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{"question": "What is the primary purpose of an aviation department?", "wrong-answers": ["To generate revenue for the company", "To provide marketing opportunities for the company", "To enhance the company's public image"], "correct-answer": "To provide safe, efficient, and convenient air transportation to assist in achieving the mission and goals of the company"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a tangible benefit of using business aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["Personnel time savings", "Enhanced productivity", "Improved operational flexibility"], "correct-answer": "Increased community service capability"},
{"question": "What is the principal function of a flight operations manual?", "wrong-answers": ["To supersede or replace the FARs", "To provide a complete guide for all functions of the flight department", "To serve as a legal document in case of litigation"], "correct-answer": "To provide operational and administrative information to department personnel"},
{"question": "Which FAR Part outlines the contents of an operations manual for Part 135 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["FAR Part 91", "FAR Part 119", "FAR Part 121"], "correct-answer": "FAR Part 135.23"},
{"question": "What is the most important prerequisite for an effective safety program?", "wrong-answers": ["A large budget", "A dedicated safety officer", "Regular safety audits"], "correct-answer": "Management's visible and enduring commitment to fostering a positive safety culture within the organization"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a suggested element of a flight department's safety program?", "wrong-answers": ["Risk management", "Safety audits and compliance checks", "Safety education and training"], "correct-answer": "Profit sharing"},
{"question": "What does ICAO stand for?", "wrong-answers": ["International Council for Aviation Operations", "Independent Committee for Aviation Oversight", "Intercontinental Charter Association Organization"], "correct-answer": "International Civil Aviation Organization"},
{"question": "What is IS-BAO?", "wrong-answers": ["International Standard for Business Aircraft Ownership", "Independent Safety Board for Aviation Operations", "International System for Business Aviation Oversight"], "correct-answer": "International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations"},
{"question": "What is the primary purpose of the Pilot's Bill of Rights?", "wrong-answers": ["To protect pilots from unreasonable search and seizure", "To guarantee pilots the right to legal representation", "To provide pilots with a minimum wage and overtime pay"], "correct-answer": "To require the FAA to provide airmen certain written notifications of investigations with respect to certificate actions"},
{"question": "What is an LOI in the context of FAA enforcement procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["Letter of Intent", "Letter of Inquiry", "Letter of Information"], "correct-answer": "Letter of Investigation"},
{"question": "What is a 709 Check Ride?", "wrong-answers": ["A routine proficiency check", "A medical examination for pilots", "A background check for pilots"], "correct-answer": "A re-examination of an airman's qualifications"},
{"question": "What is the goal of the FAA's Compliance Program?", "wrong-answers": ["To punish pilots for intentional violations", "To revoke certificates for minor violations", "To generate revenue through fines"], "correct-answer": "To correct unintentional violations through training and education"},
{"question": "What is a NOPCA?", "wrong-answers": ["Notice of Proposed Corrective Action", "Notice of Pending Certificate Application", "Notice of Pilot Competency Assessment"], "correct-answer": "Notice of Proposed Certificate Action"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the Voluntary Disclosure Reporting Program (VDRP)?", "wrong-answers": ["To encourage pilots to report violations anonymously", "To punish companies for intentional violations", "To require companies to report all violations"], "correct-answer": "To provide guidance with respect to voluntarily disclosure of apparent violations of the FARs and if accepted, to avoid enforcement actions"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)?", "wrong-answers": ["To track pilot performance for insurance purposes", "To investigate accidents and incidents", "To provide a platform for pilots to file grievances"], "correct-answer": "To encourage reporting of FAR violations to support the FAA's primary mission of promoting aviation safety"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a recommended item to include in scheduling guidelines?", "wrong-answers": ["The sequence of executive prioritization by title", "A statement that the aviation department has the final decision-making authority", "A policy for non-employees to board company aircraft"], "correct-answer": "The pilot's preferred routes of flight"},
{"question": "What is the primary concern when developing a group executive travel policy?", "wrong-answers": ["Cost-effectiveness", "Passenger comfort", "Schedule flexibility"], "correct-answer": "The risk to the continuity of executive management in case of an accident"},
{"question": "What are the two crucial areas of flight department operations that are affected by on-call programs?", "wrong-answers": ["Cost and efficiency", "Scheduling and dispatch", "Training and qualifications"], "correct-answer": "Safety and morale"},
{"question": "What is the primary purpose of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007?", "wrong-answers": ["To regulate campaign finance for federal elections", "To prohibit the use of private aircraft by federal candidates", "To require disclosure of all travel expenses by federal candidates"], "correct-answer": "To introduce further restrictions and in some cases prohibitions on the carriage of federal candidates"},
{"question": "What is the reimbursement rate for travel on non-commercial aircraft by candidates for the U.S. Senate?", "wrong-answers": ["First-class airfare", "Coach airfare", "The candidate's pro rata share of the operating costs"], "correct-answer": "The candidate's pro rata share of the normal and usual charter rate or rental charge for travel on a comparable aircraft of comparable size"},
{"question": "What is the seating capacity rule for non-business use of employer-provided aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["If 25% or more of the seating capacity is used for business reasons, the remaining seats used for personal reasons are not taxable", "If 75% or more of the seating capacity is used for business reasons, the remaining seats used for personal reasons are not taxable", "All seats used for personal reasons are taxable, regardless of the percentage used for business reasons"], "correct-answer": "If 50% or more of the regular passenger seating capacity of the aircraft on that flight is used for business reasons, then any remaining seats used by employees, spouses and children traveling for nonbusiness reasons can be considered to have a valuation of zero"},
{"question": "What is a control employee in the context of IRS regulations for non-business use of employer-provided aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["Any employee who has access to company aircraft", "Any employee who is authorized to approve flights", "Any employee who is involved in scheduling flights"], "correct-answer": "A board, or shareholder appointed, confirmed, or elected officer of the employer, limited to 1 percent of all employees or 10 employees (whichever is less), not including an employee whose compensation is less than $50,000"},
{"question": "What is the SIFL rule for valuing non-business use of employer-provided aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["Standard Industry Flight Level", "Special Industry Fare Limitation", "Statutory Industry Flight Limitation"], "correct-answer": "Standard Industry Fair Level"},
{"question": "What is the safe harbor rule for valuing personal flights taken for bona fide business-oriented security concerns?", "wrong-answers": ["The employee is not required to reimburse the company for the flight", "The employee is only required to reimburse the company for the cost of fuel", "The employee is required to reimburse the company at the charter rate"], "correct-answer": "The employer and the employee may exclude the excess value of the aircraft trip over the safe harbor airfare from the employee's gross income"},
{"question": "What is the primary objective of the SEC with regard to reporting the use of business aircraft as a perquisite?", "wrong-answers": ["To prevent abuse of company aircraft", "To ensure compliance with tax regulations", "To limit the use of company aircraft for personal reasons"], "correct-answer": "To provide clear information to investors on the value of the perquisite"},
{"question": "What are the three categories of flights that employers must generally divide flights into for entertainment deduction disallowance purposes?", "wrong-answers": ["Business, personal, and charter", "Domestic, international, and transoceanic", "Scheduled, unscheduled, and on-demand"], "correct-answer": "Business, personal non-entertainment, and entertainment"},
{"question": "What is the primary source of information for state aviation taxes?", "wrong-answers": ["The FAA", "The IRS", "NBAA"], "correct-answer": "The state in which a member company is based"},
{"question": "What is the primary difference between a whole aircraft in-house flight department and a whole aircraft management company?", "wrong-answers": ["Ownership of the aircraft", "Type of aircraft used", "Cost of operation"], "correct-answer": "Management of the aircraft operations"},
{"question": "What is an interchange agreement?", "wrong-answers": ["An agreement between two companies to share the cost of a new aircraft", "An agreement between two companies to lease an aircraft to each other on a long-term basis", "An agreement between two companies to use a management company to operate their aircraft"], "correct-answer": "An agreement between two aircraft-owning persons to exchange use of their aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the primary difference between time-sharing and interchange agreements?", "wrong-answers": ["The type of aircraft involved", "The duration of the agreement", "The cost of operation"], "correct-answer": "Whether an exchange of time for time is acceptable to both parties"},
{"question": "What is joint ownership?", "wrong-answers": ["An agreement between two companies to share the cost of operating an aircraft", "An agreement between two companies to lease an aircraft to each other", "An agreement between two companies to use a management company to operate their aircraft"], "correct-answer": "An agreement under which two or more companies are permitted to jointly own and use an aircraft under mutual agreements and share the cost of the flight crew"},
{"question": "What is the primary difference between a charter operator and a fractional ownership program?", "wrong-answers": ["The type of aircraft used", "The cost of operation", "The level of service provided"], "correct-answer": "Ownership of the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is a jet card?", "wrong-answers": ["A membership card that provides access to discounted charter flights", "A credit card that can be used to pay for charter flights", "A loyalty program that rewards frequent charter flyers"], "correct-answer": "A program that allows customers to purchase a defined number of flight hours"},
{"question": "What is the primary benefit of participating in a fractional ownership program?", "wrong-answers": ["Lower operating costs", "Greater flexibility in scheduling", "Increased control over aircraft maintenance"], "correct-answer": "Guaranteed aircraft availability"},
{"question": "What is the primary difference between FAR Part 91 and Part 135 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["The type of aircraft used", "The purpose of the flight", "The qualifications of the pilots"], "correct-answer": "The level of regulatory oversight"},
{"question": "What is the runway length requirement for Part 135 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["The aircraft must be able to land within 60% of the runway length", "The aircraft must be able to land within 70% of the runway length", "The aircraft must be able to land within 90% of the runway length"], "correct-answer": "The aircraft must be able to land within 80% of the runway length"},
{"question": "What is the primary difference in weather reporting requirements between Part 91 and Part 135 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["Part 91 operators are required to use more accurate weather sources", "Part 135 operators are required to obtain weather briefings from a licensed dispatcher", "Part 91 operators are not permitted to fly in instrument meteorological conditions"], "correct-answer": "Part 135 operators are not permitted to begin an approach to an airport that has no weather reporting facility"},
{"question": "What is the maximum duty day for Part 135 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["8 hours", "12 hours", "16 hours"], "correct-answer": "14 hours"},
{"question": "What is the primary purpose of an aircraft feasibility study?", "wrong-answers": ["To determine the best type of aircraft for a company", "To evaluate the cost of operating an aircraft", "To assess the safety of operating an aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To determine if purchasing an aircraft makes sense based on the company's travel needs"},
{"question": "What is the rule of thumb for choosing an aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["The aircraft should be able to meet 100% of the company's needs", "The aircraft should be the most technologically advanced model available", "The aircraft should be the largest and fastest model the company can afford"], "correct-answer": "The aircraft should be no more than what is needed to satisfy most of the company's requirements"},
{"question": "What are the two main categories of aircraft operating costs?", "wrong-answers": ["Acquisition and disposal", "Fixed and variable", "Capital and operating"], "correct-answer": "Direct and fixed"},
{"question": "What are direct operating costs?", "wrong-answers": ["Costs that are incurred whether the aircraft is flying or not", "Costs that are associated with the purchase and financing of the aircraft", "Costs that are allocated to the company's headquarters"], "correct-answer": "Costs that are incurred when the aircraft is operating"},
{"question": "What are fixed costs?", "wrong-answers": ["Costs that are incurred when the aircraft is operating", "Costs that are associated with the purchase and financing of the aircraft", "Costs that are allocated to the users of the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Costs that are incurred whether the aircraft is flying or not"},
{"question": "What is book depreciation?", "wrong-answers": ["Depreciation that is calculated for tax purposes", "Depreciation that is based on the aircraft's market value", "Depreciation that is allocated to the users of the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Depreciation that is charged to the flight department for the aircraft capital assets"},
