Runtime error
Runtime error
import render_utils | |
import paddle | |
import paddle.nn as nn | |
import paddle.nn.functional as F | |
import numpy as np | |
import math | |
def crop(img, h, w): | |
H, W = img.shape[-2:] | |
pad_h = (H - h) // 2 | |
pad_w = (W - w) // 2 | |
remainder_h = (H - h) % 2 | |
remainder_w = (W - w) % 2 | |
img = img[:, :, pad_h:H - pad_h - remainder_h, pad_w:W - pad_w - remainder_w] | |
return img | |
def stroke_net_predict(img_patch, result_patch, patch_size, net_g, stroke_num, patch_num): | |
""" | |
stroke_net_predict | |
""" | |
img_patch = img_patch.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape([-1, 3, patch_size, patch_size]) | |
result_patch = result_patch.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape([-1, 3, patch_size, patch_size]) | |
#*----- Stroke Predictor -----*# | |
shape_param, stroke_decision = net_g(img_patch, result_patch) | |
stroke_decision = (stroke_decision > 0).astype('float32') | |
#*----- sampling color -----*# | |
grid = shape_param[:, :, :2].reshape([img_patch.shape[0] * stroke_num, 1, 1, 2]) | |
img_temp = img_patch.unsqueeze(1).tile([1, stroke_num, 1, 1, 1]).reshape([ | |
img_patch.shape[0] * stroke_num, 3, patch_size, patch_size]) | |
color = nn.functional.grid_sample(img_temp, 2 * grid - 1, align_corners=False).reshape([ | |
img_patch.shape[0], stroke_num, 3]) | |
param = paddle.concat([shape_param, color], axis=-1) | |
param = param.reshape([-1, 8]) | |
param[:, :2] = param[:, :2] / 2 + 0.25 | |
param[:, 2:4] = param[:, 2:4] / 2 | |
param = param.reshape([1, patch_num, patch_num, stroke_num, 8]) | |
decision = stroke_decision.reshape([1, patch_num, patch_num, stroke_num])#.astype('bool') | |
return param, decision | |
def param2img_parallel(param, decision, meta_brushes, cur_canvas, stroke_num=8): | |
""" | |
Input stroke parameters and decisions for each patch, meta brushes, current canvas, frame directory, | |
and whether there is a border (if intermediate painting results are required). | |
Output the painting results of adding the corresponding strokes on the current canvas. | |
Args: | |
param: a tensor with shape batch size x patch along height dimension x patch along width dimension | |
x n_stroke_per_patch x n_param_per_stroke | |
decision: a 01 tensor with shape batch size x patch along height dimension x patch along width dimension | |
x n_stroke_per_patch | |
meta_brushes: a tensor with shape 2 x 3 x meta_brush_height x meta_brush_width. | |
The first slice on the batch dimension denotes vertical brush and the second one denotes horizontal brush. | |
cur_canvas: a tensor with shape batch size x 3 x H x W, | |
where H and W denote height and width of padded results of original images. | |
Returns: | |
cur_canvas: a tensor with shape batch size x 3 x H x W, denoting painting results. | |
""" | |
# param: b, h, w, stroke_per_patch, param_per_stroke | |
# decision: b, h, w, stroke_per_patch | |
b, h, w, s, p = param.shape | |
h, w = int(h), int(w) | |
param = param.reshape([-1, 8]) | |
decision = decision.reshape([-1, 8]) | |
H, W = cur_canvas.shape[-2:] | |
is_odd_y = h % 2 == 1 | |
is_odd_x = w % 2 == 1 | |
render_size_y = 2 * H // h | |
render_size_x = 2 * W // w | |
even_idx_y = paddle.arange(0, h, 2) | |
even_idx_x = paddle.arange(0, w, 2) | |
if h > 1: | |
odd_idx_y = paddle.arange(1, h, 2) | |
if w > 1: | |
odd_idx_x = paddle.arange(1, w, 2) | |
cur_canvas = F.pad(cur_canvas, [render_size_x // 4, render_size_x // 4, | |
render_size_y // 4, render_size_y // 4]) | |
valid_foregrounds = render_utils.param2stroke(param, render_size_y, render_size_x, meta_brushes) | |
#* ----- load dilation/erosion ---- *# | |
dilation = render_utils.Dilation2d(m=1) | |
erosion = render_utils.Erosion2d(m=1) | |
#* ----- generate alphas ----- *# | |
valid_alphas = (valid_foregrounds > 0).astype('float32') | |
valid_foregrounds = valid_foregrounds.reshape([-1, stroke_num, 1, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
