# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import logging import os import contextlib from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from omegaconf import MISSING, II, open_dict, OmegaConf import numpy as np from fairseq.data import ( ConcatSentencesDataset, Dictionary, IdDataset, NestedDictionaryDataset, NumelDataset, NumSamplesDataset, OffsetTokensDataset, PrependTokenDataset, RawLabelDataset, RightPadDataset, RollDataset, SortDataset, StripTokenDataset, data_utils, ) from fairseq.data.shorten_dataset import maybe_shorten_dataset from fairseq.tasks import FairseqDataclass, FairseqTask, register_task from fairseq.dataclass import ChoiceEnum logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) SHORTEN_METHOD_CHOICES = ChoiceEnum(["none", "truncate", "random_crop"]) @dataclass class SentencePredictionConfig(FairseqDataclass): data: str = field(default=MISSING, metadata={"help": "path to data directory"}) num_classes: int = field( default=-1, metadata={"help": "number of classes or regression targets"}, ) init_token: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={"help": "add token at the beginning of each batch item"}, ) separator_token: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={"help": "add separator token between inputs"}, ) no_shuffle: bool = field( default=False, ) shorten_method: SHORTEN_METHOD_CHOICES = field( default="none", metadata={ "help": "if not none, shorten sequences that exceed tokens_per_sample" }, ) shorten_data_split_list: str = field( default="", metadata={ "help": "comma-separated list of dataset splits to apply shortening to, " 'e.g., "train,valid" (default: all dataset splits)' }, ) add_prev_output_tokens: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "help": "add prev_output_tokens to sample, used for encoder-decoder arch" }, ) max_positions: int = field( default=512, metadata={"help": "max tokens per example"}, ) regression_target: bool = II("criterion.regression_target") classification_head_name: str = II("criterion.classification_head_name") seed: int = II("common.seed") @register_task("sentence_prediction", dataclass=SentencePredictionConfig) class SentencePredictionTask(FairseqTask): """ Sentence (or sentence pair) prediction (classification or regression) task. Args: dictionary (Dictionary): the dictionary for the input of the task """ def __init__(self, cfg, data_dictionary, label_dictionary): super().__init__(cfg) self.dictionary = data_dictionary self._label_dictionary = label_dictionary @classmethod def load_dictionary(cls, filename): """Load the dictionary from the filename Args: filename (str): the filename """ dictionary = Dictionary.load(filename) dictionary.add_symbol("") return dictionary @classmethod def setup_task(cls, cfg, **kwargs): assert cfg.num_classes > 0, "Must set task.num_classes" # load data dictionary data_dict = cls.load_dictionary( os.path.join(cfg.data, "input0", "dict.txt"), ) logger.info("[input] dictionary: {} types".format(len(data_dict))) # load label dictionary if not cfg.regression_target: label_dict = cls.load_dictionary( os.path.join(cfg.data, "label", "dict.txt"), ) logger.info("[label] dictionary: {} types".format(len(label_dict))) else: label_dict = data_dict return cls(cfg, data_dict, label_dict) def load_dataset(self, split, combine=False, **kwargs): """Load a given dataset split (e.g., train, valid, test).""" def get_path(key, split): return os.path.join(self.cfg.data, key, split) def make_dataset(key, dictionary): split_path = get_path(key, split) try: dataset = data_utils.load_indexed_dataset( split_path, dictionary, combine=combine, ) except Exception as e: if "StorageException: [404] Path not found" in str(e): logger.warning(f"dataset {e} not found") dataset = None else: raise e return dataset input0 = make_dataset("input0", self.source_dictionary) assert input0 is not None, "could not find dataset: {}".format( get_path("input0", split) ) input1 = make_dataset("input1", self.source_dictionary) if self.cfg.init_token is not None: input0 = PrependTokenDataset(input0, self.cfg.init_token) if input1 is None: src_tokens = input0 else: if self.cfg.separator_token is not None: input1 = PrependTokenDataset(input1, self.cfg.separator_token) src_tokens = ConcatSentencesDataset(input0, input1) with data_utils.numpy_seed(self.cfg.seed): shuffle = np.random.permutation(len(src_tokens)) src_tokens = maybe_shorten_dataset( src_tokens, split, self.cfg.shorten_data_split_list, self.cfg.shorten_method, self.max_positions(), self.cfg.seed, ) dataset = { "id": IdDataset(), "net_input": { "src_tokens": RightPadDataset( src_tokens, pad_idx=self.source_dictionary.pad(), ), "src_lengths": NumelDataset(src_tokens, reduce=False), }, "nsentences": NumSamplesDataset(), "ntokens": NumelDataset(src_tokens, reduce=True), } if self.cfg.add_prev_output_tokens: prev_tokens_dataset = RightPadDataset( RollDataset(src_tokens, 1), pad_idx=self.dictionary.pad(), ) dataset["net_input"].update( prev_output_tokens=prev_tokens_dataset, ) if not self.cfg.regression_target: label_dataset = make_dataset("label", self.label_dictionary) if label_dataset is not None: dataset.update( target=OffsetTokensDataset( StripTokenDataset( label_dataset, id_to_strip=self.label_dictionary.eos(), ), offset=-self.label_dictionary.nspecial, ) ) else: label_path = "{0}.label".format(get_path("label", split)) if os.path.exists(label_path): def parse_regression_target(i, line): values = line.split() assert ( len(values) == self.cfg.num_classes ), f'expected num_classes={self.cfg.num_classes} regression target values on line {i}, found: "{line}"' return [float(x) for x in values] with open(label_path) as h: dataset.update( target=RawLabelDataset( [ parse_regression_target(i, line.strip()) for i, line in enumerate(h.readlines()) ] ) ) nested_dataset = NestedDictionaryDataset( dataset, sizes=[src_tokens.sizes], ) if self.cfg.no_shuffle: dataset = nested_dataset else: dataset = SortDataset( nested_dataset, # shuffle sort_order=[shuffle], ) logger.info("Loaded {0} with #samples: {1}".format(split, len(dataset))) self.datasets[split] = dataset return self.datasets[split] def build_model(self, cfg, from_checkpoint=False): from fairseq import models with open_dict(cfg) if OmegaConf.is_config(cfg) else contextlib.ExitStack(): cfg.max_positions = self.cfg.max_positions model = models.build_model(cfg, self, from_checkpoint) model.register_classification_head( self.cfg.classification_head_name, num_classes=self.cfg.num_classes, ) return model def max_positions(self): return self.cfg.max_positions @property def source_dictionary(self): return self.dictionary @property def target_dictionary(self): return self.dictionary @property def label_dictionary(self): return self._label_dictionary