{"question": "What is a major nonrecurring expense?", "wrong-answers": ["An expense that is incurred on a regular basis", "An expense that is associated with the normal operation of the aircraft", "An expense that is allocated to the users of the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A one-time expense of an unusual nature"},
{"question": "What is the most common method for allocating aircraft operating costs?", "wrong-answers": ["Central allocations", "Direct and fixed costs allocation", "Flat mileage assessment"], "correct-answer": "Direct operating costs allocation"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of organizational risk management?", "wrong-answers": ["To eliminate all risks to the organization", "To focus solely on safety risks", "To transfer all risks to insurance companies"], "correct-answer": "To identify potential events that could negatively affect the entity, and develop processes and strategies to manage that risk to a reasonable degree"},
{"question": "What are the three basic types of aviation insurance coverage?", "wrong-answers": ["Liability, hull, and cargo", "Personal, commercial, and fractional", "Domestic, international, and transoceanic"], "correct-answer": "Physical damage, aircraft liability, and airport liability"},
{"question": "What is hull insurance?", "wrong-answers": ["Insurance that covers the liability of the aircraft owner", "Insurance that covers the airport where the aircraft is based", "Insurance that covers the passengers on the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Insurance that provides for payment to the aircraft owner for physical loss of, or damage to, the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is aircraft liability insurance?", "wrong-answers": ["Insurance that covers physical damage to the aircraft", "Insurance that covers the airport where the aircraft is based", "Insurance that covers the passengers on the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Insurance that covers the legal liability of the insured to others for bodily injury and property damage resulting from the ownership, maintenance or use of the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is non-ownership aircraft liability insurance?", "wrong-answers": ["Insurance that covers physical damage to the aircraft", "Insurance that covers the airport where the aircraft is based", "Insurance that covers the passengers on the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Insurance that protects the named insured for liabilities arising from the use of certain non-owned aircraft"},
{"question": "What is worker's compensation insurance?", "wrong-answers": ["Insurance that covers the liability of the aircraft owner", "Insurance that covers the airport where the aircraft is based", "Insurance that covers the passengers on the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Insurance that provides for the payment of compensation and other benefits to employees who sustain injuries or contract disease arising out of or occurring in the course of employment"},
{"question": "What is airport liability insurance?", "wrong-answers": ["Insurance that covers physical damage to the aircraft", "Insurance that covers the liability of the aircraft owner", "Insurance that covers the passengers on the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Insurance that covers liability to the public for bodily injury or property damage in and around hangar, office, lounge or ramp space"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) statement?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To foster an inclusive culture throughout the business aviation community"},
{"question": "What is diversity in the context of business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["Hiring people from the same background", "Promoting a single culture", "Focusing on a specific age group"], "correct-answer": "The practice of hiring, including and involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and beliefs and of different genders, ages, sexual orientations and disabilities"},
{"question": "What is equity in the context of business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["Treating everyone the same, regardless of their needs", "Ignoring individual differences", "Favoring certain groups over others"], "correct-answer": "The practice and stated policy of being transparent regarding hiring and evaluation practices, promotions and pay, and providing fair access to resources and support based on individual needs"},
{"question": "What is inclusion in the context of business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["Excluding certain groups from participation", "Limiting access to opportunities", "Promoting a single viewpoint"], "correct-answer": "The formal and informal activities of business aviation employers and industry professionals and behavior toward one another that enables participation by all"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a benefit of increasing DEI in business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["Increasing physical and psychological safety", "Increasing productivity, profitability, and innovation", "Expanding the workforce"], "correct-answer": "Decreasing employee engagement"},
{"question": "What is psychological safety?", "wrong-answers": ["A physical environment that is free from hazards", "A culture that emphasizes compliance with regulations", "A system that prevents accidents and incidents"], "correct-answer": "A team condition in which individual team members feel that the culture is safe for interpersonal risk-taking"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a benefit of psychological safety?", "wrong-answers": ["A stronger safety culture", "A platform for inclusion", "A learning environment that motivates team members"], "correct-answer": "Increased employee turnover"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a strategy to build psychological safety?", "wrong-answers": ["Invite team members to participate", "Foster open communication", "Create a learning mindset"], "correct-answer": "Punish mistakes"},
{"question": "What is inclusive leadership?", "wrong-answers": ["A leadership style that favors certain groups", "A leadership style that emphasizes hierarchy", "A leadership style that discourages dissent"], "correct-answer": "A leadership style that empowers team members to speak up, take risks, dissent, manage their own development and bring their authentic selves to work"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an important attribute of inclusive leadership?", "wrong-answers": ["Equality and respect", "Teamwork", "Cultural & emotional intelligence empathy"], "correct-answer": "Micromanagement"},
{"question": "What is the difference between equality and equity?", "wrong-answers": ["Equality is about fairness, while equity is about sameness", "Equality is about individual needs, while equity is about group needs", "Equality and equity are the same thing"], "correct-answer": "Equality assumes all people in similar roles have had the same experiences and opportunities, while equity recognizes that different team members have different needs"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a way to create equity in the workplace?", "wrong-answers": ["Providing transparency around job descriptions, wages, and career advancement paths", "Adopting skills-based hiring", "Implementing a workforce education program"], "correct-answer": "Favoring employees with more experience"},
{"question": "What is the difference between conscious and unconscious bias?", "wrong-answers": ["Conscious bias is unintentional, while unconscious bias is intentional", "Conscious bias is based on facts, while unconscious bias is based on feelings", "Conscious and unconscious bias are the same thing"], "correct-answer": "Conscious bias is intentional, while unconscious bias is unintentional"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a strategy to reduce bias in the hiring process?", "wrong-answers": ["Aim for a gender-neutral job description", "Practice applicant anonymity", "Ensure standardization within the hiring process"], "correct-answer": "Rely on gut feelings"},
{"question": "What is a caregiver in the context of business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["An employee who provides childcare for other employees", "A contractor who provides medical services", "A volunteer who assists with personal errands"], "correct-answer": "Any individual who provides medical, physical or emotional support for family or loved ones"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a way to accommodate caregivers in business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["Staffing appropriately", "Providing scheduling transparency", "Creating a supportive work environment"], "correct-answer": "Requiring employees to work overtime"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a leadership skill for managing a diverse workforce?", "wrong-answers": ["Build team identification", "Create a psychologically safe environment", "Promote inclusivity"], "correct-answer": "Ignore differences"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA Ethical Business Aviation Transactions Statement?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To promote honest and ethical conduct in business transactions"},
{"question": "What is a conflict of interest?", "wrong-answers": ["A disagreement between two employees", "A difference of opinion between a manager and an employee", "A competition between two companies"], "correct-answer": "A situation in which a person's private interest interferes with that of the company they are representing"},
{"question": "What should a business aviation professional do if they encounter a conflict of interest?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore it", "Try to resolve it on their own", "Benefit from the situation"], "correct-answer": "Disclose it fully to the company"},
{"question": "What is the rule of thumb for ethical decision-making?", "wrong-answers": ["Do what is best for yourself", "Do what is best for the company", "Do what is legal"], "correct-answer": "How would my actions appear on the front page of a national newspaper?"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of business aviation safety ethics?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To achieve the highest levels of safety performance"},
{"question": "What is the key to a highly ethical aircraft sale or acquisition?", "wrong-answers": ["Getting the best price", "Closing the deal quickly", "Avoiding legal complications"], "correct-answer": "Transparency and positive ethical practices"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of air charter broker services?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide the cheapest charter flights", "To operate aircraft for hire", "To regulate the charter industry"], "correct-answer": "To connect charter clients with charter operators"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of business aviation auditor ethics?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To promote a positive culture in the profession of auditing"},
{"question": "What is sustainability in the context of business aviation?", "wrong-answers": ["Maximizing profits", "Expanding the industry", "Ignoring environmental concerns"], "correct-answer": "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"},
{"question": "What are Scope 1 GHG emissions?", "wrong-answers": ["Emissions from the generation of electricity purchased by the entity", "Emissions from the production of goods and services purchased by the entity", "Emissions from employee travel and commuting"], "correct-answer": "Direct emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by the business aviation entity"},
{"question": "What are Scope 2 GHG emissions?", "wrong-answers": ["Emissions from fossil fuel combustion", "Emissions from the production of goods and services purchased by the entity", "Emissions from employee travel and commuting"], "correct-answer": "Indirect emissions from the generation of electricity, heat or steam purchased by the entity from a utility"},
{"question": "What are Scope 3 GHG emissions?", "wrong-answers": ["Emissions from fossil fuel combustion", "Emissions from the generation of electricity purchased by the entity", "Emissions from the production of goods and services purchased by the entity"], "correct-answer": "Indirect emissions that are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the reporting organization, but that the organization indirectly impacts in its value chain"},
{"question": "What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of fuel that is made from fossil fuels", "A type of fuel that is only used in commercial aviation", "A type of fuel that is not yet available"], "correct-answer": "A type of jet fuel that is produced from renewable sources rather than refined from petroleum"},
{"question": "What is Book & Claim (SAFc)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system for tracking SAF production", "A method for offsetting carbon emissions", "A program for certifying SAF sustainability"], "correct-answer": "A process by which jet operators can purchase SAF for use at an airport where it is unavailable and still receive a credit for its reductions while it is put into the fuel supply elsewhere"},
{"question": "What are market-based carbon reduction measures?", "wrong-answers": ["Regulations that require the use of SAF", "Taxes on carbon emissions", "Programs that fund research into new technologies"], "correct-answer": "Instruments designed to address the climate impact of aviation, beyond what operational and technological measures or sustainable aviation fuels can achieve"},
{"question": "What is voluntary offsetting?", "wrong-answers": ["A requirement for all business aviation operators", "A program that is regulated by the FAA", "A method for avoiding carbon emissions"], "correct-answer": "The practice of purchasing carbon credits to offset emissions"},
{"question": "What is CORSIA?", "wrong-answers": ["A European Union regulation", "A U.S. federal law", "A voluntary offsetting program"], "correct-answer": "A carbon-offsetting initiative created by ICAO"},
{"question": "What is EU ETS?", "wrong-answers": ["A global carbon-offsetting scheme", "A U.S. federal law", "A voluntary offsetting program"], "correct-answer": "An emission's 'permitting' scheme enacted by the European Commission"},
{"question": "What is the difference between a carbon allowance and a carbon offset?", "wrong-answers": ["An allowance represents an actual emissions reduction, while an offset allows an emission", "An allowance is voluntary, while an offset is mandatory", "Allowances and offsets are the same thing"], "correct-answer": "An allowance is a permit to emit, while an offset represents an actual emissions reduction"},
{"question": "What is the first step in determining a business aviation entity's sustainability baseline?", "wrong-answers": ["Developing a sustainability strategy", "Implementing sustainable practices", "Setting sustainability goals"], "correct-answer": "Calculating the entity's CO2 emissions"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a key emissions area for a business aviation entity?", "wrong-answers": ["Flight", "Operations", "Ground support"], "correct-answer": "Marketing"},
{"question": "How do you calculate CO2 emissions from flight operations?", "wrong-answers": ["Divide total Jet-A fuel uploaded (in gallons) by 3.16", "Multiply total Jet-A fuel uploaded (in gallons) by 3.16", "Divide total Jet-A fuel uploaded (in kilograms) by 3.16"], "correct-answer": "Multiply total Jet-A fuel uploaded (in gallons) by 0.0096696"},
