from typing import List, Optional from fastapi import Body, File, Form, HTTPException, UploadFile from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from numpy import clip from pydantic import BaseModel, Field from modules.api import utils as api_utils from modules.api.Api import APIManager from modules.api.impl.handler.TTSHandler import TTSHandler from modules.api.impl.model.audio_model import AdjustConfig, AudioFormat from modules.api.impl.model.chattts_model import ChatTTSConfig, InferConfig from modules.api.impl.model.enhancer_model import EnhancerConfig from import styles_mgr from modules.speaker import Speaker, speaker_mgr class AudioSpeechRequest(BaseModel): input: str # 需要合成的文本 model: str = "chattts-4w" voice: str = "female2" response_format: AudioFormat = "mp3" speed: float = Field(1, ge=0.1, le=10, description="Speed of the audio") seed: int = 42 temperature: float = 0.3 top_k: int = 20 top_p: float = 0.7 style: str = "" batch_size: int = Field(1, ge=1, le=20, description="Batch size") spliter_threshold: float = Field( 100, ge=10, le=1024, description="Threshold for sentence spliter" ) # end of sentence eos: str = "[uv_break]" enhance: bool = False denoise: bool = False async def openai_speech_api( request: AudioSpeechRequest = Body( ..., description="JSON body with model, input text, and voice" ) ): model = request.model input_text = request.input voice = request.voice style = eos = request.eos seed = request.seed response_format = request.response_format if not isinstance(response_format, AudioFormat) and isinstance( response_format, str ): response_format = AudioFormat(response_format) batch_size = request.batch_size spliter_threshold = request.spliter_threshold speed = request.speed speed = clip(speed, 0.1, 10) if not input_text: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Input text is required.") if speaker_mgr.get_speaker(voice) is None: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid voice.") try: if style: styles_mgr.find_item_by_name(style) except: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid style.") ctx_params = api_utils.calc_spk_style(spk=voice, style=style) speaker = ctx_params.get("spk") if not isinstance(speaker, Speaker): raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Invalid voice.") tts_config = ChatTTSConfig( style=style, temperature=request.temperature, top_k=request.top_k, top_p=request.top_p, ) infer_config = InferConfig( batch_size=batch_size, spliter_threshold=spliter_threshold, eos=eos, seed=seed, ) adjust_config = AdjustConfig(speaking_rate=speed) enhancer_config = EnhancerConfig( enabled=request.enhance or request.denoise or False, lambd=0.9 if request.denoise else 0.1, ) try: handler = TTSHandler( text_content=input_text, spk=speaker, tts_config=tts_config, infer_config=infer_config, adjust_config=adjust_config, enhancer_config=enhancer_config, ) buffer = handler.enqueue_to_buffer(response_format) mime_type = f"audio/{response_format.value}" if response_format == AudioFormat.mp3: mime_type = "audio/mpeg" return StreamingResponse(buffer, media_type=mime_type) except Exception as e: import logging logging.exception(e) if isinstance(e, HTTPException): raise e else: raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail=str(e)) class TranscribeSegment(BaseModel): id: int seek: float start: float end: float text: str tokens: list[int] temperature: float avg_logprob: float compression_ratio: float no_speech_prob: float class TranscriptionsVerboseResponse(BaseModel): task: str language: str duration: float text: str segments: list[TranscribeSegment] def setup(app: APIManager): "/v1/audio/speech", description=""" openai api document: []( 以下属性为本系统自定义属性,不在openai文档中: - batch_size: 是否开启batch合成,小于等于1表示不使用batch (不推荐) - spliter_threshold: 开启batch合成时,句子分割的阈值 - style: 风格 > model 可填任意值 """, )(openai_speech_api) "/v1/audio/transcriptions", response_model=TranscriptionsVerboseResponse, description="Transcribes audio into the input language.", ) async def transcribe( file: UploadFile = File(...), model: str = Form(...), language: Optional[str] = Form(None), prompt: Optional[str] = Form(None), response_format: str = Form("json"), temperature: float = Form(0), timestamp_granularities: List[str] = Form(["segment"]), ): # TODO: Implement transcribe return api_utils.success_response("not implemented yet")