import numpy as np |
import scipy.signal as sig |
import copy |
import librosa |
def bandpower(ps, mode="time"): |
""" |
estimate bandpower, see https://de.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/bandpower.html |
""" |
if mode == "time": |
x = ps |
l2norm = np.linalg.norm(x) ** 2.0 / len(x) |
return l2norm |
elif mode == "psd": |
return sum(ps) |
def getIndizesAroundPeak(arr, peakIndex, searchWidth=1000): |
peakBins = [] |
magMax = arr[peakIndex] |
curVal = magMax |
for i in range(searchWidth): |
newBin = peakIndex + i |
if newBin >= len(arr): |
break |
newVal = arr[newBin] |
if newVal > curVal: |
break |
else: |
peakBins.append(int(newBin)) |
curVal = newVal |
curVal = magMax |
for i in range(searchWidth): |
newBin = peakIndex - i |
if newBin < 0: |
break |
newVal = arr[newBin] |
if newVal > curVal: |
break |
else: |
peakBins.append(int(newBin)) |
curVal = newVal |
return np.array(list(set(peakBins))) |
def freqToBin(fAxis, Freq): |
return np.argmin(abs(fAxis - Freq)) |
def getPeakInArea(psd, faxis, estimation, searchWidthHz=10): |
""" |
returns bin and frequency of the maximum in an area |
""" |
binLow = freqToBin(faxis, estimation - searchWidthHz) |
binHi = freqToBin(faxis, estimation + searchWidthHz) |
peakbin = binLow + np.argmax(psd[binLow : binHi + 1]) |
return peakbin, faxis[peakbin] |
def getHarmonics(fund, sr, nHarmonics=6, aliased=False): |
harmonicMultipliers = np.arange(2, nHarmonics + 2) |
harmonicFs = fund * harmonicMultipliers |
if not aliased: |
harmonicFs[harmonicFs > sr / 2] = -1 |
harmonicFs = np.delete(harmonicFs, harmonicFs == -1) |
else: |
nyqZone = np.floor(harmonicFs / (sr / 2)) |
oddEvenNyq = nyqZone % 2 |
harmonicFs = np.mod(harmonicFs, sr / 2) |
harmonicFs[oddEvenNyq == 1] = (sr / 2) - harmonicFs[oddEvenNyq == 1] |
return harmonicFs |
def extract_snr(audio, sr=None): |
"""Extract Signal-to-Noise Ratio for a given audio.""" |
if sr != None: |
audio, _ = librosa.load(audio, sr=sr) |
else: |
audio, sr = librosa.load(audio, sr=sr) |
faxis, ps = sig.periodogram( |
audio, fs=sr, window=("kaiser", 38) |
) |
fundBin = np.argmax( |
ps |
) |
fundIndizes = getIndizesAroundPeak( |
ps, fundBin |
) |
fundFrequency = faxis[fundBin] |
nHarmonics = 18 |
harmonicFs = getHarmonics( |
fundFrequency, sr, nHarmonics=nHarmonics, aliased=True |
) |
harmonicBorders = np.zeros([2, nHarmonics], dtype=np.int16).T |
fullHarmonicBins = np.array([], dtype=np.int16) |
fullHarmonicBinList = [] |
harmPeakFreqs = [] |
harmPeaks = [] |
for i, harmonic in enumerate(harmonicFs): |
searcharea = 0.1 * fundFrequency |
estimation = harmonic |
binNum, freq = getPeakInArea(ps, faxis, estimation, searcharea) |
harmPeakFreqs.append(freq) |
harmPeaks.append(ps[binNum]) |
allBins = getIndizesAroundPeak(ps, binNum, searchWidth=1000) |
fullHarmonicBins = np.append(fullHarmonicBins, allBins) |
fullHarmonicBinList.append(allBins) |
harmonicBorders[i, :] = [allBins[0], allBins[-1]] |
fundIndizes.sort() |
pFund = bandpower(ps[fundIndizes[0] : fundIndizes[-1]]) |
noisePrepared = copy.copy(ps) |
noisePrepared[fundIndizes] = 0 |
noisePrepared[fullHarmonicBins] = 0 |
noiseMean = np.median(noisePrepared[noisePrepared != 0]) |
noisePrepared[fundIndizes] = noiseMean |
noisePrepared[fullHarmonicBins] = noiseMean |
noisePower = bandpower(noisePrepared) |
r = 10 * np.log10(pFund / noisePower) |
return r, 10 * np.log10(noisePower) |