{"question": "How do you account for CO2 emissions reductions from SAF purchases?", "wrong-answers": ["Add the emissions savings to the total emissions", "Ignore the emissions savings", "Divide the emissions savings by the total emissions"], "correct-answer": "Subtract the emissions savings from the total emissions"},
{"question": "How do you calculate CO2 emissions from employee air travel?", "wrong-answers": ["Use the same formula as for flight operations", "Estimate the emissions based on the number of flights", "Ignore employee air travel emissions"], "correct-answer": "Use the ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculator"},
{"question": "How do you calculate CO2 emissions from ground support vehicles?", "wrong-answers": ["Use the same formula as for flight operations", "Estimate the emissions based on the type of vehicle", "Ignore ground support vehicle emissions"], "correct-answer": "Use the EPA's greenhouse gas emissions from a gallon of gasoline or diesel conversion factor"},
{"question": "How do you calculate CO2 emissions from infrastructure energy usage?", "wrong-answers": ["Use the same formula as for flight operations", "Estimate the emissions based on the size of the facility", "Ignore infrastructure energy usage emissions"], "correct-answer": "Track kilowatts of energy usage and convert to tonnes of CO2 emissions using the EPA's emissions equivalencies calculator"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a sustainability strategy?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To detail the entity's commitment to environmental sustainability and effort to foster a sustainability culture"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a basic element of a sustainability strategy?", "wrong-answers": ["Corporate values and goals", "People and education programs", "Sustainability recognition initiatives"], "correct-answer": "Financial performance targets"},
{"question": "What is a sustainability champion?", "wrong-answers": ["A person who advocates for sustainability outside the organization", "A company that has achieved a high level of sustainability", "A government agency that regulates sustainability"], "correct-answer": "A person or team within the organization who is responsible for promoting and implementing sustainability initiatives"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of employee incentives for sustainability?", "wrong-answers": ["To punish employees who do not participate", "To force employees to adopt sustainable practices", "To create a competitive environment"], "correct-answer": "To encourage employees to engage in sustainable behaviors"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of partner and vendor analysis for sustainability?", "wrong-answers": ["To identify partners and vendors who are not sustainable", "To force partners and vendors to adopt sustainable practices", "To create a competitive advantage"], "correct-answer": "To identify partners and vendors who have sustainability goals and initiatives and to encourage those who do not to prioritize sustainability"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of community partnerships for sustainability?", "wrong-answers": ["To promote the company's image", "To gain tax benefits", "To comply with government regulations"], "correct-answer": "To engage with the community and better understand and foster local sustainability initiatives"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of emerging technologies for sustainability?", "wrong-answers": ["To replace existing technologies", "To create a competitive advantage", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts and stimulate the market for new sustainable products"},
{"question": "What is the goal of the Flight section of a sustainability strategy?", "wrong-answers": ["To eliminate all flights", "To offset all emissions", "To use only SAF"], "correct-answer": "To reduce the environmental impact of conducting flights"},
{"question": "What is the goal of the Operations section of a sustainability strategy?", "wrong-answers": ["To eliminate all employee travel", "To offset all emissions", "To use only SAF"], "correct-answer": "To optimize a sustainability culture focusing on personnel and environmental programs"},
{"question": "What is the goal of the Ground Support section of a sustainability strategy?", "wrong-answers": ["To eliminate all ground support equipment", "To offset all emissions", "To use only SAF"], "correct-answer": "To implement sustainable strategies related to ground support and selecting vendors that do the same"},
{"question": "What is the goal of the Infrastructure section of a sustainability strategy?", "wrong-answers": ["To eliminate all infrastructure", "To offset all emissions", "To use only SAF"], "correct-answer": "To advance sustainability through physical infrastructure"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of NBAA Sustainable Flight Department Accreditation?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To identify business aviation organizations meeting exceptional environmental sustainability standards"},
{"question": "What is the minimum carbon emissions reduction required for initial NBAA Sustainable Flight Department Accreditation?", "wrong-answers": ["5%", "15%", "25%"], "correct-answer": "10%"},
{"question": "What is the overarching objective of the NBAA Sustainable Flight Department Accreditation program?", "wrong-answers": ["To offset all emissions", "To use only SAF", "To eliminate all flights"], "correct-answer": "To reduce carbon emissions first, and then offset when reduction is not possible"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a sustainable culture?", "wrong-answers": ["To force employees to adopt sustainable practices", "To punish employees who do not participate", "To create a competitive environment"], "correct-answer": "To make sustainable practices and pursuits commonplace within the entity"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a consideration for building a sustainable culture?", "wrong-answers": ["Survey your employee pool", "Include employees and start a workgroup", "Distribute the plan to all workers for feedback"], "correct-answer": "Ignore employee feedback"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of promoting sustainable behaviors?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with government regulations", "To improve the company's public image", "To increase profits"], "correct-answer": "To encourage employees to engage in sustainable practices"},
{"question": "What is the FAA's definition of 'operate' with respect to aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["To own an aircraft", "To maintain an aircraft", "To fly an aircraft"], "correct-answer": "Use, cause to use or authorize using aircraft, for the purpose of air navigation including the piloting of aircraft, with or without the right of legal control (as owner, lessee or otherwise)"},
{"question": "What is the FAA's definition of 'operational control'?", "wrong-answers": ["The ownership of the aircraft", "The maintenance of the aircraft", "The scheduling of the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "The exercise of authority over initiating, conducting or terminating a flight"},
{"question": "Which FAR Part sets operational control requirements for Part 135 air carriers?", "wrong-answers": ["FAR Part 91", "FAR Part 121", "FAR Part 125"], "correct-answer": "FAA Operations Specification A008"},
{"question": "Which FAR Part includes regulations that prescribe operational control responsibilities and requirements applicable to fractional ownership programs?", "wrong-answers": ["FAR Part 91, Subpart F", "FAR Part 121, Subpart K", "FAR Part 135, Subpart K"], "correct-answer": "FAR Part 91, Subpart K"},
{"question": "What is the minimum pilot certificate required for a pilot in command of a business aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["Private pilot certificate", "Commercial pilot certificate", "Airline transport pilot certificate with a second-in-command limitation"], "correct-answer": "Airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate"},
{"question": "What is a type rating?", "wrong-answers": ["A rating that authorizes a pilot to fly in instrument meteorological conditions", "A rating that authorizes a pilot to fly multi-engine aircraft", "A rating that authorizes a pilot to fly internationally"], "correct-answer": "A rating that authorizes a pilot to act as pilot in command of a specific aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the new second-in-command (SIC) pilot type rating?", "wrong-answers": ["To allow pilots to fly single-pilot aircraft", "To reduce the training requirements for pilots", "To increase the number of pilots available"], "correct-answer": "To bring the U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations into compliance with international standards on pilot certificates"},
{"question": "What is a Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A certificate that authorizes a pilot to fly remotely piloted aircraft for recreational purposes", "A certificate that authorizes a pilot to fly manned aircraft remotely", "A certificate that authorizes a pilot to fly any type of aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A certificate that authorizes a pilot to fly unmanned aircraft for hire"},
{"question": "What is the minimum frequency for pilot proficiency checks?", "wrong-answers": ["Every 6 months", "Every 2 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Annually"},
{"question": "What is CRM/TEM training?", "wrong-answers": ["Crew Rest and Management/Time and Efficiency Management", "Cockpit Resource Monitoring/Threat and Error Mitigation", "Controlled Risk Management/Technical Error Management"], "correct-answer": "Crew Resource Management/Threat and Error Management"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of CRM/TEM training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to fly the aircraft", "To ensure compliance with regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To teach pilots how to effectively use all available resources to ensure safe and efficient flights"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent CRM/TEM training?", "wrong-answers": ["Annually", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Every 2 years"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of weather and weather avoidance training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to predict the weather", "To ensure compliance with regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To teach pilots how to avoid severe weather and use weather detection equipment effectively"},
{"question": "What is NexRad?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of weather radar that is only available to commercial aircraft", "A system for predicting the weather", "A type of weather satellite"], "correct-answer": "A network of Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent weather and weather avoidance training?", "wrong-answers": ["Annually", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Every 2 years"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of first aid, CPR, and AED training for flight crew members?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To provide life-saving care in case of a medical emergency"},
{"question": "What is an AED?", "wrong-answers": ["Automated Emergency Device", "Airborne Emergency Defibrillator", "Advanced Emergency Device"], "correct-answer": "Automated External Defibrillator"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent first aid, CPR, and AED training?", "wrong-answers": ["Every 2 years", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Annually"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of emergency training for flight crew members?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To prepare crew members to handle emergency situations"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a type of emergency equipment that flight crew members should be trained on?", "wrong-answers": ["Portable hand fire extinguishers", "Emergency exits", "First aid kit"], "correct-answer": "Aircraft entertainment system"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an emergency situation that flight crew members should be trained on?", "wrong-answers": ["Fire", "Smoke", "Emergency evacuation"], "correct-answer": "Turbulence"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of Safety Management Systems (SMS) training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach employees how to fly the aircraft", "To ensure compliance with regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To teach employees how to identify, document, and mitigate risks within the organization"},
{"question": "What are the four pillars of SMS?", "wrong-answers": ["Safety, security, efficiency, and profitability", "Planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation", "Leadership, communication, teamwork, and accountability"], "correct-answer": "Safety Policy, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Promotion"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent SMS training?", "wrong-answers": ["Every 2 years", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Annually"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of security training for flight crew members?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To prepare crew members to handle security threats"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in security training?", "wrong-answers": ["Securing of aircraft", "Hijacking", "Bomb threats"], "correct-answer": "Passenger entertainment"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent security training?", "wrong-answers": ["Annually", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Every 2 years"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of international procedures training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to fly the aircraft", "To ensure compliance with U.S. regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To prepare flight crews for the unique challenges of operating internationally"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in international procedures training?", "wrong-answers": ["ICAO regulations", "International flight planning", "Customs and immigration procedures"], "correct-answer": "Aircraft maintenance"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent international procedures training?", "wrong-answers": ["Annually", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Every 2 years"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of advanced cockpit aircraft training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to fly the aircraft", "To ensure compliance with regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To prepare flight crews to operate aircraft with advanced avionics systems"},
{"question": "What is TCAS?", "wrong-answers": ["Terrain Collision Avoidance System", "Traffic Control Alerting System", "Transponder Collision Alerting System"], "correct-answer": "Traffic Collision Avoidance System"},
