import sys import time import os import subprocess # nosec - disable B404:import-subprocess check import csv import json import shutil import platform from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict ROOT = Path(__file__).parents[1] NOTEBOOKS_DIR = Path("notebooks") class NotebookStatus: SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" FAILED = "FAILED" TIMEOUT = "TIMEOUT" SKIPPED = "SKIPPED" NOT_RUN = "NOT_RUN" EMPTY = "EMPTY" class NotebookReport(TypedDict): status: str path: Path duration: float = 0 TestPlan = Dict[Path, NotebookReport] def parse_arguments(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--ignore_list", required=False, nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--test_list", required=False, nargs="+") parser.add_argument("--early_stop", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--report_dir", default="report") parser.add_argument("--keep_artifacts", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--collect_reports", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--move_notebooks_dir") parser.add_argument("--job_name") parser.add_argument("--device_used") parser.add_argument("--upload_to_db") parser.add_argument( "--timeout", type=int, default=7200, help="Timeout for running single notebook in seconds", ) return parser.parse_args() def move_notebooks(nb_dir): current_notebooks_dir = ROOT / NOTEBOOKS_DIR shutil.copytree(current_notebooks_dir, nb_dir) def collect_python_packages(output_file: Path): reqs = subprocess.check_output( [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "freeze"], shell=(platform.system() == "Windows"), ) with"wb") as f: f.write(reqs) def prepare_test_plan(test_list: Optional[List[str]], ignore_list: List[str], nb_dir: Optional[Path] = None) -> TestPlan: orig_nb_dir = ROOT / NOTEBOOKS_DIR notebooks_dir = nb_dir or orig_nb_dir notebooks: List[Path] = sorted(list([n for n in notebooks_dir.rglob("**/*.ipynb") if not"test_")])) test_plan: TestPlan = {notebook.relative_to(notebooks_dir): NotebookReport(status="", path=notebook, duration=0) for notebook in notebooks} ignored_notebooks: List[Path] = [] if ignore_list is not None: for ignore_item in ignore_list: if ignore_item.endswith(".txt"): # Paths to ignore files are provided to `--ignore_list` argument with open(ignore_item, "r") as f: ignored_notebooks.extend(list(map(lambda line: Path(line.strip()), f.readlines()))) else: # Ignored notebooks are provided as several items to `--ignore_list` argument ignored_notebooks.append(Path(ignore_item)) try: ignored_notebooks = list(set(map(lambda n: n.relative_to(NOTEBOOKS_DIR), ignored_notebooks))) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"Ignore list items should be relative to repo root (e.g. 'notebooks/subdir/notebook.ipynb').\nInvalid ignored notebooks: {ignored_notebooks}" ) print(f"Ignored notebooks: {ignored_notebooks}") testing_notebooks: List[Path] = [] if not test_list: testing_notebooks = [Path(n) for n in test_plan.keys()] elif len(test_list) == 1 and test_list[0].endswith(".txt"): with open(test_list[0], "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): changed_file_path = Path(line.strip()) if changed_file_path.resolve() == (ROOT / "requirements.txt").resolve(): print("requirements.txt changed, check all notebooks") testing_notebooks = [Path(n) for n in test_plan.keys()] break if changed_file_path.suffix != ".ipynb": continue try: testing_notebook_path = changed_file_path.relative_to(NOTEBOOKS_DIR) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Items in test list file should be relative to repo root (e.g. 'notebooks/subdir/notebook.ipynb').\n" f"Invalid line: {changed_file_path}" ) testing_notebooks.append(testing_notebook_path) else: raise ValueError( "Testing notebooks should be provided to '--test_list' argument as a txt file or should be empty to test all notebooks.\n" f"Received test list: {test_list}" ) testing_notebooks = list(set(testing_notebooks)) print(f"Testing notebooks: {testing_notebooks}") for notebook in test_plan: if notebook not in testing_notebooks: test_plan[notebook]["status"] = NotebookStatus.SKIPPED if notebook in ignored_notebooks: test_plan[notebook]["status"] = NotebookStatus.SKIPPED return test_plan def clean_test_artifacts(before_test_files: List[Path], after_test_files: List[Path]): for file_path in after_test_files: if file_path in before_test_files or not file_path.exists(): continue if file_path.is_file(): try: file_path.unlink() except Exception: pass else: shutil.rmtree(file_path, ignore_errors=True) def get_openvino_version() -> str: try: import openvino as ov version = ov.get_version() except ImportError: print("Openvino is missing in validation environment.") version = "Openvino is missing" return version def run_test(notebook_path: Path, root, timeout=7200, keep_artifacts=False, report_dir=".") -> Optional[Tuple[str, int, float, str, str]]: os.environ["HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE"] = str(notebook_path.parent) print(f"RUN {notebook_path.relative_to(root)}", flush=True) result = None if notebook_path.is_dir(): print(f'Notebook path "{notebook_path}" is a directory, but path to "*.ipynb" file was expected.') return result if notebook_path.suffix != ".ipynb": print(f'Notebook path "{notebook_path}" should have "*.ipynb" extension.') return result with cd(notebook_path.parent): files_before_test = sorted(Path(".").iterdir()) ov_version_before = get_openvino_version() patched_notebook = Path(f"test_{}") if not patched_notebook.exists(): print(f'Patched notebook "{patched_notebook}" does not exist.') return result collect_python_packages(report_dir / (patched_notebook.stem + "_env_before.txt")) main_command = [sys.executable, "-m", "treon", str(patched_notebook)] start = time.perf_counter() try: retcode = main_command, shell=(platform.system() == "Windows"), timeout=timeout, ).returncode except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: retcode = -42 duration = time.perf_counter() - start ov_version_after = get_openvino_version() result = (str(patched_notebook), retcode, duration, ov_version_before, ov_version_after) if not keep_artifacts: clean_test_artifacts(files_before_test, sorted(Path(".").iterdir())) collect_python_packages(report_dir / (patched_notebook.stem + "_env_after.txt")) return result def finalize_status(failed_notebooks: List[str], timeout_notebooks: List[str], test_plan: TestPlan, report_dir: Path, root: Path) -> int: return_status = 0 if failed_notebooks: return_status = 1 print("FAILED: \n{}".format("\n".join(failed_notebooks))) if timeout_notebooks: print("FAILED BY TIMEOUT: \n{}".format("\n".join(timeout_notebooks))) test_report = [] for notebook, status in test_plan.items(): test_status = status["status"] or NotebookStatus.NOT_RUN test_report.append( {"name": notebook.as_posix(), "status": test_status, "full_path": str(status["path"].relative_to(root)), "duration": status["duration"]} ) with (report_dir / "test_report.csv").open("w") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=["name", "status", "full_path", "duration"]) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(test_report) return return_status class cd: """Context manager for changing the current working directory""" def __init__(self, new_path): self.new_path = os.path.expanduser(new_path) def __enter__(self): self.saved_path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.new_path) def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback): os.chdir(self.saved_path) def write_single_notebook_report( base_version: str, notebook_name: str, status_code: int, duration: float, ov_version_before: str, ov_version_after: str, job_name: str, device_used: str, saving_dir: Path, ) -> Path: report_file = saving_dir / notebook_name.replace(".ipynb", ".json") report = { "version": base_version, "notebook_name": notebook_name.replace("test_", ""), "status": status_code, "duration": duration, "ov_version_before": ov_version_before, "ov_version_after": ov_version_after, "job_name": job_name, "device_used": device_used, } with"w") as f: json.dump(report, f) return report_file def main(): failed_notebooks = [] timeout_notebooks = [] args = parse_arguments() reports_dir = Path(args.report_dir) reports_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) notebooks_moving_dir = args.move_notebooks_dir root = ROOT if notebooks_moving_dir is not None: notebooks_moving_dir = Path(notebooks_moving_dir) root = notebooks_moving_dir.parent move_notebooks(notebooks_moving_dir) keep_artifacts = False if args.keep_artifacts: keep_artifacts = True base_version = get_openvino_version() test_plan = prepare_test_plan(args.test_list, args.ignore_list, notebooks_moving_dir) for notebook, report in test_plan.items(): if report["status"] == NotebookStatus.SKIPPED: continue test_result = run_test(report["path"], root, args.timeout, keep_artifacts, reports_dir.absolute()) timing = 0 if not test_result: print(f'Testing notebooks "{str(notebook)}" is not found.') report["status"] = NotebookStatus.EMPTY report["duration"] = timing else: patched_notebook, status_code, duration, ov_version_before, ov_version_after = test_result if status_code: if status_code == -42: status = NotebookStatus.TIMEOUT timeout_notebooks.append(patched_notebook) else: status = NotebookStatus.FAILED failed_notebooks.append(patched_notebook) report["status"] = status else: report["status"] = NotebookStatus.SUCCESS if not report["status"] in [NotebookStatus.TIMEOUT, NotebookStatus.FAILED] else report["status"] timing += duration report["duration"] = timing if args.collect_reports: job_name = args.job_name or "Unknown" device_used = args.device_used or "Unknown" report_path = write_single_notebook_report( base_version, patched_notebook, status_code, duration, ov_version_before, ov_version_after, job_name, device_used, reports_dir ) if args.upload_to_db: cmd = [sys.executable, args.upload_to_db, report_path] print(f"\nUploading {report_path} to database. CMD: {cmd}") try: dbprocess = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=(platform.system() == "Windows"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True ) for line in dbprocess.stdout: sys.stdout.write(line) sys.stdout.flush() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e.output) if args.early_stop: break exit_status = finalize_status(failed_notebooks, timeout_notebooks, test_plan, reports_dir, root) return exit_status if __name__ == "__main__": exit_code = main() sys.exit(exit_code)