ITO-Master / modules /
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Implementation of objective functions used in the task 'ITO-Master'
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.nn as nn
import auraloss
import os
import sys
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
from modules.front_back_end import *
# Root Mean Squared Loss
# penalizes the volume factor with non-linearlity
class RMSLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, reduce, loss_type="l2"):
super(RMSLoss, self).__init__()
self.weight_factor = 100.
if loss_type=="l2":
self.loss = nn.MSELoss(reduce=None)
def forward(self, est_targets, targets):
est_targets = est_targets.reshape(est_targets.shape[0]*est_targets.shape[1], est_targets.shape[2])
targets = targets.reshape(targets.shape[0]*targets.shape[1], targets.shape[2])
normalized_est = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(est_targets**2, dim=-1))
normalized_tgt = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(targets**2, dim=-1))
weight = torch.clamp(torch.abs(normalized_tgt-normalized_est), min=1/self.weight_factor) * self.weight_factor
return torch.mean(weight**1.5 * self.loss(normalized_est, normalized_tgt))
# Multi-Scale Spectral Loss proposed at the paper "DDSP: DIFFERENTIABLE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING" (
# we extend this loss by applying it to mid/side channels
class MultiScale_Spectral_Loss_MidSide_DDSP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, mode='midside', \
reduce=True, \
n_filters=None, \
windows_size=None, \
hops_size=None, \
window="hann", \
eps=1e-7, \
super(MultiScale_Spectral_Loss_MidSide_DDSP, self).__init__()
self.mode = mode
self.eps = eps
self.mid_weight = 0.5 # value in the range of 0.0 ~ 1.0
self.logmag_weight = 0.1
if n_filters is None:
n_filters = [4096, 2048, 1024, 512]
if windows_size is None:
windows_size = [4096, 2048, 1024, 512]
if hops_size is None:
hops_size = [1024, 512, 256, 128]
self.multiscales = []
for i in range(len(windows_size)):
cur_scale = {'window_size' : float(windows_size[i])}
if self.mode=='midside':
cur_scale['front_end'] = FrontEnd(channel='mono', \
n_fft=n_filters[i], \
hop_length=hops_size[i], \
win_length=windows_size[i], \
window=window, \
elif self.mode=='ori':
cur_scale['front_end'] = FrontEnd(channel='stereo', \
n_fft=n_filters[i], \
hop_length=hops_size[i], \
win_length=windows_size[i], \
window=window, \
self.objective_l1 = nn.L1Loss(reduce=reduce)
self.objective_l2 = nn.MSELoss(reduce=reduce)
def forward(self, est_targets, targets):
if self.mode=='midside':
return self.forward_midside(est_targets, targets)
elif self.mode=='ori':
return self.forward_ori(est_targets, targets)
def forward_ori(self, est_targets, targets):
total_loss = 0.0
total_mag_loss = 0.0
total_logmag_loss = 0.0
for cur_scale in self.multiscales:
est_mag = cur_scale['front_end'](est_targets, mode=["mag"])
tgt_mag = cur_scale['front_end'](targets, mode=["mag"])
mag_loss = self.magnitude_loss(est_mag, tgt_mag)
logmag_loss = self.log_magnitude_loss(est_mag, tgt_mag)
total_mag_loss += mag_loss
total_logmag_loss += logmag_loss
# return total_loss
return (1-self.logmag_weight)*total_mag_loss + \
def forward_midside(self, est_targets, targets):
est_mid, est_side = self.to_mid_side(est_targets)
tgt_mid, tgt_side = self.to_mid_side(targets)
total_loss = 0.0
total_mag_loss = 0.0
total_logmag_loss = 0.0
for cur_scale in self.multiscales:
est_mid_mag = cur_scale['front_end'](est_mid, mode=["mag"])
est_side_mag = cur_scale['front_end'](est_side, mode=["mag"])
tgt_mid_mag = cur_scale['front_end'](tgt_mid, mode=["mag"])
tgt_side_mag = cur_scale['front_end'](tgt_side, mode=["mag"])
mag_loss = self.mid_weight*self.magnitude_loss(est_mid_mag, tgt_mid_mag) + \
(1-self.mid_weight)*self.magnitude_loss(est_side_mag, tgt_side_mag)
logmag_loss = self.mid_weight*self.log_magnitude_loss(est_mid_mag, tgt_mid_mag) + \
(1-self.mid_weight)*self.log_magnitude_loss(est_side_mag, tgt_side_mag)
total_mag_loss += mag_loss
total_logmag_loss += logmag_loss
# return total_loss
return (1-self.logmag_weight)*total_mag_loss + \
def to_mid_side(self, stereo_in):
mid = stereo_in[:,0] + stereo_in[:,1]
side = stereo_in[:,0] - stereo_in[:,1]
return mid, side
def magnitude_loss(self, est_mag_spec, tgt_mag_spec):
return torch.norm(self.objective_l1(est_mag_spec, tgt_mag_spec))
def log_magnitude_loss(self, est_mag_spec, tgt_mag_spec):