{"question": "What is EGPWS?", "wrong-answers": ["Electronic Ground Proximity Warning System", "Enhanced Ground Positioning Warning System", "Emergency Ground Proximity Warning System"], "correct-answer": "Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of FAR, AIM, and miscellaneous training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to fly the aircraft", "To ensure compliance with international regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that flight crews are familiar with and competent in the regulations, procedures, and information necessary for safe flight operations"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent FAR, AIM, and miscellaneous training?", "wrong-answers": ["Every 2 years", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Annually"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of rotor-craft-specific advanced flight crew training?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to fly fixed-wing aircraft", "To ensure compliance with regulations for fixed-wing aircraft", "To reduce operating costs for fixed-wing aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To prepare flight crews for the unique challenges of operating rotor-craft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of upset recovery training (UPRT)?", "wrong-answers": ["To teach pilots how to avoid turbulence", "To ensure compliance with regulations", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To teach pilots how to recover from unusual attitudes and prevent loss of control in-flight"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of physical fitness education for flight crews?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To create awareness of the importance of maintaining good physical and mental health"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a guideline for crew health?", "wrong-answers": ["A policy that allows a flight crew member to not fly for health reasons", "Information on the effects of over-the-counter medication", "Suggestions for a balanced diet"], "correct-answer": "A requirement for flight crews to exercise at least 30 minutes per day"},
{"question": "What is the FAA acronym I'M SAFE used for?", "wrong-answers": ["Identifying Medical Symptoms and Finding Emergency care", "Inspecting Maintenance and Safety Equipment for Flight", "Initiating Medical Support and Arranging for Evacuation"], "correct-answer": "A preflight guide for personnel to follow when trying to determine whether or not they are fit to fly"},
{"question": "What does I'M SAFE stand for?", "wrong-answers": ["Injury, Medication, Sleep, Altitude, Fitness, and Emotion", "Illness, Medication, Stress, Anxiety, Fatigue, and Environment", "Impairment, Medication, Symptoms, Alcohol, Fitness, and Exercise"], "correct-answer": "Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, and Emotion"},
{"question": "What is the minimum time that must elapse between the completion of alcohol consumption and the beginning of flight duty?", "wrong-answers": ["4 hours", "6 hours", "10 hours"], "correct-answer": "8 hours"},
{"question": "What is the generally accepted time that must elapse between the completion of alcohol consumption and the beginning of flight duty in the business aviation community?", "wrong-answers": ["8 hours", "10 hours", "14 hours"], "correct-answer": "12 hours"},
{"question": "What is loss of license insurance?", "wrong-answers": ["Insurance that covers the cost of legal representation in case of a certificate action", "Insurance that covers the cost of retraining in case of a medical disqualification", "Insurance that covers the cost of lost wages in case of an accident"], "correct-answer": "Insurance that provides income replacement in case a pilot loses their medical certificate or pilot certificate"},
{"question": "What is the mandatory retirement age for airline pilots operating under FAR Part 121?", "wrong-answers": ["60", "62", "70"], "correct-answer": "65"},
{"question": "Is there a mandatory retirement age for pilots operating under FAR Part 91?", "wrong-answers": ["Yes, 60", "Yes, 65", "Yes, 70"], "correct-answer": "No"},
{"question": "What is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)?", "wrong-answers": ["A qualification that is required by the FAA", "A qualification that is preferred by employers", "A qualification that is based on experience"], "correct-answer": "A qualification that is reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the business"},
{"question": "What is the Pilot Records Improvement Act (PRIA)?", "wrong-answers": ["A law that requires pilots to keep accurate logbooks", "A law that regulates the training of pilots", "A law that establishes minimum qualifications for pilots"], "correct-answer": "A law that requires employers to request and review certain pilot records before hiring a pilot"},
{"question": "What is the Pilot Records Database (PRD)?", "wrong-answers": ["A database that tracks pilot performance for insurance purposes", "A database that is used to investigate accidents and incidents", "A database that is used to store pilot medical records"], "correct-answer": "A database that is used to store and share pilot records for hiring purposes"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a pilot logbook?", "wrong-answers": ["To track pilot expenses", "To record pilot training", "To document pilot performance"], "correct-answer": "To document pilot flight time and experience"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a currency item that should be tracked for pilots?", "wrong-answers": ["Pilot in command (PIC) proficiency checks", "Flight evaluations", "Required training"], "correct-answer": "Number of passengers carried"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a maintenance technician training program?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that maintenance personnel are familiar with and competent in the assigned duties of their positions"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in maintenance technician training?", "wrong-answers": ["Aircraft and systems familiarization", "Diagnostic testing and line-troubleshooting techniques", "Personnel management, leadership, and teamwork"], "correct-answer": "Passenger safety briefings"},
{"question": "What is the recommended frequency for recurrent aircraft-specific maintenance technician training?", "wrong-answers": ["Every 2 years", "Every 3 years", "Every 5 years"], "correct-answer": "Annually"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a preflight inspection?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To determine the airworthiness of the aircraft before flight"},
{"question": "Who is responsible for performing preflight inspections for Part 91 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["The maintenance technician", "The dispatcher", "The flight attendant"], "correct-answer": "The pilot in command"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a post-flight inspection?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To evaluate the condition of the aircraft and its servicing requirements"},
{"question": "Who is responsible for performing post-flight inspections?", "wrong-answers": ["The pilot in command", "The dispatcher", "The flight attendant"], "correct-answer": "The aircraft maintenance technician"},
{"question": "What are the three basic types of inspection programs?", "wrong-answers": ["Preflight, post-flight, and annual", "Hourly, calendar, and cycle", "Manufacturer, operator, and FAA"], "correct-answer": "Annual, progressive, and continuous"},
{"question": "What is the difference between an annual inspection schedule and a progressive inspection schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["An annual inspection is more thorough", "A progressive inspection is more frequent", "An annual inspection is required for larger aircraft"], "correct-answer": "An annual inspection is performed in one event, while a progressive inspection is divided into several events throughout the year"},
{"question": "What is a continuous inspection schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["An inspection that is performed continuously throughout the flight", "An inspection that is performed only when a discrepancy is found", "An inspection that is performed by the pilot in command"], "correct-answer": "An inspection that is performed in scheduled and incremental stages throughout the life of the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the most common method for selecting an inspection program and schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["Develop a custom program", "Use an air carrier program", "Consult with the FAA"], "correct-answer": "Use the manufacturer's program"},
{"question": "What is an Airworthiness Directive (AD)?", "wrong-answers": ["A recommendation from the aircraft manufacturer", "A service bulletin that is not mandatory", "A notice that is issued only to commercial operators"], "correct-answer": "An FAA regulation that requires inspection and/or modification to an aircraft"},
{"question": "What is a Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)?", "wrong-answers": ["A document that lists the aircraft's maintenance history", "A document that certifies the aircraft's airworthiness", "A document that authorizes the aircraft to be operated"], "correct-answer": "A document that lists the aircraft's specifications"},
{"question": "What is a life-limited component?", "wrong-answers": ["A component that must be replaced at every inspection", "A component that is only used in certain types of aircraft", "A component that is not essential for flight"], "correct-answer": "A component that must be discarded after a specified period of time or usage"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of managing the inspection program and schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft is consistently maintained in an airworthy condition"},
{"question": "What is the difference between an 'on-condition' and a 'hard time' maintenance program?", "wrong-answers": ["An on-condition program is more expensive", "A hard time program is more frequent", "An on-condition program is required for larger aircraft"], "correct-answer": "An on-condition program requires more frequent inspections, while a hard time program allows the component to operate to a set utilization point"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of scheduled maintenance?", "wrong-answers": ["To fix discrepancies that are found during flight", "To comply with regulations", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To prevent unscheduled maintenance and ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of unscheduled maintenance?", "wrong-answers": ["To perform routine inspections", "To comply with regulations", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To fix discrepancies that are found during flight or inspection"},
{"question": "What is an MEL?", "wrong-answers": ["Master Equipment List", "Maintenance Event Log", "Minimum Equipment Log"], "correct-answer": "Minimum Equipment List"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an MEL?", "wrong-answers": ["To list all of the equipment on the aircraft", "To track the maintenance history of the aircraft", "To authorize the use of inoperative equipment for an unlimited period of time"], "correct-answer": "To authorize the operation of an aircraft with certain inoperative equipment for a limited period of time"},
{"question": "What is a ferry permit?", "wrong-answers": ["A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown for commercial purposes", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown internationally", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown with passengers"], "correct-answer": "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown to a maintenance facility for repairs"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of single-pilot operations under IFR guidelines?", "wrong-answers": ["To reduce operating costs", "To increase pilot proficiency", "To allow for more flexible scheduling"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate the increased risk of accidents and incidents associated with single-pilot IFR operations"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a recommended precaution for single-pilot IFR operations?", "wrong-answers": ["Use an autopilot with at least a heading hold feature", "The pilot should have logged a minimum of 20 hours of instrument flight time in the particular make and model of the aircraft being flown", "The pilot should complete an instrument competency check every six (6) months"], "correct-answer": "The pilot should avoid flying in instrument meteorological conditions"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of minimum approach standards for new pilots?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate the increased risk of accidents and incidents associated with pilots who have limited experience in the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of takeoff weather minimums?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft can safely take off and return to the airport in case of an emergency"},
{"question": "What is a departure alternate?", "wrong-answers": ["An airport that is used for refueling", "An airport that is used for passenger pick-up", "An airport that is used for maintenance"], "correct-answer": "An airport that is used if the departure airport becomes unusable after takeoff"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of landing minimums?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft can safely land at the destination airport"},
{"question": "What is decision height (DH)?", "wrong-answers": ["The altitude at which the aircraft begins its descent", "The altitude at which the aircraft intercepts the glide slope", "The altitude at which the aircraft levels off for landing"], "correct-answer": "The altitude above the touchdown zone at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual references to continue the approach have not been established"},
{"question": "What is minimum descent altitude (MDA)?", "wrong-answers": ["The altitude at which the aircraft begins its descent", "The altitude at which the aircraft intercepts the glide slope", "The altitude at which the aircraft levels off for landing"], "correct-answer": "The lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean sea level, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering in execution of a standard instrument approach procedure where no electronic glide slope is provided"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of post-flight procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft is properly secured and prepared for the next flight"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a post-flight procedure?", "wrong-answers": ["Noting all discrepancies in the discrepancy log", "Performing a crew debrief", "Closing and locking all doors and hatches"], "correct-answer": "Filing a flight plan"},
{"question": "What is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)?", "wrong-answers": ["A physical bag that is used to carry electronic devices", "A type of laptop computer that is designed for aviation use", "A system for transmitting data between the aircraft and ground stations"], "correct-answer": "An electronic device that is used to display and manage flight information"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a type of information that can be displayed on an EFB?", "wrong-answers": ["Flight operations manuals", "Aircraft performance data", "Weather information"], "correct-answer": "Passenger entertainment"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of traffic flow management (TFM)?", "wrong-answers": ["To control the movement of individual aircraft", "To prevent accidents and incidents", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To control the overall flow of traffic in the National Airspace System"},
