resume /
mobenta's picture
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18.1 kB
import gradio as gr
from fpdf import FPDF
import re
from docx import Document
from docx.shared import Pt, RGBColor
from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
class CustomPDF(FPDF):
def header(self):
if self.page_no() == 1: # Only add image and personal details on the first page
if self.image_path:
self.image(self.image_path, x=150, y=20, w=40)
self.set_font("Arial", 'B', 20)
self.set_text_color(31, 73, 125) # Set text color to the specific blue from the template
self.cell(0, 10, 'Katrin Winter', ln=True, align='L')
self.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) # Reset text color to black
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12)
self.cell(0, 8, '10. Oktober 1991', ln=True, align='L')
self.cell(0, 8, 'Kaiserstraße 1, 1010 Wien', ln=True, align='L')
self.cell(0, 8, 'T +43 650 123 45 67', ln=True, align='L')
self.cell(0, 8, 'E [email protected]', ln=True, align='L')
def section_title(self, title):
self.set_font("Arial", 'B', 14)
self.cell(0, 10, title, ln=True)
def add_experience(self, dates, role_company, description):
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12) # Regular font for dates
# Clean up the text to ensure no excessive spaces
dates = self.clean_text(dates)
role_company = self.clean_text(role_company)
description = self.clean_text(description)
# Print the dates in template-specific blue color and move the cursor 5 cm from the left margin
self.set_text_color(31, 73, 125) # Set text color to the specific blue from the template
self.cell(40, 8, dates, ln=False)
self.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) # Reset text color to black
self.set_x(70) # Move to 5 cm (50 mm) from the left margin
self.set_font("Arial", 'B', 12) # Bold for role and company
self.cell(0, 8, role_company, ln=True)
self.set_x(70) # Move to 5 cm (50 mm) from the left margin for the description
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12) # Regular font for description
self.multi_cell(0, 8, description)
def add_education(self, dates, degree_institution, details):
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12) # Regular font for dates
# Clean up the text to ensure no excessive spaces
dates = self.clean_text(dates)
degree_institution = self.clean_text(degree_institution)
details = self.clean_text(details)
self.set_text_color(31, 73, 125) # Set text color to the specific blue from the template
self.cell(40, 8, dates, ln=False)
self.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) # Reset text color to black
self.set_font("Arial", 'B', 12) # Bold for degree and institution
self.cell(0, 8, degree_institution, ln=True)
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12) # Regular font for details
self.multi_cell(0, 8, details)
def add_qualification(self, year, qualification_institution, details):
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12) # Regular font for dates
# Clean up the text to ensure no excessive spaces
year = self.clean_text(year)
qualification_institution = self.clean_text(qualification_institution)
details = self.clean_text(details)
self.set_text_color(31, 73, 125) # Set text color to the specific blue from the template
self.cell(40, 8, year, ln=False)
self.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) # Reset text color to black
self.set_font("Arial", 'B', 12) # Bold for qualification and institution
self.cell(0, 8, qualification_institution, ln=True)
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12) # Regular font for details
self.multi_cell(0, 8, details)
def add_skills(self, skills):
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12)
for skill in skills:
self.cell(0, 8, f"{skill}", ln=True)
def add_languages(self, languages):
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12)
for language in languages:
self.cell(0, 8, f"{language}", ln=True)
def add_interests(self, interests):
self.set_font("Arial", '', 12)