est_log_mag_spec = torch.log10(est_mag_spec+self.eps)
tgt_log_mag_spec = torch.log10(tgt_mag_spec+self.eps)
return self.objective_l2(est_log_mag_spec, tgt_log_mag_spec)
# Class of available loss functions
class Loss:
def __init__(self, args, reduce=True):
device = torch.device("cpu")
if torch.cuda.is_available():
device = torch.device(f"cuda:{args.gpu}")
self.l1 = nn.L1Loss(reduce=reduce)
self.mse = nn.MSELoss(reduce=reduce)
self.ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
self.triplet = nn.TripletMarginLoss(margin=1., p=2)
self.cos = nn.CosineSimilarity(eps=args.eps)
self.cosemb = nn.CosineEmbeddingLoss()
self.multi_scale_spectral_midside = MultiScale_Spectral_Loss_MidSide_DDSP(mode='midside', eps=args.eps, device=device)
self.multi_scale_spectral_ori = MultiScale_Spectral_Loss_MidSide_DDSP(mode='ori', eps=args.eps, device=device)
self.gain = RMSLoss(reduce=reduce)
# perceptual weighting with mel scaled spectrograms
self.mrs_mel_perceptual = auraloss.freq.MultiResolutionSTFTLoss(
fft_sizes=[1024, 2048, 8192],
hop_sizes=[256, 512, 2048],
win_lengths=[1024, 2048, 8192],
import laion_clap
import torchaudio
# CLAP feature loss
class CLAPFeatureLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(CLAPFeatureLoss, self).__init__()
self.target_sample_rate = 48000 # CLAP expects 48kHz audio
self.model = laion_clap.CLAP_Module(enable_fusion=False)
self.model.load_ckpt() # download the default pretrained checkpoint
def forward(self, input_audio, target, sample_rate, distance_fn='cosine'):
# Process input audio
input_embed = self.process_audio(input_audio, sample_rate)
# Process target (audio or text)
if isinstance(target, torch.Tensor):
target_embed = self.process_audio(target, sample_rate)
elif isinstance(target, str) or (isinstance(target, list) and isinstance(target[0], str)):
target_embed = self.process_text(target)
raise ValueError("Target must be either audio tensor or text (string or list of strings)")
# Compute loss using the specified distance function
loss = self.compute_distance(input_embed, target_embed, distance_fn)
return loss
def process_audio(self, audio, sample_rate):
# Ensure input is in the correct shape (N, C, T)
if audio.dim() == 2:
audio = audio.unsqueeze(1)
# Convert to mono if stereo
if audio.shape[1] > 1:
audio = audio.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
# Resample if necessary
if sample_rate != self.target_sample_rate:
audio = self.resample(audio, sample_rate)
audio = audio.squeeze(1)
# Get CLAP embeddings
embed = self.model.get_audio_embedding_from_data(x=audio, use_tensor=True)
return embed
def process_text(self, text):
# Get CLAP embeddings for text
# ensure input is a list of strings
if not isinstance(text, list):
text = [text]
embed = self.model.get_text_embedding(text, use_tensor=True)
return embed
def compute_distance(self, x, y, distance_fn):
if distance_fn == 'mse':
return F.mse_loss(x, y)
elif distance_fn == 'l1':
return F.l1_loss(x, y)
elif distance_fn == 'cosine':
return 1 - F.cosine_similarity(x, y).mean()
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported distance function: {distance_fn}")
def resample(self, audio, input_sample_rate):
resampler = torchaudio.transforms.Resample(
orig_freq=input_sample_rate, new_freq=self.target_sample_rate
return resampler(audio)
Audio Feature Loss implementation
copied from
import librosa
from typing import List
from modules.filter import barkscale_fbanks
def compute_mid_side(x: torch.Tensor):
x_mid = x[:, 0, :] + x[:, 1, :]
x_side = x[:, 0, :] - x[:, 1, :]
return x_mid, x_side
def compute_melspectrum(
x: torch.Tensor,
sample_rate: int = 44100,
fft_size: int = 32768,
n_bins: int = 128,
"""Compute mel-spectrogram.
x: (bs, 2, seq_len)
sample_rate: sample rate of audio
fft_size: size of fft
n_bins: number of mel bins
X: (bs, n_bins)
fb = librosa.filters.mel(sr=sample_rate, n_fft=fft_size, n_mels=n_bins)
fb = torch.tensor(fb).unsqueeze(0).type_as(x)
x = x.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True)
X = torch.fft.rfft(x, n=fft_size, dim=-1)
X = torch.abs(X)
X = torch.mean(X, dim=1, keepdim=True) # take mean over time
X = X.permute(0, 2, 1) # swap time and freq dims
X = torch.matmul(fb, X)
X = torch.log(X + 1e-8)
return X
def compute_barkspectrum(
x: torch.Tensor,
fft_size: int = 32768,
n_bands: int = 24,
sample_rate: int = 44100,
f_min: float = 20.0,
f_max: float = 20000.0,
mode: str = "mid-side",
"""Compute bark-spectrogram.
