# | |
# Defines standard configurations for training and evaluating the | |
# multilingual parsers (Arabic, Chinese, German, French). You can | |
# also train and test the English parsers with this script. | |
# | |
# For details on the language-specific options, see the javadocs and | |
# lexparser_lang.def. | |
# | |
# Memory limit | |
mem=6g | |
if [ ! $# -ge 5 ]; then | |
echo Usage: `basename $0` lang len train_file test_file out_file features | |
echo | |
echo ' lang : Language to parse (Arabic, English, Chinese, German, French)' | |
echo ' len : Maximum length of the sentences to parse' | |
echo ' train_file : Training treebank file' | |
echo ' test_file : Test treebank file (for evaluation)' | |
echo ' out_file : Prefix for the output filename' | |
echo ' features : Variable length list of optional parser features' | |
echo | |
echo 'Parser memory limit is currently:' "$mem" | |
echo | |
exit | |
fi | |
# Setup command-line options | |
lang=$1 | |
len=$2 | |
train_path=$3 | |
test_file=$4 | |
out_file=$5 | |
shift 5 | |
# Language-specific configuration | |
scriptdir=`dirname $0` | |
echo $JAVANLP_HOME | |
source $JAVANLP_HOME/projects/core/scripts/lexparser_lang.def | |
# Setting classpath | |
#CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH":"$scriptdir/*" | |
# Run the Stanford parser | |
java -Xmx"$mem" -cp "$scriptdir/*:$CLASSPATH" edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser -maxLength "$len" \ | |
-tLPP "$tlp" $lang_opts $* -writeOutputFiles \ | |
-outputFilesExtension "$out_file"."$len".stp -outputFormat "penn" \ | |
-outputFormatOptions "removeTopBracket,includePunctuationDependencies" -train "$train_path" -test "$test_file" | |