import torch import svgpathtools import math class Circle: def __init__(self, radius, center, stroke_width = torch.tensor(1.0), id = ''): self.radius = radius = center self.stroke_width = stroke_width = id class Ellipse: def __init__(self, radius, center, stroke_width = torch.tensor(1.0), id = ''): self.radius = radius = center self.stroke_width = stroke_width = id class Path: def __init__(self, num_control_points, points, is_closed, stroke_width = torch.tensor(1.0), id = '', use_distance_approx = False): self.num_control_points = num_control_points self.points = points self.is_closed = is_closed self.stroke_width = stroke_width = id self.use_distance_approx = use_distance_approx class Polygon: def __init__(self, points, is_closed, stroke_width = torch.tensor(1.0), id = ''): self.points = points self.is_closed = is_closed self.stroke_width = stroke_width = id class Rect: def __init__(self, p_min, p_max, stroke_width = torch.tensor(1.0), id = ''): self.p_min = p_min self.p_max = p_max self.stroke_width = stroke_width = id class ShapeGroup: def __init__(self, shape_ids, fill_color, use_even_odd_rule = True, stroke_color = None, shape_to_canvas = torch.eye(3), id = ''): self.shape_ids = shape_ids self.fill_color = fill_color self.use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule self.stroke_color = stroke_color self.shape_to_canvas = shape_to_canvas = id def from_svg_path(path_str, shape_to_canvas = torch.eye(3), force_close = False): path = svgpathtools.parse_path(path_str) if len(path) == 0: return [] ret_paths = [] subpaths = path.continuous_subpaths() for subpath in subpaths: if subpath.isclosed(): if len(subpath) > 1 and isinstance(subpath[-1], svgpathtools.Line) and subpath[-1].length() < 1e-5: subpath.remove(subpath[-1]) subpath[-1].end = subpath[0].start # Force closing the path subpath.end = subpath[-1].end assert(subpath.isclosed()) else: beg = subpath[0].start end = subpath[-1].end if abs(end - beg) < 1e-5: subpath[-1].end = beg # Force closing the path subpath.end = subpath[-1].end assert(subpath.isclosed()) elif force_close: subpath.append(svgpathtools.Line(end, beg)) subpath.end = subpath[-1].end assert(subpath.isclosed()) num_control_points = [] points = [] for i, e in enumerate(subpath): if i == 0: points.append((e.start.real, e.start.imag)) else: # Must begin from the end of previous segment assert(e.start.real == points[-1][0]) assert(e.start.imag == points[-1][1]) if isinstance(e, svgpathtools.Line): num_control_points.append(0) elif isinstance(e, svgpathtools.QuadraticBezier): num_control_points.append(1) points.append((e.control.real, e.control.imag)) elif isinstance(e, svgpathtools.CubicBezier): num_control_points.append(2) points.append((e.control1.real, e.control1.imag)) points.append((e.control2.real, e.control2.imag)) elif isinstance(e, svgpathtools.Arc): # Convert to Cubic curves # start = e.theta * math.pi / 180.0 stop = (e.theta + * math.pi / 180.0 sign = 1.0 if stop < start: sign = -1.0 epsilon = 0.00001 debug = abs( >= 90.0 while (sign * (stop - start) > epsilon): arc_to_draw = stop - start if arc_to_draw > 0.0: arc_to_draw = min(arc_to_draw, 0.5 * math.pi) else: arc_to_draw = max(arc_to_draw, -0.5 * math.pi) alpha = arc_to_draw / 2.0 cos_alpha = math.cos(alpha) sin_alpha = math.sin(alpha) cot_alpha = 1.0 / math.tan(alpha) phi = start + alpha cos_phi = math.cos(phi) sin_phi = math.sin(phi) lambda_ = (4.0 - cos_alpha) / 3.0 mu = sin_alpha + (cos_alpha - lambda_) * cot_alpha last = sign * (stop - (start + arc_to_draw)) <= epsilon num_control_points.append(2) rx = e.radius.real ry = e.radius.imag cx = cy = rot = e.phi * math.pi / 180.0 cos_rot = math.cos(rot) sin_rot = math.sin(rot) x = lambda_ * cos_phi + mu * sin_phi y = lambda_ * sin_phi - mu * cos_phi xx = x * cos_rot - y * sin_rot yy = x * sin_rot + y * cos_rot points.append((cx + rx * xx, cy + ry * yy)) x = lambda_ * cos_phi - mu * sin_phi y = lambda_ * sin_phi + mu * cos_phi xx = x * cos_rot - y * sin_rot yy = x * sin_rot + y * cos_rot points.append((cx + rx * xx, cy + ry * yy)) if not last: points.append((cx + rx * math.cos(rot + start + arc_to_draw), cy + ry * math.sin(rot + start + arc_to_draw))) start += arc_to_draw first = False if i != len(subpath) - 1: points.append((e.end.real, e.end.imag)) else: if subpath.isclosed(): # Must end at the beginning of first segment assert(e.end.real == points[0][0]) assert(e.end.imag == points[0][1]) else: points.append((e.end.real, e.end.imag)) points = torch.tensor(points) points =, torch.ones([points.shape[0], 1])), dim = 1) @ torch.transpose(shape_to_canvas, 0, 1) points = points / points[:, 2:3] points = points[:, :2].contiguous() ret_paths.append(Path(torch.tensor(num_control_points), points, subpath.isclosed())) return ret_paths