diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index a6344aac8c09253b3b630fb776ae94478aa0275b..5f2d567169f2cfa9f214b4ac7658b44d9b1cc378 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -33,3 +33,4 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+*.ttf filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2da852da8361b3732166878065f1ddab3f124d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing
+Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.03054
+Code: https://github.com/tyxsspa/AnyText
+Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
+import os
+from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline
+import cv2
+import gradio as gr
+import numpy as np
+import re
+from gradio.components import Component
+from util import check_channels, resize_image, save_images
+import json
+img_save_folder = 'SaveImages'
+load_model = True
+if load_model:
+ inference = pipeline('my-anytext-task', model='damo/cv_anytext_text_generation_editing', model_revision='v1.1.0')
+def count_lines(prompt):
+ prompt = prompt.replace('“', '"')
+ prompt = prompt.replace('”', '"')
+ p = '"(.*?)"'
+ strs = re.findall(p, prompt)
+ if len(strs) == 0:
+ strs = [' ']
+ return len(strs)
+def generate_rectangles(w, h, n, max_trys=200):
+ img = np.zeros((h, w, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
+ rectangles = []
+ attempts = 0
+ n_pass = 0
+ low_edge = int(max(w, h)*0.3 if n <= 3 else max(w, h)*0.2) # ~150, ~100
+ while attempts < max_trys:
+ rect_w = min(np.random.randint(max((w*0.5)//n, low_edge), w), int(w*0.8))
+ ratio = np.random.uniform(4, 10)
+ rect_h = max(low_edge, int(rect_w/ratio))
+ rect_h = min(rect_h, int(h*0.8))
+ # gen rotate angle
+ rotation_angle = 0
+ rand_value = np.random.rand()
+ if rand_value < 0.7:
+ pass
+ elif rand_value < 0.8:
+ rotation_angle = np.random.randint(0, 40)
+ elif rand_value < 0.9:
+ rotation_angle = np.random.randint(140, 180)
+ else:
+ rotation_angle = np.random.randint(85, 95)
+ # rand position
+ x = np.random.randint(0, w - rect_w)
+ y = np.random.randint(0, h - rect_h)
+ # get vertex
+ rect_pts = cv2.boxPoints(((rect_w/2, rect_h/2), (rect_w, rect_h), rotation_angle))
+ rect_pts = np.int32(rect_pts)
+ # move
+ rect_pts += (x, y)
+ # check boarder
+ if np.any(rect_pts < 0) or np.any(rect_pts[:, 0] >= w) or np.any(rect_pts[:, 1] >= h):
+ attempts += 1
+ continue
+ # check overlap
+ if any(check_overlap_polygon(rect_pts, rp) for rp in rectangles):
+ attempts += 1
+ continue
+ n_pass += 1
+ cv2.fillPoly(img, [rect_pts], 255)
+ rectangles.append(rect_pts)
+ if n_pass == n:
+ break
+ print("attempts:", attempts)
+ if len(rectangles) != n:
+ raise gr.Error(f'Failed in auto generate positions after {attempts} attempts, try again!')
+ return img
+def check_overlap_polygon(rect_pts1, rect_pts2):
+ poly1 = cv2.convexHull(rect_pts1)
+ poly2 = cv2.convexHull(rect_pts2)
+ rect1 = cv2.boundingRect(poly1)
+ rect2 = cv2.boundingRect(poly2)
+ if rect1[0] + rect1[2] >= rect2[0] and rect2[0] + rect2[2] >= rect1[0] and rect1[1] + rect1[3] >= rect2[1] and rect2[1] + rect2[3] >= rect1[1]:
+ return True
+ return False
+def draw_rects(width, height, rects):
+ img = np.zeros((height, width, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
+ for rect in rects:
+ x1 = int(rect[0] * width)
+ y1 = int(rect[1] * height)
+ w = int(rect[2] * width)
+ h = int(rect[3] * height)
+ x2 = x1 + w
+ y2 = y1 + h
+ cv2.rectangle(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), 255, -1)
+ return img
+def process(mode, prompt, pos_radio, sort_radio, revise_pos, show_debug, draw_img, rect_img, ref_img, ori_img, img_count, ddim_steps, w, h, strength, cfg_scale, seed, eta, a_prompt, n_prompt, *rect_list):
+ n_lines = count_lines(prompt)
+ # Text Generation
+ if mode == 'gen':
+ # create pos_imgs
+ if pos_radio == 'Manual-draw(手绘)':
+ if draw_img is not None:
+ pos_imgs = 255 - draw_img['image']
+ if 'mask' in draw_img:
+ pos_imgs = pos_imgs.astype(np.float32) + draw_img['mask'][..., 0:3].astype(np.float32)
+ pos_imgs = pos_imgs.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ else:
+ pos_imgs = np.zeros((w, h, 1))
+ elif pos_radio == 'Manual-rect(拖框)':
+ rect_check = rect_list[:BBOX_MAX_NUM]
+ rect_xywh = rect_list[BBOX_MAX_NUM:]
+ checked_rects = []
+ for idx, c in enumerate(rect_check):
+ if c:
+ _xywh = rect_xywh[4*idx:4*(idx+1)]
+ checked_rects += [_xywh]
+ pos_imgs = draw_rects(w, h, checked_rects)
+ elif pos_radio == 'Auto-rand(随机)':
+ pos_imgs = generate_rectangles(w, h, n_lines, max_trys=500)
+ # Text Editing
+ elif mode == 'edit':
+ revise_pos = False # disable pos revise in edit mode
+ if ref_img is None or ori_img is None:
+ raise gr.Error('No reference image, please upload one for edit!')
+ edit_image = ori_img.clip(1, 255) # for mask reason
+ edit_image = check_channels(edit_image)
+ edit_image = resize_image(edit_image, max_length=768)
+ h, w = edit_image.shape[:2]
+ if isinstance(ref_img, dict) and 'mask' in ref_img and ref_img['mask'].mean() > 0:
+ pos_imgs = 255 - edit_image
+ edit_mask = cv2.resize(ref_img['mask'][..., 0:3], (w, h))
+ pos_imgs = pos_imgs.astype(np.float32) + edit_mask.astype(np.float32)
+ pos_imgs = pos_imgs.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ else:
+ if isinstance(ref_img, dict) and 'image' in ref_img:
+ ref_img = ref_img['image']
+ pos_imgs = 255 - ref_img # example input ref_img is used as pos
+ cv2.imwrite('pos_imgs.png', 255-pos_imgs[..., ::-1])
+ params = {
+ "sort_priority": sort_radio,
+ "show_debug": show_debug,
+ "revise_pos": revise_pos,
+ "image_count": img_count,
+ "ddim_steps": ddim_steps,
+ "image_width": w,
+ "image_height": h,
+ "strength": strength,
+ "cfg_scale": cfg_scale,
+ "eta": eta,
+ "a_prompt": a_prompt,
+ "n_prompt": n_prompt
+ }
+ input_data = {
+ "prompt": prompt,
+ "seed": seed,
+ "draw_pos": pos_imgs,
+ "ori_image": ori_img,
+ }
+ results, rtn_code, rtn_warning, debug_info = inference(input_data, mode=mode, **params)
+ if rtn_code >= 0:
+ # save_images(results, img_save_folder)
+ # print(f'Done, result images are saved in: {img_save_folder}')
+ if rtn_warning:
+ gr.Warning(rtn_warning)
+ else:
+ raise gr.Error(rtn_warning)
+ return results, gr.Markdown(debug_info, visible=show_debug)
+def create_canvas(w=512, h=512, c=3, line=5):
+ image = np.full((h, w, c), 200, dtype=np.uint8)
+ for i in range(h):
+ if i % (w//line) == 0:
+ image[i, :, :] = 150
+ for j in range(w):
+ if j % (w//line) == 0:
+ image[:, j, :] = 150
+ image[h//2-8:h//2+8, w//2-8:w//2+8, :] = [200, 0, 0]
+ return image
+def resize_w(w, img1, img2):
+ if isinstance(img2, dict):
+ img2 = img2['image']
+ return [cv2.resize(img1, (w, img1.shape[0])), cv2.resize(img2, (w, img2.shape[0]))]
+def resize_h(h, img1, img2):
+ if isinstance(img2, dict):
+ img2 = img2['image']
+ return [cv2.resize(img1, (img1.shape[1], h)), cv2.resize(img2, (img2.shape[1], h))]
+is_t2i = 'true'
+block = gr.Blocks(css='style.css', theme=gr.themes.Soft()).queue()
+with open('javascript/bboxHint.js', 'r') as file:
+ value = file.read()
+escaped_value = json.dumps(value)
+with block:
+ block.load(fn=None,
+ _js=f"""() => {{
+ const script = document.createElement("script");
+ const text = document.createTextNode({escaped_value});
+ script.appendChild(text);
+ document.head.appendChild(script);
+ }}""")
+ gr.HTML('
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ with gr.Column():
+ with gr.Accordion('🕹Instructions(说明)', open=False,):
+ with gr.Tabs():
+ with gr.Tab("English"):
+ gr.Markdown('Run Examples')
+ gr.Markdown('AnyText has two modes: Text Generation and Text Editing, and we provides a variety of examples. Select one, click on [Run!] button to run.')
+ gr.Markdown('Please note, before running examples, ensure the manual draw area is empty, otherwise may get wrong results. Additionally, different examples use \
+ different parameters (such as resolution, seed, etc.). When generate your own, please pay attention to the parameter changes, or refresh the page to restore the default parameters.')
+ gr.Markdown('Text Generation')
+ gr.Markdown('Enter the textual description (in Chinese or English) of the image you want to generate in [Prompt]. Each text line that needs to be generated should be \
+ enclosed in double quotes. Then, manually draw the specified position for each text line to generate the image.\
+ The drawing of text positions is crucial to the quality of the resulting image, \
+ please do not draw too casually or too small. The number of positions should match the number of text lines, and the size of each position should be matched \
+ as closely as possible to the length or width of the corresponding text line. If [Manual-draw] is inconvenient, you can try dragging rectangles [Manual-rect] or random positions [Auto-rand].')
+ gr.Markdown('When generating multiple lines, each position is matched with the text line according to a certain rule. The [Sort Position] option is used to \
+ determine whether to prioritize sorting from top to bottom or from left to right. You can open the [Show Debug] option in the parameter settings to observe the text position and glyph image \
+ in the result. You can also select the [Revise Position] which uses the bounding box of the rendered text as the revised position. However, it is occasionally found that the creativity of the \
+ generated text is slightly lower using this method.')
+ gr.Markdown('Text Editing')
+ gr.Markdown('Please upload an image in [Ref] as a reference image, then adjust the brush size, and mark the area(s) to be edited. Input the textual description and \
+ the new text to be modified in [Prompt], then generate the image.')
+ gr.Markdown('The reference image can be of any resolution, but it will be internally processed with a limit that the longer side cannot exceed 768 pixels, and the \
+ width and height will both be scaled to multiples of 64.')
+ with gr.Tab("简体中文"):
+ gr.Markdown('运行示例')
+ gr.Markdown('AnyText有两种运行模式:文字生成和文字编辑,每种模式下提供了丰富的示例,选择一个,点击[Run!]即可。')
+ gr.Markdown('请注意,运行示例前确保手绘位置区域是空的,防止影响示例结果,另外不同示例使用不同的参数(如分辨率,种子数等),如果要自行生成时,请留意参数变化,或刷新页面恢复到默认参数。')
+ gr.Markdown('文字生成')
+ gr.Markdown('在Prompt中输入描述提示词(支持中英文),需要生成的每一行文字用双引号包裹,然后依次手绘指定每行文字的位置,生成图片。\
+ 文字位置的绘制对成图质量很关键, \
+ 请不要画的太随意或太小,位置的数量要与文字行数量一致,每个位置的尺寸要与对应的文字行的长短或宽高尽量匹配。如果手绘(Manual-draw)不方便,\
+ 可以尝试拖框矩形(Manual-rect)或随机生成(Auto-rand)。')
+ gr.Markdown('多行生成时,每个位置按照一定规则排序后与文字行做对应,Sort Position选项用于确定排序时优先从上到下还是从左到右。\
+ 可以在参数设置中打开Show Debug选项,在结果图像中观察文字位置和字形图。也可以勾选Revise Position选项,这样会用渲染文字的外接矩形作为修正后的位置,不过偶尔发现这样生成的文字创造性略低。')
+ gr.Markdown('文字编辑')
+ gr.Markdown('请上传一张待编辑的图片作为参考图(Ref),然后调整笔触大小后,在参考图上涂抹要编辑的位置,在Prompt中输入描述提示词和要修改的文字内容,生成图片。')
+ gr.Markdown('参考图可以为任意分辨率,但内部处理时会限制长边不能超过768,并且宽高都被缩放为64的整数倍。')
+ with gr.Accordion('🛠Parameters(参数)', open=False):
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ img_count = gr.Slider(label="Image Count(图片数)", minimum=1, maximum=12, value=4, step=1)
+ ddim_steps = gr.Slider(label="Steps(步数)", minimum=1, maximum=100, value=20, step=1)
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ image_width = gr.Slider(label="Image Width(宽度)", minimum=256, maximum=768, value=512, step=64)
+ image_height = gr.Slider(label="Image Height(高度)", minimum=256, maximum=768, value=512, step=64)
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ strength = gr.Slider(label="Strength(控制力度)", minimum=0.0, maximum=2.0, value=1.0, step=0.01)
+ cfg_scale = gr.Slider(label="CFG-Scale(CFG强度)", minimum=0.1, maximum=30.0, value=9.0, step=0.1)
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ seed = gr.Slider(label="Seed(种子数)", minimum=-1, maximum=99999999, step=1, randomize=False, value=-1)
+ eta = gr.Number(label="eta (DDIM)", value=0.0)
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ show_debug = gr.Checkbox(label='Show Debug(调试信息)', value=False)
+ gr.Markdown('whether show glyph image and debug information in the result(是否在结果中显示glyph图以及调试信息)')
+ a_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Added Prompt(附加提示词)", value='best quality, extremely detailed,4k, HD, supper legible text, clear text edges, clear strokes, neat writing, no watermarks')
+ n_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Negative Prompt(负向提示词)", value='low-res, bad anatomy, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, watermark, unreadable text, messy words, distorted text, disorganized writing, advertising picture')
+ prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt(提示词)")
+ with gr.Tabs() as tab_modes:
+ with gr.Tab("🖼Text Generation(文字生成)", elem_id='MD-tab-t2i') as mode_gen:
+ pos_radio = gr.Radio(["Manual-draw(手绘)", "Manual-rect(拖框)", "Auto-rand(随机)"], value='Manual-draw(手绘)', label="Pos-Method(位置方式)", info="choose a method to specify text positions(选择方法用于指定文字位置).")
+ with gr.Row():
+ sort_radio = gr.Radio(["↕", "↔"], value='↕', label="Sort Position(位置排序)", info="position sorting priority(位置排序时的优先级)")
+ revise_pos = gr.Checkbox(label='Revise Position(修正位置)', value=False)
+ # gr.Markdown('try to revise according to text\'s bounding rectangle(尝试通过渲染后的文字行的外接矩形框修正位置)')
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ rect_cb_list: list[Component] = []
+ rect_xywh_list: list[Component] = []
+ for i in range(BBOX_MAX_NUM):
+ e = gr.Checkbox(label=f'{i}', value=False, visible=False, min_width='10')
+ x = gr.Slider(label='x', value=0.4, minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.0001, elem_id=f'MD-t2i-{i}-x', visible=False)
+ y = gr.Slider(label='y', value=0.4, minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.0001, elem_id=f'MD-t2i-{i}-y', visible=False)
+ w = gr.Slider(label='w', value=0.2, minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.0001, elem_id=f'MD-t2i-{i}-w', visible=False)
+ h = gr.Slider(label='h', value=0.2, minimum=0.0, maximum=1.0, step=0.0001, elem_id=f'MD-t2i-{i}-h', visible=False)
+ x.change(fn=None, inputs=x, outputs=x, _js=f'v => onBoxChange({is_t2i}, {i}, "x", v)', show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ y.change(fn=None, inputs=y, outputs=y, _js=f'v => onBoxChange({is_t2i}, {i}, "y", v)', show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ w.change(fn=None, inputs=w, outputs=w, _js=f'v => onBoxChange({is_t2i}, {i}, "w", v)', show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ h.change(fn=None, inputs=h, outputs=h, _js=f'v => onBoxChange({is_t2i}, {i}, "h", v)', show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ e.change(fn=None, inputs=e, outputs=e, _js=f'e => onBoxEnableClick({is_t2i}, {i}, e)', queue=False)
+ rect_cb_list.extend([e])
+ rect_xywh_list.extend([x, y, w, h])
+ rect_img = gr.Image(value=create_canvas(), label="Rext Position(方框位置)", elem_id="MD-bbox-rect-t2i", show_label=False, visible=False)
+ draw_img = gr.Image(value=create_canvas(), label="Draw Position(绘制位置)", visible=True, tool='sketch', show_label=False, brush_radius=60)
+ def re_draw():
+ return [gr.Image(value=create_canvas(), tool='sketch'), gr.Slider(value=512), gr.Slider(value=512)]
+ draw_img.clear(re_draw, None, [draw_img, image_width, image_height])
+ image_width.release(resize_w, [image_width, rect_img, draw_img], [rect_img, draw_img])
+ image_height.release(resize_h, [image_height, rect_img, draw_img], [rect_img, draw_img])
+ def change_options(selected_option):
+ return [gr.Checkbox(visible=selected_option == 'Manual-rect(拖框)')] * BBOX_MAX_NUM + \
+ [gr.Image(visible=selected_option == 'Manual-rect(拖框)'),
+ gr.Image(visible=selected_option == 'Manual-draw(手绘)'),
+ gr.Radio(visible=selected_option != 'Auto-rand(随机)'),
+ gr.Checkbox(value=selected_option == 'Auto-rand(随机)')]
+ pos_radio.change(change_options, pos_radio, rect_cb_list + [rect_img, draw_img, sort_radio, revise_pos], show_progress=False, queue=False)
+ with gr.Row():
+ gr.Markdown("")
+ run_gen = gr.Button(value="Run(运行)!", scale=0.3, elem_classes='run')
+ gr.Markdown("")
+ def exp_gen_click():
+ return [gr.Slider(value=512), gr.Slider(value=512)] # all examples are 512x512, refresh draw_img
+ exp_gen = gr.Examples(
+ [
+ ['一只浣熊站在黑板前,上面写着"深度学习"', "example_images/gen1.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 81808278],
+ ['一个儿童蜡笔画,森林里有一个可爱的蘑菇形状的房子,标题是"森林小屋"', "example_images/gen16.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 40173333],
+ ['一个精美设计的logo,画的是一个黑白风格的厨师,带着厨师帽,logo下方写着“深夜食堂”', "example_images/gen14.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 6970544],
+ ['photo of caramel macchiato coffee on the table, top-down perspective, with "Any" "Text" written on it using cream', "example_images/gen9.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 66273235],
+ ['一张户外雪地靴的电商广告,上面写着 “双12大促!”,“立减50”,“加绒加厚”,“穿脱方便”,“温暖24小时送达”, “包邮”,高级设计感,精美构图', "example_images/gen15.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 66980376],
+ ['Sign on the clean building that reads "科学" and "과학" and "ステップ" and "SCIENCE"', "example_images/gen6.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", True, 4, 13246309],
+ ['一个精致的马克杯,上面雕刻着一首中国古诗,内容是 "花落知多少" "夜来风雨声" "处处闻啼鸟" "春眠不觉晓"', "example_images/gen3.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↔", False, 4, 60358279],
+ ['A delicate square cake, cream and fruit, with "CHEERS" "to the" and "GRADUATE" written in chocolate', "example_images/gen8.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 93424638],
+ ['一件精美的毛衣,上面有针织的文字:"通义丹青"', "example_images/gen4.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 48769450],
+ ['一个双肩包的特写照,上面用针织文字写着”为了无法“ ”计算的价值“', "example_images/gen12.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 35552323],
+ ['A nice drawing in pencil of Michael Jackson, with the words "Micheal" and "Jackson" written on it', "example_images/gen7.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 83866922],
+ ['一个漂亮的蜡笔画,有行星,宇航员,还有宇宙飞船,上面写的是"去火星旅行", "王小明", "11月1日"', "example_images/gen5.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 42328250],
+ ['一个装饰华丽的蛋糕,上面用奶油写着“阿里云”和"APSARA"', "example_images/gen13.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 62357019],
+ ['一张关于墙上的彩色涂鸦艺术的摄影作品,上面写着“人工智能" 和 "神经网络"', "example_images/gen10.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 64722007],
+ ['一枚中国古代铜钱, 上面的文字是 "康" "寶" "通" "熙"', "example_images/gen2.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", False, 4, 24375031],
+ ['a well crafted ice sculpture that made with "Happy" and "Holidays". Dslr photo, perfect illumination', "example_images/gen11.png", "Manual-draw(手绘)", "↕", True, 4, 64901362],
+ ],
+ [prompt, draw_img, pos_radio, sort_radio, revise_pos, img_count, seed],
+ examples_per_page=5,
+ )
+ exp_gen.dataset.click(exp_gen_click, None, [image_width, image_height])
+ with gr.Tab("🎨Text Editing(文字编辑)") as mode_edit:
+ with gr.Row(variant='compact'):
+ ref_img = gr.Image(label='Ref(参考图)', source='upload')
+ ori_img = gr.Image(label='Ori(原图)')
+ def upload_ref(x):
+ return [gr.Image(type="numpy", brush_radius=60, tool='sketch'),
+ gr.Image(value=x)]
+ def clear_ref(x):
+ return gr.Image(source='upload', tool=None)
+ ref_img.upload(upload_ref, ref_img, [ref_img, ori_img])
+ ref_img.clear(clear_ref, ref_img, ref_img)
+ with gr.Row():
+ gr.Markdown("")
+ run_edit = gr.Button(value="Run(运行)!", scale=0.3, elem_classes='run')
+ gr.Markdown("")
+ gr.Examples(
+ [
+ ['精美的书法作品,上面写着“志” “存” “高” ”远“', "example_images/ref10.jpg", "example_images/edit10.png", 4, 98053044],
+ ['一个表情包,小猪说 "下班"', "example_images/ref2.jpg", "example_images/edit2.png", 2, 43304008],
+ ['Characters written in chalk on the blackboard that says "DADDY"', "example_images/ref8.jpg", "example_images/edit8.png", 4, 73556391],
+ ['一个中国古代铜钱,上面写着"乾" "隆"', "example_images/ref12.png", "example_images/edit12.png", 4, 89159482],
+ ['黑板上写着"Here"', "example_images/ref11.jpg", "example_images/edit11.png", 2, 15353513],
+ ['A letter picture that says "THER"', "example_images/ref6.jpg", "example_images/edit6.png", 4, 72321415],
+ ['一堆水果, 中间写着“UIT”', "example_images/ref13.jpg", "example_images/edit13.png", 4, 54263567],
+ ['一个漫画,上面写着" "', "example_images/ref14.png", "example_images/edit14.png", 4, 94081527],
+ ['一个黄色标志牌,上边写着"不要" 和 "大意"', "example_images/ref3.jpg", "example_images/edit3.png", 2, 64010349],
+ ['A cake with colorful characters that reads "EVERYDAY"', "example_images/ref7.jpg", "example_images/edit7.png", 4, 8943410],
+ ['一个青铜鼎,上面写着" "和" "', "example_images/ref4.jpg", "example_images/edit4.png", 4, 71139289],
+ ['一个建筑物前面的字母标牌, 上面写着 " "', "example_images/ref5.jpg", "example_images/edit5.png", 4, 50416289],
+ ],
+ [prompt, ori_img, ref_img, img_count, seed],
+ examples_per_page=5,
+ )
+ with gr.Column():
+ result_gallery = gr.Gallery(label='Result(结果)', show_label=True, preview=True, columns=2, allow_preview=True, height=600)
+ result_info = gr.Markdown('', visible=False)
+ ips = [prompt, pos_radio, sort_radio, revise_pos, show_debug, draw_img, rect_img, ref_img, ori_img, img_count, ddim_steps, image_width, image_height, strength, cfg_scale, seed, eta, a_prompt, n_prompt, *(rect_cb_list+rect_xywh_list)]
+ run_gen.click(fn=process, inputs=[gr.State('gen')] + ips, outputs=[result_gallery, result_info])
+ run_edit.click(fn=process, inputs=[gr.State('edit')] + ips, outputs=[result_gallery, result_info])
+ server_name='' if os.getenv('GRADIO_LISTEN', '') != '' else "",
+ share=False,
+ root_path=f"/{os.getenv('GRADIO_PROXY_PATH')}" if os.getenv('GRADIO_PROXY_PATH') else ""
+# block.launch(server_name='')
diff --git a/bert_tokenizer.py b/bert_tokenizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f7315134f6e8182c50c87d30dd976e144a2cd89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bert_tokenizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Google AI Language Team Authors.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tokenization classes."""
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import collections
+import re
+import unicodedata
+import six
+def validate_case_matches_checkpoint(do_lower_case, init_checkpoint):
+ """Checks whether the casing config is consistent with the checkpoint name."""
+ # The casing has to be passed in by the user and there is no explicit check
+ # as to whether it matches the checkpoint. The casing information probably
+ # should have been stored in the bert_config.json file, but it's not, so
+ # we have to heuristically detect it to validate.
+ if not init_checkpoint:
+ return
+ m = re.match('^.*?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/bert_model.ckpt', init_checkpoint)
+ if m is None:
+ return
+ model_name = m.group(1)
+ lower_models = [
+ 'uncased_L-24_H-1024_A-16', 'uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12',
+ 'multilingual_L-12_H-768_A-12', 'chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12'
+ ]
+ cased_models = [
+ 'cased_L-12_H-768_A-12', 'cased_L-24_H-1024_A-16',
+ 'multi_cased_L-12_H-768_A-12'
+ ]
+ is_bad_config = False
+ if model_name in lower_models and not do_lower_case:
+ is_bad_config = True
+ actual_flag = 'False'
+ case_name = 'lowercased'
+ opposite_flag = 'True'
+ if model_name in cased_models and do_lower_case:
+ is_bad_config = True
+ actual_flag = 'True'
+ case_name = 'cased'
+ opposite_flag = 'False'
+ if is_bad_config:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'You passed in `--do_lower_case=%s` with `--init_checkpoint=%s`. '
+ 'However, `%s` seems to be a %s model, so you '
+ 'should pass in `--do_lower_case=%s` so that the fine-tuning matches '
+ 'how the model was pre-training. If this error is wrong, please '
+ 'just comment out this check.' %
+ (actual_flag, init_checkpoint, model_name, case_name,
+ opposite_flag))
+def convert_to_unicode(text):
+ """Converts `text` to Unicode (if it's not already), assuming utf-8 input."""
+ if six.PY3:
+ if isinstance(text, str):
+ return text
+ elif isinstance(text, bytes):
+ return text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported string type: %s' % (type(text)))
+ elif six.PY2:
+ if isinstance(text, str):
+ return text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+ elif isinstance(text, unicode):
+ return text
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported string type: %s' % (type(text)))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Not running on Python2 or Python 3?')
+def printable_text(text):
+ """Returns text encoded in a way suitable for print or `tf.logging`."""
+ # These functions want `str` for both Python2 and Python3, but in one case
+ # it's a Unicode string and in the other it's a byte string.
+ if six.PY3:
+ if isinstance(text, str):
+ return text
+ elif isinstance(text, bytes):
+ return text.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported string type: %s' % (type(text)))
+ elif six.PY2:
+ if isinstance(text, str):
+ return text
+ elif isinstance(text, unicode):
+ return text.encode('utf-8')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported string type: %s' % (type(text)))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Not running on Python2 or Python 3?')
+def load_vocab(vocab_file):
+ """Loads a vocabulary file into a dictionary."""
+ vocab = collections.OrderedDict()
+ index = 0
+ with open(vocab_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as reader:
+ while True:
+ token = convert_to_unicode(reader.readline())
+ if not token:
+ break
+ token = token.strip()
+ vocab[token] = index
+ index += 1
+ return vocab
+def convert_by_vocab(vocab, items):
+ """Converts a sequence of [tokens|ids] using the vocab."""
+ output = []
+ for item in items:
+ output.append(vocab[item])
+ return output
+def convert_tokens_to_ids(vocab, tokens):
+ return convert_by_vocab(vocab, tokens)
+def convert_ids_to_tokens(inv_vocab, ids):
+ return convert_by_vocab(inv_vocab, ids)
+def whitespace_tokenize(text):
+ """Runs basic whitespace cleaning and splitting on a piece of text."""
+ text = text.strip()
+ if not text:
+ return []
+ tokens = text.split()
+ return tokens
+class FullTokenizer(object):
+ """Runs end-to-end tokenziation."""
+ def __init__(self, vocab_file, do_lower_case=True):
+ self.vocab = load_vocab(vocab_file)
+ self.inv_vocab = {v: k for k, v in self.vocab.items()}
+ self.basic_tokenizer = BasicTokenizer(do_lower_case=do_lower_case)
+ self.wordpiece_tokenizer = WordpieceTokenizer(vocab=self.vocab)
+ def tokenize(self, text):
+ split_tokens = []
+ for token in self.basic_tokenizer.tokenize(text):
+ for sub_token in self.wordpiece_tokenizer.tokenize(token):
+ split_tokens.append(sub_token)
+ return split_tokens
+ def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens):
+ return convert_by_vocab(self.vocab, tokens)
+ def convert_ids_to_tokens(self, ids):
+ return convert_by_vocab(self.inv_vocab, ids)
+ @staticmethod
+ def convert_tokens_to_string(tokens, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True):
+ """ Converts a sequence of tokens (string) in a single string. """
+ def clean_up_tokenization(out_string):
+ """ Clean up a list of simple English tokenization artifacts
+ like spaces before punctuations and abreviated forms.
+ """
+ out_string = (
+ out_string.replace(' .', '.').replace(' ?', '?').replace(
+ ' !', '!').replace(' ,', ',').replace(" ' ", "'").replace(
+ " n't", "n't").replace(" 'm", "'m").replace(
+ " 's", "'s").replace(" 've",
+ "'ve").replace(" 're", "'re"))
+ return out_string
+ text = ' '.join(tokens).replace(' ##', '').strip()
+ if clean_up_tokenization_spaces:
+ clean_text = clean_up_tokenization(text)
+ return clean_text
+ else:
+ return text
+ def vocab_size(self):
+ return len(self.vocab)
+class BasicTokenizer(object):
+ """Runs basic tokenization (punctuation splitting, lower casing, etc.)."""
+ def __init__(self, do_lower_case=True):
+ """Constructs a BasicTokenizer.
+ Args:
+ do_lower_case: Whether to lower case the input.
+ """
+ self.do_lower_case = do_lower_case
+ def tokenize(self, text):
+ """Tokenizes a piece of text."""
+ text = convert_to_unicode(text)
+ text = self._clean_text(text)
+ # This was added on November 1st, 2018 for the multilingual and Chinese
+ # models. This is also applied to the English models now, but it doesn't
+ # matter since the English models were not trained on any Chinese data
+ # and generally don't have any Chinese data in them (there are Chinese
+ # characters in the vocabulary because Wikipedia does have some Chinese
+ # words in the English Wikipedia.).
+ text = self._tokenize_chinese_chars(text)
+ orig_tokens = whitespace_tokenize(text)
+ split_tokens = []
+ for token in orig_tokens:
+ if self.do_lower_case:
+ token = token.lower()
+ token = self._run_strip_accents(token)
+ split_tokens.extend(self._run_split_on_punc(token))
+ output_tokens = whitespace_tokenize(' '.join(split_tokens))
+ return output_tokens
+ def _run_strip_accents(self, text):
+ """Strips accents from a piece of text."""
+ text = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', text)
+ output = []
+ for char in text:
+ cat = unicodedata.category(char)
+ if cat == 'Mn':
+ continue
+ output.append(char)
+ return ''.join(output)
+ def _run_split_on_punc(self, text):
+ """Splits punctuation on a piece of text."""
+ chars = list(text)
+ i = 0
+ start_new_word = True
+ output = []
+ while i < len(chars):
+ char = chars[i]
+ if _is_punctuation(char):
+ output.append([char])
+ start_new_word = True
+ else:
+ if start_new_word:
+ output.append([])
+ start_new_word = False
+ output[-1].append(char)
+ i += 1
+ return [''.join(x) for x in output]
+ def _tokenize_chinese_chars(self, text):
+ """Adds whitespace around any CJK character."""
+ output = []
+ for char in text:
+ cp = ord(char)
+ if self._is_chinese_char(cp):
+ output.append(' ')
+ output.append(char)
+ output.append(' ')
+ else:
+ output.append(char)
+ return ''.join(output)
+ def _is_chinese_char(self, cp):
+ """Checks whether CP is the codepoint of a CJK character."""
+ # This defines a "chinese character" as anything in the CJK Unicode block:
+ # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CJK_Unified_Ideographs_(Unicode_block)
+ #
+ # Note that the CJK Unicode block is NOT all Japanese and Korean characters,
+ # despite its name. The modern Korean Hangul alphabet is a different block,
+ # as is Japanese Hiragana and Katakana. Those alphabets are used to write
+ # space-separated words, so they are not treated specially and handled
+ # like the all of the other languages.
+ if ((cp >= 0x4E00 and cp <= 0x9FFF) or (cp >= 0x3400 and cp <= 0x4DBF)
+ or (cp >= 0x20000 and cp <= 0x2A6DF)
+ or (cp >= 0x2A700 and cp <= 0x2B73F)
+ or (cp >= 0x2B740 and cp <= 0x2B81F)
+ or (cp >= 0x2B820 and cp <= 0x2CEAF)
+ or (cp >= 0xF900 and cp <= 0xFAFF)
+ or (cp >= 0x2F800 and cp <= 0x2FA1F)):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _clean_text(self, text):
+ """Performs invalid character removal and whitespace cleanup on text."""
+ output = []
+ for char in text:
+ cp = ord(char)
+ if cp == 0 or cp == 0xfffd or _is_control(char):
+ continue
+ if _is_whitespace(char):
+ output.append(' ')
+ else:
+ output.append(char)
+ return ''.join(output)
+class WordpieceTokenizer(object):
+ """Runs WordPiece tokenziation."""
+ def __init__(self, vocab, unk_token='[UNK]', max_input_chars_per_word=200):
+ self.vocab = vocab
+ self.unk_token = unk_token
+ self.max_input_chars_per_word = max_input_chars_per_word
+ def tokenize(self, text):
+ """Tokenizes a piece of text into its word pieces.
+ This uses a greedy longest-match-first algorithm to perform tokenization
+ using the given vocabulary.
+ For example:
+ input = "unaffable"
+ output = ["un", "##aff", "##able"]
+ Args:
+ text: A single token or whitespace separated tokens. This should have
+ already been passed through `BasicTokenizer.
+ Returns:
+ A list of wordpiece tokens.
+ """
+ text = convert_to_unicode(text)
+ output_tokens = []
+ for token in whitespace_tokenize(text):
+ chars = list(token)
+ if len(chars) > self.max_input_chars_per_word:
+ output_tokens.append(self.unk_token)
+ continue
+ is_bad = False
+ start = 0
+ sub_tokens = []
+ while start < len(chars):
+ end = len(chars)
+ cur_substr = None
+ while start < end:
+ substr = ''.join(chars[start:end])
+ if start > 0:
+ substr = '##' + substr
+ if substr in self.vocab:
+ cur_substr = substr
+ break
+ end -= 1
+ if cur_substr is None:
+ is_bad = True
+ break
+ sub_tokens.append(cur_substr)
+ start = end
+ if is_bad:
+ output_tokens.append(self.unk_token)
+ else:
+ output_tokens.extend(sub_tokens)
+ return output_tokens
+def _is_whitespace(char):
+ """Checks whether `chars` is a whitespace character."""
+ # \t, \n, and \r are technically contorl characters but we treat them
+ # as whitespace since they are generally considered as such.
+ if char == ' ' or char == '\t' or char == '\n' or char == '\r':
+ return True
+ cat = unicodedata.category(char)
+ if cat == 'Zs':
+ return True
+ return False
+def _is_control(char):
+ """Checks whether `chars` is a control character."""
+ # These are technically control characters but we count them as whitespace
+ # characters.
+ if char == '\t' or char == '\n' or char == '\r':
+ return False
+ cat = unicodedata.category(char)
+ if cat in ('Cc', 'Cf'):
+ return True
+ return False
+def _is_punctuation(char):
+ """Checks whether `chars` is a punctuation character."""
+ cp = ord(char)
+ # We treat all non-letter/number ASCII as punctuation.
+ # Characters such as "^", "$", and "`" are not in the Unicode
+ # Punctuation class but we treat them as punctuation anyways, for
+ # consistency.
+ if ((cp >= 33 and cp <= 47) or (cp >= 58 and cp <= 64)
+ or (cp >= 91 and cp <= 96) or (cp >= 123 and cp <= 126)):
+ return True
+ cat = unicodedata.category(char)
+ if cat.startswith('P'):
+ return True
+ return False
diff --git a/cldm/cldm.py b/cldm/cldm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..978f5b1d3fc0b7f4e68ef0f48d74d4e7c026bce8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/cldm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+import einops
+import torch
+import torch as th
+import torch.nn as nn
+import copy
+from easydict import EasyDict as edict
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import (
+ conv_nd,
+ linear,
+ zero_module,
+ timestep_embedding,
+from einops import rearrange, repeat
+from torchvision.utils import make_grid
+from ldm.modules.attention import SpatialTransformer
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.openaimodel import UNetModel, TimestepEmbedSequential, ResBlock, Downsample, AttentionBlock
+from ldm.models.diffusion.ddpm import LatentDiffusion
+from ldm.util import log_txt_as_img, exists, instantiate_from_config
+from ldm.models.diffusion.ddim import DDIMSampler
+from ldm.modules.distributions.distributions import DiagonalGaussianDistribution
+from .recognizer import TextRecognizer, create_predictor
+def count_parameters(model):
+ return sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters() if p.requires_grad)
+class ControlledUnetModel(UNetModel):
+ def forward(self, x, timesteps=None, context=None, control=None, only_mid_control=False, **kwargs):
+ hs = []
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ t_emb = timestep_embedding(timesteps, self.model_channels, repeat_only=False)
+ emb = self.time_embed(t_emb)
+ h = x.type(self.dtype)
+ for module in self.input_blocks:
+ h = module(h, emb, context)
+ hs.append(h)
+ h = self.middle_block(h, emb, context)
+ if control is not None:
+ h += control.pop()
+ for i, module in enumerate(self.output_blocks):
+ if only_mid_control or control is None:
+ h = torch.cat([h, hs.pop()], dim=1)
+ else:
+ h = torch.cat([h, hs.pop() + control.pop()], dim=1)
+ h = module(h, emb, context)
+ h = h.type(x.dtype)
+ return self.out(h)
+class ControlNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ image_size,
+ in_channels,
+ model_channels,
+ glyph_channels,
+ position_channels,
+ num_res_blocks,
+ attention_resolutions,
+ dropout=0,
+ channel_mult=(1, 2, 4, 8),
+ conv_resample=True,
+ dims=2,
+ use_checkpoint=False,
+ use_fp16=False,
+ num_heads=-1,
+ num_head_channels=-1,
+ num_heads_upsample=-1,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=False,
+ resblock_updown=False,
+ use_new_attention_order=False,
+ use_spatial_transformer=False, # custom transformer support
+ transformer_depth=1, # custom transformer support
+ context_dim=None, # custom transformer support
+ n_embed=None, # custom support for prediction of discrete ids into codebook of first stage vq model
+ legacy=True,
+ disable_self_attentions=None,
+ num_attention_blocks=None,
+ disable_middle_self_attn=False,
+ use_linear_in_transformer=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ if use_spatial_transformer:
+ assert context_dim is not None, 'Fool!! You forgot to include the dimension of your cross-attention conditioning...'
+ if context_dim is not None:
+ assert use_spatial_transformer, 'Fool!! You forgot to use the spatial transformer for your cross-attention conditioning...'
+ from omegaconf.listconfig import ListConfig
+ if type(context_dim) == ListConfig:
+ context_dim = list(context_dim)
+ if num_heads_upsample == -1:
+ num_heads_upsample = num_heads
+ if num_heads == -1:
+ assert num_head_channels != -1, 'Either num_heads or num_head_channels has to be set'
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ assert num_heads != -1, 'Either num_heads or num_head_channels has to be set'
+ self.dims = dims
+ self.image_size = image_size
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.model_channels = model_channels
+ if isinstance(num_res_blocks, int):
+ self.num_res_blocks = len(channel_mult) * [num_res_blocks]
+ else:
+ if len(num_res_blocks) != len(channel_mult):
+ raise ValueError("provide num_res_blocks either as an int (globally constant) or "
+ "as a list/tuple (per-level) with the same length as channel_mult")
+ self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
+ if disable_self_attentions is not None:
+ # should be a list of booleans, indicating whether to disable self-attention in TransformerBlocks or not
+ assert len(disable_self_attentions) == len(channel_mult)
+ if num_attention_blocks is not None:
+ assert len(num_attention_blocks) == len(self.num_res_blocks)
+ assert all(map(lambda i: self.num_res_blocks[i] >= num_attention_blocks[i], range(len(num_attention_blocks))))
+ print(f"Constructor of UNetModel received num_attention_blocks={num_attention_blocks}. "
+ f"This option has LESS priority than attention_resolutions {attention_resolutions}, "
+ f"i.e., in cases where num_attention_blocks[i] > 0 but 2**i not in attention_resolutions, "
+ f"attention will still not be set.")
+ self.attention_resolutions = attention_resolutions
+ self.dropout = dropout
+ self.channel_mult = channel_mult
+ self.conv_resample = conv_resample
+ self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
+ self.dtype = th.float16 if use_fp16 else th.float32
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ self.num_head_channels = num_head_channels
+ self.num_heads_upsample = num_heads_upsample
+ self.predict_codebook_ids = n_embed is not None
+ time_embed_dim = model_channels * 4
+ self.time_embed = nn.Sequential(
+ linear(model_channels, time_embed_dim),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ linear(time_embed_dim, time_embed_dim),
+ )
+ self.input_blocks = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ conv_nd(dims, in_channels, model_channels, 3, padding=1)
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ self.zero_convs = nn.ModuleList([self.make_zero_conv(model_channels)])
+ self.glyph_block = TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ conv_nd(dims, glyph_channels, 8, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 8, 8, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 8, 16, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 16, 16, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 16, 32, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 32, 32, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 32, 96, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 96, 96, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 96, 256, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ )
+ self.position_block = TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ conv_nd(dims, position_channels, 8, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 8, 8, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 8, 16, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 16, 16, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 16, 32, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 32, 32, 3, padding=1),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, 32, 64, 3, padding=1, stride=2),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ )
+ self.fuse_block = zero_module(conv_nd(dims, 256+64+4, model_channels, 3, padding=1))
+ self._feature_size = model_channels
+ input_block_chans = [model_channels]
+ ch = model_channels
+ ds = 1
+ for level, mult in enumerate(channel_mult):
+ for nr in range(self.num_res_blocks[level]):
+ layers = [
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=mult * model_channels,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ )
+ ]
+ ch = mult * model_channels
+ if ds in attention_resolutions:
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads
+ else:
+ num_heads = ch // num_head_channels
+ dim_head = num_head_channels
+ if legacy:
+ # num_heads = 1
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads if use_spatial_transformer else num_head_channels
+ if exists(disable_self_attentions):
+ disabled_sa = disable_self_attentions[level]
+ else:
+ disabled_sa = False
+ if not exists(num_attention_blocks) or nr < num_attention_blocks[level]:
+ layers.append(
+ AttentionBlock(
+ ch,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ num_head_channels=dim_head,
+ use_new_attention_order=use_new_attention_order,
+ ) if not use_spatial_transformer else SpatialTransformer(
+ ch, num_heads, dim_head, depth=transformer_depth, context_dim=context_dim,
+ disable_self_attn=disabled_sa, use_linear=use_linear_in_transformer,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint
+ )
+ )
+ self.input_blocks.append(TimestepEmbedSequential(*layers))
+ self.zero_convs.append(self.make_zero_conv(ch))
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ input_block_chans.append(ch)
+ if level != len(channel_mult) - 1:
+ out_ch = ch
+ self.input_blocks.append(
+ TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=out_ch,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ down=True,
+ )
+ if resblock_updown
+ else Downsample(
+ ch, conv_resample, dims=dims, out_channels=out_ch
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ch = out_ch
+ input_block_chans.append(ch)
+ self.zero_convs.append(self.make_zero_conv(ch))
+ ds *= 2
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads
+ else:
+ num_heads = ch // num_head_channels
+ dim_head = num_head_channels
+ if legacy:
+ # num_heads = 1
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads if use_spatial_transformer else num_head_channels
+ self.middle_block = TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ ),
+ AttentionBlock(
+ ch,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ num_head_channels=dim_head,
+ use_new_attention_order=use_new_attention_order,
+ ) if not use_spatial_transformer else SpatialTransformer( # always uses a self-attn
+ ch, num_heads, dim_head, depth=transformer_depth, context_dim=context_dim,
+ disable_self_attn=disable_middle_self_attn, use_linear=use_linear_in_transformer,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint
+ ),
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ ),
+ )
+ self.middle_block_out = self.make_zero_conv(ch)
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ def make_zero_conv(self, channels):
+ return TimestepEmbedSequential(zero_module(conv_nd(self.dims, channels, channels, 1, padding=0)))
+ def forward(self, x, hint, text_info, timesteps, context, **kwargs):
+ t_emb = timestep_embedding(timesteps, self.model_channels, repeat_only=False)
+ emb = self.time_embed(t_emb)
+ # guided_hint from text_info
+ B, C, H, W = x.shape
+ glyphs = torch.cat(text_info['glyphs'], dim=1).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
+ positions = torch.cat(text_info['positions'], dim=1).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True)
+ enc_glyph = self.glyph_block(glyphs, emb, context)
+ enc_pos = self.position_block(positions, emb, context)
+ guided_hint = self.fuse_block(torch.cat([enc_glyph, enc_pos, text_info['masked_x']], dim=1))
+ outs = []
+ h = x.type(self.dtype)
+ for module, zero_conv in zip(self.input_blocks, self.zero_convs):
+ if guided_hint is not None:
+ h = module(h, emb, context)
+ h += guided_hint
+ guided_hint = None
+ else:
+ h = module(h, emb, context)
+ outs.append(zero_conv(h, emb, context))
+ h = self.middle_block(h, emb, context)
+ outs.append(self.middle_block_out(h, emb, context))
+ return outs
+class ControlLDM(LatentDiffusion):
+ def __init__(self, control_stage_config, control_key, glyph_key, position_key, only_mid_control, loss_alpha=0, loss_beta=0, with_step_weight=False, use_vae_upsample=False, latin_weight=1.0, embedding_manager_config=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.control_model = instantiate_from_config(control_stage_config)
+ self.control_key = control_key
+ self.glyph_key = glyph_key
+ self.position_key = position_key
+ self.only_mid_control = only_mid_control
+ self.control_scales = [1.0] * 13
+ self.loss_alpha = loss_alpha
+ self.loss_beta = loss_beta
+ self.with_step_weight = with_step_weight
+ self.use_vae_upsample = use_vae_upsample
+ self.latin_weight = latin_weight
+ if embedding_manager_config is not None and embedding_manager_config.params.valid:
+ self.embedding_manager = self.instantiate_embedding_manager(embedding_manager_config, self.cond_stage_model)
+ for param in self.embedding_manager.embedding_parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = True
+ else:
+ self.embedding_manager = None
+ if self.loss_alpha > 0 or self.loss_beta > 0 or self.embedding_manager:
+ if embedding_manager_config.params.emb_type == 'ocr':
+ self.text_predictor = create_predictor().eval()
+ args = edict()
+ args.rec_image_shape = "3, 48, 320"
+ args.rec_batch_num = 6
+ args.rec_char_dict_path = './ocr_recog/ppocr_keys_v1.txt'
+ self.cn_recognizer = TextRecognizer(args, self.text_predictor)
+ for param in self.text_predictor.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ if self.embedding_manager:
+ self.embedding_manager.recog = self.cn_recognizer
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_input(self, batch, k, bs=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.embedding_manager is None: # fill in full caption
+ self.fill_caption(batch)
+ x, c, mx = super().get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, mask_k='masked_img', *args, **kwargs)
+ control = batch[self.control_key] # for log_images and loss_alpha, not real control
+ if bs is not None:
+ control = control[:bs]
+ control = control.to(self.device)
+ control = einops.rearrange(control, 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ control = control.to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ inv_mask = batch['inv_mask']
+ if bs is not None:
+ inv_mask = inv_mask[:bs]
+ inv_mask = inv_mask.to(self.device)
+ inv_mask = einops.rearrange(inv_mask, 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ inv_mask = inv_mask.to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ glyphs = batch[self.glyph_key]
+ gly_line = batch['gly_line']
+ positions = batch[self.position_key]
+ n_lines = batch['n_lines']
+ language = batch['language']
+ texts = batch['texts']
+ assert len(glyphs) == len(positions)
+ for i in range(len(glyphs)):
+ if bs is not None:
+ glyphs[i] = glyphs[i][:bs]
+ gly_line[i] = gly_line[i][:bs]
+ positions[i] = positions[i][:bs]
+ n_lines = n_lines[:bs]
+ glyphs[i] = glyphs[i].to(self.device)
+ gly_line[i] = gly_line[i].to(self.device)
+ positions[i] = positions[i].to(self.device)
+ glyphs[i] = einops.rearrange(glyphs[i], 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ gly_line[i] = einops.rearrange(gly_line[i], 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ positions[i] = einops.rearrange(positions[i], 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ glyphs[i] = glyphs[i].to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ gly_line[i] = gly_line[i].to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ positions[i] = positions[i].to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ info = {}
+ info['glyphs'] = glyphs
+ info['positions'] = positions
+ info['n_lines'] = n_lines
+ info['language'] = language
+ info['texts'] = texts
+ info['img'] = batch['img'] # nhwc, (-1,1)
+ info['masked_x'] = mx
+ info['gly_line'] = gly_line
+ info['inv_mask'] = inv_mask
+ return x, dict(c_crossattn=[c], c_concat=[control], text_info=info)
+ def apply_model(self, x_noisy, t, cond, *args, **kwargs):
+ assert isinstance(cond, dict)
+ diffusion_model = self.model.diffusion_model
+ _cond = torch.cat(cond['c_crossattn'], 1)
+ _hint = torch.cat(cond['c_concat'], 1)
+ control = self.control_model(x=x_noisy, timesteps=t, context=_cond, hint=_hint, text_info=cond['text_info'])
+ control = [c * scale for c, scale in zip(control, self.control_scales)]
+ eps = diffusion_model(x=x_noisy, timesteps=t, context=_cond, control=control, only_mid_control=self.only_mid_control)
+ return eps
+ def instantiate_embedding_manager(self, config, embedder):
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config, embedder=embedder)
+ return model
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_unconditional_conditioning(self, N):
+ return self.get_learned_conditioning(dict(c_crossattn=[[""] * N], text_info=None))
+ def get_learned_conditioning(self, c):
+ if self.cond_stage_forward is None:
+ if hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, 'encode') and callable(self.cond_stage_model.encode):
+ if self.embedding_manager is not None and c['text_info'] is not None:
+ self.embedding_manager.encode_text(c['text_info'])
+ if isinstance(c, dict):
+ cond_txt = c['c_crossattn'][0]
+ else:
+ cond_txt = c
+ if self.embedding_manager is not None:
+ cond_txt = self.cond_stage_model.encode(cond_txt, embedding_manager=self.embedding_manager)
+ else:
+ cond_txt = self.cond_stage_model.encode(cond_txt)
+ if isinstance(c, dict):
+ c['c_crossattn'][0] = cond_txt
+ else:
+ c = cond_txt
+ if isinstance(c, DiagonalGaussianDistribution):
+ c = c.mode()
+ else:
+ c = self.cond_stage_model(c)
+ else:
+ assert hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, self.cond_stage_forward)
+ c = getattr(self.cond_stage_model, self.cond_stage_forward)(c)
+ return c
+ def fill_caption(self, batch, place_holder='*'):
+ bs = len(batch['n_lines'])
+ cond_list = copy.deepcopy(batch[self.cond_stage_key])
+ for i in range(bs):
+ n_lines = batch['n_lines'][i]
+ if n_lines == 0:
+ continue
+ cur_cap = cond_list[i]
+ for j in range(n_lines):
+ r_txt = batch['texts'][j][i]
+ cur_cap = cur_cap.replace(place_holder, f'"{r_txt}"', 1)
+ cond_list[i] = cur_cap
+ batch[self.cond_stage_key] = cond_list
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, batch, N=4, n_row=2, sample=False, ddim_steps=50, ddim_eta=0.0, return_keys=None,
+ quantize_denoised=True, inpaint=True, plot_denoise_rows=False, plot_progressive_rows=True,
+ plot_diffusion_rows=False, unconditional_guidance_scale=9.0, unconditional_guidance_label=None,
+ use_ema_scope=True,
+ **kwargs):
+ use_ddim = ddim_steps is not None
+ log = dict()
+ z, c = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, bs=N)
+ if self.cond_stage_trainable:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ c = self.get_learned_conditioning(c)
+ c_crossattn = c["c_crossattn"][0][:N]
+ c_cat = c["c_concat"][0][:N]
+ text_info = c["text_info"]
+ text_info['glyphs'] = [i[:N] for i in text_info['glyphs']]
+ text_info['gly_line'] = [i[:N] for i in text_info['gly_line']]
+ text_info['positions'] = [i[:N] for i in text_info['positions']]
+ text_info['n_lines'] = text_info['n_lines'][:N]
+ text_info['masked_x'] = text_info['masked_x'][:N]
+ text_info['img'] = text_info['img'][:N]
+ N = min(z.shape[0], N)
+ n_row = min(z.shape[0], n_row)
+ log["reconstruction"] = self.decode_first_stage(z)
+ log["masked_image"] = self.decode_first_stage(text_info['masked_x'])
+ log["control"] = c_cat * 2.0 - 1.0
+ log["img"] = text_info['img'].permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # log source image if needed
+ # get glyph
+ glyph_bs = torch.stack(text_info['glyphs'])
+ glyph_bs = torch.sum(glyph_bs, dim=0) * 2.0 - 1.0
+ log["glyph"] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(glyph_bs, size=(512, 512), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True,)
+ # fill caption
+ if not self.embedding_manager:
+ self.fill_caption(batch)
+ captions = batch[self.cond_stage_key]
+ log["conditioning"] = log_txt_as_img((512, 512), captions, size=16)
+ if plot_diffusion_rows:
+ # get diffusion row
+ diffusion_row = list()
+ z_start = z[:n_row]
+ for t in range(self.num_timesteps):
+ if t % self.log_every_t == 0 or t == self.num_timesteps - 1:
+ t = repeat(torch.tensor([t]), '1 -> b', b=n_row)
+ t = t.to(self.device).long()
+ noise = torch.randn_like(z_start)
+ z_noisy = self.q_sample(x_start=z_start, t=t, noise=noise)
+ diffusion_row.append(self.decode_first_stage(z_noisy))
+ diffusion_row = torch.stack(diffusion_row) # n_log_step, n_row, C, H, W
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_row, 'n b c h w -> b n c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_grid, 'b n c h w -> (b n) c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = make_grid(diffusion_grid, nrow=diffusion_row.shape[0])
+ log["diffusion_row"] = diffusion_grid
+ if sample:
+ # get denoise row
+ samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample_log(cond={"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c], "text_info": text_info},
+ batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples)
+ log["samples"] = x_samples
+ if plot_denoise_rows:
+ denoise_grid = self._get_denoise_row_from_list(z_denoise_row)
+ log["denoise_row"] = denoise_grid
+ if unconditional_guidance_scale > 1.0:
+ uc_cross = self.get_unconditional_conditioning(N)
+ uc_cat = c_cat # torch.zeros_like(c_cat)
+ uc_full = {"c_concat": [uc_cat], "c_crossattn": [uc_cross['c_crossattn'][0]], "text_info": text_info}
+ samples_cfg, tmps = self.sample_log(cond={"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c_crossattn], "text_info": text_info},
+ batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=uc_full,
+ )
+ x_samples_cfg = self.decode_first_stage(samples_cfg)
+ log[f"samples_cfg_scale_{unconditional_guidance_scale:.2f}"] = x_samples_cfg
+ pred_x0 = False # wether log pred_x0
+ if pred_x0:
+ for idx in range(len(tmps['pred_x0'])):
+ pred_x0 = self.decode_first_stage(tmps['pred_x0'][idx])
+ log[f"pred_x0_{tmps['index'][idx]}"] = pred_x0
+ return log
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample_log(self, cond, batch_size, ddim, ddim_steps, **kwargs):
+ ddim_sampler = DDIMSampler(self)
+ b, c, h, w = cond["c_concat"][0].shape
+ shape = (self.channels, h // 8, w // 8)
+ samples, intermediates = ddim_sampler.sample(ddim_steps, batch_size, shape, cond, verbose=False, log_every_t=5, **kwargs)
+ return samples, intermediates
+ def configure_optimizers(self):
+ lr = self.learning_rate
+ params = list(self.control_model.parameters())
+ if self.embedding_manager:
+ params += list(self.embedding_manager.embedding_parameters())
+ if not self.sd_locked:
+ # params += list(self.model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.parameters())
+ # params += list(self.model.diffusion_model.middle_block.parameters())
+ params += list(self.model.diffusion_model.output_blocks.parameters())
+ params += list(self.model.diffusion_model.out.parameters())
+ if self.unlockKV:
+ nCount = 0
+ for name, param in self.model.diffusion_model.named_parameters():
+ if 'attn2.to_k' in name or 'attn2.to_v' in name:
+ params += [param]
+ nCount += 1
+ print(f'Cross attention is unlocked, and {nCount} Wk or Wv are added to potimizers!!!')
+ opt = torch.optim.AdamW(params, lr=lr)
+ return opt
+ def low_vram_shift(self, is_diffusing):
+ if is_diffusing:
+ self.model = self.model.cuda()
+ self.control_model = self.control_model.cuda()
+ self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.cpu()
+ self.cond_stage_model = self.cond_stage_model.cpu()
+ else:
+ self.model = self.model.cpu()
+ self.control_model = self.control_model.cpu()
+ self.first_stage_model = self.first_stage_model.cuda()
+ self.cond_stage_model = self.cond_stage_model.cuda()
diff --git a/cldm/ddim_hacked.py b/cldm/ddim_hacked.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25b1bc947272ad14d7f7e5e4d1809005253b63d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/ddim_hacked.py
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import make_ddim_sampling_parameters, make_ddim_timesteps, noise_like, extract_into_tensor
+class DDIMSampler(object):
+ def __init__(self, model, schedule="linear", **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.model = model
+ self.ddpm_num_timesteps = model.num_timesteps
+ self.schedule = schedule
+ def register_buffer(self, name, attr):
+ if type(attr) == torch.Tensor:
+ if attr.device != torch.device("cuda"):
+ attr = attr.to(torch.device("cuda"))
+ setattr(self, name, attr)
+ def make_schedule(self, ddim_num_steps, ddim_discretize="uniform", ddim_eta=0., verbose=True):
+ self.ddim_timesteps = make_ddim_timesteps(ddim_discr_method=ddim_discretize, num_ddim_timesteps=ddim_num_steps,
+ num_ddpm_timesteps=self.ddpm_num_timesteps,verbose=verbose)
+ alphas_cumprod = self.model.alphas_cumprod
+ assert alphas_cumprod.shape[0] == self.ddpm_num_timesteps, 'alphas have to be defined for each timestep'
+ to_torch = lambda x: x.clone().detach().to(torch.float32).to(self.model.device)
+ self.register_buffer('betas', to_torch(self.model.betas))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod', to_torch(alphas_cumprod))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod_prev', to_torch(self.model.alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ # calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_{t-1}) and others
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.log(1. - alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod.cpu() - 1)))
+ # ddim sampling parameters
+ ddim_sigmas, ddim_alphas, ddim_alphas_prev = make_ddim_sampling_parameters(alphacums=alphas_cumprod.cpu(),
+ ddim_timesteps=self.ddim_timesteps,
+ eta=ddim_eta,verbose=verbose)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sigmas', ddim_sigmas)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_alphas', ddim_alphas)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_alphas_prev', ddim_alphas_prev)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas', np.sqrt(1. - ddim_alphas))
+ sigmas_for_original_sampling_steps = ddim_eta * torch.sqrt(
+ (1 - self.alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1 - self.alphas_cumprod) * (
+ 1 - self.alphas_cumprod / self.alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sigmas_for_original_num_steps', sigmas_for_original_sampling_steps)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample(self,
+ S,
+ batch_size,
+ shape,
+ conditioning=None,
+ callback=None,
+ normals_sequence=None,
+ img_callback=None,
+ quantize_x0=False,
+ eta=0.,
+ mask=None,
+ x0=None,
+ temperature=1.,
+ noise_dropout=0.,
+ score_corrector=None,
+ corrector_kwargs=None,
+ verbose=True,
+ x_T=None,
+ log_every_t=100,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1.,
+ unconditional_conditioning=None, # this has to come in the same format as the conditioning, # e.g. as encoded tokens, ...
+ dynamic_threshold=None,
+ ucg_schedule=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ if conditioning is not None:
+ if isinstance(conditioning, dict):
+ ctmp = conditioning[list(conditioning.keys())[0]]
+ while isinstance(ctmp, list): ctmp = ctmp[0]
+ cbs = ctmp.shape[0]
+ if cbs != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {cbs} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ elif isinstance(conditioning, list):
+ for ctmp in conditioning:
+ if ctmp.shape[0] != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {cbs} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ else:
+ if conditioning.shape[0] != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {conditioning.shape[0]} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ self.make_schedule(ddim_num_steps=S, ddim_eta=eta, verbose=verbose)
+ # sampling
+ C, H, W = shape
+ size = (batch_size, C, H, W)
+ print(f'Data shape for DDIM sampling is {size}, eta {eta}')
+ samples, intermediates = self.ddim_sampling(conditioning, size,
+ callback=callback,
+ img_callback=img_callback,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_x0,
+ mask=mask, x0=x0,
+ ddim_use_original_steps=False,
+ noise_dropout=noise_dropout,
+ temperature=temperature,
+ score_corrector=score_corrector,
+ corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs,
+ x_T=x_T,
+ log_every_t=log_every_t,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning,
+ dynamic_threshold=dynamic_threshold,
+ ucg_schedule=ucg_schedule
+ )
+ return samples, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def ddim_sampling(self, cond, shape,
+ x_T=None, ddim_use_original_steps=False,
+ callback=None, timesteps=None, quantize_denoised=False,
+ mask=None, x0=None, img_callback=None, log_every_t=100,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_conditioning=None, dynamic_threshold=None,
+ ucg_schedule=None):
+ device = self.model.betas.device
+ b = shape[0]
+ if x_T is None:
+ img = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
+ else:
+ img = x_T
+ if timesteps is None:
+ timesteps = self.ddpm_num_timesteps if ddim_use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps
+ elif timesteps is not None and not ddim_use_original_steps:
+ subset_end = int(min(timesteps / self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0], 1) * self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0]) - 1
+ timesteps = self.ddim_timesteps[:subset_end]
+ intermediates = {'x_inter': [img], 'pred_x0': [img]}
+ time_range = reversed(range(0,timesteps)) if ddim_use_original_steps else np.flip(timesteps)
+ total_steps = timesteps if ddim_use_original_steps else timesteps.shape[0]
+ print(f"Running DDIM Sampling with {total_steps} timesteps")
+ iterator = tqdm(time_range, desc='DDIM Sampler', total=total_steps)
+ for i, step in enumerate(iterator):
+ index = total_steps - i - 1
+ ts = torch.full((b,), step, device=device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if mask is not None:
+ assert x0 is not None
+ img_orig = self.model.q_sample(x0, ts) # TODO: deterministic forward pass?
+ img = img_orig * mask + (1. - mask) * img
+ if ucg_schedule is not None:
+ assert len(ucg_schedule) == len(time_range)
+ unconditional_guidance_scale = ucg_schedule[i]
+ outs = self.p_sample_ddim(img, cond, ts, index=index, use_original_steps=ddim_use_original_steps,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised, temperature=temperature,
+ noise_dropout=noise_dropout, score_corrector=score_corrector,
+ corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning,
+ dynamic_threshold=dynamic_threshold)
+ img, pred_x0 = outs
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ if img_callback: img_callback(pred_x0, i)
+ if index % log_every_t == 0 or index == total_steps - 1:
+ intermediates['x_inter'].append(img)
+ intermediates['pred_x0'].append(pred_x0)
+ return img, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample_ddim(self, x, c, t, index, repeat_noise=False, use_original_steps=False, quantize_denoised=False,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ dynamic_threshold=None):
+ b, *_, device = *x.shape, x.device
+ if unconditional_conditioning is None or unconditional_guidance_scale == 1.:
+ model_output = self.model.apply_model(x, t, c)
+ else:
+ model_t = self.model.apply_model(x, t, c)
+ model_uncond = self.model.apply_model(x, t, unconditional_conditioning)
+ model_output = model_uncond + unconditional_guidance_scale * (model_t - model_uncond)
+ if self.model.parameterization == "v":
+ e_t = self.model.predict_eps_from_z_and_v(x, t, model_output)
+ else:
+ e_t = model_output
+ if score_corrector is not None:
+ assert self.model.parameterization == "eps", 'not implemented'
+ e_t = score_corrector.modify_score(self.model, e_t, x, t, c, **corrector_kwargs)
+ alphas = self.model.alphas_cumprod if use_original_steps else self.ddim_alphas
+ alphas_prev = self.model.alphas_cumprod_prev if use_original_steps else self.ddim_alphas_prev
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas = self.model.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod if use_original_steps else self.ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas
+ sigmas = self.model.ddim_sigmas_for_original_num_steps if use_original_steps else self.ddim_sigmas
+ # select parameters corresponding to the currently considered timestep
+ a_t = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), alphas[index], device=device)
+ a_prev = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), alphas_prev[index], device=device)
+ sigma_t = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), sigmas[index], device=device)
+ sqrt_one_minus_at = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), sqrt_one_minus_alphas[index],device=device)
+ # current prediction for x_0
+ if self.model.parameterization != "v":
+ pred_x0 = (x - sqrt_one_minus_at * e_t) / a_t.sqrt()
+ else:
+ pred_x0 = self.model.predict_start_from_z_and_v(x, t, model_output)
+ if quantize_denoised:
+ pred_x0, _, *_ = self.model.first_stage_model.quantize(pred_x0)
+ if dynamic_threshold is not None:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ # direction pointing to x_t
+ dir_xt = (1. - a_prev - sigma_t**2).sqrt() * e_t
+ noise = sigma_t * noise_like(x.shape, device, repeat_noise) * temperature
+ if noise_dropout > 0.:
+ noise = torch.nn.functional.dropout(noise, p=noise_dropout)
+ x_prev = a_prev.sqrt() * pred_x0 + dir_xt + noise
+ return x_prev, pred_x0
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def encode(self, x0, c, t_enc, use_original_steps=False, return_intermediates=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1.0, unconditional_conditioning=None, callback=None):
+ timesteps = np.arange(self.ddpm_num_timesteps) if use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps
+ num_reference_steps = timesteps.shape[0]
+ assert t_enc <= num_reference_steps
+ num_steps = t_enc
+ if use_original_steps:
+ alphas_next = self.alphas_cumprod[:num_steps]
+ alphas = self.alphas_cumprod_prev[:num_steps]
+ else:
+ alphas_next = self.ddim_alphas[:num_steps]
+ alphas = torch.tensor(self.ddim_alphas_prev[:num_steps])
+ x_next = x0
+ intermediates = []
+ inter_steps = []
+ for i in tqdm(range(num_steps), desc='Encoding Image'):
+ t = torch.full((x0.shape[0],), timesteps[i], device=self.model.device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if unconditional_guidance_scale == 1.:
+ noise_pred = self.model.apply_model(x_next, t, c)
+ else:
+ assert unconditional_conditioning is not None
+ e_t_uncond, noise_pred = torch.chunk(
+ self.model.apply_model(torch.cat((x_next, x_next)), torch.cat((t, t)),
+ torch.cat((unconditional_conditioning, c))), 2)
+ noise_pred = e_t_uncond + unconditional_guidance_scale * (noise_pred - e_t_uncond)
+ xt_weighted = (alphas_next[i] / alphas[i]).sqrt() * x_next
+ weighted_noise_pred = alphas_next[i].sqrt() * (
+ (1 / alphas_next[i] - 1).sqrt() - (1 / alphas[i] - 1).sqrt()) * noise_pred
+ x_next = xt_weighted + weighted_noise_pred
+ if return_intermediates and i % (
+ num_steps // return_intermediates) == 0 and i < num_steps - 1:
+ intermediates.append(x_next)
+ inter_steps.append(i)
+ elif return_intermediates and i >= num_steps - 2:
+ intermediates.append(x_next)
+ inter_steps.append(i)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ out = {'x_encoded': x_next, 'intermediate_steps': inter_steps}
+ if return_intermediates:
+ out.update({'intermediates': intermediates})
+ return x_next, out
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def stochastic_encode(self, x0, t, use_original_steps=False, noise=None):
+ # fast, but does not allow for exact reconstruction
+ # t serves as an index to gather the correct alphas
+ if use_original_steps:
+ sqrt_alphas_cumprod = self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod
+ else:
+ sqrt_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(self.ddim_alphas)
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = self.ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas
+ if noise is None:
+ noise = torch.randn_like(x0)
+ return (extract_into_tensor(sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x0.shape) * x0 +
+ extract_into_tensor(sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x0.shape) * noise)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def decode(self, x_latent, cond, t_start, unconditional_guidance_scale=1.0, unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ use_original_steps=False, callback=None):
+ timesteps = np.arange(self.ddpm_num_timesteps) if use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps
+ timesteps = timesteps[:t_start]
+ time_range = np.flip(timesteps)
+ total_steps = timesteps.shape[0]
+ print(f"Running DDIM Sampling with {total_steps} timesteps")
+ iterator = tqdm(time_range, desc='Decoding image', total=total_steps)
+ x_dec = x_latent
+ for i, step in enumerate(iterator):
+ index = total_steps - i - 1
+ ts = torch.full((x_latent.shape[0],), step, device=x_latent.device, dtype=torch.long)
+ x_dec, _ = self.p_sample_ddim(x_dec, cond, ts, index=index, use_original_steps=use_original_steps,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ return x_dec
diff --git a/cldm/embedding_manager.py b/cldm/embedding_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be397d23d1db1d97d536d1bfdf0a2301807ad77e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/embedding_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from functools import partial
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import conv_nd, linear
+def get_clip_token_for_string(tokenizer, string):
+ batch_encoding = tokenizer(string, truncation=True, max_length=77, return_length=True,
+ return_overflowing_tokens=False, padding="max_length", return_tensors="pt")
+ tokens = batch_encoding["input_ids"]
+ assert torch.count_nonzero(tokens - 49407) == 2, f"String '{string}' maps to more than a single token. Please use another string"
+ return tokens[0, 1]
+def get_bert_token_for_string(tokenizer, string):
+ token = tokenizer(string)
+ assert torch.count_nonzero(token) == 3, f"String '{string}' maps to more than a single token. Please use another string"
+ token = token[0, 1]
+ return token
+def get_clip_vision_emb(encoder, processor, img):
+ _img = img.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1)*255
+ inputs = processor(images=_img, return_tensors="pt")
+ inputs['pixel_values'] = inputs['pixel_values'].to(img.device)
+ outputs = encoder(**inputs)
+ emb = outputs.image_embeds
+ return emb
+def get_recog_emb(encoder, img_list):
+ _img_list = [(img.repeat(1, 3, 1, 1)*255)[0] for img in img_list]
+ encoder.predictor.eval()
+ _, preds_neck = encoder.pred_imglist(_img_list, show_debug=False)
+ return preds_neck
+def pad_H(x):
+ _, _, H, W = x.shape
+ p_top = (W - H) // 2
+ p_bot = W - H - p_top
+ return F.pad(x, (0, 0, p_top, p_bot))
+class EncodeNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels):
+ super(EncodeNet, self).__init__()
+ chan = 16
+ n_layer = 4 # downsample
+ self.conv1 = conv_nd(2, in_channels, chan, 3, padding=1)
+ self.conv_list = nn.ModuleList([])
+ _c = chan
+ for i in range(n_layer):
+ self.conv_list.append(conv_nd(2, _c, _c*2, 3, padding=1, stride=2))
+ _c *= 2
+ self.conv2 = conv_nd(2, _c, out_channels, 3, padding=1)
+ self.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
+ self.act = nn.SiLU()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.act(self.conv1(x))
+ for layer in self.conv_list:
+ x = self.act(layer(x))
+ x = self.act(self.conv2(x))
+ x = self.avgpool(x)
+ x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
+ return x
+class EmbeddingManager(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ embedder,
+ valid=True,
+ glyph_channels=20,
+ position_channels=1,
+ placeholder_string='*',
+ add_pos=False,
+ emb_type='ocr',
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ if hasattr(embedder, 'tokenizer'): # using Stable Diffusion's CLIP encoder
+ get_token_for_string = partial(get_clip_token_for_string, embedder.tokenizer)
+ token_dim = 768
+ if hasattr(embedder, 'vit'):
+ assert emb_type == 'vit'
+ self.get_vision_emb = partial(get_clip_vision_emb, embedder.vit, embedder.processor)
+ self.get_recog_emb = None
+ else: # using LDM's BERT encoder
+ get_token_for_string = partial(get_bert_token_for_string, embedder.tknz_fn)
+ token_dim = 1280
+ self.token_dim = token_dim
+ self.emb_type = emb_type
+ self.add_pos = add_pos
+ if add_pos:
+ self.position_encoder = EncodeNet(position_channels, token_dim)
+ if emb_type == 'ocr':
+ self.proj = linear(40*64, token_dim)
+ if emb_type == 'conv':
+ self.glyph_encoder = EncodeNet(glyph_channels, token_dim)
+ self.placeholder_token = get_token_for_string(placeholder_string)
+ def encode_text(self, text_info):
+ if self.get_recog_emb is None and self.emb_type == 'ocr':
+ self.get_recog_emb = partial(get_recog_emb, self.recog)
+ gline_list = []
+ pos_list = []
+ for i in range(len(text_info['n_lines'])): # sample index in a batch
+ n_lines = text_info['n_lines'][i]
+ for j in range(n_lines): # line
+ gline_list += [text_info['gly_line'][j][i:i+1]]
+ if self.add_pos:
+ pos_list += [text_info['positions'][j][i:i+1]]
+ if len(gline_list) > 0:
+ if self.emb_type == 'ocr':
+ recog_emb = self.get_recog_emb(gline_list)
+ enc_glyph = self.proj(recog_emb.reshape(recog_emb.shape[0], -1))
+ elif self.emb_type == 'vit':
+ enc_glyph = self.get_vision_emb(pad_H(torch.cat(gline_list, dim=0)))
+ elif self.emb_type == 'conv':
+ enc_glyph = self.glyph_encoder(pad_H(torch.cat(gline_list, dim=0)))
+ if self.add_pos:
+ enc_pos = self.position_encoder(torch.cat(gline_list, dim=0))
+ enc_glyph = enc_glyph+enc_pos
+ self.text_embs_all = []
+ n_idx = 0
+ for i in range(len(text_info['n_lines'])): # sample index in a batch
+ n_lines = text_info['n_lines'][i]
+ text_embs = []
+ for j in range(n_lines): # line
+ text_embs += [enc_glyph[n_idx:n_idx+1]]
+ n_idx += 1
+ self.text_embs_all += [text_embs]
+ def forward(
+ self,
+ tokenized_text,
+ embedded_text,
+ ):
+ b, device = tokenized_text.shape[0], tokenized_text.device
+ for i in range(b):
+ idx = tokenized_text[i] == self.placeholder_token.to(device)
+ if sum(idx) > 0:
+ if i >= len(self.text_embs_all):
+ print('truncation for log images...')
