[ {"question": "What are the four pillars of a Safety Management System (SMS)?", "answer": "Safety Policy, Safety Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Promotion"}, {"question": "What is the purpose of the BARR program?", "answer": "To protect aircraft from theft and unauthorized use by allowing owners to request that their aircraft registration numbers be blocked from public display."}, {"question": "What is the recommended frequency for reviewing security training for crew members?", "answer": "Biannually"}, {"question": "What should be the primary focus of preventive security measures?", "answer": "Preventing unauthorized access to operator aircraft and facilities, preventing the unauthorized introduction of weapons or explosives onto company aircraft and into the operator's facilities, and preventing the use of operator aircraft to commit unlawful acts."}, {"question": "What is the recommended action for a crew member upon discovering an unidentified package on the aircraft?", "answer": "Do not attempt to move or open it. Contact a representative of the FBO and ask that the appropriate agency or civil authority be notified."}, {"question": "What should be included in a company's security plan?", "answer": "Threat assessment, plans of action and avoidance, and regular training and auditing."}, {"question": "What is the recommended frequency for conducting simulated emergencies to test a company's contingency plan?", "answer": "At least once a year"}, {"question": "What transponder code should be set in case of a hijacking or air piracy?", "answer": "7500"}, {"question": "What is the recommended action if a company suspects it may be a target of terrorism?", "answer": "Assume that one terrorist act signals the presence of another, ask for help from local authorities, receive professional training on the use of any weapon carried on the aircraft, and consider alternative means of transportation if sabotage is suspected."}, {"question": "What should crew members do with all access panels and doors when parking overnight?", "answer": "Use security tape on them"}, {"question": "Who is responsible for the security of the aircraft at the home base?", "answer": "The manager of maintenance"}, {"question": "What information should be included in the passenger manifest?", "answer": "Names of all passengers allowed to board the company aircraft"}, {"question": "What should flight crew members do if they observe any potential threat to security?", "answer": "Notify the department manager of concern and the security officer immediately and assist, if necessary, in minimizing the security threat."}, {"question": "What is the recommended procedure for handling visitors to the aviation department?", "answer": "Visitors should be directed to a reception area in the facility and wait until they can be greeted and escorted by a flight department associate."}, {"question": "When should aircraft entrances and compartments be kept closed and locked?", "answer": "Whenever the aircraft is left unattended in the hangar or on the ramp"}, {"question": "What should crew members do if they find a suspicious object during pre-flight inspections?", "answer": "Contact a representative of the FBO and ask that the appropriate agency or civil authority be notified."}, {"question": "What are the two most important safeguards in any sound business aviation security program?", "answer": "Positive identification of each passenger and ensuring that no unidentified packages or unmarked bags are carried aboard the aircraft."}, {"question": "What should the crew do if a passenger's bag is missing upon arrival?", "answer": "Conduct a thorough search of the aircraft and the passenger's vehicle if possible. If the bag cannot be found, the passenger should be contacted and offered assistance in locating it."}, {"question": "What is CHEMTREC's phone number?", "answer": "1-800-424-9300"}, {"question": "What should be done with firearms that are to be transported on the aircraft?", "answer": "They must be unloaded, put into a “safe” condition, placed in a container or carrying case, and checked in with the crew before flight."}, {"question": "What is the recommended time frame for renewing flight crew passports and ID cards?", "answer": "At least six months before their expiration date"}, {"question": "What is the purpose of a threat assessment?", "answer": "To identify and assess potential security risks associated with a particular trip or destination."}, {"question": "What is the primary purpose of the TSA?", "answer": "To prevent and deter any commercial airline attempt to disrupt operation of and/or destroy a commercial public airline."}, {"question": "What is LASP?", "answer": "Large Aircraft Security Program, a TSA plan for operators and airports that serve flight crews, periodic security audits for security, and passengers."}, {"question": "What is the definition of an aircraft accident according to Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation?", "answer": "An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure, or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible."}, {"question": "What is the definition of an aircraft incident according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 3, Title 49—Part 830?", "answer": "An occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of operations."}, {"question": "What does NTSB Part 830 require in case of an aircraft accident or serious incident?", "answer": "Immediate notification to the NTSB by the most expeditious means available"}, {"question": "What is a Go-Team?", "answer": "Those persons who are expected to be the first company responders to an accident scene"}, {"question": "What should be the first priority of the company when receiving a bomb threat?", "answer": "To remain calm and collect as much information as possible from the person making the threat."}, {"question": "What should associates do if a bomb threat is directed against the flight department office or hangar facility?", "answer": "Sound the alarm to evacuate the building, assemble at a pre-designated area, and account for all personnel."}, {"question": "What should be done if a suspicious package is found in the facility after a bomb threat?", "answer": "Do not move or touch the package. Note its position and immediately call 911 to report the threat and the package's location."}, {"question": "What actions are recommended for the flight crew when a report of a bomb threat is received while airborne?", "answer": "Declare an emergency, inform ATC, ask for clearance to the nearest suitable airport, set transponder code to 7700, request emergency equipment standby, and ask for advice from an FAA bomb expert."}, {"question": "What is the best point of prevention of an attempted hijacking?", "answer": "On the ramp"}, {"question": "What transponder code should be set if a hijacking occurs?", "answer": "7500"}, {"question": "What phrase should be transmitted to notify ATC of a hijacking if unable to change the transponder setting?", "answer": "Hijack"}, {"question": "What should be done if a hijacker requests to be contacted by someone?", "answer": "Do so immediately"}, {"question": "What is the recommended action if a hijacker requests diversion to an alternate airport?", "answer": "Comply"}, {"question": "What should be done with a hijacker who has been overcome by crew or law enforcement?", "answer": "Do not restrain or harm the individual"}, {"question": "What should be done in the event of a medical emergency on board the aircraft?", "answer": "Take the steps necessary to treat the situation using the first-aid kit and, if necessary, divert to an appropriate medical facility."}, {"question": "What is MRM?", "answer": "Maintenance resource management, a general process for improving communication, effectiveness, and safety in aircraft maintenance operations."}, {"question": "What are the main goals of MRM?", "answer": "To integrate the technical skills of maintenance personnel with interpersonal skills and basic human factors knowledge in order to improve communication effectiveness and safety in aircraft maintenance operations."}, {"question": "What are some of the challenges faced by solo technicians?", "answer": "Airworthiness, personal safety, and administration."}, {"question": "What are some ways to help solo technicians?", "answer": "Provide assistance with inspections, paperwork, and safety procedures."}, {"question": "What phase of flight do most business aviation accidents occur in?", "answer": "Approach and landing"}, {"question": "What are some of the major risk factors in landing excursions?", "answer": "Go-around not conducted, landing long, ineffective braking, gear malfunctions, and fast approaches and landings."}, {"question": "What are some recommended mitigation factors for landing excursions?", "answer": "Adherence to operations manual and aircraft flight manual, safety management systems and flight data analysis data, improved runway condition reporting, and accelerated implementation of vertical guidance approaches."}, {"question": "What are some examples of hangar safety hazards?", "answer": "Static discharge wicks, wing tips, wet hangar floors, airstairs, high check stands, and moving hangar doors."}, {"question": "What are some steps that can be taken to improve hangar safety?", "answer": "Assign hangar safety as a collateral duty, create a hangar safety plan, conduct regular inspections, enforce safety regulations, and strive for continuous safety improvement."}, {"question": "What is a safety culture?", "answer": "A set of organizational norms that promote safety."}, {"question": "What are the components of a safety culture according to Dr. James Reason?", "answer": "Informed culture, reporting culture, learning culture, flexible culture, and just culture."}, {"question": "What is a just culture?", "answer": "A culture in which errors and inconsequential unsafe acts will not be punished if they were unintentional, but those who act recklessly or take deliberate and unjustifiable risks will still be subject to disciplinary action."