# For every public header, build a translation unit containing `#include
` # to let the compiler try to figure out warnings in that header if it is not otherwise # included in tests, and also to verify if the headers are modular enough. # .inl files are not globbed for, because they are not supposed to be used as public # entrypoints. foreach(thrust_target IN LISTS THRUST_TARGETS) thrust_get_target_property(config_host ${thrust_target} HOST) thrust_get_target_property(config_device ${thrust_target} DEVICE) thrust_get_target_property(config_prefix ${thrust_target} PREFIX) string(TOLOWER "${config_host}" host_lower) string(TOLOWER "${config_device}" device_lower) # GLOB ALL THE THINGS set(headers_globs thrust/*.h) set(headers_exclude_systems_globs thrust/system/*/*) set(headers_systems_globs thrust/system/${host_lower}/* thrust/system/${device_lower}/* ) set(headers_exclude_details_globs thrust/detail/* thrust/*/detail/* thrust/*/*/detail/* ) # Get all .h files... file(GLOB_RECURSE headers RELATIVE "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/thrust" CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${headers_globs} ) # ...then remove all system specific headers... file(GLOB_RECURSE headers_exclude_systems RELATIVE "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/thrust" CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${headers_exclude_systems_globs} ) list(REMOVE_ITEM headers ${headers_exclude_systems}) # ...then add all headers specific to the selected host and device systems back again... file(GLOB_RECURSE headers_systems RELATIVE ${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/thrust CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${headers_systems_globs} ) list(APPEND headers ${headers_systems}) # ...and remove all the detail headers (also removing the detail headers from the selected systems). file(GLOB_RECURSE headers_exclude_details RELATIVE "${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/thrust" CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${headers_exclude_details_globs} ) list(REMOVE_ITEM headers ${headers_exclude_details}) # List of headers that aren't implemented for all backends, but are implemented for CUDA. set(partially_implemented_CUDA async/copy.h async/for_each.h async/reduce.h async/sort.h async/transform.h event.h future.h ) # List of headers that aren't implemented for all backends, but are implemented for CPP. set(partially_implemented_CPP ) # List of headers that aren't implemented for all backends, but are implemented for TBB. set(partially_implemented_TBB ) # List of headers that aren't implemented for all backends, but are implemented for OMP. set(partially_implemented_OMP ) # List of all partially implemented headers. set(partially_implemented ${partially_implemented_CUDA} ${partially_implemented_CPP} ${partially_implemented_TBB} ${partially_implemented_OMP} ) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES partially_implemented) set(headertest_srcs) foreach (header IN LISTS headers) if ("${header}" IN_LIST partially_implemented) # This header is partially implemented on _some_ backends... if (NOT "${header}" IN_LIST partially_implemented_${config_device}) # ...but not on the selected one. continue() endif() endif() set(headertest_src_ext .cpp) if ("CUDA" STREQUAL "${config_device}") set(headertest_src_ext .cu) endif() set(headertest_src "headers/${config_prefix}/${header}${headertest_src_ext}") configure_file("${Thrust_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/header_test.in" "${headertest_src}") list(APPEND headertest_srcs "${headertest_src}") endforeach() set(headertest_target ${config_prefix}.headers) add_library(${headertest_target} OBJECT ${headertest_srcs}) target_link_libraries(${headertest_target} PUBLIC ${thrust_target}) thrust_clone_target_properties(${headertest_target} ${thrust_target}) add_dependencies(${config_prefix}.all ${headertest_target}) endforeach()