self.multi_cell(0, 8, f"{interests}")
def set_image(self, image_path):
self.image_path = image_path
def clean_text(self, text):
# Replace multiple spaces with a single space and strip the text
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip()
return text
def replace_special_characters(text):
# Replace problematic characters with simpler ones
return text.replace("–", "-").replace("’", "'").replace("‘", "'").replace("“", '"').replace("”", '"')
def create_resume(image, name, contact_info,
experience_dates_1, experience_role_company_1, experience_description_1,
experience_dates_2, experience_role_company_2, experience_description_2,
education_dates_1, education_degree_institution_1, education_details_1,
education_dates_2, education_degree_institution_2, education_details_2,
qualification_year_1, qualification_institution_1, qualification_details_1,
qualification_year_2, qualification_institution_2, qualification_details_2,
skills, languages, interests):
# Create PDF
pdf = CustomPDF(orientation='P', unit='mm', format='A4')
pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=20)
# Replace special characters in all fields
name = replace_special_characters(name)
contact_info = replace_special_characters(contact_info)
experience_dates_1 = replace_special_characters(experience_dates_1)
experience_role_company_1 = replace_special_characters(experience_role_company_1)
experience_description_1 = replace_special_characters(experience_description_1)
experience_dates_2 = replace_special_characters(experience_dates_2)
experience_role_company_2 = replace_special_characters(experience_role_company_2)
experience_description_2 = replace_special_characters(experience_description_2)
education_dates_1 = replace_special_characters(education_dates_1)
education_degree_institution_1 = replace_special_characters(education_degree_institution_1)
education_details_1 = replace_special_characters(education_details_1)
education_dates_2 = replace_special_characters(education_dates_2)
education_degree_institution_2 = replace_special_characters(education_degree_institution_2)
education_details_2 = replace_special_characters(education_details_2)
qualification_year_1 = replace_special_characters(qualification_year_1)
qualification_institution_1 = replace_special_characters(qualification_institution_1)
qualification_details_1 = replace_special_characters(qualification_details_1)
qualification_year_2 = replace_special_characters(qualification_year_2)
qualification_institution_2 = replace_special_characters(qualification_institution_2)
qualification_details_2 = replace_special_characters(qualification_details_2)
skills = replace_special_characters(skills)
languages = replace_special_characters(languages)
interests = replace_special_characters(interests)
# Experience
pdf.add_experience(experience_dates_1, experience_role_company_1, experience_description_1)
pdf.add_experience(experience_dates_2, experience_role_company_2, experience_description_2)
# Education
pdf.add_education(education_dates_1, education_degree_institution_1, education_details_1)
pdf.add_education(education_dates_2, education_degree_institution_2, education_details_2)
# Qualifications
pdf.add_qualification(qualification_year_1, qualification_institution_1, qualification_details_1)
pdf.add_qualification(qualification_year_2, qualification_institution_2, qualification_details_2)
# Skills
pdf.add_skills(["Microsoft Office: Ausgezeichnet", "Adobe Creative Suite: Ausgezeichnet", "HTML / CSS / CMS: Fortgeschritten"])
# Languages
pdf.add_languages(["Englisch: C1", "Spanisch: B2", "Italienisch: B2"])
# Interests
pdf.add_interests("Fotografie, Reisen, Bergsteigen, Höhlentauchen")
# Save the PDF to a file
pdf_file = "resume_with_image.pdf"
# Create Word Document
doc = Document()
doc.add_heading(name, 0).alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.LEFT
# Add contact info
p = doc.add_paragraph()
# Add sections with content
doc.add_heading('Berufserfahrung', level=1)