}, {"question": "What are the primary rules, policies, and regulations commonly described in minimum standards as published by airport operators?", "answer": "Security, conduct of persons and tenants using the airport, vehicle operations, landside-related regulations, airside regulations, environmental management, operation and control of Concourse Gates, and noise abatement and runway procedures."}, {"question": "What are some examples of security-related regulations?", "answer": "Access to Secured Areas and Sterile Areas, requirement for airport personnel to wear access/identification badges, challenging individuals not wearing proper badges, and maintaining proper escort of individuals without access/ID in Security Areas."}, {"question": "What are some examples of regulations related to the conduct of persons and tenants using the airport?", "answer": "Conduct of businesses and concessions, unauthorized advertising or leafletting, travel or movement of passengers in authorized areas, regulations addressing bicycles and other conveyances, and safety measures."}, {"question": "What are some examples of regulations related to vehicle operations?", "answer": "Speed limits, licensing of drivers, permits and markings for airside vehicles, and reporting of accidents."}, {"question": "What is a Violation Notice system?", "answer": "A system used by airports to enforce rules and regulations."}, {"question": "What are some examples of landside-related regulations?", "answer": "Parking regulations, access for taxicabs and other commercial vehicles, collection of revenue for commercial vehicles, dwell time for vehicles at pickup and dropoff locations, and rules covering solicitation."}, {"question": "What are some examples of airside regulations?", "answer": "Use and movement of aircraft, rules regarding takeoff, landing, taxiing, and positioning of aircraft, aircraft repair and washing requirements, and helicopter operational requirements."}, {"question": "What are some examples of environmental issues that airports must address?", "answer": "Use of deicing fluid, fuel spills, hazardous waste generation and use, wetland issues, solid waste generation, migratory birds, sewage, ozone-depleting compounds, and noise."}, {"question": "What are SASOs?", "answer": "Specialized Aviation Service Operators, on-field entities that focus on providing specific aviation-related services."}, {"question": "What are some examples of SASOs?", "answer": "Flight training, aviation maintenance operations, aircraft charter and rental, avionics maintenance, propeller shops, and helicopter operations."}, {"question": "What is the purpose of a construction safety and phasing plan?", "answer": "To ensure the safety of construction operations and the continued safe operation of aircraft during airport construction projects."}, {"question": "What areas should be addressed in a construction safety and phasing plan?", "answer": "Safety areas and work limits, special conditions and emergencies, ground vehicle operations, and marking, signs, and lights."}, {"question": "Why is protection of the AOA important during construction?", "answer": "To ensure the continued safe operation of aircraft."}, {"question": "What are some security vulnerabilities associated with construction activities?", "answer": "Breaches in perimeter fencing, disabled door alarms, and increased opportunity for illegal airfield access."}, {"question": "What form must be filed with the FAA for construction that affects navigable airspace?", "answer": "FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration"}, {"question": "What is the universally known airfield marking for a closed surface?", "answer": "A lighted X (on a stand) or painted X on the runway"}, {"question": "What is a Stop List?", "answer": "A list of deactivated airport identification badges"}, {"question": "What should security officers be trained to do?", "answer": "Follow relevant areas of the ASP, identify proper credentials, and use a current stop list."}, {"question": "What are some examples of special conditions and emergencies that should be addressed in the plan?", "answer": "Severe weather, HAZMAT incidents, medical emergencies, low-visibility operations, snow removal, aircraft in distress, aircraft accidents, security breaches, and VPDs or runway incursions."}, {"question": "What are some safety considerations for ground vehicle operations during construction?", "answer": "Adherence to airport traffic regulations, vehicle marking and identification, aircraft safety (jet blast, aircraft operations), and marking and signs for access roads."}, {"question": "What is the purpose of runway, taxiway, and apron closures?", "answer": "To ensure the safety of construction workers and aircraft."}, {"question": "What should be done when a runway, taxiway, or apron is closed?", "answer": "A NOTAM should be issued."}, {"question": "What are displaced thresholds?", "answer": "A shortened runway available for use when the full length is unavailable."