from typing import Tuple, List
import gradio as gr
from App_Function_Libraries.DB.DB_Manager import (
get_trashed_items, user_delete_item, empty_trash,
get_transcripts, fetch_item_details,
search_media_database, mark_as_trash,
def list_trash():
items = get_trashed_items()
return "\n".join(
[f"ID: {item['id']}, Title: {item['title']}, Trashed on: {item['trash_date']}" for item in items])
def delete_item(media_id, force):
return user_delete_item(media_id, force)
def empty_trash_ui(days):
deleted, remaining = empty_trash(days)
return f"Deleted {deleted} items. {remaining} items remain in trash."
def get_media_transcripts(media_id):
transcripts = get_transcripts(media_id)
return "\n\n".join([f"Transcript ID: {t[0]}\nModel: {t[1]}\nCreated: {t[3]}\n{t[2][:200]}..." for t in transcripts])
def get_media_summaries(media_id):
_, summary, _ = fetch_item_details(media_id)
return summary if summary else "No summary available."
def get_media_prompts(media_id):
prompt, _, _ = fetch_item_details(media_id)
return prompt if prompt else "No prompt available."
def search_and_mark_trash(search_query: str) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, str, str]], str]:
results = search_media_database(search_query)
if not results:
return [], "No items found matching the search query."
return results, "Search completed successfully."
except Exception as e:
return [], f"Error during search: {str(e)}"
def mark_item_as_trash(media_id: int) -> str:
return f"Item with ID {media_id} has been marked as trash."
except Exception as e:
return f"Error marking item as trash: {str(e)}"
def create_search_and_mark_trash_tab():
with gr.TabItem("Search and Mark as Trash", visible=True):
gr.Markdown("# Search for Items and Mark as Trash")
search_input = gr.Textbox(label="Search Query")
search_button = gr.Button("Search")
search_results = gr.Dropdown(label="Search Results", choices=[], interactive=True)
search_status = gr.Textbox(label="Search Status")
mark_trash_button = gr.Button("Mark Selected Item as Trash")
mark_trash_status = gr.Textbox(label="Mark as Trash Status")
def update_search_results(query):
results, status = search_and_mark_trash(query)
choices = [f"{id}: {title} ({url})" for id, title, url in results]
return choices, status
outputs=[search_results, search_status]
def mark_selected_as_trash(selected_item):
if selected_item:
media_id = int(selected_item.split(":")[0])
return mark_item_as_trash(media_id)
return "No item selected."
def create_view_trash_tab():
with gr.TabItem("View Trash", visible=True):
view_button = gr.Button("View Trash")
trash_list = gr.Textbox(label="Trashed Items")
view_button.click(list_trash, inputs=[], outputs=trash_list)
def create_delete_trash_tab():
with gr.TabItem("Delete DB Item", visible=True):
gr.Markdown("# Delete Items from Databases")
media_id_input = gr.Number(label="Media ID")
media_force_checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Force Delete")
media_delete_button = gr.Button("Delete Media")
media_delete_output = gr.Textbox(label="Delete Result")
inputs=[media_id_input, media_force_checkbox],
def create_empty_trash_tab():
with gr.TabItem("Empty Trash", visible=True):
days_input = gr.Slider(minimum=15, maximum=90, step=5, label="Delete items older than (days)")
empty_button = gr.Button("Empty Trash")
empty_output = gr.Textbox(label="Result")
empty_button.click(empty_trash_ui, inputs=[days_input], outputs=empty_output)