valid_alphas = valid_alphas.reshape([-1, stroke_num, 1, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
temp = [dilation(valid_foregrounds[:, i, :, :, :]) for i in range(stroke_num)] | |
valid_foregrounds = paddle.stack(temp, axis=1) | |
valid_foregrounds = valid_foregrounds.reshape([-1, 1, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
temp = [erosion(valid_alphas[:, i, :, :, :]) for i in range(stroke_num)] | |
valid_alphas = paddle.stack(temp, axis=1) | |
valid_alphas = valid_alphas.reshape([-1, 1, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
foregrounds = valid_foregrounds.reshape([-1, h, w, stroke_num, 1, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
alphas = valid_alphas.reshape([-1, h, w, stroke_num, 1, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
decision = decision.reshape([-1, h, w, stroke_num, 1, 1, 1]) | |
param = param.reshape([-1, h, w, stroke_num, 8]) | |
def partial_render(this_canvas, patch_coord_y, patch_coord_x): | |
canvas_patch = F.unfold(this_canvas, [render_size_y, render_size_x], strides=[render_size_y // 2, render_size_x // 2]) | |
# canvas_patch: b, 3 * py * px, h * w | |
canvas_patch = canvas_patch.reshape([b, 3, render_size_y, render_size_x, h, w]) | |
canvas_patch = canvas_patch.transpose([0, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]) | |
selected_canvas_patch = paddle.gather(canvas_patch, patch_coord_y, 1) | |
selected_canvas_patch = paddle.gather(selected_canvas_patch, patch_coord_x, 2) | |
selected_canvas_patch = selected_canvas_patch.reshape([0, 0, 0, 1, 3, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
selected_foregrounds = paddle.gather(foregrounds, patch_coord_y, 1) | |
selected_foregrounds = paddle.gather(selected_foregrounds, patch_coord_x, 2) | |
selected_alphas = paddle.gather(alphas, patch_coord_y, 1) | |
selected_alphas = paddle.gather(selected_alphas, patch_coord_x, 2) | |
selected_decisions = paddle.gather(decision, patch_coord_y, 1) | |
selected_decisions = paddle.gather(selected_decisions, patch_coord_x, 2) | |
selected_color = paddle.gather(param, patch_coord_y, 1) | |
selected_color = paddle.gather(selected_color, patch_coord_x, 2) | |
selected_color = paddle.gather(selected_color, paddle.to_tensor([5,6,7]), 4) | |
selected_color = selected_color.reshape([0, 0, 0, stroke_num, 3, 1, 1]) | |
for i in range(stroke_num): | |
i = paddle.to_tensor(i) | |
cur_foreground = paddle.gather(selected_foregrounds, i, 3) | |
cur_alpha = paddle.gather(selected_alphas, i, 3) | |
cur_decision = paddle.gather(selected_decisions, i, 3) | |
cur_color = paddle.gather(selected_color, i, 3) | |
cur_foreground = cur_foreground * cur_color | |
selected_canvas_patch = cur_foreground * cur_alpha * cur_decision + selected_canvas_patch * (1 - cur_alpha * cur_decision) | |
selected_canvas_patch = selected_canvas_patch.reshape([0, 0, 0, 3, render_size_y, render_size_x]) | |
this_canvas = selected_canvas_patch.transpose([0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5]) | |
# this_canvas: b, 3, h_half, py, w_half, px | |
h_half = this_canvas.shape[2] | |
w_half = this_canvas.shape[4] | |
this_canvas = this_canvas.reshape([b, 3, h_half * render_size_y, w_half * render_size_x]) | |
# this_canvas: b, 3, h_half * py, w_half * px | |
return this_canvas | |
# even - even area | |
# 1 | 0 | |
# 0 | 0 | |
canvas = partial_render(cur_canvas, even_idx_y, even_idx_x) | |
if not is_odd_y: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, -render_size_y // 2:, :canvas.shape[3]]], axis=2) | |
if not is_odd_x: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, :canvas.shape[2], -render_size_x // 2:]], axis=3) | |
cur_canvas = canvas | |
# odd - odd area | |
# 0 | 0 | |
# 0 | 1 | |
if h > 1 and w > 1: | |
canvas = partial_render(cur_canvas, odd_idx_y, odd_idx_x) | |
canvas = paddle.concat([cur_canvas[:, :, :render_size_y // 2, -canvas.shape[3]:], canvas], axis=2) | |
