import streamlit as st from pytube import YouTube from settings import DATA_DIR from import get_transcript from import gemini from import get_completion @st.cache_resource def get_cached_transcript(video_url): return get_transcript(video_url) def download_youtube_video(video_url): try: # Create a YouTube object yt = YouTube(video_url) # Get the highest resolution stream video_stream = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution() # Download the video to the specified output path file_path = return file_path except Exception as e: return None def main(): try: st.title("VideoClarify") # Get video URL from user video_url = st.text_input("Enter YouTube URL:", key="video_url") selected_model = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Select Model", ["Gemini", "OpenAI"]) st.sidebar.subheader("About Tool:") st.sidebar.markdown(""" VideoClarify is a tool that uses AI to summarize and answer questions about a video. """) st.sidebar.subheader("Explore These Questions:") st.sidebar.markdown(""" 1. Can you summarize the key points or message of the video? 2. What is the central theme or main idea conveyed in the video? 3. What specific examples or evidence are provided in the video to support the main points? 4. Is there a specific term or jargon used in the video that I need to clarify? 5. Write a well structure article based on this video """) if len(video_url): video_url = download_youtube_video(video_url) print(video_url) # Get transcript from the video transcript = get_cached_transcript(video_url) # Provide an input box for user to ask a question question = st.text_input( label="Ask a question about the video:", key="question") if st.button("Get Answer"): if question: if selected_model == "Gemini":"Using Gemini to answer the question.") # Use Gemini to summarize and answer the question response = gemini(transcript, question) if selected_model == "OpenAI":"Using OpenAI to answer the question.") # Use OpenAI to summarize and answer the question response = get_completion(transcript, question) # Display the result to the user st.subheader("Result:") st.write(response) else:"Please ask a question about the video.") except Exception as e: st.write("Please refresh the page and try again.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()