+ break
+ text_emb = torch.cat(self.text_embs_all[i], dim=0)
+ if sum(idx) != len(text_emb):
+ print('truncation for long caption...')
+ embedded_text[i][idx] = text_emb[:sum(idx)]
+ return embedded_text
+ def embedding_parameters(self):
+ return self.parameters()
diff --git a/cldm/hack.py b/cldm/hack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..454361e9d036cd1a6a79122c2fd16b489e4767b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/hack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+import torch
+import einops
+import ldm.modules.encoders.modules
+import ldm.modules.attention
+from transformers import logging
+from ldm.modules.attention import default
+def disable_verbosity():
+ logging.set_verbosity_error()
+ print('logging improved.')
+ return
+def enable_sliced_attention():
+ ldm.modules.attention.CrossAttention.forward = _hacked_sliced_attentin_forward
+ print('Enabled sliced_attention.')
+ return
+def hack_everything(clip_skip=0):
+ disable_verbosity()
+ ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedder.forward = _hacked_clip_forward
+ ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedder.clip_skip = clip_skip
+ print('Enabled clip hacks.')
+ return
+# Written by Lvmin
+def _hacked_clip_forward(self, text):
+ PAD = self.tokenizer.pad_token_id
+ EOS = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id
+ BOS = self.tokenizer.bos_token_id
+ def tokenize(t):
+ return self.tokenizer(t, truncation=False, add_special_tokens=False)["input_ids"]
+ def transformer_encode(t):
+ if self.clip_skip > 1:
+ rt = self.transformer(input_ids=t, output_hidden_states=True)
+ return self.transformer.text_model.final_layer_norm(rt.hidden_states[-self.clip_skip])
+ else:
+ return self.transformer(input_ids=t, output_hidden_states=False).last_hidden_state
+ def split(x):
+ return x[75 * 0: 75 * 1], x[75 * 1: 75 * 2], x[75 * 2: 75 * 3]
+ def pad(x, p, i):
+ return x[:i] if len(x) >= i else x + [p] * (i - len(x))
+ raw_tokens_list = tokenize(text)
+ tokens_list = []
+ for raw_tokens in raw_tokens_list:
+ raw_tokens_123 = split(raw_tokens)
+ raw_tokens_123 = [[BOS] + raw_tokens_i + [EOS] for raw_tokens_i in raw_tokens_123]
+ raw_tokens_123 = [pad(raw_tokens_i, PAD, 77) for raw_tokens_i in raw_tokens_123]
+ tokens_list.append(raw_tokens_123)
+ tokens_list = torch.IntTensor(tokens_list).to(self.device)
+ feed = einops.rearrange(tokens_list, 'b f i -> (b f) i')
+ y = transformer_encode(feed)
+ z = einops.rearrange(y, '(b f) i c -> b (f i) c', f=3)
+ return z
+# Stolen from https://github.com/basujindal/stable-diffusion/blob/main/optimizedSD/splitAttention.py
+def _hacked_sliced_attentin_forward(self, x, context=None, mask=None):
+ h = self.heads
+ q = self.to_q(x)
+ context = default(context, x)
+ k = self.to_k(context)
+ v = self.to_v(context)
+ del context, x
+ q, k, v = map(lambda t: einops.rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> (b h) n d', h=h), (q, k, v))
+ limit = k.shape[0]
+ att_step = 1
+ q_chunks = list(torch.tensor_split(q, limit // att_step, dim=0))
+ k_chunks = list(torch.tensor_split(k, limit // att_step, dim=0))
+ v_chunks = list(torch.tensor_split(v, limit // att_step, dim=0))
+ q_chunks.reverse()
+ k_chunks.reverse()
+ v_chunks.reverse()
+ sim = torch.zeros(q.shape[0], q.shape[1], v.shape[2], device=q.device)
+ del k, q, v
+ for i in range(0, limit, att_step):
+ q_buffer = q_chunks.pop()
+ k_buffer = k_chunks.pop()
+ v_buffer = v_chunks.pop()
+ sim_buffer = torch.einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q_buffer, k_buffer) * self.scale
+ del k_buffer, q_buffer
+ # attention, what we cannot get enough of, by chunks
+ sim_buffer = sim_buffer.softmax(dim=-1)
+ sim_buffer = torch.einsum('b i j, b j d -> b i d', sim_buffer, v_buffer)
+ del v_buffer
+ sim[i:i + att_step, :, :] = sim_buffer
+ del sim_buffer
+ sim = einops.rearrange(sim, '(b h) n d -> b n (h d)', h=h)
+ return self.to_out(sim)
diff --git a/cldm/logger.py b/cldm/logger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a8803846f2a8979f87f3cf9ea5b12869439e62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/logger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torchvision
+from PIL import Image
+from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback
+from pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed import rank_zero_only
+class ImageLogger(Callback):
+ def __init__(self, batch_frequency=2000, max_images=4, clamp=True, increase_log_steps=True,
+ rescale=True, disabled=False, log_on_batch_idx=False, log_first_step=False,
+ log_images_kwargs=None):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.rescale = rescale
+ self.batch_freq = batch_frequency
+ self.max_images = max_images
+ if not increase_log_steps:
+ self.log_steps = [self.batch_freq]
+ self.clamp = clamp
+ self.disabled = disabled
+ self.log_on_batch_idx = log_on_batch_idx
+ self.log_images_kwargs = log_images_kwargs if log_images_kwargs else {}
+ self.log_first_step = log_first_step
+ @rank_zero_only
+ def log_local(self, save_dir, split, images, global_step, current_epoch, batch_idx):
+ root = os.path.join(save_dir, "image_log", split)
+ for k in images:
+ grid = torchvision.utils.make_grid(images[k], nrow=4)
+ if self.rescale:
+ grid = (grid + 1.0) / 2.0 # -1,1 -> 0,1; c,h,w
+ grid = grid.transpose(0, 1).transpose(1, 2).squeeze(-1)
+ grid = grid.numpy()
+ grid = (grid * 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ filename = "{}_gs-{:06}_e-{:06}_b-{:06}.png".format(k, global_step, current_epoch, batch_idx)
+ path = os.path.join(root, filename)
+ os.makedirs(os.path.split(path)[0], exist_ok=True)
+ Image.fromarray(grid).save(path)
+ def log_img(self, pl_module, batch, batch_idx, split="train"):
+ check_idx = batch_idx # if self.log_on_batch_idx else pl_module.global_step
+ if (self.check_frequency(check_idx) and # batch_idx % self.batch_freq == 0
+ hasattr(pl_module, "log_images") and
+ callable(pl_module.log_images) and
+ self.max_images > 0):
+ logger = type(pl_module.logger)
+ is_train = pl_module.training
+ if is_train:
+ pl_module.eval()
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ images = pl_module.log_images(batch, split=split, **self.log_images_kwargs)
+ for k in images:
+ N = min(images[k].shape[0], self.max_images)
+ images[k] = images[k][:N]
+ if isinstance(images[k], torch.Tensor):
+ images[k] = images[k].detach().cpu()
+ if self.clamp:
+ images[k] = torch.clamp(images[k], -1., 1.)
+ self.log_local(pl_module.logger.save_dir, split, images,
+ pl_module.global_step, pl_module.current_epoch, batch_idx)
+ if is_train:
+ pl_module.train()
+ def check_frequency(self, check_idx):
+ return check_idx % self.batch_freq == 0
+ def on_train_batch_end(self, trainer, pl_module, outputs, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx):
+ if not self.disabled:
+ self.log_img(pl_module, batch, batch_idx, split="train")
diff --git a/cldm/model.py b/cldm/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b4404622322e05fd8fea4ba0a15912b88c3b2e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import os
+import torch
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
+def get_state_dict(d):
+ return d.get('state_dict', d)
+def load_state_dict(ckpt_path, location='cpu'):
+ _, extension = os.path.splitext(ckpt_path)
+ if extension.lower() == ".safetensors":
+ import safetensors.torch
+ state_dict = safetensors.torch.load_file(ckpt_path, device=location)
+ else:
+ state_dict = get_state_dict(torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location=torch.device(location)))
+ state_dict = get_state_dict(state_dict)
+ print(f'Loaded state_dict from [{ckpt_path}]')
+ return state_dict
+def create_model(config_path, cond_stage_path=None):
+ config = OmegaConf.load(config_path)
+ if cond_stage_path:
+ config.model.params.cond_stage_config.params.version = cond_stage_path # use pre-downloaded ckpts, in case blocked
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config.model).cpu()
+ print(f'Loaded model config from [{config_path}]')
+ return model
diff --git a/cldm/recognizer.py b/cldm/recognizer.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2defa9117b73bd741ef2bdaecb320a33f58e6933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cldm/recognizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates.
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import math
+import traceback
+from easydict import EasyDict as edict
+import time
+from ocr_recog.RecModel import RecModel
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from skimage.transform._geometric import _umeyama as get_sym_mat
+def min_bounding_rect(img):
+ ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(img, 127, 255, 0)
+ contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
+ if len(contours) == 0:
+ print('Bad contours, using fake bbox...')
+ return np.array([[0, 0], [100, 0], [100, 100], [0, 100]])
+ max_contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)
+ rect = cv2.minAreaRect(max_contour)
+ box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
+ box = np.int0(box)
+ # sort
+ x_sorted = sorted(box, key=lambda x: x[0])
+ left = x_sorted[:2]
+ right = x_sorted[2:]
+ left = sorted(left, key=lambda x: x[1])
+ (tl, bl) = left
+ right = sorted(right, key=lambda x: x[1])
+ (tr, br) = right
+ if tl[1] > bl[1]:
+ (tl, bl) = (bl, tl)
+ if tr[1] > br[1]:
+ (tr, br) = (br, tr)
+ return np.array([tl, tr, br, bl])
+def adjust_image(box, img):
+ pts1 = np.float32([box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]])
+ width = max(np.linalg.norm(pts1[0]-pts1[1]), np.linalg.norm(pts1[2]-pts1[3]))
+ height = max(np.linalg.norm(pts1[0]-pts1[3]), np.linalg.norm(pts1[1]-pts1[2]))
+ pts2 = np.float32([[0, 0], [width, 0], [width, height], [0, height]])
+ # get transform matrix
+ M = get_sym_mat(pts1, pts2, estimate_scale=True)
+ C, H, W = img.shape
+ T = np.array([[2 / W, 0, -1], [0, 2 / H, -1], [0, 0, 1]])
+ theta = np.linalg.inv(T @ M @ np.linalg.inv(T))
+ theta = torch.from_numpy(theta[:2, :]).unsqueeze(0).type(torch.float32).to(img.device)
+ grid = F.affine_grid(theta, torch.Size([1, C, H, W]), align_corners=True)
+ result = F.grid_sample(img.unsqueeze(0), grid, align_corners=True)
+ result = torch.clamp(result.squeeze(0), 0, 255)
+ # crop
+ result = result[:, :int(height), :int(width)]
+ return result
+mask: numpy.ndarray, mask of textual, HWC
+src_img: torch.Tensor, source image, CHW
+def crop_image(src_img, mask):
+ box = min_bounding_rect(mask)
+ result = adjust_image(box, src_img)
+ if len(result.shape) == 2:
+ result = torch.stack([result]*3, axis=-1)
+ return result
+def create_predictor(model_dir=None, model_lang='ch', is_onnx=False):
+ model_file_path = model_dir
+ if model_file_path is not None and not os.path.exists(model_file_path):
+ raise ValueError("not find model file path {}".format(model_file_path))
+ if is_onnx:
+ import onnxruntime as ort
+ sess = ort.InferenceSession(model_file_path, providers=['CPUExecutionProvider']) # 'TensorrtExecutionProvider', 'CUDAExecutionProvider', 'CPUExecutionProvider'
+ return sess
+ else:
+ if model_lang == 'ch':
+ n_class = 6625
+ elif model_lang == 'en':
+ n_class = 97
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported OCR recog model_lang: {model_lang}")
+ rec_config = edict(
+ in_channels=3,
+ backbone=edict(type='MobileNetV1Enhance', scale=0.5, last_conv_stride=[1, 2], last_pool_type='avg'),
+ neck=edict(type='SequenceEncoder', encoder_type="svtr", dims=64, depth=2, hidden_dims=120, use_guide=True),
+ head=edict(type='CTCHead', fc_decay=0.00001, out_channels=n_class, return_feats=True)
+ )
+ rec_model = RecModel(rec_config)
+ if model_file_path is not None:
+ rec_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_file_path, map_location="cpu"))
+ rec_model.eval()
+ return rec_model.eval()
+def _check_image_file(path):
+ img_end = {'jpg', 'bmp', 'png', 'jpeg', 'rgb', 'tif', 'tiff'}
+ return any([path.lower().endswith(e) for e in img_end])
+def get_image_file_list(img_file):
+ imgs_lists = []
+ if img_file is None or not os.path.exists(img_file):
+ raise Exception("not found any img file in {}".format(img_file))
+ if os.path.isfile(img_file) and _check_image_file(img_file):
+ imgs_lists.append(img_file)
+ elif os.path.isdir(img_file):
+ for single_file in os.listdir(img_file):
+ file_path = os.path.join(img_file, single_file)
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path) and _check_image_file(file_path):
+ imgs_lists.append(file_path)
+ if len(imgs_lists) == 0:
+ raise Exception("not found any img file in {}".format(img_file))
+ imgs_lists = sorted(imgs_lists)
+ return imgs_lists
+class TextRecognizer(object):
+ def __init__(self, args, predictor):
+ self.rec_image_shape = [int(v) for v in args.rec_image_shape.split(",")]
+ self.rec_batch_num = args.rec_batch_num
+ self.predictor = predictor
+ self.chars = self.get_char_dict(args.rec_char_dict_path)
+ self.char2id = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(self.chars)}
+ self.is_onnx = not isinstance(self.predictor, torch.nn.Module)
+ # img: CHW
+ def resize_norm_img(self, img, max_wh_ratio):
+ imgC, imgH, imgW = self.rec_image_shape
+ assert imgC == img.shape[0]
+ imgW = int((imgH * max_wh_ratio))
+ h, w = img.shape[1:]
+ ratio = w / float(h)
+ if math.ceil(imgH * ratio) > imgW:
+ resized_w = imgW
+ else:
+ resized_w = int(math.ceil(imgH * ratio))
+ resized_image = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
+ img.unsqueeze(0),
+ size=(imgH, resized_w),
+ mode='bilinear',
+ align_corners=True,
+ )
+ resized_image /= 255.0
+ resized_image -= 0.5
+ resized_image /= 0.5
+ padding_im = torch.zeros((imgC, imgH, imgW), dtype=torch.float32).to(img.device)
+ padding_im[:, :, 0:resized_w] = resized_image[0]
+ return padding_im
+ # img_list: list of tensors with shape chw 0-255
+ def pred_imglist(self, img_list, show_debug=False, is_ori=False):
+ img_num = len(img_list)
+ assert img_num > 0
+ # Calculate the aspect ratio of all text bars
+ width_list = []
+ for img in img_list:
+ width_list.append(img.shape[2] / float(img.shape[1]))
+ # Sorting can speed up the recognition process
+ indices = torch.from_numpy(np.argsort(np.array(width_list)))
+ batch_num = self.rec_batch_num
+ preds_all = [None] * img_num
+ preds_neck_all = [None] * img_num
+ for beg_img_no in range(0, img_num, batch_num):
+ end_img_no = min(img_num, beg_img_no + batch_num)
+ norm_img_batch = []
+ imgC, imgH, imgW = self.rec_image_shape[:3]
+ max_wh_ratio = imgW / imgH
+ for ino in range(beg_img_no, end_img_no):
+ h, w = img_list[indices[ino]].shape[1:]
+ if h > w * 1.2:
+ img = img_list[indices[ino]]
+ img = torch.transpose(img, 1, 2).flip(dims=[1])
+ img_list[indices[ino]] = img
+ h, w = img.shape[1:]
+ # wh_ratio = w * 1.0 / h
+ # max_wh_ratio = max(max_wh_ratio, wh_ratio) # comment to not use different ratio
+ for ino in range(beg_img_no, end_img_no):
+ norm_img = self.resize_norm_img(img_list[indices[ino]], max_wh_ratio)
+ norm_img = norm_img.unsqueeze(0)
+ norm_img_batch.append(norm_img)
+ norm_img_batch = torch.cat(norm_img_batch, dim=0)
+ if show_debug:
+ for i in range(len(norm_img_batch)):
+ _img = norm_img_batch[i].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy()
+ _img = (_img + 0.5)*255
+ _img = _img[:, :, ::-1]
+ file_name = f'{indices[beg_img_no + i]}'
+ file_name = file_name + '_ori' if is_ori else file_name
+ cv2.imwrite(file_name + '.jpg', _img)
+ if self.is_onnx:
+ input_dict = {}
+ input_dict[self.predictor.get_inputs()[0].name] = norm_img_batch.detach().cpu().numpy()
+ outputs = self.predictor.run(None, input_dict)
+ preds = {}
+ preds['ctc'] = torch.from_numpy(outputs[0])
+ preds['ctc_neck'] = [torch.zeros(1)] * img_num
+ else:
+ preds = self.predictor(norm_img_batch)
+ for rno in range(preds['ctc'].shape[0]):
+ preds_all[indices[beg_img_no + rno]] = preds['ctc'][rno]
+ preds_neck_all[indices[beg_img_no + rno]] = preds['ctc_neck'][rno]
+ return torch.stack(preds_all, dim=0), torch.stack(preds_neck_all, dim=0)
+ def get_char_dict(self, character_dict_path):
+ character_str = []
+ with open(character_dict_path, "rb") as fin:
+ lines = fin.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ line = line.decode('utf-8').strip("\n").strip("\r\n")
+ character_str.append(line)
+ dict_character = list(character_str)
+ dict_character = ['sos'] + dict_character + [' '] # eos is space
+ return dict_character
+ def get_text(self, order):
+ char_list = [self.chars[text_id] for text_id in order]
+ return ''.join(char_list)
+ def decode(self, mat):
+ text_index = mat.detach().cpu().numpy().argmax(axis=1)
+ ignored_tokens = [0]
+ selection = np.ones(len(text_index), dtype=bool)
+ selection[1:] = text_index[1:] != text_index[:-1]
+ for ignored_token in ignored_tokens:
+ selection &= text_index != ignored_token
+ return text_index[selection], np.where(selection)[0]
+ def get_ctcloss(self, preds, gt_text, weight):
+ if not isinstance(weight, torch.Tensor):
+ weight = torch.tensor(weight).to(preds.device)
+ ctc_loss = torch.nn.CTCLoss(reduction='none')
+ log_probs = preds.log_softmax(dim=2).permute(1, 0, 2) # NTC-->TNC
+ targets = []
+ target_lengths = []
+ for t in gt_text:
+ targets += [self.char2id.get(i, len(self.chars)-1) for i in t]
+ target_lengths += [len(t)]
+ targets = torch.tensor(targets).to(preds.device)
+ target_lengths = torch.tensor(target_lengths).to(preds.device)
+ input_lengths = torch.tensor([log_probs.shape[0]]*(log_probs.shape[1])).to(preds.device)
+ loss = ctc_loss(log_probs, targets, input_lengths, target_lengths)
+ loss = loss / input_lengths * weight
+ return loss
+def main():
+ rec_model_dir = "./ocr_weights/ppv3_rec.pth"
+ predictor = create_predictor(rec_model_dir)
+ args = edict()
+ args.rec_image_shape = "3, 48, 320"
+ args.rec_char_dict_path = './ocr_weights/ppocr_keys_v1.txt'
+ args.rec_batch_num = 6
+ text_recognizer = TextRecognizer(args, predictor)
+ image_dir = './test_imgs_cn'
+ gt_text = ['韩国小馆']*14
+ image_file_list = get_image_file_list(image_dir)
+ valid_image_file_list = []
+ img_list = []
+ for image_file in image_file_list:
+ img = cv2.imread(image_file)
+ if img is None:
+ print("error in loading image:{}".format(image_file))
+ continue
+ valid_image_file_list.append(image_file)
+ img_list.append(torch.from_numpy(img).permute(2, 0, 1).float())
+ try:
+ tic = time.time()
+ times = []
+ for i in range(10):
+ preds, _ = text_recognizer.pred_imglist(img_list) # get text
+ preds_all = preds.softmax(dim=2)
+ times += [(time.time()-tic)*1000.]
+ tic = time.time()
+ print(times)
+ print(np.mean(times[1:]) / len(preds_all))
+ weight = np.ones(len(gt_text))
+ loss = text_recognizer.get_ctcloss(preds, gt_text, weight)
+ for i in range(len(valid_image_file_list)):
+ pred = preds_all[i]
+ order, idx = text_recognizer.decode(pred)
+ text = text_recognizer.get_text(order)
+ print(f'{valid_image_file_list[i]}: pred/gt="{text}"/"{gt_text[i]}", loss={loss[i]:.2f}')
+ except Exception as E:
+ print(traceback.format_exc(), E)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/dataset_util.py b/dataset_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1e44640e88d6bf99ffbaf81051a0677bf9c11ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dataset_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+import json
+import pathlib
+__all__ = ['load', 'save', 'show_bbox_on_image']
+def load(file_path: str):
+ file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path)
+ func_dict = {'.txt': load_txt, '.json': load_json, '.list': load_txt}
+ assert file_path.suffix in func_dict
+ return func_dict[file_path.suffix](file_path)
+def load_txt(file_path: str):
+ with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
+ content = [x.strip().strip('\ufeff').strip('\xef\xbb\xbf') for x in f.readlines()]
+ return content
+def load_json(file_path: str):
+ with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
+ content = json.load(f)
+ return content
+def save(data, file_path):
+ file_path = pathlib.Path(file_path)
+ func_dict = {'.txt': save_txt, '.json': save_json}
+ assert file_path.suffix in func_dict
+ return func_dict[file_path.suffix](data, file_path)
+def save_txt(data, file_path):
+ if not isinstance(data, list):
+ data = [data]
+ with open(file_path, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as f:
+ f.write('\n'.join(data))
+def save_json(data, file_path):
+ with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
+ json.dump(data, json_file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
+def show_bbox_on_image(image, polygons=None, txt=None, color=None, font_path='./font/Arial_Unicode.ttf'):
+ from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageFont
+ image = image.convert('RGB')
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
+ if len(txt) == 0:
+ txt = None
+ if color is None:
+ color = (255, 0, 0)
+ if txt is not None:
+ font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 20)
+ for i, box in enumerate(polygons):
+ box = box[0]
+ if txt is not None:
+ draw.text((int(box[0][0]) + 20, int(box[0][1]) - 20), str(txt[i]), fill='red', font=font)
+ for j in range(len(box) - 1):
+ draw.line((box[j][0], box[j][1], box[j + 1][0], box[j + 1][1]), fill=color, width=2)
+ draw.line((box[-1][0], box[-1][1], box[0][0], box[0][1]), fill=color, width=2)
+ return image
+def show_glyphs(glyphs, name):
+ import numpy as np
+ import cv2
+ size = 64
+ gap = 5
+ n_char = 20
+ canvas = np.ones((size, size*n_char + gap*(n_char-1), 1))*0.5
+ x = 0
+ for i in range(glyphs.shape[-1]):
+ canvas[:, x:x + size, :] = glyphs[..., i:i+1]
+ x += size+gap
+ cv2.imwrite(name, canvas*255)
diff --git a/example_images/banner.png b/example_images/banner.png
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fbdf379f40d4687221b20b98e8ba612877fd00a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen3.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/gen4.png b/example_images/gen4.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffb94dfdc2c3b307d559a2c933e1f89a70f80b02
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen4.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/gen5.png b/example_images/gen5.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..335f9bd2fe0a493d3e343d50d5765f4033a968de
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen5.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/gen6.png b/example_images/gen6.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b6f03092edf35715294978973ea4d9b9b14cdf8e
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen6.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/gen7.png b/example_images/gen7.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..385d1dbe4243e66be718359f2616b99037a62376
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen7.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/gen8.png b/example_images/gen8.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b7dcf6e4f586f860f45b25bdc4d1fb7ad1be465
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen8.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/gen9.png b/example_images/gen9.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6c68dadc3d686d359cdb69a35a81aeecd10ccc1
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/gen9.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref1.jpg b/example_images/ref1.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e051af3cd9bcb77805d3e95ab9f9e88f65952773
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref1.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref10.jpg b/example_images/ref10.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5515ac2cc041a257cf7ae2944182eadecc162ec7
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref10.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref11.jpg b/example_images/ref11.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f44a8fe449fd532b84d519a09734f5f76c9709e9
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref11.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref12.png b/example_images/ref12.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2182c327c8582eba88dea839211769105c154f19
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref12.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref13.jpg b/example_images/ref13.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..227fc9b2b8a21d0671cb66468c7ef9a1113736c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref13.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref14.png b/example_images/ref14.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78a2b6af97727e743e3873b5076f65827d1bb0ff
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref14.png differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref2.jpg b/example_images/ref2.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4878c58a7b09c540a8deb1a7685b8c017cc1dbf
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref2.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref3.jpg b/example_images/ref3.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67aac42212aac484d6fed6b032dc3aca43189620
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref3.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref4.jpg b/example_images/ref4.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..36897cc34399c3c3e849e70b161090a34920c309
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref4.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref5.jpg b/example_images/ref5.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33cdfe4c95a124b06f829d1f774e847fecefd6ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref5.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref6.jpg b/example_images/ref6.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d375a3f1bb966114237ba2eb36ef6f8b506835df
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref6.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref7.jpg b/example_images/ref7.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8eb7ef4901eac5b727d775fef83a6cace00eebab
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref7.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref8.jpg b/example_images/ref8.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c36b3c5b2e340b665e6547eac85044a6af72392a
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref8.jpg differ
diff --git a/example_images/ref9.jpg b/example_images/ref9.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c23e56cf899f4874eb7d0e4b9adf056aa0ea5ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/example_images/ref9.jpg differ
diff --git a/font/Arial_Unicode.ttf b/font/Arial_Unicode.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bc3e08a7fbd6d2c40fad21b056a1ed865c1a2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font/Arial_Unicode.ttf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:876af2cd4854644e7f3e7feb2f688997fdb3343c6df6693611209c9dfb47ccec
+size 23278008
diff --git a/javascript/bboxHint.js b/javascript/bboxHint.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a17a233c8472cbcd960f2b1f949cf9a5a8021d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/bboxHint.js
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+Part of the implementation is borrowed and modified from multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111,
+publicly available at https://github.com/pkuliyi2015/multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111
+const BBOX_MAX_NUM = 16;
+const BBOX_WARNING_SIZE = 1280;
+const DEFAULT_X = 0.4;
+const DEFAULT_Y = 0.4;
+const DEFAULT_H = 0.2;
+const DEFAULT_W = 0.2;
+// ref: https://html-color.codes/
+const COLOR_MAP = [
+ ['#ff0000', 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.3)'], // red
+ ['#ff9900', 'rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.3)'], // orange
+ ['#ffff00', 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.3)'], // yellow
+ ['#33cc33', 'rgba(51, 204, 51, 0.3)'], // green
+ ['#33cccc', 'rgba(51, 204, 204, 0.3)'], // indigo
+ ['#0066ff', 'rgba(0, 102, 255, 0.3)'], // blue
+ ['#6600ff', 'rgba(102, 0, 255, 0.3)'], // purple
+ ['#cc00cc', 'rgba(204, 0, 204, 0.3)'], // dark pink
+ ['#ff6666', 'rgba(255, 102, 102, 0.3)'], // light red
+ ['#ffcc66', 'rgba(255, 204, 102, 0.3)'], // light orange
+ ['#99cc00', 'rgba(153, 204, 0, 0.3)'], // lime green
+ ['#00cc99', 'rgba(0, 204, 153, 0.3)'], // teal
+ ['#0099cc', 'rgba(0, 153, 204, 0.3)'], // steel blue
+ ['#9933cc', 'rgba(153, 51, 204, 0.3)'], // lavender
+ ['#ff3399', 'rgba(255, 51, 153, 0.3)'], // hot pink
+ ['#996633', 'rgba(153, 102, 51, 0.3)'], // brown
+const RESIZE_BORDER = 5;
+const MOVE_BORDER = 5;
+const t2i_bboxes = new Array(BBOX_MAX_NUM).fill(null);
+const i2i_bboxes = new Array(BBOX_MAX_NUM).fill(null);
+function gradioApp() {
+ const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app')
+ const gradioShadowRoot = elems.length == 0 ? null : elems[0].shadowRoot
+ return !!gradioShadowRoot ? gradioShadowRoot : document;
+// ↓↓↓ called from gradio ↓↓↓
+function onCreateT2IRefClick(overwrite) {
+ let width, height;
+ if (overwrite) {
+ const overwriteInputs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#MD-overwrite-width-t2i input, #MD-overwrite-height-t2i input');
+ width = parseInt(overwriteInputs[0].value);
+ height = parseInt(overwriteInputs[2].value);
+ } else {
+ const sizeInputs = gradioApp().querySelectorAll('#txt2img_width input, #txt2img_height input');
+ width = parseInt(sizeInputs[0].value);
+ height = parseInt(sizeInputs[2].value);
+ }
+ if (isNaN(width)) width = 512;
+ if (isNaN(height)) height = 512;
+ // Concat it to string to bypass the gradio bug
+ // 向黑恶势力低头
+ return width.toString() + 'x' + height.toString();
+function onCreateI2IRefClick() {
+ const canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#img2img_image img');
+ return canvas.src;
+function onBoxEnableClick(is_t2i, idx, enable) {
+ let canvas = null;
+ let bboxes = null;
+ let locator = null;
+ if (is_t2i) {
+ // locator = () => gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-t2i');
+ locator = () => gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-rect-t2i');
+ bboxes = t2i_bboxes;
+ } else {
+ locator = () => gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i');
+ bboxes = i2i_bboxes;
+ }
+ ref_div = locator();
+ canvas = ref_div.querySelector('img');
+ if (!canvas) { return false; }
+ if (enable) {
+ // Check if the bounding box already exists
+ if (!bboxes[idx]) {
+ // Initialize bounding box
+ const colorMap = COLOR_MAP[idx % COLOR_MAP.length];
+ const div = document.createElement('div');
+ div.id = 'MD-bbox-' + (is_t2i ? 't2i-' : 'i2i-') + idx;
+ div.style.left = '0px';
+ div.style.top = '0px';
+ div.style.width = '0px';
+ div.style.height = '0px';
+ div.style.position = 'absolute';
+ div.style.border = '2px solid ' + colorMap[0];
+ div.style.background = colorMap[1];
+ div.style.zIndex = '900';
+ div.style.display = 'none';
+ // A text tip to warn the user if bbox is too large
+ const tip = document.createElement('span');
+ tip.id = 'MD-tip-' + (is_t2i ? 't2i-' : 'i2i-') + idx;
+ tip.style.left = '50%';
+ tip.style.top = '50%';
+ tip.style.position = 'absolute';
+ tip.style.transform = 'translate(-50%, -50%)';
+ tip.style.fontSize = '12px';
+ tip.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
+ tip.style.textAlign = 'center';
+ tip.style.color = colorMap[0];
+ tip.style.zIndex = '901';
+ tip.style.display = 'none';
+ tip.innerHTML = 'Warning: Region very large!
Take care of VRAM usage!';
+ div.appendChild(tip);
+ div.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) {
+ if (e.button === 0) { onBoxMouseDown(e, is_t2i, idx); }
+ });
+ div.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) {
+ updateCursorStyle(e, is_t2i, idx);
+ });
+ const shower = function() { // insert to DOM if necessary
+ if (!gradioApp().querySelector('#' + div.id)) {
+ locator().appendChild(div);
+ }
+ }
+ bboxes[idx] = [div, bbox, shower];
+ }
+ // Show the bounding box
+ displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bboxes[idx]);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ if (!bboxes[idx]) { return false; }
+ const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx];
+ div.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ return false;
+function onBoxChange(is_t2i, idx, what, v) {
+ // This function handles all the changes of the bounding box
+ // Including the rendering and python slider update
+ let bboxes = null;
+ let canvas = null;
+ if (is_t2i) {
+ bboxes = t2i_bboxes;
+ canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-rect-t2i img');
+ } else {
+ bboxes = i2i_bboxes;
+ canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i img');
+ }
+ if (!bboxes[idx] || !canvas) {
+ switch (what) {
+ case 'x': return DEFAULT_X;
+ case 'y': return DEFAULT_Y;
+ case 'w': return DEFAULT_W;
+ case 'h': return DEFAULT_H;
+ }
+ }
+ const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx];
+ if (div.style.display === 'none') { return v; }
+ // parse trigger
+ switch (what) {
+ case 'x': bbox[0] = v; break;
+ case 'y': bbox[1] = v; break;
+ case 'w': bbox[2] = v; break;
+ case 'h': bbox[3] = v; break;
+ }
+ displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bboxes[idx]);
+ return v;
+// ↓↓↓ called from js ↓↓↓
+function getSeedInfo(is_t2i, id, current_seed) {
+ const info_id = is_t2i ? '#html_info_txt2img' : '#html_info_img2img';
+ const info_div = gradioApp().querySelector(info_id);
+ try{
+ current_seed = parseInt(current_seed);
+ } catch(e) {
+ current_seed = -1;
+ }
+ if (!info_div) return current_seed;
+ let info = info_div.innerHTML;
+ if (!info) return current_seed;
+ // remove all html tags
+ info = info.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, '');
+ // Find a json string 'region control:' in the info
+ // get its index
+ idx = info.indexOf('Region control');
+ if (idx == -1) return current_seed;
+ // get the json string (detect the bracket)
+ // find the first '{'
+ let start_idx = info.indexOf('{', idx);
+ let bracket = 1;
+ let end_idx = start_idx + 1;
+ while (bracket > 0 && end_idx < info.length) {
+ if (info[end_idx] == '{') bracket++;
+ if (info[end_idx] == '}') bracket--;
+ end_idx++;
+ }
+ if (bracket > 0) {
+ return current_seed;
+ }
+ // get the json string
+ let json_str = info.substring(start_idx, end_idx);
+ // replace the single quote to double quote
+ json_str = json_str.replace(/'/g, '"');
+ // replace python True to javascript true, False to false
+ json_str = json_str.replace(/True/g, 'true');
+ // parse the json string
+ let json = JSON.parse(json_str);
+ // get the seed if the region id is in the json
+ const region_id = 'Region ' + id.toString();
+ if (!(region_id in json)) return current_seed;
+ const region = json[region_id];
+ if (!('seed' in region)) return current_seed;
+ let seed = region['seed'];
+ try{
+ seed = parseInt(seed);
+ } catch(e) {
+ return current_seed;
+ }
+ return seed;
+function displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bbox_info) {
+ // check null input
+ const [div, bbox, shower] = bbox_info;
+ const [x, y, w, h] = bbox;
+ if (!canvas || !div || x == null || y == null || w == null || h == null) { return; }
+ // client: canvas widget display size
+ // natural: content image real size
+ let vpScale = Math.min(canvas.clientWidth / canvas.naturalWidth, canvas.clientHeight / canvas.naturalHeight);
+ let canvasCenterX = canvas.clientWidth / 2;
+ let canvasCenterY = canvas.clientHeight / 2;
+ let scaledX = canvas.naturalWidth * vpScale;
+ let scaledY = canvas.naturalHeight * vpScale;
+ let viewRectLeft = canvasCenterX - scaledX / 2;
+ let viewRectRight = canvasCenterX + scaledX / 2;
+ let viewRectTop = canvasCenterY - scaledY / 2;
+ let viewRectDown = canvasCenterY + scaledY / 2;
+ let xDiv = viewRectLeft + scaledX * x;
+ let yDiv = viewRectTop + scaledY * y;
+ let wDiv = Math.min(scaledX * w, viewRectRight - xDiv);
+ let hDiv = Math.min(scaledY * h, viewRectDown - yDiv);
+ // Calculate warning bbox size
+ let upscalerFactor = 1.0;
+ if (!is_t2i) {
+ const upscalerInput = parseFloat(gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-i2i-upscaler-factor input').value);
+ if (!isNaN(upscalerInput)) upscalerFactor = upscalerInput;
+ }
+ let maxSize = BBOX_WARNING_SIZE / upscalerFactor * vpScale;
+ let maxW = maxSize / scaledX;
+ let maxH = maxSize / scaledY;
+ if (w > maxW || h > maxH) {
+ div.querySelector('span').style.display = 'block';
+ } else {
+ div.querySelector('span').style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ // update when not equal
+ div.style.left = xDiv + 'px';
+ div.style.top = yDiv + 'px';
+ div.style.width = wDiv + 'px';
+ div.style.height = hDiv + 'px';
+ div.style.display = 'block';
+ // insert it to DOM if not appear
+ shower();
+function onBoxMouseDown(e, is_t2i, idx) {
+ let bboxes = null;
+ let canvas = null;
+ if (is_t2i) {
+ bboxes = t2i_bboxes;
+ canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-rect-t2i img');
+ } else {
+ bboxes = i2i_bboxes;
+ canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i img');
+ }
+ // Get the bounding box
+ if (!canvas || !bboxes[idx]) { return; }
+ const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx];
+ // Check if the click is inside the bounding box
+ const boxRect = div.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let mouseX = e.clientX;
+ let mouseY = e.clientY;
+ const resizeLeft = mouseX >= boxRect.left && mouseX <= boxRect.left + RESIZE_BORDER;
+ const resizeRight = mouseX >= boxRect.right - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseX <= boxRect.right;
+ const resizeTop = mouseY >= boxRect.top && mouseY <= boxRect.top + RESIZE_BORDER;
+ const resizeBottom = mouseY >= boxRect.bottom - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseY <= boxRect.bottom;
+ const moveHorizontal = mouseX >= boxRect.left + MOVE_BORDER && mouseX <= boxRect.right - MOVE_BORDER;
+ const moveVertical = mouseY >= boxRect.top + MOVE_BORDER && mouseY <= boxRect.bottom - MOVE_BORDER;
+ if (!resizeLeft && !resizeRight && !resizeTop && !resizeBottom && !moveHorizontal && !moveVertical) { return; }
+ const horizontalPivot = resizeLeft ? bbox[0] + bbox[2] : bbox[0];
+ const verticalPivot = resizeTop ? bbox[1] + bbox[3] : bbox[1];
+ // Canvas can be regarded as invariant during the drag operation
+ // Calculate in advance to reduce overhead
+ // Calculate viewport scale based on the current canvas size and the natural image size
+ let vpScale = Math.min(canvas.clientWidth / canvas.naturalWidth, canvas.clientHeight / canvas.naturalHeight);
+ let vpOffset = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
+ // Calculate scaled dimensions of the canvas
+ let scaledX = canvas.naturalWidth * vpScale;
+ let scaledY = canvas.naturalHeight * vpScale;
+ // Calculate the canvas center and view rectangle coordinates
+ let canvasCenterX = (vpOffset.left + window.scrollX) + canvas.clientWidth / 2;
+ let canvasCenterY = (vpOffset.top + window.scrollY) + canvas.clientHeight / 2;
+ let viewRectLeft = canvasCenterX - scaledX / 2 - window.scrollX;
+ let viewRectRight = canvasCenterX + scaledX / 2 - window.scrollX;
+ let viewRectTop = canvasCenterY - scaledY / 2 - window.scrollY;
+ let viewRectDown = canvasCenterY + scaledY / 2 - window.scrollY;
+ mouseX = Math.min(Math.max(mouseX, viewRectLeft), viewRectRight);
+ mouseY = Math.min(Math.max(mouseY, viewRectTop), viewRectDown);
+ //const accordion = gradioApp().querySelector(`#MD-accordion-${is_t2i ? 't2i' : 'i2i'}-${idx}`);
+ const accordion = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-tab-t2i');
+ // Move or resize the bounding box on mousemove
+ function onMouseMove(e) {
+ // Prevent selecting anything irrelevant
+ e.preventDefault();
+ // Get the new mouse position
+ let newMouseX = e.clientX;
+ let newMouseY = e.clientY;
+ // clamp the mouse position to the view rectangle
+ newMouseX = Math.min(Math.max(newMouseX, viewRectLeft), viewRectRight);
+ newMouseY = Math.min(Math.max(newMouseY, viewRectTop), viewRectDown);
+ // Calculate the mouse movement delta
+ const dx = (newMouseX - mouseX) / scaledX;
+ const dy = (newMouseY - mouseY) / scaledY;
+ // Update the mouse position
+ mouseX = newMouseX;
+ mouseY = newMouseY;
+ // if no move just return
+ if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) { return; }
+ // Update the mouse position
+ let [x, y, w, h] = bbox;
+ if (moveHorizontal && moveVertical) {
+ // If moving the bounding box
+ x = Math.min(Math.max(x + dx, 0), 1 - w);
+ y = Math.min(Math.max(y + dy, 0), 1 - h);
+ } else {
+ // If resizing the bounding box
+ if (resizeLeft || resizeRight) {
+ if (x < horizontalPivot) {
+ if (dx <= w) {
+ // If still within the left side of the pivot
+ x = x + dx;
+ w = w - dx;
+ } else {
+ // If crossing the pivot
+ w = dx - w;
+ x = horizontalPivot;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (w + dx < 0) {
+ // If still within the right side of the pivot
+ x = horizontalPivot + w + dx;
+ w = - dx - w;
+ } else {
+ // If crossing the pivot
+ x = horizontalPivot;
+ w = w + dx;
+ }
+ }
+ // Clamp the bounding box to the image
+ if (x < 0) {
+ w = w + x;
+ x = 0;
+ } else if (x + w > 1) {
+ w = 1 - x;
+ }
+ }
+ // Same as above, but for the vertical axis
+ if (resizeTop || resizeBottom) {
+ if (y < verticalPivot) {
+ if (dy <= h) {
+ y = y + dy;
+ h = h - dy;
+ } else {
+ h = dy - h;
+ y = verticalPivot;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (h + dy < 0) {
+ y = verticalPivot + h + dy;
+ h = - dy - h;
+ } else {
+ y = verticalPivot;
+ h = h + dy;
+ }
+ }
+ if (y < 0) {
+ h = h + y;
+ y = 0;
+ } else if (y + h > 1) {
+ h = 1 - y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const [div, old_bbox, _] = bboxes[idx];
+ // If all the values are the same, just return
+ if (old_bbox[0] === x && old_bbox[1] === y && old_bbox[2] === w && old_bbox[3] === h) { return; }
+ // else update the bbox
+ const event = new Event('input');
+ const coords = [x, y, w, h];
+ // The querySelector is not very efficient, so we query it once and reuse it
+ // caching will result gradio bugs that stucks bbox and cannot move & drag
+ const sliderIds = ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'];
+ // We try to select the input sliders
+ const sliderSelectors = sliderIds.map(id => `#MD-${is_t2i ? 't2i' : 'i2i'}-${idx}-${id} input`).join(', ');
+ let sliderInputs = accordion.querySelectorAll(sliderSelectors);
+ // alert(sliderInputs.length)
+ if (sliderInputs.length == 0) {
+ // If we failed, the accordion is probably closed and sliders are removed in the dom, so we open it
+ accordion.querySelector('.label-wrap').click();
+ // and try again
+ sliderInputs = accordion.querySelectorAll(sliderSelectors);
+ // If we still failed, we just return
+ if (sliderInputs.length == 0) { return; }
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ if (old_bbox[i] !== coords[i]) {
+ sliderInputs[2*i].value = coords[i];
+ sliderInputs[2*i].dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the mousemove and mouseup event listeners
+ function onMouseUp() {
+ document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
+ document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp);
+ }
+ // Add the event listeners
+ document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove);
+ document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp);
+function updateCursorStyle(e, is_t2i, idx) {
+ // This function changes the cursor style when hovering over the bounding box
+ const bboxes = is_t2i ? t2i_bboxes : i2i_bboxes;
+ if (!bboxes[idx]) return;
+ const div = bboxes[idx][0];
+ const boxRect = div.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const mouseX = e.clientX;
+ const mouseY = e.clientY;
+ const resizeLeft = mouseX >= boxRect.left && mouseX <= boxRect.left + RESIZE_BORDER;
+ const resizeRight = mouseX >= boxRect.right - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseX <= boxRect.right;
+ const resizeTop = mouseY >= boxRect.top && mouseY <= boxRect.top + RESIZE_BORDER;
+ const resizeBottom = mouseY >= boxRect.bottom - RESIZE_BORDER && mouseY <= boxRect.bottom;
+ if ((resizeLeft && resizeTop) || (resizeRight && resizeBottom)) {
+ div.style.cursor = 'nwse-resize';
+ } else if ((resizeLeft && resizeBottom) || (resizeRight && resizeTop)) {
+ div.style.cursor = 'nesw-resize';
+ } else if (resizeLeft || resizeRight) {
+ div.style.cursor = 'ew-resize';
+ } else if (resizeTop || resizeBottom) {
+ div.style.cursor = 'ns-resize';
+ } else {
+ div.style.cursor = 'move';
+ }
+// ↓↓↓ auto called event listeners ↓↓↓
+function updateBoxes(is_t2i) {
+ // This function redraw all bounding boxes
+ let bboxes = null;
+ let canvas = null;
+ if (is_t2i) {
+ bboxes = t2i_bboxes;
+ canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-rect-t2i img');
+ } else {
+ bboxes = i2i_bboxes;
+ canvas = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-ref-i2i img');
+ }
+ if (!canvas) return;
+ for (let idx = 0; idx < bboxes.length; idx++) {
+ if (!bboxes[idx]) continue;
+ const [div, bbox, shower] = bboxes[idx];
+ if (div.style.display === 'none') { return; }
+ displayBox(canvas, is_t2i, bboxes[idx]);
+ }
+window.addEventListener('resize', _ => {
+ updateBoxes(true);
+ updateBoxes(false);
+// ======== Gradio Bug Fix ========
+// For Gradio versions > 3.16.0 and < 3.29.0, the accordion DOM will be deleted when it is closed.
+// We need to judge the versions and listen to the accordion open event, rerender the bbox at that time.
+// This silly bug fix is only for compatibility, we recommend to update the gradio version to 3.29.0 or higher.
+try {
+ const GRADIO_VERSIONS = window.gradio_config["version"].split(".");
+ const gradio_major_version = parseInt(GRADIO_VERSIONS[0]);
+ const gradio_minor_version = parseInt(GRADIO_VERSIONS[1]);
+ if (gradio_major_version == 3 && gradio_minor_version > 16 && gradio_minor_version < 29) {
+ let listener = e => {
+ if (!e) { return; }
+ if (!e.target) { return; }
+ if (!e.target.classList) { return; }
+ if (!e.target.classList.contains('label-wrap')) { return; }
+ for (let tab of ['t2i', 'i2i']) {
+ const div = gradioApp().querySelector('#MD-bbox-control-' + tab +' div.label-wrap');
+ if (!div) { continue; }
+ updateBoxes(tab === 't2i');
+ }
+ };
+ window.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', listener);
+ }
+} catch (ignored) {
+ // If the above code failed, the gradio version shouldn't be in the range of 3.16.0 to 3.29.0, so we just return.
+// ======== Gradio Bug Fix ========
diff --git a/ldm/data/__init__.py b/ldm/data/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/ldm/data/util.py b/ldm/data/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b60ceb2349e3bd7900ff325740e2022d2903b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/data/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import torch
+from ldm.modules.midas.api import load_midas_transform
+class AddMiDaS(object):
+ def __init__(self, model_type):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.transform = load_midas_transform(model_type)
+ def pt2np(self, x):
+ x = ((x + 1.0) * .5).detach().cpu().numpy()
+ return x
+ def np2pt(self, x):
+ x = torch.from_numpy(x) * 2 - 1.
+ return x
+ def __call__(self, sample):
+ # sample['jpg'] is tensor hwc in [-1, 1] at this point
+ x = self.pt2np(sample['jpg'])
+ x = self.transform({"image": x})["image"]
+ sample['midas_in'] = x
+ return sample
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/models/autoencoder.py b/ldm/models/autoencoder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d122549995ce2cd64092c81a58419ed4a15a02fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/autoencoder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import torch
+import pytorch_lightning as pl
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.model import Encoder, Decoder
+from ldm.modules.distributions.distributions import DiagonalGaussianDistribution
+from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
+from ldm.modules.ema import LitEma
+class AutoencoderKL(pl.LightningModule):
+ def __init__(self,
+ ddconfig,
+ lossconfig,
+ embed_dim,
+ ckpt_path=None,
+ ignore_keys=[],
+ image_key="image",
+ colorize_nlabels=None,
+ monitor=None,
+ ema_decay=None,
+ learn_logvar=False
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.learn_logvar = learn_logvar
+ self.image_key = image_key
+ self.encoder = Encoder(**ddconfig)
+ self.decoder = Decoder(**ddconfig)
+ self.loss = instantiate_from_config(lossconfig)
+ assert ddconfig["double_z"]
+ self.quant_conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(2*ddconfig["z_channels"], 2*embed_dim, 1)
+ self.post_quant_conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(embed_dim, ddconfig["z_channels"], 1)
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ if colorize_nlabels is not None:
+ assert type(colorize_nlabels)==int
+ self.register_buffer("colorize", torch.randn(3, colorize_nlabels, 1, 1))
+ if monitor is not None:
+ self.monitor = monitor
+ self.use_ema = ema_decay is not None
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.ema_decay = ema_decay
+ assert 0. < ema_decay < 1.
+ self.model_ema = LitEma(self, decay=ema_decay)
+ print(f"Keeping EMAs of {len(list(self.model_ema.buffers()))}.")
+ if ckpt_path is not None:
+ self.init_from_ckpt(ckpt_path, ignore_keys=ignore_keys)
+ def init_from_ckpt(self, path, ignore_keys=list()):
+ sd = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu")["state_dict"]
+ keys = list(sd.keys())
+ for k in keys:
+ for ik in ignore_keys:
+ if k.startswith(ik):
+ print("Deleting key {} from state_dict.".format(k))
+ del sd[k]
+ self.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False)
+ print(f"Restored from {path}")
+ @contextmanager
+ def ema_scope(self, context=None):
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema.store(self.parameters())
+ self.model_ema.copy_to(self)
+ if context is not None:
+ print(f"{context}: Switched to EMA weights")
+ try:
+ yield None
+ finally:
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema.restore(self.parameters())
+ if context is not None:
+ print(f"{context}: Restored training weights")
+ def on_train_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema(self)
+ def encode(self, x):
+ h = self.encoder(x)
+ moments = self.quant_conv(h)
+ posterior = DiagonalGaussianDistribution(moments)
+ return posterior
+ def decode(self, z):
+ z = self.post_quant_conv(z)
+ dec = self.decoder(z)
+ return dec
+ def forward(self, input, sample_posterior=True):
+ posterior = self.encode(input)
+ if sample_posterior:
+ z = posterior.sample()
+ else:
+ z = posterior.mode()
+ dec = self.decode(z)
+ return dec, posterior
+ def get_input(self, batch, k):
+ x = batch[k]
+ if len(x.shape) == 3:
+ x = x[..., None]
+ x = x.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ return x
+ def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx, optimizer_idx):
+ inputs = self.get_input(batch, self.image_key)
+ reconstructions, posterior = self(inputs)
+ if optimizer_idx == 0:
+ # train encoder+decoder+logvar
+ aeloss, log_dict_ae = self.loss(inputs, reconstructions, posterior, optimizer_idx, self.global_step,
+ last_layer=self.get_last_layer(), split="train")
+ self.log("aeloss", aeloss, prog_bar=True, logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=True)
+ self.log_dict(log_dict_ae, prog_bar=False, logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=False)
+ return aeloss
+ if optimizer_idx == 1:
+ # train the discriminator
+ discloss, log_dict_disc = self.loss(inputs, reconstructions, posterior, optimizer_idx, self.global_step,
+ last_layer=self.get_last_layer(), split="train")
+ self.log("discloss", discloss, prog_bar=True, logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=True)
+ self.log_dict(log_dict_disc, prog_bar=False, logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=False)
+ return discloss
+ def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+ log_dict = self._validation_step(batch, batch_idx)
+ with self.ema_scope():
+ log_dict_ema = self._validation_step(batch, batch_idx, postfix="_ema")
+ return log_dict
+ def _validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, postfix=""):
+ inputs = self.get_input(batch, self.image_key)
+ reconstructions, posterior = self(inputs)
+ aeloss, log_dict_ae = self.loss(inputs, reconstructions, posterior, 0, self.global_step,
+ last_layer=self.get_last_layer(), split="val"+postfix)
+ discloss, log_dict_disc = self.loss(inputs, reconstructions, posterior, 1, self.global_step,
+ last_layer=self.get_last_layer(), split="val"+postfix)
+ self.log(f"val{postfix}/rec_loss", log_dict_ae[f"val{postfix}/rec_loss"])
+ self.log_dict(log_dict_ae)
+ self.log_dict(log_dict_disc)
+ return self.log_dict
+ def configure_optimizers(self):
+ lr = self.learning_rate
+ ae_params_list = list(self.encoder.parameters()) + list(self.decoder.parameters()) + list(
+ self.quant_conv.parameters()) + list(self.post_quant_conv.parameters())
+ if self.learn_logvar:
+ print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: Learning logvar")
+ ae_params_list.append(self.loss.logvar)
+ opt_ae = torch.optim.Adam(ae_params_list,
+ lr=lr, betas=(0.5, 0.9))
+ opt_disc = torch.optim.Adam(self.loss.discriminator.parameters(),
+ lr=lr, betas=(0.5, 0.9))
+ return [opt_ae, opt_disc], []
+ def get_last_layer(self):
+ return self.decoder.conv_out.weight
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, batch, only_inputs=False, log_ema=False, **kwargs):
+ log = dict()
+ x = self.get_input(batch, self.image_key)
+ x = x.to(self.device)
+ if not only_inputs:
+ xrec, posterior = self(x)
+ if x.shape[1] > 3:
+ # colorize with random projection
+ assert xrec.shape[1] > 3
+ x = self.to_rgb(x)
+ xrec = self.to_rgb(xrec)
+ log["samples"] = self.decode(torch.randn_like(posterior.sample()))
+ log["reconstructions"] = xrec
+ if log_ema or self.use_ema:
+ with self.ema_scope():
+ xrec_ema, posterior_ema = self(x)
+ if x.shape[1] > 3:
+ # colorize with random projection
+ assert xrec_ema.shape[1] > 3
+ xrec_ema = self.to_rgb(xrec_ema)
+ log["samples_ema"] = self.decode(torch.randn_like(posterior_ema.sample()))
+ log["reconstructions_ema"] = xrec_ema
+ log["inputs"] = x
+ return log
+ def to_rgb(self, x):
+ assert self.image_key == "segmentation"
+ if not hasattr(self, "colorize"):
+ self.register_buffer("colorize", torch.randn(3, x.shape[1], 1, 1).to(x))
+ x = F.conv2d(x, weight=self.colorize)
+ x = 2.*(x-x.min())/(x.max()-x.min()) - 1.
+ return x
+class IdentityFirstStage(torch.nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *args, vq_interface=False, **kwargs):
+ self.vq_interface = vq_interface
+ super().__init__()
+ def encode(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
+ return x
+ def decode(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
+ return x
+ def quantize(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.vq_interface:
+ return x, None, [None, None, None]
+ return x
+ def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
+ return x
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/__init__.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/ddim.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/ddim.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..676813b7ecaa3f82338d4e99d6549251872d31a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/ddim.py
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import make_ddim_sampling_parameters, make_ddim_timesteps, noise_like, extract_into_tensor
+class DDIMSampler(object):
+ def __init__(self, model, schedule="linear", **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.model = model
+ self.ddpm_num_timesteps = model.num_timesteps
+ self.schedule = schedule
+ def register_buffer(self, name, attr):
+ if type(attr) == torch.Tensor:
+ if attr.device != torch.device("cuda"):
+ attr = attr.to(torch.device("cuda"))
+ setattr(self, name, attr)
+ def make_schedule(self, ddim_num_steps, ddim_discretize="uniform", ddim_eta=0., verbose=True):
+ self.ddim_timesteps = make_ddim_timesteps(ddim_discr_method=ddim_discretize, num_ddim_timesteps=ddim_num_steps,
+ num_ddpm_timesteps=self.ddpm_num_timesteps,verbose=verbose)
+ alphas_cumprod = self.model.alphas_cumprod
+ assert alphas_cumprod.shape[0] == self.ddpm_num_timesteps, 'alphas have to be defined for each timestep'
+ to_torch = lambda x: x.clone().detach().to(torch.float32).to(self.model.device)
+ self.register_buffer('betas', to_torch(self.model.betas))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod', to_torch(alphas_cumprod))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod_prev', to_torch(self.model.alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ # calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_{t-1}) and others
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.log(1. - alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod.cpu() - 1)))
+ # ddim sampling parameters
+ ddim_sigmas, ddim_alphas, ddim_alphas_prev = make_ddim_sampling_parameters(alphacums=alphas_cumprod.cpu(),
+ ddim_timesteps=self.ddim_timesteps,
+ eta=ddim_eta,verbose=verbose)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sigmas', ddim_sigmas)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_alphas', ddim_alphas)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_alphas_prev', ddim_alphas_prev)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas', np.sqrt(1. - ddim_alphas))
+ sigmas_for_original_sampling_steps = ddim_eta * torch.sqrt(
+ (1 - self.alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1 - self.alphas_cumprod) * (
+ 1 - self.alphas_cumprod / self.alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sigmas_for_original_num_steps', sigmas_for_original_sampling_steps)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample(self,
+ S,
+ batch_size,
+ shape,
+ conditioning=None,
+ callback=None,
+ normals_sequence=None,
+ img_callback=None,
+ quantize_x0=False,
+ eta=0.,
+ mask=None,
+ x0=None,
+ temperature=1.,
+ noise_dropout=0.,
+ score_corrector=None,
+ corrector_kwargs=None,
+ verbose=True,
+ x_T=None,
+ log_every_t=100,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1.,
+ unconditional_conditioning=None, # this has to come in the same format as the conditioning, # e.g. as encoded tokens, ...
+ dynamic_threshold=None,
+ ucg_schedule=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ if conditioning is not None:
+ if isinstance(conditioning, dict):
+ ctmp = conditioning[list(conditioning.keys())[0]]
+ while isinstance(ctmp, list): ctmp = ctmp[0]
+ cbs = ctmp.shape[0]
+ # cbs = len(ctmp[0])
+ if cbs != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {cbs} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ elif isinstance(conditioning, list):
+ for ctmp in conditioning:
+ if ctmp.shape[0] != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {cbs} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ else:
+ if conditioning.shape[0] != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {conditioning.shape[0]} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ self.make_schedule(ddim_num_steps=S, ddim_eta=eta, verbose=verbose)
+ # sampling
+ C, H, W = shape
+ size = (batch_size, C, H, W)
+ print(f'Data shape for DDIM sampling is {size}, eta {eta}')
+ samples, intermediates = self.ddim_sampling(conditioning, size,
+ callback=callback,
+ img_callback=img_callback,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_x0,
+ mask=mask, x0=x0,
+ ddim_use_original_steps=False,
+ noise_dropout=noise_dropout,
+ temperature=temperature,
+ score_corrector=score_corrector,
+ corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs,
+ x_T=x_T,
+ log_every_t=log_every_t,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning,
+ dynamic_threshold=dynamic_threshold,
+ ucg_schedule=ucg_schedule
+ )
+ return samples, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def ddim_sampling(self, cond, shape,
+ x_T=None, ddim_use_original_steps=False,
+ callback=None, timesteps=None, quantize_denoised=False,
+ mask=None, x0=None, img_callback=None, log_every_t=100,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_conditioning=None, dynamic_threshold=None,
+ ucg_schedule=None):
+ device = self.model.betas.device
+ b = shape[0]
+ if x_T is None:
+ img = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
+ else:
+ img = x_T
+ if timesteps is None:
+ timesteps = self.ddpm_num_timesteps if ddim_use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps
+ elif timesteps is not None and not ddim_use_original_steps:
+ subset_end = int(min(timesteps / self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0], 1) * self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0]) - 1
+ timesteps = self.ddim_timesteps[:subset_end]
+ intermediates = {'x_inter': [img], 'pred_x0': [img], "index": [10000]}
+ time_range = reversed(range(0, timesteps)) if ddim_use_original_steps else np.flip(timesteps)
+ total_steps = timesteps if ddim_use_original_steps else timesteps.shape[0]
+ print(f"Running DDIM Sampling with {total_steps} timesteps")
+ iterator = tqdm(time_range, desc='DDIM Sampler', total=total_steps)
+ for i, step in enumerate(iterator):
+ index = total_steps - i - 1
+ ts = torch.full((b,), step, device=device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if mask is not None:
+ assert x0 is not None
+ img_orig = self.model.q_sample(x0, ts) # TODO: deterministic forward pass?