canvas = paddle.concat([cur_canvas[:, :, -canvas.shape[2]:, :render_size_x // 2], canvas], axis=3) | |
if is_odd_y: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, -render_size_y // 2:, :canvas.shape[3]]], axis=2) | |
if is_odd_x: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, :canvas.shape[2], -render_size_x // 2:]], axis=3) | |
cur_canvas = canvas | |
# odd - even area | |
# 0 | 0 | |
# 1 | 0 | |
if h > 1: | |
canvas = partial_render(cur_canvas, odd_idx_y, even_idx_x) | |
canvas = paddle.concat([cur_canvas[:, :, :render_size_y // 2, :canvas.shape[3]], canvas], axis=2) | |
if is_odd_y: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, -render_size_y // 2:, :canvas.shape[3]]], axis=2) | |
if not is_odd_x: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, :canvas.shape[2], -render_size_x // 2:]], axis=3) | |
cur_canvas = canvas | |
# odd - even area | |
# 0 | 1 | |
# 0 | 0 | |
if w > 1: | |
canvas = partial_render(cur_canvas, even_idx_y, odd_idx_x) | |
canvas = paddle.concat([cur_canvas[:, :, :canvas.shape[2], :render_size_x // 2], canvas], axis=3) | |
if not is_odd_y: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, -render_size_y // 2:, -canvas.shape[3]:]], axis=2) | |
if is_odd_x: | |
canvas = paddle.concat([canvas, cur_canvas[:, :, :canvas.shape[2], -render_size_x // 2:]], axis=3) | |
cur_canvas = canvas | |
cur_canvas = cur_canvas[:, :, render_size_y // 4:-render_size_y // 4, render_size_x // 4:-render_size_x // 4] | |
return cur_canvas | |
def render_parallel(original_img, net_g, meta_brushes): | |
patch_size = 32 | |
stroke_num = 8 | |
with paddle.no_grad(): | |
original_h, original_w = original_img.shape[-2:] | |
K = max(math.ceil(math.log2(max(original_h, original_w) / patch_size)), 0) | |
original_img_pad_size = patch_size * (2 ** K) | |
original_img_pad = render_utils.pad(original_img, original_img_pad_size, original_img_pad_size) | |
final_result = paddle.zeros_like(original_img) | |
for layer in range(0, K + 1): | |
layer_size = patch_size * (2 ** layer) | |
img = F.interpolate(original_img_pad, (layer_size, layer_size)) | |
result = F.interpolate(final_result, (layer_size, layer_size)) | |
img_patch = F.unfold(img, [patch_size, patch_size], strides=[patch_size, patch_size]) | |
result_patch = F.unfold(result, [patch_size, patch_size], strides=[patch_size, patch_size]) | |
# There are patch_num * patch_num patches in total | |
patch_num = (layer_size - patch_size) // patch_size + 1 | |
param, decision = stroke_net_predict(img_patch, result_patch, patch_size, net_g, stroke_num, patch_num) | |
#print(param.shape, decision.shape) | |
final_result = param2img_parallel(param, decision, meta_brushes, final_result) | |
# paint another time for last layer | |
border_size = original_img_pad_size // (2 * patch_num) | |
img = F.interpolate(original_img_pad, (layer_size, layer_size)) | |
result = F.interpolate(final_result, (layer_size, layer_size)) | |
img = F.pad(img, [patch_size // 2, patch_size // 2, patch_size // 2, patch_size // 2]) | |
result = F.pad(result, [patch_size // 2, patch_size // 2, patch_size // 2, patch_size // 2]) | |
img_patch = F.unfold(img, [patch_size, patch_size], strides=[patch_size, patch_size]) | |
result_patch = F.unfold(result, [patch_size, patch_size], strides=[patch_size, patch_size]) | |
final_result = F.pad(final_result, [border_size, border_size, border_size, border_size]) | |
patch_num = (img.shape[2] - patch_size) // patch_size + 1 | |
#w = (img.shape[3] - patch_size) // patch_size + 1 | |
param, decision = stroke_net_predict(img_patch, result_patch, patch_size, net_g, stroke_num, patch_num) | |
final_result = param2img_parallel(param, decision, meta_brushes, final_result) | |
final_result = final_result[:, :, border_size:-border_size, border_size:-border_size] | |
final_result = (final_result.numpy().squeeze().transpose([1,2,0])[:,:,::-1] * 255).astype(np.uint8) | |
return final_result |