# Ads generation tool Give an URL, generate headlines and images for ads. # Installation 1. Install python (make sure to add the environment variables and install pip). - Windows: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/install-python-windows-10#step-1-downloading-the-python-installer. 2. Test python with `python -v`. 3. Download: https://github.com/lgaleana/gen-ads/zipball/master. 4. Get an OpenAI key. 5. Set up a project for Google Vision and download the service key https://cloud.google.com/vision/docs/setup. 6. Rename the file .env.example to .env and add your OpenAI key and the path to your Google Vision service key. # Execution 1. Open the command line and navigate to the `gen-ads` folder. 2. Run `python main.py`. 3. Enter an URL and hit enter. 4. Get ad headlines and images for the URL. # How it works The program executes the AI and code tasks in: https://github.com/lgaleana/gen-ads/blob/main/control_flow/main.py # How to tune Update the prompts of the [AI tasks](https://github.com/lgaleana/gen-ads/tree/main/ai_tasks).