}, {"question": "Where can procedures for marking and signs of closed or partially closed runways and taxiways be found?", "answer": "AC 150/5370-2F"}, {"question": "When are trenches and excavations allowed in the RSA?", "answer": "During runway closures, but they must be adequately filled or covered before the runway is reopened."}, {"question": "What standards must any covering of a trench or excavation in the RSA meet?", "answer": "The standards of the RSA (support an aircraft, snowplow, or ARFF vehicle)."}, {"question": "What is the purpose of the IASA program?", "answer": "To ensure that all foreign air carriers that operate to or from the United States are properly licensed, with safety oversight provided by a competent Civil Aviation Authority in accordance with ICAO standards."}, {"question": "What information do FAA Country Data Sheets offer?", "answer": "A compilation of information on a range of topics that should be considered when planning a flight outside U.S. airspace, including individual country requirements and services."}, {"question": "What is the recommended action if a company suspects it may be a target of terrorism?", "answer": "Assume that one terrorist act signals the presence of another, ask for help from local authorities, receive professional training on the use of any weapon carried on the aircraft, and consider alternative means of transportation if sabotage is suspected."}, {"question": "What should crew members do with all access panels and doors when parking overnight?", "answer": "Use security tape on them"}, {"question": "Who is responsible for the security of the aircraft at the home base?", "answer": "The manager of maintenance"}, {"question": "What information should be included in the passenger manifest?", "answer": "Names of all passengers allowed to board the company aircraft"}, {"question": "What should flight crew members do if they observe any potential threat to security?", "answer": "Notify the department manager of concern and the security officer immediately and assist, if necessary, in minimizing the security threat."}, {"question": "What is the recommended procedure for handling visitors to the aviation department?", "answer": "Visitors should be directed to a reception area in the facility and wait until they can be greeted and escorted by a flight department associate."}, {"question": "When should aircraft entrances and compartments be kept closed and locked?", "answer": "Whenever the aircraft is left unattended in the hangar or on the ramp"}, {"question": "What should crew members do if they find a suspicious object during pre-flight inspections?", "answer": "Contact a representative of the FBO and ask that the appropriate agency or civil authority be notified."}, {"question": "What are the two most important safeguards in any sound business aviation security program?", "answer": "Positive identification of each passenger and ensuring that no unidentified packages or unmarked bags are carried aboard the aircraft."}, {"question": "What should the crew do if a passenger's bag is missing upon arrival?", "answer": "Conduct a thorough search of the aircraft and the passenger's vehicle if possible. If the bag cannot be found, the passenger should be contacted and offered assistance in locating it."}, {"question": "What is CHEMTREC's phone number?", "answer": "1-800-424-9300"}, {"question": "What should be done with firearms that are to be transported on the aircraft?", "answer": "They must be unloaded, put into a “safe” condition, placed in a container or carrying case, and checked in with the crew before flight."}, {"question": "What is the recommended time frame for renewing flight crew passports and ID cards?", "answer": "At least six months before their expiration date"}, {"question": "What is the purpose of a threat assessment?", "answer": "To identify and assess potential security risks associated with a particular trip or destination."}, {"question": "What is the primary purpose of the TSA?", "answer": "To prevent and deter any commercial airline attempt to disrupt operation of and/or destroy a commercial public airline."}, {"question": "What is LASP?", "answer": "Large Aircraft Security Program, a TSA plan for operators and airports that serve flight crews, periodic security audits for security, and passengers."}, {"question": "What is the definition of an aircraft accident according to Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation?", "answer": "An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure, or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible."}, {"question": "What is the definition of an aircraft incident according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 3, Title 49—Part 830?", "answer": "An occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of operations."}, {"question": "What does NTSB Part 830 require in case of an aircraft accident or serious incident?", "answer": "Immediate notification to the NTSB by the most expeditious means available"}, {"question": "What is a Go-Team?", "answer": "Those persons who are expected to be the first company responders to an accident scene"}, {"question": "What should be the first priority of the company when receiving a bomb threat?", "answer": "To remain calm and collect as much information as possible from the person making the threat."