+ img = img_orig * mask + (1. - mask) * img
+ if ucg_schedule is not None:
+ assert len(ucg_schedule) == len(time_range)
+ unconditional_guidance_scale = ucg_schedule[i]
+ outs = self.p_sample_ddim(img, cond, ts, index=index, use_original_steps=ddim_use_original_steps,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised, temperature=temperature,
+ noise_dropout=noise_dropout, score_corrector=score_corrector,
+ corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning,
+ dynamic_threshold=dynamic_threshold)
+ img, pred_x0 = outs
+ if callback:
+ callback(i)
+ if img_callback:
+ img_callback(pred_x0, i)
+ if index % log_every_t == 0 or index == total_steps - 1:
+ intermediates['x_inter'].append(img)
+ intermediates['pred_x0'].append(pred_x0)
+ intermediates['index'].append(index)
+ return img, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample_ddim(self, x, c, t, index, repeat_noise=False, use_original_steps=False, quantize_denoised=False,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ dynamic_threshold=None):
+ b, *_, device = *x.shape, x.device
+ if unconditional_conditioning is None or unconditional_guidance_scale == 1.:
+ model_output = self.model.apply_model(x, t, c)
+ else:
+ x_in = torch.cat([x] * 2)
+ t_in = torch.cat([t] * 2)
+ if isinstance(c, dict):
+ assert isinstance(unconditional_conditioning, dict)
+ c_in = dict()
+ for k in c:
+ if isinstance(c[k], list):
+ c_in[k] = [torch.cat([
+ unconditional_conditioning[k][i],
+ c[k][i]]) for i in range(len(c[k]))]
+ elif isinstance(c[k], dict):
+ c_in[k] = dict()
+ for key in c[k]:
+ if isinstance(c[k][key], list):
+ if not isinstance(c[k][key][0], torch.Tensor):
+ continue
+ c_in[k][key] = [torch.cat([
+ unconditional_conditioning[k][key][i],
+ c[k][key][i]]) for i in range(len(c[k][key]))]
+ else:
+ c_in[k][key] = torch.cat([
+ unconditional_conditioning[k][key],
+ c[k][key]])
+ else:
+ c_in[k] = torch.cat([
+ unconditional_conditioning[k],
+ c[k]])
+ elif isinstance(c, list):
+ c_in = list()
+ assert isinstance(unconditional_conditioning, list)
+ for i in range(len(c)):
+ c_in.append(torch.cat([unconditional_conditioning[i], c[i]]))
+ else:
+ c_in = torch.cat([unconditional_conditioning, c])
+ model_uncond, model_t = self.model.apply_model(x_in, t_in, c_in).chunk(2)
+ model_output = model_uncond + unconditional_guidance_scale * (model_t - model_uncond)
+ if self.model.parameterization == "v":
+ e_t = self.model.predict_eps_from_z_and_v(x, t, model_output)
+ else:
+ e_t = model_output
+ if score_corrector is not None:
+ assert self.model.parameterization == "eps", 'not implemented'
+ e_t = score_corrector.modify_score(self.model, e_t, x, t, c, **corrector_kwargs)
+ alphas = self.model.alphas_cumprod if use_original_steps else self.ddim_alphas
+ alphas_prev = self.model.alphas_cumprod_prev if use_original_steps else self.ddim_alphas_prev
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas = self.model.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod if use_original_steps else self.ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas
+ sigmas = self.model.ddim_sigmas_for_original_num_steps if use_original_steps else self.ddim_sigmas
+ # select parameters corresponding to the currently considered timestep
+ a_t = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), alphas[index], device=device)
+ a_prev = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), alphas_prev[index], device=device)
+ sigma_t = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), sigmas[index], device=device)
+ sqrt_one_minus_at = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), sqrt_one_minus_alphas[index],device=device)
+ # current prediction for x_0
+ if self.model.parameterization != "v":
+ pred_x0 = (x - sqrt_one_minus_at * e_t) / a_t.sqrt()
+ else:
+ pred_x0 = self.model.predict_start_from_z_and_v(x, t, model_output)
+ if quantize_denoised:
+ pred_x0, _, *_ = self.model.first_stage_model.quantize(pred_x0)
+ if dynamic_threshold is not None:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ # direction pointing to x_t
+ dir_xt = (1. - a_prev - sigma_t**2).sqrt() * e_t
+ noise = sigma_t * noise_like(x.shape, device, repeat_noise) * temperature
+ if noise_dropout > 0.:
+ noise = torch.nn.functional.dropout(noise, p=noise_dropout)
+ x_prev = a_prev.sqrt() * pred_x0 + dir_xt + noise
+ return x_prev, pred_x0
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def encode(self, x0, c, t_enc, use_original_steps=False, return_intermediates=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1.0, unconditional_conditioning=None, callback=None):
+ num_reference_steps = self.ddpm_num_timesteps if use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0]
+ assert t_enc <= num_reference_steps
+ num_steps = t_enc
+ if use_original_steps:
+ alphas_next = self.alphas_cumprod[:num_steps]
+ alphas = self.alphas_cumprod_prev[:num_steps]
+ else:
+ alphas_next = self.ddim_alphas[:num_steps]
+ alphas = torch.tensor(self.ddim_alphas_prev[:num_steps])
+ x_next = x0
+ intermediates = []
+ inter_steps = []
+ for i in tqdm(range(num_steps), desc='Encoding Image'):
+ t = torch.full((x0.shape[0],), i, device=self.model.device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if unconditional_guidance_scale == 1.:
+ noise_pred = self.model.apply_model(x_next, t, c)
+ else:
+ assert unconditional_conditioning is not None
+ e_t_uncond, noise_pred = torch.chunk(
+ self.model.apply_model(torch.cat((x_next, x_next)), torch.cat((t, t)),
+ torch.cat((unconditional_conditioning, c))), 2)
+ noise_pred = e_t_uncond + unconditional_guidance_scale * (noise_pred - e_t_uncond)
+ xt_weighted = (alphas_next[i] / alphas[i]).sqrt() * x_next
+ weighted_noise_pred = alphas_next[i].sqrt() * (
+ (1 / alphas_next[i] - 1).sqrt() - (1 / alphas[i] - 1).sqrt()) * noise_pred
+ x_next = xt_weighted + weighted_noise_pred
+ if return_intermediates and i % (
+ num_steps // return_intermediates) == 0 and i < num_steps - 1:
+ intermediates.append(x_next)
+ inter_steps.append(i)
+ elif return_intermediates and i >= num_steps - 2:
+ intermediates.append(x_next)
+ inter_steps.append(i)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ out = {'x_encoded': x_next, 'intermediate_steps': inter_steps}
+ if return_intermediates:
+ out.update({'intermediates': intermediates})
+ return x_next, out
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def stochastic_encode(self, x0, t, use_original_steps=False, noise=None):
+ # fast, but does not allow for exact reconstruction
+ # t serves as an index to gather the correct alphas
+ if use_original_steps:
+ sqrt_alphas_cumprod = self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod
+ else:
+ sqrt_alphas_cumprod = torch.sqrt(self.ddim_alphas)
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod = self.ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas
+ if noise is None:
+ noise = torch.randn_like(x0)
+ return (extract_into_tensor(sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x0.shape) * x0 +
+ extract_into_tensor(sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x0.shape) * noise)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def decode(self, x_latent, cond, t_start, unconditional_guidance_scale=1.0, unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ use_original_steps=False, callback=None):
+ timesteps = np.arange(self.ddpm_num_timesteps) if use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps
+ timesteps = timesteps[:t_start]
+ time_range = np.flip(timesteps)
+ total_steps = timesteps.shape[0]
+ print(f"Running DDIM Sampling with {total_steps} timesteps")
+ iterator = tqdm(time_range, desc='Decoding image', total=total_steps)
+ x_dec = x_latent
+ for i, step in enumerate(iterator):
+ index = total_steps - i - 1
+ ts = torch.full((x_latent.shape[0],), step, device=x_latent.device, dtype=torch.long)
+ x_dec, _ = self.p_sample_ddim(x_dec, cond, ts, index=index, use_original_steps=use_original_steps,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ return x_dec
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/ddpm.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/ddpm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43a3d590a0e5621afde6ed9e3899094fe2322555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/ddpm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1799 @@
+Part of the implementation is borrowed and modified from ControlNet, publicly available at https://github.com/lllyasviel/ControlNet/blob/main/ldm/models/diffusion/ddpm.py
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import numpy as np
+import pytorch_lightning as pl
+from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LambdaLR
+from einops import rearrange, repeat
+from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
+from functools import partial
+import itertools
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from torchvision.utils import make_grid
+from pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed import rank_zero_only
+from omegaconf import ListConfig
+from ldm.util import log_txt_as_img, exists, default, ismap, isimage, mean_flat, count_params, instantiate_from_config
+from ldm.modules.ema import LitEma
+from ldm.modules.distributions.distributions import normal_kl, DiagonalGaussianDistribution
+from ldm.models.autoencoder import IdentityFirstStage, AutoencoderKL
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import make_beta_schedule, extract_into_tensor, noise_like
+from ldm.models.diffusion.ddim import DDIMSampler
+from cldm.recognizer import crop_image
+import cv2
+__conditioning_keys__ = {'concat': 'c_concat',
+ 'crossattn': 'c_crossattn',
+ 'adm': 'y'}
+def print_grad(grad):
+ # print('Gradient:', grad)
+ # print(grad.shape)
+ a = grad.max()
+ b = grad.min()
+ # print(f'mean={grad.mean():.4f}, max={a:.4f}, min={b:.4f}')
+ s = 255./(a-b)
+ c = 255*(-b/(a-b))
+ grad = grad * s + c
+ # print(f'mean={grad.mean():.4f}, max={grad.max():.4f}, min={grad.min():.4f}')
+ img = grad[0].permute(1, 2, 0).detach().cpu().numpy()
+ if img.shape[0] == 512:
+ cv2.imwrite('grad-img.jpg', img)
+ elif img.shape[0] == 64:
+ cv2.imwrite('grad-latent.jpg', img)
+def disabled_train(self, mode=True):
+ """Overwrite model.train with this function to make sure train/eval mode
+ does not change anymore."""
+ return self
+def uniform_on_device(r1, r2, shape, device):
+ return (r1 - r2) * torch.rand(*shape, device=device) + r2
+class DDPM(pl.LightningModule):
+ # classic DDPM with Gaussian diffusion, in image space
+ def __init__(self,
+ unet_config,
+ timesteps=1000,
+ beta_schedule="linear",
+ loss_type="l2",
+ ckpt_path=None,
+ ignore_keys=[],
+ load_only_unet=False,
+ monitor="val/loss",
+ use_ema=True,
+ first_stage_key="image",
+ image_size=256,
+ channels=3,
+ log_every_t=100,
+ clip_denoised=True,
+ linear_start=1e-4,
+ linear_end=2e-2,
+ cosine_s=8e-3,
+ given_betas=None,
+ original_elbo_weight=0.,
+ v_posterior=0., # weight for choosing posterior variance as sigma = (1-v) * beta_tilde + v * beta
+ l_simple_weight=1.,
+ conditioning_key=None,
+ parameterization="eps", # all assuming fixed variance schedules
+ scheduler_config=None,
+ use_positional_encodings=False,
+ learn_logvar=False,
+ logvar_init=0.,
+ make_it_fit=False,
+ ucg_training=None,
+ reset_ema=False,
+ reset_num_ema_updates=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert parameterization in ["eps", "x0", "v"], 'currently only supporting "eps" and "x0" and "v"'
+ self.parameterization = parameterization
+ print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: Running in {self.parameterization}-prediction mode")
+ self.cond_stage_model = None
+ self.clip_denoised = clip_denoised
+ self.log_every_t = log_every_t
+ self.first_stage_key = first_stage_key
+ self.image_size = image_size # try conv?
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.use_positional_encodings = use_positional_encodings
+ self.model = DiffusionWrapper(unet_config, conditioning_key)
+ count_params(self.model, verbose=True)
+ self.use_ema = use_ema
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema = LitEma(self.model)
+ print(f"Keeping EMAs of {len(list(self.model_ema.buffers()))}.")
+ self.use_scheduler = scheduler_config is not None
+ if self.use_scheduler:
+ self.scheduler_config = scheduler_config
+ self.v_posterior = v_posterior
+ self.original_elbo_weight = original_elbo_weight
+ self.l_simple_weight = l_simple_weight
+ if monitor is not None:
+ self.monitor = monitor
+ self.make_it_fit = make_it_fit
+ if reset_ema: assert exists(ckpt_path)
+ if ckpt_path is not None:
+ self.init_from_ckpt(ckpt_path, ignore_keys=ignore_keys, only_model=load_only_unet)
+ if reset_ema:
+ assert self.use_ema
+ print(f"Resetting ema to pure model weights. This is useful when restoring from an ema-only checkpoint.")
+ self.model_ema = LitEma(self.model)
+ if reset_num_ema_updates:
+ print(" +++++++++++ WARNING: RESETTING NUM_EMA UPDATES TO ZERO +++++++++++ ")
+ assert self.use_ema
+ self.model_ema.reset_num_updates()
+ self.register_schedule(given_betas=given_betas, beta_schedule=beta_schedule, timesteps=timesteps,
+ linear_start=linear_start, linear_end=linear_end, cosine_s=cosine_s)
+ self.loss_type = loss_type
+ self.learn_logvar = learn_logvar
+ logvar = torch.full(fill_value=logvar_init, size=(self.num_timesteps,))
+ if self.learn_logvar:
+ self.logvar = nn.Parameter(self.logvar, requires_grad=True)
+ else:
+ self.register_buffer('logvar', logvar)
+ self.ucg_training = ucg_training or dict()
+ if self.ucg_training:
+ self.ucg_prng = np.random.RandomState()
+ def register_schedule(self, given_betas=None, beta_schedule="linear", timesteps=1000,
+ linear_start=1e-4, linear_end=2e-2, cosine_s=8e-3):
+ if exists(given_betas):
+ betas = given_betas
+ else:
+ betas = make_beta_schedule(beta_schedule, timesteps, linear_start=linear_start, linear_end=linear_end,
+ cosine_s=cosine_s)
+ alphas = 1. - betas
+ alphas_cumprod = np.cumprod(alphas, axis=0)
+ # np.save('1.npy', alphas_cumprod)
+ alphas_cumprod_prev = np.append(1., alphas_cumprod[:-1])
+ timesteps, = betas.shape
+ self.num_timesteps = int(timesteps)
+ self.linear_start = linear_start
+ self.linear_end = linear_end
+ assert alphas_cumprod.shape[0] == self.num_timesteps, 'alphas have to be defined for each timestep'
+ to_torch = partial(torch.tensor, dtype=torch.float32)
+ self.register_buffer('betas', to_torch(betas))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod', to_torch(alphas_cumprod))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod_prev', to_torch(alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ # calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_{t-1}) and others
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.log(1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod - 1)))
+ # calculations for posterior q(x_{t-1} | x_t, x_0)
+ posterior_variance = (1 - self.v_posterior) * betas * (1. - alphas_cumprod_prev) / (
+ 1. - alphas_cumprod) + self.v_posterior * betas
+ # above: equal to 1. / (1. / (1. - alpha_cumprod_tm1) + alpha_t / beta_t)
+ self.register_buffer('posterior_variance', to_torch(posterior_variance))
+ # below: log calculation clipped because the posterior variance is 0 at the beginning of the diffusion chain
+ self.register_buffer('posterior_log_variance_clipped', to_torch(np.log(np.maximum(posterior_variance, 1e-20))))
+ self.register_buffer('posterior_mean_coef1', to_torch(
+ betas * np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('posterior_mean_coef2', to_torch(
+ (1. - alphas_cumprod_prev) * np.sqrt(alphas) / (1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ if self.parameterization == "eps":
+ lvlb_weights = self.betas ** 2 / (
+ 2 * self.posterior_variance * to_torch(alphas) * (1 - self.alphas_cumprod))
+ elif self.parameterization == "x0":
+ lvlb_weights = 0.5 * np.sqrt(torch.Tensor(alphas_cumprod)) / (2. * 1 - torch.Tensor(alphas_cumprod))
+ elif self.parameterization == "v":
+ lvlb_weights = torch.ones_like(self.betas ** 2 / (
+ 2 * self.posterior_variance * to_torch(alphas) * (1 - self.alphas_cumprod)))
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("mu not supported")
+ lvlb_weights[0] = lvlb_weights[1]
+ self.register_buffer('lvlb_weights', lvlb_weights, persistent=False)
+ assert not torch.isnan(self.lvlb_weights).all()
+ @contextmanager
+ def ema_scope(self, context=None):
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema.store(self.model.parameters())
+ self.model_ema.copy_to(self.model)
+ if context is not None:
+ print(f"{context}: Switched to EMA weights")
+ try:
+ yield None
+ finally:
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema.restore(self.model.parameters())
+ if context is not None:
+ print(f"{context}: Restored training weights")
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def init_from_ckpt(self, path, ignore_keys=list(), only_model=False):
+ sd = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu")
+ if "state_dict" in list(sd.keys()):
+ sd = sd["state_dict"]
+ keys = list(sd.keys())
+ for k in keys:
+ for ik in ignore_keys:
+ if k.startswith(ik):
+ print("Deleting key {} from state_dict.".format(k))
+ del sd[k]
+ if self.make_it_fit:
+ n_params = len([name for name, _ in
+ itertools.chain(self.named_parameters(),
+ self.named_buffers())])
+ for name, param in tqdm(
+ itertools.chain(self.named_parameters(),
+ self.named_buffers()),
+ desc="Fitting old weights to new weights",
+ total=n_params
+ ):
+ if not name in sd:
+ continue
+ old_shape = sd[name].shape
+ new_shape = param.shape
+ assert len(old_shape) == len(new_shape)
+ if len(new_shape) > 2:
+ # we only modify first two axes
+ assert new_shape[2:] == old_shape[2:]
+ # assumes first axis corresponds to output dim
+ if not new_shape == old_shape:
+ new_param = param.clone()
+ old_param = sd[name]
+ if len(new_shape) == 1:
+ for i in range(new_param.shape[0]):
+ new_param[i] = old_param[i % old_shape[0]]
+ elif len(new_shape) >= 2:
+ for i in range(new_param.shape[0]):
+ for j in range(new_param.shape[1]):
+ new_param[i, j] = old_param[i % old_shape[0], j % old_shape[1]]
+ n_used_old = torch.ones(old_shape[1])
+ for j in range(new_param.shape[1]):
+ n_used_old[j % old_shape[1]] += 1
+ n_used_new = torch.zeros(new_shape[1])
+ for j in range(new_param.shape[1]):
+ n_used_new[j] = n_used_old[j % old_shape[1]]
+ n_used_new = n_used_new[None, :]
+ while len(n_used_new.shape) < len(new_shape):
+ n_used_new = n_used_new.unsqueeze(-1)
+ new_param /= n_used_new
+ sd[name] = new_param
+ missing, unexpected = self.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False) if not only_model else self.model.load_state_dict(
+ sd, strict=False)
+ print(f"Restored from {path} with {len(missing)} missing and {len(unexpected)} unexpected keys")
+ if len(missing) > 0:
+ print(f"Missing Keys:\n {missing}")
+ if len(unexpected) > 0:
+ print(f"\nUnexpected Keys:\n {unexpected}")
+ def q_mean_variance(self, x_start, t):
+ """
+ Get the distribution q(x_t | x_0).
+ :param x_start: the [N x C x ...] tensor of noiseless inputs.
+ :param t: the number of diffusion steps (minus 1). Here, 0 means one step.
+ :return: A tuple (mean, variance, log_variance), all of x_start's shape.
+ """
+ mean = (extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape) * x_start)
+ variance = extract_into_tensor(1.0 - self.alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape)
+ log_variance = extract_into_tensor(self.log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape)
+ return mean, variance, log_variance
+ def predict_start_from_noise(self, x_t, t, noise):
+ return (
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * x_t -
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * noise
+ )
+ def predict_start_from_z_and_v(self, x_t, t, v):
+ # self.register_buffer('sqrt_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod)))
+ # self.register_buffer('sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ return (
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * x_t -
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * v
+ )
+ def predict_eps_from_z_and_v(self, x_t, t, v):
+ return (
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * v +
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * x_t
+ )
+ def q_posterior(self, x_start, x_t, t):
+ posterior_mean = (
+ extract_into_tensor(self.posterior_mean_coef1, t, x_t.shape) * x_start +
+ extract_into_tensor(self.posterior_mean_coef2, t, x_t.shape) * x_t
+ )
+ posterior_variance = extract_into_tensor(self.posterior_variance, t, x_t.shape)
+ posterior_log_variance_clipped = extract_into_tensor(self.posterior_log_variance_clipped, t, x_t.shape)
+ return posterior_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance_clipped
+ def p_mean_variance(self, x, t, clip_denoised: bool):
+ model_out = self.model(x, t)
+ if self.parameterization == "eps":
+ x_recon = self.predict_start_from_noise(x, t=t, noise=model_out)
+ elif self.parameterization == "x0":
+ x_recon = model_out
+ if clip_denoised:
+ x_recon.clamp_(-1., 1.)
+ model_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance = self.q_posterior(x_start=x_recon, x_t=x, t=t)
+ return model_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample(self, x, t, clip_denoised=True, repeat_noise=False):
+ b, *_, device = *x.shape, x.device
+ model_mean, _, model_log_variance = self.p_mean_variance(x=x, t=t, clip_denoised=clip_denoised)
+ noise = noise_like(x.shape, device, repeat_noise)
+ # no noise when t == 0
+ nonzero_mask = (1 - (t == 0).float()).reshape(b, *((1,) * (len(x.shape) - 1)))
+ return model_mean + nonzero_mask * (0.5 * model_log_variance).exp() * noise
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample_loop(self, shape, return_intermediates=False):
+ device = self.betas.device
+ b = shape[0]
+ img = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
+ intermediates = [img]
+ for i in tqdm(reversed(range(0, self.num_timesteps)), desc='Sampling t', total=self.num_timesteps):
+ img = self.p_sample(img, torch.full((b,), i, device=device, dtype=torch.long),
+ clip_denoised=self.clip_denoised)
+ if i % self.log_every_t == 0 or i == self.num_timesteps - 1:
+ intermediates.append(img)
+ if return_intermediates:
+ return img, intermediates
+ return img
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample(self, batch_size=16, return_intermediates=False):
+ image_size = self.image_size
+ channels = self.channels
+ return self.p_sample_loop((batch_size, channels, image_size, image_size),
+ return_intermediates=return_intermediates)
+ def q_sample(self, x_start, t, noise=None):
+ noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x_start))
+ return (extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape) * x_start +
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape) * noise)
+ def get_v(self, x, noise, t):
+ return (
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x.shape) * noise -
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x.shape) * x
+ )
+ def get_loss(self, pred, target, mean=True):
+ if self.loss_type == 'l1':
+ loss = (target - pred).abs()
+ if mean:
+ loss = loss.mean()
+ elif self.loss_type == 'l2':
+ if mean:
+ loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(target, pred)
+ else:
+ loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(target, pred, reduction='none')
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("unknown loss type '{loss_type}'")
+ return loss
+ def p_losses(self, x_start, t, noise=None):
+ noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x_start))
+ x_noisy = self.q_sample(x_start=x_start, t=t, noise=noise)
+ model_out = self.model(x_noisy, t)
+ loss_dict = {}
+ if self.parameterization == "eps":
+ target = noise
+ elif self.parameterization == "x0":
+ target = x_start
+ elif self.parameterization == "v":
+ target = self.get_v(x_start, noise, t)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"Parameterization {self.parameterization} not yet supported")
+ loss = self.get_loss(model_out, target, mean=False).mean(dim=[1, 2, 3])
+ log_prefix = 'train' if self.training else 'val'
+ loss_dict.update({f'{log_prefix}/loss_simple': loss.mean()})
+ loss_simple = loss.mean() * self.l_simple_weight
+ loss_vlb = (self.lvlb_weights[t] * loss).mean()
+ loss_dict.update({f'{log_prefix}/loss_vlb': loss_vlb})
+ loss = loss_simple + self.original_elbo_weight * loss_vlb
+ loss_dict.update({f'{log_prefix}/loss': loss})
+ return loss, loss_dict
+ def forward(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
+ # b, c, h, w, device, img_size, = *x.shape, x.device, self.image_size
+ # assert h == img_size and w == img_size, f'height and width of image must be {img_size}'
+ t = torch.randint(0, self.num_timesteps, (x.shape[0],), device=self.device).long()
+ return self.p_losses(x, t, *args, **kwargs)
+ def get_input(self, batch, k):
+ x = batch[k]
+ if len(x.shape) == 3:
+ x = x[..., None]
+ x = rearrange(x, 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ x = x.to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ return x
+ def shared_step(self, batch):
+ x = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key)
+ loss, loss_dict = self(x)
+ return loss, loss_dict
+ def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+ for k in self.ucg_training:
+ p = self.ucg_training[k]["p"]
+ val = self.ucg_training[k]["val"]
+ if val is None:
+ val = ""
+ for i in range(len(batch[k])):
+ if self.ucg_prng.choice(2, p=[1 - p, p]):
+ batch[k][i] = val
+ loss, loss_dict = self.shared_step(batch)
+ self.log_dict(loss_dict, prog_bar=True,
+ logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=True)
+ self.log("global_step", self.global_step,
+ prog_bar=True, logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=False)
+ if self.use_scheduler:
+ lr = self.optimizers().param_groups[0]['lr']
+ self.log('lr_abs', lr, prog_bar=True, logger=True, on_step=True, on_epoch=False)
+ return loss
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
+ _, loss_dict_no_ema = self.shared_step(batch)
+ with self.ema_scope():
+ _, loss_dict_ema = self.shared_step(batch)
+ loss_dict_ema = {key + '_ema': loss_dict_ema[key] for key in loss_dict_ema}
+ self.log_dict(loss_dict_no_ema, prog_bar=False, logger=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True)
+ self.log_dict(loss_dict_ema, prog_bar=False, logger=True, on_step=False, on_epoch=True)
+ def on_train_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.use_ema:
+ self.model_ema(self.model)
+ def _get_rows_from_list(self, samples):
+ n_imgs_per_row = len(samples)
+ denoise_grid = rearrange(samples, 'n b c h w -> b n c h w')
+ denoise_grid = rearrange(denoise_grid, 'b n c h w -> (b n) c h w')
+ denoise_grid = make_grid(denoise_grid, nrow=n_imgs_per_row)
+ return denoise_grid
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, batch, N=8, n_row=2, sample=True, return_keys=None, **kwargs):
+ log = dict()
+ x = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key)
+ N = min(x.shape[0], N)
+ n_row = min(x.shape[0], n_row)
+ x = x.to(self.device)[:N]
+ log["inputs"] = x
+ # get diffusion row
+ diffusion_row = list()
+ x_start = x[:n_row]
+ for t in range(self.num_timesteps):
+ if t % self.log_every_t == 0 or t == self.num_timesteps - 1:
+ t = repeat(torch.tensor([t]), '1 -> b', b=n_row)
+ t = t.to(self.device).long()
+ noise = torch.randn_like(x_start)
+ x_noisy = self.q_sample(x_start=x_start, t=t, noise=noise)
+ diffusion_row.append(x_noisy)
+ log["diffusion_row"] = self._get_rows_from_list(diffusion_row)
+ if sample:
+ # get denoise row
+ with self.ema_scope("Plotting"):
+ samples, denoise_row = self.sample(batch_size=N, return_intermediates=True)
+ log["samples"] = samples
+ log["denoise_row"] = self._get_rows_from_list(denoise_row)
+ if return_keys:
+ if np.intersect1d(list(log.keys()), return_keys).shape[0] == 0:
+ return log
+ else:
+ return {key: log[key] for key in return_keys}
+ return log
+ def configure_optimizers(self):
+ lr = self.learning_rate
+ params = list(self.model.parameters())
+ if self.learn_logvar:
+ params = params + [self.logvar]
+ opt = torch.optim.AdamW(params, lr=lr)
+ return opt
+class LatentDiffusion(DDPM):
+ """main class"""
+ def __init__(self,
+ first_stage_config,
+ cond_stage_config,
+ num_timesteps_cond=None,
+ cond_stage_key="image",
+ cond_stage_trainable=False,
+ concat_mode=True,
+ cond_stage_forward=None,
+ conditioning_key=None,
+ scale_factor=1.0,
+ scale_by_std=False,
+ force_null_conditioning=False,
+ *args, **kwargs):
+ self.force_null_conditioning = force_null_conditioning
+ self.num_timesteps_cond = default(num_timesteps_cond, 1)
+ self.scale_by_std = scale_by_std
+ assert self.num_timesteps_cond <= kwargs['timesteps']
+ # for backwards compatibility after implementation of DiffusionWrapper
+ if conditioning_key is None:
+ conditioning_key = 'concat' if concat_mode else 'crossattn'
+ if cond_stage_config == '__is_unconditional__' and not self.force_null_conditioning:
+ conditioning_key = None
+ ckpt_path = kwargs.pop("ckpt_path", None)
+ reset_ema = kwargs.pop("reset_ema", False)
+ reset_num_ema_updates = kwargs.pop("reset_num_ema_updates", False)
+ ignore_keys = kwargs.pop("ignore_keys", [])
+ super().__init__(conditioning_key=conditioning_key, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.concat_mode = concat_mode
+ self.cond_stage_trainable = cond_stage_trainable
+ self.cond_stage_key = cond_stage_key
+ try:
+ self.num_downs = len(first_stage_config.params.ddconfig.ch_mult) - 1
+ except:
+ self.num_downs = 0
+ if not scale_by_std:
+ self.scale_factor = scale_factor
+ else:
+ self.register_buffer('scale_factor', torch.tensor(scale_factor))
+ self.instantiate_first_stage(first_stage_config)
+ self.instantiate_cond_stage(cond_stage_config)
+ self.cond_stage_forward = cond_stage_forward
+ self.clip_denoised = False
+ self.bbox_tokenizer = None
+ self.restarted_from_ckpt = False
+ if ckpt_path is not None:
+ self.init_from_ckpt(ckpt_path, ignore_keys)
+ self.restarted_from_ckpt = True
+ if reset_ema:
+ assert self.use_ema
+ print(
+ f"Resetting ema to pure model weights. This is useful when restoring from an ema-only checkpoint.")
+ self.model_ema = LitEma(self.model)
+ if reset_num_ema_updates:
+ print(" +++++++++++ WARNING: RESETTING NUM_EMA UPDATES TO ZERO +++++++++++ ")
+ assert self.use_ema
+ self.model_ema.reset_num_updates()
+ def make_cond_schedule(self, ):
+ self.cond_ids = torch.full(size=(self.num_timesteps,), fill_value=self.num_timesteps - 1, dtype=torch.long)
+ ids = torch.round(torch.linspace(0, self.num_timesteps - 1, self.num_timesteps_cond)).long()
+ self.cond_ids[:self.num_timesteps_cond] = ids
+ @rank_zero_only
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def on_train_batch_start(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx):
+ # only for very first batch
+ if self.scale_by_std and self.current_epoch == 0 and self.global_step == 0 and batch_idx == 0 and not self.restarted_from_ckpt:
+ assert self.scale_factor == 1., 'rather not use custom rescaling and std-rescaling simultaneously'
+ # set rescale weight to 1./std of encodings
+ print("### USING STD-RESCALING ###")
+ x = super().get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key)
+ x = x.to(self.device)
+ encoder_posterior = self.encode_first_stage(x)
+ z = self.get_first_stage_encoding(encoder_posterior).detach()
+ del self.scale_factor
+ self.register_buffer('scale_factor', 1. / z.flatten().std())
+ print(f"setting self.scale_factor to {self.scale_factor}")
+ print("### USING STD-RESCALING ###")
+ def register_schedule(self,
+ given_betas=None, beta_schedule="linear", timesteps=1000,
+ linear_start=1e-4, linear_end=2e-2, cosine_s=8e-3):
+ super().register_schedule(given_betas, beta_schedule, timesteps, linear_start, linear_end, cosine_s)
+ self.shorten_cond_schedule = self.num_timesteps_cond > 1
+ if self.shorten_cond_schedule:
+ self.make_cond_schedule()
+ def instantiate_first_stage(self, config):
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config)
+ self.first_stage_model = model.eval()
+ self.first_stage_model.train = disabled_train
+ for param in self.first_stage_model.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def instantiate_cond_stage(self, config):
+ if not self.cond_stage_trainable:
+ if config == "__is_first_stage__":
+ print("Using first stage also as cond stage.")
+ self.cond_stage_model = self.first_stage_model
+ elif config == "__is_unconditional__":
+ print(f"Training {self.__class__.__name__} as an unconditional model.")
+ self.cond_stage_model = None
+ # self.be_unconditional = True
+ else:
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config)
+ self.cond_stage_model = model.eval()
+ self.cond_stage_model.train = disabled_train
+ for param in self.cond_stage_model.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ else:
+ assert config != '__is_first_stage__'
+ assert config != '__is_unconditional__'
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config)
+ self.cond_stage_model = model
+ def _get_denoise_row_from_list(self, samples, desc='', force_no_decoder_quantization=False):
+ denoise_row = []
+ for zd in tqdm(samples, desc=desc):
+ denoise_row.append(self.decode_first_stage(zd.to(self.device),
+ force_not_quantize=force_no_decoder_quantization))
+ n_imgs_per_row = len(denoise_row)
+ denoise_row = torch.stack(denoise_row) # n_log_step, n_row, C, H, W
+ denoise_grid = rearrange(denoise_row, 'n b c h w -> b n c h w')
+ denoise_grid = rearrange(denoise_grid, 'b n c h w -> (b n) c h w')
+ denoise_grid = make_grid(denoise_grid, nrow=n_imgs_per_row)
+ return denoise_grid
+ def get_first_stage_encoding(self, encoder_posterior):
+ if isinstance(encoder_posterior, DiagonalGaussianDistribution):
+ z = encoder_posterior.sample()
+ elif isinstance(encoder_posterior, torch.Tensor):
+ z = encoder_posterior
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"encoder_posterior of type '{type(encoder_posterior)}' not yet implemented")
+ return self.scale_factor * z
+ def get_learned_conditioning(self, c):
+ if self.cond_stage_forward is None:
+ if hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, 'encode') and callable(self.cond_stage_model.encode):
+ c = self.cond_stage_model.encode(c)
+ if isinstance(c, DiagonalGaussianDistribution):
+ c = c.mode()
+ else:
+ c = self.cond_stage_model(c)
+ else:
+ assert hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, self.cond_stage_forward)
+ c = getattr(self.cond_stage_model, self.cond_stage_forward)(c)
+ return c
+ def meshgrid(self, h, w):
+ y = torch.arange(0, h).view(h, 1, 1).repeat(1, w, 1)
+ x = torch.arange(0, w).view(1, w, 1).repeat(h, 1, 1)
+ arr = torch.cat([y, x], dim=-1)
+ return arr
+ def delta_border(self, h, w):
+ """
+ :param h: height
+ :param w: width
+ :return: normalized distance to image border,
+ wtith min distance = 0 at border and max dist = 0.5 at image center
+ """
+ lower_right_corner = torch.tensor([h - 1, w - 1]).view(1, 1, 2)
+ arr = self.meshgrid(h, w) / lower_right_corner
+ dist_left_up = torch.min(arr, dim=-1, keepdims=True)[0]
+ dist_right_down = torch.min(1 - arr, dim=-1, keepdims=True)[0]
+ edge_dist = torch.min(torch.cat([dist_left_up, dist_right_down], dim=-1), dim=-1)[0]
+ return edge_dist
+ def get_weighting(self, h, w, Ly, Lx, device):
+ weighting = self.delta_border(h, w)
+ weighting = torch.clip(weighting, self.split_input_params["clip_min_weight"],
+ self.split_input_params["clip_max_weight"], )
+ weighting = weighting.view(1, h * w, 1).repeat(1, 1, Ly * Lx).to(device)
+ if self.split_input_params["tie_braker"]:
+ L_weighting = self.delta_border(Ly, Lx)
+ L_weighting = torch.clip(L_weighting,
+ self.split_input_params["clip_min_tie_weight"],
+ self.split_input_params["clip_max_tie_weight"])
+ L_weighting = L_weighting.view(1, 1, Ly * Lx).to(device)
+ weighting = weighting * L_weighting
+ return weighting
+ def get_fold_unfold(self, x, kernel_size, stride, uf=1, df=1): # todo load once not every time, shorten code
+ """
+ :param x: img of size (bs, c, h, w)
+ :return: n img crops of size (n, bs, c, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1])
+ """
+ bs, nc, h, w = x.shape
+ # number of crops in image
+ Ly = (h - kernel_size[0]) // stride[0] + 1
+ Lx = (w - kernel_size[1]) // stride[1] + 1
+ if uf == 1 and df == 1:
+ fold_params = dict(kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=1, padding=0, stride=stride)
+ unfold = torch.nn.Unfold(**fold_params)
+ fold = torch.nn.Fold(output_size=x.shape[2:], **fold_params)
+ weighting = self.get_weighting(kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], Ly, Lx, x.device).to(x.dtype)
+ normalization = fold(weighting).view(1, 1, h, w) # normalizes the overlap
+ weighting = weighting.view((1, 1, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], Ly * Lx))
+ elif uf > 1 and df == 1:
+ fold_params = dict(kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=1, padding=0, stride=stride)
+ unfold = torch.nn.Unfold(**fold_params)
+ fold_params2 = dict(kernel_size=(kernel_size[0] * uf, kernel_size[0] * uf),
+ dilation=1, padding=0,
+ stride=(stride[0] * uf, stride[1] * uf))
+ fold = torch.nn.Fold(output_size=(x.shape[2] * uf, x.shape[3] * uf), **fold_params2)
+ weighting = self.get_weighting(kernel_size[0] * uf, kernel_size[1] * uf, Ly, Lx, x.device).to(x.dtype)
+ normalization = fold(weighting).view(1, 1, h * uf, w * uf) # normalizes the overlap
+ weighting = weighting.view((1, 1, kernel_size[0] * uf, kernel_size[1] * uf, Ly * Lx))
+ elif df > 1 and uf == 1:
+ fold_params = dict(kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=1, padding=0, stride=stride)
+ unfold = torch.nn.Unfold(**fold_params)
+ fold_params2 = dict(kernel_size=(kernel_size[0] // df, kernel_size[0] // df),
+ dilation=1, padding=0,
+ stride=(stride[0] // df, stride[1] // df))
+ fold = torch.nn.Fold(output_size=(x.shape[2] // df, x.shape[3] // df), **fold_params2)
+ weighting = self.get_weighting(kernel_size[0] // df, kernel_size[1] // df, Ly, Lx, x.device).to(x.dtype)
+ normalization = fold(weighting).view(1, 1, h // df, w // df) # normalizes the overlap
+ weighting = weighting.view((1, 1, kernel_size[0] // df, kernel_size[1] // df, Ly * Lx))
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ return fold, unfold, normalization, weighting
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_input(self, batch, k, return_first_stage_outputs=False, force_c_encode=False,
+ cond_key=None, return_original_cond=False, bs=None, return_x=False, mask_k=None):
+ x = super().get_input(batch, k)
+ if bs is not None:
+ x = x[:bs]
+ x = x.to(self.device)
+ encoder_posterior = self.encode_first_stage(x)
+ z = self.get_first_stage_encoding(encoder_posterior).detach()
+ if mask_k is not None:
+ mx = super().get_input(batch, mask_k)
+ if bs is not None:
+ mx = mx[:bs]
+ mx = mx.to(self.device)
+ encoder_posterior = self.encode_first_stage(mx)
+ mx = self.get_first_stage_encoding(encoder_posterior).detach()
+ if self.model.conditioning_key is not None and not self.force_null_conditioning:
+ if cond_key is None:
+ cond_key = self.cond_stage_key
+ if cond_key != self.first_stage_key:
+ if cond_key in ['caption', 'coordinates_bbox', "txt"]:
+ xc = batch[cond_key]
+ elif cond_key in ['class_label', 'cls']:
+ xc = batch
+ else:
+ xc = super().get_input(batch, cond_key).to(self.device)
+ else:
+ xc = x
+ if not self.cond_stage_trainable or force_c_encode:
+ if isinstance(xc, dict) or isinstance(xc, list):
+ c = self.get_learned_conditioning(xc)
+ else:
+ c = self.get_learned_conditioning(xc.to(self.device))
+ else:
+ c = xc
+ if bs is not None:
+ c = c[:bs]
+ if self.use_positional_encodings:
+ pos_x, pos_y = self.compute_latent_shifts(batch)
+ ckey = __conditioning_keys__[self.model.conditioning_key]
+ c = {ckey: c, 'pos_x': pos_x, 'pos_y': pos_y}
+ else:
+ c = None
+ xc = None
+ if self.use_positional_encodings:
+ pos_x, pos_y = self.compute_latent_shifts(batch)
+ c = {'pos_x': pos_x, 'pos_y': pos_y}
+ out = [z, c]
+ if return_first_stage_outputs:
+ xrec = self.decode_first_stage(z)
+ out.extend([x, xrec])
+ if return_x:
+ out.extend([x])
+ if return_original_cond:
+ out.append(xc)
+ if mask_k:
+ out.append(mx)
+ return out
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def decode_first_stage(self, z, predict_cids=False, force_not_quantize=False):
+ if predict_cids:
+ if z.dim() == 4:
+ z = torch.argmax(z.exp(), dim=1).long()
+ z = self.first_stage_model.quantize.get_codebook_entry(z, shape=None)
+ z = rearrange(z, 'b h w c -> b c h w').contiguous()
+ z = 1. / self.scale_factor * z
+ return self.first_stage_model.decode(z)
+ def decode_first_stage_grad(self, z, predict_cids=False, force_not_quantize=False):
+ if predict_cids:
+ if z.dim() == 4:
+ z = torch.argmax(z.exp(), dim=1).long()
+ z = self.first_stage_model.quantize.get_codebook_entry(z, shape=None)
+ z = rearrange(z, 'b h w c -> b c h w').contiguous()
+ z = 1. / self.scale_factor * z
+ return self.first_stage_model.decode(z)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def encode_first_stage(self, x):
+ return self.first_stage_model.encode(x)
+ def shared_step(self, batch, **kwargs):
+ x, c = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key)
+ loss = self(x, c)
+ return loss
+ def forward(self, x, c, *args, **kwargs):
+ t = torch.randint(0, self.num_timesteps, (x.shape[0],), device=self.device).long()
+ # t = torch.randint(500, 501, (x.shape[0],), device=self.device).long()
+ if self.model.conditioning_key is not None:
+ assert c is not None
+ if self.cond_stage_trainable:
+ c = self.get_learned_conditioning(c)
+ if self.shorten_cond_schedule: # TODO: drop this option
+ tc = self.cond_ids[t].to(self.device)
+ c = self.q_sample(x_start=c, t=tc, noise=torch.randn_like(c.float()))
+ return self.p_losses(x, c, t, *args, **kwargs)
+ def apply_model(self, x_noisy, t, cond, return_ids=False):
+ if isinstance(cond, dict):
+ # hybrid case, cond is expected to be a dict
+ pass
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(cond, list):
+ cond = [cond]
+ key = 'c_concat' if self.model.conditioning_key == 'concat' else 'c_crossattn'
+ cond = {key: cond}
+ x_recon = self.model(x_noisy, t, **cond)
+ if isinstance(x_recon, tuple) and not return_ids:
+ return x_recon[0]
+ else:
+ return x_recon
+ def _predict_eps_from_xstart(self, x_t, t, pred_xstart):
+ return (extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape) * x_t - pred_xstart) / \
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod, t, x_t.shape)
+ def _prior_bpd(self, x_start):
+ """
+ Get the prior KL term for the variational lower-bound, measured in
+ bits-per-dim.
+ This term can't be optimized, as it only depends on the encoder.
+ :param x_start: the [N x C x ...] tensor of inputs.
+ :return: a batch of [N] KL values (in bits), one per batch element.
+ """
+ batch_size = x_start.shape[0]
+ t = torch.tensor([self.num_timesteps - 1] * batch_size, device=x_start.device)
+ qt_mean, _, qt_log_variance = self.q_mean_variance(x_start, t)
+ kl_prior = normal_kl(mean1=qt_mean, logvar1=qt_log_variance, mean2=0.0, logvar2=0.0)
+ return mean_flat(kl_prior) / np.log(2.0)
+ def p_mean_variance(self, x, c, t, clip_denoised: bool, return_codebook_ids=False, quantize_denoised=False,
+ return_x0=False, score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None):
+ t_in = t
+ model_out = self.apply_model(x, t_in, c, return_ids=return_codebook_ids)
+ if score_corrector is not None:
+ assert self.parameterization == "eps"
+ model_out = score_corrector.modify_score(self, model_out, x, t, c, **corrector_kwargs)
+ if return_codebook_ids:
+ model_out, logits = model_out
+ if self.parameterization == "eps":
+ x_recon = self.predict_start_from_noise(x, t=t, noise=model_out)
+ elif self.parameterization == "x0":
+ x_recon = model_out
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ if clip_denoised:
+ x_recon.clamp_(-1., 1.)
+ if quantize_denoised:
+ x_recon, _, [_, _, indices] = self.first_stage_model.quantize(x_recon)
+ model_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance = self.q_posterior(x_start=x_recon, x_t=x, t=t)
+ if return_codebook_ids:
+ return model_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance, logits
+ elif return_x0:
+ return model_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance, x_recon
+ else:
+ return model_mean, posterior_variance, posterior_log_variance
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample(self, x, c, t, clip_denoised=False, repeat_noise=False,
+ return_codebook_ids=False, quantize_denoised=False, return_x0=False,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None):
+ b, *_, device = *x.shape, x.device
+ outputs = self.p_mean_variance(x=x, c=c, t=t, clip_denoised=clip_denoised,
+ return_codebook_ids=return_codebook_ids,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised,
+ return_x0=return_x0,
+ score_corrector=score_corrector, corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs)
+ if return_codebook_ids:
+ raise DeprecationWarning("Support dropped.")
+ model_mean, _, model_log_variance, logits = outputs
+ elif return_x0:
+ model_mean, _, model_log_variance, x0 = outputs
+ else:
+ model_mean, _, model_log_variance = outputs
+ noise = noise_like(x.shape, device, repeat_noise) * temperature
+ if noise_dropout > 0.:
+ noise = torch.nn.functional.dropout(noise, p=noise_dropout)
+ # no noise when t == 0
+ nonzero_mask = (1 - (t == 0).float()).reshape(b, *((1,) * (len(x.shape) - 1)))
+ if return_codebook_ids:
+ return model_mean + nonzero_mask * (0.5 * model_log_variance).exp() * noise, logits.argmax(dim=1)
+ if return_x0:
+ return model_mean + nonzero_mask * (0.5 * model_log_variance).exp() * noise, x0
+ else:
+ return model_mean + nonzero_mask * (0.5 * model_log_variance).exp() * noise
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def progressive_denoising(self, cond, shape, verbose=True, callback=None, quantize_denoised=False,
+ img_callback=None, mask=None, x0=None, temperature=1., noise_dropout=0.,
+ score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None, batch_size=None, x_T=None, start_T=None,
+ log_every_t=None):
+ if not log_every_t:
+ log_every_t = self.log_every_t
+ timesteps = self.num_timesteps
+ if batch_size is not None:
+ b = batch_size if batch_size is not None else shape[0]
+ shape = [batch_size] + list(shape)
+ else:
+ b = batch_size = shape[0]
+ if x_T is None:
+ img = torch.randn(shape, device=self.device)
+ else:
+ img = x_T
+ intermediates = []
+ if cond is not None:
+ if isinstance(cond, dict):
+ cond = {key: cond[key][:batch_size] if not isinstance(cond[key], list) else
+ list(map(lambda x: x[:batch_size], cond[key])) for key in cond}
+ else:
+ cond = [c[:batch_size] for c in cond] if isinstance(cond, list) else cond[:batch_size]
+ if start_T is not None:
+ timesteps = min(timesteps, start_T)
+ iterator = tqdm(reversed(range(0, timesteps)), desc='Progressive Generation',
+ total=timesteps) if verbose else reversed(
+ range(0, timesteps))
+ if type(temperature) == float:
+ temperature = [temperature] * timesteps
+ for i in iterator:
+ ts = torch.full((b,), i, device=self.device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if self.shorten_cond_schedule:
+ assert self.model.conditioning_key != 'hybrid'
+ tc = self.cond_ids[ts].to(cond.device)
+ cond = self.q_sample(x_start=cond, t=tc, noise=torch.randn_like(cond))
+ img, x0_partial = self.p_sample(img, cond, ts,
+ clip_denoised=self.clip_denoised,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised, return_x0=True,
+ temperature=temperature[i], noise_dropout=noise_dropout,
+ score_corrector=score_corrector, corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs)
+ if mask is not None:
+ assert x0 is not None
+ img_orig = self.q_sample(x0, ts)
+ img = img_orig * mask + (1. - mask) * img
+ if i % log_every_t == 0 or i == timesteps - 1:
+ intermediates.append(x0_partial)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ if img_callback: img_callback(img, i)
+ return img, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample_loop(self, cond, shape, return_intermediates=False,
+ x_T=None, verbose=True, callback=None, timesteps=None, quantize_denoised=False,
+ mask=None, x0=None, img_callback=None, start_T=None,
+ log_every_t=None):
+ if not log_every_t:
+ log_every_t = self.log_every_t
+ device = self.betas.device
+ b = shape[0]
+ if x_T is None:
+ img = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
+ else:
+ img = x_T
+ intermediates = [img]
+ if timesteps is None:
+ timesteps = self.num_timesteps
+ if start_T is not None:
+ timesteps = min(timesteps, start_T)
+ iterator = tqdm(reversed(range(0, timesteps)), desc='Sampling t', total=timesteps) if verbose else reversed(
+ range(0, timesteps))
+ if mask is not None:
+ assert x0 is not None
+ assert x0.shape[2:3] == mask.shape[2:3] # spatial size has to match
+ for i in iterator:
+ ts = torch.full((b,), i, device=device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if self.shorten_cond_schedule:
+ assert self.model.conditioning_key != 'hybrid'
+ tc = self.cond_ids[ts].to(cond.device)
+ cond = self.q_sample(x_start=cond, t=tc, noise=torch.randn_like(cond))
+ img = self.p_sample(img, cond, ts,
+ clip_denoised=self.clip_denoised,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised)
+ if mask is not None:
+ img_orig = self.q_sample(x0, ts)
+ img = img_orig * mask + (1. - mask) * img
+ if i % log_every_t == 0 or i == timesteps - 1:
+ intermediates.append(img)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ if img_callback: img_callback(img, i)
+ if return_intermediates:
+ return img, intermediates
+ return img
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample(self, cond, batch_size=16, return_intermediates=False, x_T=None,
+ verbose=True, timesteps=None, quantize_denoised=False,
+ mask=None, x0=None, shape=None, **kwargs):
+ if shape is None:
+ shape = (batch_size, self.channels, self.image_size, self.image_size)
+ if cond is not None:
+ if isinstance(cond, dict):
+ cond = {key: cond[key][:batch_size] if not isinstance(cond[key], list) else
+ list(map(lambda x: x[:batch_size], cond[key])) for key in cond}
+ else:
+ cond = [c[:batch_size] for c in cond] if isinstance(cond, list) else cond[:batch_size]
+ return self.p_sample_loop(cond,
+ shape,
+ return_intermediates=return_intermediates, x_T=x_T,
+ verbose=verbose, timesteps=timesteps, quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised,
+ mask=mask, x0=x0)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample_log(self, cond, batch_size, ddim, ddim_steps, **kwargs):
+ if ddim:
+ ddim_sampler = DDIMSampler(self)
+ shape = (self.channels, self.image_size, self.image_size)
+ samples, intermediates = ddim_sampler.sample(ddim_steps, batch_size,
+ shape, cond, verbose=False, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ samples, intermediates = self.sample(cond=cond, batch_size=batch_size,
+ return_intermediates=True, **kwargs)
+ return samples, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_unconditional_conditioning(self, batch_size, null_label=None):
+ if null_label is not None:
+ xc = null_label
+ if isinstance(xc, ListConfig):
+ xc = list(xc)
+ if isinstance(xc, dict) or isinstance(xc, list):
+ c = self.get_learned_conditioning(xc)
+ else:
+ if hasattr(xc, "to"):
+ xc = xc.to(self.device)
+ c = self.get_learned_conditioning(xc)
+ else:
+ if self.cond_stage_key in ["class_label", "cls"]:
+ xc = self.cond_stage_model.get_unconditional_conditioning(batch_size, device=self.device)
+ return self.get_learned_conditioning(xc)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError("todo")
+ if isinstance(c, list): # in case the encoder gives us a list
+ for i in range(len(c)):
+ c[i] = repeat(c[i], '1 ... -> b ...', b=batch_size).to(self.device)
+ else:
+ c = repeat(c, '1 ... -> b ...', b=batch_size).to(self.device)
+ return c
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, batch, N=8, n_row=4, sample=True, ddim_steps=50, ddim_eta=0., return_keys=None,
+ quantize_denoised=True, inpaint=True, plot_denoise_rows=False, plot_progressive_rows=True,
+ plot_diffusion_rows=True, unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_guidance_label=None,
+ use_ema_scope=True,
+ **kwargs):
+ ema_scope = self.ema_scope if use_ema_scope else nullcontext
+ use_ddim = ddim_steps is not None
+ log = dict()
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key,
+ return_first_stage_outputs=True,
+ force_c_encode=True,
+ return_original_cond=True,
+ bs=N)
+ N = min(x.shape[0], N)
+ n_row = min(x.shape[0], n_row)
+ log["inputs"] = x
+ log["reconstruction"] = xrec
+ if self.model.conditioning_key is not None:
+ if hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, "decode"):
+ xc = self.cond_stage_model.decode(c)
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ elif self.cond_stage_key in ["caption", "txt"]:
+ xc = log_txt_as_img((x.shape[2], x.shape[3]), batch[self.cond_stage_key], size=x.shape[2] // 25)
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ elif self.cond_stage_key in ['class_label', "cls"]:
+ try:
+ xc = log_txt_as_img((x.shape[2], x.shape[3]), batch["human_label"], size=x.shape[2] // 25)
+ log['conditioning'] = xc
+ except KeyError:
+ # probably no "human_label" in batch
+ pass
+ elif isimage(xc):
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ if ismap(xc):
+ log["original_conditioning"] = self.to_rgb(xc)
+ if plot_diffusion_rows:
+ # get diffusion row
+ diffusion_row = list()
+ z_start = z[:n_row]
+ for t in range(self.num_timesteps):
+ if t % self.log_every_t == 0 or t == self.num_timesteps - 1:
+ t = repeat(torch.tensor([t]), '1 -> b', b=n_row)
+ t = t.to(self.device).long()
+ noise = torch.randn_like(z_start)
+ z_noisy = self.q_sample(x_start=z_start, t=t, noise=noise)
+ diffusion_row.append(self.decode_first_stage(z_noisy))
+ diffusion_row = torch.stack(diffusion_row) # n_log_step, n_row, C, H, W
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_row, 'n b c h w -> b n c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_grid, 'b n c h w -> (b n) c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = make_grid(diffusion_grid, nrow=diffusion_row.shape[0])
+ log["diffusion_row"] = diffusion_grid
+ if sample:
+ # get denoise row
+ with ema_scope("Sampling"):
+ samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta)
+ # samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample(cond=c, batch_size=N, return_intermediates=True)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples)
+ log["samples"] = x_samples
+ if plot_denoise_rows:
+ denoise_grid = self._get_denoise_row_from_list(z_denoise_row)
+ log["denoise_row"] = denoise_grid
+ if quantize_denoised and not isinstance(self.first_stage_model, AutoencoderKL) and not isinstance(
+ self.first_stage_model, IdentityFirstStage):
+ # also display when quantizing x0 while sampling
+ with ema_scope("Plotting Quantized Denoised"):
+ samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta,
+ quantize_denoised=True)
+ # samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample(cond=c, batch_size=N, return_intermediates=True,
+ # quantize_denoised=True)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples.to(self.device))
+ log["samples_x0_quantized"] = x_samples
+ if unconditional_guidance_scale > 1.0:
+ uc = self.get_unconditional_conditioning(N, unconditional_guidance_label)
+ if self.model.conditioning_key == "crossattn-adm":
+ uc = {"c_crossattn": [uc], "c_adm": c["c_adm"]}
+ with ema_scope("Sampling with classifier-free guidance"):
+ samples_cfg, _ = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=uc,
+ )
+ x_samples_cfg = self.decode_first_stage(samples_cfg)
+ log[f"samples_cfg_scale_{unconditional_guidance_scale:.2f}"] = x_samples_cfg
+ if inpaint:
+ # make a simple center square
+ b, h, w = z.shape[0], z.shape[2], z.shape[3]
+ mask = torch.ones(N, h, w).to(self.device)
+ # zeros will be filled in
+ mask[:, h // 4:3 * h // 4, w // 4:3 * w // 4] = 0.
+ mask = mask[:, None, ...]
+ with ema_scope("Plotting Inpaint"):
+ samples, _ = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim, eta=ddim_eta,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, x0=z[:N], mask=mask)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples.to(self.device))
+ log["samples_inpainting"] = x_samples
+ log["mask"] = mask
+ # outpaint
+ mask = 1. - mask
+ with ema_scope("Plotting Outpaint"):
+ samples, _ = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim, eta=ddim_eta,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, x0=z[:N], mask=mask)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples.to(self.device))
+ log["samples_outpainting"] = x_samples
+ if plot_progressive_rows:
+ with ema_scope("Plotting Progressives"):
+ img, progressives = self.progressive_denoising(c,
+ shape=(self.channels, self.image_size, self.image_size),
+ batch_size=N)
+ prog_row = self._get_denoise_row_from_list(progressives, desc="Progressive Generation")
+ log["progressive_row"] = prog_row
+ if return_keys:
+ if np.intersect1d(list(log.keys()), return_keys).shape[0] == 0:
+ return log
+ else:
+ return {key: log[key] for key in return_keys}
+ return log
+ def configure_optimizers(self):
+ lr = self.learning_rate
+ params = list(self.model.parameters())
+ if self.cond_stage_trainable:
+ print(f"{self.__class__.__name__}: Also optimizing conditioner params!")
+ params = params + list(self.cond_stage_model.parameters())
+ if self.learn_logvar:
+ print('Diffusion model optimizing logvar')
+ params.append(self.logvar)
+ opt = torch.optim.AdamW(params, lr=lr)
+ if self.use_scheduler:
+ assert 'target' in self.scheduler_config
+ scheduler = instantiate_from_config(self.scheduler_config)
+ print("Setting up LambdaLR scheduler...")
+ scheduler = [
+ {
+ 'scheduler': LambdaLR(opt, lr_lambda=scheduler.schedule),
+ 'interval': 'step',
+ 'frequency': 1
+ }]
+ return [opt], scheduler
+ return opt
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def to_rgb(self, x):
+ x = x.float()
+ if not hasattr(self, "colorize"):
+ self.colorize = torch.randn(3, x.shape[1], 1, 1).to(x)
+ x = nn.functional.conv2d(x, weight=self.colorize)
+ x = 2. * (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) - 1.
+ return x
+class DiffusionWrapper(pl.LightningModule):
+ def __init__(self, diff_model_config, conditioning_key):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.sequential_cross_attn = diff_model_config.pop("sequential_crossattn", False)
+ self.diffusion_model = instantiate_from_config(diff_model_config)
+ self.conditioning_key = conditioning_key
+ assert self.conditioning_key in [None, 'concat', 'crossattn', 'hybrid', 'adm', 'hybrid-adm', 'crossattn-adm']
+ def forward(self, x, t, c_concat: list = None, c_crossattn: list = None, c_adm=None):
+ if self.conditioning_key is None:
+ out = self.diffusion_model(x, t)
+ elif self.conditioning_key == 'concat':
+ xc = torch.cat([x] + c_concat, dim=1)
+ out = self.diffusion_model(xc, t)
+ elif self.conditioning_key == 'crossattn':
+ if not self.sequential_cross_attn:
+ cc = torch.cat(c_crossattn, 1)
+ else:
+ cc = c_crossattn
+ out = self.diffusion_model(x, t, context=cc)
+ elif self.conditioning_key == 'hybrid':
+ xc = torch.cat([x] + c_concat, dim=1)
+ cc = torch.cat(c_crossattn, 1)
+ out = self.diffusion_model(xc, t, context=cc)
+ elif self.conditioning_key == 'hybrid-adm':
+ assert c_adm is not None
+ xc = torch.cat([x] + c_concat, dim=1)
+ cc = torch.cat(c_crossattn, 1)
+ out = self.diffusion_model(xc, t, context=cc, y=c_adm)
+ elif self.conditioning_key == 'crossattn-adm':
+ assert c_adm is not None
+ cc = torch.cat(c_crossattn, 1)
+ out = self.diffusion_model(x, t, context=cc, y=c_adm)
+ elif self.conditioning_key == 'adm':
+ cc = c_crossattn[0]
+ out = self.diffusion_model(x, t, y=cc)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ return out
+class LatentUpscaleDiffusion(LatentDiffusion):
+ def __init__(self, *args, low_scale_config, low_scale_key="LR", noise_level_key=None, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # assumes that neither the cond_stage nor the low_scale_model contain trainable params
+ assert not self.cond_stage_trainable
+ self.instantiate_low_stage(low_scale_config)
+ self.low_scale_key = low_scale_key
+ self.noise_level_key = noise_level_key
+ def instantiate_low_stage(self, config):
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config)
+ self.low_scale_model = model.eval()
+ self.low_scale_model.train = disabled_train
+ for param in self.low_scale_model.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_input(self, batch, k, cond_key=None, bs=None, log_mode=False):
+ if not log_mode:
+ z, c = super().get_input(batch, k, force_c_encode=True, bs=bs)
+ else:
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc = super().get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, return_first_stage_outputs=True,
+ force_c_encode=True, return_original_cond=True, bs=bs)
+ x_low = batch[self.low_scale_key][:bs]
+ x_low = rearrange(x_low, 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ x_low = x_low.to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ zx, noise_level = self.low_scale_model(x_low)
+ if self.noise_level_key is not None:
+ # get noise level from batch instead, e.g. when extracting a custom noise level for bsr
+ raise NotImplementedError('TODO')
+ all_conds = {"c_concat": [zx], "c_crossattn": [c], "c_adm": noise_level}
+ if log_mode:
+ # TODO: maybe disable if too expensive
+ x_low_rec = self.low_scale_model.decode(zx)
+ return z, all_conds, x, xrec, xc, x_low, x_low_rec, noise_level
+ return z, all_conds
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, batch, N=8, n_row=4, sample=True, ddim_steps=200, ddim_eta=1., return_keys=None,
+ plot_denoise_rows=False, plot_progressive_rows=True, plot_diffusion_rows=True,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_guidance_label=None, use_ema_scope=True,
+ **kwargs):
+ ema_scope = self.ema_scope if use_ema_scope else nullcontext
+ use_ddim = ddim_steps is not None
+ log = dict()
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc, x_low, x_low_rec, noise_level = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, bs=N,
+ log_mode=True)
+ N = min(x.shape[0], N)
+ n_row = min(x.shape[0], n_row)
+ log["inputs"] = x
+ log["reconstruction"] = xrec
+ log["x_lr"] = x_low
+ log[f"x_lr_rec_@noise_levels{'-'.join(map(lambda x: str(x), list(noise_level.cpu().numpy())))}"] = x_low_rec
+ if self.model.conditioning_key is not None:
+ if hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, "decode"):
+ xc = self.cond_stage_model.decode(c)
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ elif self.cond_stage_key in ["caption", "txt"]:
+ xc = log_txt_as_img((x.shape[2], x.shape[3]), batch[self.cond_stage_key], size=x.shape[2] // 25)
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ elif self.cond_stage_key in ['class_label', 'cls']:
+ xc = log_txt_as_img((x.shape[2], x.shape[3]), batch["human_label"], size=x.shape[2] // 25)
+ log['conditioning'] = xc
+ elif isimage(xc):
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ if ismap(xc):
+ log["original_conditioning"] = self.to_rgb(xc)
+ if plot_diffusion_rows:
+ # get diffusion row
+ diffusion_row = list()
+ z_start = z[:n_row]
+ for t in range(self.num_timesteps):
+ if t % self.log_every_t == 0 or t == self.num_timesteps - 1:
+ t = repeat(torch.tensor([t]), '1 -> b', b=n_row)
+ t = t.to(self.device).long()
+ noise = torch.randn_like(z_start)
+ z_noisy = self.q_sample(x_start=z_start, t=t, noise=noise)
+ diffusion_row.append(self.decode_first_stage(z_noisy))
+ diffusion_row = torch.stack(diffusion_row) # n_log_step, n_row, C, H, W
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_row, 'n b c h w -> b n c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_grid, 'b n c h w -> (b n) c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = make_grid(diffusion_grid, nrow=diffusion_row.shape[0])
+ log["diffusion_row"] = diffusion_grid
+ if sample:
+ # get denoise row
+ with ema_scope("Sampling"):
+ samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta)
+ # samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample(cond=c, batch_size=N, return_intermediates=True)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples)
+ log["samples"] = x_samples
+ if plot_denoise_rows:
+ denoise_grid = self._get_denoise_row_from_list(z_denoise_row)
+ log["denoise_row"] = denoise_grid
+ if unconditional_guidance_scale > 1.0:
+ uc_tmp = self.get_unconditional_conditioning(N, unconditional_guidance_label)
+ # TODO explore better "unconditional" choices for the other keys
+ # maybe guide away from empty text label and highest noise level and maximally degraded zx?
+ uc = dict()
+ for k in c:
+ if k == "c_crossattn":
+ assert isinstance(c[k], list) and len(c[k]) == 1
+ uc[k] = [uc_tmp]
+ elif k == "c_adm": # todo: only run with text-based guidance?
+ assert isinstance(c[k], torch.Tensor)
+ #uc[k] = torch.ones_like(c[k]) * self.low_scale_model.max_noise_level
+ uc[k] = c[k]
+ elif isinstance(c[k], list):
+ uc[k] = [c[k][i] for i in range(len(c[k]))]
+ else:
+ uc[k] = c[k]
+ with ema_scope("Sampling with classifier-free guidance"):
+ samples_cfg, _ = self.sample_log(cond=c, batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=uc,
+ )
+ x_samples_cfg = self.decode_first_stage(samples_cfg)
+ log[f"samples_cfg_scale_{unconditional_guidance_scale:.2f}"] = x_samples_cfg
+ if plot_progressive_rows:
+ with ema_scope("Plotting Progressives"):
+ img, progressives = self.progressive_denoising(c,
+ shape=(self.channels, self.image_size, self.image_size),
+ batch_size=N)
+ prog_row = self._get_denoise_row_from_list(progressives, desc="Progressive Generation")
+ log["progressive_row"] = prog_row
+ return log
+class LatentFinetuneDiffusion(LatentDiffusion):
+ """
+ Basis for different finetunas, such as inpainting or depth2image
+ To disable finetuning mode, set finetune_keys to None
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ concat_keys: tuple,
+ finetune_keys=("model.diffusion_model.input_blocks.0.0.weight",
+ "model_ema.diffusion_modelinput_blocks00weight"
+ ),
+ keep_finetune_dims=4,
+ # if model was trained without concat mode before and we would like to keep these channels
+ c_concat_log_start=None, # to log reconstruction of c_concat codes
+ c_concat_log_end=None,
+ *args, **kwargs
+ ):
+ ckpt_path = kwargs.pop("ckpt_path", None)
+ ignore_keys = kwargs.pop("ignore_keys", list())
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.finetune_keys = finetune_keys
+ self.concat_keys = concat_keys
+ self.keep_dims = keep_finetune_dims
+ self.c_concat_log_start = c_concat_log_start
+ self.c_concat_log_end = c_concat_log_end
+ if exists(self.finetune_keys): assert exists(ckpt_path), 'can only finetune from a given checkpoint'
+ if exists(ckpt_path):
+ self.init_from_ckpt(ckpt_path, ignore_keys)
+ def init_from_ckpt(self, path, ignore_keys=list(), only_model=False):
+ sd = torch.load(path, map_location="cpu")
+ if "state_dict" in list(sd.keys()):
+ sd = sd["state_dict"]
+ keys = list(sd.keys())
+ for k in keys:
+ for ik in ignore_keys:
+ if k.startswith(ik):
+ print("Deleting key {} from state_dict.".format(k))
+ del sd[k]
+ # make it explicit, finetune by including extra input channels
+ if exists(self.finetune_keys) and k in self.finetune_keys:
+ new_entry = None
+ for name, param in self.named_parameters():
+ if name in self.finetune_keys:
+ print(
+ f"modifying key '{name}' and keeping its original {self.keep_dims} (channels) dimensions only")
+ new_entry = torch.zeros_like(param) # zero init
+ assert exists(new_entry), 'did not find matching parameter to modify'
+ new_entry[:, :self.keep_dims, ...] = sd[k]
+ sd[k] = new_entry
+ missing, unexpected = self.load_state_dict(sd, strict=False) if not only_model else self.model.load_state_dict(
+ sd, strict=False)
+ print(f"Restored from {path} with {len(missing)} missing and {len(unexpected)} unexpected keys")
+ if len(missing) > 0:
+ print(f"Missing Keys: {missing}")
+ if len(unexpected) > 0:
+ print(f"Unexpected Keys: {unexpected}")
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, batch, N=8, n_row=4, sample=True, ddim_steps=200, ddim_eta=1., return_keys=None,
+ quantize_denoised=True, inpaint=True, plot_denoise_rows=False, plot_progressive_rows=True,
+ plot_diffusion_rows=True, unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_guidance_label=None,
+ use_ema_scope=True,
+ **kwargs):
+ ema_scope = self.ema_scope if use_ema_scope else nullcontext
+ use_ddim = ddim_steps is not None
+ log = dict()
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc = self.get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, bs=N, return_first_stage_outputs=True)
+ c_cat, c = c["c_concat"][0], c["c_crossattn"][0]
+ N = min(x.shape[0], N)
+ n_row = min(x.shape[0], n_row)
+ log["inputs"] = x
+ log["reconstruction"] = xrec
+ if self.model.conditioning_key is not None:
+ if hasattr(self.cond_stage_model, "decode"):
+ xc = self.cond_stage_model.decode(c)
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ elif self.cond_stage_key in ["caption", "txt"]:
+ xc = log_txt_as_img((x.shape[2], x.shape[3]), batch[self.cond_stage_key], size=x.shape[2] // 25)
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ elif self.cond_stage_key in ['class_label', 'cls']:
+ xc = log_txt_as_img((x.shape[2], x.shape[3]), batch["human_label"], size=x.shape[2] // 25)
+ log['conditioning'] = xc
+ elif isimage(xc):
+ log["conditioning"] = xc
+ if ismap(xc):
+ log["original_conditioning"] = self.to_rgb(xc)
+ if not (self.c_concat_log_start is None and self.c_concat_log_end is None):
+ log["c_concat_decoded"] = self.decode_first_stage(c_cat[:, self.c_concat_log_start:self.c_concat_log_end])
+ if plot_diffusion_rows:
+ # get diffusion row
+ diffusion_row = list()
+ z_start = z[:n_row]
+ for t in range(self.num_timesteps):
+ if t % self.log_every_t == 0 or t == self.num_timesteps - 1:
+ t = repeat(torch.tensor([t]), '1 -> b', b=n_row)
+ t = t.to(self.device).long()
+ noise = torch.randn_like(z_start)
+ z_noisy = self.q_sample(x_start=z_start, t=t, noise=noise)
+ diffusion_row.append(self.decode_first_stage(z_noisy))
+ diffusion_row = torch.stack(diffusion_row) # n_log_step, n_row, C, H, W
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_row, 'n b c h w -> b n c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = rearrange(diffusion_grid, 'b n c h w -> (b n) c h w')
+ diffusion_grid = make_grid(diffusion_grid, nrow=diffusion_row.shape[0])
+ log["diffusion_row"] = diffusion_grid
+ if sample:
+ # get denoise row
+ with ema_scope("Sampling"):
+ samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample_log(cond={"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c]},
+ batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta)
+ # samples, z_denoise_row = self.sample(cond=c, batch_size=N, return_intermediates=True)
+ x_samples = self.decode_first_stage(samples)
+ log["samples"] = x_samples
+ if plot_denoise_rows:
+ denoise_grid = self._get_denoise_row_from_list(z_denoise_row)
+ log["denoise_row"] = denoise_grid
+ if unconditional_guidance_scale > 1.0:
+ uc_cross = self.get_unconditional_conditioning(N, unconditional_guidance_label)
+ uc_cat = c_cat
+ uc_full = {"c_concat": [uc_cat], "c_crossattn": [uc_cross]}
+ with ema_scope("Sampling with classifier-free guidance"):
+ samples_cfg, _ = self.sample_log(cond={"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c]},
+ batch_size=N, ddim=use_ddim,
+ ddim_steps=ddim_steps, eta=ddim_eta,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=uc_full,
+ )
+ x_samples_cfg = self.decode_first_stage(samples_cfg)
+ log[f"samples_cfg_scale_{unconditional_guidance_scale:.2f}"] = x_samples_cfg
+ return log
+class LatentInpaintDiffusion(LatentFinetuneDiffusion):
+ """
+ can either run as pure inpainting model (only concat mode) or with mixed conditionings,
+ e.g. mask as concat and text via cross-attn.
+ To disable finetuning mode, set finetune_keys to None
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ concat_keys=("mask", "masked_image"),
+ masked_image_key="masked_image",
+ *args, **kwargs
+ ):
+ super().__init__(concat_keys, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.masked_image_key = masked_image_key
+ assert self.masked_image_key in concat_keys
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_input(self, batch, k, cond_key=None, bs=None, return_first_stage_outputs=False):
+ # note: restricted to non-trainable encoders currently
+ assert not self.cond_stage_trainable, 'trainable cond stages not yet supported for inpainting'
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc = super().get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, return_first_stage_outputs=True,
+ force_c_encode=True, return_original_cond=True, bs=bs)
+ assert exists(self.concat_keys)
+ c_cat = list()
+ for ck in self.concat_keys:
+ cc = rearrange(batch[ck], 'b h w c -> b c h w').to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ if bs is not None:
+ cc = cc[:bs]
+ cc = cc.to(self.device)
+ bchw = z.shape
+ if ck != self.masked_image_key:
+ cc = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(cc, size=bchw[-2:])
+ else:
+ cc = self.get_first_stage_encoding(self.encode_first_stage(cc))
+ c_cat.append(cc)
+ c_cat = torch.cat(c_cat, dim=1)
+ all_conds = {"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c]}
+ if return_first_stage_outputs:
+ return z, all_conds, x, xrec, xc
+ return z, all_conds
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ log = super(LatentInpaintDiffusion, self).log_images(*args, **kwargs)
+ log["masked_image"] = rearrange(args[0]["masked_image"],
+ 'b h w c -> b c h w').to(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format).float()
+ return log
+class LatentDepth2ImageDiffusion(LatentFinetuneDiffusion):
+ """
+ condition on monocular depth estimation
+ """
+ def __init__(self, depth_stage_config, concat_keys=("midas_in",), *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(concat_keys=concat_keys, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.depth_model = instantiate_from_config(depth_stage_config)
+ self.depth_stage_key = concat_keys[0]
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_input(self, batch, k, cond_key=None, bs=None, return_first_stage_outputs=False):
+ # note: restricted to non-trainable encoders currently
+ assert not self.cond_stage_trainable, 'trainable cond stages not yet supported for depth2img'
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc = super().get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, return_first_stage_outputs=True,
+ force_c_encode=True, return_original_cond=True, bs=bs)
+ assert exists(self.concat_keys)
+ assert len(self.concat_keys) == 1
+ c_cat = list()
+ for ck in self.concat_keys:
+ cc = batch[ck]
+ if bs is not None:
+ cc = cc[:bs]
+ cc = cc.to(self.device)
+ cc = self.depth_model(cc)
+ cc = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
+ cc,
+ size=z.shape[2:],
+ mode="bicubic",
+ align_corners=False,
+ )
+ depth_min, depth_max = torch.amin(cc, dim=[1, 2, 3], keepdim=True), torch.amax(cc, dim=[1, 2, 3],
+ keepdim=True)
+ cc = 2. * (cc - depth_min) / (depth_max - depth_min + 0.001) - 1.
