import os import csv import random import pandas as pd import numpy as np import gradio as gr from collections import Counter from utils import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as wavf from huggingface_hub import Repository, upload_file HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN") GREETINGS_DIR = './greetings' greeting_files = [ for f in os.scandir(GREETINGS_DIR)] DATASET_REPO_URL = "" REPOSITORY_DIR = "data" LOCAL_DIR = 'data_local' os.makedirs(LOCAL_DIR,exist_ok=True) GENDER = ['Choose Gender','Male','Female','Other','Prefer not to say'] #------------------Work on Languages-------------------- languages = ["oshindonga", "oshikwanyama"] language_id = ["ng","kj"] #------------------Work on Languages-------------------- repo = Repository( local_dir="data", clone_from=DATASET_REPO_URL, use_auth_token=HF_TOKEN ) repo.git_pull() with open('app.css','r') as f: BLOCK_CSS = def save_record(language,record,greeting,gender,accent,greeting_history,current_greeting,done_recording): # set default greeting_history = greeting_history if greeting_history is not None else [0] current_greeting = current_greeting if current_greeting is not None else 0 # 0 is the default greeting done_recording = done_recording if done_recording is not None else False #---- # Save text and its corresponding record to flag speaker_metadata={} speaker_metadata['gender'] = gender if gender!=GENDER[0] else '' speaker_metadata['accent'] = accent if accent!='' else '' default_record = None if not done_recording: if language!=None and language!='Choose language' and record is not None and greeting is not None: # language = language.lower() lang_id = language_id[languages.index(language)] # Write audio to file audio_name = get_unique_name() SAVE_FILE_DIR = os.path.join(LOCAL_DIR,audio_name) os.makedirs(SAVE_FILE_DIR,exist_ok=True) audio_output_filename = os.path.join(SAVE_FILE_DIR,'audio.wav') wavf.write(audio_output_filename,record[0],record[1]) # Write metadata.json to file json_file_path = os.path.join(SAVE_FILE_DIR,'metadata.jsonl') metadata= { 'id':audio_name, 'file_name':'audio.wav', 'language_name':language, 'language_id':lang_id, 'greeting':current_greeting, 'frequency':record[0], 'gender': speaker_metadata['gender'], 'accent': speaker_metadata['accent'], } dump_json(metadata,json_file_path) # Upload the audio repo_audio_path = os.path.join(REPOSITORY_DIR,os.path.join(audio_name,'audio.wav')) _ = upload_file(path_or_fileobj = audio_output_filename, path_in_repo =repo_audio_path, repo_id='meyabase/crowd-oshiwambo-speech-greetings', repo_type='dataset', token=HF_TOKEN ) # Upload the metadata repo_json_path = os.path.join(REPOSITORY_DIR,os.path.join(audio_name,'metadata.jsonl')) _ = upload_file(path_or_fileobj = json_file_path, path_in_repo =repo_json_path, repo_id='meyabase/crowd-oshiwambo-speech-greetings', repo_type='dataset', token=HF_TOKEN ) output = f'Recording successfully saved! On to the next one...' # Choose the next greeting greeting_history.append(current_greeting) # check the language selected and choose the next greeting based on the images available if language=='oshindonga': greeting_choices = [greet for greet in [i for i in range(3)] if greet not in greeting_history] if greeting_choices!=[]: next_greeting = random.choice(greeting_choices) next_greeting_image = f'greetings/{language}/{next_greeting}.png' else: done_recording=True next_greeting = 0 next_greeting_image = 'greetings/best.gif' output = "You have finished all recording! You can reload to start again." elif language=='oshikwanyama': greeting_choices = [greet for greet in [i for i in range(3)] if greet not in greeting_history] if greeting_choices!=[]: next_greeting = random.choice(greeting_choices) next_greeting_image = f'greetings/{language}/{next_greeting}.png' else: done_recording=True next_greeting = 0 next_greeting_image = 'greetings/best.gif' output = "You have finished all recording! You can reload to start again." output_string = "
language | audio | greeting | text |
{lang} | {greet_} | {text} |
🔊 Oshiwambo Speech Greetings