Name Description | |
string ^@ search_string Return true if string begins with search_string. | |
string || string Concatenate two strings. Any NULL input results in NULL. See also concat(string, ...). | |
string[index] Extract a single character using a (1-based) index. | |
string[begin:end] Extract a string using slice conventions, see slicing. | |
string LIKE target Returns true if the string matches the like specifier (see Pattern Matching). | |
string SIMILAR TO regex Returns true if the string matches the regex; identical to regexp_full_match (see Pattern Matching). | |
array_extract(list, index) Extract a single character using a (1-based) index. | |
array_slice(list, begin, end) Extract a string using slice conventions. Negative values are accepted. | |
ascii(string) Returns an integer that represents the Unicode code point of the first character of the string. | |
bar(x, min, max[, width]) Draw a band whose width is proportional to (x - min) and equal to width characters when x = max. width defaults to 80. | |
bit_length(string) Number of bits in a string. | |
chr(x) Returns a character which is corresponding the ASCII code value or Unicode code point. | |
concat_ws(separator, string, ...) Concatenate many strings, separated by separator. NULL inputs are skipped. | |
concat(string, ...) Concatenate many strings. NULL inputs are skipped. See also string || string. | |
contains(string, search_string) Return true if search_string is found within string. | |
ends_with(string, search_string) Return true if string ends with search_string. | |
format_bytes(bytes) Converts bytes to a human-readable representation using units based on powers of 2 (KiB, MiB, GiB, etc.). | |
format(format, parameters, ...) Formats a string using the fmt syntax. | |
from_base64(string) Convert a base64 encoded string to a character string. | |
greatest(x1, x2, ...) Selects the largest value using lexicographical ordering. Note that lowercase characters are considered “larger” than uppercase characters and collations are not supported. | |
hash(value) Returns a UBIGINT with the hash of the value. | |
ilike_escape(string, like_specifier, escape_character) Returns true if the string matches the like_specifier (see Pattern Matching) using case-insensitive matching. escape_character is used to search for wildcard characters in the string. | |
instr(string, search_string) Return location of first occurrence of search_string in string, counting from 1. Returns 0 if no match found. | |
least(x1, x2, ...) Selects the smallest value using lexicographical ordering. Note that uppercase characters are considered “smaller” than lowercase characters, and collations are not supported. | |
left_grapheme(string, count) Extract the left-most grapheme clusters. | |
left(string, count) Extract the left-most count characters. | |
length_grapheme(string) Number of grapheme clusters in string. | |
length(string) Number of characters in string. | |
like_escape(string, like_specifier, escape_character) Returns true if the string matches the like_specifier (see Pattern Matching) using case-sensitive matching. escape_character is used to search for wildcard characters in the string. | |
lower(string) Convert string to lower case. | |
lpad(string, count, character) Pads the string with the character from the left until it has count characters. | |
ltrim(string, characters) Removes any occurrences of any of the characters from the left side of the string. | |
ltrim(string) Removes any spaces from the left side of the string. | |
md5(string) Returns the MD5 hash of the string as a VARCHAR. | |
md5_number(string) Returns the MD5 hash of the string as a HUGEINT. | |
md5_number_lower(string) Returns the lower 64-bit segment of the MD5 hash of the string as a BIGINT. | |
md5_number_higher(string) Returns the higher 64-bit segment of the MD5 hash of the string as a BIGINT. | |
nfc_normalize(string) Convert string to Unicode NFC normalized string. Useful for comparisons and ordering if text data is mixed between NFC normalized and not. | |
not_ilike_escape(string, like_specifier, escape_character) Returns false if the string matches the like_specifier (see Pattern Matching) using case-sensitive matching. escape_character is used to search for wildcard characters in the string. | |
not_like_escape(string, like_specifier, escape_character) Returns false if the string matches the like_specifier (see Pattern Matching) using case-insensitive matching. escape_character is used to search for wildcard characters in the string. | |
ord(string) Return ASCII character code of the leftmost character in a string. | |
parse_dirname(path, separator) Returns the top-level directory name from the given path. separator options: system, both_slash (default), forward_slash, backslash. | |
