import os import pandas as pd import as px import gradio as gr import urllib.parse import plotly.graph_objects as go import numpy as np def read_google_sheet(sheet_id, sheet_name): # URL encode the sheet name encoded_sheet_name = urllib.parse.quote(sheet_name) # Construct the base URL base_url = f"{sheet_id}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={encoded_sheet_name}" try: # Read the sheet into a pandas DataFrame df = pd.read_csv(base_url) return df except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") return None # Function to generate tick values and labels def log2_ticks(values): min_val, max_val = np.floor(values.min()), np.ceil(values.max()) print(max_val, min_val) tick_vals = np.arange(min_val, max_val+1) tick_text = [f"{2**val:.0f}" for val in tick_vals] return tick_vals, tick_text # Load data sheet_id = "1g07tdGf9ocOZ8XZgLGepI5Q4u6ZH961J0T9O9P64rYw" sheet_names = [f"{i} node" if i == 1 else f"{i} nodes" for i in [1, 8]] df = pd.concat([read_google_sheet(sheet_id, sheet_name) for sheet_name in sheet_names]) df = df.rename(columns={"micro_batch_size":"mbs", "batch_accumulation_per_replica": "gradacc"}) df["tok/s/gpu"] = df["tok/s/gpu"].replace(-1, 0) df["throughput"] = df["tok/s/gpu"]*df["nnodes"]*8 def get_figure(nodes, hide_nans): # Create a temporary DataFrame with only the rows where nnodes is 8 df_tmp = df[df["nnodes"]==nodes].reset_index(drop=True) if hide_nans: df_tmp = df_tmp.dropna() # Apply log2 scale to all columns except throughput log_columns = ['dp', 'tp', 'pp', 'mbs', 'gradacc'] for col in log_columns: df_tmp[f'log_{col}'] = np.log2(df_tmp[col]) # Generate dimensions list dimensions = [] for col in log_columns: ticks, labels = log2_ticks(df_tmp[f'log_{col}']) dimensions.append( dict(range = [df_tmp[f'log_{col}'].min(), df_tmp[f'log_{col}'].max()], label = col, values = df_tmp[f'log_{col}'], tickvals = ticks, ticktext = labels) ) # Add throughput dimension (not log-scaled) dimensions.append( dict(range = [df_tmp['throughput'].min(), df_tmp['throughput'].max()], label = 'throughput', values = df_tmp['throughput']) ) fig = go.Figure(data= go.Parcoords( line = dict(color = df_tmp['throughput'], colorscale = 'GnBu', showscale = True, cmin = df_tmp['throughput'].min(), cmax = df_tmp['throughput'].max()), dimensions = dimensions ) ) # Update the layout if needed fig.update_layout( title = "3D parallel setup throughput ", plot_bgcolor = 'white', paper_bgcolor = 'white' ) return fig with gr.Blocks() as demo: title = gr.Markdown("# 3D parallel benchmark") with gr.Row(): nnodes = gr.Dropdown(choices=[1, 8], label="Number of nodes", value=8) hide_nan = gr.Dropdown(choices=[False, True], label="Hide NaNs", value=False) plot = gr.Plot() demo.load(get_figure, [nnodes, hide_nan], [plot]) nnodes.change(get_figure, [nnodes, hide_nan], [plot]) hide_nan.change(get_figure, [nnodes, hide_nan], [plot]) demo.launch(show_api=False)