import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Flexoki colors for highlighting HIGHLIGHT_COLORS = [ "#D14D41", # Red "#879A39", # Green "#66A1DC", # Blue "#D0A215", # Yellow "#8E5F26", # Brown ] def highlight_diff(*values): unique_values = set(str(v) for v in values if pd.notna(v)) if len(unique_values) == 1: return str(values[0]) highlighted = [] for i, value in enumerate(values): if pd.isna(value): continue highlighted.append( f'{value}' ) return " | ".join(highlighted) def compare_csvs(*files): valid_files = [f for f in files if f is not None] if len(valid_files) < 2: return "Please upload at least two CSV files.", None # Read CSV files dataframes = [pd.read_csv( for file in valid_files] # Check if all dataframes have the same shape if len(set(df.shape for df in dataframes)) > 1: return ( "The CSV files have different shapes. Please ensure they all have the same number of rows and columns.", None, ) # Create a combined dataframe for comparison combined_df = dataframes[0].copy() for col in combined_df.columns: combined_df[col] = [ highlight_diff(*values) for values in zip(*(df[col] for df in dataframes)) ] # Calculate summary total_cells = dataframes[0].size different_cells = sum((dataframes[0] != df).sum().sum() for df in dataframes[1:]) diff_percentage = (different_cells / (total_cells * (len(dataframes) - 1))) * 100 summary = f"Total cells: {total_cells}\n" summary += f"Different cells: {different_cells}\n" summary += f"Percentage of differences: {diff_percentage:.2f}%" return summary, combined_df.to_html(escape=False) with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown("# 💕 Kindness - CSV Comparison") with gr.Row(): files = [gr.File(label=f"Upload CSV {i+1}") for i in range(5)] compare_btn = gr.Button("Compare CSVs") summary = gr.Textbox(label="Summary") diff_output = gr.HTML(label="Differences"), inputs=files, outputs=[summary, diff_output]) app.launch()