parse_dirpath(path, separator) Returns the head of the path (the pathname until the last slash) similarly to Python's os.path.dirname function. separator options: system, both_slash (default), forward_slash, backslash. | |
parse_filename(path, trim_extension, separator) Returns the last component of the path similarly to Python's os.path.basename function. If trim_extension is true, the file extension will be removed (defaults to false). separator options: system, both_slash (default), forward_slash, backslash. | |
parse_path(path, separator) Returns a list of the components (directories and filename) in the path similarly to Python's function. separator options: system, both_slash (default), forward_slash, backslash. | |
position(search_string IN string) Return location of first occurrence of search_string in string, counting from 1. Returns 0 if no match found. | |
printf(format, parameters...) Formats a string using printf syntax. | |
read_text(source) Returns the content from source (a filename, a list of filenames, or a glob pattern) as a VARCHAR. The file content is first validated to be valid UTF-8. If read_text attempts to read a file with invalid UTF-8 an error is thrown suggesting to use read_blob instead. See the read_text guide for more details. | |
regexp_escape(string) Escapes special patterns to turn string into a regular expression similarly to Python's re.escape function. | |
regexp_extract(string, pattern[, group = 0]) If string contains the regexp pattern, returns the capturing group specified by optional parameter group (see Pattern Matching). | |
regexp_extract(string, pattern, name_list) If string contains the regexp pattern, returns the capturing groups as a struct with corresponding names from name_list (see Pattern Matching). | |
regexp_extract_all(string, regex[, group = 0]) Split the string along the regex and extract all occurrences of group. | |
regexp_full_match(string, regex) Returns true if the entire string matches the regex (see Pattern Matching). | |
regexp_matches(string, pattern) Returns true if string contains the regexp pattern, false otherwise (see Pattern Matching). | |
regexp_replace(string, pattern, replacement) If string contains the regexp pattern, replaces the matching part with replacement (see Pattern Matching). | |
regexp_split_to_array(string, regex) Splits the string along the regex. | |
regexp_split_to_table(string, regex) Splits the string along the regex and returns a row for each part. | |
repeat(string, count) Repeats the string count number of times. | |
replace(string, source, target) Replaces any occurrences of the source with target in string. | |
reverse(string) Reverses the string. | |
right_grapheme(string, count) Extract the right-most count grapheme clusters. | |
right(string, count) Extract the right-most count characters. | |
rpad(string, count, character) Pads the string with the character from the right until it has count characters. | |
rtrim(string, characters) Removes any occurrences of any of the characters from the right side of the string. | |
rtrim(string) Removes any spaces from the right side of the string. | |
sha256(value) Returns a VARCHAR with the SHA-256 hash of the value. | |
split_part(string, separator, index) Split the string along the separator and return the data at the (1-based) index of the list. If the index is outside the bounds of the list, return an empty string (to match PostgreSQL's behavior). | |
starts_with(string, search_string) Return true if string begins with search_string. | |
str_split_regex(string, regex) Splits the string along the regex. | |
string_split_regex(string, regex) Splits the string along the regex. | |
string_split(string, separator) Splits the string along the separator. | |
strip_accents(string) Strips accents from string. | |
strlen(string) Number of bytes in string. | |
strpos(string, search_string) Return location of first occurrence of search_string in string, counting from 1. Returns 0 if no match found. | |
substring(string, start, length) Extract substring of length characters starting from character start. Note that a start value of 1 refers to the first character of the string. | |
substring_grapheme(string, start, length) Extract substring of length grapheme clusters starting from character start. Note that a start value of 1 refers to the first character of the string. | |
to_base64(blob) Convert a blob to a base64 encoded string. | |
trim(string, characters) Removes any occurrences of any of the characters from either side of the string. | |
trim(string) Removes any spaces from either side of the string. | |
unicode(string) Returns the Unicode code of the first character of the string. | |
upper(string) Convert string to upper case. |