doc.add_paragraph(f'{experience_dates_1} - {experience_role_company_1}\n{experience_description_1}')
doc.add_paragraph(f'{experience_dates_2} - {experience_role_company_2}\n{experience_description_2}')
doc.add_heading('Ausbildung', level=1)
doc.add_paragraph(f'{education_dates_1} - {education_degree_institution_1}\n{education_details_1}')
doc.add_paragraph(f'{education_dates_2} - {education_degree_institution_2}\n{education_details_2}')
doc.add_heading('Qualifikationen', level=1)
doc.add_paragraph(f'{qualification_year_1} - {qualification_institution_1}\n{qualification_details_1}')
doc.add_paragraph(f'{qualification_year_2} - {qualification_institution_2}\n{qualification_details_2}')
doc.add_heading('Kenntnisse', level=1)
doc.add_heading('Sprachen', level=1)
doc.add_heading('Interessen', level=1)
doc_file = "resume_with_image.docx"
return pdf_file, doc_file
# Gradio Interface
inputs = [
gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Profile Picture"),
gr.Textbox(label="Name", placeholder="Katrin Winter", value="Katrin Winter"),
gr.Textbox(label="Contact Information", placeholder="Address, Phone, Email", lines=4, value="10. Oktober 1991\nKaiserstraße 1, 1010 Wien\nT +43 650 123 45 67\nE [email protected]"),
# Experience 1
gr.Textbox(label="Experience 1 Dates", placeholder="02/2019 - jetzt", value="02/2019 - jetzt"),
gr.Textbox(label="Experience 1 Role & Company", placeholder="B2B Marketing Manager\nStepcompany, Wien", value="B2B Marketing Manager\nStepcompany, Wien"),
gr.Textbox(label="Experience 1 Description", placeholder="Selbstständige Organisation und Betreuung von Messen und Kundenevents, Aufbereitung von Sales- und Marketing-Materialien", lines=3, value="Selbstständige Organisation und Betreuung von Messen und Kundenevents, Aufbereitung von Sales- und Marketing-Materialien"),
# Experience 2
gr.Textbox(label="Experience 2 Dates", placeholder="02/2018 - 01/2019", value="02/2018 - 01/2019"),
gr.Textbox(label="Experience 2 Role & Company", placeholder="Marketing Assistenz\nStepcompany, Wien", value="Marketing Assistenz\nStepcompany, Wien"),
gr.Textbox(label="Experience 2 Description", placeholder="Abwicklung und Durchführung diverser Kundenprojekte, Einholung von Angeboten und Recherche von Give-Aways", lines=3, value="Abwicklung und Durchführung diverser Kundenprojekte, Einholung von Angeboten und Recherche von Give-Aways"),
# Education 1
gr.Textbox(label="Education 1 Dates", placeholder="02/2011 - 09/2016", value="02/2011 - 09/2016"),
gr.Textbox(label="Education 1 Degree & Institution", placeholder="Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, WU Wien", value="Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, WU Wien"),
gr.Textbox(label="Education 1 Details", placeholder="Schwerpunkt Marketing, Abschlussarbeit: Marktorientiertes Business Development", lines=3, value="Schwerpunkt Marketing, Abschlussarbeit: Marktorientiertes Business Development"),
# Education 2
gr.Textbox(label="Education 2 Dates", placeholder="02/2006 - 05/2011", value="02/2006 - 05/2011"),
gr.Textbox(label="Education 2 Degree & Institution", placeholder="Marketingmanagement, HAK I, Vienna Business School", value="Marketingmanagement, HAK I, Vienna Business School"),
gr.Textbox(label="Education 2 Details", placeholder="Details about this degree", lines=3, value=""),
# Qualification 1
gr.Textbox(label="Qualification 1 Year", placeholder="2019", value="2019"),
gr.Textbox(label="Qualification 1 Institution", placeholder="Ausbildung Grafikdesign, Webeakademie Wien", value="Ausbildung Grafikdesign, Webeakademie Wien"),
gr.Textbox(label="Qualification 1 Details", placeholder="Details about this qualification", lines=3, value=""),
# Qualification 2
gr.Textbox(label="Qualification 2 Year", placeholder="2018", value="2018"),
gr.Textbox(label="Qualification 2 Institution", placeholder="Online-Marketing Basis-Lehrgang, Online Marketing Forum, Wien", value="Online-Marketing Basis-Lehrgang, Online Marketing Forum, Wien"),
