import torch import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import numpy as np import diffvg import os import pydiffvg import svgpathtools import svgpathtools.parser import re import warnings import cssutils import logging import matplotlib.colors cssutils.log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) def remove_namespaces(s): """ {...} ... -> ... """ return re.sub('{.*}', '', s) def parse_style(s, defs): style_dict = {} for e in s.split(';'): key_value = e.split(':') if len(key_value) == 2: key = key_value[0].strip() value = key_value[1].strip() if key == 'fill' or key == 'stroke': # Special case: convert colors into tensor in definitions so # that different shapes can share the same color value = parse_color(value, defs) style_dict[key] = value return style_dict def parse_hex(s): """ Hex to tuple """ s = s.lstrip('#') if len(s) == 3: s = s[0] + s[0] + s[1] + s[1] + s[2] + s[2] rgb = tuple(int(s[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4)) # sRGB to RGB # return torch.pow(torch.tensor([rgb[0] / 255.0, rgb[1] / 255.0, rgb[2] / 255.0]), 2.2) return torch.pow(torch.tensor([rgb[0] / 255.0, rgb[1] / 255.0, rgb[2] / 255.0]), 1.0) def parse_int(s): """ trim alphabets """ return int(float(''.join(i for i in s if (not i.isalpha())))) def parse_color(s, defs): if s is None: return None if isinstance(s, torch.Tensor): return s s = s.lstrip(' ') color = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) if s[0] == '#': color[:3] = parse_hex(s) elif s[:3] == 'url': # url(#id) color = defs[s[4:-1].lstrip('#')] elif s == 'none': color = None elif s[:4] == 'rgb(': rgb = s[4:-1].split(',') color = torch.tensor([int(rgb[0]) / 255.0, int(rgb[1]) / 255.0, int(rgb[2]) / 255.0, 1.0]) elif s == 'none': return None else: try : rgba = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(s) color = torch.tensor(rgba) except ValueError : warnings.warn('Unknown color command ' + s) return color # def _parse_transform_substr(transform_substr): type_str, value_str = transform_substr.split('(') value_str = value_str.replace(',', ' ') values = list(map(float, filter(None, value_str.split(' ')))) transform = np.identity(3) if 'matrix' in type_str: transform[0:2, 0:3] = np.array([values[0:6:2], values[1:6:2]]) elif 'translate' in transform_substr: transform[0, 2] = values[0] if len(values) > 1: transform[1, 2] = values[1] elif 'scale' in transform_substr: x_scale = values[0] y_scale = values[1] if (len(values) > 1) else x_scale transform[0, 0] = x_scale transform[1, 1] = y_scale elif 'rotate' in transform_substr: angle = values[0] * np.pi / 180.0 if len(values) == 3: offset = values[1:3] else: offset = (0, 0) tf_offset = np.identity(3) tf_offset[0:2, 2:3] = np.array([[offset[0]], [offset[1]]]) tf_rotate = np.identity(3) tf_rotate[0:2, 0:2] = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]) tf_offset_neg = np.identity(3) tf_offset_neg[0:2, 2:3] = np.array([[-offset[0]], [-offset[1]]]) transform = elif 'skewX' in transform_substr: transform[0, 1] = np.tan(values[0] * np.pi / 180.0) elif 'skewY' in transform_substr: transform[1, 0] = np.tan(values[0] * np.pi / 180.0) else: # Return an identity matrix if the type of transform is unknown, and warn the user warnings.warn('Unknown SVG transform type: {0}'.format(type_str)) return transform def parse_transform(transform_str): """ Converts a valid SVG transformation string into a 3x3 matrix. If the string is empty or null, this returns a 3x3 identity matrix """ if not transform_str: return np.identity(3) elif not isinstance(transform_str, str): raise TypeError('Must provide a string to parse') total_transform = np.identity(3) transform_substrs = transform_str.split(')')[:-1] # Skip the last element, because it should be empty for substr in transform_substrs: total_transform = return torch.from_numpy(total_transform).type(torch.float32) def parse_linear_gradient(node, transform, defs): begin = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]) end = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]) offsets = [] stop_colors = [] # Inherit from parent for key in node.attrib: if remove_namespaces(key) == 'href': value = node.attrib[key] parent = defs[value.lstrip('#')] begin = parent.begin end = parent.end offsets = parent.offsets stop_colors = parent.stop_colors for attrib in node.attrib: attrib = remove_namespaces(attrib) if attrib == 'x1': begin[0] = float(node.attrib['x1']) elif attrib == 'y1': begin[1] = float(node.attrib['y1']) elif attrib == 'x2': end[0] = float(node.attrib['x2']) elif attrib == 