AppleJavaExtensions.jar provides some stub methods to allow | |
compilation of code which contains Java methods that reference Mac OS | |
X specific Java APIs on any platform. This is needed only for | |
compilation of the class edu.stanford.nlp.trees.tregex.gui.OSXAdapter . | |
Using this class and the links to Apple-specific technologies is | |
required to allow the Mac version of Tregex to behave like a normal | |
Mac application in responding to About and Preferences... menu items. | |
This library is not needed or used at runtime on any platform. | |
If you'd prefer not to have these complications in the source for your | |
use on other platforms, simply delete both AppleJavaExtensions.jar and | |
the file src/edu/stanford/nlp/trees/tregex/gui/ . The | |
OSXAdapter class is loaded using reflection by the main TregexGUI | |
class, so its absence will not cause any errors in compilation. | |
The file README-AppleJavaExtensions.txt contains Apple's README and | |
license information for AppleJavaExtensions.jar . More information on | |
AppleJavaExtensions can be found at: | | | |
This issue of needing to include AppleJavaExtensions.jar occurs for | |
many Java GUI programs which want to function well on Mac OS X, | |
including NetBeans, FindBugs, etc. Do a Google search on: | |
AppleJavaExtensions license | |
to find examples. | |