{"question": "What is collaborative decision-making (CDM)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system for automating air traffic control", "A process for resolving disputes between pilots and controllers", "A method for predicting air traffic delays"], "correct-answer": "A process that allows for input from a variety of sources before making decisions about air traffic flow"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of aircraft noise abatement procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To minimize the impact of aircraft noise on communities near airports"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a noise abatement best practice for flight crews?", "wrong-answers": ["Use preferential runways", "Use preferential approach and departure paths", "Use quiet climb power settings"], "correct-answer": "Fly at low altitudes over noise-sensitive areas"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an Airport Friends Committee?", "wrong-answers": ["To lobby for increased airport funding", "To promote the use of private aircraft", "To oppose noise abatement procedures"], "correct-answer": "To help the local community understand the benefits of the airport"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990?", "wrong-answers": ["To prohibit the operation of Stage 2 aircraft", "To require the use of noise abatement procedures at all airports", "To establish a national noise standard for all aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To phase out Stage 2 airplanes from the contiguous 48 states"},
{"question": "What is the difference between Stage 2 and Stage 3 aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["Stage 2 aircraft are larger", "Stage 3 aircraft are faster", "Stage 2 aircraft are more fuel-efficient"], "correct-answer": "Stage 3 aircraft are quieter"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a Minimum Equipment List (MEL)?", "wrong-answers": ["To list all of the equipment on the aircraft", "To track the maintenance history of the aircraft", "To authorize the use of inoperative equipment for an unlimited period of time"], "correct-answer": "To authorize the operation of an aircraft with certain inoperative equipment for a limited period of time"},
{"question": "What is a ferry permit?", "wrong-answers": ["A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown for commercial purposes", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown internationally", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown with passengers"], "correct-answer": "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown to a maintenance facility for repairs"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA Standard Service Form?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide a detailed invoice for services rendered", "To document the aircraft's maintenance history", "To track the flight crew's expenses"], "correct-answer": "To facilitate communication between the scheduler/dispatcher and the FBO"},
{"question": "What should you do if you find yourself locked out of your aircraft at an airport after hours?", "wrong-answers": ["Climb over the fence", "Break into the FBO", "Call the police"], "correct-answer": "Look for a telephone number posted by the FBO for after-hours service"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a passenger briefing?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure the safety of the passengers"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in a passenger briefing?", "wrong-answers": ["Use of seat belts", "Location of emergency exits", "Emergency evacuation procedures"], "correct-answer": "Aircraft performance data"},
{"question": "What should you do if a passenger requires special attention?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore their needs", "Refuse to transport them", "Charge them extra"], "correct-answer": "Consult with the passenger, their physician, and the aviation department manager to develop a plan to accommodate their needs"},
{"question": "What is the pilot in command's authority?", "wrong-answers": ["The pilot in command is subordinate to the company executives", "The pilot in command can be pressured into making decisions that compromise safety", "The pilot in command is only responsible for the technical operation of the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "The pilot in command is directly responsible for, and is the final authority on, the operation of the aircraft"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the pilot in command?", "wrong-answers": ["Ensuring compliance with FARs", "Ensuring compliance with company policy", "Reviewing the correctness of all aspects of flight planning"], "correct-answer": "Approving the company's travel budget"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of preflight preparations?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure the safety of the flight"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a preflight preparation?", "wrong-answers": ["Recording the names of all passengers", "Calculating aircraft performance and weight and balance", "Filing a flight plan"], "correct-answer": "Ordering catering"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of standard operating procedures (SOPs)?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To standardize flight crew procedures and enhance safety"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in SOPs?", "wrong-answers": ["Engine start-up", "Takeoff", "Instrument approaches"], "correct-answer": "Passenger entertainment"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a sterile flight deck?", "wrong-answers": ["To prevent contamination of the flight deck", "To reduce noise levels in the cockpit", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To minimize distractions and enhance safety during critical phases of flight"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of aircraft malfunction procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To provide guidance to the flight crew in case of an aircraft system malfunction"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an event that requires notification to the NTSB?", "wrong-answers": ["Flight control system failure", "In-flight fire", "Release of a propeller blade"], "correct-answer": "Engine failure"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an operational check flight?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To verify that an aircraft is airworthy after maintenance or alterations"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a stabilized approach?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To reduce the risk of runway excursions"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of night operations guidelines?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate the increased risks associated with flying at night"},
{"question": "What is EAPIS?", "wrong-answers": ["Electronic Aircraft Passenger Information System", "Emergency Aircraft Passenger Information System", "Enhanced Aircraft Passenger Information System"], "correct-answer": "Electronic Advanced Passenger Information System"},
{"question": "What is ESTA?", "wrong-answers": ["Electronic System for Travel Approval", "Emergency System for Travel Authorization", "Enhanced System for Travel Authorization"], "correct-answer": "Electronic System for Travel Authorization"},
{"question": "What is cabotage?", "wrong-answers": ["The practice of carrying passengers or cargo between two points in the same country", "The practice of transporting goods or passengers for hire", "The practice of operating an aircraft internationally"], "correct-answer": "The practice of providing public transportation for passengers, mail or cargo between two points within a country that is other than the aircraft's country of registry"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an IBAC aircrew identification card?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with U.S. regulations", "To provide proof of citizenship", "To authorize the crew to operate the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To facilitate entry into a country and airport access"},
{"question": "What is a visa?", "wrong-answers": ["A document that proves citizenship", "A document that authorizes a person to work in a foreign country", "A document that provides health insurance coverage"], "correct-answer": "An endorsement that grants a non-citizen clearance to enter a country"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a vaccination certificate?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with U.S. regulations", "To provide proof of citizenship", "To authorize a person to travel internationally"], "correct-answer": "To prove that a person has been vaccinated against certain diseases"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an overflight permit?", "wrong-answers": ["To authorize an aircraft to land in a foreign country", "To allow an aircraft to operate in a foreign country's airspace for an unlimited period of time", "To exempt an aircraft from customs and immigration inspections"], "correct-answer": "To authorize an aircraft to fly over a foreign country's airspace without landing"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a landing permit?", "wrong-answers": ["To authorize an aircraft to fly over a foreign country's airspace without landing", "To allow an aircraft to operate in a foreign country's airspace for an unlimited period of time", "To exempt an aircraft from customs and immigration inspections"], "correct-answer": "To authorize an aircraft to land in a foreign country"},
{"question": "What is RNP-10?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV operational application supporting 50 NM lateral and 50 NM longitudinal distance-based aircraft separation minima in oceanic or remote continental airspace"},
{"question": "What is NAT HLA?", "wrong-answers": ["North Atlantic High Level Altitude", "North American High Level Airspace", "National High Level Airspace"], "correct-answer": "North Atlantic High Level Airspace"},
{"question": "What is RNP-4?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV specification that includes accuracy, alerting, and monitoring requirements"},
{"question": "What is B-RNAV/RNAV-5?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV specification that is equivalent to RNP-5"},
{"question": "What is P-RNAV?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV specification that is equivalent to RNAV-1 and RNP-1"},
{"question": "What is RNP-AR?", "wrong-answers": ["Required Navigation Performance/Authorization Recommended", "Required Navigation Performance/Altitude Required", "Required Navigation Performance/Airspace Required"], "correct-answer": "Required Navigation Performance/Approval Required"},
{"question": "What is APV SBAS?", "wrong-answers": ["Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance/Satellite-Based Augmentation System Required", "Area Navigation Procedure with Vertical Guidance/Space-Based Augmentation System", "Automatic Precision Vertical/Satellite-Based Augmentation System"], "correct-answer": "Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance/Satellite-Based Augmentation System"},
{"question": "What is LPV?", "wrong-answers": ["Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance", "Lateral Precision with Vertical Guidance", "Landing Performance with Vertical Guidance"], "correct-answer": "Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a high frequency (HF) radio?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To communicate with air traffic control in oceanic and remote airspace"},
{"question": "What is SELCAL?", "wrong-answers": ["Selective Calling System", "Satellite Emergency Locator Call", "Standard Emergency Locator Call"], "correct-answer": "Selective Calling"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of SELCAL?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To alert an individual aircraft to respond on a pre-arranged HF frequency"},
{"question": "What is CPDLC?", "wrong-answers": ["Controller Pilot Data Link Communication", "Centralized Pilot Data Link Communication", "Coordinated Pilot Data Link Communication"], "correct-answer": "Controller Pilot Datalink Communications"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of CPDLC?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To provide air-ground communication between controller and pilot over a datalink system"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of 8.33 kHz VHF radio spacing?", "wrong-answers": ["To reduce interference from other aircraft", "To improve communication quality", "To increase the range of VHF radios"], "correct-answer": "To increase the number of available frequencies"},
{"question": "What is a Mode S transponder?", "wrong-answers": ["A transponder that is only used in military aircraft", "A transponder that is not required for international operations", "A transponder that only transmits altitude information"], "correct-answer": "A transponder that provides enhanced surveillance capabilities"},
{"question": "What is ADS-B?", "wrong-answers": ["Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out", "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast In", "Automated Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast"], "correct-answer": "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of ADS-B?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To provide more accurate and frequent aircraft surveillance information"},
{"question": "What is ADS-C?", "wrong-answers": ["Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract Out", "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract In", "Automated Dependent Surveillance-Contract"], "correct-answer": "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of ADS-C?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To provide aircraft surveillance information in oceanic and remote airspace"},
{"question": "What is an Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that transmits the aircraft's location in case of an emergency", "A device that is only required for commercial aircraft", "A device that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A device that transmits a distress signal in case of an aircraft accident"},
{"question": "What frequencies do ELTs transmit on?", "wrong-answers": ["121.5 MHz only", "243.0 MHz only", "406 MHz only"], "correct-answer": "121.5 MHz, 243.0 MHz, and 406 MHz"},
{"question": "What is a Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that records the pilot's voice for training purposes", "A device that is only required for large aircraft", "A device that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A device that records audio from the flight deck"},
{"question": "What is a Flight Data Recorder (FDR)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that records the pilot's voice for training purposes", "A device that is only required for large aircraft", "A device that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A device that records flight parameters"},
{"question": "What is a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system that warns the pilot of obstacles on the ground", "A system that prevents the aircraft from colliding with the ground", "A system that is only required for large aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A system that warns the pilot of potential collisions with the ground"},
