# Image editing with InstructPix2Pix AI image editing models are traditionally focused on a single editing task such as style transfer or translation between image domains. [InstructPix2Pix](https://www.timothybrooks.com/instruct-pix2pix/) proposes a novel method for editing images using human instructions given an input image and a written text that tells the model what to do. The model follows these text-based instructions to edit the image. This notebook demonstrates how to use the **[InstructPix2Pix](https://github.com/timothybrooks/instruct-pix2pix)** model for image editing with OpenVINO. The complete pipeline of this demo is shown below.
This is a demonstration in which you can type text-based instructions and provide an input image to the pipeline that will generate a new image, that reflects the context of the input text. Step-by-step the diffusion process will iteratively denoise the latent image representation while being conditioned on the text embeddings, provided by the text encoder and an original image encoded by a variational autoencoder. The following image shows an example of the input image with text-based prompt and the corresponding edited image.
## Notebook Contents This notebook demonstrates how to convert and run stable diffusion using OpenVINO. Notebook contains the following steps: 1. Convert PyTorch models to OpenVINO IR format, using Model Conversion API. 2. Run InstructPix2Pix pipeline with OpenVINO. 3. Optimize InstructPix2Pix pipeline with [NNCF](https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/nncf/) quantization. 4. Compare results of original and optimized pipelines. ## Installation Instructions This is a self-contained example that relies solely on its own code. We recommend running the notebook in a virtual environment. You only need a Jupyter server to start. For details, please refer to [Installation Guide](../../README.md).