from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List, Union import gradio as gr import requests import ai class Component(ABC): def __init__(self, id_: int, visible: bool = False): # Internal state self._id = id_ self._source = self.__class__.__name__ self.vname: str # Gradio state self.component_id: gr.Number self.gr_component: Union[gr.Box, gr.Textbox] self.output: gr.Textbox self.visible: gr.Number def render(self) -> None: self.component_id = gr.Number(value=self._id, visible=False) self.visible = gr.Number(0, visible=False) self.gr_component = self._render(self._id) @abstractmethod def _render(self, id_: int) -> Union[gr.Box, gr.Textbox]: ... class Input(Component): vname = "v" def _render(self, id_: int) -> gr.Textbox: self.output = gr.Textbox( label=f"Input: {{{self.vname}{id_}}}", interactive=True, placeholder="Variable value", visible=False, ) return self.output class TaskComponent(ABC): vname = "t" def __init__(self): str self.gr_component: gr.Box self.input: gr.Textbox self.output: gr.Textbox self._source = self.__class__.__name__ def render(self, id_: int) -> None: self.gr_component = self._render(id_) @abstractmethod def _render(self, id_) -> gr.Box: ... @abstractmethod def execute(self, input): ... class AITask(TaskComponent): name = "AI Task" def _render(self, id_: int) -> gr.Box: with gr.Box(visible=False) as gr_component: gr.Markdown("Send a message to ChatGPT.") with gr.Row(): self.input = gr.Textbox( label="Prompt", lines=10, interactive=True, placeholder="Example: summarize this text: {v0}", ) self.output = gr.Textbox( label=f"Output: {{{self.vname}{id_}}}", lines=10, interactive=False, ) return gr_component def execute(self, prompt: str) -> str: return[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}]) class VisitURL(TaskComponent): name = "Visit URL" def _render(self, id_: int) -> gr.Box: with gr.Box(visible=False) as gr_component: gr.Markdown("Get the content from an URL.") with gr.Row(): self.input = gr.Textbox( interactive=True, placeholder="URL", show_label=False, ) self.output = gr.Textbox( label=f"Output: {{{self.vname}{id_}}}", lines=10, interactive=False, ) return gr_component def execute(self, url: str) -> str: return requests.get(url).text class Task(Component): available_tasks = [AITask, VisitURL] vname = "t" def __init__(self, id_: int, visible: bool = False): super().__init__(id_, visible) self._inner_tasks = [t() for t in self.available_tasks] self.gr_component: gr.Box def _render(self, id_: int) -> gr.Box: with gr.Box(visible=False) as gr_component: self.active_index = gr.Dropdown( [,], label="Pick a new Task", type="index", ) for t in self._inner_tasks: t.render(id_) self.pick_task, inputs=[self.active_index], outputs=[t.gr_component for t in self._inner_tasks], ) return gr_component @staticmethod def pick_task(idx): update = [gr.Box.update(visible=False)] * len(Task.available_tasks) update[idx] = gr.Box.update(visible=True) return update def inputs(self) -> List[gr.Textbox]: return [t.input for t in self._inner_tasks] def outputs(self) -> List[gr.Textbox]: return [t.output for t in self._inner_tasks] def execute(self, active_index, input): inner_task = self._inner_tasks[active_index] print(f"Executing {self._source}: {self._id}") return inner_task.execute(input) MAX_TASKS = 10 all_tasks = {i: Task(i) for i in range(MAX_TASKS)} class Tasks: @classmethod def visibilities(cls) -> List[gr.Number]: return [t.visible for t in all_tasks.values()] @classmethod def active_indexes(cls) -> List[gr.Dropdown]: return [t.active_index for t in all_tasks.values()] @classmethod def gr_components(cls) -> List[gr.Box]: return [t.gr_component for t in all_tasks.values()]