{"question": "What is a Terminal Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system that warns the pilot of obstacles on the ground", "A system that prevents the aircraft from colliding with other aircraft", "A system that is only required for large aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A system that warns the pilot of potential collisions with other aircraft"},
{"question": "What is Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system that reduces the vertical separation between aircraft to 1,500 feet", "A system that is only used in the United States", "A system that is only required for large aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A system that reduces the vertical separation between aircraft to 1,000 feet"},
{"question": "What is a Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A facility that provides medical care to injured passengers", "A facility that investigates aircraft accidents", "A facility that coordinates air traffic control"], "correct-answer": "A facility that coordinates search and rescue operations"},
{"question": "What is a Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A facility that provides medical care to injured passengers", "A facility that investigates aircraft accidents", "A facility that coordinates air traffic control"], "correct-answer": "A facility that is operated by personnel from multiple military services or a combination of military and/or civilian services"},
{"question": "What is the ground-air visual signal code?", "wrong-answers": ["A system for communicating with air traffic control", "A system for identifying aircraft", "A system for reporting weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "A set of internationally recognized distress signals that can be used to communicate with search aircraft"},
{"question": "What is circadian rhythm?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of sleep disorder", "A method for calculating flight time", "A type of navigation system"], "correct-answer": "The natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of crew rest requirements?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate fatigue and enhance safety"},
{"question": "What is the recommended minimum off-duty time for flight crews after a duty period that includes crossing four or more time zones?", "wrong-answers": ["12 hours", "24 hours", "36 hours"], "correct-answer": "48 hours"},
{"question": "What is the Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool (FAST)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that measures pilot fatigue", "A system for scheduling flights to minimize fatigue", "A program for training pilots on fatigue management"], "correct-answer": "A computer-based analysis tool that predicts aircrew fatigue"},
{"question": "What should you do if you become sick or injured while traveling internationally?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore your symptoms", "Self-medicate", "Wait until you return home to seek medical care"], "correct-answer": "Seek medical care from a qualified healthcare professional"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA International Operators Committee?", "wrong-answers": ["To regulate international flight operations", "To provide flight planning services", "To investigate accidents and incidents"], "correct-answer": "To represent the interests of business aviation operators in international forums"},
{"question": "What is the NBAA International Feedback Database?", "wrong-answers": ["A database that tracks pilot performance", "A database that is used to investigate accidents and incidents", "A database that is used to store pilot medical records"], "correct-answer": "A database that provides operational feedback from flight crews on international destinations"},
{"question": "What is the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for commercial airlines", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "An organization that represents the interests of business aviation worldwide"},
{"question": "What is the International Air Transport Association (IATA)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for business aviation operators", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "A trade association for commercial airlines"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the IATA Travel Information Manual (TIM)?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide information on aircraft maintenance", "To provide information on flight planning", "To provide information on weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "To provide information on visa and health requirements for international travel"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a ground handling agent?", "wrong-answers": ["To fly the aircraft", "To maintain the aircraft", "To provide security for the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To provide ground support services at the destination airport"},
{"question": "What is VAT?", "wrong-answers": ["Variable Airfare Tax", "Voluntary Aviation Tax", "Visual Approach Tax"], "correct-answer": "Value Added Tax"},
{"question": "What is a fuel carnet?", "wrong-answers": ["A credit card that can be used to purchase fuel", "A system for tracking fuel consumption", "A program for reducing fuel costs"], "correct-answer": "A document that allows for the pre-payment of fuel at multiple locations"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of search and rescue (SAR) resources?", "wrong-answers": ["To prevent aircraft accidents", "To investigate aircraft accidents", "To provide medical care to injured passengers"], "correct-answer": "To locate and rescue survivors of aircraft accidents"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the ground-air visual signal code?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with air traffic control", "To identify aircraft", "To report weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "To communicate with search aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an emergency medical supply kit?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To provide medical care in case of an in-flight emergency"},
{"question": "What is a life raft survival kit?", "wrong-answers": ["A kit that is used to repair life rafts", "A kit that is only required for commercial aircraft", "A kit that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A kit that contains essential supplies for survival in case of a ditching"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of human factors considerations in international flight operations?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate fatigue and enhance safety"},
{"question": "What is circadian rhythm?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of sleep disorder", "A method for calculating flight time", "A type of navigation system"], "correct-answer": "The natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of crew rest requirements?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate fatigue and enhance safety"},
{"question": "What is the recommended minimum off-duty time for flight crews after a duty period that includes crossing four or more time zones?", "wrong-answers": ["12 hours", "24 hours", "36 hours"], "correct-answer": "48 hours"},
{"question": "What is the Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool (FAST)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that measures pilot fatigue", "A system for scheduling flights to minimize fatigue", "A program for training pilots on fatigue management"], "correct-answer": "A computer-based analysis tool that predicts aircrew fatigue"},
{"question": "What should you do if you become sick or injured while traveling internationally?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore your symptoms", "Self-medicate", "Wait until you return home to seek medical care"], "correct-answer": "Seek medical care from a qualified healthcare professional"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA International Operators Committee?", "wrong-answers": ["To regulate international flight operations", "To provide flight planning services", "To investigate accidents and incidents"], "correct-answer": "To represent the interests of business aviation operators in international forums"},
{"question": "What is the NBAA International Feedback Database?", "wrong-answers": ["A database that tracks pilot performance", "A database that is used to investigate accidents and incidents", "A database that is used to store pilot medical records"], "correct-answer": "A database that provides operational feedback from flight crews on international destinations"},
{"question": "What is the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for commercial airlines", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "An organization that represents the interests of business aviation worldwide"},
{"question": "What is the International Air Transport Association (IATA)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for business aviation operators", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "A trade association for commercial airlines"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the IATA Travel Information Manual (TIM)?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide information on aircraft maintenance", "To provide information on flight planning", "To provide information on weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "To provide information on visa and health requirements for international travel"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a ground handling agent?", "wrong-answers": ["To fly the aircraft", "To maintain the aircraft", "To provide security for the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To provide ground support services at the destination airport"},
{"question": "What is VAT?", "wrong-answers": ["Variable Airfare Tax", "Voluntary Aviation Tax", "Visual Approach Tax"], "correct-answer": "Value Added Tax"},
{"question": "What is a fuel carnet?", "wrong-answers": ["A credit card that can be used to purchase fuel", "A system for tracking fuel consumption", "A program for reducing fuel costs"], "correct-answer": "A document that allows for the pre-payment of fuel at multiple locations"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of search and rescue (SAR) resources?", "wrong-answers": ["To prevent aircraft accidents", "To investigate aircraft accidents", "To provide medical care to injured passengers"], "correct-answer": "To locate and rescue survivors of aircraft accidents"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the ground-air visual signal code?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with air traffic control", "To identify aircraft", "To report weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "To communicate with search aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an emergency medical supply kit?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To provide medical care in case of an in-flight emergency"},
{"question": "What is a life raft survival kit?", "wrong-answers": ["A kit that is used to repair life rafts", "A kit that is only required for commercial aircraft", "A kit that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A kit that contains essential supplies for survival in case of a ditching"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of human factors considerations in international flight operations?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate fatigue and enhance safety"},
{"question": "What is circadian rhythm?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of sleep disorder", "A method for calculating flight time", "A type of navigation system"], "correct-answer": "The natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of crew rest requirements?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate fatigue and enhance safety"},
{"question": "What is the recommended minimum off-duty time for flight crews after a duty period that includes crossing four or more time zones?", "wrong-answers": ["12 hours", "24 hours", "36 hours"], "correct-answer": "48 hours"},
{"question": "What is the Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool (FAST)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that measures pilot fatigue", "A system for scheduling flights to minimize fatigue", "A program for training pilots on fatigue management"], "correct-answer": "A computer-based analysis tool that predicts aircrew fatigue"},
{"question": "What should you do if you become sick or injured while traveling internationally?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore your symptoms", "Self-medicate", "Wait until you return home to seek medical care"], "correct-answer": "Seek medical care from a qualified healthcare professional"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA International Operators Committee?", "wrong-answers": ["To regulate international flight operations", "To provide flight planning services", "To investigate accidents and incidents"], "correct-answer": "To represent the interests of business aviation operators in international forums"},
{"question": "What is the NBAA International Feedback Database?", "wrong-answers": ["A database that tracks pilot performance", "A database that is used to investigate accidents and incidents", "A database that is used to store pilot medical records"], "correct-answer": "A database that provides operational feedback from flight crews on international destinations"},
{"question": "What is the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for commercial airlines", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "An organization that represents the interests of business aviation worldwide"},
{"question": "What is the International Air Transport Association (IATA)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for business aviation operators", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "A trade association for commercial airlines"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the IATA Travel Information Manual (TIM)?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide information on aircraft maintenance", "To provide information on flight planning", "To provide information on weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "To provide information on visa and health requirements for international travel"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a ground handling agent?", "wrong-answers": ["To fly the aircraft", "To maintain the aircraft", "To provide security for the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To provide ground support services at the destination airport"},
{"question": "What is VAT?", "wrong-answers": ["Variable Airfare Tax", "Voluntary Aviation Tax", "Visual Approach Tax"], "correct-answer": "Value Added Tax"},
{"question": "What is a fuel carnet?", "wrong-answers": ["A credit card that can be used to purchase fuel", "A system for tracking fuel consumption", "A program for reducing fuel costs"], "correct-answer": "A document that allows for the pre-payment of fuel at multiple locations"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA Range Format?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide a standard for aircraft maintenance", "To track the flight crew's expenses", "To document the aircraft's maintenance history"], "correct-answer": "To provide a standard for comparing the performance of various aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA Standard Service Form?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide a detailed invoice for services rendered", "To document the aircraft's maintenance history", "To track the flight crew's expenses"], "correct-answer": "To facilitate communication between the scheduler/dispatcher and the FBO"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a preflight inspection?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To determine the airworthiness of the aircraft before flight"},
