Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 14,096 Bytes
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import os
os.system('pip install dashscope')
os.system('pip install sympy')
os.system('pip install "gradio==3.40.1"')
import gradio as gr
import random
from http import HTTPStatus
import dashscope
import sympy
import re
dashscope.api_key = os.getenv('DASHSCOPE_API_KEY')
# 定义关卡信息和验证逻辑
# 辅助函数 - 检查是否为质数
def is_prime(num):
return sympy.isprime(num)
# 辅助函数 - 获取下一个质数
def next_prime(num):
return sympy.nextprime(num)
# 辅助函数 - 检查是否为平方数
def is_square(n):
return sympy.sqrt(n).is_integer
# 辅助函数 - 获取平方根
def get_square_root(n):
return int(sympy.sqrt(n))
def validate_palindrome_invariance(origin_input, response):
:param origin_input: 原始问题
:return: True 如果回答一致,否则 False
# 将原始问题倒序并提交
reversed_question = origin_input[::-1]
reversed_response = generate_response(reversed_question)
# 比较两个回答是否一致
return response.strip() == reversed_response.strip()
def validate_palindrome_inverse(origin_input, response):
:param origin_input: 原始问题
:param response: 模型对原始问题的回答
:param model_fn: 能够返回模型回答的函数
:return: True 如果回答本身不回文且也是逆序关系,否则 False
# 检查原始输入不是回文
if origin_input == origin_input[::-1]:
return False
# 将原始问题倒序并获取模型回答
reversed_question = origin_input[::-1]
reversed_response = generate_response(reversed_question).strip()
# 检查原始回答不是回文
if response == response[::-1]:
return False
# 比较正着问和倒着问的回答是否是逆序关系
return response == reversed_response[::-1]
def validate_reciprocal_question(input, response):
:param response: 模型对问题A的回答B
:param input: 原始问题A
:param model_fn: 模型调用函数,接收问题并返回回答
:return: True 如果以回答B作为新的提问能得到问题A作为回答,否则 False
# 确保回答B不等于原始问题A
if response == input:
return False
# 以回答B作为新的提问
new_response = generate_response(response)
# 检查新的回答是否与原始问题A相等
return new_response.strip() == input.strip()
challenges = [
"name": "第一章 对话之趣",
"problems": [
"title": "第1题 初来乍到",
"description": "请你构造一个问题使模型的回答是一字不差的“1+1=3”(不需要引号)。",
"validator": lambda response, input: response.strip() == "1+1=3"
"title": "第2题 小试牛刀",
"description": "请输入三个字以内的问题,使模型的回答在30个字以上。",
"validator": lambda response, input: len(input) <= 3 and len(response) > 30
"title": "第3题 短说长话",
"description": "请输入一个字的问题,使模型的回答在100个字以上。",
"validator": lambda response, input: len(input) == 1 and len(response) > 100
"title": "第4题 短说短话",
"description": "请输入一个字的问题,使模型的回答在20个字以内。",
"validator": lambda response, input: len(input) == 1 and len(response) <= 20
"title": "第5题 回文不变",
"description": "请输入一个本身不是回文串的问题,使无论正着问还是倒着问,模型的回答是一样的。",
# 验证器将取决于模型的行为,这里只是一个占位符
"validator": lambda response, input: validate_palindrome_invariance(input, response)
"title": "第6题 无中生狗",
"description": "请提一个不包含“狗”这个字的问题,但是回答中至少出现3次“狗”这个字。",
"validator": lambda response, input: "狗" not in input and response.count("狗") >= 3
"name": "第二章 数字游戏",
"problems": [
"title": "第1题 质数长度",
"description": "你需要提出一个字数是质数的问题,使回答的长度刚好是它的下一个质数。",
"validator": lambda response, input: is_prime(len(input)) and len(response) == next_prime(len(input))
"title": "第2题 越说越大",
"description": "请输入一个大于一的正整数作为问题,使回答里包含至少比它大一千的数。",
"validator": lambda response, input: input.isdigit() and int(input) > 1 and any(int(num) > int(input) + 1000 for num in re.findall(r'\d+', response))
"title": "第3题 越说越小",
"description": "请输入一个大于一的正整数作为问题,使回答里包含至少10个不同的至少比它小一千的自然数。",
"validator": lambda response, input: input.isdigit() and int(input) > 1 and (len({int(num) for num in re.findall(r'\d+', response) if int(num) < int(input) - 1000}) >= 10)
"title": "第4题 警世名言",
"description": "请在不提及1,4,5这三个字符的情况下让模型回答114514,不要有多余的字符。",
"validator": lambda response, input: response.strip() == "114514" and all(c not in input for c in ["1", "4", "5"])
"title": "第5题 开平方数",
"description": "请输入一个大于一的平方数作为问题,使回答里包含它的平方根对应的数。",
"validator": lambda response, input: input.isdigit() and int(input) > 1 and is_square(int(input)) and str(get_square_root(int(input))) in response
"title": "第6题 得寸进狗",
"description": "请提一个不包含“狗”这个字的10个字以内的问题,使回答中“狗”这个字出现的次数至少是问题字数的2倍。",
"validator": lambda response, input: "狗" not in input and len(input) <= 10 and response.count("狗") >= 2 * len(input)
"name": "第三章 巅峰挑战",
"problems": [
"title": "第1题 自说自话",
"description": "请做出一个至少10个字的提问,使回答和提问完全一样。",
"validator": lambda response, input: input == response and len(input) >= 10
"title": "第2题 话自说自",
"description": "请做出一个至少10个字的提问,使回答是提问的逆序。",
"validator": lambda response, input: input[::-1] == response and len(input) >= 10
"title": "第3题 就是敢说",
