from ipyleaflet import Polygon, WidgetControl from ipywidgets import widgets from ipywidgets.widgets.widget import jsondumps import leafmap import logging import solara from reacton import component as component from toy_app.src import map_utils log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Display a cog in leafmap # Allow the user to draw a shape on the map # Retrieve the user's shape and run metrics on it # Used Stac to get the available collections from the 10m Annual Land Use Land Cover (9-class) libya_fire_url = ( "" ) richness = "" deforest = "" irrecoverable = ( "" ) libya_fire_name = "Libya Fire" libya_layer_visible = solara.reactive("True") test_poly = { "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [-72.949219, 42.447781], [-73.35022, 42.195969], [-73.372192, 41.799983], [-73.026123, 41.566142], [-72.608643, 41.343825], [-72.301025, 41.590797], [-71.993408, 41.442726], [-71.768188, 41.967659], [-71.28479, 42.138968], [-72.064819, 42.362603], [-72.614136, 42.195969], [-72.949219, 42.447781], ] ], }, } geometry = solara.reactive(jsondumps(test_poly)) lost_carbon_count = solara.reactive(0) class Map(leafmap.Map): """ This is the map which will be displayed in the solara webapp """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): log.warning("Starting Map init") kwargs["toolbar_control"] = False super().__init__(**kwargs) basemap = { "url": "{x}&y={y}&z={z}", "attribution": "Google", "name": "Google Satellite", "opacity": 1.0, } self.add_tile_layer(**basemap, shown=False) self.add_layer_manager(opened=False) self.add_cog_layer( url=libya_fire_url, name=libya_fire_name ) # Just display the cog for now, the layer toggle isn't working as expected self.add_cog_layer( url=irrecoverable, name="irrecoverable c", palette="reds", zoom_to_layer=False, opacity=0.8, ) # self.toggle_libya_layer() # user_poly = map_utils.get_user_polygon(self) # if user_poly: # log.warning(f"Polygon? {user_poly}") # self.add_click_detector_widget() self.add_button() def add_button(self): button = widgets.Button(description="Calculate") output = widgets.Output() def on_button_click(_): if self.user_roi is not None: geometry.set(self.user_roi) selected_polygon = map_utils.read_polygon(self.user_roi) selected_on_carbon = map_utils.extract_geom( selected_polygon, irrecoverable ).fillna(0) area = round(float(map_utils.area_hectares(selected_polygon))) carbon_total = round(float(selected_on_carbon.mean()) * area) lost_carbon_count.set(carbon_total) button.on_click(on_button_click) widget = widgets.VBox([button, output]) self.add_widget(widget) zoom = solara.reactive(2) center = solara.reactive((20, 0)) @component def Page(): with solara.Column(style={"min_width": "500px"}): with solara.Row(): solara.Text( f"Average Carbon Lost within the selected area in 2018: {lost_carbon_count.value:,} Tonnes" ) Map.element( # type: ignore zoom=zoom.value, on_zoom=zoom.set, center=center.value, on_center=center.set, scroll_wheel_zoom=True, toolbar_ctrl=False, draw_control=True, height="780px", ) with solara.Row(): solara.Text(f"Center: {center.value}") solara.Text(f"Zoom: {zoom.value}") solara.Text(f"UserPoly: {geometry.value}")