+ c_cat.append(cc)
+ c_cat = torch.cat(c_cat, dim=1)
+ all_conds = {"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c]}
+ if return_first_stage_outputs:
+ return z, all_conds, x, xrec, xc
+ return z, all_conds
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ log = super().log_images(*args, **kwargs)
+ depth = self.depth_model(args[0][self.depth_stage_key])
+ depth_min, depth_max = torch.amin(depth, dim=[1, 2, 3], keepdim=True), \
+ torch.amax(depth, dim=[1, 2, 3], keepdim=True)
+ log["depth"] = 2. * (depth - depth_min) / (depth_max - depth_min) - 1.
+ return log
+class LatentUpscaleFinetuneDiffusion(LatentFinetuneDiffusion):
+ """
+ condition on low-res image (and optionally on some spatial noise augmentation)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, concat_keys=("lr",), reshuffle_patch_size=None,
+ low_scale_config=None, low_scale_key=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(concat_keys=concat_keys, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.reshuffle_patch_size = reshuffle_patch_size
+ self.low_scale_model = None
+ if low_scale_config is not None:
+ print("Initializing a low-scale model")
+ assert exists(low_scale_key)
+ self.instantiate_low_stage(low_scale_config)
+ self.low_scale_key = low_scale_key
+ def instantiate_low_stage(self, config):
+ model = instantiate_from_config(config)
+ self.low_scale_model = model.eval()
+ self.low_scale_model.train = disabled_train
+ for param in self.low_scale_model.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def get_input(self, batch, k, cond_key=None, bs=None, return_first_stage_outputs=False):
+ # note: restricted to non-trainable encoders currently
+ assert not self.cond_stage_trainable, 'trainable cond stages not yet supported for upscaling-ft'
+ z, c, x, xrec, xc = super().get_input(batch, self.first_stage_key, return_first_stage_outputs=True,
+ force_c_encode=True, return_original_cond=True, bs=bs)
+ assert exists(self.concat_keys)
+ assert len(self.concat_keys) == 1
+ # optionally make spatial noise_level here
+ c_cat = list()
+ noise_level = None
+ for ck in self.concat_keys:
+ cc = batch[ck]
+ cc = rearrange(cc, 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ if exists(self.reshuffle_patch_size):
+ assert isinstance(self.reshuffle_patch_size, int)
+ cc = rearrange(cc, 'b c (p1 h) (p2 w) -> b (p1 p2 c) h w',
+ p1=self.reshuffle_patch_size, p2=self.reshuffle_patch_size)
+ if bs is not None:
+ cc = cc[:bs]
+ cc = cc.to(self.device)
+ if exists(self.low_scale_model) and ck == self.low_scale_key:
+ cc, noise_level = self.low_scale_model(cc)
+ c_cat.append(cc)
+ c_cat = torch.cat(c_cat, dim=1)
+ if exists(noise_level):
+ all_conds = {"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c], "c_adm": noise_level}
+ else:
+ all_conds = {"c_concat": [c_cat], "c_crossattn": [c]}
+ if return_first_stage_outputs:
+ return z, all_conds, x, xrec, xc
+ return z, all_conds
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def log_images(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ log = super().log_images(*args, **kwargs)
+ log["lr"] = rearrange(args[0]["lr"], 'b h w c -> b c h w')
+ return log
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/__init__.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7427f38c07530afbab79154ea8aaf88c4bf70a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .sampler import DPMSolverSampler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/dpm_solver.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/dpm_solver.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..095e5ba3ce0b1aa7f4b3f1e2e5d8fff7cfe6dc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/dpm_solver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import math
+from tqdm import tqdm
+class NoiseScheduleVP:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ schedule='discrete',
+ betas=None,
+ alphas_cumprod=None,
+ continuous_beta_0=0.1,
+ continuous_beta_1=20.,
+ ):
+ """Create a wrapper class for the forward SDE (VP type).
+ ***
+ Update: We support discrete-time diffusion models by implementing a picewise linear interpolation for log_alpha_t.
+ We recommend to use schedule='discrete' for the discrete-time diffusion models, especially for high-resolution images.
+ ***
+ The forward SDE ensures that the condition distribution q_{t|0}(x_t | x_0) = N ( alpha_t * x_0, sigma_t^2 * I ).
+ We further define lambda_t = log(alpha_t) - log(sigma_t), which is the half-logSNR (described in the DPM-Solver paper).
+ Therefore, we implement the functions for computing alpha_t, sigma_t and lambda_t. For t in [0, T], we have:
+ log_alpha_t = self.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ sigma_t = self.marginal_std(t)
+ lambda_t = self.marginal_lambda(t)
+ Moreover, as lambda(t) is an invertible function, we also support its inverse function:
+ t = self.inverse_lambda(lambda_t)
+ ===============================================================
+ We support both discrete-time DPMs (trained on n = 0, 1, ..., N-1) and continuous-time DPMs (trained on t in [t_0, T]).
+ 1. For discrete-time DPMs:
+ For discrete-time DPMs trained on n = 0, 1, ..., N-1, we convert the discrete steps to continuous time steps by:
+ t_i = (i + 1) / N
+ e.g. for N = 1000, we have t_0 = 1e-3 and T = t_{N-1} = 1.
+ We solve the corresponding diffusion ODE from time T = 1 to time t_0 = 1e-3.
+ Args:
+ betas: A `torch.Tensor`. The beta array for the discrete-time DPM. (See the original DDPM paper for details)
+ alphas_cumprod: A `torch.Tensor`. The cumprod alphas for the discrete-time DPM. (See the original DDPM paper for details)
+ Note that we always have alphas_cumprod = cumprod(betas). Therefore, we only need to set one of `betas` and `alphas_cumprod`.
+ **Important**: Please pay special attention for the args for `alphas_cumprod`:
+ The `alphas_cumprod` is the \hat{alpha_n} arrays in the notations of DDPM. Specifically, DDPMs assume that
+ q_{t_n | 0}(x_{t_n} | x_0) = N ( \sqrt{\hat{alpha_n}} * x_0, (1 - \hat{alpha_n}) * I ).
+ Therefore, the notation \hat{alpha_n} is different from the notation alpha_t in DPM-Solver. In fact, we have
+ alpha_{t_n} = \sqrt{\hat{alpha_n}},
+ and
+ log(alpha_{t_n}) = 0.5 * log(\hat{alpha_n}).
+ 2. For continuous-time DPMs:
+ We support two types of VPSDEs: linear (DDPM) and cosine (improved-DDPM). The hyperparameters for the noise
+ schedule are the default settings in DDPM and improved-DDPM:
+ Args:
+ beta_min: A `float` number. The smallest beta for the linear schedule.
+ beta_max: A `float` number. The largest beta for the linear schedule.
+ cosine_s: A `float` number. The hyperparameter in the cosine schedule.
+ cosine_beta_max: A `float` number. The hyperparameter in the cosine schedule.
+ T: A `float` number. The ending time of the forward process.
+ ===============================================================
+ Args:
+ schedule: A `str`. The noise schedule of the forward SDE. 'discrete' for discrete-time DPMs,
+ 'linear' or 'cosine' for continuous-time DPMs.
+ Returns:
+ A wrapper object of the forward SDE (VP type).
+ ===============================================================
+ Example:
+ # For discrete-time DPMs, given betas (the beta array for n = 0, 1, ..., N - 1):
+ >>> ns = NoiseScheduleVP('discrete', betas=betas)
+ # For discrete-time DPMs, given alphas_cumprod (the \hat{alpha_n} array for n = 0, 1, ..., N - 1):
+ >>> ns = NoiseScheduleVP('discrete', alphas_cumprod=alphas_cumprod)
+ # For continuous-time DPMs (VPSDE), linear schedule:
+ >>> ns = NoiseScheduleVP('linear', continuous_beta_0=0.1, continuous_beta_1=20.)
+ """
+ if schedule not in ['discrete', 'linear', 'cosine']:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unsupported noise schedule {}. The schedule needs to be 'discrete' or 'linear' or 'cosine'".format(
+ schedule))
+ self.schedule = schedule
+ if schedule == 'discrete':
+ if betas is not None:
+ log_alphas = 0.5 * torch.log(1 - betas).cumsum(dim=0)
+ else:
+ assert alphas_cumprod is not None
+ log_alphas = 0.5 * torch.log(alphas_cumprod)
+ self.total_N = len(log_alphas)
+ self.T = 1.
+ self.t_array = torch.linspace(0., 1., self.total_N + 1)[1:].reshape((1, -1))
+ self.log_alpha_array = log_alphas.reshape((1, -1,))
+ else:
+ self.total_N = 1000
+ self.beta_0 = continuous_beta_0
+ self.beta_1 = continuous_beta_1
+ self.cosine_s = 0.008
+ self.cosine_beta_max = 999.
+ self.cosine_t_max = math.atan(self.cosine_beta_max * (1. + self.cosine_s) / math.pi) * 2. * (
+ 1. + self.cosine_s) / math.pi - self.cosine_s
+ self.cosine_log_alpha_0 = math.log(math.cos(self.cosine_s / (1. + self.cosine_s) * math.pi / 2.))
+ self.schedule = schedule
+ if schedule == 'cosine':
+ # For the cosine schedule, T = 1 will have numerical issues. So we manually set the ending time T.
+ # Note that T = 0.9946 may be not the optimal setting. However, we find it works well.
+ self.T = 0.9946
+ else:
+ self.T = 1.
+ def marginal_log_mean_coeff(self, t):
+ """
+ Compute log(alpha_t) of a given continuous-time label t in [0, T].
+ """
+ if self.schedule == 'discrete':
+ return interpolate_fn(t.reshape((-1, 1)), self.t_array.to(t.device),
+ self.log_alpha_array.to(t.device)).reshape((-1))
+ elif self.schedule == 'linear':
+ return -0.25 * t ** 2 * (self.beta_1 - self.beta_0) - 0.5 * t * self.beta_0
+ elif self.schedule == 'cosine':
+ log_alpha_fn = lambda s: torch.log(torch.cos((s + self.cosine_s) / (1. + self.cosine_s) * math.pi / 2.))
+ log_alpha_t = log_alpha_fn(t) - self.cosine_log_alpha_0
+ return log_alpha_t
+ def marginal_alpha(self, t):
+ """
+ Compute alpha_t of a given continuous-time label t in [0, T].
+ """
+ return torch.exp(self.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t))
+ def marginal_std(self, t):
+ """
+ Compute sigma_t of a given continuous-time label t in [0, T].
+ """
+ return torch.sqrt(1. - torch.exp(2. * self.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)))
+ def marginal_lambda(self, t):
+ """
+ Compute lambda_t = log(alpha_t) - log(sigma_t) of a given continuous-time label t in [0, T].
+ """
+ log_mean_coeff = self.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ log_std = 0.5 * torch.log(1. - torch.exp(2. * log_mean_coeff))
+ return log_mean_coeff - log_std
+ def inverse_lambda(self, lamb):
+ """
+ Compute the continuous-time label t in [0, T] of a given half-logSNR lambda_t.
+ """
+ if self.schedule == 'linear':
+ tmp = 2. * (self.beta_1 - self.beta_0) * torch.logaddexp(-2. * lamb, torch.zeros((1,)).to(lamb))
+ Delta = self.beta_0 ** 2 + tmp
+ return tmp / (torch.sqrt(Delta) + self.beta_0) / (self.beta_1 - self.beta_0)
+ elif self.schedule == 'discrete':
+ log_alpha = -0.5 * torch.logaddexp(torch.zeros((1,)).to(lamb.device), -2. * lamb)
+ t = interpolate_fn(log_alpha.reshape((-1, 1)), torch.flip(self.log_alpha_array.to(lamb.device), [1]),
+ torch.flip(self.t_array.to(lamb.device), [1]))
+ return t.reshape((-1,))
+ else:
+ log_alpha = -0.5 * torch.logaddexp(-2. * lamb, torch.zeros((1,)).to(lamb))
+ t_fn = lambda log_alpha_t: torch.arccos(torch.exp(log_alpha_t + self.cosine_log_alpha_0)) * 2. * (
+ 1. + self.cosine_s) / math.pi - self.cosine_s
+ t = t_fn(log_alpha)
+ return t
+def model_wrapper(
+ model,
+ noise_schedule,
+ model_type="noise",
+ model_kwargs={},
+ guidance_type="uncond",
+ condition=None,
+ unconditional_condition=None,
+ guidance_scale=1.,
+ classifier_fn=None,
+ classifier_kwargs={},
+ """Create a wrapper function for the noise prediction model.
+ DPM-Solver needs to solve the continuous-time diffusion ODEs. For DPMs trained on discrete-time labels, we need to
+ firstly wrap the model function to a noise prediction model that accepts the continuous time as the input.
+ We support four types of the diffusion model by setting `model_type`:
+ 1. "noise": noise prediction model. (Trained by predicting noise).
+ 2. "x_start": data prediction model. (Trained by predicting the data x_0 at time 0).
+ 3. "v": velocity prediction model. (Trained by predicting the velocity).
+ The "v" prediction is derivation detailed in Appendix D of [1], and is used in Imagen-Video [2].
+ [1] Salimans, Tim, and Jonathan Ho. "Progressive distillation for fast sampling of diffusion models."
+ arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00512 (2022).
+ [2] Ho, Jonathan, et al. "Imagen Video: High Definition Video Generation with Diffusion Models."
+ arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02303 (2022).
+ 4. "score": marginal score function. (Trained by denoising score matching).
+ Note that the score function and the noise prediction model follows a simple relationship:
+ ```
+ noise(x_t, t) = -sigma_t * score(x_t, t)
+ ```
+ We support three types of guided sampling by DPMs by setting `guidance_type`:
+ 1. "uncond": unconditional sampling by DPMs.
+ The input `model` has the following format:
+ ``
+ model(x, t_input, **model_kwargs) -> noise | x_start | v | score
+ ``
+ 2. "classifier": classifier guidance sampling [3] by DPMs and another classifier.
+ The input `model` has the following format:
+ ``
+ model(x, t_input, **model_kwargs) -> noise | x_start | v | score
+ ``
+ The input `classifier_fn` has the following format:
+ ``
+ classifier_fn(x, t_input, cond, **classifier_kwargs) -> logits(x, t_input, cond)
+ ``
+ [3] P. Dhariwal and A. Q. Nichol, "Diffusion models beat GANs on image synthesis,"
+ in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 34, 2021, pp. 8780-8794.
+ 3. "classifier-free": classifier-free guidance sampling by conditional DPMs.
+ The input `model` has the following format:
+ ``
+ model(x, t_input, cond, **model_kwargs) -> noise | x_start | v | score
+ ``
+ And if cond == `unconditional_condition`, the model output is the unconditional DPM output.
+ [4] Ho, Jonathan, and Tim Salimans. "Classifier-free diffusion guidance."
+ arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.12598 (2022).
+ The `t_input` is the time label of the model, which may be discrete-time labels (i.e. 0 to 999)
+ or continuous-time labels (i.e. epsilon to T).
+ We wrap the model function to accept only `x` and `t_continuous` as inputs, and outputs the predicted noise:
+ ``
+ def model_fn(x, t_continuous) -> noise:
+ t_input = get_model_input_time(t_continuous)
+ return noise_pred(model, x, t_input, **model_kwargs)
+ ``
+ where `t_continuous` is the continuous time labels (i.e. epsilon to T). And we use `model_fn` for DPM-Solver.
+ ===============================================================
+ Args:
+ model: A diffusion model with the corresponding format described above.
+ noise_schedule: A noise schedule object, such as NoiseScheduleVP.
+ model_type: A `str`. The parameterization type of the diffusion model.
+ "noise" or "x_start" or "v" or "score".
+ model_kwargs: A `dict`. A dict for the other inputs of the model function.
+ guidance_type: A `str`. The type of the guidance for sampling.
+ "uncond" or "classifier" or "classifier-free".
+ condition: A pytorch tensor. The condition for the guided sampling.
+ Only used for "classifier" or "classifier-free" guidance type.
+ unconditional_condition: A pytorch tensor. The condition for the unconditional sampling.
+ Only used for "classifier-free" guidance type.
+ guidance_scale: A `float`. The scale for the guided sampling.
+ classifier_fn: A classifier function. Only used for the classifier guidance.
+ classifier_kwargs: A `dict`. A dict for the other inputs of the classifier function.
+ Returns:
+ A noise prediction model that accepts the noised data and the continuous time as the inputs.
+ """
+ def get_model_input_time(t_continuous):
+ """
+ Convert the continuous-time `t_continuous` (in [epsilon, T]) to the model input time.
+ For discrete-time DPMs, we convert `t_continuous` in [1 / N, 1] to `t_input` in [0, 1000 * (N - 1) / N].
+ For continuous-time DPMs, we just use `t_continuous`.
+ """
+ if noise_schedule.schedule == 'discrete':
+ return (t_continuous - 1. / noise_schedule.total_N) * 1000.
+ else:
+ return t_continuous
+ def noise_pred_fn(x, t_continuous, cond=None):
+ if t_continuous.reshape((-1,)).shape[0] == 1:
+ t_continuous = t_continuous.expand((x.shape[0]))
+ t_input = get_model_input_time(t_continuous)
+ if cond is None:
+ output = model(x, t_input, **model_kwargs)
+ else:
+ output = model(x, t_input, cond, **model_kwargs)
+ if model_type == "noise":
+ return output
+ elif model_type == "x_start":
+ alpha_t, sigma_t = noise_schedule.marginal_alpha(t_continuous), noise_schedule.marginal_std(t_continuous)
+ dims = x.dim()
+ return (x - expand_dims(alpha_t, dims) * output) / expand_dims(sigma_t, dims)
+ elif model_type == "v":
+ alpha_t, sigma_t = noise_schedule.marginal_alpha(t_continuous), noise_schedule.marginal_std(t_continuous)
+ dims = x.dim()
+ return expand_dims(alpha_t, dims) * output + expand_dims(sigma_t, dims) * x
+ elif model_type == "score":
+ sigma_t = noise_schedule.marginal_std(t_continuous)
+ dims = x.dim()
+ return -expand_dims(sigma_t, dims) * output
+ def cond_grad_fn(x, t_input):
+ """
+ Compute the gradient of the classifier, i.e. nabla_{x} log p_t(cond | x_t).
+ """
+ with torch.enable_grad():
+ x_in = x.detach().requires_grad_(True)
+ log_prob = classifier_fn(x_in, t_input, condition, **classifier_kwargs)
+ return torch.autograd.grad(log_prob.sum(), x_in)[0]
+ def model_fn(x, t_continuous):
+ """
+ The noise predicition model function that is used for DPM-Solver.
+ """
+ if t_continuous.reshape((-1,)).shape[0] == 1:
+ t_continuous = t_continuous.expand((x.shape[0]))
+ if guidance_type == "uncond":
+ return noise_pred_fn(x, t_continuous)
+ elif guidance_type == "classifier":
+ assert classifier_fn is not None
+ t_input = get_model_input_time(t_continuous)
+ cond_grad = cond_grad_fn(x, t_input)
+ sigma_t = noise_schedule.marginal_std(t_continuous)
+ noise = noise_pred_fn(x, t_continuous)
+ return noise - guidance_scale * expand_dims(sigma_t, dims=cond_grad.dim()) * cond_grad
+ elif guidance_type == "classifier-free":
+ if guidance_scale == 1. or unconditional_condition is None:
+ return noise_pred_fn(x, t_continuous, cond=condition)
+ else:
+ x_in = torch.cat([x] * 2)
+ t_in = torch.cat([t_continuous] * 2)
+ c_in = torch.cat([unconditional_condition, condition])
+ noise_uncond, noise = noise_pred_fn(x_in, t_in, cond=c_in).chunk(2)
+ return noise_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise - noise_uncond)
+ assert model_type in ["noise", "x_start", "v"]
+ assert guidance_type in ["uncond", "classifier", "classifier-free"]
+ return model_fn
+class DPM_Solver:
+ def __init__(self, model_fn, noise_schedule, predict_x0=False, thresholding=False, max_val=1.):
+ """Construct a DPM-Solver.
+ We support both the noise prediction model ("predicting epsilon") and the data prediction model ("predicting x0").
+ If `predict_x0` is False, we use the solver for the noise prediction model (DPM-Solver).
+ If `predict_x0` is True, we use the solver for the data prediction model (DPM-Solver++).
+ In such case, we further support the "dynamic thresholding" in [1] when `thresholding` is True.
+ The "dynamic thresholding" can greatly improve the sample quality for pixel-space DPMs with large guidance scales.
+ Args:
+ model_fn: A noise prediction model function which accepts the continuous-time input (t in [epsilon, T]):
+ ``
+ def model_fn(x, t_continuous):
+ return noise
+ ``
+ noise_schedule: A noise schedule object, such as NoiseScheduleVP.
+ predict_x0: A `bool`. If true, use the data prediction model; else, use the noise prediction model.
+ thresholding: A `bool`. Valid when `predict_x0` is True. Whether to use the "dynamic thresholding" in [1].
+ max_val: A `float`. Valid when both `predict_x0` and `thresholding` are True. The max value for thresholding.
+ [1] Chitwan Saharia, William Chan, Saurabh Saxena, Lala Li, Jay Whang, Emily Denton, Seyed Kamyar Seyed Ghasemipour, Burcu Karagol Ayan, S Sara Mahdavi, Rapha Gontijo Lopes, et al. Photorealistic text-to-image diffusion models with deep language understanding. arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.11487, 2022b.
+ """
+ self.model = model_fn
+ self.noise_schedule = noise_schedule
+ self.predict_x0 = predict_x0
+ self.thresholding = thresholding
+ self.max_val = max_val
+ def noise_prediction_fn(self, x, t):
+ """
+ Return the noise prediction model.
+ """
+ return self.model(x, t)
+ def data_prediction_fn(self, x, t):
+ """
+ Return the data prediction model (with thresholding).
+ """
+ noise = self.noise_prediction_fn(x, t)
+ dims = x.dim()
+ alpha_t, sigma_t = self.noise_schedule.marginal_alpha(t), self.noise_schedule.marginal_std(t)
+ x0 = (x - expand_dims(sigma_t, dims) * noise) / expand_dims(alpha_t, dims)
+ if self.thresholding:
+ p = 0.995 # A hyperparameter in the paper of "Imagen" [1].
+ s = torch.quantile(torch.abs(x0).reshape((x0.shape[0], -1)), p, dim=1)
+ s = expand_dims(torch.maximum(s, self.max_val * torch.ones_like(s).to(s.device)), dims)
+ x0 = torch.clamp(x0, -s, s) / s
+ return x0
+ def model_fn(self, x, t):
+ """
+ Convert the model to the noise prediction model or the data prediction model.
+ """
+ if self.predict_x0:
+ return self.data_prediction_fn(x, t)
+ else:
+ return self.noise_prediction_fn(x, t)
+ def get_time_steps(self, skip_type, t_T, t_0, N, device):
+ """Compute the intermediate time steps for sampling.
+ Args:
+ skip_type: A `str`. The type for the spacing of the time steps. We support three types:
+ - 'logSNR': uniform logSNR for the time steps.
+ - 'time_uniform': uniform time for the time steps. (**Recommended for high-resolutional data**.)
+ - 'time_quadratic': quadratic time for the time steps. (Used in DDIM for low-resolutional data.)
+ t_T: A `float`. The starting time of the sampling (default is T).
+ t_0: A `float`. The ending time of the sampling (default is epsilon).
+ N: A `int`. The total number of the spacing of the time steps.
+ device: A torch device.
+ Returns:
+ A pytorch tensor of the time steps, with the shape (N + 1,).
+ """
+ if skip_type == 'logSNR':
+ lambda_T = self.noise_schedule.marginal_lambda(torch.tensor(t_T).to(device))
+ lambda_0 = self.noise_schedule.marginal_lambda(torch.tensor(t_0).to(device))
+ logSNR_steps = torch.linspace(lambda_T.cpu().item(), lambda_0.cpu().item(), N + 1).to(device)
+ return self.noise_schedule.inverse_lambda(logSNR_steps)
+ elif skip_type == 'time_uniform':
+ return torch.linspace(t_T, t_0, N + 1).to(device)
+ elif skip_type == 'time_quadratic':
+ t_order = 2
+ t = torch.linspace(t_T ** (1. / t_order), t_0 ** (1. / t_order), N + 1).pow(t_order).to(device)
+ return t
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Unsupported skip_type {}, need to be 'logSNR' or 'time_uniform' or 'time_quadratic'".format(skip_type))
+ def get_orders_and_timesteps_for_singlestep_solver(self, steps, order, skip_type, t_T, t_0, device):
+ """
+ Get the order of each step for sampling by the singlestep DPM-Solver.
+ We combine both DPM-Solver-1,2,3 to use all the function evaluations, which is named as "DPM-Solver-fast".
+ Given a fixed number of function evaluations by `steps`, the sampling procedure by DPM-Solver-fast is:
+ - If order == 1:
+ We take `steps` of DPM-Solver-1 (i.e. DDIM).
+ - If order == 2:
+ - Denote K = (steps // 2). We take K or (K + 1) intermediate time steps for sampling.
+ - If steps % 2 == 0, we use K steps of DPM-Solver-2.
+ - If steps % 2 == 1, we use K steps of DPM-Solver-2 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-1.
+ - If order == 3:
+ - Denote K = (steps // 3 + 1). We take K intermediate time steps for sampling.
+ - If steps % 3 == 0, we use (K - 2) steps of DPM-Solver-3, and 1 step of DPM-Solver-2 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-1.
+ - If steps % 3 == 1, we use (K - 1) steps of DPM-Solver-3 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-1.
+ - If steps % 3 == 2, we use (K - 1) steps of DPM-Solver-3 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-2.
+ ============================================
+ Args:
+ order: A `int`. The max order for the solver (2 or 3).
+ steps: A `int`. The total number of function evaluations (NFE).
+ skip_type: A `str`. The type for the spacing of the time steps. We support three types:
+ - 'logSNR': uniform logSNR for the time steps.
+ - 'time_uniform': uniform time for the time steps. (**Recommended for high-resolutional data**.)
+ - 'time_quadratic': quadratic time for the time steps. (Used in DDIM for low-resolutional data.)
+ t_T: A `float`. The starting time of the sampling (default is T).
+ t_0: A `float`. The ending time of the sampling (default is epsilon).
+ device: A torch device.
+ Returns:
+ orders: A list of the solver order of each step.
+ """
+ if order == 3:
+ K = steps // 3 + 1
+ if steps % 3 == 0:
+ orders = [3, ] * (K - 2) + [2, 1]
+ elif steps % 3 == 1:
+ orders = [3, ] * (K - 1) + [1]
+ else:
+ orders = [3, ] * (K - 1) + [2]
+ elif order == 2:
+ if steps % 2 == 0:
+ K = steps // 2
+ orders = [2, ] * K
+ else:
+ K = steps // 2 + 1
+ orders = [2, ] * (K - 1) + [1]
+ elif order == 1:
+ K = 1
+ orders = [1, ] * steps
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("'order' must be '1' or '2' or '3'.")
+ if skip_type == 'logSNR':
+ # To reproduce the results in DPM-Solver paper
+ timesteps_outer = self.get_time_steps(skip_type, t_T, t_0, K, device)
+ else:
+ timesteps_outer = self.get_time_steps(skip_type, t_T, t_0, steps, device)[
+ torch.cumsum(torch.tensor([0, ] + orders)).to(device)]
+ return timesteps_outer, orders
+ def denoise_to_zero_fn(self, x, s):
+ """
+ Denoise at the final step, which is equivalent to solve the ODE from lambda_s to infty by first-order discretization.
+ """
+ return self.data_prediction_fn(x, s)
+ def dpm_solver_first_update(self, x, s, t, model_s=None, return_intermediate=False):
+ """
+ DPM-Solver-1 (equivalent to DDIM) from time `s` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ s: A pytorch tensor. The starting time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ model_s: A pytorch tensor. The model function evaluated at time `s`.
+ If `model_s` is None, we evaluate the model by `x` and `s`; otherwise we directly use it.
+ return_intermediate: A `bool`. If true, also return the model value at time `s`.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ ns = self.noise_schedule
+ dims = x.dim()
+ lambda_s, lambda_t = ns.marginal_lambda(s), ns.marginal_lambda(t)
+ h = lambda_t - lambda_s
+ log_alpha_s, log_alpha_t = ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(s), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ sigma_s, sigma_t = ns.marginal_std(s), ns.marginal_std(t)
+ alpha_t = torch.exp(log_alpha_t)
+ if self.predict_x0:
+ phi_1 = torch.expm1(-h)
+ if model_s is None:
+ model_s = self.model_fn(x, s)
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ )
+ if return_intermediate:
+ return x_t, {'model_s': model_s}
+ else:
+ return x_t
+ else:
+ phi_1 = torch.expm1(h)
+ if model_s is None:
+ model_s = self.model_fn(x, s)
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ )
+ if return_intermediate:
+ return x_t, {'model_s': model_s}
+ else:
+ return x_t
+ def singlestep_dpm_solver_second_update(self, x, s, t, r1=0.5, model_s=None, return_intermediate=False,
+ solver_type='dpm_solver'):
+ """
+ Singlestep solver DPM-Solver-2 from time `s` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ s: A pytorch tensor. The starting time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ r1: A `float`. The hyperparameter of the second-order solver.
+ model_s: A pytorch tensor. The model function evaluated at time `s`.
+ If `model_s` is None, we evaluate the model by `x` and `s`; otherwise we directly use it.
+ return_intermediate: A `bool`. If true, also return the model value at time `s` and `s1` (the intermediate time).
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ if solver_type not in ['dpm_solver', 'taylor']:
+ raise ValueError("'solver_type' must be either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor', got {}".format(solver_type))
+ if r1 is None:
+ r1 = 0.5
+ ns = self.noise_schedule
+ dims = x.dim()
+ lambda_s, lambda_t = ns.marginal_lambda(s), ns.marginal_lambda(t)
+ h = lambda_t - lambda_s
+ lambda_s1 = lambda_s + r1 * h
+ s1 = ns.inverse_lambda(lambda_s1)
+ log_alpha_s, log_alpha_s1, log_alpha_t = ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(s), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(
+ s1), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ sigma_s, sigma_s1, sigma_t = ns.marginal_std(s), ns.marginal_std(s1), ns.marginal_std(t)
+ alpha_s1, alpha_t = torch.exp(log_alpha_s1), torch.exp(log_alpha_t)
+ if self.predict_x0:
+ phi_11 = torch.expm1(-r1 * h)
+ phi_1 = torch.expm1(-h)
+ if model_s is None:
+ model_s = self.model_fn(x, s)
+ x_s1 = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_s1 / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_s1 * phi_11, dims) * model_s
+ )
+ model_s1 = self.model_fn(x_s1, s1)
+ if solver_type == 'dpm_solver':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ - (0.5 / r1) * expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_1, dims) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ )
+ elif solver_type == 'taylor':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ + (1. / r1) * expand_dims(alpha_t * ((torch.exp(-h) - 1.) / h + 1.), dims) * (
+ model_s1 - model_s)
+ )
+ else:
+ phi_11 = torch.expm1(r1 * h)
+ phi_1 = torch.expm1(h)
+ if model_s is None:
+ model_s = self.model_fn(x, s)
+ x_s1 = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_s1 - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_s1 * phi_11, dims) * model_s
+ )
+ model_s1 = self.model_fn(x_s1, s1)
+ if solver_type == 'dpm_solver':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ - (0.5 / r1) * expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_1, dims) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ )
+ elif solver_type == 'taylor':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ - (1. / r1) * expand_dims(sigma_t * ((torch.exp(h) - 1.) / h - 1.), dims) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ )
+ if return_intermediate:
+ return x_t, {'model_s': model_s, 'model_s1': model_s1}
+ else:
+ return x_t
+ def singlestep_dpm_solver_third_update(self, x, s, t, r1=1. / 3., r2=2. / 3., model_s=None, model_s1=None,
+ return_intermediate=False, solver_type='dpm_solver'):
+ """
+ Singlestep solver DPM-Solver-3 from time `s` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ s: A pytorch tensor. The starting time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ r1: A `float`. The hyperparameter of the third-order solver.
+ r2: A `float`. The hyperparameter of the third-order solver.
+ model_s: A pytorch tensor. The model function evaluated at time `s`.
+ If `model_s` is None, we evaluate the model by `x` and `s`; otherwise we directly use it.
+ model_s1: A pytorch tensor. The model function evaluated at time `s1` (the intermediate time given by `r1`).
+ If `model_s1` is None, we evaluate the model at `s1`; otherwise we directly use it.
+ return_intermediate: A `bool`. If true, also return the model value at time `s`, `s1` and `s2` (the intermediate times).
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ if solver_type not in ['dpm_solver', 'taylor']:
+ raise ValueError("'solver_type' must be either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor', got {}".format(solver_type))
+ if r1 is None:
+ r1 = 1. / 3.
+ if r2 is None:
+ r2 = 2. / 3.
+ ns = self.noise_schedule
+ dims = x.dim()
+ lambda_s, lambda_t = ns.marginal_lambda(s), ns.marginal_lambda(t)
+ h = lambda_t - lambda_s
+ lambda_s1 = lambda_s + r1 * h
+ lambda_s2 = lambda_s + r2 * h
+ s1 = ns.inverse_lambda(lambda_s1)
+ s2 = ns.inverse_lambda(lambda_s2)
+ log_alpha_s, log_alpha_s1, log_alpha_s2, log_alpha_t = ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(
+ s), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(s1), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(s2), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ sigma_s, sigma_s1, sigma_s2, sigma_t = ns.marginal_std(s), ns.marginal_std(s1), ns.marginal_std(
+ s2), ns.marginal_std(t)
+ alpha_s1, alpha_s2, alpha_t = torch.exp(log_alpha_s1), torch.exp(log_alpha_s2), torch.exp(log_alpha_t)
+ if self.predict_x0:
+ phi_11 = torch.expm1(-r1 * h)
+ phi_12 = torch.expm1(-r2 * h)
+ phi_1 = torch.expm1(-h)
+ phi_22 = torch.expm1(-r2 * h) / (r2 * h) + 1.
+ phi_2 = phi_1 / h + 1.
+ phi_3 = phi_2 / h - 0.5
+ if model_s is None:
+ model_s = self.model_fn(x, s)
+ if model_s1 is None:
+ x_s1 = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_s1 / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_s1 * phi_11, dims) * model_s
+ )
+ model_s1 = self.model_fn(x_s1, s1)
+ x_s2 = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_s2 / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_s2 * phi_12, dims) * model_s
+ + r2 / r1 * expand_dims(alpha_s2 * phi_22, dims) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ )
+ model_s2 = self.model_fn(x_s2, s2)
+ if solver_type == 'dpm_solver':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ + (1. / r2) * expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_2, dims) * (model_s2 - model_s)
+ )
+ elif solver_type == 'taylor':
+ D1_0 = (1. / r1) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ D1_1 = (1. / r2) * (model_s2 - model_s)
+ D1 = (r2 * D1_0 - r1 * D1_1) / (r2 - r1)
+ D2 = 2. * (D1_1 - D1_0) / (r2 - r1)
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_s, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ + expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_2, dims) * D1
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * phi_3, dims) * D2
+ )
+ else:
+ phi_11 = torch.expm1(r1 * h)
+ phi_12 = torch.expm1(r2 * h)
+ phi_1 = torch.expm1(h)
+ phi_22 = torch.expm1(r2 * h) / (r2 * h) - 1.
+ phi_2 = phi_1 / h - 1.
+ phi_3 = phi_2 / h - 0.5
+ if model_s is None:
+ model_s = self.model_fn(x, s)
+ if model_s1 is None:
+ x_s1 = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_s1 - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_s1 * phi_11, dims) * model_s
+ )
+ model_s1 = self.model_fn(x_s1, s1)
+ x_s2 = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_s2 - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_s2 * phi_12, dims) * model_s
+ - r2 / r1 * expand_dims(sigma_s2 * phi_22, dims) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ )
+ model_s2 = self.model_fn(x_s2, s2)
+ if solver_type == 'dpm_solver':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ - (1. / r2) * expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_2, dims) * (model_s2 - model_s)
+ )
+ elif solver_type == 'taylor':
+ D1_0 = (1. / r1) * (model_s1 - model_s)
+ D1_1 = (1. / r2) * (model_s2 - model_s)
+ D1 = (r2 * D1_0 - r1 * D1_1) / (r2 - r1)
+ D2 = 2. * (D1_1 - D1_0) / (r2 - r1)
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_s), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_1, dims) * model_s
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_2, dims) * D1
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * phi_3, dims) * D2
+ )
+ if return_intermediate:
+ return x_t, {'model_s': model_s, 'model_s1': model_s1, 'model_s2': model_s2}
+ else:
+ return x_t
+ def multistep_dpm_solver_second_update(self, x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, t, solver_type="dpm_solver"):
+ """
+ Multistep solver DPM-Solver-2 from time `t_prev_list[-1]` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ model_prev_list: A list of pytorch tensor. The previous computed model values.
+ t_prev_list: A list of pytorch tensor. The previous times, each time has the shape (x.shape[0],)
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ if solver_type not in ['dpm_solver', 'taylor']:
+ raise ValueError("'solver_type' must be either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor', got {}".format(solver_type))
+ ns = self.noise_schedule
+ dims = x.dim()
+ model_prev_1, model_prev_0 = model_prev_list
+ t_prev_1, t_prev_0 = t_prev_list
+ lambda_prev_1, lambda_prev_0, lambda_t = ns.marginal_lambda(t_prev_1), ns.marginal_lambda(
+ t_prev_0), ns.marginal_lambda(t)
+ log_alpha_prev_0, log_alpha_t = ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t_prev_0), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ sigma_prev_0, sigma_t = ns.marginal_std(t_prev_0), ns.marginal_std(t)
+ alpha_t = torch.exp(log_alpha_t)
+ h_0 = lambda_prev_0 - lambda_prev_1
+ h = lambda_t - lambda_prev_0
+ r0 = h_0 / h
+ D1_0 = expand_dims(1. / r0, dims) * (model_prev_0 - model_prev_1)
+ if self.predict_x0:
+ if solver_type == 'dpm_solver':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_prev_0, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * (torch.exp(-h) - 1.), dims) * model_prev_0
+ - 0.5 * expand_dims(alpha_t * (torch.exp(-h) - 1.), dims) * D1_0
+ )
+ elif solver_type == 'taylor':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_prev_0, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * (torch.exp(-h) - 1.), dims) * model_prev_0
+ + expand_dims(alpha_t * ((torch.exp(-h) - 1.) / h + 1.), dims) * D1_0
+ )
+ else:
+ if solver_type == 'dpm_solver':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_prev_0), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * (torch.exp(h) - 1.), dims) * model_prev_0
+ - 0.5 * expand_dims(sigma_t * (torch.exp(h) - 1.), dims) * D1_0
+ )
+ elif solver_type == 'taylor':
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_prev_0), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * (torch.exp(h) - 1.), dims) * model_prev_0
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * ((torch.exp(h) - 1.) / h - 1.), dims) * D1_0
+ )
+ return x_t
+ def multistep_dpm_solver_third_update(self, x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, t, solver_type='dpm_solver'):
+ """
+ Multistep solver DPM-Solver-3 from time `t_prev_list[-1]` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ model_prev_list: A list of pytorch tensor. The previous computed model values.
+ t_prev_list: A list of pytorch tensor. The previous times, each time has the shape (x.shape[0],)
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ ns = self.noise_schedule
+ dims = x.dim()
+ model_prev_2, model_prev_1, model_prev_0 = model_prev_list
+ t_prev_2, t_prev_1, t_prev_0 = t_prev_list
+ lambda_prev_2, lambda_prev_1, lambda_prev_0, lambda_t = ns.marginal_lambda(t_prev_2), ns.marginal_lambda(
+ t_prev_1), ns.marginal_lambda(t_prev_0), ns.marginal_lambda(t)
+ log_alpha_prev_0, log_alpha_t = ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t_prev_0), ns.marginal_log_mean_coeff(t)
+ sigma_prev_0, sigma_t = ns.marginal_std(t_prev_0), ns.marginal_std(t)
+ alpha_t = torch.exp(log_alpha_t)
+ h_1 = lambda_prev_1 - lambda_prev_2
+ h_0 = lambda_prev_0 - lambda_prev_1
+ h = lambda_t - lambda_prev_0
+ r0, r1 = h_0 / h, h_1 / h
+ D1_0 = expand_dims(1. / r0, dims) * (model_prev_0 - model_prev_1)
+ D1_1 = expand_dims(1. / r1, dims) * (model_prev_1 - model_prev_2)
+ D1 = D1_0 + expand_dims(r0 / (r0 + r1), dims) * (D1_0 - D1_1)
+ D2 = expand_dims(1. / (r0 + r1), dims) * (D1_0 - D1_1)
+ if self.predict_x0:
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(sigma_t / sigma_prev_0, dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * (torch.exp(-h) - 1.), dims) * model_prev_0
+ + expand_dims(alpha_t * ((torch.exp(-h) - 1.) / h + 1.), dims) * D1
+ - expand_dims(alpha_t * ((torch.exp(-h) - 1. + h) / h ** 2 - 0.5), dims) * D2
+ )
+ else:
+ x_t = (
+ expand_dims(torch.exp(log_alpha_t - log_alpha_prev_0), dims) * x
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * (torch.exp(h) - 1.), dims) * model_prev_0
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * ((torch.exp(h) - 1.) / h - 1.), dims) * D1
+ - expand_dims(sigma_t * ((torch.exp(h) - 1. - h) / h ** 2 - 0.5), dims) * D2
+ )
+ return x_t
+ def singlestep_dpm_solver_update(self, x, s, t, order, return_intermediate=False, solver_type='dpm_solver', r1=None,
+ r2=None):
+ """
+ Singlestep DPM-Solver with the order `order` from time `s` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ s: A pytorch tensor. The starting time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ order: A `int`. The order of DPM-Solver. We only support order == 1 or 2 or 3.
+ return_intermediate: A `bool`. If true, also return the model value at time `s`, `s1` and `s2` (the intermediate times).
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ r1: A `float`. The hyperparameter of the second-order or third-order solver.
+ r2: A `float`. The hyperparameter of the third-order solver.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ if order == 1:
+ return self.dpm_solver_first_update(x, s, t, return_intermediate=return_intermediate)
+ elif order == 2:
+ return self.singlestep_dpm_solver_second_update(x, s, t, return_intermediate=return_intermediate,
+ solver_type=solver_type, r1=r1)
+ elif order == 3:
+ return self.singlestep_dpm_solver_third_update(x, s, t, return_intermediate=return_intermediate,
+ solver_type=solver_type, r1=r1, r2=r2)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Solver order must be 1 or 2 or 3, got {}".format(order))
+ def multistep_dpm_solver_update(self, x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, t, order, solver_type='dpm_solver'):
+ """
+ Multistep DPM-Solver with the order `order` from time `t_prev_list[-1]` to time `t`.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `s`.
+ model_prev_list: A list of pytorch tensor. The previous computed model values.
+ t_prev_list: A list of pytorch tensor. The previous times, each time has the shape (x.shape[0],)
+ t: A pytorch tensor. The ending time, with the shape (x.shape[0],).
+ order: A `int`. The order of DPM-Solver. We only support order == 1 or 2 or 3.
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ Returns:
+ x_t: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t`.
+ """
+ if order == 1:
+ return self.dpm_solver_first_update(x, t_prev_list[-1], t, model_s=model_prev_list[-1])
+ elif order == 2:
+ return self.multistep_dpm_solver_second_update(x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, t, solver_type=solver_type)
+ elif order == 3:
+ return self.multistep_dpm_solver_third_update(x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, t, solver_type=solver_type)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Solver order must be 1 or 2 or 3, got {}".format(order))
+ def dpm_solver_adaptive(self, x, order, t_T, t_0, h_init=0.05, atol=0.0078, rtol=0.05, theta=0.9, t_err=1e-5,
+ solver_type='dpm_solver'):
+ """
+ The adaptive step size solver based on singlestep DPM-Solver.
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `t_T`.
+ order: A `int`. The (higher) order of the solver. We only support order == 2 or 3.
+ t_T: A `float`. The starting time of the sampling (default is T).
+ t_0: A `float`. The ending time of the sampling (default is epsilon).
+ h_init: A `float`. The initial step size (for logSNR).
+ atol: A `float`. The absolute tolerance of the solver. For image data, the default setting is 0.0078, followed [1].
+ rtol: A `float`. The relative tolerance of the solver. The default setting is 0.05.
+ theta: A `float`. The safety hyperparameter for adapting the step size. The default setting is 0.9, followed [1].
+ t_err: A `float`. The tolerance for the time. We solve the diffusion ODE until the absolute error between the
+ current time and `t_0` is less than `t_err`. The default setting is 1e-5.
+ solver_type: either 'dpm_solver' or 'taylor'. The type for the high-order solvers.
+ The type slightly impacts the performance. We recommend to use 'dpm_solver' type.
+ Returns:
+ x_0: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t_0`.
+ [1] A. Jolicoeur-Martineau, K. Li, R. Piché-Taillefer, T. Kachman, and I. Mitliagkas, "Gotta go fast when generating data with score-based models," arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.14080, 2021.
+ """
+ ns = self.noise_schedule
+ s = t_T * torch.ones((x.shape[0],)).to(x)
+ lambda_s = ns.marginal_lambda(s)
+ lambda_0 = ns.marginal_lambda(t_0 * torch.ones_like(s).to(x))
+ h = h_init * torch.ones_like(s).to(x)
+ x_prev = x
+ nfe = 0
+ if order == 2:
+ r1 = 0.5
+ lower_update = lambda x, s, t: self.dpm_solver_first_update(x, s, t, return_intermediate=True)
+ higher_update = lambda x, s, t, **kwargs: self.singlestep_dpm_solver_second_update(x, s, t, r1=r1,
+ solver_type=solver_type,
+ **kwargs)
+ elif order == 3:
+ r1, r2 = 1. / 3., 2. / 3.
+ lower_update = lambda x, s, t: self.singlestep_dpm_solver_second_update(x, s, t, r1=r1,
+ return_intermediate=True,
+ solver_type=solver_type)
+ higher_update = lambda x, s, t, **kwargs: self.singlestep_dpm_solver_third_update(x, s, t, r1=r1, r2=r2,
+ solver_type=solver_type,
+ **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("For adaptive step size solver, order must be 2 or 3, got {}".format(order))
+ while torch.abs((s - t_0)).mean() > t_err:
+ t = ns.inverse_lambda(lambda_s + h)
+ x_lower, lower_noise_kwargs = lower_update(x, s, t)
+ x_higher = higher_update(x, s, t, **lower_noise_kwargs)
+ delta = torch.max(torch.ones_like(x).to(x) * atol, rtol * torch.max(torch.abs(x_lower), torch.abs(x_prev)))
+ norm_fn = lambda v: torch.sqrt(torch.square(v.reshape((v.shape[0], -1))).mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True))
+ E = norm_fn((x_higher - x_lower) / delta).max()
+ if torch.all(E <= 1.):
+ x = x_higher
+ s = t
+ x_prev = x_lower
+ lambda_s = ns.marginal_lambda(s)
+ h = torch.min(theta * h * torch.float_power(E, -1. / order).float(), lambda_0 - lambda_s)
+ nfe += order
+ print('adaptive solver nfe', nfe)
+ return x
+ def sample(self, x, steps=20, t_start=None, t_end=None, order=3, skip_type='time_uniform',
+ method='singlestep', lower_order_final=True, denoise_to_zero=False, solver_type='dpm_solver',
+ atol=0.0078, rtol=0.05,
+ ):
+ """
+ Compute the sample at time `t_end` by DPM-Solver, given the initial `x` at time `t_start`.
+ =====================================================
+ We support the following algorithms for both noise prediction model and data prediction model:
+ - 'singlestep':
+ Singlestep DPM-Solver (i.e. "DPM-Solver-fast" in the paper), which combines different orders of singlestep DPM-Solver.
+ We combine all the singlestep solvers with order <= `order` to use up all the function evaluations (steps).
+ The total number of function evaluations (NFE) == `steps`.
+ Given a fixed NFE == `steps`, the sampling procedure is:
+ - If `order` == 1:
+ - Denote K = steps. We use K steps of DPM-Solver-1 (i.e. DDIM).
+ - If `order` == 2:
+ - Denote K = (steps // 2) + (steps % 2). We take K intermediate time steps for sampling.
+ - If steps % 2 == 0, we use K steps of singlestep DPM-Solver-2.
+ - If steps % 2 == 1, we use (K - 1) steps of singlestep DPM-Solver-2 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-1.
+ - If `order` == 3:
+ - Denote K = (steps // 3 + 1). We take K intermediate time steps for sampling.
+ - If steps % 3 == 0, we use (K - 2) steps of singlestep DPM-Solver-3, and 1 step of singlestep DPM-Solver-2 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-1.
+ - If steps % 3 == 1, we use (K - 1) steps of singlestep DPM-Solver-3 and 1 step of DPM-Solver-1.
+ - If steps % 3 == 2, we use (K - 1) steps of singlestep DPM-Solver-3 and 1 step of singlestep DPM-Solver-2.
+ - 'multistep':
+ Multistep DPM-Solver with the order of `order`. The total number of function evaluations (NFE) == `steps`.
+ We initialize the first `order` values by lower order multistep solvers.
+ Given a fixed NFE == `steps`, the sampling procedure is:
+ Denote K = steps.
+ - If `order` == 1:
+ - We use K steps of DPM-Solver-1 (i.e. DDIM).
+ - If `order` == 2:
+ - We firstly use 1 step of DPM-Solver-1, then use (K - 1) step of multistep DPM-Solver-2.
+ - If `order` == 3:
+ - We firstly use 1 step of DPM-Solver-1, then 1 step of multistep DPM-Solver-2, then (K - 2) step of multistep DPM-Solver-3.
+ - 'singlestep_fixed':
+ Fixed order singlestep DPM-Solver (i.e. DPM-Solver-1 or singlestep DPM-Solver-2 or singlestep DPM-Solver-3).
+ We use singlestep DPM-Solver-`order` for `order`=1 or 2 or 3, with total [`steps` // `order`] * `order` NFE.
+ - 'adaptive':
+ Adaptive step size DPM-Solver (i.e. "DPM-Solver-12" and "DPM-Solver-23" in the paper).
+ We ignore `steps` and use adaptive step size DPM-Solver with a higher order of `order`.
+ You can adjust the absolute tolerance `atol` and the relative tolerance `rtol` to balance the computatation costs
+ (NFE) and the sample quality.
+ - If `order` == 2, we use DPM-Solver-12 which combines DPM-Solver-1 and singlestep DPM-Solver-2.
+ - If `order` == 3, we use DPM-Solver-23 which combines singlestep DPM-Solver-2 and singlestep DPM-Solver-3.
+ =====================================================
+ Some advices for choosing the algorithm:
+ - For **unconditional sampling** or **guided sampling with small guidance scale** by DPMs:
+ Use singlestep DPM-Solver ("DPM-Solver-fast" in the paper) with `order = 3`.
+ e.g.
+ >>> dpm_solver = DPM_Solver(model_fn, noise_schedule, predict_x0=False)
+ >>> x_sample = dpm_solver.sample(x, steps=steps, t_start=t_start, t_end=t_end, order=3,
+ skip_type='time_uniform', method='singlestep')
+ - For **guided sampling with large guidance scale** by DPMs:
+ Use multistep DPM-Solver with `predict_x0 = True` and `order = 2`.
+ e.g.
+ >>> dpm_solver = DPM_Solver(model_fn, noise_schedule, predict_x0=True)
+ >>> x_sample = dpm_solver.sample(x, steps=steps, t_start=t_start, t_end=t_end, order=2,
+ skip_type='time_uniform', method='multistep')
+ We support three types of `skip_type`:
+ - 'logSNR': uniform logSNR for the time steps. **Recommended for low-resolutional images**
+ - 'time_uniform': uniform time for the time steps. **Recommended for high-resolutional images**.
+ - 'time_quadratic': quadratic time for the time steps.
+ =====================================================
+ Args:
+ x: A pytorch tensor. The initial value at time `t_start`
+ e.g. if `t_start` == T, then `x` is a sample from the standard normal distribution.
+ steps: A `int`. The total number of function evaluations (NFE).
+ t_start: A `float`. The starting time of the sampling.
+ If `T` is None, we use self.noise_schedule.T (default is 1.0).
+ t_end: A `float`. The ending time of the sampling.
+ If `t_end` is None, we use 1. / self.noise_schedule.total_N.
+ e.g. if total_N == 1000, we have `t_end` == 1e-3.
+ For discrete-time DPMs:
+ - We recommend `t_end` == 1. / self.noise_schedule.total_N.
+ For continuous-time DPMs:
+ - We recommend `t_end` == 1e-3 when `steps` <= 15; and `t_end` == 1e-4 when `steps` > 15.
+ order: A `int`. The order of DPM-Solver.
+ skip_type: A `str`. The type for the spacing of the time steps. 'time_uniform' or 'logSNR' or 'time_quadratic'.
+ method: A `str`. The method for sampling. 'singlestep' or 'multistep' or 'singlestep_fixed' or 'adaptive'.
+ denoise_to_zero: A `bool`. Whether to denoise to time 0 at the final step.
+ Default is `False`. If `denoise_to_zero` is `True`, the total NFE is (`steps` + 1).
+ This trick is firstly proposed by DDPM (https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.11239) and
+ score_sde (https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.13456). Such trick can improve the FID
+ for diffusion models sampling by diffusion SDEs for low-resolutional images
+ (such as CIFAR-10). However, we observed that such trick does not matter for
+ high-resolutional images. As it needs an additional NFE, we do not recommend
+ it for high-resolutional images.
+ lower_order_final: A `bool`. Whether to use lower order solvers at the final steps.
+ Only valid for `method=multistep` and `steps < 15`. We empirically find that
+ this trick is a key to stabilizing the sampling by DPM-Solver with very few steps
+ (especially for steps <= 10). So we recommend to set it to be `True`.
+ solver_type: A `str`. The taylor expansion type for the solver. `dpm_solver` or `taylor`. We recommend `dpm_solver`.
+ atol: A `float`. The absolute tolerance of the adaptive step size solver. Valid when `method` == 'adaptive'.
+ rtol: A `float`. The relative tolerance of the adaptive step size solver. Valid when `method` == 'adaptive'.
+ Returns:
+ x_end: A pytorch tensor. The approximated solution at time `t_end`.
+ """
+ t_0 = 1. / self.noise_schedule.total_N if t_end is None else t_end
+ t_T = self.noise_schedule.T if t_start is None else t_start
+ device = x.device
+ if method == 'adaptive':
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ x = self.dpm_solver_adaptive(x, order=order, t_T=t_T, t_0=t_0, atol=atol, rtol=rtol,
+ solver_type=solver_type)
+ elif method == 'multistep':
+ assert steps >= order
+ timesteps = self.get_time_steps(skip_type=skip_type, t_T=t_T, t_0=t_0, N=steps, device=device)
+ assert timesteps.shape[0] - 1 == steps
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ vec_t = timesteps[0].expand((x.shape[0]))
+ model_prev_list = [self.model_fn(x, vec_t)]
+ t_prev_list = [vec_t]
+ # Init the first `order` values by lower order multistep DPM-Solver.
+ for init_order in tqdm(range(1, order), desc="DPM init order"):
+ vec_t = timesteps[init_order].expand(x.shape[0])
+ x = self.multistep_dpm_solver_update(x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, vec_t, init_order,
+ solver_type=solver_type)
+ model_prev_list.append(self.model_fn(x, vec_t))
+ t_prev_list.append(vec_t)
+ # Compute the remaining values by `order`-th order multistep DPM-Solver.
+ for step in tqdm(range(order, steps + 1), desc="DPM multistep"):
+ vec_t = timesteps[step].expand(x.shape[0])
+ if lower_order_final and steps < 15:
+ step_order = min(order, steps + 1 - step)
+ else:
+ step_order = order
+ x = self.multistep_dpm_solver_update(x, model_prev_list, t_prev_list, vec_t, step_order,
+ solver_type=solver_type)
+ for i in range(order - 1):
+ t_prev_list[i] = t_prev_list[i + 1]
+ model_prev_list[i] = model_prev_list[i + 1]
+ t_prev_list[-1] = vec_t
+ # We do not need to evaluate the final model value.
+ if step < steps:
+ model_prev_list[-1] = self.model_fn(x, vec_t)
+ elif method in ['singlestep', 'singlestep_fixed']:
+ if method == 'singlestep':
+ timesteps_outer, orders = self.get_orders_and_timesteps_for_singlestep_solver(steps=steps, order=order,
+ skip_type=skip_type,
+ t_T=t_T, t_0=t_0,
+ device=device)
+ elif method == 'singlestep_fixed':
+ K = steps // order
+ orders = [order, ] * K
+ timesteps_outer = self.get_time_steps(skip_type=skip_type, t_T=t_T, t_0=t_0, N=K, device=device)
+ for i, order in enumerate(orders):
+ t_T_inner, t_0_inner = timesteps_outer[i], timesteps_outer[i + 1]
+ timesteps_inner = self.get_time_steps(skip_type=skip_type, t_T=t_T_inner.item(), t_0=t_0_inner.item(),
+ N=order, device=device)
+ lambda_inner = self.noise_schedule.marginal_lambda(timesteps_inner)
+ vec_s, vec_t = t_T_inner.tile(x.shape[0]), t_0_inner.tile(x.shape[0])
+ h = lambda_inner[-1] - lambda_inner[0]
+ r1 = None if order <= 1 else (lambda_inner[1] - lambda_inner[0]) / h
+ r2 = None if order <= 2 else (lambda_inner[2] - lambda_inner[0]) / h
+ x = self.singlestep_dpm_solver_update(x, vec_s, vec_t, order, solver_type=solver_type, r1=r1, r2=r2)
+ if denoise_to_zero:
+ x = self.denoise_to_zero_fn(x, torch.ones((x.shape[0],)).to(device) * t_0)
+ return x
+# other utility functions
+def interpolate_fn(x, xp, yp):
+ """
+ A piecewise linear function y = f(x), using xp and yp as keypoints.
+ We implement f(x) in a differentiable way (i.e. applicable for autograd).
+ The function f(x) is well-defined for all x-axis. (For x beyond the bounds of xp, we use the outmost points of xp to define the linear function.)
+ Args:
+ x: PyTorch tensor with shape [N, C], where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels (we use C = 1 for DPM-Solver).
+ xp: PyTorch tensor with shape [C, K], where K is the number of keypoints.
+ yp: PyTorch tensor with shape [C, K].
+ Returns:
+ The function values f(x), with shape [N, C].
+ """
+ N, K = x.shape[0], xp.shape[1]
+ all_x = torch.cat([x.unsqueeze(2), xp.unsqueeze(0).repeat((N, 1, 1))], dim=2)
+ sorted_all_x, x_indices = torch.sort(all_x, dim=2)
+ x_idx = torch.argmin(x_indices, dim=2)
+ cand_start_idx = x_idx - 1
+ start_idx = torch.where(
+ torch.eq(x_idx, 0),
+ torch.tensor(1, device=x.device),
+ torch.where(
+ torch.eq(x_idx, K), torch.tensor(K - 2, device=x.device), cand_start_idx,
+ ),
+ )
+ end_idx = torch.where(torch.eq(start_idx, cand_start_idx), start_idx + 2, start_idx + 1)
+ start_x = torch.gather(sorted_all_x, dim=2, index=start_idx.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)
+ end_x = torch.gather(sorted_all_x, dim=2, index=end_idx.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)
+ start_idx2 = torch.where(
+ torch.eq(x_idx, 0),
+ torch.tensor(0, device=x.device),
+ torch.where(
+ torch.eq(x_idx, K), torch.tensor(K - 2, device=x.device), cand_start_idx,
+ ),
+ )
+ y_positions_expanded = yp.unsqueeze(0).expand(N, -1, -1)
+ start_y = torch.gather(y_positions_expanded, dim=2, index=start_idx2.unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)
+ end_y = torch.gather(y_positions_expanded, dim=2, index=(start_idx2 + 1).unsqueeze(2)).squeeze(2)
+ cand = start_y + (x - start_x) * (end_y - start_y) / (end_x - start_x)
+ return cand
+def expand_dims(v, dims):
+ """
+ Expand the tensor `v` to the dim `dims`.
+ Args:
+ `v`: a PyTorch tensor with shape [N].
+ `dim`: a `int`.
+ Returns:
+ a PyTorch tensor with shape [N, 1, 1, ..., 1] and the total dimension is `dims`.
+ """
+ return v[(...,) + (None,) * (dims - 1)]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/sampler.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/sampler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d137b8cf36718c1c58faa09f9dd919e5fb2977b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/dpm_solver/sampler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import torch
+from .dpm_solver import NoiseScheduleVP, model_wrapper, DPM_Solver
+ "eps": "noise",
+ "v": "v"
+class DPMSolverSampler(object):
+ def __init__(self, model, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.model = model
+ to_torch = lambda x: x.clone().detach().to(torch.float32).to(model.device)
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod', to_torch(model.alphas_cumprod))
+ def register_buffer(self, name, attr):
+ if type(attr) == torch.Tensor:
+ if attr.device != torch.device("cuda"):
+ attr = attr.to(torch.device("cuda"))
+ setattr(self, name, attr)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample(self,
+ S,
+ batch_size,
+ shape,
+ conditioning=None,
+ callback=None,
+ normals_sequence=None,
+ img_callback=None,
+ quantize_x0=False,
+ eta=0.,
+ mask=None,
+ x0=None,
+ temperature=1.,
+ noise_dropout=0.,
+ score_corrector=None,
+ corrector_kwargs=None,
+ verbose=True,
+ x_T=None,
+ log_every_t=100,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1.,
+ unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ # this has to come in the same format as the conditioning, # e.g. as encoded tokens, ...
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ if conditioning is not None:
+ if isinstance(conditioning, dict):
+ cbs = conditioning[list(conditioning.keys())[0]].shape[0]
+ if cbs != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {cbs} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ else:
+ if conditioning.shape[0] != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {conditioning.shape[0]} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ # sampling
+ C, H, W = shape
+ size = (batch_size, C, H, W)
+ print(f'Data shape for DPM-Solver sampling is {size}, sampling steps {S}')
+ device = self.model.betas.device
+ if x_T is None:
+ img = torch.randn(size, device=device)
+ else:
+ img = x_T
+ ns = NoiseScheduleVP('discrete', alphas_cumprod=self.alphas_cumprod)
+ model_fn = model_wrapper(
+ lambda x, t, c: self.model.apply_model(x, t, c),
+ ns,
+ model_type=MODEL_TYPES[self.model.parameterization],
+ guidance_type="classifier-free",
+ condition=conditioning,
+ unconditional_condition=unconditional_conditioning,
+ guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ )
+ dpm_solver = DPM_Solver(model_fn, ns, predict_x0=True, thresholding=False)
+ x = dpm_solver.sample(img, steps=S, skip_type="time_uniform", method="multistep", order=2, lower_order_final=True)
+ return x.to(device), None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/plms.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/plms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7002a365d27168ced0a04e9a4d83e088f8284eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/plms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from functools import partial
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import make_ddim_sampling_parameters, make_ddim_timesteps, noise_like
+from ldm.models.diffusion.sampling_util import norm_thresholding
+class PLMSSampler(object):
+ def __init__(self, model, schedule="linear", **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.model = model
+ self.ddpm_num_timesteps = model.num_timesteps
+ self.schedule = schedule
+ def register_buffer(self, name, attr):
+ if type(attr) == torch.Tensor:
+ if attr.device != torch.device("cuda"):
+ attr = attr.to(torch.device("cuda"))
+ setattr(self, name, attr)
+ def make_schedule(self, ddim_num_steps, ddim_discretize="uniform", ddim_eta=0., verbose=True):
+ if ddim_eta != 0:
+ raise ValueError('ddim_eta must be 0 for PLMS')
+ self.ddim_timesteps = make_ddim_timesteps(ddim_discr_method=ddim_discretize, num_ddim_timesteps=ddim_num_steps,
+ num_ddpm_timesteps=self.ddpm_num_timesteps,verbose=verbose)
+ alphas_cumprod = self.model.alphas_cumprod
+ assert alphas_cumprod.shape[0] == self.ddpm_num_timesteps, 'alphas have to be defined for each timestep'
+ to_torch = lambda x: x.clone().detach().to(torch.float32).to(self.model.device)
+ self.register_buffer('betas', to_torch(self.model.betas))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod', to_torch(alphas_cumprod))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod_prev', to_torch(self.model.alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ # calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_{t-1}) and others
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.log(1. - alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod.cpu())))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod.cpu() - 1)))
+ # ddim sampling parameters
+ ddim_sigmas, ddim_alphas, ddim_alphas_prev = make_ddim_sampling_parameters(alphacums=alphas_cumprod.cpu(),
+ ddim_timesteps=self.ddim_timesteps,
+ eta=ddim_eta,verbose=verbose)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sigmas', ddim_sigmas)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_alphas', ddim_alphas)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_alphas_prev', ddim_alphas_prev)
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas', np.sqrt(1. - ddim_alphas))
+ sigmas_for_original_sampling_steps = ddim_eta * torch.sqrt(
+ (1 - self.alphas_cumprod_prev) / (1 - self.alphas_cumprod) * (
+ 1 - self.alphas_cumprod / self.alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ self.register_buffer('ddim_sigmas_for_original_num_steps', sigmas_for_original_sampling_steps)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def sample(self,
+ S,
+ batch_size,
+ shape,
+ conditioning=None,
+ callback=None,
+ normals_sequence=None,
+ img_callback=None,
+ quantize_x0=False,
+ eta=0.,
+ mask=None,
+ x0=None,
+ temperature=1.,
+ noise_dropout=0.,
+ score_corrector=None,
+ corrector_kwargs=None,
+ verbose=True,
+ x_T=None,
+ log_every_t=100,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1.,
+ unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ # this has to come in the same format as the conditioning, # e.g. as encoded tokens, ...
+ dynamic_threshold=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ if conditioning is not None:
+ if isinstance(conditioning, dict):
+ cbs = conditioning[list(conditioning.keys())[0]].shape[0]
+ if cbs != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {cbs} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ else:
+ if conditioning.shape[0] != batch_size:
+ print(f"Warning: Got {conditioning.shape[0]} conditionings but batch-size is {batch_size}")
+ self.make_schedule(ddim_num_steps=S, ddim_eta=eta, verbose=verbose)
+ # sampling
+ C, H, W = shape
+ size = (batch_size, C, H, W)
+ print(f'Data shape for PLMS sampling is {size}')
+ samples, intermediates = self.plms_sampling(conditioning, size,
+ callback=callback,
+ img_callback=img_callback,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_x0,
+ mask=mask, x0=x0,
+ ddim_use_original_steps=False,
+ noise_dropout=noise_dropout,
+ temperature=temperature,
+ score_corrector=score_corrector,
+ corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs,
+ x_T=x_T,
+ log_every_t=log_every_t,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning,
+ dynamic_threshold=dynamic_threshold,
+ )
+ return samples, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def plms_sampling(self, cond, shape,
+ x_T=None, ddim_use_original_steps=False,
+ callback=None, timesteps=None, quantize_denoised=False,
+ mask=None, x0=None, img_callback=None, log_every_t=100,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_conditioning=None,
+ dynamic_threshold=None):
+ device = self.model.betas.device
+ b = shape[0]
+ if x_T is None:
+ img = torch.randn(shape, device=device)
+ else:
+ img = x_T
+ if timesteps is None:
+ timesteps = self.ddpm_num_timesteps if ddim_use_original_steps else self.ddim_timesteps
+ elif timesteps is not None and not ddim_use_original_steps:
+ subset_end = int(min(timesteps / self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0], 1) * self.ddim_timesteps.shape[0]) - 1
+ timesteps = self.ddim_timesteps[:subset_end]
+ intermediates = {'x_inter': [img], 'pred_x0': [img]}
+ time_range = list(reversed(range(0,timesteps))) if ddim_use_original_steps else np.flip(timesteps)
+ total_steps = timesteps if ddim_use_original_steps else timesteps.shape[0]
+ print(f"Running PLMS Sampling with {total_steps} timesteps")
+ iterator = tqdm(time_range, desc='PLMS Sampler', total=total_steps)
+ old_eps = []
+ for i, step in enumerate(iterator):
+ index = total_steps - i - 1
+ ts = torch.full((b,), step, device=device, dtype=torch.long)
+ ts_next = torch.full((b,), time_range[min(i + 1, len(time_range) - 1)], device=device, dtype=torch.long)
+ if mask is not None:
+ assert x0 is not None
+ img_orig = self.model.q_sample(x0, ts) # TODO: deterministic forward pass?
