Directions for compiling and running the benchmark with Ubuntu Linux: Install Intel's Threading Building Blocks library (TBB): $ sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev Compile the benchmark: $ nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_20 -ltbb -o bench Run the benchmark: $ ./bench Typical output (Tesla C2050): Benchmarking with input size 33554432 Core Primitive Performance (elements per second) Algorithm, STL, TBB, Thrust reduce, 3121746688, 3739585536, 26134038528 transform, 1869492736, 2347719424, 13804681216 scan, 1394143744, 1439394816, 5039195648 sort, 11070660, 34622352, 673543168 Sorting Performance (keys per second) Type, STL, TBB, Thrust char, 24050078, 62987040, 2798874368 short, 15644141, 41275164, 1428603008 int, 11062616, 33478628, 682295744 long, 11249874, 33972564, 219719184 float, 9850043, 29011806, 692407232 double, 9700181, 27153626, 224345568 The reported numbers are performance rates in "elements per second" (higher is better).