x: (bs, 2, seq_len)
fft_size: size of fft
n_bands: number of bark bins
sample_rate: sample rate of audio
f_min: minimum frequency
f_max: maximum frequency
mode: "mono", "stereo", or "mid-side"
X: (bs, 24)
# compute filterbank
fb = barkscale_fbanks((fft_size // 2) + 1, f_min, f_max, n_bands, sample_rate)
fb = fb.unsqueeze(0).type_as(x)
fb = fb.permute(0, 2, 1)
if mode == "mono":
x = x.mean(dim=1) # average over channels
signals = [x]
elif mode == "stereo":
signals = [x[:, 0, :], x[:, 1, :]]
elif mode == "mid-side":
x_mid = x[:, 0, :] + x[:, 1, :]
x_side = x[:, 0, :] - x[:, 1, :]
signals = [x_mid, x_side]
raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode {mode}")
outputs = []
for signal in signals:
X = torch.stft(
hop_length=fft_size // 4,
) # compute stft
X = torch.abs(X) # take magnitude
X = torch.mean(X, dim=-1, keepdim=True) # take mean over time
# X = X.permute(0, 2, 1) # swap time and freq dims
X = torch.matmul(fb, X) # apply filterbank
X = torch.log(X + 1e-8)
# X =[X, X_log], dim=-1)
# stack into tensor
X =, dim=-1)
return X
def compute_rms(x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs):
"""Compute root mean square energy.
x: (bs, 1, seq_len)
rms: (bs, )
rms = torch.sqrt(torch.mean(x**2, dim=-1).clamp(min=1e-8))
return rms
def compute_crest_factor(x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs):
"""Compute crest factor as ratio of peak to rms energy in dB.
x: (bs, 2, seq_len)
num = torch.max(torch.abs(x), dim=-1)[0]
den = compute_rms(x).clamp(min=1e-8)
cf = 20 * torch.log10((num / den).clamp(min=1e-8))
return cf
def compute_stereo_width(x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs):
"""Compute stereo width as ratio of energy in sum and difference signals.
x: (bs, 2, seq_len)
bs, chs, seq_len = x.size()
assert chs == 2, "Input must be stereo"
# compute sum and diff of stereo channels
x_sum = x[:, 0, :] + x[:, 1, :]
x_diff = x[:, 0, :] - x[:, 1, :]
# compute power of sum and diff
sum_energy = torch.mean(x_sum**2, dim=-1)
diff_energy = torch.mean(x_diff**2, dim=-1)
# compute stereo width as ratio
stereo_width = diff_energy / sum_energy.clamp(min=1e-8)
return stereo_width
def compute_stereo_imbalance(x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs):
"""Compute stereo imbalance as ratio of energy in left and right channels.
x: (bs, 2, seq_len)
stereo_imbalance: (bs, )
left_energy = torch.mean(x[:, 0, :] ** 2, dim=-1)
right_energy = torch.mean(x[:, 1, :] ** 2, dim=-1)
stereo_imbalance = (right_energy - left_energy) / (
right_energy + left_energy
return stereo_imbalance
class AudioFeatureLoss(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(
weights: List[float],
sample_rate: int,
stem_separation: bool = False,
use_clap: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Compute loss using a set of differentiable audio features.
weights: weights for each feature
sample_rate: sample rate of audio
stem_separation: whether to compute loss on stems or mix
Based on features proposed in:
Man, B. D., et al.
"An analysis and evaluation of audio features for multitrack music mixtures."
self.weights = weights
self.sample_rate = sample_rate
self.stem_separation = stem_separation
self.sources_list = ["mix"]
self.source_weights = [1.0]
self.use_clap = use_clap
self.transforms = [
assert len(self.transforms) == len(weights)
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor):
losses = {}
# reshape for example stem dim
input_stems = input.unsqueeze(1)
target_stems = target.unsqueeze(1)
n_stems = input_stems.shape[1]
# iterate over each stem compute loss for each transform
for stem_idx in range(n_stems):
input_stem = input_stems[:, stem_idx, ...]
target_stem = target_stems[:, stem_idx, ...]
for transform, weight in zip(self.transforms, self.weights):
transform_name = "_".join(transform.__name__.split("_")[1:])
key = f"{self.sources_list[stem_idx]}-{transform_name}"
input_transform = transform(input_stem, sample_rate=self.sample_rate)
target_transform = transform(target_stem, sample_rate=self.sample_rate)
val = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(input_transform, target_transform)
losses[key] = weight * val * self.source_weights[stem_idx]
return losses