+ img = img_orig * mask + (1. - mask) * img
+ outs = self.p_sample_plms(img, cond, ts, index=index, use_original_steps=ddim_use_original_steps,
+ quantize_denoised=quantize_denoised, temperature=temperature,
+ noise_dropout=noise_dropout, score_corrector=score_corrector,
+ corrector_kwargs=corrector_kwargs,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=unconditional_guidance_scale,
+ unconditional_conditioning=unconditional_conditioning,
+ old_eps=old_eps, t_next=ts_next,
+ dynamic_threshold=dynamic_threshold)
+ img, pred_x0, e_t = outs
+ old_eps.append(e_t)
+ if len(old_eps) >= 4:
+ old_eps.pop(0)
+ if callback: callback(i)
+ if img_callback: img_callback(pred_x0, i)
+ if index % log_every_t == 0 or index == total_steps - 1:
+ intermediates['x_inter'].append(img)
+ intermediates['pred_x0'].append(pred_x0)
+ return img, intermediates
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def p_sample_plms(self, x, c, t, index, repeat_noise=False, use_original_steps=False, quantize_denoised=False,
+ temperature=1., noise_dropout=0., score_corrector=None, corrector_kwargs=None,
+ unconditional_guidance_scale=1., unconditional_conditioning=None, old_eps=None, t_next=None,
+ dynamic_threshold=None):
+ b, *_, device = *x.shape, x.device
+ def get_model_output(x, t):
+ if unconditional_conditioning is None or unconditional_guidance_scale == 1.:
+ e_t = self.model.apply_model(x, t, c)
+ else:
+ x_in = torch.cat([x] * 2)
+ t_in = torch.cat([t] * 2)
+ c_in = torch.cat([unconditional_conditioning, c])
+ e_t_uncond, e_t = self.model.apply_model(x_in, t_in, c_in).chunk(2)
+ e_t = e_t_uncond + unconditional_guidance_scale * (e_t - e_t_uncond)
+ if score_corrector is not None:
+ assert self.model.parameterization == "eps"
+ e_t = score_corrector.modify_score(self.model, e_t, x, t, c, **corrector_kwargs)
+ return e_t
+ alphas = self.model.alphas_cumprod if use_original_steps else self.ddim_alphas
+ alphas_prev = self.model.alphas_cumprod_prev if use_original_steps else self.ddim_alphas_prev
+ sqrt_one_minus_alphas = self.model.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod if use_original_steps else self.ddim_sqrt_one_minus_alphas
+ sigmas = self.model.ddim_sigmas_for_original_num_steps if use_original_steps else self.ddim_sigmas
+ def get_x_prev_and_pred_x0(e_t, index):
+ # select parameters corresponding to the currently considered timestep
+ a_t = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), alphas[index], device=device)
+ a_prev = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), alphas_prev[index], device=device)
+ sigma_t = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), sigmas[index], device=device)
+ sqrt_one_minus_at = torch.full((b, 1, 1, 1), sqrt_one_minus_alphas[index],device=device)
+ # current prediction for x_0
+ pred_x0 = (x - sqrt_one_minus_at * e_t) / a_t.sqrt()
+ if quantize_denoised:
+ pred_x0, _, *_ = self.model.first_stage_model.quantize(pred_x0)
+ if dynamic_threshold is not None:
+ pred_x0 = norm_thresholding(pred_x0, dynamic_threshold)
+ # direction pointing to x_t
+ dir_xt = (1. - a_prev - sigma_t**2).sqrt() * e_t
+ noise = sigma_t * noise_like(x.shape, device, repeat_noise) * temperature
+ if noise_dropout > 0.:
+ noise = torch.nn.functional.dropout(noise, p=noise_dropout)
+ x_prev = a_prev.sqrt() * pred_x0 + dir_xt + noise
+ return x_prev, pred_x0
+ e_t = get_model_output(x, t)
+ if len(old_eps) == 0:
+ # Pseudo Improved Euler (2nd order)
+ x_prev, pred_x0 = get_x_prev_and_pred_x0(e_t, index)
+ e_t_next = get_model_output(x_prev, t_next)
+ e_t_prime = (e_t + e_t_next) / 2
+ elif len(old_eps) == 1:
+ # 2nd order Pseudo Linear Multistep (Adams-Bashforth)
+ e_t_prime = (3 * e_t - old_eps[-1]) / 2
+ elif len(old_eps) == 2:
+ # 3nd order Pseudo Linear Multistep (Adams-Bashforth)
+ e_t_prime = (23 * e_t - 16 * old_eps[-1] + 5 * old_eps[-2]) / 12
+ elif len(old_eps) >= 3:
+ # 4nd order Pseudo Linear Multistep (Adams-Bashforth)
+ e_t_prime = (55 * e_t - 59 * old_eps[-1] + 37 * old_eps[-2] - 9 * old_eps[-3]) / 24
+ x_prev, pred_x0 = get_x_prev_and_pred_x0(e_t_prime, index)
+ return x_prev, pred_x0, e_t
diff --git a/ldm/models/diffusion/sampling_util.py b/ldm/models/diffusion/sampling_util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7eff02be6d7c54d43ee6680636ac0698dd3b3f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/models/diffusion/sampling_util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+def append_dims(x, target_dims):
+ """Appends dimensions to the end of a tensor until it has target_dims dimensions.
+ From https://github.com/crowsonkb/k-diffusion/blob/master/k_diffusion/utils.py"""
+ dims_to_append = target_dims - x.ndim
+ if dims_to_append < 0:
+ raise ValueError(f'input has {x.ndim} dims but target_dims is {target_dims}, which is less')
+ return x[(...,) + (None,) * dims_to_append]
+def norm_thresholding(x0, value):
+ s = append_dims(x0.pow(2).flatten(1).mean(1).sqrt().clamp(min=value), x0.ndim)
+ return x0 * (value / s)
+def spatial_norm_thresholding(x0, value):
+ # b c h w
+ s = x0.pow(2).mean(1, keepdim=True).sqrt().clamp(min=value)
+ return x0 * (value / s)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/modules/attention.py b/ldm/modules/attention.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..509cd873768f0dd75a75ab3fcdd652822b12b59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/attention.py
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+from inspect import isfunction
+import math
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch import nn, einsum
+from einops import rearrange, repeat
+from typing import Optional, Any
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import checkpoint
+ import xformers
+ import xformers.ops
+# CrossAttn precision handling
+import os
+_ATTN_PRECISION = os.environ.get("ATTN_PRECISION", "fp32")
+def exists(val):
+ return val is not None
+def uniq(arr):
+ return{el: True for el in arr}.keys()
+def default(val, d):
+ if exists(val):
+ return val
+ return d() if isfunction(d) else d
+def max_neg_value(t):
+ return -torch.finfo(t.dtype).max
+def init_(tensor):
+ dim = tensor.shape[-1]
+ std = 1 / math.sqrt(dim)
+ tensor.uniform_(-std, std)
+ return tensor
+# feedforward
+class GEGLU(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.proj = nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_out * 2)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x, gate = self.proj(x).chunk(2, dim=-1)
+ return x * F.gelu(gate)
+class FeedForward(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, dim, dim_out=None, mult=4, glu=False, dropout=0.):
+ super().__init__()
+ inner_dim = int(dim * mult)
+ dim_out = default(dim_out, dim)
+ project_in = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Linear(dim, inner_dim),
+ nn.GELU()
+ ) if not glu else GEGLU(dim, inner_dim)
+ self.net = nn.Sequential(
+ project_in,
+ nn.Dropout(dropout),
+ nn.Linear(inner_dim, dim_out)
+ )
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return self.net(x)
+def zero_module(module):
+ """
+ Zero out the parameters of a module and return it.
+ """
+ for p in module.parameters():
+ p.detach().zero_()
+ return module
+def Normalize(in_channels):
+ return torch.nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=32, num_channels=in_channels, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
+class SpatialSelfAttention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.norm = Normalize(in_channels)
+ self.q = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.k = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.v = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.proj_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ h_ = x
+ h_ = self.norm(h_)
+ q = self.q(h_)
+ k = self.k(h_)
+ v = self.v(h_)
+ # compute attention
+ b,c,h,w = q.shape
+ q = rearrange(q, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c')
+ k = rearrange(k, 'b c h w -> b c (h w)')
+ w_ = torch.einsum('bij,bjk->bik', q, k)
+ w_ = w_ * (int(c)**(-0.5))
+ w_ = torch.nn.functional.softmax(w_, dim=2)
+ # attend to values
+ v = rearrange(v, 'b c h w -> b c (h w)')
+ w_ = rearrange(w_, 'b i j -> b j i')
+ h_ = torch.einsum('bij,bjk->bik', v, w_)
+ h_ = rearrange(h_, 'b c (h w) -> b c h w', h=h)
+ h_ = self.proj_out(h_)
+ return x+h_
+class CrossAttention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, query_dim, context_dim=None, heads=8, dim_head=64, dropout=0.):
+ super().__init__()
+ inner_dim = dim_head * heads
+ context_dim = default(context_dim, query_dim)
+ self.scale = dim_head ** -0.5
+ self.heads = heads
+ self.to_q = nn.Linear(query_dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_k = nn.Linear(context_dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_v = nn.Linear(context_dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_out = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Linear(inner_dim, query_dim),
+ nn.Dropout(dropout)
+ )
+ def forward(self, x, context=None, mask=None):
+ h = self.heads
+ q = self.to_q(x)
+ context = default(context, x)
+ k = self.to_k(context)
+ v = self.to_v(context)
+ q, k, v = map(lambda t: rearrange(t, 'b n (h d) -> (b h) n d', h=h), (q, k, v))
+ # force cast to fp32 to avoid overflowing
+ if _ATTN_PRECISION =="fp32":
+ with torch.autocast(enabled=False, device_type = 'cuda'):
+ q, k = q.float(), k.float()
+ sim = einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q, k) * self.scale
+ else:
+ sim = einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q, k) * self.scale
+ del q, k
+ if exists(mask):
+ mask = rearrange(mask, 'b ... -> b (...)')
+ max_neg_value = -torch.finfo(sim.dtype).max
+ mask = repeat(mask, 'b j -> (b h) () j', h=h)
+ sim.masked_fill_(~mask, max_neg_value)
+ # attention, what we cannot get enough of
+ sim = sim.softmax(dim=-1)
+ out = einsum('b i j, b j d -> b i d', sim, v)
+ out = rearrange(out, '(b h) n d -> b n (h d)', h=h)
+ return self.to_out(out)
+class MemoryEfficientCrossAttention(nn.Module):
+ # https://github.com/MatthieuTPHR/diffusers/blob/d80b531ff8060ec1ea982b65a1b8df70f73aa67c/src/diffusers/models/attention.py#L223
+ def __init__(self, query_dim, context_dim=None, heads=8, dim_head=64, dropout=0.0):
+ super().__init__()
+ print(f"Setting up {self.__class__.__name__}. Query dim is {query_dim}, context_dim is {context_dim} and using "
+ f"{heads} heads.")
+ inner_dim = dim_head * heads
+ context_dim = default(context_dim, query_dim)
+ self.heads = heads
+ self.dim_head = dim_head
+ self.to_q = nn.Linear(query_dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_k = nn.Linear(context_dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_v = nn.Linear(context_dim, inner_dim, bias=False)
+ self.to_out = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(inner_dim, query_dim), nn.Dropout(dropout))
+ self.attention_op: Optional[Any] = None
+ def forward(self, x, context=None, mask=None):
+ q = self.to_q(x)
+ context = default(context, x)
+ k = self.to_k(context)
+ v = self.to_v(context)
+ b, _, _ = q.shape
+ q, k, v = map(
+ lambda t: t.unsqueeze(3)
+ .reshape(b, t.shape[1], self.heads, self.dim_head)
+ .permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
+ .reshape(b * self.heads, t.shape[1], self.dim_head)
+ .contiguous(),
+ (q, k, v),
+ )
+ # actually compute the attention, what we cannot get enough of
+ out = xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias=None, op=self.attention_op)
+ if exists(mask):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ out = (
+ out.unsqueeze(0)
+ .reshape(b, self.heads, out.shape[1], self.dim_head)
+ .permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
+ .reshape(b, out.shape[1], self.heads * self.dim_head)
+ )
+ return self.to_out(out)
+class BasicTransformerBlock(nn.Module):
+ "softmax": CrossAttention, # vanilla attention
+ "softmax-xformers": MemoryEfficientCrossAttention
+ }
+ def __init__(self, dim, n_heads, d_head, dropout=0., context_dim=None, gated_ff=True, checkpoint=True,
+ disable_self_attn=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ attn_mode = "softmax-xformers" if XFORMERS_IS_AVAILBLE else "softmax"
+ assert attn_mode in self.ATTENTION_MODES
+ attn_cls = self.ATTENTION_MODES[attn_mode]
+ self.disable_self_attn = disable_self_attn
+ self.attn1 = attn_cls(query_dim=dim, heads=n_heads, dim_head=d_head, dropout=dropout,
+ context_dim=context_dim if self.disable_self_attn else None) # is a self-attention if not self.disable_self_attn
+ self.ff = FeedForward(dim, dropout=dropout, glu=gated_ff)
+ self.attn2 = attn_cls(query_dim=dim, context_dim=context_dim,
+ heads=n_heads, dim_head=d_head, dropout=dropout) # is self-attn if context is none
+ self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
+ self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
+ self.norm3 = nn.LayerNorm(dim)
+ self.checkpoint = checkpoint
+ def forward(self, x, context=None):
+ return checkpoint(self._forward, (x, context), self.parameters(), self.checkpoint)
+ def _forward(self, x, context=None):
+ x = self.attn1(self.norm1(x), context=context if self.disable_self_attn else None) + x
+ x = self.attn2(self.norm2(x), context=context) + x
+ x = self.ff(self.norm3(x)) + x
+ return x
+class SpatialTransformer(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Transformer block for image-like data.
+ First, project the input (aka embedding)
+ and reshape to b, t, d.
+ Then apply standard transformer action.
+ Finally, reshape to image
+ NEW: use_linear for more efficiency instead of the 1x1 convs
+ """
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, n_heads, d_head,
+ depth=1, dropout=0., context_dim=None,
+ disable_self_attn=False, use_linear=False,
+ use_checkpoint=True):
+ super().__init__()
+ if exists(context_dim) and not isinstance(context_dim, list):
+ context_dim = [context_dim]
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ inner_dim = n_heads * d_head
+ self.norm = Normalize(in_channels)
+ if not use_linear:
+ self.proj_in = nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ inner_dim,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ else:
+ self.proj_in = nn.Linear(in_channels, inner_dim)
+ self.transformer_blocks = nn.ModuleList(
+ [BasicTransformerBlock(inner_dim, n_heads, d_head, dropout=dropout, context_dim=context_dim[d],
+ disable_self_attn=disable_self_attn, checkpoint=use_checkpoint)
+ for d in range(depth)]
+ )
+ if not use_linear:
+ self.proj_out = zero_module(nn.Conv2d(inner_dim,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0))
+ else:
+ self.proj_out = zero_module(nn.Linear(in_channels, inner_dim))
+ self.use_linear = use_linear
+ def forward(self, x, context=None):
+ # note: if no context is given, cross-attention defaults to self-attention
+ if not isinstance(context, list):
+ context = [context]
+ b, c, h, w = x.shape
+ x_in = x
+ x = self.norm(x)
+ if not self.use_linear:
+ x = self.proj_in(x)
+ x = rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c').contiguous()
+ if self.use_linear:
+ x = self.proj_in(x)
+ for i, block in enumerate(self.transformer_blocks):
+ x = block(x, context=context[i])
+ if self.use_linear:
+ x = self.proj_out(x)
+ x = rearrange(x, 'b (h w) c -> b c h w', h=h, w=w).contiguous()
+ if not self.use_linear:
+ x = self.proj_out(x)
+ return x + x_in
diff --git a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/__init__.py b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/model.py b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b089eebbe1676d8249005bb9def002ff5180715b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+# pytorch_diffusion + derived encoder decoder
+import math
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import numpy as np
+from einops import rearrange
+from typing import Optional, Any
+from ldm.modules.attention import MemoryEfficientCrossAttention
+ import xformers
+ import xformers.ops
+ print("No module 'xformers'. Proceeding without it.")
+def get_timestep_embedding(timesteps, embedding_dim):
+ """
+ This matches the implementation in Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models:
+ From Fairseq.
+ Build sinusoidal embeddings.
+ This matches the implementation in tensor2tensor, but differs slightly
+ from the description in Section 3.5 of "Attention Is All You Need".
+ """
+ assert len(timesteps.shape) == 1
+ half_dim = embedding_dim // 2
+ emb = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1)
+ emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, dtype=torch.float32) * -emb)
+ emb = emb.to(device=timesteps.device)
+ emb = timesteps.float()[:, None] * emb[None, :]
+ emb = torch.cat([torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1)
+ if embedding_dim % 2 == 1: # zero pad
+ emb = torch.nn.functional.pad(emb, (0,1,0,0))
+ return emb
+def nonlinearity(x):
+ # swish
+ return x*torch.sigmoid(x)
+def Normalize(in_channels, num_groups=32):
+ return torch.nn.GroupNorm(num_groups=num_groups, num_channels=in_channels, eps=1e-6, affine=True)
+class Upsample(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, with_conv):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.with_conv = with_conv
+ if self.with_conv:
+ self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2.0, mode="nearest")
+ if self.with_conv:
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ return x
+class Downsample(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, with_conv):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.with_conv = with_conv
+ if self.with_conv:
+ # no asymmetric padding in torch conv, must do it ourselves
+ self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=0)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.with_conv:
+ pad = (0,1,0,1)
+ x = torch.nn.functional.pad(x, pad, mode="constant", value=0)
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ else:
+ x = torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
+ return x
+class ResnetBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *, in_channels, out_channels=None, conv_shortcut=False,
+ dropout, temb_channels=512):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ out_channels = in_channels if out_channels is None else out_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.use_conv_shortcut = conv_shortcut
+ self.norm1 = Normalize(in_channels)
+ self.conv1 = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ if temb_channels > 0:
+ self.temb_proj = torch.nn.Linear(temb_channels,
+ out_channels)
+ self.norm2 = Normalize(out_channels)
+ self.dropout = torch.nn.Dropout(dropout)
+ self.conv2 = torch.nn.Conv2d(out_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ if self.in_channels != self.out_channels:
+ if self.use_conv_shortcut:
+ self.conv_shortcut = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ else:
+ self.nin_shortcut = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ def forward(self, x, temb):
+ h = x
+ h = self.norm1(h)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ h = self.conv1(h)
+ if temb is not None:
+ h = h + self.temb_proj(nonlinearity(temb))[:,:,None,None]
+ h = self.norm2(h)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ h = self.dropout(h)
+ h = self.conv2(h)
+ if self.in_channels != self.out_channels:
+ if self.use_conv_shortcut:
+ x = self.conv_shortcut(x)
+ else:
+ x = self.nin_shortcut(x)
+ return x+h
+class AttnBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.norm = Normalize(in_channels)
+ self.q = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.k = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.v = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.proj_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ h_ = x
+ h_ = self.norm(h_)
+ q = self.q(h_)
+ k = self.k(h_)
+ v = self.v(h_)
+ # compute attention
+ b,c,h,w = q.shape
+ q = q.reshape(b,c,h*w)
+ q = q.permute(0,2,1) # b,hw,c
+ k = k.reshape(b,c,h*w) # b,c,hw
+ w_ = torch.bmm(q,k) # b,hw,hw w[b,i,j]=sum_c q[b,i,c]k[b,c,j]
+ w_ = w_ * (int(c)**(-0.5))
+ w_ = torch.nn.functional.softmax(w_, dim=2)
+ # attend to values
+ v = v.reshape(b,c,h*w)
+ w_ = w_.permute(0,2,1) # b,hw,hw (first hw of k, second of q)
+ h_ = torch.bmm(v,w_) # b, c,hw (hw of q) h_[b,c,j] = sum_i v[b,c,i] w_[b,i,j]
+ h_ = h_.reshape(b,c,h,w)
+ h_ = self.proj_out(h_)
+ return x+h_
+class MemoryEfficientAttnBlock(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Uses xformers efficient implementation,
+ see https://github.com/MatthieuTPHR/diffusers/blob/d80b531ff8060ec1ea982b65a1b8df70f73aa67c/src/diffusers/models/attention.py#L223
+ Note: this is a single-head self-attention operation
+ """
+ #
+ def __init__(self, in_channels):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.norm = Normalize(in_channels)
+ self.q = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.k = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.v = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.proj_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ self.attention_op: Optional[Any] = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ h_ = x
+ h_ = self.norm(h_)
+ q = self.q(h_)
+ k = self.k(h_)
+ v = self.v(h_)
+ # compute attention
+ B, C, H, W = q.shape
+ q, k, v = map(lambda x: rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c'), (q, k, v))
+ q, k, v = map(
+ lambda t: t.unsqueeze(3)
+ .reshape(B, t.shape[1], 1, C)
+ .permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
+ .reshape(B * 1, t.shape[1], C)
+ .contiguous(),
+ (q, k, v),
+ )
+ out = xformers.ops.memory_efficient_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias=None, op=self.attention_op)
+ out = (
+ out.unsqueeze(0)
+ .reshape(B, 1, out.shape[1], C)
+ .permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
+ .reshape(B, out.shape[1], C)
+ )
+ out = rearrange(out, 'b (h w) c -> b c h w', b=B, h=H, w=W, c=C)
+ out = self.proj_out(out)
+ return x+out
+class MemoryEfficientCrossAttentionWrapper(MemoryEfficientCrossAttention):
+ def forward(self, x, context=None, mask=None):
+ b, c, h, w = x.shape
+ x = rearrange(x, 'b c h w -> b (h w) c')
+ out = super().forward(x, context=context, mask=mask)
+ out = rearrange(out, 'b (h w) c -> b c h w', h=h, w=w, c=c)
+ return x + out
+def make_attn(in_channels, attn_type="vanilla", attn_kwargs=None):
+ assert attn_type in ["vanilla", "vanilla-xformers", "memory-efficient-cross-attn", "linear", "none"], f'attn_type {attn_type} unknown'
+ if XFORMERS_IS_AVAILBLE and attn_type == "vanilla":
+ attn_type = "vanilla-xformers"
+ print(f"making attention of type '{attn_type}' with {in_channels} in_channels")
+ if attn_type == "vanilla":
+ assert attn_kwargs is None
+ return AttnBlock(in_channels)
+ elif attn_type == "vanilla-xformers":
+ print(f"building MemoryEfficientAttnBlock with {in_channels} in_channels...")
+ return MemoryEfficientAttnBlock(in_channels)
+ elif type == "memory-efficient-cross-attn":
+ attn_kwargs["query_dim"] = in_channels
+ return MemoryEfficientCrossAttentionWrapper(**attn_kwargs)
+ elif attn_type == "none":
+ return nn.Identity(in_channels)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class Model(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *, ch, out_ch, ch_mult=(1,2,4,8), num_res_blocks,
+ attn_resolutions, dropout=0.0, resamp_with_conv=True, in_channels,
+ resolution, use_timestep=True, use_linear_attn=False, attn_type="vanilla"):
+ super().__init__()
+ if use_linear_attn: attn_type = "linear"
+ self.ch = ch
+ self.temb_ch = self.ch*4
+ self.num_resolutions = len(ch_mult)
+ self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
+ self.resolution = resolution
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.use_timestep = use_timestep
+ if self.use_timestep:
+ # timestep embedding
+ self.temb = nn.Module()
+ self.temb.dense = nn.ModuleList([
+ torch.nn.Linear(self.ch,
+ self.temb_ch),
+ torch.nn.Linear(self.temb_ch,
+ self.temb_ch),
+ ])
+ # downsampling
+ self.conv_in = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ self.ch,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ curr_res = resolution
+ in_ch_mult = (1,)+tuple(ch_mult)
+ self.down = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
+ block = nn.ModuleList()
+ attn = nn.ModuleList()
+ block_in = ch*in_ch_mult[i_level]
+ block_out = ch*ch_mult[i_level]
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks):
+ block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_out,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout))
+ block_in = block_out
+ if curr_res in attn_resolutions:
+ attn.append(make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type))
+ down = nn.Module()
+ down.block = block
+ down.attn = attn
+ if i_level != self.num_resolutions-1:
+ down.downsample = Downsample(block_in, resamp_with_conv)
+ curr_res = curr_res // 2
+ self.down.append(down)
+ # middle
+ self.mid = nn.Module()
+ self.mid.block_1 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_in,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ self.mid.attn_1 = make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type)
+ self.mid.block_2 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_in,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ # upsampling
+ self.up = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)):
+ block = nn.ModuleList()
+ attn = nn.ModuleList()
+ block_out = ch*ch_mult[i_level]
+ skip_in = ch*ch_mult[i_level]
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks+1):
+ if i_block == self.num_res_blocks:
+ skip_in = ch*in_ch_mult[i_level]
+ block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in+skip_in,
+ out_channels=block_out,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout))
+ block_in = block_out
+ if curr_res in attn_resolutions:
+ attn.append(make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type))
+ up = nn.Module()
+ up.block = block
+ up.attn = attn
+ if i_level != 0:
+ up.upsample = Upsample(block_in, resamp_with_conv)
+ curr_res = curr_res * 2
+ self.up.insert(0, up) # prepend to get consistent order
+ # end
+ self.norm_out = Normalize(block_in)
+ self.conv_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(block_in,
+ out_ch,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x, t=None, context=None):
+ #assert x.shape[2] == x.shape[3] == self.resolution
+ if context is not None:
+ # assume aligned context, cat along channel axis
+ x = torch.cat((x, context), dim=1)
+ if self.use_timestep:
+ # timestep embedding
+ assert t is not None
+ temb = get_timestep_embedding(t, self.ch)
+ temb = self.temb.dense[0](temb)
+ temb = nonlinearity(temb)
+ temb = self.temb.dense[1](temb)
+ else:
+ temb = None
+ # downsampling
+ hs = [self.conv_in(x)]
+ for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks):
+ h = self.down[i_level].block[i_block](hs[-1], temb)
+ if len(self.down[i_level].attn) > 0:
+ h = self.down[i_level].attn[i_block](h)
+ hs.append(h)
+ if i_level != self.num_resolutions-1:
+ hs.append(self.down[i_level].downsample(hs[-1]))
+ # middle
+ h = hs[-1]
+ h = self.mid.block_1(h, temb)
+ h = self.mid.attn_1(h)
+ h = self.mid.block_2(h, temb)
+ # upsampling
+ for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)):
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks+1):
+ h = self.up[i_level].block[i_block](
+ torch.cat([h, hs.pop()], dim=1), temb)
+ if len(self.up[i_level].attn) > 0:
+ h = self.up[i_level].attn[i_block](h)
+ if i_level != 0:
+ h = self.up[i_level].upsample(h)
+ # end
+ h = self.norm_out(h)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ h = self.conv_out(h)
+ return h
+ def get_last_layer(self):
+ return self.conv_out.weight
+class Encoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *, ch, out_ch, ch_mult=(1,2,4,8), num_res_blocks,
+ attn_resolutions, dropout=0.0, resamp_with_conv=True, in_channels,
+ resolution, z_channels, double_z=True, use_linear_attn=False, attn_type="vanilla",
+ **ignore_kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ if use_linear_attn: attn_type = "linear"
+ self.ch = ch
+ self.temb_ch = 0
+ self.num_resolutions = len(ch_mult)
+ self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
+ self.resolution = resolution
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ # downsampling
+ self.conv_in = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ self.ch,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ curr_res = resolution
+ in_ch_mult = (1,)+tuple(ch_mult)
+ self.in_ch_mult = in_ch_mult
+ self.down = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
+ block = nn.ModuleList()
+ attn = nn.ModuleList()
+ block_in = ch*in_ch_mult[i_level]
+ block_out = ch*ch_mult[i_level]
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks):
+ block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_out,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout))
+ block_in = block_out
+ if curr_res in attn_resolutions:
+ attn.append(make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type))
+ down = nn.Module()
+ down.block = block
+ down.attn = attn
+ if i_level != self.num_resolutions-1:
+ down.downsample = Downsample(block_in, resamp_with_conv)
+ curr_res = curr_res // 2
+ self.down.append(down)
+ # middle
+ self.mid = nn.Module()
+ self.mid.block_1 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_in,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ self.mid.attn_1 = make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type)
+ self.mid.block_2 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_in,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ # end
+ self.norm_out = Normalize(block_in)
+ self.conv_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(block_in,
+ 2*z_channels if double_z else z_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ # timestep embedding
+ temb = None
+ # downsampling
+ hs = [self.conv_in(x)]
+ for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks):
+ h = self.down[i_level].block[i_block](hs[-1], temb)
+ if len(self.down[i_level].attn) > 0:
+ h = self.down[i_level].attn[i_block](h)
+ hs.append(h)
+ if i_level != self.num_resolutions-1:
+ hs.append(self.down[i_level].downsample(hs[-1]))
+ # middle
+ h = hs[-1]
+ h = self.mid.block_1(h, temb)
+ h = self.mid.attn_1(h)
+ h = self.mid.block_2(h, temb)
+ # end
+ h = self.norm_out(h)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ h = self.conv_out(h)
+ return h
+class Decoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *, ch, out_ch, ch_mult=(1,2,4,8), num_res_blocks,
+ attn_resolutions, dropout=0.0, resamp_with_conv=True, in_channels,
+ resolution, z_channels, give_pre_end=False, tanh_out=False, use_linear_attn=False,
+ attn_type="vanilla", **ignorekwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ if use_linear_attn: attn_type = "linear"
+ self.ch = ch
+ self.temb_ch = 0
+ self.num_resolutions = len(ch_mult)
+ self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
+ self.resolution = resolution
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.give_pre_end = give_pre_end
+ self.tanh_out = tanh_out
+ # compute in_ch_mult, block_in and curr_res at lowest res
+ in_ch_mult = (1,)+tuple(ch_mult)
+ block_in = ch*ch_mult[self.num_resolutions-1]
+ curr_res = resolution // 2**(self.num_resolutions-1)
+ self.z_shape = (1,z_channels,curr_res,curr_res)
+ print("Working with z of shape {} = {} dimensions.".format(
+ self.z_shape, np.prod(self.z_shape)))
+ # z to block_in
+ self.conv_in = torch.nn.Conv2d(z_channels,
+ block_in,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ # middle
+ self.mid = nn.Module()
+ self.mid.block_1 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_in,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ self.mid.attn_1 = make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type)
+ self.mid.block_2 = ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_in,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout)
+ # upsampling
+ self.up = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)):
+ block = nn.ModuleList()
+ attn = nn.ModuleList()
+ block_out = ch*ch_mult[i_level]
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks+1):
+ block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_out,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout))
+ block_in = block_out
+ if curr_res in attn_resolutions:
+ attn.append(make_attn(block_in, attn_type=attn_type))
+ up = nn.Module()
+ up.block = block
+ up.attn = attn
+ if i_level != 0:
+ up.upsample = Upsample(block_in, resamp_with_conv)
+ curr_res = curr_res * 2
+ self.up.insert(0, up) # prepend to get consistent order
+ # end
+ self.norm_out = Normalize(block_in)
+ self.conv_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(block_in,
+ out_ch,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, z):
+ #assert z.shape[1:] == self.z_shape[1:]
+ self.last_z_shape = z.shape
+ # timestep embedding
+ temb = None
+ # z to block_in
+ h = self.conv_in(z)
+ # middle
+ h = self.mid.block_1(h, temb)
+ h = self.mid.attn_1(h)
+ h = self.mid.block_2(h, temb)
+ # upsampling
+ for i_level in reversed(range(self.num_resolutions)):
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks+1):
+ h = self.up[i_level].block[i_block](h, temb)
+ if len(self.up[i_level].attn) > 0:
+ h = self.up[i_level].attn[i_block](h)
+ if i_level != 0:
+ h = self.up[i_level].upsample(h)
+ # end
+ if self.give_pre_end:
+ return h
+ h = self.norm_out(h)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ h = self.conv_out(h)
+ if self.tanh_out:
+ h = torch.tanh(h)
+ return h
+class SimpleDecoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.model = nn.ModuleList([nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, 1),
+ ResnetBlock(in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=2 * in_channels,
+ temb_channels=0, dropout=0.0),
+ ResnetBlock(in_channels=2 * in_channels,
+ out_channels=4 * in_channels,
+ temb_channels=0, dropout=0.0),
+ ResnetBlock(in_channels=4 * in_channels,
+ out_channels=2 * in_channels,
+ temb_channels=0, dropout=0.0),
+ nn.Conv2d(2*in_channels, in_channels, 1),
+ Upsample(in_channels, with_conv=True)])
+ # end
+ self.norm_out = Normalize(in_channels)
+ self.conv_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ for i, layer in enumerate(self.model):
+ if i in [1,2,3]:
+ x = layer(x, None)
+ else:
+ x = layer(x)
+ h = self.norm_out(x)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ x = self.conv_out(h)
+ return x
+class UpsampleDecoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ch, num_res_blocks, resolution,
+ ch_mult=(2,2), dropout=0.0):
+ super().__init__()
+ # upsampling
+ self.temb_ch = 0
+ self.num_resolutions = len(ch_mult)
+ self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
+ block_in = in_channels
+ curr_res = resolution // 2 ** (self.num_resolutions - 1)
+ self.res_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
+ self.upsample_blocks = nn.ModuleList()
+ for i_level in range(self.num_resolutions):
+ res_block = []
+ block_out = ch * ch_mult[i_level]
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks + 1):
+ res_block.append(ResnetBlock(in_channels=block_in,
+ out_channels=block_out,
+ temb_channels=self.temb_ch,
+ dropout=dropout))
+ block_in = block_out
+ self.res_blocks.append(nn.ModuleList(res_block))
+ if i_level != self.num_resolutions - 1:
+ self.upsample_blocks.append(Upsample(block_in, True))
+ curr_res = curr_res * 2
+ # end
+ self.norm_out = Normalize(block_in)
+ self.conv_out = torch.nn.Conv2d(block_in,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ # upsampling
+ h = x
+ for k, i_level in enumerate(range(self.num_resolutions)):
+ for i_block in range(self.num_res_blocks + 1):
+ h = self.res_blocks[i_level][i_block](h, None)
+ if i_level != self.num_resolutions - 1:
+ h = self.upsample_blocks[k](h)
+ h = self.norm_out(h)
+ h = nonlinearity(h)
+ h = self.conv_out(h)
+ return h
+class LatentRescaler(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, factor, in_channels, mid_channels, out_channels, depth=2):
+ super().__init__()
+ # residual block, interpolate, residual block
+ self.factor = factor
+ self.conv_in = nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ mid_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=1)
+ self.res_block1 = nn.ModuleList([ResnetBlock(in_channels=mid_channels,
+ out_channels=mid_channels,
+ temb_channels=0,
+ dropout=0.0) for _ in range(depth)])
+ self.attn = AttnBlock(mid_channels)
+ self.res_block2 = nn.ModuleList([ResnetBlock(in_channels=mid_channels,
+ out_channels=mid_channels,
+ temb_channels=0,
+ dropout=0.0) for _ in range(depth)])
+ self.conv_out = nn.Conv2d(mid_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ )
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.conv_in(x)
+ for block in self.res_block1:
+ x = block(x, None)
+ x = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, size=(int(round(x.shape[2]*self.factor)), int(round(x.shape[3]*self.factor))))
+ x = self.attn(x)
+ for block in self.res_block2:
+ x = block(x, None)
+ x = self.conv_out(x)
+ return x
+class MergedRescaleEncoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, ch, resolution, out_ch, num_res_blocks,
+ attn_resolutions, dropout=0.0, resamp_with_conv=True,
+ ch_mult=(1,2,4,8), rescale_factor=1.0, rescale_module_depth=1):
+ super().__init__()
+ intermediate_chn = ch * ch_mult[-1]
+ self.encoder = Encoder(in_channels=in_channels, num_res_blocks=num_res_blocks, ch=ch, ch_mult=ch_mult,
+ z_channels=intermediate_chn, double_z=False, resolution=resolution,
+ attn_resolutions=attn_resolutions, dropout=dropout, resamp_with_conv=resamp_with_conv,
+ out_ch=None)
+ self.rescaler = LatentRescaler(factor=rescale_factor, in_channels=intermediate_chn,
+ mid_channels=intermediate_chn, out_channels=out_ch, depth=rescale_module_depth)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.encoder(x)
+ x = self.rescaler(x)
+ return x
+class MergedRescaleDecoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, z_channels, out_ch, resolution, num_res_blocks, attn_resolutions, ch, ch_mult=(1,2,4,8),
+ dropout=0.0, resamp_with_conv=True, rescale_factor=1.0, rescale_module_depth=1):
+ super().__init__()
+ tmp_chn = z_channels*ch_mult[-1]
+ self.decoder = Decoder(out_ch=out_ch, z_channels=tmp_chn, attn_resolutions=attn_resolutions, dropout=dropout,
+ resamp_with_conv=resamp_with_conv, in_channels=None, num_res_blocks=num_res_blocks,
+ ch_mult=ch_mult, resolution=resolution, ch=ch)
+ self.rescaler = LatentRescaler(factor=rescale_factor, in_channels=z_channels, mid_channels=tmp_chn,
+ out_channels=tmp_chn, depth=rescale_module_depth)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.rescaler(x)
+ x = self.decoder(x)
+ return x
+class Upsampler(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_size, out_size, in_channels, out_channels, ch_mult=2):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert out_size >= in_size
+ num_blocks = int(np.log2(out_size//in_size))+1
+ factor_up = 1.+ (out_size % in_size)
+ print(f"Building {self.__class__.__name__} with in_size: {in_size} --> out_size {out_size} and factor {factor_up}")
+ self.rescaler = LatentRescaler(factor=factor_up, in_channels=in_channels, mid_channels=2*in_channels,
+ out_channels=in_channels)
+ self.decoder = Decoder(out_ch=out_channels, resolution=out_size, z_channels=in_channels, num_res_blocks=2,
+ attn_resolutions=[], in_channels=None, ch=in_channels,
+ ch_mult=[ch_mult for _ in range(num_blocks)])
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.rescaler(x)
+ x = self.decoder(x)
+ return x
+class Resize(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels=None, learned=False, mode="bilinear"):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.with_conv = learned
+ self.mode = mode
+ if self.with_conv:
+ print(f"Note: {self.__class__.__name} uses learned downsampling and will ignore the fixed {mode} mode")
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ assert in_channels is not None
+ # no asymmetric padding in torch conv, must do it ourselves
+ self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels,
+ in_channels,
+ kernel_size=4,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x, scale_factor=1.0):
+ if scale_factor==1.0:
+ return x
+ else:
+ x = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(x, mode=self.mode, align_corners=False, scale_factor=scale_factor)
+ return x
diff --git a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/openaimodel.py b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/openaimodel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7df6b5abfe8eff07f0c8e8703ba8aee90d45984b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/openaimodel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+from abc import abstractmethod
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import torch as th
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import (
+ checkpoint,
+ conv_nd,
+ linear,
+ avg_pool_nd,
+ zero_module,
+ normalization,
+ timestep_embedding,
+from ldm.modules.attention import SpatialTransformer
+from ldm.util import exists
+# dummy replace
+def convert_module_to_f16(x):
+ pass
+def convert_module_to_f32(x):
+ pass
+## go
+class AttentionPool2d(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Adapted from CLIP: https://github.com/openai/CLIP/blob/main/clip/model.py
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ spacial_dim: int,
+ embed_dim: int,
+ num_heads_channels: int,
+ output_dim: int = None,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter(th.randn(embed_dim, spacial_dim ** 2 + 1) / embed_dim ** 0.5)
+ self.qkv_proj = conv_nd(1, embed_dim, 3 * embed_dim, 1)
+ self.c_proj = conv_nd(1, embed_dim, output_dim or embed_dim, 1)
+ self.num_heads = embed_dim // num_heads_channels
+ self.attention = QKVAttention(self.num_heads)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ b, c, *_spatial = x.shape
+ x = x.reshape(b, c, -1) # NC(HW)
+ x = th.cat([x.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True), x], dim=-1) # NC(HW+1)
+ x = x + self.positional_embedding[None, :, :].to(x.dtype) # NC(HW+1)
+ x = self.qkv_proj(x)
+ x = self.attention(x)
+ x = self.c_proj(x)
+ return x[:, :, 0]
+class TimestepBlock(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Any module where forward() takes timestep embeddings as a second argument.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ def forward(self, x, emb):
+ """
+ Apply the module to `x` given `emb` timestep embeddings.
+ """
+class TimestepEmbedSequential(nn.Sequential, TimestepBlock):
+ """
+ A sequential module that passes timestep embeddings to the children that
+ support it as an extra input.
+ """
+ def forward(self, x, emb, context=None):
+ for layer in self:
+ if isinstance(layer, TimestepBlock):
+ x = layer(x, emb)
+ elif isinstance(layer, SpatialTransformer):
+ x = layer(x, context)
+ else:
+ x = layer(x)
+ return x
+class Upsample(nn.Module):
+ """
+ An upsampling layer with an optional convolution.
+ :param channels: channels in the inputs and outputs.
+ :param use_conv: a bool determining if a convolution is applied.
+ :param dims: determines if the signal is 1D, 2D, or 3D. If 3D, then
+ upsampling occurs in the inner-two dimensions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, channels, use_conv, dims=2, out_channels=None, padding=1):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels or channels
+ self.use_conv = use_conv
+ self.dims = dims
+ if use_conv:
+ self.conv = conv_nd(dims, self.channels, self.out_channels, 3, padding=padding)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ assert x.shape[1] == self.channels
+ if self.dims == 3:
+ x = F.interpolate(
+ x, (x.shape[2], x.shape[3] * 2, x.shape[4] * 2), mode="nearest"
+ )
+ else:
+ x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=2, mode="nearest")
+ if self.use_conv:
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ return x
+class TransposedUpsample(nn.Module):
+ 'Learned 2x upsampling without padding'
+ def __init__(self, channels, out_channels=None, ks=5):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels or channels
+ self.up = nn.ConvTranspose2d(self.channels,self.out_channels,kernel_size=ks,stride=2)
+ def forward(self,x):
+ return self.up(x)
+class Downsample(nn.Module):
+ """
+ A downsampling layer with an optional convolution.
+ :param channels: channels in the inputs and outputs.
+ :param use_conv: a bool determining if a convolution is applied.
+ :param dims: determines if the signal is 1D, 2D, or 3D. If 3D, then
+ downsampling occurs in the inner-two dimensions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, channels, use_conv, dims=2, out_channels=None,padding=1):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels or channels
+ self.use_conv = use_conv
+ self.dims = dims
+ stride = 2 if dims != 3 else (1, 2, 2)
+ if use_conv:
+ self.op = conv_nd(
+ dims, self.channels, self.out_channels, 3, stride=stride, padding=padding
+ )
+ else:
+ assert self.channels == self.out_channels
+ self.op = avg_pool_nd(dims, kernel_size=stride, stride=stride)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ assert x.shape[1] == self.channels
+ return self.op(x)
+class ResBlock(TimestepBlock):
+ """
+ A residual block that can optionally change the number of channels.
+ :param channels: the number of input channels.
+ :param emb_channels: the number of timestep embedding channels.
+ :param dropout: the rate of dropout.
+ :param out_channels: if specified, the number of out channels.
+ :param use_conv: if True and out_channels is specified, use a spatial
+ convolution instead of a smaller 1x1 convolution to change the
+ channels in the skip connection.
+ :param dims: determines if the signal is 1D, 2D, or 3D.
+ :param use_checkpoint: if True, use gradient checkpointing on this module.
+ :param up: if True, use this block for upsampling.
+ :param down: if True, use this block for downsampling.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ channels,
+ emb_channels,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=None,
+ use_conv=False,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=False,
+ dims=2,
+ use_checkpoint=False,
+ up=False,
+ down=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ self.emb_channels = emb_channels
+ self.dropout = dropout
+ self.out_channels = out_channels or channels
+ self.use_conv = use_conv
+ self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
+ self.use_scale_shift_norm = use_scale_shift_norm
+ self.in_layers = nn.Sequential(
+ normalization(channels),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ conv_nd(dims, channels, self.out_channels, 3, padding=1),
+ )
+ self.updown = up or down
+ if up:
+ self.h_upd = Upsample(channels, False, dims)
+ self.x_upd = Upsample(channels, False, dims)
+ elif down:
+ self.h_upd = Downsample(channels, False, dims)
+ self.x_upd = Downsample(channels, False, dims)
+ else:
+ self.h_upd = self.x_upd = nn.Identity()
+ self.emb_layers = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ linear(
+ emb_channels,
+ 2 * self.out_channels if use_scale_shift_norm else self.out_channels,
+ ),
+ )
+ self.out_layers = nn.Sequential(
+ normalization(self.out_channels),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ nn.Dropout(p=dropout),
+ zero_module(
+ conv_nd(dims, self.out_channels, self.out_channels, 3, padding=1)
+ ),
+ )
+ if self.out_channels == channels:
+ self.skip_connection = nn.Identity()
+ elif use_conv:
+ self.skip_connection = conv_nd(
+ dims, channels, self.out_channels, 3, padding=1
+ )
+ else:
+ self.skip_connection = conv_nd(dims, channels, self.out_channels, 1)
+ def forward(self, x, emb):
+ """
+ Apply the block to a Tensor, conditioned on a timestep embedding.
+ :param x: an [N x C x ...] Tensor of features.
+ :param emb: an [N x emb_channels] Tensor of timestep embeddings.
+ :return: an [N x C x ...] Tensor of outputs.
+ """
+ return checkpoint(
+ self._forward, (x, emb), self.parameters(), self.use_checkpoint
+ )
+ def _forward(self, x, emb):
+ if self.updown:
+ in_rest, in_conv = self.in_layers[:-1], self.in_layers[-1]
+ h = in_rest(x)
+ h = self.h_upd(h)
+ x = self.x_upd(x)
+ h = in_conv(h)
+ else:
+ h = self.in_layers(x)
+ emb_out = self.emb_layers(emb).type(h.dtype)
+ while len(emb_out.shape) < len(h.shape):
+ emb_out = emb_out[..., None]
+ if self.use_scale_shift_norm:
+ out_norm, out_rest = self.out_layers[0], self.out_layers[1:]
+ scale, shift = th.chunk(emb_out, 2, dim=1)
+ h = out_norm(h) * (1 + scale) + shift
+ h = out_rest(h)
+ else:
+ h = h + emb_out
+ h = self.out_layers(h)
+ return self.skip_connection(x) + h
+class AttentionBlock(nn.Module):
+ """
+ An attention block that allows spatial positions to attend to each other.
+ Originally ported from here, but adapted to the N-d case.
+ https://github.com/hojonathanho/diffusion/blob/1e0dceb3b3495bbe19116a5e1b3596cd0706c543/diffusion_tf/models/unet.py#L66.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ channels,
+ num_heads=1,
+ num_head_channels=-1,
+ use_checkpoint=False,
+ use_new_attention_order=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.channels = channels
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ else:
+ assert (
+ channels % num_head_channels == 0
+ ), f"q,k,v channels {channels} is not divisible by num_head_channels {num_head_channels}"
+ self.num_heads = channels // num_head_channels
+ self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
+ self.norm = normalization(channels)
+ self.qkv = conv_nd(1, channels, channels * 3, 1)
+ if use_new_attention_order:
+ # split qkv before split heads
+ self.attention = QKVAttention(self.num_heads)
+ else:
+ # split heads before split qkv
+ self.attention = QKVAttentionLegacy(self.num_heads)
+ self.proj_out = zero_module(conv_nd(1, channels, channels, 1))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return checkpoint(self._forward, (x,), self.parameters(), True) # TODO: check checkpoint usage, is True # TODO: fix the .half call!!!
+ #return pt_checkpoint(self._forward, x) # pytorch
+ def _forward(self, x):
+ b, c, *spatial = x.shape
+ x = x.reshape(b, c, -1)
+ qkv = self.qkv(self.norm(x))
+ h = self.attention(qkv)
+ h = self.proj_out(h)
+ return (x + h).reshape(b, c, *spatial)
+def count_flops_attn(model, _x, y):
+ """
+ A counter for the `thop` package to count the operations in an
+ attention operation.
+ Meant to be used like:
+ macs, params = thop.profile(
+ model,
+ inputs=(inputs, timestamps),
+ custom_ops={QKVAttention: QKVAttention.count_flops},
+ )
+ """
+ b, c, *spatial = y[0].shape
+ num_spatial = int(np.prod(spatial))
+ # We perform two matmuls with the same number of ops.
+ # The first computes the weight matrix, the second computes
+ # the combination of the value vectors.
+ matmul_ops = 2 * b * (num_spatial ** 2) * c
+ model.total_ops += th.DoubleTensor([matmul_ops])
+class QKVAttentionLegacy(nn.Module):
+ """
+ A module which performs QKV attention. Matches legacy QKVAttention + input/ouput heads shaping
+ """
+ def __init__(self, n_heads):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ def forward(self, qkv):
+ """
+ Apply QKV attention.
+ :param qkv: an [N x (H * 3 * C) x T] tensor of Qs, Ks, and Vs.
+ :return: an [N x (H * C) x T] tensor after attention.
+ """
+ bs, width, length = qkv.shape
+ assert width % (3 * self.n_heads) == 0
+ ch = width // (3 * self.n_heads)
+ q, k, v = qkv.reshape(bs * self.n_heads, ch * 3, length).split(ch, dim=1)
+ scale = 1 / math.sqrt(math.sqrt(ch))
+ weight = th.einsum(
+ "bct,bcs->bts", q * scale, k * scale
+ ) # More stable with f16 than dividing afterwards
+ weight = th.softmax(weight.float(), dim=-1).type(weight.dtype)
+ a = th.einsum("bts,bcs->bct", weight, v)
+ return a.reshape(bs, -1, length)
+ @staticmethod
+ def count_flops(model, _x, y):
+ return count_flops_attn(model, _x, y)
+class QKVAttention(nn.Module):
+ """
+ A module which performs QKV attention and splits in a different order.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, n_heads):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.n_heads = n_heads
+ def forward(self, qkv):
+ """
+ Apply QKV attention.
+ :param qkv: an [N x (3 * H * C) x T] tensor of Qs, Ks, and Vs.
+ :return: an [N x (H * C) x T] tensor after attention.
+ """
+ bs, width, length = qkv.shape
+ assert width % (3 * self.n_heads) == 0
+ ch = width // (3 * self.n_heads)
+ q, k, v = qkv.chunk(3, dim=1)
+ scale = 1 / math.sqrt(math.sqrt(ch))
+ weight = th.einsum(
+ "bct,bcs->bts",
+ (q * scale).view(bs * self.n_heads, ch, length),
+ (k * scale).view(bs * self.n_heads, ch, length),
+ ) # More stable with f16 than dividing afterwards
+ weight = th.softmax(weight.float(), dim=-1).type(weight.dtype)
+ a = th.einsum("bts,bcs->bct", weight, v.reshape(bs * self.n_heads, ch, length))
+ return a.reshape(bs, -1, length)
+ @staticmethod
+ def count_flops(model, _x, y):
+ return count_flops_attn(model, _x, y)
+class UNetModel(nn.Module):
+ """
+ The full UNet model with attention and timestep embedding.
+ :param in_channels: channels in the input Tensor.
+ :param model_channels: base channel count for the model.
+ :param out_channels: channels in the output Tensor.
+ :param num_res_blocks: number of residual blocks per downsample.
+ :param attention_resolutions: a collection of downsample rates at which
+ attention will take place. May be a set, list, or tuple.
+ For example, if this contains 4, then at 4x downsampling, attention
+ will be used.
+ :param dropout: the dropout probability.
+ :param channel_mult: channel multiplier for each level of the UNet.
+ :param conv_resample: if True, use learned convolutions for upsampling and
+ downsampling.
+ :param dims: determines if the signal is 1D, 2D, or 3D.
+ :param num_classes: if specified (as an int), then this model will be
+ class-conditional with `num_classes` classes.
+ :param use_checkpoint: use gradient checkpointing to reduce memory usage.
+ :param num_heads: the number of attention heads in each attention layer.
+ :param num_heads_channels: if specified, ignore num_heads and instead use
+ a fixed channel width per attention head.
+ :param num_heads_upsample: works with num_heads to set a different number
+ of heads for upsampling. Deprecated.
+ :param use_scale_shift_norm: use a FiLM-like conditioning mechanism.
+ :param resblock_updown: use residual blocks for up/downsampling.
+ :param use_new_attention_order: use a different attention pattern for potentially
+ increased efficiency.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ image_size,
+ in_channels,
+ model_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ num_res_blocks,
+ attention_resolutions,
+ dropout=0,
+ channel_mult=(1, 2, 4, 8),
+ conv_resample=True,
+ dims=2,
+ num_classes=None,
+ use_checkpoint=False,
+ use_fp16=False,
+ num_heads=-1,
+ num_head_channels=-1,
+ num_heads_upsample=-1,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=False,
+ resblock_updown=False,
+ use_new_attention_order=False,
+ use_spatial_transformer=False, # custom transformer support
+ transformer_depth=1, # custom transformer support
+ context_dim=None, # custom transformer support
+ n_embed=None, # custom support for prediction of discrete ids into codebook of first stage vq model
+ legacy=True,
+ disable_self_attentions=None,
+ num_attention_blocks=None,
+ disable_middle_self_attn=False,
+ use_linear_in_transformer=False,
+ ):
+ super().__init__()
+ if use_spatial_transformer:
+ assert context_dim is not None, 'Fool!! You forgot to include the dimension of your cross-attention conditioning...'
+ if context_dim is not None:
+ assert use_spatial_transformer, 'Fool!! You forgot to use the spatial transformer for your cross-attention conditioning...'
+ from omegaconf.listconfig import ListConfig
+ if type(context_dim) == ListConfig:
+ context_dim = list(context_dim)
+ if num_heads_upsample == -1:
+ num_heads_upsample = num_heads
+ if num_heads == -1:
+ assert num_head_channels != -1, 'Either num_heads or num_head_channels has to be set'
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ assert num_heads != -1, 'Either num_heads or num_head_channels has to be set'
+ self.image_size = image_size
+ self.in_channels = in_channels
+ self.model_channels = model_channels
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ if isinstance(num_res_blocks, int):
+ self.num_res_blocks = len(channel_mult) * [num_res_blocks]
+ else:
+ if len(num_res_blocks) != len(channel_mult):
+ raise ValueError("provide num_res_blocks either as an int (globally constant) or "
+ "as a list/tuple (per-level) with the same length as channel_mult")
+ self.num_res_blocks = num_res_blocks
+ if disable_self_attentions is not None:
+ # should be a list of booleans, indicating whether to disable self-attention in TransformerBlocks or not
+ assert len(disable_self_attentions) == len(channel_mult)
+ if num_attention_blocks is not None:
+ assert len(num_attention_blocks) == len(self.num_res_blocks)
+ assert all(map(lambda i: self.num_res_blocks[i] >= num_attention_blocks[i], range(len(num_attention_blocks))))
+ print(f"Constructor of UNetModel received num_attention_blocks={num_attention_blocks}. "
+ f"This option has LESS priority than attention_resolutions {attention_resolutions}, "
+ f"i.e., in cases where num_attention_blocks[i] > 0 but 2**i not in attention_resolutions, "
+ f"attention will still not be set.")
+ self.attention_resolutions = attention_resolutions
+ self.dropout = dropout
+ self.channel_mult = channel_mult
+ self.conv_resample = conv_resample
+ self.num_classes = num_classes
+ self.use_checkpoint = use_checkpoint
+ self.dtype = th.float16 if use_fp16 else th.float32
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ self.num_head_channels = num_head_channels
+ self.num_heads_upsample = num_heads_upsample
+ self.predict_codebook_ids = n_embed is not None
+ time_embed_dim = model_channels * 4
+ self.time_embed = nn.Sequential(
+ linear(model_channels, time_embed_dim),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ linear(time_embed_dim, time_embed_dim),
+ )
+ if self.num_classes is not None:
+ if isinstance(self.num_classes, int):
+ self.label_emb = nn.Embedding(num_classes, time_embed_dim)
+ elif self.num_classes == "continuous":
+ print("setting up linear c_adm embedding layer")
+ self.label_emb = nn.Linear(1, time_embed_dim)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError()
+ self.input_blocks = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ conv_nd(dims, in_channels, model_channels, 3, padding=1)
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ self._feature_size = model_channels
+ input_block_chans = [model_channels]
+ ch = model_channels
+ ds = 1
+ for level, mult in enumerate(channel_mult):
+ for nr in range(self.num_res_blocks[level]):
+ layers = [
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=mult * model_channels,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ )
+ ]
+ ch = mult * model_channels
+ if ds in attention_resolutions:
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads
+ else:
+ num_heads = ch // num_head_channels
+ dim_head = num_head_channels
+ if legacy:
+ #num_heads = 1
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads if use_spatial_transformer else num_head_channels
+ if exists(disable_self_attentions):
+ disabled_sa = disable_self_attentions[level]
+ else:
+ disabled_sa = False
+ if not exists(num_attention_blocks) or nr < num_attention_blocks[level]:
+ layers.append(
+ AttentionBlock(
+ ch,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ num_head_channels=dim_head,
+ use_new_attention_order=use_new_attention_order,
+ ) if not use_spatial_transformer else SpatialTransformer(
+ ch, num_heads, dim_head, depth=transformer_depth, context_dim=context_dim,
+ disable_self_attn=disabled_sa, use_linear=use_linear_in_transformer,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint
+ )
+ )
+ self.input_blocks.append(TimestepEmbedSequential(*layers))
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ input_block_chans.append(ch)
+ if level != len(channel_mult) - 1:
+ out_ch = ch
+ self.input_blocks.append(
+ TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=out_ch,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ down=True,
+ )
+ if resblock_updown
+ else Downsample(
+ ch, conv_resample, dims=dims, out_channels=out_ch
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ch = out_ch
+ input_block_chans.append(ch)
+ ds *= 2
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads
+ else:
+ num_heads = ch // num_head_channels
+ dim_head = num_head_channels
+ if legacy:
+ #num_heads = 1
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads if use_spatial_transformer else num_head_channels
+ self.middle_block = TimestepEmbedSequential(
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ ),
+ AttentionBlock(
+ ch,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ num_head_channels=dim_head,
+ use_new_attention_order=use_new_attention_order,
+ ) if not use_spatial_transformer else SpatialTransformer( # always uses a self-attn
+ ch, num_heads, dim_head, depth=transformer_depth, context_dim=context_dim,
+ disable_self_attn=disable_middle_self_attn, use_linear=use_linear_in_transformer,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint
+ ),
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ ),
+ )
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ self.output_blocks = nn.ModuleList([])
+ for level, mult in list(enumerate(channel_mult))[::-1]:
+ for i in range(self.num_res_blocks[level] + 1):
+ ich = input_block_chans.pop()
+ layers = [
+ ResBlock(
+ ch + ich,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=model_channels * mult,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ )
+ ]
+ ch = model_channels * mult
+ if ds in attention_resolutions:
+ if num_head_channels == -1:
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads
+ else:
+ num_heads = ch // num_head_channels
+ dim_head = num_head_channels
+ if legacy:
+ #num_heads = 1
+ dim_head = ch // num_heads if use_spatial_transformer else num_head_channels
+ if exists(disable_self_attentions):
+ disabled_sa = disable_self_attentions[level]
+ else:
+ disabled_sa = False
+ if not exists(num_attention_blocks) or i < num_attention_blocks[level]:
+ layers.append(
+ AttentionBlock(
+ ch,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ num_heads=num_heads_upsample,
+ num_head_channels=dim_head,
+ use_new_attention_order=use_new_attention_order,
+ ) if not use_spatial_transformer else SpatialTransformer(
+ ch, num_heads, dim_head, depth=transformer_depth, context_dim=context_dim,
+ disable_self_attn=disabled_sa, use_linear=use_linear_in_transformer,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint
+ )
+ )
+ if level and i == self.num_res_blocks[level]:
+ out_ch = ch
+ layers.append(
+ ResBlock(
+ ch,
+ time_embed_dim,
+ dropout,
+ out_channels=out_ch,
+ dims=dims,
+ use_checkpoint=use_checkpoint,
+ use_scale_shift_norm=use_scale_shift_norm,
+ up=True,
+ )
+ if resblock_updown
+ else Upsample(ch, conv_resample, dims=dims, out_channels=out_ch)
+ )
+ ds //= 2
+ self.output_blocks.append(TimestepEmbedSequential(*layers))
+ self._feature_size += ch
+ self.out = nn.Sequential(
+ normalization(ch),
+ nn.SiLU(),
+ zero_module(conv_nd(dims, model_channels, out_channels, 3, padding=1)),
+ )
+ if self.predict_codebook_ids:
+ self.id_predictor = nn.Sequential(
+ normalization(ch),
+ conv_nd(dims, model_channels, n_embed, 1),
+ #nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1) # change to cross_entropy and produce non-normalized logits
+ )
+ def convert_to_fp16(self):
+ """
+ Convert the torso of the model to float16.
+ """
+ self.input_blocks.apply(convert_module_to_f16)
+ self.middle_block.apply(convert_module_to_f16)
+ self.output_blocks.apply(convert_module_to_f16)
+ def convert_to_fp32(self):
+ """
+ Convert the torso of the model to float32.
+ """
+ self.input_blocks.apply(convert_module_to_f32)
+ self.middle_block.apply(convert_module_to_f32)
+ self.output_blocks.apply(convert_module_to_f32)
+ def forward(self, x, timesteps=None, context=None, y=None,**kwargs):
+ """
+ Apply the model to an input batch.
+ :param x: an [N x C x ...] Tensor of inputs.
+ :param timesteps: a 1-D batch of timesteps.
+ :param context: conditioning plugged in via crossattn
+ :param y: an [N] Tensor of labels, if class-conditional.
+ :return: an [N x C x ...] Tensor of outputs.
+ """
+ assert (y is not None) == (
+ self.num_classes is not None
+ ), "must specify y if and only if the model is class-conditional"
+ hs = []
+ t_emb = timestep_embedding(timesteps, self.model_channels, repeat_only=False)
+ emb = self.time_embed(t_emb)
+ if self.num_classes is not None:
+ assert y.shape[0] == x.shape[0]
+ emb = emb + self.label_emb(y)
+ h = x.type(self.dtype)
+ for module in self.input_blocks:
+ h = module(h, emb, context)
+ hs.append(h)
+ h = self.middle_block(h, emb, context)
+ for module in self.output_blocks:
+ h = th.cat([h, hs.pop()], dim=1)
+ h = module(h, emb, context)
+ h = h.type(x.dtype)
+ if self.predict_codebook_ids:
+ return self.id_predictor(h)
+ else:
+ return self.out(h)
diff --git a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/upscaling.py b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/upscaling.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..03816662098ce1ffac79bd939b892e867ab91988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/upscaling.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import numpy as np
+from functools import partial
+from ldm.modules.diffusionmodules.util import extract_into_tensor, make_beta_schedule
+from ldm.util import default
+class AbstractLowScaleModel(nn.Module):
+ # for concatenating a downsampled image to the latent representation
+ def __init__(self, noise_schedule_config=None):
+ super(AbstractLowScaleModel, self).__init__()
+ if noise_schedule_config is not None:
+ self.register_schedule(**noise_schedule_config)
+ def register_schedule(self, beta_schedule="linear", timesteps=1000,
+ linear_start=1e-4, linear_end=2e-2, cosine_s=8e-3):
+ betas = make_beta_schedule(beta_schedule, timesteps, linear_start=linear_start, linear_end=linear_end,
+ cosine_s=cosine_s)
+ alphas = 1. - betas
+ alphas_cumprod = np.cumprod(alphas, axis=0)
+ alphas_cumprod_prev = np.append(1., alphas_cumprod[:-1])
+ timesteps, = betas.shape
+ self.num_timesteps = int(timesteps)
+ self.linear_start = linear_start
+ self.linear_end = linear_end
+ assert alphas_cumprod.shape[0] == self.num_timesteps, 'alphas have to be defined for each timestep'
+ to_torch = partial(torch.tensor, dtype=torch.float32)
+ self.register_buffer('betas', to_torch(betas))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod', to_torch(alphas_cumprod))
+ self.register_buffer('alphas_cumprod_prev', to_torch(alphas_cumprod_prev))
+ # calculations for diffusion q(x_t | x_{t-1}) and others
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('log_one_minus_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.log(1. - alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recip_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod)))
+ self.register_buffer('sqrt_recipm1_alphas_cumprod', to_torch(np.sqrt(1. / alphas_cumprod - 1)))
+ def q_sample(self, x_start, t, noise=None):
+ noise = default(noise, lambda: torch.randn_like(x_start))
+ return (extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape) * x_start +
+ extract_into_tensor(self.sqrt_one_minus_alphas_cumprod, t, x_start.shape) * noise)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return x, None
+ def decode(self, x):
+ return x
+class SimpleImageConcat(AbstractLowScaleModel):
+ # no noise level conditioning
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SimpleImageConcat, self).__init__(noise_schedule_config=None)
+ self.max_noise_level = 0
+ def forward(self, x):
+ # fix to constant noise level
+ return x, torch.zeros(x.shape[0], device=x.device).long()
+class ImageConcatWithNoiseAugmentation(AbstractLowScaleModel):
+ def __init__(self, noise_schedule_config, max_noise_level=1000, to_cuda=False):
+ super().__init__(noise_schedule_config=noise_schedule_config)
+ self.max_noise_level = max_noise_level
+ def forward(self, x, noise_level=None):
+ if noise_level is None:
+ noise_level = torch.randint(0, self.max_noise_level, (x.shape[0],), device=x.device).long()
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(noise_level, torch.Tensor)
+ z = self.q_sample(x, noise_level)
+ return z, noise_level
diff --git a/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/util.py b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..637363dfe34799e70cfdbcd11445212df9d9ca1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/diffusionmodules/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# adopted from
+# https://github.com/openai/improved-diffusion/blob/main/improved_diffusion/gaussian_diffusion.py
+# and
+# https://github.com/lucidrains/denoising-diffusion-pytorch/blob/7706bdfc6f527f58d33f84b7b522e61e6e3164b3/denoising_diffusion_pytorch/denoising_diffusion_pytorch.py
+# and
+# https://github.com/openai/guided-diffusion/blob/0ba878e517b276c45d1195eb29f6f5f72659a05b/guided_diffusion/nn.py
+# thanks!
+import os
+import math
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import numpy as np
+from einops import repeat
+from ldm.util import instantiate_from_config
+def make_beta_schedule(schedule, n_timestep, linear_start=1e-4, linear_end=2e-2, cosine_s=8e-3):
+ if schedule == "linear":
+ betas = (
+ torch.linspace(linear_start ** 0.5, linear_end ** 0.5, n_timestep, dtype=torch.float64) ** 2
+ )
+ elif schedule == "cosine":
+ timesteps = (
+ torch.arange(n_timestep + 1, dtype=torch.float64) / n_timestep + cosine_s
+ )
+ alphas = timesteps / (1 + cosine_s) * np.pi / 2
+ alphas = torch.cos(alphas).pow(2)
+ alphas = alphas / alphas[0]
+ betas = 1 - alphas[1:] / alphas[:-1]
+ betas = np.clip(betas, a_min=0, a_max=0.999)
+ elif schedule == "sqrt_linear":
+ betas = torch.linspace(linear_start, linear_end, n_timestep, dtype=torch.float64)
+ elif schedule == "sqrt":
+ betas = torch.linspace(linear_start, linear_end, n_timestep, dtype=torch.float64) ** 0.5
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"schedule '{schedule}' unknown.")
+ return betas.numpy()
+def make_ddim_timesteps(ddim_discr_method, num_ddim_timesteps, num_ddpm_timesteps, verbose=True):
+ if ddim_discr_method == 'uniform':
+ c = num_ddpm_timesteps // num_ddim_timesteps
+ ddim_timesteps = np.asarray(list(range(0, num_ddpm_timesteps, c)))
+ elif ddim_discr_method == 'quad':
+ ddim_timesteps = ((np.linspace(0, np.sqrt(num_ddpm_timesteps * .8), num_ddim_timesteps)) ** 2).astype(int)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f'There is no ddim discretization method called "{ddim_discr_method}"')
+ # assert ddim_timesteps.shape[0] == num_ddim_timesteps
+ # add one to get the final alpha values right (the ones from first scale to data during sampling)
+ steps_out = ddim_timesteps + 1
+ if verbose:
+ print(f'Selected timesteps for ddim sampler: {steps_out}')
+ return steps_out
+def make_ddim_sampling_parameters(alphacums, ddim_timesteps, eta, verbose=True):
+ # select alphas for computing the variance schedule
+ alphas = alphacums[ddim_timesteps]
+ alphas_prev = np.asarray([alphacums[0]] + alphacums[ddim_timesteps[:-1]].tolist())
+ # according the the formula provided in https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.02502
+ sigmas = eta * np.sqrt((1 - alphas_prev) / (1 - alphas) * (1 - alphas / alphas_prev))
+ if verbose:
+ print(f'Selected alphas for ddim sampler: a_t: {alphas}; a_(t-1): {alphas_prev}')
+ print(f'For the chosen value of eta, which is {eta}, '
+ f'this results in the following sigma_t schedule for ddim sampler {sigmas}')
+ return sigmas, alphas, alphas_prev
+def betas_for_alpha_bar(num_diffusion_timesteps, alpha_bar, max_beta=0.999):
+ """
+ Create a beta schedule that discretizes the given alpha_t_bar function,
+ which defines the cumulative product of (1-beta) over time from t = [0,1].
+ :param num_diffusion_timesteps: the number of betas to produce.
+ :param alpha_bar: a lambda that takes an argument t from 0 to 1 and
+ produces the cumulative product of (1-beta) up to that
+ part of the diffusion process.
+ :param max_beta: the maximum beta to use; use values lower than 1 to
+ prevent singularities.
+ """
+ betas = []
+ for i in range(num_diffusion_timesteps):
+ t1 = i / num_diffusion_timesteps
+ t2 = (i + 1) / num_diffusion_timesteps
+ betas.append(min(1 - alpha_bar(t2) / alpha_bar(t1), max_beta))
+ return np.array(betas)
+def extract_into_tensor(a, t, x_shape):
+ b, *_ = t.shape
+ out = a.gather(-1, t)
+ return out.reshape(b, *((1,) * (len(x_shape) - 1)))
+def checkpoint(func, inputs, params, flag):
+ """
+ Evaluate a function without caching intermediate activations, allowing for
+ reduced memory at the expense of extra compute in the backward pass.
+ :param func: the function to evaluate.
+ :param inputs: the argument sequence to pass to `func`.
+ :param params: a sequence of parameters `func` depends on but does not
+ explicitly take as arguments.
+ :param flag: if False, disable gradient checkpointing.
+ """
+ if flag:
+ args = tuple(inputs) + tuple(params)
+ return CheckpointFunction.apply(func, len(inputs), *args)
+ else:
+ return func(*inputs)
+class CheckpointFunction(torch.autograd.Function):
+ @staticmethod
+ def forward(ctx, run_function, length, *args):
+ ctx.run_function = run_function
+ ctx.input_tensors = list(args[:length])
+ ctx.input_params = list(args[length:])
+ ctx.gpu_autocast_kwargs = {"enabled": torch.is_autocast_enabled(),
+ "dtype": torch.get_autocast_gpu_dtype(),
+ "cache_enabled": torch.is_autocast_cache_enabled()}
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ output_tensors = ctx.run_function(*ctx.input_tensors)
+ return output_tensors
+ @staticmethod
+ def backward(ctx, *output_grads):
+ ctx.input_tensors = [x.detach().requires_grad_(True) for x in ctx.input_tensors]
+ with torch.enable_grad(), \
+ torch.cuda.amp.autocast(**ctx.gpu_autocast_kwargs):
+ # Fixes a bug where the first op in run_function modifies the
+ # Tensor storage in place, which is not allowed for detach()'d
+ # Tensors.
