''' Convert Google Code .wiki files into .tex formatted files. Output is designed to be included within a larger TeX project, it is not standalone. ''' import sys import re import codecs print(sys.argv) ''' A "rule" is a begin tag, an end tag, and how to reformat the inner text (function) ''' def encase(pre, post, strip=False): """Return a function that prepends pre and postpends post""" def f(txt): if strip: return pre + txt.strip() + post else: return pre + txt + post return f def constant(text): def f(txt): return text return f def encase_with_rules(pre, post, rules, strip=False): def f(txt): if strip: return pre + apply_rules(txt, rules).strip() + post else: return pre + apply_rules(txt, rules) + post return f def encase_escape_underscore(pre, post): def f(txt): txt = sub(r'_', r'\_', txt) return pre + txt + post return f def sub(pat, repl, txt): """Substitute in repl for pat in txt, txt can be multiple lines""" return re.compile(pat, re.MULTILINE).sub(repl, txt) def process_list(rules): def f(txt): txt = ' *' + txt # was removed to match begin tag of list res = '\\begin{itemize}\n' for ln in txt.split('\n'): # Convert " *" to "\item " ln = sub(r'^ \*', r'\\item ', ln) res += apply_rules(ln, rules) + '\n' res += '\\end{itemize}\n' return res return f def process_link(rules): def f(txt): lst = txt.split(' ') lnk = lst[0] desc = apply_rules(' '.join(lst[1:]), rules) if lnk[:7] == 'http://': desc = apply_rules(' '.join(lst[1:]), rules) return r'\href{' + lnk + r'}{' + desc + r'}' if len(lst) > 1: return r'\href{}{' + desc + r'}' return r'\href{}{' + lnk + r'}' return f # Some rules can be used inside some other rules (backticks in section names) link_rules = [ ['_', '', constant(r'\_')], ] section_rules = [ ['`', '`', encase_escape_underscore(r'\texttt{', r'}')], ] item_rules = [ ['`', '`', encase(r'\verb|', r'|')], ['[', ']', process_link(link_rules)], ] # Main rules for Latex formatting rules = [ ['{{{', '}}}', encase(r'\begin{lstlisting}[language=c++]', r'\end{lstlisting}')], ['[', ']', process_link(link_rules)], [' *', '\n\n', process_list(item_rules)], ['"', '"', encase("``", "''")], ['`', '`', encase(r'\verb|', r'|')], ['*', '*', encase(r'\emph{', r'}')], ['_', '_', encase(r'\emph{', r'}')], ['==', '==', encase_with_rules(r'\section{', r'}', section_rules, True)], ['=', '=', encase_with_rules(r'\chapter{', r'}', section_rules, True)], ['(e.g. f(x) -> y and f(x,y) -> ', 'z)', constant(r'(e.g. $f(x)\to y$ and $f(x,y)\to z$)')], ] def match_rules(txt, rules): """Find rule that first matches in txt""" # Find first begin tag first_begin_loc = 10e100 matching_rule = None for rule in rules: begin_tag, end_tag, func = rule loc = txt.find(begin_tag) if loc > -1 and loc < first_begin_loc: first_begin_loc = loc matching_rule = rule return (matching_rule, first_begin_loc) def apply_rules(txt, rules): """Apply set of rules to give txt, return transformed version of txt""" matching_rule, first_begin_loc = match_rules(txt, rules) if matching_rule is None: return txt begin_tag, end_tag, func = matching_rule end_loc = txt.find(end_tag, first_begin_loc + 1) if end_loc == -1: sys.exit('Could not find end tag {0} after position {1}'.format(end_tag, first_begin_loc + 1)) inner_txt = txt[first_begin_loc + len(begin_tag) : end_loc] # Copy characters up until begin tag # Then have output of rule function on inner text new_txt_start = txt[:first_begin_loc] + func(inner_txt) # Follow with the remaining processed text remaining_txt = txt[end_loc + len(end_tag):] return new_txt_start + apply_rules(remaining_txt, rules) def split_sections(contents): """Given one string of all file contents, return list of sections Return format is list of pairs, each pair has section title and list of lines. Result is ordered as the original input. """ res = [] cur_section = '' section = [] for ln in contents.split('\n'): if len(ln) > 0 and ln[0] == '=': # remove = formatting from line section_title = sub(r'^\=+ (.*) \=+', r'\1', ln) res.append((cur_section, section)) cur_section = section_title section = [ln] else: section.append(ln) res.append((cur_section, section)) return res def filter_sections(splitinput, removelst): """Take split input and remove sections in removelst""" res = [] for sectname, sectcontents in splitinput: if sectname in removelst: pass else: res.extend(sectcontents) # convert to single string for output return '\n'.join(res) def main(): infile = codecs.open(sys.argv[1], encoding='utf-8') outfile = codecs.open(sys.argv[2], mode='w', encoding='utf-8') contents = infile.read() # Remove first three lines contents = '\n'.join(contents.split('\n')[3:]) # Split sections and filter out some of them sections = split_sections(contents) contents = filter_sections(sections, ['Introduction', 'Prerequisites', 'Simple Example']) # Convert to latex format contents = apply_rules(contents, rules) infile.close() outfile.write(contents) outfile.close() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())