import leafmap.foliumap as leafmap from leafmap import pmtiles_style import rioxarray import geopandas as gpd import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="Huggingface Toy", page_icon="❦") """ # Huggingface Streamlit Toy This is a toy to play around with Huggingface, Leafmap, and Streamlit I'm looking to implement at least these things: * Visualize raster data from an S3 bucket * Let the user (you!) draw polygons and calculate some stats (mean, median, etc.) * Let user load pre-defined geometries (admin levels? country borders?) * Load boundaries based on the center of the map """ hi = "" deforest = "" # Euromap info eurocrops_pmtiles = "" ec_style = pmtiles_style(eurocrops_pmtiles) m = leafmap.Map(center=[41, -69], zoom=5) # Moved the cog layers into optional scripts to make the pmtile information easier to see. # m.add_cog_layer( # deforest, # palette="reds", # name="deforested", # transparent_bg=True, # opacity=0.5, # zoom_to_layer=False, # ) # m.add_cog_layer( # hi, # palette="purples", # name="human impact", # transparent_bg=True, # opacity=0.5, # zoom_to_layer=False, # ) m.add_pmtiles( eurocrops_pmtiles, name="euro crops", style=ec_style, overlay=True, show=True, zoom_to_layer=False ) polygon_ex ='{"type":"Feature","properties":{},"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-6.108398,40.780541],[-6.108398,54.342149],[15.908203,54.342149],[15.908203,40.780541],[-6.108398,40.780541]]]}}' code_ex = ''' m.add_gdf(geo, layer_name="selection") ''' ## Map controls sidebar with st.sidebar: ''' # Map controls ### Polygon selector ''' polygon = st.text_area( label = "geometry", value = polygon_ex, height = 400) ''' ### python code for map layer: adjust options or add additional layers using leafmap ''' code = st.text_area( label = "code:", value = code_ex, height = 400) # Here we actually compute the total carbon in the requested polygon geo = gpd.read_file(polygon, driver='GeoJSON') geo.set_crs('epsg:4326') x = ( rioxarray. open_rasterio('/vsicurl/'+deforest, masked=True). rio.clip(geo.geometry.values,, from_disk=True). mean() ) value = x "### Average of tons of carbon lost:" st.write(f'{value:,}') st.divider() # run whatever python code is in the python box, just for fun eval(compile(code, "", "exec")) m.to_streamlit(height=700) "## Explore Further" st.write(''' To modify the map, add code to the `code` section in the sidebar to the left. Some examples of code to add are below. ''') st.code(''' # Show deforested areas: m.add_cog_layer( deforest, palette="reds", name="deforested", transparent_bg=True, opacity=0.5, zoom_to_layer=False, ) # Show human impacted areas m.add_cog_layer( hi, palette="purples", name="human impact", transparent_bg=True, opacity=0.5, zoom_to_layer=False, ) ''') """ ## Credits This toy was inspired by boettiger-lab's Carbon Calculator Demo: ### Data Sources - Human Footprint by Vizzuality, on, citation:, License: Public Domain """