+ shallow_copies = [x.view_as(x) for x in ctx.input_tensors]
+ output_tensors = ctx.run_function(*shallow_copies)
+ input_grads = torch.autograd.grad(
+ output_tensors,
+ ctx.input_tensors + ctx.input_params,
+ output_grads,
+ allow_unused=True,
+ )
+ del ctx.input_tensors
+ del ctx.input_params
+ del output_tensors
+ return (None, None) + input_grads
+def timestep_embedding(timesteps, dim, max_period=10000, repeat_only=False):
+ """
+ Create sinusoidal timestep embeddings.
+ :param timesteps: a 1-D Tensor of N indices, one per batch element.
+ These may be fractional.
+ :param dim: the dimension of the output.
+ :param max_period: controls the minimum frequency of the embeddings.
+ :return: an [N x dim] Tensor of positional embeddings.
+ """
+ if not repeat_only:
+ half = dim // 2
+ freqs = torch.exp(
+ -math.log(max_period) * torch.arange(start=0, end=half, dtype=torch.float32) / half
+ ).to(device=timesteps.device)
+ args = timesteps[:, None].float() * freqs[None]
+ embedding = torch.cat([torch.cos(args), torch.sin(args)], dim=-1)
+ if dim % 2:
+ embedding = torch.cat([embedding, torch.zeros_like(embedding[:, :1])], dim=-1)
+ else:
+ embedding = repeat(timesteps, 'b -> b d', d=dim)
+ return embedding
+def zero_module(module):
+ """
+ Zero out the parameters of a module and return it.
+ """
+ for p in module.parameters():
+ p.detach().zero_()
+ return module
+def scale_module(module, scale):
+ """
+ Scale the parameters of a module and return it.
+ """
+ for p in module.parameters():
+ p.detach().mul_(scale)
+ return module
+def mean_flat(tensor):
+ """
+ Take the mean over all non-batch dimensions.
+ """
+ return tensor.mean(dim=list(range(1, len(tensor.shape))))
+def normalization(channels):
+ """
+ Make a standard normalization layer.
+ :param channels: number of input channels.
+ :return: an nn.Module for normalization.
+ """
+ return GroupNorm32(32, channels)
+# PyTorch 1.7 has SiLU, but we support PyTorch 1.5.
+class SiLU(nn.Module):
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return x * torch.sigmoid(x)
+class GroupNorm32(nn.GroupNorm):
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return super().forward(x.float()).type(x.dtype)
+def conv_nd(dims, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create a 1D, 2D, or 3D convolution module.
+ """
+ if dims == 1:
+ return nn.Conv1d(*args, **kwargs)
+ elif dims == 2:
+ return nn.Conv2d(*args, **kwargs)
+ elif dims == 3:
+ return nn.Conv3d(*args, **kwargs)
+ raise ValueError(f"unsupported dimensions: {dims}")
+def linear(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create a linear module.
+ """
+ return nn.Linear(*args, **kwargs)
+def avg_pool_nd(dims, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create a 1D, 2D, or 3D average pooling module.
+ """
+ if dims == 1:
+ return nn.AvgPool1d(*args, **kwargs)
+ elif dims == 2:
+ return nn.AvgPool2d(*args, **kwargs)
+ elif dims == 3:
+ return nn.AvgPool3d(*args, **kwargs)
+ raise ValueError(f"unsupported dimensions: {dims}")
+class HybridConditioner(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, c_concat_config, c_crossattn_config):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.concat_conditioner = instantiate_from_config(c_concat_config)
+ self.crossattn_conditioner = instantiate_from_config(c_crossattn_config)
+ def forward(self, c_concat, c_crossattn):
+ c_concat = self.concat_conditioner(c_concat)
+ c_crossattn = self.crossattn_conditioner(c_crossattn)
+ return {'c_concat': [c_concat], 'c_crossattn': [c_crossattn]}
+def noise_like(shape, device, repeat=False):
+ repeat_noise = lambda: torch.randn((1, *shape[1:]), device=device).repeat(shape[0], *((1,) * (len(shape) - 1)))
+ noise = lambda: torch.randn(shape, device=device)
+ return repeat_noise() if repeat else noise()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/modules/distributions/__init__.py b/ldm/modules/distributions/__init__.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f2b8ef901130efc171aa69742ca0244d94d3f2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/distributions/distributions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import torch
+import numpy as np
+class AbstractDistribution:
+ def sample(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def mode(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class DiracDistribution(AbstractDistribution):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def sample(self):
+ return self.value
+ def mode(self):
+ return self.value
+class DiagonalGaussianDistribution(object):
+ def __init__(self, parameters, deterministic=False):
+ self.parameters = parameters
+ self.mean, self.logvar = torch.chunk(parameters, 2, dim=1)
+ self.logvar = torch.clamp(self.logvar, -30.0, 20.0)
+ self.deterministic = deterministic
+ self.std = torch.exp(0.5 * self.logvar)
+ self.var = torch.exp(self.logvar)
+ if self.deterministic:
+ self.var = self.std = torch.zeros_like(self.mean).to(device=self.parameters.device)
+ def sample(self):
+ x = self.mean + self.std * torch.randn(self.mean.shape).to(device=self.parameters.device)
+ return x
+ def kl(self, other=None):
+ if self.deterministic:
+ return torch.Tensor([0.])
+ else:
+ if other is None:
+ return 0.5 * torch.sum(torch.pow(self.mean, 2)
+ + self.var - 1.0 - self.logvar,
+ dim=[1, 2, 3])
+ else:
+ return 0.5 * torch.sum(
+ torch.pow(self.mean - other.mean, 2) / other.var
+ + self.var / other.var - 1.0 - self.logvar + other.logvar,
+ dim=[1, 2, 3])
+ def nll(self, sample, dims=[1,2,3]):
+ if self.deterministic:
+ return torch.Tensor([0.])
+ logtwopi = np.log(2.0 * np.pi)
+ return 0.5 * torch.sum(
+ logtwopi + self.logvar + torch.pow(sample - self.mean, 2) / self.var,
+ dim=dims)
+ def mode(self):
+ return self.mean
+def normal_kl(mean1, logvar1, mean2, logvar2):
+ """
+ source: https://github.com/openai/guided-diffusion/blob/27c20a8fab9cb472df5d6bdd6c8d11c8f430b924/guided_diffusion/losses.py#L12
+ Compute the KL divergence between two gaussians.
+ Shapes are automatically broadcasted, so batches can be compared to
+ scalars, among other use cases.
+ """
+ tensor = None
+ for obj in (mean1, logvar1, mean2, logvar2):
+ if isinstance(obj, torch.Tensor):
+ tensor = obj
+ break
+ assert tensor is not None, "at least one argument must be a Tensor"
+ # Force variances to be Tensors. Broadcasting helps convert scalars to
+ # Tensors, but it does not work for torch.exp().
+ logvar1, logvar2 = [
+ x if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else torch.tensor(x).to(tensor)
+ for x in (logvar1, logvar2)
+ ]
+ return 0.5 * (
+ -1.0
+ + logvar2
+ - logvar1
+ + torch.exp(logvar1 - logvar2)
+ + ((mean1 - mean2) ** 2) * torch.exp(-logvar2)
+ )
diff --git a/ldm/modules/ema.py b/ldm/modules/ema.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bded25019b9bcbcd0260f0b8185f8c7859ca58c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/ema.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import torch
+from torch import nn
+class LitEma(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, model, decay=0.9999, use_num_upates=True):
+ super().__init__()
+ if decay < 0.0 or decay > 1.0:
+ raise ValueError('Decay must be between 0 and 1')
+ self.m_name2s_name = {}
+ self.register_buffer('decay', torch.tensor(decay, dtype=torch.float32))
+ self.register_buffer('num_updates', torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.int) if use_num_upates
+ else torch.tensor(-1, dtype=torch.int))
+ for name, p in model.named_parameters():
+ if p.requires_grad:
+ # remove as '.'-character is not allowed in buffers
+ s_name = name.replace('.', '')
+ self.m_name2s_name.update({name: s_name})
+ self.register_buffer(s_name, p.clone().detach().data)
+ self.collected_params = []
+ def reset_num_updates(self):
+ del self.num_updates
+ self.register_buffer('num_updates', torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.int))
+ def forward(self, model):
+ decay = self.decay
+ if self.num_updates >= 0:
+ self.num_updates += 1
+ decay = min(self.decay, (1 + self.num_updates) / (10 + self.num_updates))
+ one_minus_decay = 1.0 - decay
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ m_param = dict(model.named_parameters())
+ shadow_params = dict(self.named_buffers())
+ for key in m_param:
+ if m_param[key].requires_grad:
+ sname = self.m_name2s_name[key]
+ shadow_params[sname] = shadow_params[sname].type_as(m_param[key])
+ shadow_params[sname].sub_(one_minus_decay * (shadow_params[sname] - m_param[key]))
+ else:
+ assert not key in self.m_name2s_name
+ def copy_to(self, model):
+ m_param = dict(model.named_parameters())
+ shadow_params = dict(self.named_buffers())
+ for key in m_param:
+ if m_param[key].requires_grad:
+ m_param[key].data.copy_(shadow_params[self.m_name2s_name[key]].data)
+ else:
+ assert not key in self.m_name2s_name
+ def store(self, parameters):
+ """
+ Save the current parameters for restoring later.
+ Args:
+ parameters: Iterable of `torch.nn.Parameter`; the parameters to be
+ temporarily stored.
+ """
+ self.collected_params = [param.clone() for param in parameters]
+ def restore(self, parameters):
+ """
+ Restore the parameters stored with the `store` method.
+ Useful to validate the model with EMA parameters without affecting the
+ original optimization process. Store the parameters before the
+ `copy_to` method. After validation (or model saving), use this to
+ restore the former parameters.
+ Args:
+ parameters: Iterable of `torch.nn.Parameter`; the parameters to be
+ updated with the stored parameters.
+ """
+ for c_param, param in zip(self.collected_params, parameters):
+ param.data.copy_(c_param.data)
diff --git a/ldm/modules/encoders/__init__.py b/ldm/modules/encoders/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f3638a8ec4062d6aa4cd7046f34be502f785a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/encoders/modules.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from torch.utils.checkpoint import checkpoint
+from transformers import T5Tokenizer, T5EncoderModel, CLIPTokenizer, CLIPTextModel, AutoProcessor, CLIPVisionModelWithProjection
+import open_clip
+from ldm.util import count_params
+def _expand_mask(mask, dtype, tgt_len=None):
+ """
+ Expands attention_mask from `[bsz, seq_len]` to `[bsz, 1, tgt_seq_len, src_seq_len]`.
+ """
+ bsz, src_len = mask.size()
+ tgt_len = tgt_len if tgt_len is not None else src_len
+ expanded_mask = mask[:, None, None, :].expand(bsz, 1, tgt_len, src_len).to(dtype)
+ inverted_mask = 1.0 - expanded_mask
+ return inverted_mask.masked_fill(inverted_mask.to(torch.bool), torch.finfo(dtype).min)
+def _build_causal_attention_mask(bsz, seq_len, dtype):
+ # lazily create causal attention mask, with full attention between the vision tokens
+ # pytorch uses additive attention mask; fill with -inf
+ mask = torch.empty(bsz, seq_len, seq_len, dtype=dtype)
+ mask.fill_(torch.tensor(torch.finfo(dtype).min))
+ mask.triu_(1) # zero out the lower diagonal
+ mask = mask.unsqueeze(1) # expand mask
+ return mask
+class AbstractEncoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ def encode(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class IdentityEncoder(AbstractEncoder):
+ def encode(self, x):
+ return x
+class ClassEmbedder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, embed_dim, n_classes=1000, key='class', ucg_rate=0.1):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.key = key
+ self.embedding = nn.Embedding(n_classes, embed_dim)
+ self.n_classes = n_classes
+ self.ucg_rate = ucg_rate
+ def forward(self, batch, key=None, disable_dropout=False):
+ if key is None:
+ key = self.key
+ # this is for use in crossattn
+ c = batch[key][:, None]
+ if self.ucg_rate > 0. and not disable_dropout:
+ mask = 1. - torch.bernoulli(torch.ones_like(c) * self.ucg_rate)
+ c = mask * c + (1-mask) * torch.ones_like(c)*(self.n_classes-1)
+ c = c.long()
+ c = self.embedding(c)
+ return c
+ def get_unconditional_conditioning(self, bs, device="cuda"):
+ uc_class = self.n_classes - 1 # 1000 classes --> 0 ... 999, one extra class for ucg (class 1000)
+ uc = torch.ones((bs,), device=device) * uc_class
+ uc = {self.key: uc}
+ return uc
+def disabled_train(self, mode=True):
+ """Overwrite model.train with this function to make sure train/eval mode
+ does not change anymore."""
+ return self
+class FrozenT5Embedder(AbstractEncoder):
+ """Uses the T5 transformer encoder for text"""
+ def __init__(self, version="google/t5-v1_1-large", device="cuda", max_length=77, freeze=True): # others are google/t5-v1_1-xl and google/t5-v1_1-xxl
+ super().__init__()
+ self.tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.transformer = T5EncoderModel.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.device = device
+ self.max_length = max_length # TODO: typical value?
+ if freeze:
+ self.freeze()
+ def freeze(self):
+ self.transformer = self.transformer.eval()
+ #self.train = disabled_train
+ for param in self.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def forward(self, text):
+ batch_encoding = self.tokenizer(text, truncation=True, max_length=self.max_length, return_length=True,
+ return_overflowing_tokens=False, padding="max_length", return_tensors="pt")
+ tokens = batch_encoding["input_ids"].to(self.device)
+ outputs = self.transformer(input_ids=tokens)
+ z = outputs.last_hidden_state
+ return z
+ def encode(self, text):
+ return self(text)
+class FrozenCLIPEmbedder(AbstractEncoder):
+ """Uses the CLIP transformer encoder for text (from huggingface)"""
+ LAYERS = [
+ "last",
+ "pooled",
+ "hidden"
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, version="openai/clip-vit-large-patch14", device="cuda", max_length=77,
+ freeze=True, layer="last", layer_idx=None): # clip-vit-base-patch32
+ super().__init__()
+ assert layer in self.LAYERS
+ self.tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.transformer = CLIPTextModel.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.device = device
+ self.max_length = max_length
+ if freeze:
+ self.freeze()
+ self.layer = layer
+ self.layer_idx = layer_idx
+ if layer == "hidden":
+ assert layer_idx is not None
+ assert 0 <= abs(layer_idx) <= 12
+ def freeze(self):
+ self.transformer = self.transformer.eval()
+ # self.train = disabled_train
+ for param in self.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def forward(self, text):
+ batch_encoding = self.tokenizer(text, truncation=True, max_length=self.max_length, return_length=True,
+ return_overflowing_tokens=False, padding="max_length", return_tensors="pt")
+ tokens = batch_encoding["input_ids"].to(self.device)
+ outputs = self.transformer(input_ids=tokens, output_hidden_states=self.layer=="hidden")
+ if self.layer == "last":
+ z = outputs.last_hidden_state
+ elif self.layer == "pooled":
+ z = outputs.pooler_output[:, None, :]
+ else:
+ z = outputs.hidden_states[self.layer_idx]
+ return z
+ def encode(self, text):
+ return self(text)
+class FrozenOpenCLIPEmbedder(AbstractEncoder):
+ """
+ Uses the OpenCLIP transformer encoder for text
+ """
+ LAYERS = [
+ # "pooled",
+ "last",
+ "penultimate"
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, arch="ViT-H-14", version="laion2b_s32b_b79k", device="cuda", max_length=77,
+ freeze=True, layer="last"):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert layer in self.LAYERS
+ model, _, _ = open_clip.create_model_and_transforms(arch, device=torch.device('cpu'), pretrained=version)
+ del model.visual
+ self.model = model
+ self.device = device
+ self.max_length = max_length
+ if freeze:
+ self.freeze()
+ self.layer = layer
+ if self.layer == "last":
+ self.layer_idx = 0
+ elif self.layer == "penultimate":
+ self.layer_idx = 1
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def freeze(self):
+ self.model = self.model.eval()
+ for param in self.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def forward(self, text):
+ tokens = open_clip.tokenize(text)
+ z = self.encode_with_transformer(tokens.to(self.device))
+ return z
+ def encode_with_transformer(self, text):
+ x = self.model.token_embedding(text) # [batch_size, n_ctx, d_model]
+ x = x + self.model.positional_embedding
+ x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # NLD -> LND
+ x = self.text_transformer_forward(x, attn_mask=self.model.attn_mask)
+ x = x.permute(1, 0, 2) # LND -> NLD
+ x = self.model.ln_final(x)
+ return x
+ def text_transformer_forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, attn_mask=None):
+ for i, r in enumerate(self.model.transformer.resblocks):
+ if i == len(self.model.transformer.resblocks) - self.layer_idx:
+ break
+ if self.model.transformer.grad_checkpointing and not torch.jit.is_scripting():
+ x = checkpoint(r, x, attn_mask)
+ else:
+ x = r(x, attn_mask=attn_mask)
+ return x
+ def encode(self, text):
+ return self(text)
+class FrozenCLIPT5Encoder(AbstractEncoder):
+ def __init__(self, clip_version="openai/clip-vit-large-patch14", t5_version="google/t5-v1_1-xl", device="cuda",
+ clip_max_length=77, t5_max_length=77):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.clip_encoder = FrozenCLIPEmbedder(clip_version, device, max_length=clip_max_length)
+ self.t5_encoder = FrozenT5Embedder(t5_version, device, max_length=t5_max_length)
+ print(f"{self.clip_encoder.__class__.__name__} has {count_params(self.clip_encoder)*1.e-6:.2f} M parameters, "
+ f"{self.t5_encoder.__class__.__name__} comes with {count_params(self.t5_encoder)*1.e-6:.2f} M params.")
+ def encode(self, text):
+ return self(text)
+ def forward(self, text):
+ clip_z = self.clip_encoder.encode(text)
+ t5_z = self.t5_encoder.encode(text)
+ return [clip_z, t5_z]
+class FrozenCLIPEmbedderT3(AbstractEncoder):
+ """Uses the CLIP transformer encoder for text (from Hugging Face)"""
+ def __init__(self, version="openai/clip-vit-large-patch14", device="cuda", max_length=77, freeze=True, use_vision=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.tokenizer = CLIPTokenizer.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.transformer = CLIPTextModel.from_pretrained(version)
+ if use_vision:
+ self.vit = CLIPVisionModelWithProjection.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(version)
+ self.device = device
+ self.max_length = max_length
+ if freeze:
+ self.freeze()
+ def embedding_forward(
+ self,
+ input_ids=None,
+ position_ids=None,
+ inputs_embeds=None,
+ embedding_manager=None,
+ ):
+ seq_length = input_ids.shape[-1] if input_ids is not None else inputs_embeds.shape[-2]
+ if position_ids is None:
+ position_ids = self.position_ids[:, :seq_length]
+ if inputs_embeds is None:
+ inputs_embeds = self.token_embedding(input_ids)
+ if embedding_manager is not None:
+ inputs_embeds = embedding_manager(input_ids, inputs_embeds)
+ position_embeddings = self.position_embedding(position_ids)
+ embeddings = inputs_embeds + position_embeddings
+ return embeddings
+ self.transformer.text_model.embeddings.forward = embedding_forward.__get__(self.transformer.text_model.embeddings)
+ def encoder_forward(
+ self,
+ inputs_embeds,
+ attention_mask=None,
+ causal_attention_mask=None,
+ output_attentions=None,
+ output_hidden_states=None,
+ return_dict=None,
+ ):
+ output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions
+ output_hidden_states = (
+ output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states
+ )
+ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict
+ encoder_states = () if output_hidden_states else None
+ all_attentions = () if output_attentions else None
+ hidden_states = inputs_embeds
+ for idx, encoder_layer in enumerate(self.layers):
+ if output_hidden_states:
+ encoder_states = encoder_states + (hidden_states,)
+ layer_outputs = encoder_layer(
+ hidden_states,
+ attention_mask,
+ causal_attention_mask,
+ output_attentions=output_attentions,
+ )
+ hidden_states = layer_outputs[0]
+ if output_attentions:
+ all_attentions = all_attentions + (layer_outputs[1],)
+ if output_hidden_states:
+ encoder_states = encoder_states + (hidden_states,)
+ return hidden_states
+ self.transformer.text_model.encoder.forward = encoder_forward.__get__(self.transformer.text_model.encoder)
+ def text_encoder_forward(
+ self,
+ input_ids=None,
+ attention_mask=None,
+ position_ids=None,
+ output_attentions=None,
+ output_hidden_states=None,
+ return_dict=None,
+ embedding_manager=None,
+ ):
+ output_attentions = output_attentions if output_attentions is not None else self.config.output_attentions
+ output_hidden_states = (
+ output_hidden_states if output_hidden_states is not None else self.config.output_hidden_states
+ )
+ return_dict = return_dict if return_dict is not None else self.config.use_return_dict
+ if input_ids is None:
+ raise ValueError("You have to specify either input_ids")
+ input_shape = input_ids.size()
+ input_ids = input_ids.view(-1, input_shape[-1])
+ hidden_states = self.embeddings(input_ids=input_ids, position_ids=position_ids, embedding_manager=embedding_manager)
+ bsz, seq_len = input_shape
+ # CLIP's text model uses causal mask, prepare it here.
+ # https://github.com/openai/CLIP/blob/cfcffb90e69f37bf2ff1e988237a0fbe41f33c04/clip/model.py#L324
+ causal_attention_mask = _build_causal_attention_mask(bsz, seq_len, hidden_states.dtype).to(
+ hidden_states.device
+ )
+ # expand attention_mask
+ if attention_mask is not None:
+ # [bsz, seq_len] -> [bsz, 1, tgt_seq_len, src_seq_len]
+ attention_mask = _expand_mask(attention_mask, hidden_states.dtype)
+ last_hidden_state = self.encoder(
+ inputs_embeds=hidden_states,
+ attention_mask=attention_mask,
+ causal_attention_mask=causal_attention_mask,
+ output_attentions=output_attentions,
+ output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states,
+ return_dict=return_dict,
+ )
+ last_hidden_state = self.final_layer_norm(last_hidden_state)
+ return last_hidden_state
+ self.transformer.text_model.forward = text_encoder_forward.__get__(self.transformer.text_model)
+ def transformer_forward(
+ self,
+ input_ids=None,
+ attention_mask=None,
+ position_ids=None,
+ output_attentions=None,
+ output_hidden_states=None,
+ return_dict=None,
+ embedding_manager=None,
+ ):
+ return self.text_model(
+ input_ids=input_ids,
+ attention_mask=attention_mask,
+ position_ids=position_ids,
+ output_attentions=output_attentions,
+ output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states,
+ return_dict=return_dict,
+ embedding_manager=embedding_manager
+ )
+ self.transformer.forward = transformer_forward.__get__(self.transformer)
+ def freeze(self):
+ self.transformer = self.transformer.eval()
+ for param in self.parameters():
+ param.requires_grad = False
+ def forward(self, text, **kwargs):
+ batch_encoding = self.tokenizer(text, truncation=True, max_length=self.max_length, return_length=True,
+ return_overflowing_tokens=False, padding="max_length", return_tensors="pt")
+ tokens = batch_encoding["input_ids"].to(self.device)
+ z = self.transformer(input_ids=tokens, **kwargs)
+ return z
+ def encode(self, text, **kwargs):
+ return self(text, **kwargs)
diff --git a/ldm/modules/image_degradation/__init__.py b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7836cada81f90ded99c58d5942eea4c3477f58fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from ldm.modules.image_degradation.bsrgan import degradation_bsrgan_variant as degradation_fn_bsr
+from ldm.modules.image_degradation.bsrgan_light import degradation_bsrgan_variant as degradation_fn_bsr_light
diff --git a/ldm/modules/image_degradation/bsrgan.py b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/bsrgan.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32ef56169978e550090261cddbcf5eb611a6173b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/bsrgan.py
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Super-Resolution
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Kai Zhang (cskaizhang@gmail.com)
+# https://github.com/cszn
+# From 2019/03--2021/08
+# --------------------------------------------
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import torch
+from functools import partial
+import random
+from scipy import ndimage
+import scipy
+import scipy.stats as ss
+from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
+from scipy.linalg import orth
+import albumentations
+import ldm.modules.image_degradation.utils_image as util
+def modcrop_np(img, sf):
+ '''
+ Args:
+ img: numpy image, WxH or WxHxC
+ sf: scale factor
+ Return:
+ cropped image
+ '''
+ w, h = img.shape[:2]
+ im = np.copy(img)
+ return im[:w - w % sf, :h - h % sf, ...]
+# --------------------------------------------
+# anisotropic Gaussian kernels
+# --------------------------------------------
+def analytic_kernel(k):
+ """Calculate the X4 kernel from the X2 kernel (for proof see appendix in paper)"""
+ k_size = k.shape[0]
+ # Calculate the big kernels size
+ big_k = np.zeros((3 * k_size - 2, 3 * k_size - 2))
+ # Loop over the small kernel to fill the big one
+ for r in range(k_size):
+ for c in range(k_size):
+ big_k[2 * r:2 * r + k_size, 2 * c:2 * c + k_size] += k[r, c] * k
+ # Crop the edges of the big kernel to ignore very small values and increase run time of SR
+ crop = k_size // 2
+ cropped_big_k = big_k[crop:-crop, crop:-crop]
+ # Normalize to 1
+ return cropped_big_k / cropped_big_k.sum()
+def anisotropic_Gaussian(ksize=15, theta=np.pi, l1=6, l2=6):
+ """ generate an anisotropic Gaussian kernel
+ Args:
+ ksize : e.g., 15, kernel size
+ theta : [0, pi], rotation angle range
+ l1 : [0.1,50], scaling of eigenvalues
+ l2 : [0.1,l1], scaling of eigenvalues
+ If l1 = l2, will get an isotropic Gaussian kernel.
+ Returns:
+ k : kernel
+ """
+ v = np.dot(np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]), np.array([1., 0.]))
+ V = np.array([[v[0], v[1]], [v[1], -v[0]]])
+ D = np.array([[l1, 0], [0, l2]])
+ Sigma = np.dot(np.dot(V, D), np.linalg.inv(V))
+ k = gm_blur_kernel(mean=[0, 0], cov=Sigma, size=ksize)
+ return k
+def gm_blur_kernel(mean, cov, size=15):
+ center = size / 2.0 + 0.5
+ k = np.zeros([size, size])
+ for y in range(size):
+ for x in range(size):
+ cy = y - center + 1
+ cx = x - center + 1
+ k[y, x] = ss.multivariate_normal.pdf([cx, cy], mean=mean, cov=cov)
+ k = k / np.sum(k)
+ return k
+def shift_pixel(x, sf, upper_left=True):
+ """shift pixel for super-resolution with different scale factors
+ Args:
+ x: WxHxC or WxH
+ sf: scale factor
+ upper_left: shift direction
+ """
+ h, w = x.shape[:2]
+ shift = (sf - 1) * 0.5
+ xv, yv = np.arange(0, w, 1.0), np.arange(0, h, 1.0)
+ if upper_left:
+ x1 = xv + shift
+ y1 = yv + shift
+ else:
+ x1 = xv - shift
+ y1 = yv - shift
+ x1 = np.clip(x1, 0, w - 1)
+ y1 = np.clip(y1, 0, h - 1)
+ if x.ndim == 2:
+ x = interp2d(xv, yv, x)(x1, y1)
+ if x.ndim == 3:
+ for i in range(x.shape[-1]):
+ x[:, :, i] = interp2d(xv, yv, x[:, :, i])(x1, y1)
+ return x
+def blur(x, k):
+ '''
+ x: image, NxcxHxW
+ k: kernel, Nx1xhxw
+ '''
+ n, c = x.shape[:2]
+ p1, p2 = (k.shape[-2] - 1) // 2, (k.shape[-1] - 1) // 2
+ x = torch.nn.functional.pad(x, pad=(p1, p2, p1, p2), mode='replicate')
+ k = k.repeat(1, c, 1, 1)
+ k = k.view(-1, 1, k.shape[2], k.shape[3])
+ x = x.view(1, -1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ x = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x, k, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, groups=n * c)
+ x = x.view(n, c, x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ return x
+def gen_kernel(k_size=np.array([15, 15]), scale_factor=np.array([4, 4]), min_var=0.6, max_var=10., noise_level=0):
+ """"
+ # modified version of https://github.com/assafshocher/BlindSR_dataset_generator
+ # Kai Zhang
+ # min_var = 0.175 * sf # variance of the gaussian kernel will be sampled between min_var and max_var
+ # max_var = 2.5 * sf
+ """
+ # Set random eigen-vals (lambdas) and angle (theta) for COV matrix
+ lambda_1 = min_var + np.random.rand() * (max_var - min_var)
+ lambda_2 = min_var + np.random.rand() * (max_var - min_var)
+ theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi # random theta
+ noise = -noise_level + np.random.rand(*k_size) * noise_level * 2
+ # Set COV matrix using Lambdas and Theta
+ LAMBDA = np.diag([lambda_1, lambda_2])
+ Q = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
+ [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
+ INV_SIGMA = np.linalg.inv(SIGMA)[None, None, :, :]
+ # Set expectation position (shifting kernel for aligned image)
+ MU = k_size // 2 - 0.5 * (scale_factor - 1) # - 0.5 * (scale_factor - k_size % 2)
+ MU = MU[None, None, :, None]
+ # Create meshgrid for Gaussian
+ [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(range(k_size[0]), range(k_size[1]))
+ Z = np.stack([X, Y], 2)[:, :, :, None]
+ # Calcualte Gaussian for every pixel of the kernel
+ ZZ = Z - MU
+ ZZ_t = ZZ.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
+ raw_kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * np.squeeze(ZZ_t @ INV_SIGMA @ ZZ)) * (1 + noise)
+ # shift the kernel so it will be centered
+ # raw_kernel_centered = kernel_shift(raw_kernel, scale_factor)
+ # Normalize the kernel and return
+ # kernel = raw_kernel_centered / np.sum(raw_kernel_centered)
+ kernel = raw_kernel / np.sum(raw_kernel)
+ return kernel
+def fspecial_gaussian(hsize, sigma):
+ hsize = [hsize, hsize]
+ siz = [(hsize[0] - 1.0) / 2.0, (hsize[1] - 1.0) / 2.0]
+ std = sigma
+ [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-siz[1], siz[1] + 1), np.arange(-siz[0], siz[0] + 1))
+ arg = -(x * x + y * y) / (2 * std * std)
+ h = np.exp(arg)
+ h[h < scipy.finfo(float).eps * h.max()] = 0
+ sumh = h.sum()
+ if sumh != 0:
+ h = h / sumh
+ return h
+def fspecial_laplacian(alpha):
+ alpha = max([0, min([alpha, 1])])
+ h1 = alpha / (alpha + 1)
+ h2 = (1 - alpha) / (alpha + 1)
+ h = [[h1, h2, h1], [h2, -4 / (alpha + 1), h2], [h1, h2, h1]]
+ h = np.array(h)
+ return h
+def fspecial(filter_type, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ python code from:
+ https://github.com/ronaldosena/imagens-medicas-2/blob/40171a6c259edec7827a6693a93955de2bd39e76/Aulas/aula_2_-_uniform_filter/matlab_fspecial.py
+ '''
+ if filter_type == 'gaussian':
+ return fspecial_gaussian(*args, **kwargs)
+ if filter_type == 'laplacian':
+ return fspecial_laplacian(*args, **kwargs)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# degradation models
+# --------------------------------------------
+def bicubic_degradation(x, sf=3):
+ '''
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ bicubicly downsampled LR image
+ '''
+ x = util.imresize_np(x, scale=1 / sf)
+ return x
+def srmd_degradation(x, k, sf=3):
+ ''' blur + bicubic downsampling
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]
+ k: hxw, double
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ downsampled LR image
+ Reference:
+ @inproceedings{zhang2018learning,
+ title={Learning a single convolutional super-resolution network for multiple degradations},
+ author={Zhang, Kai and Zuo, Wangmeng and Zhang, Lei},
+ booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
+ pages={3262--3271},
+ year={2018}
+ }
+ '''
+ x = ndimage.filters.convolve(x, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='wrap') # 'nearest' | 'mirror'
+ x = bicubic_degradation(x, sf=sf)
+ return x
+def dpsr_degradation(x, k, sf=3):
+ ''' bicubic downsampling + blur
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]
+ k: hxw, double
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ downsampled LR image
+ Reference:
+ @inproceedings{zhang2019deep,
+ title={Deep Plug-and-Play Super-Resolution for Arbitrary Blur Kernels},
+ author={Zhang, Kai and Zuo, Wangmeng and Zhang, Lei},
+ booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
+ pages={1671--1681},
+ year={2019}
+ }
+ '''
+ x = bicubic_degradation(x, sf=sf)
+ x = ndimage.filters.convolve(x, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='wrap')
+ return x
+def classical_degradation(x, k, sf=3):
+ ''' blur + downsampling
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]/[0, 255]
+ k: hxw, double
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ downsampled LR image
+ '''
+ x = ndimage.filters.convolve(x, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='wrap')
+ # x = filters.correlate(x, np.expand_dims(np.flip(k), axis=2))
+ st = 0
+ return x[st::sf, st::sf, ...]
+def add_sharpening(img, weight=0.5, radius=50, threshold=10):
+ """USM sharpening. borrowed from real-ESRGAN
+ Input image: I; Blurry image: B.
+ 1. K = I + weight * (I - B)
+ 2. Mask = 1 if abs(I - B) > threshold, else: 0
+ 3. Blur mask:
+ 4. Out = Mask * K + (1 - Mask) * I
+ Args:
+ img (Numpy array): Input image, HWC, BGR; float32, [0, 1].
+ weight (float): Sharp weight. Default: 1.
+ radius (float): Kernel size of Gaussian blur. Default: 50.
+ threshold (int):
+ """
+ if radius % 2 == 0:
+ radius += 1
+ blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (radius, radius), 0)
+ residual = img - blur
+ mask = np.abs(residual) * 255 > threshold
+ mask = mask.astype('float32')
+ soft_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (radius, radius), 0)
+ K = img + weight * residual
+ K = np.clip(K, 0, 1)
+ return soft_mask * K + (1 - soft_mask) * img
+def add_blur(img, sf=4):
+ wd2 = 4.0 + sf
+ wd = 2.0 + 0.2 * sf
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ l1 = wd2 * random.random()
+ l2 = wd2 * random.random()
+ k = anisotropic_Gaussian(ksize=2 * random.randint(2, 11) + 3, theta=random.random() * np.pi, l1=l1, l2=l2)
+ else:
+ k = fspecial('gaussian', 2 * random.randint(2, 11) + 3, wd * random.random())
+ img = ndimage.filters.convolve(img, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='mirror')
+ return img
+def add_resize(img, sf=4):
+ rnum = np.random.rand()
+ if rnum > 0.8: # up
+ sf1 = random.uniform(1, 2)
+ elif rnum < 0.7: # down
+ sf1 = random.uniform(0.5 / sf, 1)
+ else:
+ sf1 = 1.0
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(sf1 * img.shape[1]), int(sf1 * img.shape[0])), interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+# def add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25):
+# noise_level = random.randint(noise_level1, noise_level2)
+# rnum = np.random.rand()
+# if rnum > 0.6: # add color Gaussian noise
+# img += np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, img.shape).astype(np.float32)
+# elif rnum < 0.4: # add grayscale Gaussian noise
+# img += np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, (*img.shape[:2], 1)).astype(np.float32)
+# else: # add noise
+# L = noise_level2 / 255.
+# D = np.diag(np.random.rand(3))
+# U = orth(np.random.rand(3, 3))
+# conv = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(U), D), U)
+# img += np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], np.abs(L ** 2 * conv), img.shape[:2]).astype(np.float32)
+# img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+# return img
+def add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25):
+ noise_level = random.randint(noise_level1, noise_level2)
+ rnum = np.random.rand()
+ if rnum > 0.6: # add color Gaussian noise
+ img = img + np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, img.shape).astype(np.float32)
+ elif rnum < 0.4: # add grayscale Gaussian noise
+ img = img + np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, (*img.shape[:2], 1)).astype(np.float32)
+ else: # add noise
+ L = noise_level2 / 255.
+ D = np.diag(np.random.rand(3))
+ U = orth(np.random.rand(3, 3))
+ conv = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(U), D), U)
+ img = img + np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], np.abs(L ** 2 * conv), img.shape[:2]).astype(np.float32)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+def add_speckle_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25):
+ noise_level = random.randint(noise_level1, noise_level2)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ rnum = random.random()
+ if rnum > 0.6:
+ img += img * np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, img.shape).astype(np.float32)
+ elif rnum < 0.4:
+ img += img * np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, (*img.shape[:2], 1)).astype(np.float32)
+ else:
+ L = noise_level2 / 255.
+ D = np.diag(np.random.rand(3))
+ U = orth(np.random.rand(3, 3))
+ conv = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(U), D), U)
+ img += img * np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], np.abs(L ** 2 * conv), img.shape[:2]).astype(np.float32)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+def add_Poisson_noise(img):
+ img = np.clip((img * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
+ vals = 10 ** (2 * random.random() + 2.0) # [2, 4]
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ img = np.random.poisson(img * vals).astype(np.float32) / vals
+ else:
+ img_gray = np.dot(img[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])
+ img_gray = np.clip((img_gray * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
+ noise_gray = np.random.poisson(img_gray * vals).astype(np.float32) / vals - img_gray
+ img += noise_gray[:, :, np.newaxis]
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+def add_JPEG_noise(img):
+ quality_factor = random.randint(30, 95)
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(util.single2uint(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
+ result, encimg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality_factor])
+ img = cv2.imdecode(encimg, 1)
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(util.uint2single(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
+ return img
+def random_crop(lq, hq, sf=4, lq_patchsize=64):
+ h, w = lq.shape[:2]
+ rnd_h = random.randint(0, h - lq_patchsize)
+ rnd_w = random.randint(0, w - lq_patchsize)
+ lq = lq[rnd_h:rnd_h + lq_patchsize, rnd_w:rnd_w + lq_patchsize, :]
+ rnd_h_H, rnd_w_H = int(rnd_h * sf), int(rnd_w * sf)
+ hq = hq[rnd_h_H:rnd_h_H + lq_patchsize * sf, rnd_w_H:rnd_w_H + lq_patchsize * sf, :]
+ return lq, hq
+def degradation_bsrgan(img, sf=4, lq_patchsize=72, isp_model=None):
+ """
+ This is the degradation model of BSRGAN from the paper
+ "Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution"
+ ----------
+ img: HXWXC, [0, 1], its size should be large than (lq_patchsizexsf)x(lq_patchsizexsf)
+ sf: scale factor
+ isp_model: camera ISP model
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img: low-quality patch, size: lq_patchsizeXlq_patchsizeXC, range: [0, 1]
+ hq: corresponding high-quality patch, size: (lq_patchsizexsf)X(lq_patchsizexsf)XC, range: [0, 1]
+ """
+ isp_prob, jpeg_prob, scale2_prob = 0.25, 0.9, 0.25
+ sf_ori = sf
+ h1, w1 = img.shape[:2]
+ img = img.copy()[:w1 - w1 % sf, :h1 - h1 % sf, ...] # mod crop
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ if h < lq_patchsize * sf or w < lq_patchsize * sf:
+ raise ValueError(f'img size ({h1}X{w1}) is too small!')
+ hq = img.copy()
+ if sf == 4 and random.random() < scale2_prob: # downsample1
+ if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / 2 * img.shape[1]), int(1 / 2 * img.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ img = util.imresize_np(img, 1 / 2, True)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ sf = 2
+ shuffle_order = random.sample(range(7), 7)
+ idx1, idx2 = shuffle_order.index(2), shuffle_order.index(3)
+ if idx1 > idx2: # keep downsample3 last
+ shuffle_order[idx1], shuffle_order[idx2] = shuffle_order[idx2], shuffle_order[idx1]
+ for i in shuffle_order:
+ if i == 0:
+ img = add_blur(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 1:
+ img = add_blur(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 2:
+ a, b = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
+ # downsample2
+ if random.random() < 0.75:
+ sf1 = random.uniform(1, 2 * sf)
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / sf1 * img.shape[1]), int(1 / sf1 * img.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ k = fspecial('gaussian', 25, random.uniform(0.1, 0.6 * sf))
+ k_shifted = shift_pixel(k, sf)
+ k_shifted = k_shifted / k_shifted.sum() # blur with shifted kernel
+ img = ndimage.filters.convolve(img, np.expand_dims(k_shifted, axis=2), mode='mirror')
+ img = img[0::sf, 0::sf, ...] # nearest downsampling
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 3:
+ # downsample3
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / sf * a), int(1 / sf * b)), interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 4:
+ # add Gaussian noise
+ img = add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25)
+ elif i == 5:
+ # add JPEG noise
+ if random.random() < jpeg_prob:
+ img = add_JPEG_noise(img)
+ elif i == 6:
+ # add processed camera sensor noise
+ if random.random() < isp_prob and isp_model is not None:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ img, hq = isp_model.forward(img.copy(), hq)
+ # add final JPEG compression noise
+ img = add_JPEG_noise(img)
+ # random crop
+ img, hq = random_crop(img, hq, sf_ori, lq_patchsize)
+ return img, hq
+# todo no isp_model?
+def degradation_bsrgan_variant(image, sf=4, isp_model=None):
+ """
+ This is the degradation model of BSRGAN from the paper
+ "Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution"
+ ----------
+ sf: scale factor
+ isp_model: camera ISP model
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img: low-quality patch, size: lq_patchsizeXlq_patchsizeXC, range: [0, 1]
+ hq: corresponding high-quality patch, size: (lq_patchsizexsf)X(lq_patchsizexsf)XC, range: [0, 1]
+ """
+ image = util.uint2single(image)
+ isp_prob, jpeg_prob, scale2_prob = 0.25, 0.9, 0.25
+ sf_ori = sf
+ h1, w1 = image.shape[:2]
+ image = image.copy()[:w1 - w1 % sf, :h1 - h1 % sf, ...] # mod crop
+ h, w = image.shape[:2]
+ hq = image.copy()
+ if sf == 4 and random.random() < scale2_prob: # downsample1
+ if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (int(1 / 2 * image.shape[1]), int(1 / 2 * image.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ image = util.imresize_np(image, 1 / 2, True)
+ image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)
+ sf = 2
+ shuffle_order = random.sample(range(7), 7)
+ idx1, idx2 = shuffle_order.index(2), shuffle_order.index(3)
+ if idx1 > idx2: # keep downsample3 last
+ shuffle_order[idx1], shuffle_order[idx2] = shuffle_order[idx2], shuffle_order[idx1]
+ for i in shuffle_order:
+ if i == 0:
+ image = add_blur(image, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 1:
+ image = add_blur(image, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 2:
+ a, b = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
+ # downsample2
+ if random.random() < 0.75:
+ sf1 = random.uniform(1, 2 * sf)
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (int(1 / sf1 * image.shape[1]), int(1 / sf1 * image.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ k = fspecial('gaussian', 25, random.uniform(0.1, 0.6 * sf))
+ k_shifted = shift_pixel(k, sf)
+ k_shifted = k_shifted / k_shifted.sum() # blur with shifted kernel
+ image = ndimage.filters.convolve(image, np.expand_dims(k_shifted, axis=2), mode='mirror')
+ image = image[0::sf, 0::sf, ...] # nearest downsampling
+ image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 3:
+ # downsample3
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (int(1 / sf * a), int(1 / sf * b)), interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 4:
+ # add Gaussian noise
+ image = add_Gaussian_noise(image, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25)
+ elif i == 5:
+ # add JPEG noise
+ if random.random() < jpeg_prob:
+ image = add_JPEG_noise(image)
+ # elif i == 6:
+ # # add processed camera sensor noise
+ # if random.random() < isp_prob and isp_model is not None:
+ # with torch.no_grad():
+ # img, hq = isp_model.forward(img.copy(), hq)
+ # add final JPEG compression noise
+ image = add_JPEG_noise(image)
+ image = util.single2uint(image)
+ example = {"image":image}
+ return example
+# TODO incase there is a pickle error one needs to replace a += x with a = a + x in add_speckle_noise etc...
+def degradation_bsrgan_plus(img, sf=4, shuffle_prob=0.5, use_sharp=True, lq_patchsize=64, isp_model=None):
+ """
+ This is an extended degradation model by combining
+ the degradation models of BSRGAN and Real-ESRGAN
+ ----------
+ img: HXWXC, [0, 1], its size should be large than (lq_patchsizexsf)x(lq_patchsizexsf)
+ sf: scale factor
+ use_shuffle: the degradation shuffle
+ use_sharp: sharpening the img
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img: low-quality patch, size: lq_patchsizeXlq_patchsizeXC, range: [0, 1]
+ hq: corresponding high-quality patch, size: (lq_patchsizexsf)X(lq_patchsizexsf)XC, range: [0, 1]
+ """
+ h1, w1 = img.shape[:2]
+ img = img.copy()[:w1 - w1 % sf, :h1 - h1 % sf, ...] # mod crop
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ if h < lq_patchsize * sf or w < lq_patchsize * sf:
+ raise ValueError(f'img size ({h1}X{w1}) is too small!')
+ if use_sharp:
+ img = add_sharpening(img)
+ hq = img.copy()
+ if random.random() < shuffle_prob:
+ shuffle_order = random.sample(range(13), 13)
+ else:
+ shuffle_order = list(range(13))
+ # local shuffle for noise, JPEG is always the last one
+ shuffle_order[2:6] = random.sample(shuffle_order[2:6], len(range(2, 6)))
+ shuffle_order[9:13] = random.sample(shuffle_order[9:13], len(range(9, 13)))
+ poisson_prob, speckle_prob, isp_prob = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
+ for i in shuffle_order:
+ if i == 0:
+ img = add_blur(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 1:
+ img = add_resize(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 2:
+ img = add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25)
+ elif i == 3:
+ if random.random() < poisson_prob:
+ img = add_Poisson_noise(img)
+ elif i == 4:
+ if random.random() < speckle_prob:
+ img = add_speckle_noise(img)
+ elif i == 5:
+ if random.random() < isp_prob and isp_model is not None:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ img, hq = isp_model.forward(img.copy(), hq)
+ elif i == 6:
+ img = add_JPEG_noise(img)
+ elif i == 7:
+ img = add_blur(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 8:
+ img = add_resize(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 9:
+ img = add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25)
+ elif i == 10:
+ if random.random() < poisson_prob:
+ img = add_Poisson_noise(img)
+ elif i == 11:
+ if random.random() < speckle_prob:
+ img = add_speckle_noise(img)
+ elif i == 12:
+ if random.random() < isp_prob and isp_model is not None:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ img, hq = isp_model.forward(img.copy(), hq)
+ else:
+ print('check the shuffle!')
+ # resize to desired size
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / sf * hq.shape[1]), int(1 / sf * hq.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ # add final JPEG compression noise
+ img = add_JPEG_noise(img)
+ # random crop
+ img, hq = random_crop(img, hq, sf, lq_patchsize)
+ return img, hq
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("hey")
+ img = util.imread_uint('utils/test.png', 3)
+ print(img)
+ img = util.uint2single(img)
+ print(img)
+ img = img[:448, :448]
+ h = img.shape[0] // 4
+ print("resizing to", h)
+ sf = 4
+ deg_fn = partial(degradation_bsrgan_variant, sf=sf)
+ for i in range(20):
+ print(i)
+ img_lq = deg_fn(img)
+ print(img_lq)
+ img_lq_bicubic = albumentations.SmallestMaxSize(max_size=h, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)(image=img)["image"]
+ print(img_lq.shape)
+ print("bicubic", img_lq_bicubic.shape)
+ print(img_hq.shape)
+ lq_nearest = cv2.resize(util.single2uint(img_lq), (int(sf * img_lq.shape[1]), int(sf * img_lq.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=0)
+ lq_bicubic_nearest = cv2.resize(util.single2uint(img_lq_bicubic), (int(sf * img_lq.shape[1]), int(sf * img_lq.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=0)
+ img_concat = np.concatenate([lq_bicubic_nearest, lq_nearest, util.single2uint(img_hq)], axis=1)
+ util.imsave(img_concat, str(i) + '.png')
diff --git a/ldm/modules/image_degradation/bsrgan_light.py b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/bsrgan_light.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..808c7f882cb75e2ba2340d5b55881d11927351f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/bsrgan_light.py
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import torch
+from functools import partial
+import random
+from scipy import ndimage
+import scipy
+import scipy.stats as ss
+from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
+from scipy.linalg import orth
+import albumentations
+import ldm.modules.image_degradation.utils_image as util
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Super-Resolution
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Kai Zhang (cskaizhang@gmail.com)
+# https://github.com/cszn
+# From 2019/03--2021/08
+# --------------------------------------------
+def modcrop_np(img, sf):
+ '''
+ Args:
+ img: numpy image, WxH or WxHxC
+ sf: scale factor
+ Return:
+ cropped image
+ '''
+ w, h = img.shape[:2]
+ im = np.copy(img)
+ return im[:w - w % sf, :h - h % sf, ...]
+# --------------------------------------------
+# anisotropic Gaussian kernels
+# --------------------------------------------
+def analytic_kernel(k):
+ """Calculate the X4 kernel from the X2 kernel (for proof see appendix in paper)"""
+ k_size = k.shape[0]
+ # Calculate the big kernels size
+ big_k = np.zeros((3 * k_size - 2, 3 * k_size - 2))
+ # Loop over the small kernel to fill the big one
+ for r in range(k_size):
+ for c in range(k_size):
+ big_k[2 * r:2 * r + k_size, 2 * c:2 * c + k_size] += k[r, c] * k
+ # Crop the edges of the big kernel to ignore very small values and increase run time of SR
+ crop = k_size // 2
+ cropped_big_k = big_k[crop:-crop, crop:-crop]
+ # Normalize to 1
+ return cropped_big_k / cropped_big_k.sum()
+def anisotropic_Gaussian(ksize=15, theta=np.pi, l1=6, l2=6):
+ """ generate an anisotropic Gaussian kernel
+ Args:
+ ksize : e.g., 15, kernel size
+ theta : [0, pi], rotation angle range
+ l1 : [0.1,50], scaling of eigenvalues
+ l2 : [0.1,l1], scaling of eigenvalues
+ If l1 = l2, will get an isotropic Gaussian kernel.
+ Returns:
+ k : kernel
+ """
+ v = np.dot(np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]), np.array([1., 0.]))
+ V = np.array([[v[0], v[1]], [v[1], -v[0]]])
+ D = np.array([[l1, 0], [0, l2]])
+ Sigma = np.dot(np.dot(V, D), np.linalg.inv(V))
+ k = gm_blur_kernel(mean=[0, 0], cov=Sigma, size=ksize)
+ return k
+def gm_blur_kernel(mean, cov, size=15):
+ center = size / 2.0 + 0.5
+ k = np.zeros([size, size])
+ for y in range(size):
+ for x in range(size):
+ cy = y - center + 1
+ cx = x - center + 1
+ k[y, x] = ss.multivariate_normal.pdf([cx, cy], mean=mean, cov=cov)
+ k = k / np.sum(k)
+ return k
+def shift_pixel(x, sf, upper_left=True):
+ """shift pixel for super-resolution with different scale factors
+ Args:
+ x: WxHxC or WxH
+ sf: scale factor
+ upper_left: shift direction
+ """
+ h, w = x.shape[:2]
+ shift = (sf - 1) * 0.5
+ xv, yv = np.arange(0, w, 1.0), np.arange(0, h, 1.0)
+ if upper_left:
+ x1 = xv + shift
+ y1 = yv + shift
+ else:
+ x1 = xv - shift
+ y1 = yv - shift
+ x1 = np.clip(x1, 0, w - 1)
+ y1 = np.clip(y1, 0, h - 1)
+ if x.ndim == 2:
+ x = interp2d(xv, yv, x)(x1, y1)
+ if x.ndim == 3:
+ for i in range(x.shape[-1]):
+ x[:, :, i] = interp2d(xv, yv, x[:, :, i])(x1, y1)
+ return x
+def blur(x, k):
+ '''
+ x: image, NxcxHxW
+ k: kernel, Nx1xhxw
+ '''
+ n, c = x.shape[:2]
+ p1, p2 = (k.shape[-2] - 1) // 2, (k.shape[-1] - 1) // 2
+ x = torch.nn.functional.pad(x, pad=(p1, p2, p1, p2), mode='replicate')
+ k = k.repeat(1, c, 1, 1)
+ k = k.view(-1, 1, k.shape[2], k.shape[3])
+ x = x.view(1, -1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ x = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(x, k, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, groups=n * c)
+ x = x.view(n, c, x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ return x
+def gen_kernel(k_size=np.array([15, 15]), scale_factor=np.array([4, 4]), min_var=0.6, max_var=10., noise_level=0):
+ """"
+ # modified version of https://github.com/assafshocher/BlindSR_dataset_generator
+ # Kai Zhang
+ # min_var = 0.175 * sf # variance of the gaussian kernel will be sampled between min_var and max_var
+ # max_var = 2.5 * sf
+ """
+ # Set random eigen-vals (lambdas) and angle (theta) for COV matrix
+ lambda_1 = min_var + np.random.rand() * (max_var - min_var)
+ lambda_2 = min_var + np.random.rand() * (max_var - min_var)
+ theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi # random theta
+ noise = -noise_level + np.random.rand(*k_size) * noise_level * 2
+ # Set COV matrix using Lambdas and Theta
+ LAMBDA = np.diag([lambda_1, lambda_2])
+ Q = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
+ [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
+ INV_SIGMA = np.linalg.inv(SIGMA)[None, None, :, :]
+ # Set expectation position (shifting kernel for aligned image)
+ MU = k_size // 2 - 0.5 * (scale_factor - 1) # - 0.5 * (scale_factor - k_size % 2)
+ MU = MU[None, None, :, None]
+ # Create meshgrid for Gaussian
+ [X, Y] = np.meshgrid(range(k_size[0]), range(k_size[1]))
+ Z = np.stack([X, Y], 2)[:, :, :, None]
+ # Calcualte Gaussian for every pixel of the kernel
+ ZZ = Z - MU
+ ZZ_t = ZZ.transpose(0, 1, 3, 2)
+ raw_kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * np.squeeze(ZZ_t @ INV_SIGMA @ ZZ)) * (1 + noise)
+ # shift the kernel so it will be centered
+ # raw_kernel_centered = kernel_shift(raw_kernel, scale_factor)
+ # Normalize the kernel and return
+ # kernel = raw_kernel_centered / np.sum(raw_kernel_centered)
+ kernel = raw_kernel / np.sum(raw_kernel)
+ return kernel
+def fspecial_gaussian(hsize, sigma):
+ hsize = [hsize, hsize]
+ siz = [(hsize[0] - 1.0) / 2.0, (hsize[1] - 1.0) / 2.0]
+ std = sigma
+ [x, y] = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-siz[1], siz[1] + 1), np.arange(-siz[0], siz[0] + 1))
+ arg = -(x * x + y * y) / (2 * std * std)
+ h = np.exp(arg)
+ h[h < scipy.finfo(float).eps * h.max()] = 0
+ sumh = h.sum()
+ if sumh != 0:
+ h = h / sumh
+ return h
+def fspecial_laplacian(alpha):
+ alpha = max([0, min([alpha, 1])])
+ h1 = alpha / (alpha + 1)
+ h2 = (1 - alpha) / (alpha + 1)
+ h = [[h1, h2, h1], [h2, -4 / (alpha + 1), h2], [h1, h2, h1]]
+ h = np.array(h)
+ return h
+def fspecial(filter_type, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ python code from:
+ https://github.com/ronaldosena/imagens-medicas-2/blob/40171a6c259edec7827a6693a93955de2bd39e76/Aulas/aula_2_-_uniform_filter/matlab_fspecial.py
+ '''
+ if filter_type == 'gaussian':
+ return fspecial_gaussian(*args, **kwargs)
+ if filter_type == 'laplacian':
+ return fspecial_laplacian(*args, **kwargs)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# degradation models
+# --------------------------------------------
+def bicubic_degradation(x, sf=3):
+ '''
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ bicubicly downsampled LR image
+ '''
+ x = util.imresize_np(x, scale=1 / sf)
+ return x
+def srmd_degradation(x, k, sf=3):
+ ''' blur + bicubic downsampling
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]
+ k: hxw, double
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ downsampled LR image
+ Reference:
+ @inproceedings{zhang2018learning,
+ title={Learning a single convolutional super-resolution network for multiple degradations},
+ author={Zhang, Kai and Zuo, Wangmeng and Zhang, Lei},
+ booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
+ pages={3262--3271},
+ year={2018}
+ }
+ '''
+ x = ndimage.convolve(x, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='wrap') # 'nearest' | 'mirror'
+ x = bicubic_degradation(x, sf=sf)
+ return x
+def dpsr_degradation(x, k, sf=3):
+ ''' bicubic downsampling + blur
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]
+ k: hxw, double
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ downsampled LR image
+ Reference:
+ @inproceedings{zhang2019deep,
+ title={Deep Plug-and-Play Super-Resolution for Arbitrary Blur Kernels},
+ author={Zhang, Kai and Zuo, Wangmeng and Zhang, Lei},
+ booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
+ pages={1671--1681},
+ year={2019}
+ }
+ '''
+ x = bicubic_degradation(x, sf=sf)
+ x = ndimage.convolve(x, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='wrap')
+ return x
+def classical_degradation(x, k, sf=3):
+ ''' blur + downsampling
+ Args:
+ x: HxWxC image, [0, 1]/[0, 255]
+ k: hxw, double
+ sf: down-scale factor
+ Return:
+ downsampled LR image
+ '''
+ x = ndimage.convolve(x, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='wrap')
+ # x = filters.correlate(x, np.expand_dims(np.flip(k), axis=2))
+ st = 0
+ return x[st::sf, st::sf, ...]
+def add_sharpening(img, weight=0.5, radius=50, threshold=10):
+ """USM sharpening. borrowed from real-ESRGAN
+ Input image: I; Blurry image: B.
+ 1. K = I + weight * (I - B)
+ 2. Mask = 1 if abs(I - B) > threshold, else: 0
+ 3. Blur mask:
+ 4. Out = Mask * K + (1 - Mask) * I
+ Args:
+ img (Numpy array): Input image, HWC, BGR; float32, [0, 1].
+ weight (float): Sharp weight. Default: 1.
+ radius (float): Kernel size of Gaussian blur. Default: 50.
+ threshold (int):
+ """
+ if radius % 2 == 0:
+ radius += 1
+ blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (radius, radius), 0)
+ residual = img - blur
+ mask = np.abs(residual) * 255 > threshold
+ mask = mask.astype('float32')
+ soft_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask, (radius, radius), 0)
+ K = img + weight * residual
+ K = np.clip(K, 0, 1)
+ return soft_mask * K + (1 - soft_mask) * img
+def add_blur(img, sf=4):
+ wd2 = 4.0 + sf
+ wd = 2.0 + 0.2 * sf
+ wd2 = wd2/4
+ wd = wd/4
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ l1 = wd2 * random.random()
+ l2 = wd2 * random.random()
+ k = anisotropic_Gaussian(ksize=random.randint(2, 11) + 3, theta=random.random() * np.pi, l1=l1, l2=l2)
+ else:
+ k = fspecial('gaussian', random.randint(2, 4) + 3, wd * random.random())
+ img = ndimage.convolve(img, np.expand_dims(k, axis=2), mode='mirror')
+ return img
+def add_resize(img, sf=4):
+ rnum = np.random.rand()
+ if rnum > 0.8: # up
+ sf1 = random.uniform(1, 2)
+ elif rnum < 0.7: # down
+ sf1 = random.uniform(0.5 / sf, 1)
+ else:
+ sf1 = 1.0
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(sf1 * img.shape[1]), int(sf1 * img.shape[0])), interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+# def add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25):
+# noise_level = random.randint(noise_level1, noise_level2)
+# rnum = np.random.rand()
+# if rnum > 0.6: # add color Gaussian noise
+# img += np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, img.shape).astype(np.float32)
+# elif rnum < 0.4: # add grayscale Gaussian noise
+# img += np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, (*img.shape[:2], 1)).astype(np.float32)
+# else: # add noise
+# L = noise_level2 / 255.
+# D = np.diag(np.random.rand(3))
+# U = orth(np.random.rand(3, 3))
+# conv = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(U), D), U)
+# img += np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], np.abs(L ** 2 * conv), img.shape[:2]).astype(np.float32)
+# img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+# return img
+def add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25):
+ noise_level = random.randint(noise_level1, noise_level2)
+ rnum = np.random.rand()
+ if rnum > 0.6: # add color Gaussian noise
+ img = img + np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, img.shape).astype(np.float32)
+ elif rnum < 0.4: # add grayscale Gaussian noise
+ img = img + np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, (*img.shape[:2], 1)).astype(np.float32)
+ else: # add noise
+ L = noise_level2 / 255.
+ D = np.diag(np.random.rand(3))
+ U = orth(np.random.rand(3, 3))
+ conv = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(U), D), U)
+ img = img + np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], np.abs(L ** 2 * conv), img.shape[:2]).astype(np.float32)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+def add_speckle_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=25):
+ noise_level = random.randint(noise_level1, noise_level2)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ rnum = random.random()
+ if rnum > 0.6:
+ img += img * np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, img.shape).astype(np.float32)
+ elif rnum < 0.4:
+ img += img * np.random.normal(0, noise_level / 255.0, (*img.shape[:2], 1)).astype(np.float32)
+ else:
+ L = noise_level2 / 255.
+ D = np.diag(np.random.rand(3))
+ U = orth(np.random.rand(3, 3))
+ conv = np.dot(np.dot(np.transpose(U), D), U)
+ img += img * np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], np.abs(L ** 2 * conv), img.shape[:2]).astype(np.float32)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+def add_Poisson_noise(img):
+ img = np.clip((img * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
+ vals = 10 ** (2 * random.random() + 2.0) # [2, 4]
+ if random.random() < 0.5:
+ img = np.random.poisson(img * vals).astype(np.float32) / vals
+ else:
+ img_gray = np.dot(img[..., :3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.114])
+ img_gray = np.clip((img_gray * 255.0).round(), 0, 255) / 255.
+ noise_gray = np.random.poisson(img_gray * vals).astype(np.float32) / vals - img_gray
+ img += noise_gray[:, :, np.newaxis]
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ return img
+def add_JPEG_noise(img):
+ quality_factor = random.randint(80, 95)
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(util.single2uint(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
+ result, encimg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), quality_factor])
+ img = cv2.imdecode(encimg, 1)
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(util.uint2single(img), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
+ return img
+def random_crop(lq, hq, sf=4, lq_patchsize=64):
+ h, w = lq.shape[:2]
+ rnd_h = random.randint(0, h - lq_patchsize)
+ rnd_w = random.randint(0, w - lq_patchsize)
+ lq = lq[rnd_h:rnd_h + lq_patchsize, rnd_w:rnd_w + lq_patchsize, :]
+ rnd_h_H, rnd_w_H = int(rnd_h * sf), int(rnd_w * sf)
+ hq = hq[rnd_h_H:rnd_h_H + lq_patchsize * sf, rnd_w_H:rnd_w_H + lq_patchsize * sf, :]
+ return lq, hq
+def degradation_bsrgan(img, sf=4, lq_patchsize=72, isp_model=None):
+ """
+ This is the degradation model of BSRGAN from the paper
+ "Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution"
+ ----------
+ img: HXWXC, [0, 1], its size should be large than (lq_patchsizexsf)x(lq_patchsizexsf)
+ sf: scale factor
+ isp_model: camera ISP model
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img: low-quality patch, size: lq_patchsizeXlq_patchsizeXC, range: [0, 1]
+ hq: corresponding high-quality patch, size: (lq_patchsizexsf)X(lq_patchsizexsf)XC, range: [0, 1]
+ """
+ isp_prob, jpeg_prob, scale2_prob = 0.25, 0.9, 0.25
+ sf_ori = sf
+ h1, w1 = img.shape[:2]
+ img = img.copy()[:w1 - w1 % sf, :h1 - h1 % sf, ...] # mod crop
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ if h < lq_patchsize * sf or w < lq_patchsize * sf:
+ raise ValueError(f'img size ({h1}X{w1}) is too small!')
+ hq = img.copy()
+ if sf == 4 and random.random() < scale2_prob: # downsample1
+ if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / 2 * img.shape[1]), int(1 / 2 * img.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ img = util.imresize_np(img, 1 / 2, True)
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ sf = 2
+ shuffle_order = random.sample(range(7), 7)
+ idx1, idx2 = shuffle_order.index(2), shuffle_order.index(3)
+ if idx1 > idx2: # keep downsample3 last
+ shuffle_order[idx1], shuffle_order[idx2] = shuffle_order[idx2], shuffle_order[idx1]
+ for i in shuffle_order:
+ if i == 0:
+ img = add_blur(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 1:
+ img = add_blur(img, sf=sf)
+ elif i == 2:
+ a, b = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
+ # downsample2
+ if random.random() < 0.75:
+ sf1 = random.uniform(1, 2 * sf)
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / sf1 * img.shape[1]), int(1 / sf1 * img.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ k = fspecial('gaussian', 25, random.uniform(0.1, 0.6 * sf))
+ k_shifted = shift_pixel(k, sf)
+ k_shifted = k_shifted / k_shifted.sum() # blur with shifted kernel
+ img = ndimage.convolve(img, np.expand_dims(k_shifted, axis=2), mode='mirror')
+ img = img[0::sf, 0::sf, ...] # nearest downsampling
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 3:
+ # downsample3
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (int(1 / sf * a), int(1 / sf * b)), interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ img = np.clip(img, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 4:
+ # add Gaussian noise
+ img = add_Gaussian_noise(img, noise_level1=2, noise_level2=8)
+ elif i == 5:
+ # add JPEG noise
+ if random.random() < jpeg_prob:
+ img = add_JPEG_noise(img)
+ elif i == 6:
+ # add processed camera sensor noise
+ if random.random() < isp_prob and isp_model is not None:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ img, hq = isp_model.forward(img.copy(), hq)
+ # add final JPEG compression noise
+ img = add_JPEG_noise(img)
+ # random crop
+ img, hq = random_crop(img, hq, sf_ori, lq_patchsize)
+ return img, hq
+# todo no isp_model?
+def degradation_bsrgan_variant(image, sf=4, isp_model=None, up=False):
+ """
+ This is the degradation model of BSRGAN from the paper
+ "Designing a Practical Degradation Model for Deep Blind Image Super-Resolution"
+ ----------
+ sf: scale factor
+ isp_model: camera ISP model
+ Returns
+ -------
+ img: low-quality patch, size: lq_patchsizeXlq_patchsizeXC, range: [0, 1]
+ hq: corresponding high-quality patch, size: (lq_patchsizexsf)X(lq_patchsizexsf)XC, range: [0, 1]
+ """
+ image = util.uint2single(image)
+ isp_prob, jpeg_prob, scale2_prob = 0.25, 0.9, 0.25
+ sf_ori = sf
+ h1, w1 = image.shape[:2]
+ image = image.copy()[:w1 - w1 % sf, :h1 - h1 % sf, ...] # mod crop
+ h, w = image.shape[:2]
+ hq = image.copy()
+ if sf == 4 and random.random() < scale2_prob: # downsample1
+ if np.random.rand() < 0.5:
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (int(1 / 2 * image.shape[1]), int(1 / 2 * image.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ image = util.imresize_np(image, 1 / 2, True)
+ image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)
+ sf = 2
+ shuffle_order = random.sample(range(7), 7)
+ idx1, idx2 = shuffle_order.index(2), shuffle_order.index(3)
+ if idx1 > idx2: # keep downsample3 last
+ shuffle_order[idx1], shuffle_order[idx2] = shuffle_order[idx2], shuffle_order[idx1]
+ for i in shuffle_order:
+ if i == 0:
+ image = add_blur(image, sf=sf)
+ # elif i == 1:
+ # image = add_blur(image, sf=sf)
+ if i == 0:
+ pass
+ elif i == 2:
+ a, b = image.shape[1], image.shape[0]
+ # downsample2
+ if random.random() < 0.8:
+ sf1 = random.uniform(1, 2 * sf)
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (int(1 / sf1 * image.shape[1]), int(1 / sf1 * image.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ else:
+ k = fspecial('gaussian', 25, random.uniform(0.1, 0.6 * sf))
+ k_shifted = shift_pixel(k, sf)
+ k_shifted = k_shifted / k_shifted.sum() # blur with shifted kernel
+ image = ndimage.convolve(image, np.expand_dims(k_shifted, axis=2), mode='mirror')
+ image = image[0::sf, 0::sf, ...] # nearest downsampling
+ image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 3:
+ # downsample3
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (int(1 / sf * a), int(1 / sf * b)), interpolation=random.choice([1, 2, 3]))
+ image = np.clip(image, 0.0, 1.0)
+ elif i == 4:
+ # add Gaussian noise
+ image = add_Gaussian_noise(image, noise_level1=1, noise_level2=2)
+ elif i == 5:
+ # add JPEG noise
+ if random.random() < jpeg_prob:
+ image = add_JPEG_noise(image)
+ #
+ # elif i == 6:
+ # # add processed camera sensor noise
+ # if random.random() < isp_prob and isp_model is not None:
+ # with torch.no_grad():
+ # img, hq = isp_model.forward(img.copy(), hq)
+ # add final JPEG compression noise
+ image = add_JPEG_noise(image)
+ image = util.single2uint(image)
+ if up:
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (w1, h1), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # todo: random, as above? want to condition on it then
+ example = {"image": image}
+ return example
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print("hey")
+ img = util.imread_uint('utils/test.png', 3)
+ img = img[:448, :448]
+ h = img.shape[0] // 4
+ print("resizing to", h)
+ sf = 4
+ deg_fn = partial(degradation_bsrgan_variant, sf=sf)
+ for i in range(20):
+ print(i)
+ img_hq = img
+ img_lq = deg_fn(img)["image"]
+ img_hq, img_lq = util.uint2single(img_hq), util.uint2single(img_lq)
+ print(img_lq)
+ img_lq_bicubic = albumentations.SmallestMaxSize(max_size=h, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)(image=img_hq)["image"]
+ print(img_lq.shape)
+ print("bicubic", img_lq_bicubic.shape)
+ print(img_hq.shape)
+ lq_nearest = cv2.resize(util.single2uint(img_lq), (int(sf * img_lq.shape[1]), int(sf * img_lq.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=0)
+ lq_bicubic_nearest = cv2.resize(util.single2uint(img_lq_bicubic),
+ (int(sf * img_lq.shape[1]), int(sf * img_lq.shape[0])),
+ interpolation=0)
+ img_concat = np.concatenate([lq_bicubic_nearest, lq_nearest, util.single2uint(img_hq)], axis=1)
+ util.imsave(img_concat, str(i) + '.png')
diff --git a/ldm/modules/image_degradation/utils/test.png b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/utils/test.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4249b43de0f22707758d13c240268a401642f6e6
Binary files /dev/null and b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/utils/test.png differ
diff --git a/ldm/modules/image_degradation/utils_image.py b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/utils_image.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0175f155ad900ae33c3c46ed87f49b352e3faf98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/image_degradation/utils_image.py
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+import os
+import math
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import cv2
+from torchvision.utils import make_grid
+from datetime import datetime
+#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # TODO: check with Dominik, also bsrgan.py vs bsrgan_light.py
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Kai Zhang (github: https://github.com/cszn)
+# 03/Mar/2019
+# --------------------------------------------
+# https://github.com/twhui/SRGAN-pyTorch
+# https://github.com/xinntao/BasicSR
+# --------------------------------------------
+IMG_EXTENSIONS = ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.png', '.PNG', '.ppm', '.PPM', '.bmp', '.BMP', '.tif']
+def is_image_file(filename):
+ return any(filename.endswith(extension) for extension in IMG_EXTENSIONS)
+def get_timestamp():
+ return datetime.now().strftime('%y%m%d-%H%M%S')
+def imshow(x, title=None, cbar=False, figsize=None):
+ plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
+ plt.imshow(np.squeeze(x), interpolation='nearest', cmap='gray')
+ if title:
+ plt.title(title)
+ if cbar:
+ plt.colorbar()
+ plt.show()
+def surf(Z, cmap='rainbow', figsize=None):
+ plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
+ ax3 = plt.axes(projection='3d')
+ w, h = Z.shape[:2]
+ xx = np.arange(0,w,1)
+ yy = np.arange(0,h,1)
+ X, Y = np.meshgrid(xx, yy)
+ ax3.plot_surface(X,Y,Z,cmap=cmap)
+ #ax3.contour(X,Y,Z, zdim='z',offset=-2,cmap=cmap)
+ plt.show()
+# --------------------------------------------
+# get image pathes
+# --------------------------------------------
+def get_image_paths(dataroot):
+ paths = None # return None if dataroot is None
+ if dataroot is not None:
+ paths = sorted(_get_paths_from_images(dataroot))
+ return paths
+def _get_paths_from_images(path):
+ assert os.path.isdir(path), '{:s} is not a valid directory'.format(path)
+ images = []
+ for dirpath, _, fnames in sorted(os.walk(path)):
+ for fname in sorted(fnames):
+ if is_image_file(fname):
+ img_path = os.path.join(dirpath, fname)
+ images.append(img_path)
+ assert images, '{:s} has no valid image file'.format(path)
+ return images
+# --------------------------------------------
+# split large images into small images
+# --------------------------------------------
+def patches_from_image(img, p_size=512, p_overlap=64, p_max=800):
+ w, h = img.shape[:2]
+ patches = []
+ if w > p_max and h > p_max:
+ w1 = list(np.arange(0, w-p_size, p_size-p_overlap, dtype=np.int))
+ h1 = list(np.arange(0, h-p_size, p_size-p_overlap, dtype=np.int))
+ w1.append(w-p_size)
+ h1.append(h-p_size)
+# print(w1)
+# print(h1)
+ for i in w1:
+ for j in h1:
+ patches.append(img[i:i+p_size, j:j+p_size,:])
+ else:
+ patches.append(img)
+ return patches
+def imssave(imgs, img_path):
+ """
+ imgs: list, N images of size WxHxC
+ """
+ img_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))
+ for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
+ if img.ndim == 3:
+ img = img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
+ new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(img_path), img_name+str('_s{:04d}'.format(i))+'.png')
+ cv2.imwrite(new_path, img)
+def split_imageset(original_dataroot, taget_dataroot, n_channels=3, p_size=800, p_overlap=96, p_max=1000):
+ """
+ split the large images from original_dataroot into small overlapped images with size (p_size)x(p_size),
+ and save them into taget_dataroot; only the images with larger size than (p_max)x(p_max)
+ will be splitted.
