enable_language(CUDA) set(THRUST_KNOWN_COMPUTE_ARCHS 35 37 50 52 53 60 61 62 70 72 75 80) # Split CUDA_FLAGS into 3 parts: # # THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_BASE: Common CUDA flags for all targets. # THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_RDC: Additional CUDA flags for targets compiled with RDC. # THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_NO_RDC: Additional CUDA flags for targets compiled without RDC. # # This is necessary because CUDA SMs 5.3, 6.2, and 7.2 do not support RDC, but # we want to always build some targets (e.g. testing/cuda/*) with RDC. # We work around this by building the "always RDC" targets without support for # those SMs. This requires two sets of CUDA_FLAGS. # # Enabling any of those SMs along with the ENABLE_RDC options will result in a # configuration error. # # Because of how CMake handles the CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS variables, every target # generated in a given directory will use the same value for CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS, # which is determined at the end of the directory's scope. This means caution # should be used when trying to build different targets with different flags, # since they might not behave as expected. This will improve with CMake 3.18, # which add the DEVICE_LINK genex, fixing the issue with using per-target # CUDA_FLAGS: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/18265 set(THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_BASE "${CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS}") set(THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_RDC) set(THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_NO_RDC) # Archs that don't support RDC: set(no_rdc_archs 53 62 72) # Find the highest arch: list(SORT THRUST_KNOWN_COMPUTE_ARCHS) list(LENGTH THRUST_KNOWN_COMPUTE_ARCHS max_idx) math(EXPR max_idx "${max_idx} - 1") list(GET THRUST_KNOWN_COMPUTE_ARCHS ${max_idx} highest_arch) set(option_init OFF) if ("Feta" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID}") set(option_init ON) endif() option(THRUST_DISABLE_ARCH_BY_DEFAULT "If ON, then all CUDA architectures are disabled on the initial CMake run." ${option_init} ) set(option_init ON) if (THRUST_DISABLE_ARCH_BY_DEFAULT) set(option_init OFF) endif() set(num_archs_enabled 0) foreach (arch IN LISTS THRUST_KNOWN_COMPUTE_ARCHS) option(THRUST_ENABLE_COMPUTE_${arch} "Enable code generation for tests for sm_${arch}" ${option_init} ) if (NOT THRUST_ENABLE_COMPUTE_${arch}) continue() endif() math(EXPR num_archs_enabled "${num_archs_enabled} + 1") if ("Feta" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID}") if (NOT ${num_archs_enabled} EQUAL 1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Feta does not support compilation for multiple device architectures " "at once." ) endif() set(arch_flag "-gpu=cc${arch}") else() set(arch_flag "-gencode arch=compute_${arch},code=sm_${arch}") endif() string(APPEND COMPUTE_MESSAGE " sm_${arch}") string(APPEND THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_NO_RDC " ${arch_flag}") if (NOT arch IN_LIST no_rdc_archs) string(APPEND THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_RDC " ${arch_flag}") endif() endforeach() if (NOT "Feta" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID}") option(THRUST_ENABLE_COMPUTE_FUTURE "Enable code generation for tests for compute_${highest_arch}" ${option_init} ) if (THRUST_ENABLE_COMPUTE_FUTURE) string(APPEND THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_BASE " -gencode arch=compute_${highest_arch},code=compute_${highest_arch}" ) string(APPEND COMPUTE_MESSAGE " compute_${highest_arch}") endif() endif() message(STATUS "Thrust: Enabled CUDA architectures:${COMPUTE_MESSAGE}") # RDC is off by default in NVCC and on by default in Feta. Turning off RDC # isn't currently supported by Feta. So, we default to RDC off for NVCC and # RDC on for Feta. set(option_init OFF) if ("Feta" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID}") set(option_init ON) endif() option(THRUST_ENABLE_TESTS_WITH_RDC "Build all Thrust tests with RDC; tests that require RDC are not affected by this option." ${option_init} ) option(THRUST_ENABLE_EXAMPLES_WITH_RDC "Build all Thrust examples with RDC; examples which require RDC are not affected by this option." ${option_init} ) # Check for RDC/SM compatibility and error/warn if necessary foreach (sm IN LISTS no_rdc_archs) set(sm_opt THRUST_ENABLE_COMPUTE_${sm}) if (${sm_opt}) foreach (opt IN ITEMS TESTS EXAMPLES) set(rdc_opt THRUST_ENABLE_${opt}_WITH_RDC) if (${rdc_opt}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${rdc_opt} is incompatible with ${sm_opt}, since sm_${sm} does not " "support RDC." ) endif() endforeach() message(NOTICE "sm_${sm} does not support RDC. Targets that require RDC will be built " "without support for this architecture." ) endif() endforeach() # By default RDC is not used: set(CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS "${THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_BASE} ${THRUST_CUDA_FLAGS_NO_RDC}")