from typing import Literal def calculage_img_tokens( width, height, mode: Literal["low", "high", "auto"] = "auto", base_tokens: int = 85, # openai default - ): if mode == "low": return base_tokens elif mode == "high" or mode == "auto": resized_width, resized_height = resize_image_high_res( width=width, height=height ) tiles_needed_high_res = calculate_tiles_needed(resized_width, resized_height) tile_tokens = (base_tokens * 2) * tiles_needed_high_res total_tokens = base_tokens + tile_tokens return total_tokens def resize_image_high_res(width, height): # Maximum dimensions for high res mode max_short_side = 768 max_long_side = 2000 # Determine the longer and shorter sides longer_side = max(width, height) shorter_side = min(width, height) # Calculate the aspect ratio aspect_ratio = longer_side / shorter_side # Resize based on the short side being 768px if width <= height: # Portrait or square resized_width = max_short_side resized_height = int(resized_width * aspect_ratio) # if the long side exceeds the limit after resizing, adjust both sides accordingly if resized_height > max_long_side: resized_height = max_long_side resized_width = int(resized_height / aspect_ratio) else: # Landscape resized_height = max_short_side resized_width = int(resized_height * aspect_ratio) # if the long side exceeds the limit after resizing, adjust both sides accordingly if resized_width > max_long_side: resized_width = max_long_side resized_height = int(resized_width / aspect_ratio) return resized_width, resized_height # Test the function with the given example def calculate_tiles_needed( resized_width, resized_height, tile_width=512, tile_height=512 ): tiles_across = (resized_width + tile_width - 1) // tile_width tiles_down = (resized_height + tile_height - 1) // tile_height total_tiles = tiles_across * tiles_down return total_tiles # Test high res mode with 1875 x 768 image resized_width_high_res = 1875 resized_height_high_res = 768 tiles_needed_high_res = calculate_tiles_needed( resized_width_high_res, resized_height_high_res ) print( f"Tiles needed for high res image ({resized_width_high_res}x{resized_height_high_res}): {tiles_needed_high_res}" ) # If you had the original size and needed to resize and then calculate tiles: original_size = (10000, 4096) resized_size_high_res = resize_image_high_res(*original_size) print(f"Resized dimensions in high res mode: {resized_size_high_res}") tiles_needed = calculate_tiles_needed(*resized_size_high_res) print(f"Tiles needed for high res image {resized_size_high_res}: {tiles_needed}")