{"question": "Who is responsible for performing preflight inspections for Part 91 operations?", "wrong-answers": ["The maintenance technician", "The dispatcher", "The flight attendant"], "correct-answer": "The pilot in command"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a post-flight inspection?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To evaluate the condition of the aircraft and its servicing requirements"},
{"question": "Who is responsible for performing post-flight inspections?", "wrong-answers": ["The pilot in command", "The dispatcher", "The flight attendant"], "correct-answer": "The aircraft maintenance technician"},
{"question": "What are the three basic types of inspection programs?", "wrong-answers": ["Preflight, post-flight, and annual", "Hourly, calendar, and cycle", "Manufacturer, operator, and FAA"], "correct-answer": "Annual, progressive, and continuous"},
{"question": "What is the difference between an annual inspection schedule and a progressive inspection schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["An annual inspection is more thorough", "A progressive inspection is more frequent", "An annual inspection is required for larger aircraft"], "correct-answer": "An annual inspection is performed in one event, while a progressive inspection is divided into several events throughout the year"},
{"question": "What is a continuous inspection schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["An inspection that is performed continuously throughout the flight", "An inspection that is performed only when a discrepancy is found", "An inspection that is performed by the pilot in command"], "correct-answer": "An inspection that is performed in scheduled and incremental stages throughout the life of the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the most common method for selecting an inspection program and schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["Develop a custom program", "Use an air carrier program", "Consult with the FAA"], "correct-answer": "Use the manufacturer's program"},
{"question": "What is an Airworthiness Directive (AD)?", "wrong-answers": ["A recommendation from the aircraft manufacturer", "A service bulletin that is not mandatory", "A notice that is issued only to commercial operators"], "correct-answer": "An FAA regulation that requires inspection and/or modification to an aircraft"},
{"question": "What is a Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)?", "wrong-answers": ["A document that lists the aircraft's maintenance history", "A document that certifies the aircraft's airworthiness", "A document that authorizes the aircraft to be operated"], "correct-answer": "A document that lists the aircraft's specifications"},
{"question": "What is a life-limited component?", "wrong-answers": ["A component that must be replaced at every inspection", "A component that is only used in certain types of aircraft", "A component that is not essential for flight"], "correct-answer": "A component that must be discarded after a specified period of time or usage"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of managing the inspection program and schedule?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft is consistently maintained in an airworthy condition"},
{"question": "What is the difference between an 'on-condition' and a 'hard time' maintenance program?", "wrong-answers": ["An on-condition program is more expensive", "A hard time program is more frequent", "An on-condition program is required for larger aircraft"], "correct-answer": "An on-condition program requires more frequent inspections, while a hard time program allows the component to operate to a set utilization point"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of scheduled maintenance?", "wrong-answers": ["To fix discrepancies that are found during flight", "To comply with regulations", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To prevent unscheduled maintenance and ensure the continued airworthiness of the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of unscheduled maintenance?", "wrong-answers": ["To perform routine inspections", "To comply with regulations", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To fix discrepancies that are found during flight or inspection"},
{"question": "What is an MEL?", "wrong-answers": ["Master Equipment List", "Maintenance Event Log", "Minimum Equipment Log"], "correct-answer": "Minimum Equipment List"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an MEL?", "wrong-answers": ["To list all of the equipment on the aircraft", "To track the maintenance history of the aircraft", "To authorize the use of inoperative equipment for an unlimited period of time"], "correct-answer": "To authorize the operation of an aircraft with certain inoperative equipment for a limited period of time"},
{"question": "What is a ferry permit?", "wrong-answers": ["A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown for commercial purposes", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown internationally", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown with passengers"], "correct-answer": "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown to a maintenance facility for repairs"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of single-pilot operations under IFR guidelines?", "wrong-answers": ["To reduce operating costs", "To increase pilot proficiency", "To allow for more flexible scheduling"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate the increased risk of accidents and incidents associated with single-pilot IFR operations"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a recommended precaution for single-pilot IFR operations?", "wrong-answers": ["Use an autopilot with at least a heading hold feature", "The pilot should have logged a minimum of 20 hours of instrument flight time in the particular make and model of the aircraft being flown", "The pilot should complete an instrument competency check every six (6) months"], "correct-answer": "The pilot should avoid flying in instrument meteorological conditions"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of minimum approach standards for new pilots?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate the increased risk of accidents and incidents associated with pilots who have limited experience in the aircraft"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of takeoff weather minimums?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft can safely take off and return to the airport in case of an emergency"},
{"question": "What is a departure alternate?", "wrong-answers": ["An airport that is used for refueling", "An airport that is used for passenger pick-up", "An airport that is used for maintenance"], "correct-answer": "An airport that is used if the departure airport becomes unusable after takeoff"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of landing minimums?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft can safely land at the destination airport"},
{"question": "What is decision height (DH)?", "wrong-answers": ["The altitude at which the aircraft begins its descent", "The altitude at which the aircraft intercepts the glide slope", "The altitude at which the aircraft levels off for landing"], "correct-answer": "The altitude above the touchdown zone at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual references to continue the approach have not been established"},
{"question": "What is minimum descent altitude (MDA)?", "wrong-answers": ["The altitude at which the aircraft begins its descent", "The altitude at which the aircraft intercepts the glide slope", "The altitude at which the aircraft levels off for landing"], "correct-answer": "The lowest altitude, expressed in feet above mean sea level, to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering in execution of a standard instrument approach procedure where no electronic glide slope is provided"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of post-flight procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure that the aircraft is properly secured and prepared for the next flight"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a post-flight procedure?", "wrong-answers": ["Noting all discrepancies in the discrepancy log", "Performing a crew debrief", "Closing and locking all doors and hatches"], "correct-answer": "Filing a flight plan"},
{"question": "What is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)?", "wrong-answers": ["A physical bag that is used to carry electronic devices", "A type of laptop computer that is designed for aviation use", "A system for transmitting data between the aircraft and ground stations"], "correct-answer": "An electronic device that is used to display and manage flight information"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a type of information that can be displayed on an EFB?", "wrong-answers": ["Flight operations manuals", "Aircraft performance data", "Weather information"], "correct-answer": "Passenger entertainment"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of traffic flow management (TFM)?", "wrong-answers": ["To control the movement of individual aircraft", "To prevent accidents and incidents", "To reduce operating costs"], "correct-answer": "To control the overall flow of traffic in the National Airspace System"},
{"question": "What is collaborative decision-making (CDM)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system for automating air traffic control", "A process for resolving disputes between pilots and controllers", "A method for predicting air traffic delays"], "correct-answer": "A process that allows for input from a variety of sources before making decisions about air traffic flow"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of aircraft noise abatement procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To minimize the impact of aircraft noise on communities near airports"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a noise abatement best practice for flight crews?", "wrong-answers": ["Use preferential runways", "Use preferential approach and departure paths", "Use quiet climb power settings"], "correct-answer": "Fly at low altitudes over noise-sensitive areas"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an Airport Friends Committee?", "wrong-answers": ["To lobby for increased airport funding", "To promote the use of private aircraft", "To oppose noise abatement procedures"], "correct-answer": "To help the local community understand the benefits of the airport"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990?", "wrong-answers": ["To prohibit the operation of Stage 2 aircraft", "To require the use of noise abatement procedures at all airports", "To establish a national noise standard for all aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To phase out Stage 2 airplanes from the contiguous 48 states"},
{"question": "What is the difference between Stage 2 and Stage 3 aircraft?", "wrong-answers": ["Stage 2 aircraft are larger", "Stage 3 aircraft are faster", "Stage 2 aircraft are more fuel-efficient"], "correct-answer": "Stage 3 aircraft are quieter"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a Minimum Equipment List (MEL)?", "wrong-answers": ["To list all of the equipment on the aircraft", "To track the maintenance history of the aircraft", "To authorize the use of inoperative equipment for an unlimited period of time"], "correct-answer": "To authorize the operation of an aircraft with certain inoperative equipment for a limited period of time"},
{"question": "What is a ferry permit?", "wrong-answers": ["A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown for commercial purposes", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown internationally", "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown with passengers"], "correct-answer": "A permit that authorizes an aircraft to be flown to a maintenance facility for repairs"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA Standard Service Form?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide a detailed invoice for services rendered", "To document the aircraft's maintenance history", "To track the flight crew's expenses"], "correct-answer": "To facilitate communication between the scheduler/dispatcher and the FBO"},
{"question": "What should you do if you find yourself locked out of your aircraft at an airport after hours?", "wrong-answers": ["Climb over the fence", "Break into the FBO", "Call the police"], "correct-answer": "Look for a telephone number posted by the FBO for after-hours service"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a passenger briefing?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure the safety of the passengers"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in a passenger briefing?", "wrong-answers": ["Use of seat belts", "Location of emergency exits", "Emergency evacuation procedures"], "correct-answer": "Aircraft performance data"},
{"question": "What should you do if a passenger requires special attention?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore their needs", "Refuse to transport them", "Charge them extra"], "correct-answer": "Consult with the passenger, their physician, and the aviation department manager to develop a plan to accommodate their needs"},
{"question": "What is the pilot in command's authority?", "wrong-answers": ["The pilot in command is subordinate to the company executives", "The pilot in command can be pressured into making decisions that compromise safety", "The pilot in command is only responsible for the technical operation of the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "The pilot in command is directly responsible for, and is the final authority on, the operation of the aircraft"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the pilot in command?", "wrong-answers": ["Ensuring compliance with FARs", "Ensuring compliance with company policy", "Reviewing the correctness of all aspects of flight planning"], "correct-answer": "Approving the company's travel budget"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of preflight preparations?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To ensure the safety of the flight"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a preflight preparation?", "wrong-answers": ["Recording the names of all passengers", "Calculating aircraft performance and weight and balance", "Filing a flight plan"], "correct-answer": "Ordering catering"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of standard operating procedures (SOPs)?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To standardize flight crew procedures and enhance safety"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT a topic that should be covered in SOPs?", "wrong-answers": ["Engine start-up", "Takeoff", "Instrument approaches"], "correct-answer": "Passenger entertainment"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a sterile flight deck?", "wrong-answers": ["To prevent contamination of the flight deck", "To reduce noise levels in the cockpit", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To minimize distractions and enhance safety during critical phases of flight"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of aircraft malfunction procedures?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To provide guidance to the flight crew in case of an aircraft system malfunction"},