+ Args:
+ original_dataroot:
+ taget_dataroot:
+ p_size: size of small images
+ p_overlap: patch size in training is a good choice
+ p_max: images with smaller size than (p_max)x(p_max) keep unchanged.
+ """
+ paths = get_image_paths(original_dataroot)
+ for img_path in paths:
+ # img_name, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img_path))
+ img = imread_uint(img_path, n_channels=n_channels)
+ patches = patches_from_image(img, p_size, p_overlap, p_max)
+ imssave(patches, os.path.join(taget_dataroot,os.path.basename(img_path)))
+ #if original_dataroot == taget_dataroot:
+ #del img_path
+# --------------------------------------------
+# makedir
+# --------------------------------------------
+def mkdir(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+def mkdirs(paths):
+ if isinstance(paths, str):
+ mkdir(paths)
+ else:
+ for path in paths:
+ mkdir(path)
+def mkdir_and_rename(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ new_name = path + '_archived_' + get_timestamp()
+ print('Path already exists. Rename it to [{:s}]'.format(new_name))
+ os.rename(path, new_name)
+ os.makedirs(path)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# read image from path
+# opencv is fast, but read BGR numpy image
+# --------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------
+# get uint8 image of size HxWxn_channles (RGB)
+# --------------------------------------------
+def imread_uint(path, n_channels=3):
+ # input: path
+ # output: HxWx3(RGB or GGG), or HxWx1 (G)
+ if n_channels == 1:
+ img = cv2.imread(path, 0) # cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE
+ img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2) # HxWx1
+ elif n_channels == 3:
+ img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # BGR or G
+ if img.ndim == 2:
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # GGG
+ else:
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # RGB
+ return img
+# --------------------------------------------
+# matlab's imwrite
+# --------------------------------------------
+def imsave(img, img_path):
+ img = np.squeeze(img)
+ if img.ndim == 3:
+ img = img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
+ cv2.imwrite(img_path, img)
+def imwrite(img, img_path):
+ img = np.squeeze(img)
+ if img.ndim == 3:
+ img = img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]]
+ cv2.imwrite(img_path, img)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# get single image of size HxWxn_channles (BGR)
+# --------------------------------------------
+def read_img(path):
+ # read image by cv2
+ # return: Numpy float32, HWC, BGR, [0,1]
+ img = cv2.imread(path, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) # cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE
+ img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255.
+ if img.ndim == 2:
+ img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)
+ # some images have 4 channels
+ if img.shape[2] > 3:
+ img = img[:, :, :3]
+ return img
+# --------------------------------------------
+# image format conversion
+# --------------------------------------------
+# numpy(single) <---> numpy(unit)
+# numpy(single) <---> tensor
+# numpy(unit) <---> tensor
+# --------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------
+# numpy(single) [0, 1] <---> numpy(unit)
+# --------------------------------------------
+def uint2single(img):
+ return np.float32(img/255.)
+def single2uint(img):
+ return np.uint8((img.clip(0, 1)*255.).round())
+def uint162single(img):
+ return np.float32(img/65535.)
+def single2uint16(img):
+ return np.uint16((img.clip(0, 1)*65535.).round())
+# --------------------------------------------
+# numpy(unit) (HxWxC or HxW) <---> tensor
+# --------------------------------------------
+# convert uint to 4-dimensional torch tensor
+def uint2tensor4(img):
+ if img.ndim == 2:
+ img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).permute(2, 0, 1).float().div(255.).unsqueeze(0)
+# convert uint to 3-dimensional torch tensor
+def uint2tensor3(img):
+ if img.ndim == 2:
+ img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).permute(2, 0, 1).float().div(255.)
+# convert 2/3/4-dimensional torch tensor to uint
+def tensor2uint(img):
+ img = img.data.squeeze().float().clamp_(0, 1).cpu().numpy()
+ if img.ndim == 3:
+ img = np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))
+ return np.uint8((img*255.0).round())
+# --------------------------------------------
+# numpy(single) (HxWxC) <---> tensor
+# --------------------------------------------
+# convert single (HxWxC) to 3-dimensional torch tensor
+def single2tensor3(img):
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).permute(2, 0, 1).float()
+# convert single (HxWxC) to 4-dimensional torch tensor
+def single2tensor4(img):
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).permute(2, 0, 1).float().unsqueeze(0)
+# convert torch tensor to single
+def tensor2single(img):
+ img = img.data.squeeze().float().cpu().numpy()
+ if img.ndim == 3:
+ img = np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))
+ return img
+# convert torch tensor to single
+def tensor2single3(img):
+ img = img.data.squeeze().float().cpu().numpy()
+ if img.ndim == 3:
+ img = np.transpose(img, (1, 2, 0))
+ elif img.ndim == 2:
+ img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=2)
+ return img
+def single2tensor5(img):
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).permute(2, 0, 1, 3).float().unsqueeze(0)
+def single32tensor5(img):
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).float().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
+def single42tensor4(img):
+ return torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img)).permute(2, 0, 1, 3).float()
+# from skimage.io import imread, imsave
+def tensor2img(tensor, out_type=np.uint8, min_max=(0, 1)):
+ '''
+ Converts a torch Tensor into an image Numpy array of BGR channel order
+ Input: 4D(B,(3/1),H,W), 3D(C,H,W), or 2D(H,W), any range, RGB channel order
+ Output: 3D(H,W,C) or 2D(H,W), [0,255], np.uint8 (default)
+ '''
+ tensor = tensor.squeeze().float().cpu().clamp_(*min_max) # squeeze first, then clamp
+ tensor = (tensor - min_max[0]) / (min_max[1] - min_max[0]) # to range [0,1]
+ n_dim = tensor.dim()
+ if n_dim == 4:
+ n_img = len(tensor)
+ img_np = make_grid(tensor, nrow=int(math.sqrt(n_img)), normalize=False).numpy()
+ img_np = np.transpose(img_np[[2, 1, 0], :, :], (1, 2, 0)) # HWC, BGR
+ elif n_dim == 3:
+ img_np = tensor.numpy()
+ img_np = np.transpose(img_np[[2, 1, 0], :, :], (1, 2, 0)) # HWC, BGR
+ elif n_dim == 2:
+ img_np = tensor.numpy()
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(
+ 'Only support 4D, 3D and 2D tensor. But received with dimension: {:d}'.format(n_dim))
+ if out_type == np.uint8:
+ img_np = (img_np * 255.0).round()
+ # Important. Unlike matlab, numpy.unit8() WILL NOT round by default.
+ return img_np.astype(out_type)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# Augmentation, flipe and/or rotate
+# --------------------------------------------
+# The following two are enough.
+# (1) augmet_img: numpy image of WxHxC or WxH
+# (2) augment_img_tensor4: tensor image 1xCxWxH
+# --------------------------------------------
+def augment_img(img, mode=0):
+ '''Kai Zhang (github: https://github.com/cszn)
+ '''
+ if mode == 0:
+ return img
+ elif mode == 1:
+ return np.flipud(np.rot90(img))
+ elif mode == 2:
+ return np.flipud(img)
+ elif mode == 3:
+ return np.rot90(img, k=3)
+ elif mode == 4:
+ return np.flipud(np.rot90(img, k=2))
+ elif mode == 5:
+ return np.rot90(img)
+ elif mode == 6:
+ return np.rot90(img, k=2)
+ elif mode == 7:
+ return np.flipud(np.rot90(img, k=3))
+def augment_img_tensor4(img, mode=0):
+ '''Kai Zhang (github: https://github.com/cszn)
+ '''
+ if mode == 0:
+ return img
+ elif mode == 1:
+ return img.rot90(1, [2, 3]).flip([2])
+ elif mode == 2:
+ return img.flip([2])
+ elif mode == 3:
+ return img.rot90(3, [2, 3])
+ elif mode == 4:
+ return img.rot90(2, [2, 3]).flip([2])
+ elif mode == 5:
+ return img.rot90(1, [2, 3])
+ elif mode == 6:
+ return img.rot90(2, [2, 3])
+ elif mode == 7:
+ return img.rot90(3, [2, 3]).flip([2])
+def augment_img_tensor(img, mode=0):
+ '''Kai Zhang (github: https://github.com/cszn)
+ '''
+ img_size = img.size()
+ img_np = img.data.cpu().numpy()
+ if len(img_size) == 3:
+ img_np = np.transpose(img_np, (1, 2, 0))
+ elif len(img_size) == 4:
+ img_np = np.transpose(img_np, (2, 3, 1, 0))
+ img_np = augment_img(img_np, mode=mode)
+ img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.ascontiguousarray(img_np))
+ if len(img_size) == 3:
+ img_tensor = img_tensor.permute(2, 0, 1)
+ elif len(img_size) == 4:
+ img_tensor = img_tensor.permute(3, 2, 0, 1)
+ return img_tensor.type_as(img)
+def augment_img_np3(img, mode=0):
+ if mode == 0:
+ return img
+ elif mode == 1:
+ return img.transpose(1, 0, 2)
+ elif mode == 2:
+ return img[::-1, :, :]
+ elif mode == 3:
+ img = img[::-1, :, :]
+ img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2)
+ return img
+ elif mode == 4:
+ return img[:, ::-1, :]
+ elif mode == 5:
+ img = img[:, ::-1, :]
+ img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2)
+ return img
+ elif mode == 6:
+ img = img[:, ::-1, :]
+ img = img[::-1, :, :]
+ return img
+ elif mode == 7:
+ img = img[:, ::-1, :]
+ img = img[::-1, :, :]
+ img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2)
+ return img
+def augment_imgs(img_list, hflip=True, rot=True):
+ # horizontal flip OR rotate
+ hflip = hflip and random.random() < 0.5
+ vflip = rot and random.random() < 0.5
+ rot90 = rot and random.random() < 0.5
+ def _augment(img):
+ if hflip:
+ img = img[:, ::-1, :]
+ if vflip:
+ img = img[::-1, :, :]
+ if rot90:
+ img = img.transpose(1, 0, 2)
+ return img
+ return [_augment(img) for img in img_list]
+# --------------------------------------------
+# modcrop and shave
+# --------------------------------------------
+def modcrop(img_in, scale):
+ # img_in: Numpy, HWC or HW
+ img = np.copy(img_in)
+ if img.ndim == 2:
+ H, W = img.shape
+ H_r, W_r = H % scale, W % scale
+ img = img[:H - H_r, :W - W_r]
+ elif img.ndim == 3:
+ H, W, C = img.shape
+ H_r, W_r = H % scale, W % scale
+ img = img[:H - H_r, :W - W_r, :]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Wrong img ndim: [{:d}].'.format(img.ndim))
+ return img
+def shave(img_in, border=0):
+ # img_in: Numpy, HWC or HW
+ img = np.copy(img_in)
+ h, w = img.shape[:2]
+ img = img[border:h-border, border:w-border]
+ return img
+# --------------------------------------------
+# image processing process on numpy image
+# channel_convert(in_c, tar_type, img_list):
+# rgb2ycbcr(img, only_y=True):
+# bgr2ycbcr(img, only_y=True):
+# ycbcr2rgb(img):
+# --------------------------------------------
+def rgb2ycbcr(img, only_y=True):
+ '''same as matlab rgb2ycbcr
+ only_y: only return Y channel
+ Input:
+ uint8, [0, 255]
+ float, [0, 1]
+ '''
+ in_img_type = img.dtype
+ img.astype(np.float32)
+ if in_img_type != np.uint8:
+ img *= 255.
+ # convert
+ if only_y:
+ rlt = np.dot(img, [65.481, 128.553, 24.966]) / 255.0 + 16.0
+ else:
+ rlt = np.matmul(img, [[65.481, -37.797, 112.0], [128.553, -74.203, -93.786],
+ [24.966, 112.0, -18.214]]) / 255.0 + [16, 128, 128]
+ if in_img_type == np.uint8:
+ rlt = rlt.round()
+ else:
+ rlt /= 255.
+ return rlt.astype(in_img_type)
+def ycbcr2rgb(img):
+ '''same as matlab ycbcr2rgb
+ Input:
+ uint8, [0, 255]
+ float, [0, 1]
+ '''
+ in_img_type = img.dtype
+ img.astype(np.float32)
+ if in_img_type != np.uint8:
+ img *= 255.
+ # convert
+ rlt = np.matmul(img, [[0.00456621, 0.00456621, 0.00456621], [0, -0.00153632, 0.00791071],
+ [0.00625893, -0.00318811, 0]]) * 255.0 + [-222.921, 135.576, -276.836]
+ if in_img_type == np.uint8:
+ rlt = rlt.round()
+ else:
+ rlt /= 255.
+ return rlt.astype(in_img_type)
+def bgr2ycbcr(img, only_y=True):
+ '''bgr version of rgb2ycbcr
+ only_y: only return Y channel
+ Input:
+ uint8, [0, 255]
+ float, [0, 1]
+ '''
+ in_img_type = img.dtype
+ img.astype(np.float32)
+ if in_img_type != np.uint8:
+ img *= 255.
+ # convert
+ if only_y:
+ rlt = np.dot(img, [24.966, 128.553, 65.481]) / 255.0 + 16.0
+ else:
+ rlt = np.matmul(img, [[24.966, 112.0, -18.214], [128.553, -74.203, -93.786],
+ [65.481, -37.797, 112.0]]) / 255.0 + [16, 128, 128]
+ if in_img_type == np.uint8:
+ rlt = rlt.round()
+ else:
+ rlt /= 255.
+ return rlt.astype(in_img_type)
+def channel_convert(in_c, tar_type, img_list):
+ # conversion among BGR, gray and y
+ if in_c == 3 and tar_type == 'gray': # BGR to gray
+ gray_list = [cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) for img in img_list]
+ return [np.expand_dims(img, axis=2) for img in gray_list]
+ elif in_c == 3 and tar_type == 'y': # BGR to y
+ y_list = [bgr2ycbcr(img, only_y=True) for img in img_list]
+ return [np.expand_dims(img, axis=2) for img in y_list]
+ elif in_c == 1 and tar_type == 'RGB': # gray/y to BGR
+ return [cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for img in img_list]
+ else:
+ return img_list
+# --------------------------------------------
+# metric, PSNR and SSIM
+# --------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------
+def calculate_psnr(img1, img2, border=0):
+ # img1 and img2 have range [0, 255]
+ #img1 = img1.squeeze()
+ #img2 = img2.squeeze()
+ if not img1.shape == img2.shape:
+ raise ValueError('Input images must have the same dimensions.')
+ h, w = img1.shape[:2]
+ img1 = img1[border:h-border, border:w-border]
+ img2 = img2[border:h-border, border:w-border]
+ img1 = img1.astype(np.float64)
+ img2 = img2.astype(np.float64)
+ mse = np.mean((img1 - img2)**2)
+ if mse == 0:
+ return float('inf')
+ return 20 * math.log10(255.0 / math.sqrt(mse))
+# --------------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------------
+def calculate_ssim(img1, img2, border=0):
+ '''calculate SSIM
+ the same outputs as MATLAB's
+ img1, img2: [0, 255]
+ '''
+ #img1 = img1.squeeze()
+ #img2 = img2.squeeze()
+ if not img1.shape == img2.shape:
+ raise ValueError('Input images must have the same dimensions.')
+ h, w = img1.shape[:2]
+ img1 = img1[border:h-border, border:w-border]
+ img2 = img2[border:h-border, border:w-border]
+ if img1.ndim == 2:
+ return ssim(img1, img2)
+ elif img1.ndim == 3:
+ if img1.shape[2] == 3:
+ ssims = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ ssims.append(ssim(img1[:,:,i], img2[:,:,i]))
+ return np.array(ssims).mean()
+ elif img1.shape[2] == 1:
+ return ssim(np.squeeze(img1), np.squeeze(img2))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Wrong input image dimensions.')
+def ssim(img1, img2):
+ C1 = (0.01 * 255)**2
+ C2 = (0.03 * 255)**2
+ img1 = img1.astype(np.float64)
+ img2 = img2.astype(np.float64)
+ kernel = cv2.getGaussianKernel(11, 1.5)
+ window = np.outer(kernel, kernel.transpose())
+ mu1 = cv2.filter2D(img1, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] # valid
+ mu2 = cv2.filter2D(img2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5]
+ mu1_sq = mu1**2
+ mu2_sq = mu2**2
+ mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2
+ sigma1_sq = cv2.filter2D(img1**2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] - mu1_sq
+ sigma2_sq = cv2.filter2D(img2**2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] - mu2_sq
+ sigma12 = cv2.filter2D(img1 * img2, -1, window)[5:-5, 5:-5] - mu1_mu2
+ ssim_map = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + C1) * (2 * sigma12 + C2)) / ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1) *
+ (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2))
+ return ssim_map.mean()
+# --------------------------------------------
+# matlab's bicubic imresize (numpy and torch) [0, 1]
+# --------------------------------------------
+# matlab 'imresize' function, now only support 'bicubic'
+def cubic(x):
+ absx = torch.abs(x)
+ absx2 = absx**2
+ absx3 = absx**3
+ return (1.5*absx3 - 2.5*absx2 + 1) * ((absx <= 1).type_as(absx)) + \
+ (-0.5*absx3 + 2.5*absx2 - 4*absx + 2) * (((absx > 1)*(absx <= 2)).type_as(absx))
+def calculate_weights_indices(in_length, out_length, scale, kernel, kernel_width, antialiasing):
+ if (scale < 1) and (antialiasing):
+ # Use a modified kernel to simultaneously interpolate and antialias- larger kernel width
+ kernel_width = kernel_width / scale
+ # Output-space coordinates
+ x = torch.linspace(1, out_length, out_length)
+ # Input-space coordinates. Calculate the inverse mapping such that 0.5
+ # in output space maps to 0.5 in input space, and 0.5+scale in output
+ # space maps to 1.5 in input space.
+ u = x / scale + 0.5 * (1 - 1 / scale)
+ # What is the left-most pixel that can be involved in the computation?
+ left = torch.floor(u - kernel_width / 2)
+ # What is the maximum number of pixels that can be involved in the
+ # computation? Note: it's OK to use an extra pixel here; if the
+ # corresponding weights are all zero, it will be eliminated at the end
+ # of this function.
+ P = math.ceil(kernel_width) + 2
+ # The indices of the input pixels involved in computing the k-th output
+ # pixel are in row k of the indices matrix.
+ indices = left.view(out_length, 1).expand(out_length, P) + torch.linspace(0, P - 1, P).view(
+ 1, P).expand(out_length, P)
+ # The weights used to compute the k-th output pixel are in row k of the
+ # weights matrix.
+ distance_to_center = u.view(out_length, 1).expand(out_length, P) - indices
+ # apply cubic kernel
+ if (scale < 1) and (antialiasing):
+ weights = scale * cubic(distance_to_center * scale)
+ else:
+ weights = cubic(distance_to_center)
+ # Normalize the weights matrix so that each row sums to 1.
+ weights_sum = torch.sum(weights, 1).view(out_length, 1)
+ weights = weights / weights_sum.expand(out_length, P)
+ # If a column in weights is all zero, get rid of it. only consider the first and last column.
+ weights_zero_tmp = torch.sum((weights == 0), 0)
+ if not math.isclose(weights_zero_tmp[0], 0, rel_tol=1e-6):
+ indices = indices.narrow(1, 1, P - 2)
+ weights = weights.narrow(1, 1, P - 2)
+ if not math.isclose(weights_zero_tmp[-1], 0, rel_tol=1e-6):
+ indices = indices.narrow(1, 0, P - 2)
+ weights = weights.narrow(1, 0, P - 2)
+ weights = weights.contiguous()
+ indices = indices.contiguous()
+ sym_len_s = -indices.min() + 1
+ sym_len_e = indices.max() - in_length
+ indices = indices + sym_len_s - 1
+ return weights, indices, int(sym_len_s), int(sym_len_e)
+# --------------------------------------------
+# imresize for tensor image [0, 1]
+# --------------------------------------------
+def imresize(img, scale, antialiasing=True):
+ # Now the scale should be the same for H and W
+ # input: img: pytorch tensor, CHW or HW [0,1]
+ # output: CHW or HW [0,1] w/o round
+ need_squeeze = True if img.dim() == 2 else False
+ if need_squeeze:
+ img.unsqueeze_(0)
+ in_C, in_H, in_W = img.size()
+ out_C, out_H, out_W = in_C, math.ceil(in_H * scale), math.ceil(in_W * scale)
+ kernel_width = 4
+ kernel = 'cubic'
+ # Return the desired dimension order for performing the resize. The
+ # strategy is to perform the resize first along the dimension with the
+ # smallest scale factor.
+ # Now we do not support this.
+ # get weights and indices
+ weights_H, indices_H, sym_len_Hs, sym_len_He = calculate_weights_indices(
+ in_H, out_H, scale, kernel, kernel_width, antialiasing)
+ weights_W, indices_W, sym_len_Ws, sym_len_We = calculate_weights_indices(
+ in_W, out_W, scale, kernel, kernel_width, antialiasing)
+ # process H dimension
+ # symmetric copying
+ img_aug = torch.FloatTensor(in_C, in_H + sym_len_Hs + sym_len_He, in_W)
+ img_aug.narrow(1, sym_len_Hs, in_H).copy_(img)
+ sym_patch = img[:, :sym_len_Hs, :]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(1, inv_idx)
+ img_aug.narrow(1, 0, sym_len_Hs).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ sym_patch = img[:, -sym_len_He:, :]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(1, inv_idx)
+ img_aug.narrow(1, sym_len_Hs + in_H, sym_len_He).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ out_1 = torch.FloatTensor(in_C, out_H, in_W)
+ kernel_width = weights_H.size(1)
+ for i in range(out_H):
+ idx = int(indices_H[i][0])
+ for j in range(out_C):
+ out_1[j, i, :] = img_aug[j, idx:idx + kernel_width, :].transpose(0, 1).mv(weights_H[i])
+ # process W dimension
+ # symmetric copying
+ out_1_aug = torch.FloatTensor(in_C, out_H, in_W + sym_len_Ws + sym_len_We)
+ out_1_aug.narrow(2, sym_len_Ws, in_W).copy_(out_1)
+ sym_patch = out_1[:, :, :sym_len_Ws]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(2) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(2, inv_idx)
+ out_1_aug.narrow(2, 0, sym_len_Ws).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ sym_patch = out_1[:, :, -sym_len_We:]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(2) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(2, inv_idx)
+ out_1_aug.narrow(2, sym_len_Ws + in_W, sym_len_We).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ out_2 = torch.FloatTensor(in_C, out_H, out_W)
+ kernel_width = weights_W.size(1)
+ for i in range(out_W):
+ idx = int(indices_W[i][0])
+ for j in range(out_C):
+ out_2[j, :, i] = out_1_aug[j, :, idx:idx + kernel_width].mv(weights_W[i])
+ if need_squeeze:
+ out_2.squeeze_()
+ return out_2
+# --------------------------------------------
+# imresize for numpy image [0, 1]
+# --------------------------------------------
+def imresize_np(img, scale, antialiasing=True):
+ # Now the scale should be the same for H and W
+ # input: img: Numpy, HWC or HW [0,1]
+ # output: HWC or HW [0,1] w/o round
+ img = torch.from_numpy(img)
+ need_squeeze = True if img.dim() == 2 else False
+ if need_squeeze:
+ img.unsqueeze_(2)
+ in_H, in_W, in_C = img.size()
+ out_C, out_H, out_W = in_C, math.ceil(in_H * scale), math.ceil(in_W * scale)
+ kernel_width = 4
+ kernel = 'cubic'
+ # Return the desired dimension order for performing the resize. The
+ # strategy is to perform the resize first along the dimension with the
+ # smallest scale factor.
+ # Now we do not support this.
+ # get weights and indices
+ weights_H, indices_H, sym_len_Hs, sym_len_He = calculate_weights_indices(
+ in_H, out_H, scale, kernel, kernel_width, antialiasing)
+ weights_W, indices_W, sym_len_Ws, sym_len_We = calculate_weights_indices(
+ in_W, out_W, scale, kernel, kernel_width, antialiasing)
+ # process H dimension
+ # symmetric copying
+ img_aug = torch.FloatTensor(in_H + sym_len_Hs + sym_len_He, in_W, in_C)
+ img_aug.narrow(0, sym_len_Hs, in_H).copy_(img)
+ sym_patch = img[:sym_len_Hs, :, :]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(0) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(0, inv_idx)
+ img_aug.narrow(0, 0, sym_len_Hs).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ sym_patch = img[-sym_len_He:, :, :]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(0) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(0, inv_idx)
+ img_aug.narrow(0, sym_len_Hs + in_H, sym_len_He).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ out_1 = torch.FloatTensor(out_H, in_W, in_C)
+ kernel_width = weights_H.size(1)
+ for i in range(out_H):
+ idx = int(indices_H[i][0])
+ for j in range(out_C):
+ out_1[i, :, j] = img_aug[idx:idx + kernel_width, :, j].transpose(0, 1).mv(weights_H[i])
+ # process W dimension
+ # symmetric copying
+ out_1_aug = torch.FloatTensor(out_H, in_W + sym_len_Ws + sym_len_We, in_C)
+ out_1_aug.narrow(1, sym_len_Ws, in_W).copy_(out_1)
+ sym_patch = out_1[:, :sym_len_Ws, :]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(1, inv_idx)
+ out_1_aug.narrow(1, 0, sym_len_Ws).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ sym_patch = out_1[:, -sym_len_We:, :]
+ inv_idx = torch.arange(sym_patch.size(1) - 1, -1, -1).long()
+ sym_patch_inv = sym_patch.index_select(1, inv_idx)
+ out_1_aug.narrow(1, sym_len_Ws + in_W, sym_len_We).copy_(sym_patch_inv)
+ out_2 = torch.FloatTensor(out_H, out_W, in_C)
+ kernel_width = weights_W.size(1)
+ for i in range(out_W):
+ idx = int(indices_W[i][0])
+ for j in range(out_C):
+ out_2[:, i, j] = out_1_aug[:, idx:idx + kernel_width, j].mv(weights_W[i])
+ if need_squeeze:
+ out_2.squeeze_()
+ return out_2.numpy()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print('---')
+# img = imread_uint('test.bmp', 3)
+# img = uint2single(img)
+# img_bicubic = imresize_np(img, 1/4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/__init__.py b/ldm/modules/midas/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/api.py b/ldm/modules/midas/api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b58ebbffd942a2fc22264f0ab47e400c26b9f41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# based on https://github.com/isl-org/MiDaS
+import cv2
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from torchvision.transforms import Compose
+from ldm.modules.midas.midas.dpt_depth import DPTDepthModel
+from ldm.modules.midas.midas.midas_net import MidasNet
+from ldm.modules.midas.midas.midas_net_custom import MidasNet_small
+from ldm.modules.midas.midas.transforms import Resize, NormalizeImage, PrepareForNet
+ "dpt_large": "midas_models/dpt_large-midas-2f21e586.pt",
+ "dpt_hybrid": "midas_models/dpt_hybrid-midas-501f0c75.pt",
+ "midas_v21": "",
+ "midas_v21_small": "",
+def disabled_train(self, mode=True):
+ """Overwrite model.train with this function to make sure train/eval mode
+ does not change anymore."""
+ return self
+def load_midas_transform(model_type):
+ # https://github.com/isl-org/MiDaS/blob/master/run.py
+ # load transform only
+ if model_type == "dpt_large": # DPT-Large
+ net_w, net_h = 384, 384
+ resize_mode = "minimal"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
+ elif model_type == "dpt_hybrid": # DPT-Hybrid
+ net_w, net_h = 384, 384
+ resize_mode = "minimal"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
+ elif model_type == "midas_v21":
+ net_w, net_h = 384, 384
+ resize_mode = "upper_bound"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
+ elif model_type == "midas_v21_small":
+ net_w, net_h = 256, 256
+ resize_mode = "upper_bound"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
+ else:
+ assert False, f"model_type '{model_type}' not implemented, use: --model_type large"
+ transform = Compose(
+ [
+ Resize(
+ net_w,
+ net_h,
+ resize_target=None,
+ keep_aspect_ratio=True,
+ ensure_multiple_of=32,
+ resize_method=resize_mode,
+ image_interpolation_method=cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
+ ),
+ normalization,
+ PrepareForNet(),
+ ]
+ )
+ return transform
+def load_model(model_type):
+ # https://github.com/isl-org/MiDaS/blob/master/run.py
+ # load network
+ model_path = ISL_PATHS[model_type]
+ if model_type == "dpt_large": # DPT-Large
+ model = DPTDepthModel(
+ path=model_path,
+ backbone="vitl16_384",
+ non_negative=True,
+ )
+ net_w, net_h = 384, 384
+ resize_mode = "minimal"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
+ elif model_type == "dpt_hybrid": # DPT-Hybrid
+ model = DPTDepthModel(
+ path=model_path,
+ backbone="vitb_rn50_384",
+ non_negative=True,
+ )
+ net_w, net_h = 384, 384
+ resize_mode = "minimal"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
+ elif model_type == "midas_v21":
+ model = MidasNet(model_path, non_negative=True)
+ net_w, net_h = 384, 384
+ resize_mode = "upper_bound"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(
+ mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
+ )
+ elif model_type == "midas_v21_small":
+ model = MidasNet_small(model_path, features=64, backbone="efficientnet_lite3", exportable=True,
+ non_negative=True, blocks={'expand': True})
+ net_w, net_h = 256, 256
+ resize_mode = "upper_bound"
+ normalization = NormalizeImage(
+ mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
+ )
+ else:
+ print(f"model_type '{model_type}' not implemented, use: --model_type large")
+ assert False
+ transform = Compose(
+ [
+ Resize(
+ net_w,
+ net_h,
+ resize_target=None,
+ keep_aspect_ratio=True,
+ ensure_multiple_of=32,
+ resize_method=resize_mode,
+ image_interpolation_method=cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
+ ),
+ normalization,
+ PrepareForNet(),
+ ]
+ )
+ return model.eval(), transform
+class MiDaSInference(nn.Module):
+ "DPT_Large",
+ "DPT_Hybrid",
+ "MiDaS_small"
+ ]
+ "dpt_large",
+ "dpt_hybrid",
+ "midas_v21",
+ "midas_v21_small",
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, model_type):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert (model_type in self.MODEL_TYPES_ISL)
+ model, _ = load_model(model_type)
+ self.model = model
+ self.model.train = disabled_train
+ def forward(self, x):
+ # x in 0..1 as produced by calling self.transform on a 0..1 float64 numpy array
+ # NOTE: we expect that the correct transform has been called during dataloading.
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ prediction = self.model(x)
+ prediction = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
+ prediction.unsqueeze(1),
+ size=x.shape[2:],
+ mode="bicubic",
+ align_corners=False,
+ )
+ assert prediction.shape == (x.shape[0], 1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3])
+ return prediction
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/__init__.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/base_model.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/base_model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cf430239b47ec5ec07531263f26f5c24a2311cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/base_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import torch
+class BaseModel(torch.nn.Module):
+ def load(self, path):
+ """Load model from file.
+ Args:
+ path (str): file path
+ """
+ parameters = torch.load(path, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
+ if "optimizer" in parameters:
+ parameters = parameters["model"]
+ self.load_state_dict(parameters)
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/blocks.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/blocks.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2145d18fa98060a618536d9a64fe6589e9be4f78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/blocks.py
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from .vit import (
+ _make_pretrained_vitb_rn50_384,
+ _make_pretrained_vitl16_384,
+ _make_pretrained_vitb16_384,
+ forward_vit,
+def _make_encoder(backbone, features, use_pretrained, groups=1, expand=False, exportable=True, hooks=None, use_vit_only=False, use_readout="ignore",):
+ if backbone == "vitl16_384":
+ pretrained = _make_pretrained_vitl16_384(
+ use_pretrained, hooks=hooks, use_readout=use_readout
+ )
+ scratch = _make_scratch(
+ [256, 512, 1024, 1024], features, groups=groups, expand=expand
+ ) # ViT-L/16 - 85.0% Top1 (backbone)
+ elif backbone == "vitb_rn50_384":
+ pretrained = _make_pretrained_vitb_rn50_384(
+ use_pretrained,
+ hooks=hooks,
+ use_vit_only=use_vit_only,
+ use_readout=use_readout,
+ )
+ scratch = _make_scratch(
+ [256, 512, 768, 768], features, groups=groups, expand=expand
+ ) # ViT-H/16 - 85.0% Top1 (backbone)
+ elif backbone == "vitb16_384":
+ pretrained = _make_pretrained_vitb16_384(
+ use_pretrained, hooks=hooks, use_readout=use_readout
+ )
+ scratch = _make_scratch(
+ [96, 192, 384, 768], features, groups=groups, expand=expand
+ ) # ViT-B/16 - 84.6% Top1 (backbone)
+ elif backbone == "resnext101_wsl":
+ pretrained = _make_pretrained_resnext101_wsl(use_pretrained)
+ scratch = _make_scratch([256, 512, 1024, 2048], features, groups=groups, expand=expand) # efficientnet_lite3
+ elif backbone == "efficientnet_lite3":
+ pretrained = _make_pretrained_efficientnet_lite3(use_pretrained, exportable=exportable)
+ scratch = _make_scratch([32, 48, 136, 384], features, groups=groups, expand=expand) # efficientnet_lite3
+ else:
+ print(f"Backbone '{backbone}' not implemented")
+ assert False
+ return pretrained, scratch
+def _make_scratch(in_shape, out_shape, groups=1, expand=False):
+ scratch = nn.Module()
+ out_shape1 = out_shape
+ out_shape2 = out_shape
+ out_shape3 = out_shape
+ out_shape4 = out_shape
+ if expand==True:
+ out_shape1 = out_shape
+ out_shape2 = out_shape*2
+ out_shape3 = out_shape*4
+ out_shape4 = out_shape*8
+ scratch.layer1_rn = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_shape[0], out_shape1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, groups=groups
+ )
+ scratch.layer2_rn = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_shape[1], out_shape2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, groups=groups
+ )
+ scratch.layer3_rn = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_shape[2], out_shape3, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, groups=groups
+ )
+ scratch.layer4_rn = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_shape[3], out_shape4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False, groups=groups
+ )
+ return scratch
+def _make_pretrained_efficientnet_lite3(use_pretrained, exportable=False):
+ efficientnet = torch.hub.load(
+ "rwightman/gen-efficientnet-pytorch",
+ "tf_efficientnet_lite3",
+ pretrained=use_pretrained,
+ exportable=exportable
+ )
+ return _make_efficientnet_backbone(efficientnet)
+def _make_efficientnet_backbone(effnet):
+ pretrained = nn.Module()
+ pretrained.layer1 = nn.Sequential(
+ effnet.conv_stem, effnet.bn1, effnet.act1, *effnet.blocks[0:2]
+ )
+ pretrained.layer2 = nn.Sequential(*effnet.blocks[2:3])
+ pretrained.layer3 = nn.Sequential(*effnet.blocks[3:5])
+ pretrained.layer4 = nn.Sequential(*effnet.blocks[5:9])
+ return pretrained
+def _make_resnet_backbone(resnet):
+ pretrained = nn.Module()
+ pretrained.layer1 = nn.Sequential(
+ resnet.conv1, resnet.bn1, resnet.relu, resnet.maxpool, resnet.layer1
+ )
+ pretrained.layer2 = resnet.layer2
+ pretrained.layer3 = resnet.layer3
+ pretrained.layer4 = resnet.layer4
+ return pretrained
+def _make_pretrained_resnext101_wsl(use_pretrained):
+ resnet = torch.hub.load("facebookresearch/WSL-Images", "resnext101_32x8d_wsl")
+ return _make_resnet_backbone(resnet)
+class Interpolate(nn.Module):
+ """Interpolation module.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, scale_factor, mode, align_corners=False):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ scale_factor (float): scaling
+ mode (str): interpolation mode
+ """
+ super(Interpolate, self).__init__()
+ self.interp = nn.functional.interpolate
+ self.scale_factor = scale_factor
+ self.mode = mode
+ self.align_corners = align_corners
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x (tensor): input
+ Returns:
+ tensor: interpolated data
+ """
+ x = self.interp(
+ x, scale_factor=self.scale_factor, mode=self.mode, align_corners=self.align_corners
+ )
+ return x
+class ResidualConvUnit(nn.Module):
+ """Residual convolution module.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, features):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ features (int): number of features
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
+ features, features, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=True
+ )
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(
+ features, features, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=True
+ )
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x (tensor): input
+ Returns:
+ tensor: output
+ """
+ out = self.relu(x)
+ out = self.conv1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ return out + x
+class FeatureFusionBlock(nn.Module):
+ """Feature fusion block.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, features):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ features (int): number of features
+ """
+ super(FeatureFusionBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.resConfUnit1 = ResidualConvUnit(features)
+ self.resConfUnit2 = ResidualConvUnit(features)
+ def forward(self, *xs):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Returns:
+ tensor: output
+ """
+ output = xs[0]
+ if len(xs) == 2:
+ output += self.resConfUnit1(xs[1])
+ output = self.resConfUnit2(output)
+ output = nn.functional.interpolate(
+ output, scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True
+ )
+ return output
+class ResidualConvUnit_custom(nn.Module):
+ """Residual convolution module.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, features, activation, bn):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ features (int): number of features
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.bn = bn
+ self.groups=1
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
+ features, features, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=True, groups=self.groups
+ )
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(
+ features, features, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=True, groups=self.groups
+ )
+ if self.bn==True:
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(features)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(features)
+ self.activation = activation
+ self.skip_add = nn.quantized.FloatFunctional()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x (tensor): input
+ Returns:
+ tensor: output
+ """
+ out = self.activation(x)
+ out = self.conv1(out)
+ if self.bn==True:
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.activation(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ if self.bn==True:
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ if self.groups > 1:
+ out = self.conv_merge(out)
+ return self.skip_add.add(out, x)
+ # return out + x
+class FeatureFusionBlock_custom(nn.Module):
+ """Feature fusion block.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, features, activation, deconv=False, bn=False, expand=False, align_corners=True):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ features (int): number of features
+ """
+ super(FeatureFusionBlock_custom, self).__init__()
+ self.deconv = deconv
+ self.align_corners = align_corners
+ self.groups=1
+ self.expand = expand
+ out_features = features
+ if self.expand==True:
+ out_features = features//2
+ self.out_conv = nn.Conv2d(features, out_features, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, bias=True, groups=1)
+ self.resConfUnit1 = ResidualConvUnit_custom(features, activation, bn)
+ self.resConfUnit2 = ResidualConvUnit_custom(features, activation, bn)
+ self.skip_add = nn.quantized.FloatFunctional()
+ def forward(self, *xs):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Returns:
+ tensor: output
+ """
+ output = xs[0]
+ if len(xs) == 2:
+ res = self.resConfUnit1(xs[1])
+ output = self.skip_add.add(output, res)
+ # output += res
+ output = self.resConfUnit2(output)
+ output = nn.functional.interpolate(
+ output, scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear", align_corners=self.align_corners
+ )
+ output = self.out_conv(output)
+ return output
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/dpt_depth.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/dpt_depth.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4e9aab5d2767dffea39da5b3f30e2798688216f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/dpt_depth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from .base_model import BaseModel
+from .blocks import (
+ FeatureFusionBlock,
+ FeatureFusionBlock_custom,
+ Interpolate,
+ _make_encoder,
+ forward_vit,
+def _make_fusion_block(features, use_bn):
+ return FeatureFusionBlock_custom(
+ features,
+ nn.ReLU(False),
+ deconv=False,
+ bn=use_bn,
+ expand=False,
+ align_corners=True,
+ )
+class DPT(BaseModel):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ head,
+ features=256,
+ backbone="vitb_rn50_384",
+ readout="project",
+ channels_last=False,
+ use_bn=False,
+ ):
+ super(DPT, self).__init__()
+ self.channels_last = channels_last
+ hooks = {
+ "vitb_rn50_384": [0, 1, 8, 11],
+ "vitb16_384": [2, 5, 8, 11],
+ "vitl16_384": [5, 11, 17, 23],
+ }
+ # Instantiate backbone and reassemble blocks
+ self.pretrained, self.scratch = _make_encoder(
+ backbone,
+ features,
+ False, # Set to true of you want to train from scratch, uses ImageNet weights
+ groups=1,
+ expand=False,
+ exportable=False,
+ hooks=hooks[backbone],
+ use_readout=readout,
+ )
+ self.scratch.refinenet1 = _make_fusion_block(features, use_bn)
+ self.scratch.refinenet2 = _make_fusion_block(features, use_bn)
+ self.scratch.refinenet3 = _make_fusion_block(features, use_bn)
+ self.scratch.refinenet4 = _make_fusion_block(features, use_bn)
+ self.scratch.output_conv = head
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.channels_last == True:
+ x.contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last)
+ layer_1, layer_2, layer_3, layer_4 = forward_vit(self.pretrained, x)
+ layer_1_rn = self.scratch.layer1_rn(layer_1)
+ layer_2_rn = self.scratch.layer2_rn(layer_2)
+ layer_3_rn = self.scratch.layer3_rn(layer_3)
+ layer_4_rn = self.scratch.layer4_rn(layer_4)
+ path_4 = self.scratch.refinenet4(layer_4_rn)
+ path_3 = self.scratch.refinenet3(path_4, layer_3_rn)
+ path_2 = self.scratch.refinenet2(path_3, layer_2_rn)
+ path_1 = self.scratch.refinenet1(path_2, layer_1_rn)
+ out = self.scratch.output_conv(path_1)
+ return out
+class DPTDepthModel(DPT):
+ def __init__(self, path=None, non_negative=True, **kwargs):
+ features = kwargs["features"] if "features" in kwargs else 256
+ head = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(features, features // 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
+ Interpolate(scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True),
+ nn.Conv2d(features // 2, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
+ nn.ReLU(True),
+ nn.Conv2d(32, 1, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0),
+ nn.ReLU(True) if non_negative else nn.Identity(),
+ nn.Identity(),
+ )
+ super().__init__(head, **kwargs)
+ if path is not None:
+ self.load(path)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return super().forward(x).squeeze(dim=1)
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/midas_net.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/midas_net.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a954977800b0a0f48807e80fa63041910e33c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/midas_net.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+"""MidashNet: Network for monocular depth estimation trained by mixing several datasets.
+This file contains code that is adapted from
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from .base_model import BaseModel
+from .blocks import FeatureFusionBlock, Interpolate, _make_encoder
+class MidasNet(BaseModel):
+ """Network for monocular depth estimation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path=None, features=256, non_negative=True):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ path (str, optional): Path to saved model. Defaults to None.
+ features (int, optional): Number of features. Defaults to 256.
+ backbone (str, optional): Backbone network for encoder. Defaults to resnet50
+ """
+ print("Loading weights: ", path)
+ super(MidasNet, self).__init__()
+ use_pretrained = False if path is None else True
+ self.pretrained, self.scratch = _make_encoder(backbone="resnext101_wsl", features=features, use_pretrained=use_pretrained)
+ self.scratch.refinenet4 = FeatureFusionBlock(features)
+ self.scratch.refinenet3 = FeatureFusionBlock(features)
+ self.scratch.refinenet2 = FeatureFusionBlock(features)
+ self.scratch.refinenet1 = FeatureFusionBlock(features)
+ self.scratch.output_conv = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(features, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
+ Interpolate(scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear"),
+ nn.Conv2d(128, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
+ nn.ReLU(True),
+ nn.Conv2d(32, 1, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0),
+ nn.ReLU(True) if non_negative else nn.Identity(),
+ )
+ if path:
+ self.load(path)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x (tensor): input data (image)
+ Returns:
+ tensor: depth
+ """
+ layer_1 = self.pretrained.layer1(x)
+ layer_2 = self.pretrained.layer2(layer_1)
+ layer_3 = self.pretrained.layer3(layer_2)
+ layer_4 = self.pretrained.layer4(layer_3)
+ layer_1_rn = self.scratch.layer1_rn(layer_1)
+ layer_2_rn = self.scratch.layer2_rn(layer_2)
+ layer_3_rn = self.scratch.layer3_rn(layer_3)
+ layer_4_rn = self.scratch.layer4_rn(layer_4)
+ path_4 = self.scratch.refinenet4(layer_4_rn)
+ path_3 = self.scratch.refinenet3(path_4, layer_3_rn)
+ path_2 = self.scratch.refinenet2(path_3, layer_2_rn)
+ path_1 = self.scratch.refinenet1(path_2, layer_1_rn)
+ out = self.scratch.output_conv(path_1)
+ return torch.squeeze(out, dim=1)
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/midas_net_custom.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/midas_net_custom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50e4acb5e53d5fabefe3dde16ab49c33c2b7797c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/midas_net_custom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+"""MidashNet: Network for monocular depth estimation trained by mixing several datasets.
+This file contains code that is adapted from
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from .base_model import BaseModel
+from .blocks import FeatureFusionBlock, FeatureFusionBlock_custom, Interpolate, _make_encoder
+class MidasNet_small(BaseModel):
+ """Network for monocular depth estimation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path=None, features=64, backbone="efficientnet_lite3", non_negative=True, exportable=True, channels_last=False, align_corners=True,
+ blocks={'expand': True}):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ path (str, optional): Path to saved model. Defaults to None.
+ features (int, optional): Number of features. Defaults to 256.
+ backbone (str, optional): Backbone network for encoder. Defaults to resnet50
+ """
+ print("Loading weights: ", path)
+ super(MidasNet_small, self).__init__()
+ use_pretrained = False if path else True
+ self.channels_last = channels_last
+ self.blocks = blocks
+ self.backbone = backbone
+ self.groups = 1
+ features1=features
+ features2=features
+ features3=features
+ features4=features
+ self.expand = False
+ if "expand" in self.blocks and self.blocks['expand'] == True:
+ self.expand = True
+ features1=features
+ features2=features*2
+ features3=features*4
+ features4=features*8
+ self.pretrained, self.scratch = _make_encoder(self.backbone, features, use_pretrained, groups=self.groups, expand=self.expand, exportable=exportable)
+ self.scratch.activation = nn.ReLU(False)
+ self.scratch.refinenet4 = FeatureFusionBlock_custom(features4, self.scratch.activation, deconv=False, bn=False, expand=self.expand, align_corners=align_corners)
+ self.scratch.refinenet3 = FeatureFusionBlock_custom(features3, self.scratch.activation, deconv=False, bn=False, expand=self.expand, align_corners=align_corners)
+ self.scratch.refinenet2 = FeatureFusionBlock_custom(features2, self.scratch.activation, deconv=False, bn=False, expand=self.expand, align_corners=align_corners)
+ self.scratch.refinenet1 = FeatureFusionBlock_custom(features1, self.scratch.activation, deconv=False, bn=False, align_corners=align_corners)
+ self.scratch.output_conv = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(features, features//2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, groups=self.groups),
+ Interpolate(scale_factor=2, mode="bilinear"),
+ nn.Conv2d(features//2, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
+ self.scratch.activation,
+ nn.Conv2d(32, 1, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0),
+ nn.ReLU(True) if non_negative else nn.Identity(),
+ nn.Identity(),
+ )
+ if path:
+ self.load(path)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """Forward pass.
+ Args:
+ x (tensor): input data (image)
+ Returns:
+ tensor: depth
+ """
+ if self.channels_last==True:
+ print("self.channels_last = ", self.channels_last)
+ x.contiguous(memory_format=torch.channels_last)
+ layer_1 = self.pretrained.layer1(x)
+ layer_2 = self.pretrained.layer2(layer_1)
+ layer_3 = self.pretrained.layer3(layer_2)
+ layer_4 = self.pretrained.layer4(layer_3)
+ layer_1_rn = self.scratch.layer1_rn(layer_1)
+ layer_2_rn = self.scratch.layer2_rn(layer_2)
+ layer_3_rn = self.scratch.layer3_rn(layer_3)
+ layer_4_rn = self.scratch.layer4_rn(layer_4)
+ path_4 = self.scratch.refinenet4(layer_4_rn)
+ path_3 = self.scratch.refinenet3(path_4, layer_3_rn)
+ path_2 = self.scratch.refinenet2(path_3, layer_2_rn)
+ path_1 = self.scratch.refinenet1(path_2, layer_1_rn)
+ out = self.scratch.output_conv(path_1)
+ return torch.squeeze(out, dim=1)
+def fuse_model(m):
+ prev_previous_type = nn.Identity()
+ prev_previous_name = ''
+ previous_type = nn.Identity()
+ previous_name = ''
+ for name, module in m.named_modules():
+ if prev_previous_type == nn.Conv2d and previous_type == nn.BatchNorm2d and type(module) == nn.ReLU:
+ # print("FUSED ", prev_previous_name, previous_name, name)
+ torch.quantization.fuse_modules(m, [prev_previous_name, previous_name, name], inplace=True)
+ elif prev_previous_type == nn.Conv2d and previous_type == nn.BatchNorm2d:
+ # print("FUSED ", prev_previous_name, previous_name)
+ torch.quantization.fuse_modules(m, [prev_previous_name, previous_name], inplace=True)
+ # elif previous_type == nn.Conv2d and type(module) == nn.ReLU:
+ # print("FUSED ", previous_name, name)
+ # torch.quantization.fuse_modules(m, [previous_name, name], inplace=True)
+ prev_previous_type = previous_type
+ prev_previous_name = previous_name
+ previous_type = type(module)
+ previous_name = name
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/transforms.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/transforms.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..350cbc11662633ad7f8968eb10be2e7de6e384e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/transforms.py
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import math
+def apply_min_size(sample, size, image_interpolation_method=cv2.INTER_AREA):
+ """Rezise the sample to ensure the given size. Keeps aspect ratio.
+ Args:
+ sample (dict): sample
+ size (tuple): image size
+ Returns:
+ tuple: new size
+ """
+ shape = list(sample["disparity"].shape)
+ if shape[0] >= size[0] and shape[1] >= size[1]:
+ return sample
+ scale = [0, 0]
+ scale[0] = size[0] / shape[0]
+ scale[1] = size[1] / shape[1]
+ scale = max(scale)
+ shape[0] = math.ceil(scale * shape[0])
+ shape[1] = math.ceil(scale * shape[1])
+ # resize
+ sample["image"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["image"], tuple(shape[::-1]), interpolation=image_interpolation_method
+ )
+ sample["disparity"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["disparity"], tuple(shape[::-1]), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST
+ )
+ sample["mask"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["mask"].astype(np.float32),
+ tuple(shape[::-1]),
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
+ )
+ sample["mask"] = sample["mask"].astype(bool)
+ return tuple(shape)
+class Resize(object):
+ """Resize sample to given size (width, height).
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ width,
+ height,
+ resize_target=True,
+ keep_aspect_ratio=False,
+ ensure_multiple_of=1,
+ resize_method="lower_bound",
+ image_interpolation_method=cv2.INTER_AREA,
+ ):
+ """Init.
+ Args:
+ width (int): desired output width
+ height (int): desired output height
+ resize_target (bool, optional):
+ True: Resize the full sample (image, mask, target).
+ False: Resize image only.
+ Defaults to True.
+ keep_aspect_ratio (bool, optional):
+ True: Keep the aspect ratio of the input sample.
+ Output sample might not have the given width and height, and
+ resize behaviour depends on the parameter 'resize_method'.
+ Defaults to False.
+ ensure_multiple_of (int, optional):
+ Output width and height is constrained to be multiple of this parameter.
+ Defaults to 1.
+ resize_method (str, optional):
+ "lower_bound": Output will be at least as large as the given size.
+ "upper_bound": Output will be at max as large as the given size. (Output size might be smaller than given size.)
+ "minimal": Scale as least as possible. (Output size might be smaller than given size.)
+ Defaults to "lower_bound".
+ """
+ self.__width = width
+ self.__height = height
+ self.__resize_target = resize_target
+ self.__keep_aspect_ratio = keep_aspect_ratio
+ self.__multiple_of = ensure_multiple_of
+ self.__resize_method = resize_method
+ self.__image_interpolation_method = image_interpolation_method
+ def constrain_to_multiple_of(self, x, min_val=0, max_val=None):
+ y = (np.round(x / self.__multiple_of) * self.__multiple_of).astype(int)
+ if max_val is not None and y > max_val:
+ y = (np.floor(x / self.__multiple_of) * self.__multiple_of).astype(int)
+ if y < min_val:
+ y = (np.ceil(x / self.__multiple_of) * self.__multiple_of).astype(int)
+ return y
+ def get_size(self, width, height):
+ # determine new height and width
+ scale_height = self.__height / height
+ scale_width = self.__width / width
+ if self.__keep_aspect_ratio:
+ if self.__resize_method == "lower_bound":
+ # scale such that output size is lower bound
+ if scale_width > scale_height:
+ # fit width
+ scale_height = scale_width
+ else:
+ # fit height
+ scale_width = scale_height
+ elif self.__resize_method == "upper_bound":
+ # scale such that output size is upper bound
+ if scale_width < scale_height:
+ # fit width
+ scale_height = scale_width
+ else:
+ # fit height
+ scale_width = scale_height
+ elif self.__resize_method == "minimal":
+ # scale as least as possbile
+ if abs(1 - scale_width) < abs(1 - scale_height):
+ # fit width
+ scale_height = scale_width
+ else:
+ # fit height
+ scale_width = scale_height
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"resize_method {self.__resize_method} not implemented"
+ )
+ if self.__resize_method == "lower_bound":
+ new_height = self.constrain_to_multiple_of(
+ scale_height * height, min_val=self.__height
+ )
+ new_width = self.constrain_to_multiple_of(
+ scale_width * width, min_val=self.__width
+ )
+ elif self.__resize_method == "upper_bound":
+ new_height = self.constrain_to_multiple_of(
+ scale_height * height, max_val=self.__height
+ )
+ new_width = self.constrain_to_multiple_of(
+ scale_width * width, max_val=self.__width
+ )
+ elif self.__resize_method == "minimal":
+ new_height = self.constrain_to_multiple_of(scale_height * height)
+ new_width = self.constrain_to_multiple_of(scale_width * width)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"resize_method {self.__resize_method} not implemented")
+ return (new_width, new_height)
+ def __call__(self, sample):
+ width, height = self.get_size(
+ sample["image"].shape[1], sample["image"].shape[0]
+ )
+ # resize sample
+ sample["image"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["image"],
+ (width, height),
+ interpolation=self.__image_interpolation_method,
+ )
+ if self.__resize_target:
+ if "disparity" in sample:
+ sample["disparity"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["disparity"],
+ (width, height),
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
+ )
+ if "depth" in sample:
+ sample["depth"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["depth"], (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST
+ )
+ sample["mask"] = cv2.resize(
+ sample["mask"].astype(np.float32),
+ (width, height),
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
+ )
+ sample["mask"] = sample["mask"].astype(bool)
+ return sample
+class NormalizeImage(object):
+ """Normlize image by given mean and std.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, mean, std):
+ self.__mean = mean
+ self.__std = std
+ def __call__(self, sample):
+ sample["image"] = (sample["image"] - self.__mean) / self.__std
+ return sample
+class PrepareForNet(object):
+ """Prepare sample for usage as network input.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def __call__(self, sample):
+ image = np.transpose(sample["image"], (2, 0, 1))
+ sample["image"] = np.ascontiguousarray(image).astype(np.float32)
+ if "mask" in sample:
+ sample["mask"] = sample["mask"].astype(np.float32)
+ sample["mask"] = np.ascontiguousarray(sample["mask"])
+ if "disparity" in sample:
+ disparity = sample["disparity"].astype(np.float32)
+ sample["disparity"] = np.ascontiguousarray(disparity)
+ if "depth" in sample:
+ depth = sample["depth"].astype(np.float32)
+ sample["depth"] = np.ascontiguousarray(depth)
+ return sample
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/midas/vit.py b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/vit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ea46b1be88b261b0dec04f3da0256f5f66f88a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/midas/vit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import timm
+import types
+import math
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+class Slice(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, start_index=1):
+ super(Slice, self).__init__()
+ self.start_index = start_index
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return x[:, self.start_index :]
+class AddReadout(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, start_index=1):
+ super(AddReadout, self).__init__()
+ self.start_index = start_index
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.start_index == 2:
+ readout = (x[:, 0] + x[:, 1]) / 2
+ else:
+ readout = x[:, 0]
+ return x[:, self.start_index :] + readout.unsqueeze(1)
+class ProjectReadout(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_features, start_index=1):
+ super(ProjectReadout, self).__init__()
+ self.start_index = start_index
+ self.project = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(2 * in_features, in_features), nn.GELU())
+ def forward(self, x):
+ readout = x[:, 0].unsqueeze(1).expand_as(x[:, self.start_index :])
+ features = torch.cat((x[:, self.start_index :], readout), -1)
+ return self.project(features)
+class Transpose(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, dim0, dim1):
+ super(Transpose, self).__init__()
+ self.dim0 = dim0
+ self.dim1 = dim1
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = x.transpose(self.dim0, self.dim1)
+ return x
+def forward_vit(pretrained, x):
+ b, c, h, w = x.shape
+ glob = pretrained.model.forward_flex(x)
+ layer_1 = pretrained.activations["1"]
+ layer_2 = pretrained.activations["2"]
+ layer_3 = pretrained.activations["3"]
+ layer_4 = pretrained.activations["4"]
+ layer_1 = pretrained.act_postprocess1[0:2](layer_1)
+ layer_2 = pretrained.act_postprocess2[0:2](layer_2)
+ layer_3 = pretrained.act_postprocess3[0:2](layer_3)
+ layer_4 = pretrained.act_postprocess4[0:2](layer_4)
+ unflatten = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Unflatten(
+ 2,
+ torch.Size(
+ [
+ h // pretrained.model.patch_size[1],
+ w // pretrained.model.patch_size[0],
+ ]
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ if layer_1.ndim == 3:
+ layer_1 = unflatten(layer_1)
+ if layer_2.ndim == 3:
+ layer_2 = unflatten(layer_2)
+ if layer_3.ndim == 3:
+ layer_3 = unflatten(layer_3)
+ if layer_4.ndim == 3:
+ layer_4 = unflatten(layer_4)
+ layer_1 = pretrained.act_postprocess1[3 : len(pretrained.act_postprocess1)](layer_1)
+ layer_2 = pretrained.act_postprocess2[3 : len(pretrained.act_postprocess2)](layer_2)
+ layer_3 = pretrained.act_postprocess3[3 : len(pretrained.act_postprocess3)](layer_3)
+ layer_4 = pretrained.act_postprocess4[3 : len(pretrained.act_postprocess4)](layer_4)
+ return layer_1, layer_2, layer_3, layer_4
+def _resize_pos_embed(self, posemb, gs_h, gs_w):
+ posemb_tok, posemb_grid = (
+ posemb[:, : self.start_index],
+ posemb[0, self.start_index :],
+ )
+ gs_old = int(math.sqrt(len(posemb_grid)))
+ posemb_grid = posemb_grid.reshape(1, gs_old, gs_old, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ posemb_grid = F.interpolate(posemb_grid, size=(gs_h, gs_w), mode="bilinear")
+ posemb_grid = posemb_grid.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(1, gs_h * gs_w, -1)
+ posemb = torch.cat([posemb_tok, posemb_grid], dim=1)
+ return posemb
+def forward_flex(self, x):
+ b, c, h, w = x.shape
+ pos_embed = self._resize_pos_embed(
+ self.pos_embed, h // self.patch_size[1], w // self.patch_size[0]
+ )
+ B = x.shape[0]
+ if hasattr(self.patch_embed, "backbone"):
+ x = self.patch_embed.backbone(x)
+ if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
+ x = x[-1] # last feature if backbone outputs list/tuple of features
+ x = self.patch_embed.proj(x).flatten(2).transpose(1, 2)
+ if getattr(self, "dist_token", None) is not None:
+ cls_tokens = self.cls_token.expand(
+ B, -1, -1
+ ) # stole cls_tokens impl from Phil Wang, thanks
+ dist_token = self.dist_token.expand(B, -1, -1)
+ x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, dist_token, x), dim=1)
+ else:
+ cls_tokens = self.cls_token.expand(
+ B, -1, -1
+ ) # stole cls_tokens impl from Phil Wang, thanks
+ x = torch.cat((cls_tokens, x), dim=1)
+ x = x + pos_embed
+ x = self.pos_drop(x)
+ for blk in self.blocks:
+ x = blk(x)
+ x = self.norm(x)
+ return x
+activations = {}
+def get_activation(name):
+ def hook(model, input, output):
+ activations[name] = output
+ return hook
+def get_readout_oper(vit_features, features, use_readout, start_index=1):
+ if use_readout == "ignore":
+ readout_oper = [Slice(start_index)] * len(features)
+ elif use_readout == "add":
+ readout_oper = [AddReadout(start_index)] * len(features)
+ elif use_readout == "project":
+ readout_oper = [
+ ProjectReadout(vit_features, start_index) for out_feat in features
+ ]
+ else:
+ assert (
+ False
+ ), "wrong operation for readout token, use_readout can be 'ignore', 'add', or 'project'"
+ return readout_oper
+def _make_vit_b16_backbone(
+ model,
+ features=[96, 192, 384, 768],
+ size=[384, 384],
+ hooks=[2, 5, 8, 11],
+ vit_features=768,
+ use_readout="ignore",
+ start_index=1,
+ pretrained = nn.Module()
+ pretrained.model = model
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[0]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("1"))
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[1]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("2"))
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[2]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("3"))
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[3]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("4"))
+ pretrained.activations = activations
+ readout_oper = get_readout_oper(vit_features, features, use_readout, start_index)
+ # 32, 48, 136, 384
+ pretrained.act_postprocess1 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[0],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[0],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ nn.ConvTranspose2d(
+ in_channels=features[0],
+ out_channels=features[0],
+ kernel_size=4,
+ stride=4,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=True,
+ dilation=1,
+ groups=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess2 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[1],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[1],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ nn.ConvTranspose2d(
+ in_channels=features[1],
+ out_channels=features[1],
+ kernel_size=2,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=True,
+ dilation=1,
+ groups=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess3 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[2],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[2],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess4 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[3],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[3],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=features[3],
+ out_channels=features[3],
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.model.start_index = start_index
+ pretrained.model.patch_size = [16, 16]
+ # We inject this function into the VisionTransformer instances so that
+ # we can use it with interpolated position embeddings without modifying the library source.
+ pretrained.model.forward_flex = types.MethodType(forward_flex, pretrained.model)
+ pretrained.model._resize_pos_embed = types.MethodType(
+ _resize_pos_embed, pretrained.model
+ )
+ return pretrained
+def _make_pretrained_vitl16_384(pretrained, use_readout="ignore", hooks=None):
+ model = timm.create_model("vit_large_patch16_384", pretrained=pretrained)
+ hooks = [5, 11, 17, 23] if hooks == None else hooks
+ return _make_vit_b16_backbone(
+ model,
+ features=[256, 512, 1024, 1024],
+ hooks=hooks,
+ vit_features=1024,
+ use_readout=use_readout,
+ )
+def _make_pretrained_vitb16_384(pretrained, use_readout="ignore", hooks=None):
+ model = timm.create_model("vit_base_patch16_384", pretrained=pretrained)
+ hooks = [2, 5, 8, 11] if hooks == None else hooks
+ return _make_vit_b16_backbone(
+ model, features=[96, 192, 384, 768], hooks=hooks, use_readout=use_readout
+ )
+def _make_pretrained_deitb16_384(pretrained, use_readout="ignore", hooks=None):
+ model = timm.create_model("vit_deit_base_patch16_384", pretrained=pretrained)
+ hooks = [2, 5, 8, 11] if hooks == None else hooks
+ return _make_vit_b16_backbone(
+ model, features=[96, 192, 384, 768], hooks=hooks, use_readout=use_readout
+ )
+def _make_pretrained_deitb16_distil_384(pretrained, use_readout="ignore", hooks=None):
+ model = timm.create_model(
+ "vit_deit_base_distilled_patch16_384", pretrained=pretrained
+ )
+ hooks = [2, 5, 8, 11] if hooks == None else hooks
+ return _make_vit_b16_backbone(
+ model,
+ features=[96, 192, 384, 768],
+ hooks=hooks,
+ use_readout=use_readout,
+ start_index=2,
+ )
+def _make_vit_b_rn50_backbone(
+ model,
+ features=[256, 512, 768, 768],
+ size=[384, 384],
+ hooks=[0, 1, 8, 11],
+ vit_features=768,
+ use_vit_only=False,
+ use_readout="ignore",
+ start_index=1,
+ pretrained = nn.Module()
+ pretrained.model = model
+ if use_vit_only == True:
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[0]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("1"))
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[1]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("2"))
+ else:
+ pretrained.model.patch_embed.backbone.stages[0].register_forward_hook(
+ get_activation("1")
+ )
+ pretrained.model.patch_embed.backbone.stages[1].register_forward_hook(
+ get_activation("2")
+ )
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[2]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("3"))
+ pretrained.model.blocks[hooks[3]].register_forward_hook(get_activation("4"))
+ pretrained.activations = activations
+ readout_oper = get_readout_oper(vit_features, features, use_readout, start_index)
+ if use_vit_only == True:
+ pretrained.act_postprocess1 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[0],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[0],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ nn.ConvTranspose2d(
+ in_channels=features[0],
+ out_channels=features[0],
+ kernel_size=4,
+ stride=4,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=True,
+ dilation=1,
+ groups=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess2 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[1],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[1],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ nn.ConvTranspose2d(
+ in_channels=features[1],
+ out_channels=features[1],
+ kernel_size=2,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=True,
+ dilation=1,
+ groups=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ pretrained.act_postprocess1 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Identity(), nn.Identity(), nn.Identity()
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess2 = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Identity(), nn.Identity(), nn.Identity()
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess3 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[2],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[2],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.act_postprocess4 = nn.Sequential(
+ readout_oper[3],
+ Transpose(1, 2),
+ nn.Unflatten(2, torch.Size([size[0] // 16, size[1] // 16])),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=vit_features,
+ out_channels=features[3],
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ ),
+ nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=features[3],
+ out_channels=features[3],
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ pretrained.model.start_index = start_index
+ pretrained.model.patch_size = [16, 16]
+ # We inject this function into the VisionTransformer instances so that
+ # we can use it with interpolated position embeddings without modifying the library source.
+ pretrained.model.forward_flex = types.MethodType(forward_flex, pretrained.model)
+ # We inject this function into the VisionTransformer instances so that
+ # we can use it with interpolated position embeddings without modifying the library source.
+ pretrained.model._resize_pos_embed = types.MethodType(
+ _resize_pos_embed, pretrained.model
+ )
+ return pretrained
+def _make_pretrained_vitb_rn50_384(
+ pretrained, use_readout="ignore", hooks=None, use_vit_only=False
+ model = timm.create_model("vit_base_resnet50_384", pretrained=pretrained)
+ hooks = [0, 1, 8, 11] if hooks == None else hooks
+ return _make_vit_b_rn50_backbone(
+ model,
+ features=[256, 512, 768, 768],
+ size=[384, 384],
+ hooks=hooks,
+ use_vit_only=use_vit_only,
+ use_readout=use_readout,
+ )
diff --git a/ldm/modules/midas/utils.py b/ldm/modules/midas/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9a9d3b5b66370fa98da9e067ba53ead848ea9a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/modules/midas/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+"""Utils for monoDepth."""