gr.Textbox(label="Qualification 2 Details", placeholder="Details about this qualification", lines=3, value=""),
# Other sections
gr.TextArea(label="Kenntnisse", placeholder="Enter skills here", lines=3, value="""
Microsoft Office: Ausgezeichnet
Adobe Creative Suite: Ausgezeichnet
HTML / CSS / CMS: Fortgeschritten
gr.TextArea(label="Sprachen", placeholder="Enter languages here", lines=3, value="""
Englisch: C1
Spanisch: B2
Italienisch: B2
gr.TextArea(label="Interessen", placeholder="Enter interests here", lines=2, value="Fotografie, Reisen, Bergsteigen, Höhlentauchen")
outputs = [
gr.File(label="Download Your Resume as PDF"),
gr.File(label="Download Your Resume as DOCX")
examples = [
"Alexander Meyer",
"15. März 1985\nLeopoldstraße 45, 80333 München\nT +49 89 123 45 67\nE [email protected]",
"03/2017 - jetzt", "Senior Marketing Manager\nTechSolutions AG, München", "Führung des Marketing-Teams, Entwicklung und Implementierung von Marketingstrategien, Budgetverwaltung und Performance-Analyse.",
"05/2014 - 02/2017", "Marketing Specialist\nMedia Group GmbH, München", "Durchführung von Marktforschung, Unterstützung bei der Planung und Durchführung von Marketingkampagnen, Erstellung von Content und Werbematerialien.",
"10/2005 - 07/2010", "Betriebswirtschaftslehre, LMU München", "Schwerpunkt Marketing, Abschlussarbeit: 'Die Rolle von Social Media im modernen Marketing.'",
"09/2000 - 06/2005", "Wirtschaftsgymnasium, München", "Allgemeine Hochschulreife mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaft.",
"2018", "Google Analytics Zertifizierung, Google", "",
"2016", "Projektmanagement, IHK München", "",
"Microsoft Office: Ausgezeichnet\nGoogle Ads: Ausgezeichnet\nSEO/SEM: Fortgeschritten",
"Englisch: C2\nFranzösisch: B1",
"Laufen, Lesen, Reisen"
"Lena Schmidt",
"02. Februar 1990\nFriedrichstraße 10, 10117 Berlin\nT +49 30 765 4321\nE [email protected]",
"06/2018 - jetzt", "Art Director\nCreative Agency Berlin", "Leitung des Design-Teams, Entwicklung visueller Konzepte, enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden zur Umsetzung kreativer Projekte.",
"08/2015 - 05/2018", "Grafikdesignerin\nDesign Studio GmbH, Berlin", "Gestaltung von Print- und Digitalmedien, Erstellung von Logos, Layouts und Branding-Materialien.",
"10/2008 - 07/2012", "Kommunikationsdesign, Universität der Künste Berlin", "Schwerpunkt Grafikdesign, Abschlussarbeit: 'Visuelle Kommunikation in der digitalen Ära.'",
"09/2004 - 06/2008", "Gymnasium, Berlin", "Allgemeine Hochschulreife.",
"2017", "UX/UI Design Kurs, Interaction Design Foundation", "",
"2014", "Adobe Certified Expert, Adobe", "",
"Adobe Creative Suite: Ausgezeichnet\nSketch: Fortgeschritten\nHTML/CSS: Grundkenntnisse",
"Englisch: C1\nSpanisch: A2",
"Fotografie, Zeichnen, Reisen"
"Jonas Müller",
"12. Dezember 1988\nAm Seestern 24, 40219 Düsseldorf\nT +49 211 987 6543\nE [email protected]",
"01/2016 - jetzt", "IT Systems Engineer\nDataTech Solutions, Düsseldorf", "Verwaltung und Wartung von IT-Systemen, Netzwerkadministration, Sicherstellung der IT-Sicherheit, Betreuung der IT-Infrastruktur.",
"09/2012 - 12/2015", "IT Support Specialist\nInfoTech GmbH, Düsseldorf", "Technischer Support für Mitarbeiter, Fehlerbehebung und Systemupdates, Betreuung der internen IT-Systeme.",
"10/2007 - 07/2011", "Informatik, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf", "Schwerpunkt Netzwerkadministration, Abschlussarbeit: 'Sicherheitslösungen in modernen Netzwerken.'",
"09/2002 - 06/2007", "Fachoberschule für Technik, Düsseldorf", "Allgemeine Fachhochschulreife mit Schwerpunkt Informationstechnik.",
"2018", "Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), Cisco", "",
"2017", "ITIL Foundation, AXELOS", "",
"Netzwerkadministration: Ausgezeichnet\nVirtualisierung (VMware, Hyper-V): Fortgeschritten\nLinux: Fortgeschritten",
"Englisch: C1\nDeutsch: Muttersprache",
"Programmieren, Wandern, Gaming"
gr_interface = gr.Interface(
title="Resume Creator",
description="Create a resume similar to the provided template.",