{"question": "Which of the following is NOT an event that requires notification to the NTSB?", "wrong-answers": ["Flight control system failure", "In-flight fire", "Release of a propeller blade"], "correct-answer": "Engine failure"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an operational check flight?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To verify that an aircraft is airworthy after maintenance or alterations"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a stabilized approach?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To reduce the risk of runway excursions"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of night operations guidelines?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate the increased risks associated with flying at night"},
{"question": "What is EAPIS?", "wrong-answers": ["Electronic Aircraft Passenger Information System", "Emergency Aircraft Passenger Information System", "Enhanced Aircraft Passenger Information System"], "correct-answer": "Electronic Advanced Passenger Information System"},
{"question": "What is ESTA?", "wrong-answers": ["Electronic System for Travel Approval", "Emergency System for Travel Authorization", "Enhanced System for Travel Authorization"], "correct-answer": "Electronic System for Travel Authorization"},
{"question": "What is cabotage?", "wrong-answers": ["The practice of carrying passengers or cargo between two points in the same country", "The practice of transporting goods or passengers for hire", "The practice of operating an aircraft internationally"], "correct-answer": "The practice of providing public transportation for passengers, mail or cargo between two points within a country that is other than the aircraft's country of registry"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an IBAC aircrew identification card?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with U.S. regulations", "To provide proof of citizenship", "To authorize the crew to operate the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To facilitate entry into a country and airport access"},
{"question": "What is a visa?", "wrong-answers": ["A document that proves citizenship", "A document that authorizes a person to work in a foreign country", "A document that provides health insurance coverage"], "correct-answer": "An endorsement that grants a non-citizen clearance to enter a country"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a vaccination certificate?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with U.S. regulations", "To provide proof of citizenship", "To authorize a person to travel internationally"], "correct-answer": "To prove that a person has been vaccinated against certain diseases"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of an overflight permit?", "wrong-answers": ["To authorize an aircraft to land in a foreign country", "To allow an aircraft to operate in a foreign country's airspace for an unlimited period of time", "To exempt an aircraft from customs and immigration inspections"], "correct-answer": "To authorize an aircraft to fly over a foreign country's airspace without landing"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a landing permit?", "wrong-answers": ["To authorize an aircraft to fly over a foreign country's airspace without landing", "To allow an aircraft to operate in a foreign country's airspace for an unlimited period of time", "To exempt an aircraft from customs and immigration inspections"], "correct-answer": "To authorize an aircraft to land in a foreign country"},
{"question": "What is RNP-10?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV operational application supporting 50 NM lateral and 50 NM longitudinal distance-based aircraft separation minima in oceanic or remote continental airspace"},
{"question": "What is NAT HLA?", "wrong-answers": ["North Atlantic High Level Altitude", "North American High Level Airspace", "National High Level Airspace"], "correct-answer": "North Atlantic High Level Airspace"},
{"question": "What is RNP-4?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV specification that includes accuracy, alerting, and monitoring requirements"},
{"question": "What is B-RNAV/RNAV-5?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV specification that is equivalent to RNP-5"},
{"question": "What is P-RNAV?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of aircraft", "A type of navigation system", "A type of communication system"], "correct-answer": "An RNAV specification that is equivalent to RNAV-1 and RNP-1"},
{"question": "What is RNP-AR?", "wrong-answers": ["Required Navigation Performance/Authorization Recommended", "Required Navigation Performance/Altitude Required", "Required Navigation Performance/Airspace Required"], "correct-answer": "Required Navigation Performance/Approval Required"},
{"question": "What is APV SBAS?", "wrong-answers": ["Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance/Satellite-Based Augmentation System Required", "Area Navigation Procedure with Vertical Guidance/Space-Based Augmentation System", "Automatic Precision Vertical/Satellite-Based Augmentation System"], "correct-answer": "Approach Procedure with Vertical Guidance/Satellite-Based Augmentation System"},
{"question": "What is LPV?", "wrong-answers": ["Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance", "Lateral Precision with Vertical Guidance", "Landing Performance with Vertical Guidance"], "correct-answer": "Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a high frequency (HF) radio?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To communicate with air traffic control in oceanic and remote airspace"},
{"question": "What is SELCAL?", "wrong-answers": ["Selective Calling System", "Satellite Emergency Locator Call", "Standard Emergency Locator Call"], "correct-answer": "Selective Calling"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of SELCAL?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To alert an individual aircraft to respond on a pre-arranged HF frequency"},
{"question": "What is CPDLC?", "wrong-answers": ["Controller Pilot Data Link Communication", "Centralized Pilot Data Link Communication", "Coordinated Pilot Data Link Communication"], "correct-answer": "Controller Pilot Datalink Communications"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of CPDLC?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To provide air-ground communication between controller and pilot over a datalink system"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of 8.33 kHz VHF radio spacing?", "wrong-answers": ["To reduce interference from other aircraft", "To improve communication quality", "To increase the range of VHF radios"], "correct-answer": "To increase the number of available frequencies"},
{"question": "What is a Mode S transponder?", "wrong-answers": ["A transponder that is only used in military aircraft", "A transponder that is not required for international operations", "A transponder that only transmits altitude information"], "correct-answer": "A transponder that provides enhanced surveillance capabilities"},
{"question": "What is ADS-B?", "wrong-answers": ["Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Out", "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast In", "Automated Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast"], "correct-answer": "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of ADS-B?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To provide more accurate and frequent aircraft surveillance information"},
{"question": "What is ADS-C?", "wrong-answers": ["Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract Out", "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract In", "Automated Dependent Surveillance-Contract"], "correct-answer": "Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of ADS-C?", "wrong-answers": ["To communicate with other aircraft", "To navigate the aircraft", "To receive weather information"], "correct-answer": "To provide aircraft surveillance information in oceanic and remote airspace"},
{"question": "What is an Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that transmits the aircraft's location in case of an emergency", "A device that is only required for commercial aircraft", "A device that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A device that transmits a distress signal in case of an aircraft accident"},
{"question": "What frequencies do ELTs transmit on?", "wrong-answers": ["121.5 MHz only", "243.0 MHz only", "406 MHz only"], "correct-answer": "121.5 MHz, 243.0 MHz, and 406 MHz"},
{"question": "What is a Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that records the pilot's voice for training purposes", "A device that is only required for large aircraft", "A device that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A device that records audio from the flight deck"},
{"question": "What is a Flight Data Recorder (FDR)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that records the pilot's voice for training purposes", "A device that is only required for large aircraft", "A device that is only used in the United States"], "correct-answer": "A device that records flight parameters"},
{"question": "What is a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system that warns the pilot of obstacles on the ground", "A system that prevents the aircraft from colliding with the ground", "A system that is only required for large aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A system that warns the pilot of potential collisions with the ground"},
{"question": "What is a Terminal Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system that warns the pilot of obstacles on the ground", "A system that prevents the aircraft from colliding with other aircraft", "A system that is only required for large aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A system that warns the pilot of potential collisions with other aircraft"},
{"question": "What is Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (RVSM)?", "wrong-answers": ["A system that reduces the vertical separation between aircraft to 1,500 feet", "A system that is only used in the United States", "A system that is only required for large aircraft"], "correct-answer": "A system that reduces the vertical separation between aircraft to 1,000 feet"},
{"question": "What is a Rescue Coordination Center (RCC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A facility that provides medical care to injured passengers", "A facility that investigates aircraft accidents", "A facility that coordinates air traffic control"], "correct-answer": "A facility that coordinates search and rescue operations"},
{"question": "What is a Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A facility that provides medical care to injured passengers", "A facility that investigates aircraft accidents", "A facility that coordinates air traffic control"], "correct-answer": "A facility that is operated by personnel from multiple military services or a combination of military and/or civilian services"},
{"question": "What is the ground-air visual signal code?", "wrong-answers": ["A system for communicating with air traffic control", "A system for identifying aircraft", "A system for reporting weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "A set of internationally recognized distress signals that can be used to communicate with search aircraft"},
{"question": "What is circadian rhythm?", "wrong-answers": ["A type of sleep disorder", "A method for calculating flight time", "A type of navigation system"], "correct-answer": "The natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of crew rest requirements?", "wrong-answers": ["To comply with regulations", "To reduce operating costs", "To improve passenger comfort"], "correct-answer": "To mitigate fatigue and enhance safety"},
{"question": "What is the recommended minimum off-duty time for flight crews after a duty period that includes crossing four or more time zones?", "wrong-answers": ["12 hours", "24 hours", "36 hours"], "correct-answer": "48 hours"},
{"question": "What is the Fatigue Avoidance Scheduling Tool (FAST)?", "wrong-answers": ["A device that measures pilot fatigue", "A system for scheduling flights to minimize fatigue", "A program for training pilots on fatigue management"], "correct-answer": "A computer-based analysis tool that predicts aircrew fatigue"},
{"question": "What should you do if you become sick or injured while traveling internationally?", "wrong-answers": ["Ignore your symptoms", "Self-medicate", "Wait until you return home to seek medical care"], "correct-answer": "Seek medical care from a qualified healthcare professional"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the NBAA International Operators Committee?", "wrong-answers": ["To regulate international flight operations", "To provide flight planning services", "To investigate accidents and incidents"], "correct-answer": "To represent the interests of business aviation operators in international forums"},
{"question": "What is the NBAA International Feedback Database?", "wrong-answers": ["A database that tracks pilot performance", "A database that is used to investigate accidents and incidents", "A database that is used to store pilot medical records"], "correct-answer": "A database that provides operational feedback from flight crews on international destinations"},
{"question": "What is the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for commercial airlines", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "An organization that represents the interests of business aviation worldwide"},
{"question": "What is the International Air Transport Association (IATA)?", "wrong-answers": ["A government agency that regulates international flight operations", "A trade association for business aviation operators", "A group that represents the interests of airports"], "correct-answer": "A trade association for commercial airlines"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of the IATA Travel Information Manual (TIM)?", "wrong-answers": ["To provide information on aircraft maintenance", "To provide information on flight planning", "To provide information on weather conditions"], "correct-answer": "To provide information on visa and health requirements for international travel"},
{"question": "What is the purpose of a ground handling agent?", "wrong-answers": ["To fly the aircraft", "To maintain the aircraft", "To provide security for the aircraft"], "correct-answer": "To provide ground support services at the destination airport"},
{"question": "What is VAT?", "wrong-answers": ["Variable Airfare Tax", "Voluntary Aviation Tax", "Visual Approach Tax"], "correct-answer": "Value Added Tax"},
{"question": "What is a fuel carnet?", "wrong-answers": ["A credit card that can be used to purchase fuel", "A system for tracking fuel consumption", "A program for reducing fuel costs"], "correct-answer": "A document that allows for the pre-payment of fuel at multiple locations"}