}, {"question": "What should associates do if a bomb threat is directed against the flight department office or hangar facility?", "answer": "Sound the alarm to evacuate the building, assemble at a pre-designated area, and account for all personnel."}, {"question": "What should be done if a suspicious package is found in the facility after a bomb threat?", "answer": "Do not move or touch the package. Note its position and immediately call 911 to report the threat and the package's location."}, {"question": "What actions are recommended for the flight crew when a report of a bomb threat is received while airborne?", "answer": "Declare an emergency, inform ATC, ask for clearance to the nearest suitable airport, set transponder code to 7700, request emergency equipment standby, and ask for advice from an FAA bomb expert."}, {"question": "What is the best point of prevention of an attempted hijacking?", "answer": "On the ramp"}, {"question": "What transponder code should be set if a hijacking occurs?", "answer": "7500"}, {"question": "What phrase should be transmitted to notify ATC of a hijacking if unable to change the transponder setting?", "answer": "Hijack"}, {"question": "What should be done if a hijacker requests to be contacted by someone?", "answer": "Do so immediately"}, {"question": "What is the recommended action if a hijacker requests diversion to an alternate airport?", "answer": "Comply"}, {"question": "What should be done with a hijacker who has been overcome by crew or law enforcement?", "answer": "Do not restrain or harm the individual"}, {"question": "What should be done in the event of a medical emergency on board the aircraft?", "answer": "Take the steps necessary to treat the situation using the first-aid kit and, if necessary, divert to an appropriate medical facility."}, {"question": "What is MRM?", "answer": "Maintenance resource management, a general process for improving communication, effectiveness, and safety in aircraft maintenance operations."}, {"question": "What are the main goals of MRM?", "answer": "To integrate the technical skills of maintenance personnel with interpersonal skills and basic human factors knowledge in order to improve communication effectiveness and safety in aircraft maintenance operations."}, {"question": "What are some of the challenges faced by solo technicians?", "answer": "Airworthiness, personal safety, and administration."}, {"question": "What are some ways to help solo technicians?", "answer": "Provide assistance with inspections, paperwork, and safety procedures."}, {"question": "What phase of flight do most business aviation accidents occur in?", "answer": "Approach and landing"}, {"question": "What are some of the major risk factors in landing excursions?", "answer": "Go-around not conducted, landing long, ineffective braking, gear malfunctions, and fast approaches and landings."}, {"question": "What are some recommended mitigation factors for landing excursions?", "answer": "Adherence to operations manual and aircraft flight manual, safety management systems and flight data analysis data, improved runway condition reporting, and accelerated implementation of vertical guidance approaches."}, {"question": "What are some examples of hangar safety hazards?", "answer": "Static discharge wicks, wing tips, wet hangar floors, airstairs, high check stands, and moving hangar doors."}, {"question": "What are some steps that can be taken to improve hangar safety?", "answer": "Assign hangar safety as a collateral duty, create a hangar safety plan, conduct regular inspections, enforce safety regulations, and strive for continuous safety improvement."}, {"question": "What is a safety culture?", "answer": "A set of organizational norms that promote safety."}, {"question": "What are the components of a safety culture according to Dr. James Reason?", "answer": "Informed culture, reporting culture, learning culture, flexible culture, and just culture."}, {"question": "What is a just culture?", "answer": "A culture in which errors and inconsequential unsafe acts will not be punished if they were unintentional, but those who act recklessly or take deliberate and unjustifiable risks will still be subject to disciplinary action."}, {"question": "How can a company ensure the security of scheduling information?", "answer": "Limit the distribution of printed schedules, restrict electronic access to schedules and passenger manifests, and maintain a personal profile on file for each passenger."}, {"question": "What measures can be taken to enhance facility security at the home base hangar?", "answer": "Control entry through an electronic gate, secure keys to hangars and vehicles, escort visitors, and ensure all entrances are secured and alarm systems are armed when the facility is unoccupied."