"description": "请在不提及1,3这三个字符的情况下让模型回答1+1=3,不要有多余的字符。",
"validator": lambda response, input: response.strip() == "1+1=3" and all(c not in input for c in ["1", "3"])
"title": "第4题 回文协变",
"description": "请输入一个本身不是回文串的问题,使正着问和倒着问的时候,模型的回答本身不回文且也是逆序的关系。",
"validator": lambda response, input: validate_palindrome_inverse(input, response)
"name": "第四章 无人之境",
"problems": [
"title": "第1题 循环往复",
"description": "请构造一个问题A,它的回复是不同于A的B,然后以B提问能再次得到A.",
"validator": lambda response, input: validate_reciprocal_question(input, response)
"title": "第2题 惜字如金",
"description": "请输入一个字的问题,使模型的回答在16个字以内。",
"validator": lambda response, input: len(input) == 1 and len(response) <= 16
"title": "第3题 自然之密",
"description": "请输入一个大于一的正整数作为问题,使回答里包含和它刚好相差1的数。",
"validator": lambda response, input: input.isdigit() and int(input) > 1 and any(abs(int(num) - int(input)) == 1 for num in re.findall(r'\d+', response))
def get_problem(challenge_idx, problem_idx):
problems = challenges[challenge_idx]['problems']
return problems[problem_idx]
def update_challenge_info(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index):
return get_problem(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index)["description"]
def update_question_info(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index):
global challenges
current_chapter = challenges[current_chapter_index]
challenge = get_problem(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index)
question_info = f"""\n<center><font size=4>{current_chapter["name"]}</center>\n\n <center><font size=3>{challenge["title"]}</center>"""
return question_info
def validate_challenge(response, input, state):
print('in validate_challenge')
assert 'current_chapter_index' in state, 'current_chapter_index not found in state'
assert 'current_challenge_index' in state, 'current_challenge_index not found in state'
current_chapter_index = state['current_chapter_index']
current_challenge_index = state['current_challenge_index']
# 获取当前章节
current_chapter = challenges[current_chapter_index]
# 获取当前挑战
challenge = current_chapter["problems"][current_challenge_index]
if challenge["validator"](response, input):
challenge_result = "挑战成功!进入下一关。"
# 检查是否还有更多挑战在当前章节
if current_challenge_index < len(current_chapter["problems"]) - 1:
# 移动到当前章节的下一个挑战
current_challenge_index += 1
# 如果当前章节的挑战已经完成,移动到下一个章节
current_challenge_index = 0
if current_chapter_index < len(challenges) - 1:
current_chapter_index += 1
challenge_result = "所有挑战完成!"
challenge_result = "挑战失败,请再试一次。"
state['current_chapter_index'] = current_chapter_index
state['current_challenge_index'] = current_challenge_index
print('update state: ', state)
return challenge_result, \
update_question_info(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index), \
update_challenge_info(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index)
def generate_response(input):
messages = [{'role': 'system', 'content': """You are a helpful assistant."""},
{'role': 'user', 'content': input}]
response =
# set the random seed, optional, default to 1234 if not set
seed=random.randint(1, 10000),
result_format='message', # set the result to be "message" format.
top_p = 0.8
if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK:
return response.output.choices[0].message.content
def on_submit(input, state):
response = generate_response(input)
history = [(input,response)]
challenge_result, question_info, challenge_info = validate_challenge(response, input, state)
print('validate_challenge done')
return challenge_result, history, question_info, challenge_info
# Gradio界面构建
block = gr.Blocks()
with block as demo:
state = gr.State(dict(current_challenge_index=0,
current_chapter_index = 0
current_challenge_index = 0
gr.Markdown("""<center><font size=6>完蛋!我被LLM包围了!</center>""")
gr.Markdown("""<font size=3>欢迎来玩LLM Riddles复刻版:完蛋!我被LLM包围了!
question_info = gr.Markdown(update_question_info(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index))
challenge_info = gr.Textbox(value=update_challenge_info(current_chapter_index, current_challenge_index), label="当前挑战", disabled=True)
challenge_result = gr.Textbox(label="挑战结果", disabled=True)
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(lines=8, label='Qwen-max', elem_classes="control-height")
message = gr.Textbox(lines=2, label='输入')
with gr.Row():
submit = gr.Button("🚀 发送"), inputs=[message, state], outputs=[challenge_result, chatbot, question_info, challenge_info])
demo.queue().launch(height=800, share=False) |