'y2': end[1] = float(node.attrib['y2']) elif attrib == 'gradientTransform': transform = transform @ parse_transform(node.attrib['gradientTransform']) begin = transform @, torch.ones([1]))) begin = begin / begin[2] begin = begin[:2] end = transform @, torch.ones([1]))) end = end / end[2] end = end[:2] for child in node: tag = remove_namespaces(child.tag) if tag == 'stop': offset = float(child.attrib['offset']) color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] if 'stop-color' in child.attrib: c = parse_color(child.attrib['stop-color'], defs) color[:3] = [c[0], c[1], c[2]] if 'stop-opacity' in child.attrib: color[3] = float(child.attrib['stop-opacity']) if 'style' in child.attrib: style = parse_style(child.attrib['style'], defs) if 'stop-color' in style: c = parse_color(style['stop-color'], defs) color[:3] = [c[0], c[1], c[2]] if 'stop-opacity' in style: color[3] = float(style['stop-opacity']) offsets.append(offset) stop_colors.append(color) if isinstance(offsets, list): offsets = torch.tensor(offsets) if isinstance(stop_colors, list): stop_colors = torch.tensor(stop_colors) return pydiffvg.LinearGradient(begin, end, offsets, stop_colors) def parse_radial_gradient(node, transform, defs): begin = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]) end = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]) center = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]) radius = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0]) offsets = [] stop_colors = [] # Inherit from parent for key in node.attrib: if remove_namespaces(key) == 'href': value = node.attrib[key] parent = defs[value.lstrip('#')] begin = parent.begin end = parent.end offsets = parent.offsets stop_colors = parent.stop_colors for attrib in node.attrib: attrib = remove_namespaces(attrib) if attrib == 'cx': center[0] = float(node.attrib['cx']) elif attrib == 'cy': center[1] = float(node.attrib['cy']) elif attrib == 'fx': radius[0] = float(node.attrib['fx']) elif attrib == 'fy': radius[1] = float(node.attrib['fy']) elif attrib == 'fr': radius[0] = float(node.attrib['fr']) radius[1] = float(node.attrib['fr']) elif attrib == 'gradientTransform': transform = transform @ parse_transform(node.attrib['gradientTransform']) # TODO: this is incorrect center = transform @, torch.ones([1]))) center = center / center[2] center = center[:2] for child in node: tag = remove_namespaces(child.tag) if tag == 'stop': offset = float(child.attrib['offset']) color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] if 'stop-color' in child.attrib: c = parse_color(child.attrib['stop-color'], defs) color[:3] = [c[0], c[1], c[2]] if 'stop-opacity' in child.attrib: color[3] = float(child.attrib['stop-opacity']) if 'style' in child.attrib: style = parse_style(child.attrib['style'], defs) if 'stop-color' in style: c = parse_color(style['stop-color'], defs) color[:3] = [c[0], c[1], c[2]] if 'stop-opacity' in style: color[3] = float(style['stop-opacity']) offsets.append(offset) stop_colors.append(color) if isinstance(offsets, list): offsets = torch.tensor(offsets) if isinstance(stop_colors, list): stop_colors = torch.tensor(stop_colors) return pydiffvg.RadialGradient(begin, end, offsets, stop_colors) def parse_stylesheet(node, transform, defs): # collect CSS classes sheet = cssutils.parseString(node.text) for rule in sheet: if hasattr(rule, 'selectorText') and hasattr(rule, 'style'): name = rule.selectorText if len(name) >= 2 and name[0] == '.': defs[name[1:]] = parse_style(, defs) return defs def parse_defs(node, transform, defs): for child in node: tag = remove_namespaces(child.tag) if tag == 'linearGradient': if 'id' in child.attrib: defs[child.attrib['id']] = parse_linear_gradient(child, transform, defs) elif tag == 'radialGradient': if 'id' in child.attrib: defs[child.attrib['id']] = parse_radial_gradient(child, transform, defs) elif tag == 'style': defs = parse_stylesheet(child, transform, defs) return defs def parse_common_attrib(node, transform, fill_color, defs): attribs = {} if 'class' in node.attrib: attribs.update(defs[node.attrib['class']]) attribs.update(node.attrib) name = '' if 'id' in node.attrib: name = node.attrib['id'] stroke_color = None stroke_width = torch.tensor(0.5) use_even_odd_rule = False new_transform = transform if 'transform' in attribs: new_transform = transform @ parse_transform(attribs['transform']) if 'fill' in attribs: fill_color = parse_color(attribs['fill'], defs) fill_opacity = 1.0 if 'fill-opacity' in attribs: fill_opacity *= float(attribs['fill-opacity']) if 'opacity' in attribs: fill_opacity *= float(attribs['opacity']) # Ignore opacity if the color is a gradient if isinstance(fill_color, torch.Tensor): fill_color[3] = fill_opacity if 'fill-rule' in attribs: if attribs['fill-rule'] == "evenodd": use_even_odd_rule = True elif attribs['fill-rule'] == "nonzero": use_even_odd_rule = False else: warnings.warn('Unknown fill-rule: {}'.format(attribs['fill-rule'])) if 'stroke' in attribs: stroke_color = parse_color(attribs['stroke'], defs) if 'stroke-width' in attribs: stroke_width = attribs['stroke-width'] if stroke_width[-2:] == 'px': stroke_width = stroke_width[:-2] stroke_width = torch.tensor(float(stroke_width) / 2.0) if 'style' in attribs: style = parse_style(attribs['style'], defs) if 'fill' in style: fill_color = parse_color(style['fill'], defs) fill_opacity = 1.0 if 'fill-opacity' in style: fill_opacity *= float(style['fill-opacity']) if 'opacity' in style: fill_opacity *= float(style['opacity']) if 'fill-rule' in style: if style['fill-rule'] == "evenodd": use_even_odd_rule = True elif style['fill-rule'] == "nonzero": use_even_odd_rule = False else: warnings.warn('Unknown fill-rule: {}'.format(style['fill-rule'])) # Ignore opacity if the color is a gradient if isinstance(fill_color, torch.Tensor): fill_color[3] = fill_opacity if 'stroke' in style: if style['stroke'] != 'none': stroke_color = parse_color(style['stroke'], defs) # Ignore opacity if the color is a gradient if isinstance(stroke_color, torch.Tensor): if 'stroke-opacity' in style: stroke_color[3] = float(style['stroke-opacity']) if 'opacity' in style: stroke_color[3] *= float(style['opacity']) if 'stroke-width' in style: stroke_width = style['stroke-width'] if stroke_width[-2:] == 'px': stroke_width = stroke_width[:-2] stroke_width = torch.tensor(float(stroke_width) / 2.0) if isinstance(fill_color, pydiffvg.LinearGradient): fill_color.begin = new_transform @, torch.ones([1]))) fill_color.begin = fill_color.begin / fill_color.begin[2] fill_color.begin = fill_color.begin[:2] fill_color.end = new_transform @, torch.ones([1]))) fill_color.end = fill_color.end / fill_color.end[2] fill_color.end = fill_color.end[:2] if isinstance(stroke_color, pydiffvg.LinearGradient): stroke_color.begin = new_transform @, torch.ones([1]))) stroke_color.begin = stroke_color.begin / stroke_color.begin[2] stroke_color.begin = stroke_color.begin[:2] stroke_color.end = new_transform @, torch.ones([1]))) stroke_color.end = stroke_color.end / stroke_color.end[2] stroke_color.end = stroke_color.end[:2] if 'filter' in style: print('*** WARNING ***: Ignoring filter for path with id "{}"'.format(name)) return new_transform, fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width, use_even_odd_rule def is_shape(tag): return tag == 'path' or tag == 'polygon' or tag == 'line' or tag == 'circle' or tag == 'rect' def parse_shape(node, transform, fill_color, shapes, shape_groups, defs): tag = remove_namespaces(node.tag) new_transform, new_fill_color, stroke_color, stroke_width, use_even_odd_rule = \ parse_common_attrib(node, transform, fill_color, defs) if tag == 'path': d = node.attrib['d'] name = '' if 'id' in node.attrib: name = node.attrib['id'] force_closing = new_fill_color is not None paths = pydiffvg.from_svg_path(d, new_transform, force_closing) for idx, path in enumerate(paths): assert(path.points.shape[1] == 2) path.stroke_width = stroke_width path.source_id = name = "{}-{}".format(name,idx) if len(paths)>1 else name prev_shapes_size = len(shapes) shapes = shapes + paths shape_ids = torch.tensor(list(range(prev_shapes_size, len(shapes)))) shape_groups.append(pydiffvg.ShapeGroup(\ shape_ids = shape_ids, fill_color = new_fill_color, stroke_color = stroke_color, use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule, id = name)) elif tag == 'polygon': name = '' if 'id' in node.attrib: name = node.attrib['id'] force_closing = new_fill_color is not None pts = node.attrib['points'].strip() pts = pts.split(' ') # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() pts = [[float(y) for y in re.split(',| ', x)] for x in pts if x] pts = torch.tensor(pts, dtype=torch.float32).view(-1, 2) polygon = pydiffvg.Polygon(pts, force_closing) polygon.stroke_width = stroke_width shape_ids = torch.tensor([len(shapes)]) shapes.append(polygon) shape_groups.append(pydiffvg.ShapeGroup(\ shape_ids = shape_ids, fill_color = new_fill_color, stroke_color = stroke_color, use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule, shape_to_canvas = new_transform, id = name)) elif tag == 'line': x1 = float(node.attrib['x1']) y1 = float(node.attrib['y1']) x2 = float(node.attrib['x2']) y2 = float(node.attrib['y2']) p1 = torch.tensor([x1, y1]) p2 = torch.tensor([x2, y2]) points = torch.stack((p1, p2)) line = pydiffvg.Polygon(points, False) line.stroke_width = stroke_width shape_ids = torch.tensor([len(shapes)]) shapes.append(line) shape_groups.append(pydiffvg.ShapeGroup(\ shape_ids = shape_ids, fill_color = new_fill_color, stroke_color = stroke_color, use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule, shape_to_canvas = new_transform)) elif tag == 'circle': radius = float(node.attrib['r']) cx = float(node.attrib['cx']) cy = float(node.attrib['cy']) name = '' if 'id' in node.attrib: name = node.attrib['id'] center = torch.tensor([cx, cy]) circle = pydiffvg.Circle(radius = torch.tensor(radius), center = center) circle.stroke_width = stroke_width shape_ids = torch.tensor([len(shapes)]) shapes.append(circle) shape_groups.append(pydiffvg.ShapeGroup(\ shape_ids = shape_ids, fill_color = new_fill_color, stroke_color = stroke_color, use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule, shape_to_canvas = new_transform)) elif tag == 'ellipse': rx = float(node.attrib['rx']) ry = float(node.attrib['ry']) cx = float(node.attrib['cx']) cy = float(node.attrib['cy']) name = '' if 'id' in node.attrib: name = node.attrib['id'] center = torch.tensor([cx, cy]) circle = pydiffvg.Circle(radius = torch.tensor(radius), center = center) circle.stroke_width = stroke_width shape_ids = torch.tensor([len(shapes)]) shapes.append(circle) shape_groups.append(pydiffvg.ShapeGroup(\ shape_ids = shape_ids, fill_color = new_fill_color, stroke_color = stroke_color, use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule, shape_to_canvas = new_transform)) elif tag == 'rect': x = 0.0 y = 0.0 if x in node.attrib: x = float(node.attrib['x']) if y in node.attrib: y = float(node.attrib['y']) w = float(node.attrib['width']) h = float(node.attrib['height']) p_min = torch.tensor([x, y]) p_max = torch.tensor([x + w, x + h]) rect = pydiffvg.Rect(p_min = p_min, p_max = p_max) rect.stroke_width = stroke_width shape_ids = torch.tensor([len(shapes)]) shapes.append(rect) shape_groups.append(pydiffvg.ShapeGroup(\ shape_ids = shape_ids, fill_color = new_fill_color, stroke_color = stroke_color, use_even_odd_rule = use_even_odd_rule, shape_to_canvas = new_transform)) return shapes, shape_groups def parse_group(node, transform, fill_color, shapes, shape_groups, defs): if 'transform' in node.attrib: transform = transform @ parse_transform(node.attrib['transform']) if 'fill' in node.attrib: fill_color = parse_color(node.attrib['fill'], defs) for child in node: tag = remove_namespaces(child.tag) if is_shape(tag): shapes, shape_groups = parse_shape(\ child, transform, fill_color, shapes, shape_groups, defs) elif tag == 'g': shapes, shape_groups = parse_group(\ child, transform, fill_color, shapes, shape_groups, defs) return shapes, shape_groups def parse_scene(node): canvas_width = -1 canvas_height = -1 defs = {} shapes = [] shape_groups = [] fill_color = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) transform = torch.eye(3) if 'viewBox' in node.attrib: view_box_array = node.attrib['viewBox'].split() canvas_width = parse_int(view_box_array[2]) canvas_height = parse_int(view_box_array[3]) else: if 'width' in node.attrib: canvas_width = parse_int(node.attrib['width']) else: print('Warning: Can\'t find canvas width.') if 'height' in node.attrib: canvas_height = parse_int(node.attrib['height']) else: print('Warning: Can\'t find canvas height.') for child in node: tag = remove_namespaces(child.tag) if tag == 'defs': defs = parse_defs(child, transform, defs) elif tag == 'style': defs = parse_stylesheet(child, transform, defs) elif tag == 'linearGradient': if 'id' in child.attrib: defs[child.attrib['id']] = parse_linear_gradient(child, transform, defs) elif tag == 'radialGradient': if 'id' in child.attrib: defs[child.attrib['id']] = parse_radial_gradient(child, transform, defs) elif is_shape(tag): shapes, shape_groups = parse_shape(\ child, transform, fill_color, shapes, shape_groups, defs) elif tag == 'g': shapes, shape_groups = parse_group(\ child, transform, fill_color, shapes, shape_groups, defs) return canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups def svg_to_scene(filename): """ Load from a SVG file and convert to PyTorch tensors. """ tree = etree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() cwd = os.getcwd() if (os.path.dirname(filename) != ''): os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filename)) ret = parse_scene(root) os.chdir(cwd) return ret