}, {"question": "How can aircraft security be maintained at home base?", "answer": "Keep all aircraft entrances and compartments closed and locked when unattended, discourage visitors from approaching or entering the aircraft, and challenge unauthorized persons in the area."}, {"question": "What security measures should be taken when an aircraft remains on a ramp other than home base for an extended period?", "answer": "Secure and lock all doors, chock and pin landing gear, close interior shades, park in a well-lit area, and follow security procedures outlined in the company security manual."}, {"question": "How can passenger security be managed effectively?", "answer": "Limit details of travel plans shared with FBOs, verify identities of drivers or escorts before allowing passengers to deplane, and escort passengers in unfamiliar or potentially hazardous areas."}, {"question": "What are the advantages of staging luggage for loading aboard the aircraft?", "answer": "Ground support logistics, crew can stage the baggage for loading aboard, hazard identification issues, stowing and loading weight and balance verification, and ultimately the security of the passengers."}, {"question": "What precautions should be taken when handling passenger baggage?", "answer": "Positively identify bags before loading, never carry unidentified packages or unmarked bags, ensure accurate bag counts, and store passenger bags separately from crew bags."}, {"question": "What are the regulations governing hazardous cargo transport?", "answer": "Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, and the rules outlined by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)."}, {"question": "What should be done if a hazardous material is inadvertently loaded or transported?", "answer": "Immediately call CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300 for guidance and assistance."}, {"question": "What procedures should be followed for transporting firearms?", "answer": "Firearms must be unloaded, secured, placed in a container or carrying case, and checked in with the crew before flight. Passengers transporting firearms must notify the ADM in advance."}, {"question": "What security measures are recommended for international flights?", "answer": "Renew passports and ID cards at least six months before expiration, use the IBAC crew identification card, be prepared for enhanced security measures at major international airports, and perform a threat assessment for new destinations."}, {"question": "What is the TSA's mission?", "answer": "To prevent and deter any commercial airline attempt to disrupt operation of and/or destroy a commercial public airline."}, {"question": "What is the LASP?", "answer": "Large Aircraft Security Program, a TSA plan for operators and airports that serve flight crews, periodic security audits for security, and passengers."}, {"question": "What is the definition of an aircraft accident according to Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation?", "answer": "An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons have disembarked, in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, the aircraft sustains damage or structural failure, or the aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible."}, {"question": "What is the definition of an aircraft incident according to the Code of Federal Regulations, Volume 3, Title 49—Part 830?", "answer": "An occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of operations."}, {"question": "What does NTSB Part 830 require in case of an aircraft accident or serious incident?", "answer": "Immediate notification to the NTSB by the most expeditious means available."}, {"question": "What is a Go-Team?", "answer": "Those persons who are expected to be the first company responders to an accident scene."}, {"question": "What should be the first priority of the company when receiving a bomb threat?", "answer": "To remain calm and collect as much information as possible from the person making the threat."}, {"question": "What should associates do if a bomb threat is directed against the flight department office or hangar facility?", "answer": "Sound the alarm to evacuate the building, assemble at a pre-designated area, and account for all personnel."}, {"question": "What should be done if a suspicious package is found in the facility after a bomb threat?", "answer": "Do not move or touch the package. Note its position and immediately call 911 to report the threat and the package's location."}, {"question": "What are the recommended actions for a flight crew upon receiving a bomb threat while the aircraft is on the ground?", "answer": "Evacuate the aircraft, keep everyone a safe distance away, and wait for emergency response personnel."}, {"question": "What are the recommended actions for a flight crew upon receiving a bomb threat while the aircraft is airborne?", "answer": "Declare an emergency, inform ATC, request clearance to the nearest suitable airport, decrease airspeed, maintain cabin pressure differential, instruct a search of the cabin, and prepare for an emergency landing."} ]