+import sys
+import re
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import torch
+def read_pfm(path):
+ """Read pfm file.
+ Args:
+ path (str): path to file
+ Returns:
+ tuple: (data, scale)
+ """
+ with open(path, "rb") as file:
+ color = None
+ width = None
+ height = None
+ scale = None
+ endian = None
+ header = file.readline().rstrip()
+ if header.decode("ascii") == "PF":
+ color = True
+ elif header.decode("ascii") == "Pf":
+ color = False
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Not a PFM file: " + path)
+ dim_match = re.match(r"^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s$", file.readline().decode("ascii"))
+ if dim_match:
+ width, height = list(map(int, dim_match.groups()))
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Malformed PFM header.")
+ scale = float(file.readline().decode("ascii").rstrip())
+ if scale < 0:
+ # little-endian
+ endian = "<"
+ scale = -scale
+ else:
+ # big-endian
+ endian = ">"
+ data = np.fromfile(file, endian + "f")
+ shape = (height, width, 3) if color else (height, width)
+ data = np.reshape(data, shape)
+ data = np.flipud(data)
+ return data, scale
+def write_pfm(path, image, scale=1):
+ """Write pfm file.
+ Args:
+ path (str): pathto file
+ image (array): data
+ scale (int, optional): Scale. Defaults to 1.
+ """
+ with open(path, "wb") as file:
+ color = None
+ if image.dtype.name != "float32":
+ raise Exception("Image dtype must be float32.")
+ image = np.flipud(image)
+ if len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3: # color image
+ color = True
+ elif (
+ len(image.shape) == 2 or len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 1
+ ): # greyscale
+ color = False
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Image must have H x W x 3, H x W x 1 or H x W dimensions.")
+ file.write("PF\n" if color else "Pf\n".encode())
+ file.write("%d %d\n".encode() % (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]))
+ endian = image.dtype.byteorder
+ if endian == "<" or endian == "=" and sys.byteorder == "little":
+ scale = -scale
+ file.write("%f\n".encode() % scale)
+ image.tofile(file)
+def read_image(path):
+ """Read image and output RGB image (0-1).
+ Args:
+ path (str): path to file
+ Returns:
+ array: RGB image (0-1)
+ """
+ img = cv2.imread(path)
+ if img.ndim == 2:
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) / 255.0
+ return img
+def resize_image(img):
+ """Resize image and make it fit for network.
+ Args:
+ img (array): image
+ Returns:
+ tensor: data ready for network
+ """
+ height_orig = img.shape[0]
+ width_orig = img.shape[1]
+ if width_orig > height_orig:
+ scale = width_orig / 384
+ else:
+ scale = height_orig / 384
+ height = (np.ceil(height_orig / scale / 32) * 32).astype(int)
+ width = (np.ceil(width_orig / scale / 32) * 32).astype(int)
+ img_resized = cv2.resize(img, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
+ img_resized = (
+ torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(img_resized, (2, 0, 1))).contiguous().float()
+ )
+ img_resized = img_resized.unsqueeze(0)
+ return img_resized
+def resize_depth(depth, width, height):
+ """Resize depth map and bring to CPU (numpy).
+ Args:
+ depth (tensor): depth
+ width (int): image width
+ height (int): image height
+ Returns:
+ array: processed depth
+ """
+ depth = torch.squeeze(depth[0, :, :, :]).to("cpu")
+ depth_resized = cv2.resize(
+ depth.numpy(), (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC
+ )
+ return depth_resized
+def write_depth(path, depth, bits=1):
+ """Write depth map to pfm and png file.
+ Args:
+ path (str): filepath without extension
+ depth (array): depth
+ """
+ write_pfm(path + ".pfm", depth.astype(np.float32))
+ depth_min = depth.min()
+ depth_max = depth.max()
+ max_val = (2**(8*bits))-1
+ if depth_max - depth_min > np.finfo("float").eps:
+ out = max_val * (depth - depth_min) / (depth_max - depth_min)
+ else:
+ out = np.zeros(depth.shape, dtype=depth.type)
+ if bits == 1:
+ cv2.imwrite(path + ".png", out.astype("uint8"))
+ elif bits == 2:
+ cv2.imwrite(path + ".png", out.astype("uint16"))
+ return
diff --git a/ldm/util.py b/ldm/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d456a86a60968788abf9f5235a41fa826ba578dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldm/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+import importlib
+import torch
+from torch import optim
+import numpy as np
+from inspect import isfunction
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
+def log_txt_as_img(wh, xc, size=10):
+ # wh a tuple of (width, height)
+ # xc a list of captions to plot
+ b = len(xc)
+ txts = list()
+ for bi in range(b):
+ txt = Image.new("RGB", wh, color="white")
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
+ font = ImageFont.truetype('font/Arial_Unicode.ttf', size=size)
+ nc = int(32 * (wh[0] / 256))
+ lines = "\n".join(xc[bi][start:start + nc] for start in range(0, len(xc[bi]), nc))
+ try:
+ draw.text((0, 0), lines, fill="black", font=font)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ print("Cant encode string for logging. Skipping.")
+ txt = np.array(txt).transpose(2, 0, 1) / 127.5 - 1.0
+ txts.append(txt)
+ txts = np.stack(txts)
+ txts = torch.tensor(txts)
+ return txts
+def ismap(x):
+ if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor):
+ return False
+ return (len(x.shape) == 4) and (x.shape[1] > 3)
+def isimage(x):
+ if not isinstance(x,torch.Tensor):
+ return False
+ return (len(x.shape) == 4) and (x.shape[1] == 3 or x.shape[1] == 1)
+def exists(x):
+ return x is not None
+def default(val, d):
+ if exists(val):
+ return val
+ return d() if isfunction(d) else d
+def mean_flat(tensor):
+ """
+ https://github.com/openai/guided-diffusion/blob/27c20a8fab9cb472df5d6bdd6c8d11c8f430b924/guided_diffusion/nn.py#L86
+ Take the mean over all non-batch dimensions.
+ """
+ return tensor.mean(dim=list(range(1, len(tensor.shape))))
+def count_params(model, verbose=False):
+ total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters())
+ if verbose:
+ print(f"{model.__class__.__name__} has {total_params*1.e-6:.2f} M params.")
+ return total_params
+def instantiate_from_config(config, **kwargs):
+ if "target" not in config:
+ if config == '__is_first_stage__':
+ return None
+ elif config == "__is_unconditional__":
+ return None
+ raise KeyError("Expected key `target` to instantiate.")
+ return get_obj_from_str(config["target"])(**config.get("params", dict()), **kwargs)
+def get_obj_from_str(string, reload=False):
+ module, cls = string.rsplit(".", 1)
+ if reload:
+ module_imp = importlib.import_module(module)
+ importlib.reload(module_imp)
+ return getattr(importlib.import_module(module, package=None), cls)
+class AdamWwithEMAandWings(optim.Optimizer):
+ # credit to https://gist.github.com/crowsonkb/65f7265353f403714fce3b2595e0b298
+ def __init__(self, params, lr=1.e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1.e-8, # TODO: check hyperparameters before using
+ weight_decay=1.e-2, amsgrad=False, ema_decay=0.9999, # ema decay to match previous code
+ ema_power=1., param_names=()):
+ """AdamW that saves EMA versions of the parameters."""
+ if not 0.0 <= lr:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid learning rate: {}".format(lr))
+ if not 0.0 <= eps:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid epsilon value: {}".format(eps))
+ if not 0.0 <= betas[0] < 1.0:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 0: {}".format(betas[0]))
+ if not 0.0 <= betas[1] < 1.0:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid beta parameter at index 1: {}".format(betas[1]))
+ if not 0.0 <= weight_decay:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid weight_decay value: {}".format(weight_decay))
+ if not 0.0 <= ema_decay <= 1.0:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid ema_decay value: {}".format(ema_decay))
+ defaults = dict(lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps,
+ weight_decay=weight_decay, amsgrad=amsgrad, ema_decay=ema_decay,
+ ema_power=ema_power, param_names=param_names)
+ super().__init__(params, defaults)
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ super().__setstate__(state)
+ for group in self.param_groups:
+ group.setdefault('amsgrad', False)
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def step(self, closure=None):
+ """Performs a single optimization step.
+ Args:
+ closure (callable, optional): A closure that reevaluates the model
+ and returns the loss.
+ """
+ loss = None
+ if closure is not None:
+ with torch.enable_grad():
+ loss = closure()
+ for group in self.param_groups:
+ params_with_grad = []
+ grads = []
+ exp_avgs = []
+ exp_avg_sqs = []
+ ema_params_with_grad = []
+ state_sums = []
+ max_exp_avg_sqs = []
+ state_steps = []
+ amsgrad = group['amsgrad']
+ beta1, beta2 = group['betas']
+ ema_decay = group['ema_decay']
+ ema_power = group['ema_power']
+ for p in group['params']:
+ if p.grad is None:
+ continue
+ params_with_grad.append(p)
+ if p.grad.is_sparse:
+ raise RuntimeError('AdamW does not support sparse gradients')
+ grads.append(p.grad)
+ state = self.state[p]
+ # State initialization
+ if len(state) == 0:
+ state['step'] = 0
+ # Exponential moving average of gradient values
+ state['exp_avg'] = torch.zeros_like(p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format)
+ # Exponential moving average of squared gradient values
+ state['exp_avg_sq'] = torch.zeros_like(p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format)
+ if amsgrad:
+ # Maintains max of all exp. moving avg. of sq. grad. values
+ state['max_exp_avg_sq'] = torch.zeros_like(p, memory_format=torch.preserve_format)
+ # Exponential moving average of parameter values
+ state['param_exp_avg'] = p.detach().float().clone()
+ exp_avgs.append(state['exp_avg'])
+ exp_avg_sqs.append(state['exp_avg_sq'])
+ ema_params_with_grad.append(state['param_exp_avg'])
+ if amsgrad:
+ max_exp_avg_sqs.append(state['max_exp_avg_sq'])
+ # update the steps for each param group update
+ state['step'] += 1
+ # record the step after step update
+ state_steps.append(state['step'])
+ optim._functional.adamw(params_with_grad,
+ grads,
+ exp_avgs,
+ exp_avg_sqs,
+ max_exp_avg_sqs,
+ state_steps,
+ amsgrad=amsgrad,
+ beta1=beta1,
+ beta2=beta2,
+ lr=group['lr'],
+ weight_decay=group['weight_decay'],
+ eps=group['eps'],
+ maximize=False)
+ cur_ema_decay = min(ema_decay, 1 - state['step'] ** -ema_power)
+ for param, ema_param in zip(params_with_grad, ema_params_with_grad):
+ ema_param.mul_(cur_ema_decay).add_(param.float(), alpha=1 - cur_ema_decay)
+ return loss
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models_yaml/anytext_sd15.yaml b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3509940b54e87a7c564bf31f638e2df3f68301f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlLDM
+ params:
+ linear_start: 0.00085
+ linear_end: 0.0120
+ num_timesteps_cond: 1
+ log_every_t: 200
+ timesteps: 1000
+ first_stage_key: "img"
+ cond_stage_key: "caption"
+ control_key: "hint"
+ glyph_key: "glyphs"
+ position_key: "positions"
+ image_size: 64
+ channels: 4
+ cond_stage_trainable: true # need be true when embedding_manager is valid
+ conditioning_key: crossattn
+ monitor: val/loss_simple_ema
+ scale_factor: 0.18215
+ use_ema: False
+ only_mid_control: False
+ loss_alpha: 0 # perceptual loss, 0.003
+ loss_beta: 0 # ctc loss
+ latin_weight: 1.0 # latin text line may need smaller weigth
+ with_step_weight: true
+ use_vae_upsample: true
+ embedding_manager_config:
+ target: cldm.embedding_manager.EmbeddingManager
+ params:
+ valid: true # v6
+ emb_type: ocr # ocr, vit, conv
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ add_pos: false
+ placeholder_string: '*'
+ control_stage_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlNet
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ unet_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlledUnetModel
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ out_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ first_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.models.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL
+ params:
+ embed_dim: 4
+ monitor: val/rec_loss
+ ddconfig:
+ double_z: true
+ z_channels: 4
+ resolution: 256
+ in_channels: 3
+ out_ch: 3
+ ch: 128
+ ch_mult:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 4
+ - 4
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ attn_resolutions: []
+ dropout: 0.0
+ lossconfig:
+ target: torch.nn.Identity
+ cond_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedderT3
+ params:
+ version: ./models/clip-vit-large-patch14
+ use_vision: false # v6
diff --git a/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_conv.yaml b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_conv.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..025158f3a0a864f4f390fe6d6bccb88bdbb13e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_conv.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlLDM
+ params:
+ linear_start: 0.00085
+ linear_end: 0.0120
+ num_timesteps_cond: 1
+ log_every_t: 200
+ timesteps: 1000
+ first_stage_key: "img"
+ cond_stage_key: "caption"
+ control_key: "hint"
+ glyph_key: "glyphs"
+ position_key: "positions"
+ image_size: 64
+ channels: 4
+ cond_stage_trainable: true # need be true when embedding_manager is valid
+ conditioning_key: crossattn
+ monitor: val/loss_simple_ema
+ scale_factor: 0.18215
+ use_ema: False
+ only_mid_control: False
+ loss_alpha: 0 # perceptual loss, 0.003
+ loss_beta: 0 # ctc loss
+ latin_weight: 1.0 # latin text line may need smaller weigth
+ with_step_weight: true
+ use_vae_upsample: true
+ embedding_manager_config:
+ target: cldm.embedding_manager.EmbeddingManager
+ params:
+ valid: true # v6
+ emb_type: conv # ocr, vit, conv
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ add_pos: false
+ placeholder_string: '*'
+ control_stage_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlNet
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ unet_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlledUnetModel
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ out_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ first_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.models.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL
+ params:
+ embed_dim: 4
+ monitor: val/rec_loss
+ ddconfig:
+ double_z: true
+ z_channels: 4
+ resolution: 256
+ in_channels: 3
+ out_ch: 3
+ ch: 128
+ ch_mult:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 4
+ - 4
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ attn_resolutions: []
+ dropout: 0.0
+ lossconfig:
+ target: torch.nn.Identity
+ cond_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedderT3
+ params:
+ version: ./models/clip-vit-large-patch14
+ use_vision: false # v6
diff --git a/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_perloss.yaml b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_perloss.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b9a49d0b212aedb4f5d51e2abdcc019fa221491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_perloss.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlLDM
+ params:
+ linear_start: 0.00085
+ linear_end: 0.0120
+ num_timesteps_cond: 1
+ log_every_t: 200
+ timesteps: 1000
+ first_stage_key: "img"
+ cond_stage_key: "caption"
+ control_key: "hint"
+ glyph_key: "glyphs"
+ position_key: "positions"
+ image_size: 64
+ channels: 4
+ cond_stage_trainable: true # need be true when embedding_manager is valid
+ conditioning_key: crossattn
+ monitor: val/loss_simple_ema
+ scale_factor: 0.18215
+ use_ema: False
+ only_mid_control: False
+ loss_alpha: 0.003 # perceptual loss, 0.003
+ loss_beta: 0 # ctc loss
+ latin_weight: 1.0 # latin text line may need smaller weigth
+ with_step_weight: true
+ use_vae_upsample: true
+ embedding_manager_config:
+ target: cldm.embedding_manager.EmbeddingManager
+ params:
+ valid: true # v6
+ emb_type: ocr # ocr, vit, conv
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ add_pos: false
+ placeholder_string: '*'
+ control_stage_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlNet
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ unet_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlledUnetModel
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ out_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ first_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.models.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL
+ params:
+ embed_dim: 4
+ monitor: val/rec_loss
+ ddconfig:
+ double_z: true
+ z_channels: 4
+ resolution: 256
+ in_channels: 3
+ out_ch: 3
+ ch: 128
+ ch_mult:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 4
+ - 4
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ attn_resolutions: []
+ dropout: 0.0
+ lossconfig:
+ target: torch.nn.Identity
+ cond_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedderT3
+ params:
+ version: ./models/clip-vit-large-patch14
+ use_vision: false # v6
diff --git a/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_vit.yaml b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_vit.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..831d3227ccb6182b4916ce5921abf4c2ae97d576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models_yaml/anytext_sd15_vit.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlLDM
+ params:
+ linear_start: 0.00085
+ linear_end: 0.0120
+ num_timesteps_cond: 1
+ log_every_t: 200
+ timesteps: 1000
+ first_stage_key: "img"
+ cond_stage_key: "caption"
+ control_key: "hint"
+ glyph_key: "glyphs"
+ position_key: "positions"
+ image_size: 64
+ channels: 4
+ cond_stage_trainable: true # need be true when embedding_manager is valid
+ conditioning_key: crossattn
+ monitor: val/loss_simple_ema
+ scale_factor: 0.18215
+ use_ema: False
+ only_mid_control: False
+ loss_alpha: 0 # perceptual loss, 0.003
+ loss_beta: 0 # ctc loss
+ latin_weight: 1.0 # latin text line may need smaller weigth
+ with_step_weight: true
+ use_vae_upsample: true
+ embedding_manager_config:
+ target: cldm.embedding_manager.EmbeddingManager
+ params:
+ valid: true # v6
+ emb_type: vit # ocr, vit, conv
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ add_pos: false
+ placeholder_string: '*'
+ control_stage_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlNet
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ glyph_channels: 1
+ position_channels: 1
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ unet_config:
+ target: cldm.cldm.ControlledUnetModel
+ params:
+ image_size: 32 # unused
+ in_channels: 4
+ out_channels: 4
+ model_channels: 320
+ attention_resolutions: [ 4, 2, 1 ]
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ channel_mult: [ 1, 2, 4, 4 ]
+ num_heads: 8
+ use_spatial_transformer: True
+ transformer_depth: 1
+ context_dim: 768
+ use_checkpoint: True
+ legacy: False
+ first_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.models.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL
+ params:
+ embed_dim: 4
+ monitor: val/rec_loss
+ ddconfig:
+ double_z: true
+ z_channels: 4
+ resolution: 256
+ in_channels: 3
+ out_ch: 3
+ ch: 128
+ ch_mult:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 4
+ - 4
+ num_res_blocks: 2
+ attn_resolutions: []
+ dropout: 0.0
+ lossconfig:
+ target: torch.nn.Identity
+ cond_stage_config:
+ target: ldm.modules.encoders.modules.FrozenCLIPEmbedderT3
+ params:
+ version: ./models/clip-vit-large-patch14
+ use_vision: true # v6
diff --git a/ocr_recog/RNN.py b/ocr_recog/RNN.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf16855b37112c34a722a9ae7d21578a82d8c6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/RNN.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+from torch import nn
+import torch
+from .RecSVTR import Block
+class Swish(nn.Module):
+ def __int__(self):
+ super(Swish, self).__int__()
+ def forward(self,x):
+ return x*torch.sigmoid(x)
+class Im2Im(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.out_channels = in_channels
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return x
+class Im2Seq(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.out_channels = in_channels
+ def forward(self, x):
+ B, C, H, W = x.shape
+ # assert H == 1
+ x = x.reshape(B, C, H * W)
+ x = x.permute((0, 2, 1))
+ return x
+class EncoderWithRNN(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels,**kwargs):
+ super(EncoderWithRNN, self).__init__()
+ hidden_size = kwargs.get('hidden_size', 256)
+ self.out_channels = hidden_size * 2
+ self.lstm = nn.LSTM(in_channels, hidden_size, bidirectional=True, num_layers=2,batch_first=True)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ self.lstm.flatten_parameters()
+ x, _ = self.lstm(x)
+ return x
+class SequenceEncoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_channels, encoder_type='rnn', **kwargs):
+ super(SequenceEncoder, self).__init__()
+ self.encoder_reshape = Im2Seq(in_channels)
+ self.out_channels = self.encoder_reshape.out_channels
+ self.encoder_type = encoder_type
+ if encoder_type == 'reshape':
+ self.only_reshape = True
+ else:
+ support_encoder_dict = {
+ 'reshape': Im2Seq,
+ 'rnn': EncoderWithRNN,
+ 'svtr': EncoderWithSVTR
+ }
+ assert encoder_type in support_encoder_dict, '{} must in {}'.format(
+ encoder_type, support_encoder_dict.keys())
+ self.encoder = support_encoder_dict[encoder_type](
+ self.encoder_reshape.out_channels,**kwargs)
+ self.out_channels = self.encoder.out_channels
+ self.only_reshape = False
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.encoder_type != 'svtr':
+ x = self.encoder_reshape(x)
+ if not self.only_reshape:
+ x = self.encoder(x)
+ return x
+ else:
+ x = self.encoder(x)
+ x = self.encoder_reshape(x)
+ return x
+class ConvBNLayer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ groups=1,
+ act=nn.GELU):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ padding=padding,
+ groups=groups,
+ # weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.KaimingUniform()),
+ bias=bias_attr)
+ self.norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels)
+ self.act = Swish()
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ out = self.conv(inputs)
+ out = self.norm(out)
+ out = self.act(out)
+ return out
+class EncoderWithSVTR(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ in_channels,
+ dims=64, # XS
+ depth=2,
+ hidden_dims=120,
+ use_guide=False,
+ num_heads=8,
+ qkv_bias=True,
+ mlp_ratio=2.0,
+ drop_rate=0.1,
+ attn_drop_rate=0.1,
+ drop_path=0.,
+ qk_scale=None):
+ super(EncoderWithSVTR, self).__init__()
+ self.depth = depth
+ self.use_guide = use_guide
+ self.conv1 = ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels, in_channels // 8, padding=1, act='swish')
+ self.conv2 = ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels // 8, hidden_dims, kernel_size=1, act='swish')
+ self.svtr_block = nn.ModuleList([
+ Block(
+ dim=hidden_dims,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ mixer='Global',
+ HW=None,
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ qk_scale=qk_scale,
+ drop=drop_rate,
+ act_layer='swish',
+ attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
+ drop_path=drop_path,
+ norm_layer='nn.LayerNorm',
+ epsilon=1e-05,
+ prenorm=False) for i in range(depth)
+ ])
+ self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(hidden_dims, eps=1e-6)
+ self.conv3 = ConvBNLayer(
+ hidden_dims, in_channels, kernel_size=1, act='swish')
+ # last conv-nxn, the input is concat of input tensor and conv3 output tensor
+ self.conv4 = ConvBNLayer(
+ 2 * in_channels, in_channels // 8, padding=1, act='swish')
+ self.conv1x1 = ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels // 8, dims, kernel_size=1, act='swish')
+ self.out_channels = dims
+ self.apply(self._init_weights)
+ def _init_weights(self, m):
+ # weight initialization
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out')
+ if m.bias is not None:
+ nn.init.zeros_(m.bias)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ nn.init.ones_(m.weight)
+ nn.init.zeros_(m.bias)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
+ nn.init.normal_(m.weight, 0, 0.01)
+ if m.bias is not None:
+ nn.init.zeros_(m.bias)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.ConvTranspose2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode='fan_out')
+ if m.bias is not None:
+ nn.init.zeros_(m.bias)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):
+ nn.init.ones_(m.weight)
+ nn.init.zeros_(m.bias)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ # for use guide
+ if self.use_guide:
+ z = x.clone()
+ z.stop_gradient = True
+ else:
+ z = x
+ # for short cut
+ h = z
+ # reduce dim
+ z = self.conv1(z)
+ z = self.conv2(z)
+ # SVTR global block
+ B, C, H, W = z.shape
+ z = z.flatten(2).permute(0, 2, 1)
+ for blk in self.svtr_block:
+ z = blk(z)
+ z = self.norm(z)
+ # last stage
+ z = z.reshape([-1, H, W, C]).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ z = self.conv3(z)
+ z = torch.cat((h, z), dim=1)
+ z = self.conv1x1(self.conv4(z))
+ return z
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ svtrRNN = EncoderWithSVTR(56)
+ print(svtrRNN)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocr_recog/RecCTCHead.py b/ocr_recog/RecCTCHead.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..867ede9916b10d49dc18e8633ae1cb3c4c87ad9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/RecCTCHead.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+from torch import nn
+class CTCHead(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels=6625,
+ fc_decay=0.0004,
+ mid_channels=None,
+ return_feats=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ super(CTCHead, self).__init__()
+ if mid_channels is None:
+ self.fc = nn.Linear(
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ bias=True,)
+ else:
+ self.fc1 = nn.Linear(
+ in_channels,
+ mid_channels,
+ bias=True,
+ )
+ self.fc2 = nn.Linear(
+ mid_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ bias=True,
+ )
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.mid_channels = mid_channels
+ self.return_feats = return_feats
+ def forward(self, x, labels=None):
+ if self.mid_channels is None:
+ predicts = self.fc(x)
+ else:
+ x = self.fc1(x)
+ predicts = self.fc2(x)
+ if self.return_feats:
+ result = dict()
+ result['ctc'] = predicts
+ result['ctc_neck'] = x
+ else:
+ result = predicts
+ return result
diff --git a/ocr_recog/RecModel.py b/ocr_recog/RecModel.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c2313bf02c952d7c5351175ccf36482cddc76cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/RecModel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from torch import nn
+from .RNN import SequenceEncoder, Im2Seq, Im2Im
+from .RecMv1_enhance import MobileNetV1Enhance
+from .RecCTCHead import CTCHead
+backbone_dict = {"MobileNetV1Enhance":MobileNetV1Enhance}
+neck_dict = {'SequenceEncoder': SequenceEncoder, 'Im2Seq': Im2Seq,'None':Im2Im}
+head_dict = {'CTCHead':CTCHead}
+class RecModel(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, config):
+ super().__init__()
+ assert 'in_channels' in config, 'in_channels must in model config'
+ backbone_type = config.backbone.pop('type')
+ assert backbone_type in backbone_dict, f'backbone.type must in {backbone_dict}'
+ self.backbone = backbone_dict[backbone_type](config.in_channels, **config.backbone)
+ neck_type = config.neck.pop('type')
+ assert neck_type in neck_dict, f'neck.type must in {neck_dict}'
+ self.neck = neck_dict[neck_type](self.backbone.out_channels, **config.neck)
+ head_type = config.head.pop('type')
+ assert head_type in head_dict, f'head.type must in {head_dict}'
+ self.head = head_dict[head_type](self.neck.out_channels, **config.head)
+ self.name = f'RecModel_{backbone_type}_{neck_type}_{head_type}'
+ def load_3rd_state_dict(self, _3rd_name, _state):
+ self.backbone.load_3rd_state_dict(_3rd_name, _state)
+ self.neck.load_3rd_state_dict(_3rd_name, _state)
+ self.head.load_3rd_state_dict(_3rd_name, _state)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.backbone(x)
+ x = self.neck(x)
+ x = self.head(x)
+ return x
+ def encode(self, x):
+ x = self.backbone(x)
+ x = self.neck(x)
+ x = self.head.ctc_encoder(x)
+ return x
diff --git a/ocr_recog/RecMv1_enhance.py b/ocr_recog/RecMv1_enhance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5c848533dd35108bc963be4e6f0ea8c76564006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/RecMv1_enhance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+import os, sys
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from .common import Activation
+class ConvBNLayer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ num_channels,
+ filter_size,
+ num_filters,
+ stride,
+ padding,
+ channels=None,
+ num_groups=1,
+ act='hard_swish'):
+ super(ConvBNLayer, self).__init__()
+ self.act = act
+ self._conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=num_channels,
+ out_channels=num_filters,
+ kernel_size=filter_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ padding=padding,
+ groups=num_groups,
+ bias=False)
+ self._batch_norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(
+ num_filters,
+ )
+ if self.act is not None:
+ self._act = Activation(act_type=act, inplace=True)
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ y = self._conv(inputs)
+ y = self._batch_norm(y)
+ if self.act is not None:
+ y = self._act(y)
+ return y
+class DepthwiseSeparable(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ num_channels,
+ num_filters1,
+ num_filters2,
+ num_groups,
+ stride,
+ scale,
+ dw_size=3,
+ padding=1,
+ use_se=False):
+ super(DepthwiseSeparable, self).__init__()
+ self.use_se = use_se
+ self._depthwise_conv = ConvBNLayer(
+ num_channels=num_channels,
+ num_filters=int(num_filters1 * scale),
+ filter_size=dw_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ padding=padding,
+ num_groups=int(num_groups * scale))
+ if use_se:
+ self._se = SEModule(int(num_filters1 * scale))
+ self._pointwise_conv = ConvBNLayer(
+ num_channels=int(num_filters1 * scale),
+ filter_size=1,
+ num_filters=int(num_filters2 * scale),
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0)
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ y = self._depthwise_conv(inputs)
+ if self.use_se:
+ y = self._se(y)
+ y = self._pointwise_conv(y)
+ return y
+class MobileNetV1Enhance(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels=3,
+ scale=0.5,
+ last_conv_stride=1,
+ last_pool_type='max',
+ **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.block_list = []
+ self.conv1 = ConvBNLayer(
+ num_channels=in_channels,
+ filter_size=3,
+ channels=3,
+ num_filters=int(32 * scale),
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1)
+ conv2_1 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(32 * scale),
+ num_filters1=32,
+ num_filters2=64,
+ num_groups=32,
+ stride=1,
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv2_1)
+ conv2_2 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(64 * scale),
+ num_filters1=64,
+ num_filters2=128,
+ num_groups=64,
+ stride=1,
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv2_2)
+ conv3_1 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(128 * scale),
+ num_filters1=128,
+ num_filters2=128,
+ num_groups=128,
+ stride=1,
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv3_1)
+ conv3_2 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(128 * scale),
+ num_filters1=128,
+ num_filters2=256,
+ num_groups=128,
+ stride=(2, 1),
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv3_2)
+ conv4_1 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(256 * scale),
+ num_filters1=256,
+ num_filters2=256,
+ num_groups=256,
+ stride=1,
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv4_1)
+ conv4_2 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(256 * scale),
+ num_filters1=256,
+ num_filters2=512,
+ num_groups=256,
+ stride=(2, 1),
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv4_2)
+ for _ in range(5):
+ conv5 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(512 * scale),
+ num_filters1=512,
+ num_filters2=512,
+ num_groups=512,
+ stride=1,
+ dw_size=5,
+ padding=2,
+ scale=scale,
+ use_se=False)
+ self.block_list.append(conv5)
+ conv5_6 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(512 * scale),
+ num_filters1=512,
+ num_filters2=1024,
+ num_groups=512,
+ stride=(2, 1),
+ dw_size=5,
+ padding=2,
+ scale=scale,
+ use_se=True)
+ self.block_list.append(conv5_6)
+ conv6 = DepthwiseSeparable(
+ num_channels=int(1024 * scale),
+ num_filters1=1024,
+ num_filters2=1024,
+ num_groups=1024,
+ stride=last_conv_stride,
+ dw_size=5,
+ padding=2,
+ use_se=True,
+ scale=scale)
+ self.block_list.append(conv6)
+ self.block_list = nn.Sequential(*self.block_list)
+ if last_pool_type == 'avg':
+ self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0)
+ else:
+ self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0)
+ self.out_channels = int(1024 * scale)
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ y = self.conv1(inputs)
+ y = self.block_list(y)
+ y = self.pool(y)
+ return y
+def hardsigmoid(x):
+ return F.relu6(x + 3., inplace=True) / 6.
+class SEModule(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, channel, reduction=4):
+ super(SEModule, self).__init__()
+ self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=channel,
+ out_channels=channel // reduction,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=True)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=channel // reduction,
+ out_channels=channel,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=True)
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ outputs = self.avg_pool(inputs)
+ outputs = self.conv1(outputs)
+ outputs = F.relu(outputs)
+ outputs = self.conv2(outputs)
+ outputs = hardsigmoid(outputs)
+ x = torch.mul(inputs, outputs)
+ return x
diff --git a/ocr_recog/RecSVTR.py b/ocr_recog/RecSVTR.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..484b3df991255590616f552d9f942d5a6d6973c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/RecSVTR.py
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import numpy as np
+from torch.nn.init import trunc_normal_, zeros_, ones_
+from torch.nn import functional
+def drop_path(x, drop_prob=0., training=False):
+ """Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks).
+ the original name is misleading as 'Drop Connect' is a different form of dropout in a separate paper...
+ See discussion: https://github.com/tensorflow/tpu/issues/494#issuecomment-532968956 ...
+ """
+ if drop_prob == 0. or not training:
+ return x
+ keep_prob = torch.tensor(1 - drop_prob)
+ shape = (x.size()[0], ) + (1, ) * (x.ndim - 1)
+ random_tensor = keep_prob + torch.rand(shape, dtype=x.dtype)
+ random_tensor = torch.floor(random_tensor) # binarize
+ output = x.divide(keep_prob) * random_tensor
+ return output
+class Swish(nn.Module):
+ def __int__(self):
+ super(Swish, self).__int__()
+ def forward(self,x):
+ return x*torch.sigmoid(x)
+class ConvBNLayer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ groups=1,
+ act=nn.GELU):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=out_channels,
+ kernel_size=kernel_size,
+ stride=stride,
+ padding=padding,
+ groups=groups,
+ # weight_attr=paddle.ParamAttr(initializer=nn.initializer.KaimingUniform()),
+ bias=bias_attr)
+ self.norm = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels)
+ self.act = act()
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ out = self.conv(inputs)
+ out = self.norm(out)
+ out = self.act(out)
+ return out
+class DropPath(nn.Module):
+ """Drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample (when applied in main path of residual blocks).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, drop_prob=None):
+ super(DropPath, self).__init__()
+ self.drop_prob = drop_prob
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return drop_path(x, self.drop_prob, self.training)
+class Identity(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Identity, self).__init__()
+ def forward(self, input):
+ return input
+class Mlp(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_features,
+ hidden_features=None,
+ out_features=None,
+ act_layer=nn.GELU,
+ drop=0.):
+ super().__init__()
+ out_features = out_features or in_features
+ hidden_features = hidden_features or in_features
+ self.fc1 = nn.Linear(in_features, hidden_features)
+ if isinstance(act_layer, str):
+ self.act = Swish()
+ else:
+ self.act = act_layer()
+ self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_features, out_features)
+ self.drop = nn.Dropout(drop)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.fc1(x)
+ x = self.act(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ x = self.fc2(x)
+ x = self.drop(x)
+ return x
+class ConvMixer(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dim,
+ num_heads=8,
+ HW=(8, 25),
+ local_k=(3, 3), ):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.HW = HW
+ self.dim = dim
+ self.local_mixer = nn.Conv2d(
+ dim,
+ dim,
+ local_k,
+ 1, (local_k[0] // 2, local_k[1] // 2),
+ groups=num_heads,
+ # weight_attr=ParamAttr(initializer=KaimingNormal())
+ )
+ def forward(self, x):
+ h = self.HW[0]
+ w = self.HW[1]
+ x = x.transpose([0, 2, 1]).reshape([0, self.dim, h, w])
+ x = self.local_mixer(x)
+ x = x.flatten(2).transpose([0, 2, 1])
+ return x
+class Attention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ dim,
+ num_heads=8,
+ mixer='Global',
+ HW=(8, 25),
+ local_k=(7, 11),
+ qkv_bias=False,
+ qk_scale=None,
+ attn_drop=0.,
+ proj_drop=0.):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.num_heads = num_heads
+ head_dim = dim // num_heads
+ self.scale = qk_scale or head_dim**-0.5
+ self.qkv = nn.Linear(dim, dim * 3, bias=qkv_bias)
+ self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(attn_drop)
+ self.proj = nn.Linear(dim, dim)
+ self.proj_drop = nn.Dropout(proj_drop)
+ self.HW = HW
+ if HW is not None:
+ H = HW[0]
+ W = HW[1]
+ self.N = H * W
+ self.C = dim
+ if mixer == 'Local' and HW is not None:
+ hk = local_k[0]
+ wk = local_k[1]
+ mask = torch.ones([H * W, H + hk - 1, W + wk - 1])
+ for h in range(0, H):
+ for w in range(0, W):
+ mask[h * W + w, h:h + hk, w:w + wk] = 0.
+ mask_paddle = mask[:, hk // 2:H + hk // 2, wk // 2:W + wk //
+ 2].flatten(1)
+ mask_inf = torch.full([H * W, H * W],fill_value=float('-inf'))
+ mask = torch.where(mask_paddle < 1, mask_paddle, mask_inf)
+ self.mask = mask[None,None,:]
+ # self.mask = mask.unsqueeze([0, 1])
+ self.mixer = mixer
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.HW is not None:
+ N = self.N
+ C = self.C
+ else:
+ _, N, C = x.shape
+ qkv = self.qkv(x).reshape((-1, N, 3, self.num_heads, C //self.num_heads)).permute((2, 0, 3, 1, 4))
+ q, k, v = qkv[0] * self.scale, qkv[1], qkv[2]
+ attn = (q.matmul(k.permute((0, 1, 3, 2))))
+ if self.mixer == 'Local':
+ attn += self.mask
+ attn = functional.softmax(attn, dim=-1)
+ attn = self.attn_drop(attn)
+ x = (attn.matmul(v)).permute((0, 2, 1, 3)).reshape((-1, N, C))
+ x = self.proj(x)
+ x = self.proj_drop(x)
+ return x
+class Block(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ dim,
+ num_heads,
+ mixer='Global',
+ local_mixer=(7, 11),
+ HW=(8, 25),
+ mlp_ratio=4.,
+ qkv_bias=False,
+ qk_scale=None,
+ drop=0.,
+ attn_drop=0.,
+ drop_path=0.,
+ act_layer=nn.GELU,
+ norm_layer='nn.LayerNorm',
+ epsilon=1e-6,
+ prenorm=True):
+ super().__init__()
+ if isinstance(norm_layer, str):
+ self.norm1 = eval(norm_layer)(dim, eps=epsilon)
+ else:
+ self.norm1 = norm_layer(dim)
+ if mixer == 'Global' or mixer == 'Local':
+ self.mixer = Attention(
+ dim,
+ num_heads=num_heads,
+ mixer=mixer,
+ HW=HW,
+ local_k=local_mixer,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ qk_scale=qk_scale,
+ attn_drop=attn_drop,
+ proj_drop=drop)
+ elif mixer == 'Conv':
+ self.mixer = ConvMixer(
+ dim, num_heads=num_heads, HW=HW, local_k=local_mixer)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("The mixer must be one of [Global, Local, Conv]")
+ self.drop_path = DropPath(drop_path) if drop_path > 0. else Identity()
+ if isinstance(norm_layer, str):
+ self.norm2 = eval(norm_layer)(dim, eps=epsilon)
+ else:
+ self.norm2 = norm_layer(dim)
+ mlp_hidden_dim = int(dim * mlp_ratio)
+ self.mlp_ratio = mlp_ratio
+ self.mlp = Mlp(in_features=dim,
+ hidden_features=mlp_hidden_dim,
+ act_layer=act_layer,
+ drop=drop)
+ self.prenorm = prenorm
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.prenorm:
+ x = self.norm1(x + self.drop_path(self.mixer(x)))
+ x = self.norm2(x + self.drop_path(self.mlp(x)))
+ else:
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.mixer(self.norm1(x)))
+ x = x + self.drop_path(self.mlp(self.norm2(x)))
+ return x
+class PatchEmbed(nn.Module):
+ """ Image to Patch Embedding
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ img_size=(32, 100),
+ in_channels=3,
+ embed_dim=768,
+ sub_num=2):
+ super().__init__()
+ num_patches = (img_size[1] // (2 ** sub_num)) * \
+ (img_size[0] // (2 ** sub_num))
+ self.img_size = img_size
+ self.num_patches = num_patches
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ self.norm = None
+ if sub_num == 2:
+ self.proj = nn.Sequential(
+ ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=embed_dim // 2,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ act=nn.GELU,
+ bias_attr=False),
+ ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels=embed_dim // 2,
+ out_channels=embed_dim,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ act=nn.GELU,
+ bias_attr=False))
+ if sub_num == 3:
+ self.proj = nn.Sequential(
+ ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ out_channels=embed_dim // 4,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ act=nn.GELU,
+ bias_attr=False),
+ ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels=embed_dim // 4,
+ out_channels=embed_dim // 2,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ act=nn.GELU,
+ bias_attr=False),
+ ConvBNLayer(
+ in_channels=embed_dim // 2,
+ out_channels=embed_dim,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=2,
+ padding=1,
+ act=nn.GELU,
+ bias_attr=False))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ B, C, H, W = x.shape
+ assert H == self.img_size[0] and W == self.img_size[1], \
+ f"Input image size ({H}*{W}) doesn't match model ({self.img_size[0]}*{self.img_size[1]})."
+ x = self.proj(x).flatten(2).permute(0, 2, 1)
+ return x
+class SubSample(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self,
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ types='Pool',
+ stride=(2, 1),
+ sub_norm='nn.LayerNorm',
+ act=None):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.types = types
+ if types == 'Pool':
+ self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(
+ kernel_size=(3, 5), stride=stride, padding=(1, 2))
+ self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(
+ kernel_size=(3, 5), stride=stride, padding=(1, 2))
+ self.proj = nn.Linear(in_channels, out_channels)
+ else:
+ self.conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels,
+ out_channels,
+ kernel_size=3,
+ stride=stride,
+ padding=1,
+ # weight_attr=ParamAttr(initializer=KaimingNormal())
+ )
+ self.norm = eval(sub_norm)(out_channels)
+ if act is not None:
+ self.act = act()
+ else:
+ self.act = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.types == 'Pool':
+ x1 = self.avgpool(x)
+ x2 = self.maxpool(x)
+ x = (x1 + x2) * 0.5
+ out = self.proj(x.flatten(2).permute((0, 2, 1)))
+ else:
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ out = x.flatten(2).permute((0, 2, 1))
+ out = self.norm(out)
+ if self.act is not None:
+ out = self.act(out)
+ return out
+class SVTRNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ img_size=[48, 100],
+ in_channels=3,
+ embed_dim=[64, 128, 256],
+ depth=[3, 6, 3],
+ num_heads=[2, 4, 8],
+ mixer=['Local'] * 6 + ['Global'] *
+ 6, # Local atten, Global atten, Conv
+ local_mixer=[[7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11]],
+ patch_merging='Conv', # Conv, Pool, None
+ mlp_ratio=4,
+ qkv_bias=True,
+ qk_scale=None,
+ drop_rate=0.,
+ last_drop=0.1,
+ attn_drop_rate=0.,
+ drop_path_rate=0.1,
+ norm_layer='nn.LayerNorm',
+ sub_norm='nn.LayerNorm',
+ epsilon=1e-6,
+ out_channels=192,
+ out_char_num=25,
+ block_unit='Block',
+ act='nn.GELU',
+ last_stage=True,
+ sub_num=2,
+ prenorm=True,
+ use_lenhead=False,
+ **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.img_size = img_size
+ self.embed_dim = embed_dim
+ self.out_channels = out_channels
+ self.prenorm = prenorm
+ patch_merging = None if patch_merging != 'Conv' and patch_merging != 'Pool' else patch_merging
+ self.patch_embed = PatchEmbed(
+ img_size=img_size,
+ in_channels=in_channels,
+ embed_dim=embed_dim[0],
+ sub_num=sub_num)
+ num_patches = self.patch_embed.num_patches
+ self.HW = [img_size[0] // (2**sub_num), img_size[1] // (2**sub_num)]
+ self.pos_embed = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, num_patches, embed_dim[0]))
+ # self.pos_embed = self.create_parameter(
+ # shape=[1, num_patches, embed_dim[0]], default_initializer=zeros_)
+ # self.add_parameter("pos_embed", self.pos_embed)
+ self.pos_drop = nn.Dropout(p=drop_rate)
+ Block_unit = eval(block_unit)
+ dpr = np.linspace(0, drop_path_rate, sum(depth))
+ self.blocks1 = nn.ModuleList(
+ [
+ Block_unit(
+ dim=embed_dim[0],
+ num_heads=num_heads[0],
+ mixer=mixer[0:depth[0]][i],
+ HW=self.HW,
+ local_mixer=local_mixer[0],
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ qk_scale=qk_scale,
+ drop=drop_rate,
+ act_layer=eval(act),
+ attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
+ drop_path=dpr[0:depth[0]][i],
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ epsilon=epsilon,
+ prenorm=prenorm) for i in range(depth[0])
+ ]
+ )
+ if patch_merging is not None:
+ self.sub_sample1 = SubSample(
+ embed_dim[0],
+ embed_dim[1],
+ sub_norm=sub_norm,
+ stride=[2, 1],
+ types=patch_merging)
+ HW = [self.HW[0] // 2, self.HW[1]]
+ else:
+ HW = self.HW
+ self.patch_merging = patch_merging
+ self.blocks2 = nn.ModuleList([
+ Block_unit(
+ dim=embed_dim[1],
+ num_heads=num_heads[1],
+ mixer=mixer[depth[0]:depth[0] + depth[1]][i],
+ HW=HW,
+ local_mixer=local_mixer[1],
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ qk_scale=qk_scale,
+ drop=drop_rate,
+ act_layer=eval(act),
+ attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
+ drop_path=dpr[depth[0]:depth[0] + depth[1]][i],
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ epsilon=epsilon,
+ prenorm=prenorm) for i in range(depth[1])
+ ])
+ if patch_merging is not None:
+ self.sub_sample2 = SubSample(
+ embed_dim[1],
+ embed_dim[2],
+ sub_norm=sub_norm,
+ stride=[2, 1],
+ types=patch_merging)
+ HW = [self.HW[0] // 4, self.HW[1]]
+ else:
+ HW = self.HW
+ self.blocks3 = nn.ModuleList([
+ Block_unit(
+ dim=embed_dim[2],
+ num_heads=num_heads[2],
+ mixer=mixer[depth[0] + depth[1]:][i],
+ HW=HW,
+ local_mixer=local_mixer[2],
+ mlp_ratio=mlp_ratio,
+ qkv_bias=qkv_bias,
+ qk_scale=qk_scale,
+ drop=drop_rate,
+ act_layer=eval(act),
+ attn_drop=attn_drop_rate,
+ drop_path=dpr[depth[0] + depth[1]:][i],
+ norm_layer=norm_layer,
+ epsilon=epsilon,
+ prenorm=prenorm) for i in range(depth[2])
+ ])
+ self.last_stage = last_stage
+ if last_stage:
+ self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d((1, out_char_num))
+ self.last_conv = nn.Conv2d(
+ in_channels=embed_dim[2],
+ out_channels=self.out_channels,
+ kernel_size=1,
+ stride=1,
+ padding=0,
+ bias=False)
+ self.hardswish = nn.Hardswish()
+ self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=last_drop)
+ if not prenorm:
+ self.norm = eval(norm_layer)(embed_dim[-1], epsilon=epsilon)
+ self.use_lenhead = use_lenhead
+ if use_lenhead:
+ self.len_conv = nn.Linear(embed_dim[2], self.out_channels)
+ self.hardswish_len = nn.Hardswish()
+ self.dropout_len = nn.Dropout(
+ p=last_drop)
+ trunc_normal_(self.pos_embed,std=.02)
+ self.apply(self._init_weights)
+ def _init_weights(self, m):
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
+ trunc_normal_(m.weight,std=.02)
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Linear) and m.bias is not None:
+ zeros_(m.bias)
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):
+ zeros_(m.bias)
+ ones_(m.weight)
+ def forward_features(self, x):
+ x = self.patch_embed(x)
+ x = x + self.pos_embed
+ x = self.pos_drop(x)
+ for blk in self.blocks1:
+ x = blk(x)
+ if self.patch_merging is not None:
+ x = self.sub_sample1(
+ x.permute([0, 2, 1]).reshape(
+ [-1, self.embed_dim[0], self.HW[0], self.HW[1]]))
+ for blk in self.blocks2:
+ x = blk(x)
+ if self.patch_merging is not None:
+ x = self.sub_sample2(
+ x.permute([0, 2, 1]).reshape(
+ [-1, self.embed_dim[1], self.HW[0] // 2, self.HW[1]]))
+ for blk in self.blocks3:
+ x = blk(x)
+ if not self.prenorm:
+ x = self.norm(x)
+ return x
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.forward_features(x)
+ if self.use_lenhead:
+ len_x = self.len_conv(x.mean(1))
+ len_x = self.dropout_len(self.hardswish_len(len_x))
+ if self.last_stage:
+ if self.patch_merging is not None:
+ h = self.HW[0] // 4
+ else:
+ h = self.HW[0]
+ x = self.avg_pool(
+ x.permute([0, 2, 1]).reshape(
+ [-1, self.embed_dim[2], h, self.HW[1]]))
+ x = self.last_conv(x)
+ x = self.hardswish(x)
+ x = self.dropout(x)
+ if self.use_lenhead:
+ return x, len_x
+ return x
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ a = torch.rand(1,3,48,100)
+ svtr = SVTRNet()
+ out = svtr(a)
+ print(svtr)
+ print(out.size())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocr_recog/common.py b/ocr_recog/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a328bb034a37934b7437893b5c2e42cd3504c17f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+class Hswish(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, inplace=True):
+ super(Hswish, self).__init__()
+ self.inplace = inplace
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return x * F.relu6(x + 3., inplace=self.inplace) / 6.
+# out = max(0, min(1, slop*x+offset))
+# paddle.fluid.layers.hard_sigmoid(x, slope=0.2, offset=0.5, name=None)
+class Hsigmoid(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, inplace=True):
+ super(Hsigmoid, self).__init__()
+ self.inplace = inplace
+ def forward(self, x):
+ # torch: F.relu6(x + 3., inplace=self.inplace) / 6.
+ # paddle: F.relu6(1.2 * x + 3., inplace=self.inplace) / 6.
+ return F.relu6(1.2 * x + 3., inplace=self.inplace) / 6.
+class GELU(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, inplace=True):
+ super(GELU, self).__init__()
+ self.inplace = inplace
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return torch.nn.functional.gelu(x)
+class Swish(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, inplace=True):
+ super(Swish, self).__init__()
+ self.inplace = inplace
+ def forward(self, x):
+ if self.inplace:
+ x.mul_(torch.sigmoid(x))
+ return x
+ else:
+ return x*torch.sigmoid(x)
+class Activation(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, act_type, inplace=True):
+ super(Activation, self).__init__()
+ act_type = act_type.lower()
+ if act_type == 'relu':
+ self.act = nn.ReLU(inplace=inplace)
+ elif act_type == 'relu6':
+ self.act = nn.ReLU6(inplace=inplace)
+ elif act_type == 'sigmoid':
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ elif act_type == 'hard_sigmoid':
+ self.act = Hsigmoid(inplace)
+ elif act_type == 'hard_swish':
+ self.act = Hswish(inplace=inplace)
+ elif act_type == 'leakyrelu':
+ self.act = nn.LeakyReLU(inplace=inplace)
+ elif act_type == 'gelu':
+ self.act = GELU(inplace=inplace)
+ elif act_type == 'swish':
+ self.act = Swish(inplace=inplace)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def forward(self, inputs):
+ return self.act(inputs)
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diff --git a/ocr_recog/en_dict.txt b/ocr_recog/en_dict.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7677d31b9d3f08eef2823c2cf051beeab1f0470b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/en_dict.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
diff --git a/ocr_recog/ppocr_keys_v1.txt b/ocr_recog/ppocr_keys_v1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84b885d8352226e49b1d5d791b8f43a663e246aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocr_recog/ppocr_keys_v1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6623 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2f78d9ab775346d2688a980a4184859d5c94e5b6
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+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b86d2b64169ed66088f12dbf14d030af0125c600
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+++ b/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#banner {
+ max-width: 400px;
+ margin: auto;
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;
+ border-radius: 20px;
+.run {
+ background-color: #624AFF !important;
+ color: #FFFFFF !important;
+ border-radius: 2px !important;
+ box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) !important;
+.run:active {
+ background-color: #d96565 !important;
+.run:hover {
+ background-color: #a079f5 !important;
+/* tab button style */
+button.svelte-kqij2n {
+ margin-bottom: -1px;
+ border: 1px solid transparent;
+ border-color: transparent;
+ border-bottom: none;
+ color: #9CA3AF !important;
+ font-size: 16px;
+button.selected.svelte-kqij2n {
+ background: #ddd8f9 !important;
+ color: rgb(62, 7, 240) !important;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t3_dataset.py b/t3_dataset.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..669b4598baf12654f8badc9bbbd5556ba33b8239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t3_dataset.py
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import random
+import math
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
+from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
+from dataset_util import load, show_bbox_on_image
+phrase_list = [
+ ', content and position of the texts are ',
+ ', textual material depicted in the image are ',
+ ', texts that says ',
+ ', captions shown in the snapshot are ',
+ ', with the words of ',
+ ', that reads ',
+ ', the written materials on the picture: ',
+ ', these texts are written on it: ',
+ ', captions are ',
+ ', content of the text in the graphic is '
+def insert_spaces(string, nSpace):
+ if nSpace == 0:
+ return string
+ new_string = ""
+ for char in string:
+ new_string += char + " " * nSpace
+ return new_string[:-nSpace]
+def draw_glyph(font, text):
+ g_size = 50
+ W, H = (512, 80)
+ new_font = font.font_variant(size=g_size)
+ img = Image.new(mode='1', size=(W, H), color=0)
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+ left, top, right, bottom = new_font.getbbox(text)
+ text_width = max(right-left, 5)
+ text_height = max(bottom - top, 5)
+ ratio = min(W*0.9/text_width, H*0.9/text_height)
+ new_font = font.font_variant(size=int(g_size*ratio))
+ text_width, text_height = new_font.getsize(text)
+ offset_x, offset_y = new_font.getoffset(text)
+ x = (img.width - text_width) // 2
+ y = (img.height - text_height) // 2 - offset_y//2
+ draw.text((x, y), text, font=new_font, fill='white')
+ img = np.expand_dims(np.array(img), axis=2).astype(np.float64)
+ return img
+def draw_glyph2(font, text, polygon, vertAng=10, scale=1, width=512, height=512, add_space=True):
+ enlarge_polygon = polygon*scale
+ rect = cv2.minAreaRect(enlarge_polygon)
+ box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
+ box = np.int0(box)
+ w, h = rect[1]
+ angle = rect[2]
+ if angle < -45:
+ angle += 90
+ angle = -angle
+ if w < h:
+ angle += 90
+ vert = False
+ if (abs(angle) % 90 < vertAng or abs(90-abs(angle) % 90) % 90 < vertAng):
+ _w = max(box[:, 0]) - min(box[:, 0])
+ _h = max(box[:, 1]) - min(box[:, 1])
+ if _h >= _w:
+ vert = True
+ angle = 0
+ img = np.zeros((height*scale, width*scale, 3), np.uint8)
+ img = Image.fromarray(img)
+ # infer font size
+ image4ratio = Image.new("RGB", img.size, "white")
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image4ratio)
+ _, _, _tw, _th = draw.textbbox(xy=(0, 0), text=text, font=font)
+ text_w = min(w, h) * (_tw / _th)
+ if text_w <= max(w, h):
+ # add space
+ if len(text) > 1 and not vert and add_space:
+ for i in range(1, 100):
+ text_space = insert_spaces(text, i)
+ _, _, _tw2, _th2 = draw.textbbox(xy=(0, 0), text=text_space, font=font)
+ if min(w, h) * (_tw2 / _th2) > max(w, h):
+ break
+ text = insert_spaces(text, i-1)
+ font_size = min(w, h)*0.80
+ else:
+ shrink = 0.75 if vert else 0.85
+ font_size = min(w, h) / (text_w/max(w, h)) * shrink
+ new_font = font.font_variant(size=int(font_size))
+ left, top, right, bottom = new_font.getbbox(text)
+ text_width = right-left
+ text_height = bottom - top
+ layer = Image.new('RGBA', img.size, (0, 0, 0, 0))
+ draw = ImageDraw.Draw(layer)
+ if not vert:
+ draw.text((rect[0][0]-text_width//2, rect[0][1]-text_height//2-top), text, font=new_font, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
+ else:
+ x_s = min(box[:, 0]) + _w//2 - text_height//2
+ y_s = min(box[:, 1])
+ for c in text:
+ draw.text((x_s, y_s), c, font=new_font, fill=(255, 255, 255, 255))
+ _, _t, _, _b = new_font.getbbox(c)
+ y_s += _b
+ rotated_layer = layer.rotate(angle, expand=1, center=(rect[0][0], rect[0][1]))
+ x_offset = int((img.width - rotated_layer.width) / 2)
+ y_offset = int((img.height - rotated_layer.height) / 2)
+ img.paste(rotated_layer, (x_offset, y_offset), rotated_layer)
+ img = np.expand_dims(np.array(img.convert('1')), axis=2).astype(np.float64)
+ return img
+def get_caption_pos(ori_caption, pos_idxs, prob=1.0, place_holder='*'):
+ idx2pos = {
+ 0: " top left",
+ 1: " top",
+ 2: " top right",
+ 3: " left",
+ 4: random.choice([" middle", " center"]),
+ 5: " right",
+ 6: " bottom left",
+ 7: " bottom",
+ 8: " bottom right"
+ }
+ new_caption = ori_caption + random.choice(phrase_list)
+ pos = ''
+ for i in range(len(pos_idxs)):
+ if random.random() < prob and pos_idxs[i] > 0:
+ pos += place_holder + random.choice([' located', ' placed', ' positioned', '']) + random.choice([' at', ' in', ' on']) + idx2pos[pos_idxs[i]] + ', '
+ else:
+ pos += place_holder + ' , '
+ pos = pos[:-2] + '.'
+ new_caption += pos
+ return new_caption
+def generate_random_rectangles(w, h, box_num):
+ rectangles = []
+ for i in range(box_num):
+ x = random.randint(0, w)
+ y = random.randint(0, h)
+ w = random.randint(16, 256)
+ h = random.randint(16, 96)
+ angle = random.randint(-45, 45)
+ p1 = (x, y)
+ p2 = (x + w, y)
+ p3 = (x + w, y + h)
+ p4 = (x, y + h)
+ center = ((x + x + w) / 2, (y + y + h) / 2)
+ p1 = rotate_point(p1, center, angle)
+ p2 = rotate_point(p2, center, angle)
+ p3 = rotate_point(p3, center, angle)
+ p4 = rotate_point(p4, center, angle)
+ rectangles.append((p1, p2, p3, p4))
+ return rectangles
+def rotate_point(point, center, angle):
+ # rotation
+ angle = math.radians(angle)
+ x = point[0] - center[0]
+ y = point[1] - center[1]
+ x1 = x * math.cos(angle) - y * math.sin(angle)
+ y1 = x * math.sin(angle) + y * math.cos(angle)
+ x1 += center[0]
+ y1 += center[1]
+ return int(x1), int(y1)
+class T3DataSet(Dataset):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ json_path,
+ max_lines=5,
+ max_chars=20,
+ place_holder='*',
+ font_path='./font/Arial_Unicode.ttf',
+ caption_pos_prob=1.0,
+ mask_pos_prob=1.0,
+ mask_img_prob=0.5,
+ for_show=False,
+ using_dlc=False,
+ glyph_scale=1,
+ percent=1.0,
+ debug=False,
+ wm_thresh=1.0,
+ ):
+ assert isinstance(json_path, (str, list))
+ if isinstance(json_path, str):
+ json_path = [json_path]
+ data_list = []
+ self.using_dlc = using_dlc
+ self.max_lines = max_lines
+ self.max_chars = max_chars
+ self.place_holder = place_holder
+ self.font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, size=60)
+ self.caption_pos_porb = caption_pos_prob
+ self.mask_pos_prob = mask_pos_prob
+ self.mask_img_prob = mask_img_prob
+ self.for_show = for_show
+ self.glyph_scale = glyph_scale
+ self.wm_thresh = wm_thresh
+ for jp in json_path:
+ data_list += self.load_data(jp, percent)
+ self.data_list = data_list
+ print(f'All dataset loaded, imgs={len(self.data_list)}')
+ self.debug = debug
+ if self.debug:
+ self.tmp_items = [i for i in range(100)]
+ def load_data(self, json_path, percent):
+ content = load(json_path)
+ d = []
+ count = 0
+ wm_skip = 0
+ max_img = len(content['data_list']) * percent
+ for gt in content['data_list']:
+ if len(d) > max_img:
+ break
+ if 'wm_score' in gt and gt['wm_score'] > self.wm_thresh: # wm_score > thresh will be skiped as an img with watermark
+ wm_skip += 1
+ continue
+ data_root = content['data_root']
+ if self.using_dlc:
+ data_root = data_root.replace('/data/vdb', '/mnt/data', 1)
+ img_path = os.path.join(data_root, gt['img_name'])
+ info = {}
+ info['img_path'] = img_path
+ info['caption'] = gt['caption'] if 'caption' in gt else ''
+ if self.place_holder in info['caption']:
+ count += 1
+ info['caption'] = info['caption'].replace(self.place_holder, " ")
+ if 'annotations' in gt:
+ polygons = []
+ invalid_polygons = []
+ texts = []
+ languages = []
+ pos = []
+ for annotation in gt['annotations']:
+ if len(annotation['polygon']) == 0:
+ continue
+ if 'valid' in annotation and annotation['valid'] is False:
+ invalid_polygons.append(annotation['polygon'])
+ continue
+ polygons.append(annotation['polygon'])
+ texts.append(annotation['text'])
+ languages.append(annotation['language'])
+ if 'pos' in annotation:
+ pos.append(annotation['pos'])
+ info['polygons'] = [np.array(i) for i in polygons]
+ info['invalid_polygons'] = [np.array(i) for i in invalid_polygons]
+ info['texts'] = texts
+ info['language'] = languages
+ info['pos'] = pos
+ d.append(info)
+ print(f'{json_path} loaded, imgs={len(d)}, wm_skip={wm_skip}')
+ if count > 0:
+ print(f"Found {count} image's caption contain placeholder: {self.place_holder}, change to ' '...")
+ return d
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ item_dict = {}
+ if self.debug: # sample fixed items
+ item = self.tmp_items.pop()
+ print(f'item = {item}')
+ cur_item = self.data_list[item]
+ # img
+ target = np.array(Image.open(cur_item['img_path']).convert('RGB'))
+ if target.shape[0] != 512 or target.shape[1] != 512:
+ target = cv2.resize(target, (512, 512))
+ target = (target.astype(np.float32) / 127.5) - 1.0
+ item_dict['img'] = target
+ # caption
+ item_dict['caption'] = cur_item['caption']
+ item_dict['glyphs'] = []
+ item_dict['gly_line'] = []
+ item_dict['positions'] = []
+ item_dict['texts'] = []
+ item_dict['language'] = []
+ item_dict['inv_mask'] = []
+ texts = cur_item.get('texts', [])
+ if len(texts) > 0:
+ idxs = [i for i in range(len(texts))]
+ if len(texts) > self.max_lines:
+ sel_idxs = random.sample(idxs, self.max_lines)
+ unsel_idxs = [i for i in idxs if i not in sel_idxs]
+ else:
+ sel_idxs = idxs
+ unsel_idxs = []
+ if len(cur_item['pos']) > 0:
+ pos_idxs = [cur_item['pos'][i] for i in sel_idxs]
+ else:
+ pos_idxs = [-1 for i in sel_idxs]
+ item_dict['caption'] = get_caption_pos(item_dict['caption'], pos_idxs, self.caption_pos_porb, self.place_holder)
+ item_dict['polygons'] = [cur_item['polygons'][i] for i in sel_idxs]
+ item_dict['texts'] = [cur_item['texts'][i][:self.max_chars] for i in sel_idxs]
+ item_dict['language'] = [cur_item['language'][i] for i in sel_idxs]
+ # glyphs
+ for idx, text in enumerate(item_dict['texts']):
+ gly_line = draw_glyph(self.font, text)
+ glyphs = draw_glyph2(self.font, text, item_dict['polygons'][idx], scale=self.glyph_scale)
+ item_dict['glyphs'] += [glyphs]
+ item_dict['gly_line'] += [gly_line]
+ # mask_pos
+ for polygon in item_dict['polygons']:
+ item_dict['positions'] += [self.draw_pos(polygon, self.mask_pos_prob)]
+ # inv_mask
+ invalid_polygons = cur_item['invalid_polygons'] if 'invalid_polygons' in cur_item else []
+ if len(texts) > 0:
+ invalid_polygons += [cur_item['polygons'][i] for i in unsel_idxs]
+ item_dict['inv_mask'] = self.draw_inv_mask(invalid_polygons)
+ item_dict['hint'] = self.get_hint(item_dict['positions'])
+ if random.random() < self.mask_img_prob:
+ # randomly generate 0~3 masks
+ box_num = random.randint(0, 3)
+ boxes = generate_random_rectangles(512, 512, box_num)
+ boxes = np.array(boxes)
+ pos_list = item_dict['positions'].copy()
+ for i in range(box_num):
+ pos_list += [self.draw_pos(boxes[i], self.mask_pos_prob)]
+ mask = self.get_hint(pos_list)
+ masked_img = target*(1-mask)
+ else:
+ masked_img = np.zeros_like(target)
+ item_dict['masked_img'] = masked_img
+ if self.for_show:
+ item_dict['img_name'] = os.path.split(cur_item['img_path'])[-1]
+ return item_dict
+ if len(texts) > 0:
+ del item_dict['polygons']
+ # padding
+ n_lines = min(len(texts), self.max_lines)
+ item_dict['n_lines'] = n_lines
+ n_pad = self.max_lines - n_lines
+ if n_pad > 0:
+ item_dict['glyphs'] += [np.zeros((512*self.glyph_scale, 512*self.glyph_scale, 1))] * n_pad
+ item_dict['gly_line'] += [np.zeros((80, 512, 1))] * n_pad
+ item_dict['positions'] += [np.zeros((512, 512, 1))] * n_pad
+ item_dict['texts'] += [' '] * n_pad
+ item_dict['language'] += [' '] * n_pad
+ return item_dict
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.data_list)
+ def draw_inv_mask(self, polygons):
+ img = np.zeros((512, 512))
+ for p in polygons:
+ pts = p.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
+ cv2.fillPoly(img, [pts], color=255)
+ img = img[..., None]
+ return img/255.
+ def draw_pos(self, ploygon, prob=1.0):
+ img = np.zeros((512, 512))
+ rect = cv2.minAreaRect(ploygon)
+ w, h = rect[1]
+ small = False
+ if w < 20 or h < 20:
+ small = True
+ if random.random() < prob:
+ pts = ploygon.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
+ cv2.fillPoly(img, [pts], color=255)
+ # 10% dilate / 10% erode / 5% dilatex2 5% erodex2
+ random_value = random.random()
+ kernel = np.ones((3, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
+ if random_value < 0.7:
+ pass
+ elif random_value < 0.8:
+ img = cv2.dilate(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=1)
+ elif random_value < 0.9 and not small:
+ img = cv2.erode(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=1)
+ elif random_value < 0.95:
+ img = cv2.dilate(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=2)
+ elif random_value < 1.0 and not small:
+ img = cv2.erode(img.astype(np.uint8), kernel, iterations=2)
+ img = img[..., None]
+ return img/255.
+ def get_hint(self, positions):
+ if len(positions) == 0:
+ return np.zeros((512, 512, 1))
+ return np.sum(positions, axis=0).clip(0, 1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ '''
+ Run this script to show details of your dataset, such as ocr annotations, glyphs, prompts, etc.
+ '''
+ from tqdm import tqdm
+ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+ import shutil
+ show_imgs_dir = 'show_results'
+ show_count = 50
+ if os.path.exists(show_imgs_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(show_imgs_dir)
+ os.makedirs(show_imgs_dir)
+ plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
+ json_paths = [
+ '/path/of/your/dataset/data1.json',
+ '/path/of/your/dataset/data2.json',
+ # ...
+ ]
+ dataset = T3DataSet(json_paths, for_show=True, max_lines=20, glyph_scale=2, mask_img_prob=1.0, caption_pos_prob=0.0)
+ train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=dataset, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=0)
+ pbar = tqdm(total=show_count)
+ for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
+ if i == show_count:
+ break
+ img = ((data['img'][0].numpy() + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255).astype(np.uint8)
+ masked_img = ((data['masked_img'][0].numpy() + 1.0) / 2.0 * 255)[..., ::-1].astype(np.uint8)
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_masked.jpg'), masked_img)
+ if 'texts' in data and len(data['texts']) > 0:
+ texts = [x[0] for x in data['texts']]
+ img = show_bbox_on_image(Image.fromarray(img), data['polygons'], texts)
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}.jpg'), np.array(img)[..., ::-1])
+ with open(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}.txt'), 'w') as fin:
+ fin.writelines([data['caption'][0]])
+ all_glyphs = []
+ for k, glyphs in enumerate(data['glyphs']):
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_glyph_{k}.jpg'), glyphs[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255)
+ all_glyphs += [glyphs[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255]
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_allglyphs.jpg'), np.sum(all_glyphs, axis=0))
+ for k, gly_line in enumerate(data['gly_line']):
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_gly_line_{k}.jpg'), gly_line[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255)
+ for k, position in enumerate(data['positions']):
+ if position is not None:
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_pos_{k}.jpg'), position[0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255)
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_hint.jpg'), data['hint'][0].numpy().astype(np.int32)*255)
+ cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(show_imgs_dir, f'plots_{i}_inv_mask.jpg'), np.array(img)[..., ::-1]*(1-data['inv_mask'][0].numpy().astype(np.int32)))
+ pbar.update(1)
+ pbar.close()
diff --git a/util.py b/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9c8b953f0d18a29f846763346150d7af086207d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import datetime
+import os
+import cv2
+def save_images(img_list, folder):
+ if not os.path.exists(folder):
+ os.makedirs(folder)
+ now = datetime.datetime.now()
+ date_str = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ folder_path = os.path.join(folder, date_str)
+ if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
+ os.makedirs(folder_path)
+ time_str = now.strftime("%H_%M_%S")
+ for idx, img in enumerate(img_list):
+ image_number = idx + 1
+ filename = f"{time_str}_{image_number}.jpg"
+ save_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filename)
+ cv2.imwrite(save_path, img[..., ::-1])
+def check_channels(image):
+ channels = image.shape[2] if len(image.shape) == 3 else 1
+ if channels == 1:
+ image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
+ elif channels > 3:
+ image = image[:, :, :3]
+ return image
+def resize_image(img, max_length=768):
+ height, width = img.shape[:2]
+ max_dimension = max(height, width)
+ if max_dimension > max_length:
+ scale_factor = max_length / max_dimension
+ new_width = int(round(width * scale_factor))
+ new_height = int(round(height * scale_factor))
+ new_size = (new_width, new_height)
+ img = cv2.resize(img, new_size)
+ height, width = img.shape[:2]
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (width-(width % 64), height-(height % 64)))
+ return img