Thoughtful-AI-Screening /
Kazuki Yoda
Implement the logic to get predefined answer
"""This entire file was solely written by the applicant, Kazuki Yoda."""
import json
from typing import Optional
# # For Debugging only
# from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
# from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from huggingface_hub import InferenceClient
zero_shot_classification_client = InferenceClient("facebook/bart-large-mnli")
def load_predefined_questions_to_answers_as_dict(path="predefined.json"
) -> dict[str, str]:
"""Load the predefined question-answer pairs as dict of.
key: question (str), value: answer (str)"""
with open(path) as file:
data = json.load(file)
if "questions" not in data:
raise ValueError("`questions` key is expected but missing.")
question_to_answer = dict()
for item in data.get("questions"):
question = item.get("question")
answer = item.get("answer")
# Skip if either "question" or "answer" key not found
if question and answer:
question_to_answer[question] = answer
return question_to_answer
def get_embeddings(texts: list[str]):
client = InferenceClient("efederici/sentence-bert-base")
return [client.feature_extraction(text) for text in texts]
def get_predefined_answer_for_closest_predefined_question(
question: str,
cutoff=0.5, # Minimum classification score to use the predefined answer
) -> Optional[str]:
question_to_answer = load_predefined_questions_to_answers_as_dict()
labels = list(question_to_answer.keys())
zero_shot_classification_result = zero_shot_classification_client.zero_shot_classification(
max_score_result = max(zero_shot_classification_result,
key=lambda x: x.score)
if max_score_result.score > cutoff:
closest_predefined_question = max_score_result.label
return question_to_answer[closest_predefined_question]
# Switch back to the normal LLM response
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
"""Run some print debugs. Not executed from the Gradio app."""
question_to_answer = load_predefined_questions_to_answers_as_dict()
additional_questions = [
"What does EVA do?",
"How does PHIL work?",
"Thoughtful AI",
### Irrelevant but confusing questions ###
"Who is the CEO of Thoughtful AI?",
"How much does Thoughtful AI pay for its ML engineers?",
"What's Evangelion (EVA)?"
predefined_questions = list(question_to_answer.keys())
questions = predefined_questions + additional_questions
embeddings = get_embeddings(questions)
for embedding in embeddings:
# For DEBUG, check the embeddings
# print(distance_matrix(embeddings, embeddings[:len(predefined_questions)]))
# print(cosine_similarity(embeddings, embeddings[:len(predefined_questions)]))
for question in questions:
closest_question = get_predefined_answer_for_closest_predefined_question(question)
print(f"question: {question}")
print(f"closest_question: {closest_question}")