{ "example_text": "Keyphrase extraction is a technique in text analysis where you extract the important keyphrases from a text. Since this is a time-consuming process, Artificial Intelligence is used to automate it. Currently, classical machine learning methods, that use statistics and linguistics, are widely used for the extraction process. The fact that these methods have been widely used in the community has the advantage that there are many easy-to-use libraries. Now with the recent innovations in NLP, transformers can be used to improve keyphrase extraction. Transformers also focus on the semantics and context of a document, which is quite an improvement.", "model_author": "ml6team", "models": [ "keyphrase-extraction-kbir-inspec", "keyphrase-extraction-distilbert-inspec", "keyphrase-extraction-distilbert-openkp", "keyphrase-extraction-distilbert-kptimes", "keyphrase-extraction-kbir-kpcrowd", "keyphrase-generation-keybart-inspec", "keyphrase-generation-t5-small-inspec", "keyphrase-generation-t5-small-openkp" ] }