_data.save()
return crops_data