NeRF /
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import streamlit as st
# Setting random seed to obtain reproducible results.
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import glob
import imageio
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Initialize global variables.
H = 100
W = 100
focal = 138.88
def encode_position(x):
"""Encodes the position into its corresponding Fourier feature.
x: The input coordinate.
Fourier features tensors of the position.
positions = [x]
for i in range(POS_ENCODE_DIMS):
for fn in [tf.sin, tf.cos]:
positions.append(fn(2.0 ** i * x))
return tf.concat(positions, axis=-1)
def get_rays(height, width, focal, pose):
"""Computes origin point and direction vector of rays.
height: Height of the image.
width: Width of the image.
focal: The focal length between the images and the camera.
pose: The pose matrix of the camera.
Tuple of origin point and direction vector for rays.
# Build a meshgrid for the rays.
i, j = tf.meshgrid(
tf.range(width, dtype=tf.float32),
tf.range(height, dtype=tf.float32),
# Normalize the x axis coordinates.
transformed_i = (i - width * 0.5) / focal
# Normalize the y axis coordinates.
transformed_j = (j - height * 0.5) / focal
# Create the direction unit vectors.
directions = tf.stack([transformed_i, -transformed_j, -tf.ones_like(i)], axis=-1)
# Get the camera matrix.
camera_matrix = pose[:3, :3]
height_width_focal = pose[:3, -1]
# Get origins and directions for the rays.
transformed_dirs = directions[..., None, :]
camera_dirs = transformed_dirs * camera_matrix
ray_directions = tf.reduce_sum(camera_dirs, axis=-1)
ray_origins = tf.broadcast_to(height_width_focal, tf.shape(ray_directions))
# Return the origins and directions.
return (ray_origins, ray_directions)
def render_flat_rays(ray_origins, ray_directions, near, far, num_samples, rand=False):
"""Renders the rays and flattens it.
ray_origins: The origin points for rays.
ray_directions: The direction unit vectors for the rays.
near: The near bound of the volumetric scene.
far: The far bound of the volumetric scene.
num_samples: Number of sample points in a ray.
rand: Choice for randomising the sampling strategy.
Tuple of flattened rays and sample points on each rays.
# Compute 3D query points.
# Equation: r(t) = o+td -> Building the "t" here.
t_vals = tf.linspace(near, far, num_samples)
if rand:
# Inject uniform noise into sample space to make the sampling
# continuous.
shape = list(ray_origins.shape[:-1]) + [num_samples]
noise = tf.random.uniform(shape=shape) * (far - near) / num_samples
t_vals = t_vals + noise
# Equation: r(t) = o + td -> Building the "r" here.
rays = ray_origins[..., None, :] + (
ray_directions[..., None, :] * t_vals[..., None]
rays_flat = tf.reshape(rays, [-1, 3])
rays_flat = encode_position(rays_flat)
return (rays_flat, t_vals)
def map_fn(pose):
"""Maps individual pose to flattened rays and sample points.
pose: The pose matrix of the camera.
Tuple of flattened rays and sample points corresponding to the
camera pose.
(ray_origins, ray_directions) = get_rays(height=H, width=W, focal=focal, pose=pose)
(rays_flat, t_vals) = render_flat_rays(
return (rays_flat, t_vals)
def render_rgb_depth(model, rays_flat, t_vals, rand=True, train=True):
"""Generates the RGB image and depth map from model prediction.
model: The MLP model that is trained to predict the rgb and
volume density of the volumetric scene.
rays_flat: The flattened rays that serve as the input to
the NeRF model.
t_vals: The sample points for the rays.
rand: Choice to randomise the sampling strategy.
train: Whether the model is in the training or testing phase.
Tuple of rgb image and depth map.
# Get the predictions from the nerf model and reshape it.
if train:
predictions = model(rays_flat)
predictions = model.predict(rays_flat)
predictions = tf.reshape(predictions, shape=(BATCH_SIZE, H, W, NUM_SAMPLES, 4))
# Slice the predictions into rgb and sigma.
rgb = tf.sigmoid(predictions[..., :-1])
sigma_a = tf.nn.relu(predictions[..., -1])
# Get the distance of adjacent intervals.
delta = t_vals[..., 1:] - t_vals[..., :-1]
# delta shape = (num_samples)
if rand:
delta = tf.concat(
[delta, tf.broadcast_to([1e10], shape=(BATCH_SIZE, H, W, 1))], axis=-1
alpha = 1.0 - tf.exp(-sigma_a * delta)
delta = tf.concat(
[delta, tf.broadcast_to([1e10], shape=(BATCH_SIZE, 1))], axis=-1
alpha = 1.0 - tf.exp(-sigma_a * delta[:, None, None, :])
# Get transmittance.
exp_term = 1.0 - alpha
epsilon = 1e-10
transmittance = tf.math.cumprod(exp_term + epsilon, axis=-1, exclusive=True)
weights = alpha * transmittance
rgb = tf.reduce_sum(weights[..., None] * rgb, axis=-2)
if rand:
depth_map = tf.reduce_sum(weights * t_vals, axis=-1)
depth_map = tf.reduce_sum(weights * t_vals[:, None, None], axis=-1)
return (rgb, depth_map)
nerf_loaded = tf.keras.models.load_model("nerf", compile=False)
def get_translation_t(t):
"""Get the translation matrix for movement in t."""
matrix = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, t],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
return tf.convert_to_tensor(matrix, dtype=tf.float32)
def get_rotation_phi(phi):
"""Get the rotation matrix for movement in phi."""
matrix = [
[1, 0, 0, 0],
[0, tf.cos(phi), -tf.sin(phi), 0],
[0, tf.sin(phi), tf.cos(phi), 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
return tf.convert_to_tensor(matrix, dtype=tf.float32)
def get_rotation_theta(theta):
"""Get the rotation matrix for movement in theta."""
matrix = [
[tf.cos(theta), 0, -tf.sin(theta), 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0],
[tf.sin(theta), 0, tf.cos(theta), 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1],
return tf.convert_to_tensor(matrix, dtype=tf.float32)
def pose_spherical(theta, phi, t):
Get the camera to world matrix for the corresponding theta, phi
and t.
c2w = get_translation_t(t)
c2w = get_rotation_phi(phi / 180.0 * np.pi) @ c2w
c2w = get_rotation_theta(theta / 180.0 * np.pi) @ c2w
c2w = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) @ c2w
return c2w
def show_rendered_image(r,theta,phi):
# Get the camera to world matrix.
c2w = pose_spherical(theta, phi, r)
ray_oris, ray_dirs = get_rays(H, W, focal, c2w)
rays_flat, t_vals = render_flat_rays(
ray_oris, ray_dirs, near=2.0, far=6.0, num_samples=NUM_SAMPLES, rand=False
rgb, depth = render_rgb_depth(
nerf_loaded, rays_flat[None, ...], t_vals[None, ...], rand=False, train=False
return(rgb[0], depth[0])
# text matter starts here
st.title('NeRF:Neural Radiance Fields')
# set the values of r theta phi
r = -30.0
theta = st.slider('Enter a value for theta', 0.0, 360.0, 1)
phi = st.slider('Enter a value for phi', 0.0, 360.0, 1)
color,depth = show_rendered_image(r,theta,phi)
st.image(color, caption = "Color")
st.image(depth, caption = "Depth")