""" | |
This script analyzes all text files (with the .txt suffix only) in a single folder or directory. | |
It counts the occurrences of the following 9 structures in each text: words (W), sentences (S), verb phrases (VP), clauses (C), T-units (T), dependent clauses (DC), complex T-units (CT), coordinate phrases (CP), and complex nominals (CN). | |
These frequency counts are then used to compute the following 14 syntactic complexity indices of each text: mean length of sentence (MLS), mean length of T-unit (MLT), mean length of clause (MLC), clauses per sentence (C/S), verb phrases per T-unit (VP/T), clauses per T-unit (C/T), dependent clauses per clause (DC/C), dependent clauses per T-unit (DC/T), T-units per sentence (T/S), complex T-unit ratio (CT/T), coordinate phrases per T-unit (CP/T), coordinate phrases per clause (CP/C), complex nominals per T-unit (CN/T), and complex nominals per clause (CN/C). | |
To run the script, type the following at the command line: | |
python inputFileDirectory outputFileName | |
inputFileDirectory is the path to the directory or folder that contains the text files you want to analyze (e.g., /home/inputFiles/). The path should end with a slash, as in the example. outputFileName is the name you want to assign to the output file. Both must be provided. | |
The first line of the output file will be a comma-delimited list of 24 fields (including Filename, abbreviations of the 9 structures, and abbreviations of the 14 syntactic complexity indices). The subsequent lines of the file will each provide a comma-delimited list of 24 values for one input file (including the name of the file, frequency counts of the 9 structures, and the values of the 14 syntactic complexity indices). This format may be hard to read but allows easy import to Excel or SPSS. | |
""" | |
import sys, os, subprocess, glob, re | |
#a function to divide two numbers from strings | |
def division(x,y): | |
if float(x)==0 or float(y)==0: | |
return 0 | |
return float(x)/float(y) | |
#the following is a list of tregex patterns for various structures | |
#sentence (S) | |
s="'ROOT'" | |
#verb phrase (VP) | |
vp="'VP > S|SINV|SQ'" | |
vp_q="'MD|VBZ|VBP|VBD > (SQ !< VP)'" | |
#clause (C) | |
c="'S|SINV|SQ [> ROOT <, (VP <# VB) | <# MD|VBZ|VBP|VBD | < (VP [<# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD | < CC < (VP <# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD)])]'" | |
#T-unit (T) | |
t="'S|SBARQ|SINV|SQ > ROOT | [$-- S|SBARQ|SINV|SQ !>> SBAR|VP]'" | |
#dependent clause (DC) | |
dc="'SBAR < (S|SINV|SQ [> ROOT <, (VP <# VB) | <# MD|VBZ|VBP|VBD | < (VP [<# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD | < CC < (VP <# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD)])])'" | |
#complex T-unit (CT) | |
ct="'S|SBARQ|SINV|SQ [> ROOT | [$-- S|SBARQ|SINV|SQ !>> SBAR|VP]] << (SBAR < (S|SINV|SQ [> ROOT <, (VP <# VB) | <# MD|VBZ|VBP|VBD | < (VP [<# MD|VBP\ | |
|VBZ|VBD | < CC < (VP <# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD)])]))'" | |
#coordinate phrase (CP) | |
cp="'ADJP|ADVP|NP|VP < CC'" | |
#complex nominal (CN) | |
cn1="'NP !> NP [<< JJ|POS|PP|S|VBG | << (NP $++ NP !$+ CC)]'" | |
cn2="'SBAR [<# WHNP | <# (IN < That|that|For|for) | <, S] & [$+ VP | > VP]'" | |
cn3="'S < (VP <# VBG|TO) $+ VP'" | |
#fragment clause | |
fc="'FRAG > ROOT !<< (S|SINV|SQ [> ROOT <, (VP <# VB) | <# MD|VBZ|VBP|VBD | < (VP [<# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD | < CC < (VP <# MD|VBP|VBZ|VBD)])])'" | |
#fragment T-unit | |
ft="'FRAG > ROOT !<< (S|SBARQ|SINV|SQ > ROOT | [$-- S|SBARQ|SINV|SQ !>> SBAR|VP])'" | |
#list of patterns to search for | |
patternlist=[s,vp,c,t,dc,ct,cp,cn1,cn2,cn3,fc,ft,vp_q] | |
#location of the Stanford parser | |
parserPath="stanford-parser-full-2014-01-04/" | |
#path to the directory or folder containing input files | |
directoryPath=sys.argv[1] | |
#output file name | |
outputFile=open(sys.argv[2],"w") | |
#write a list of 24 comma-delimited fields to the output file | |
fields="Filename,W,S,VP,C,T,DC,CT,CP,CN,MLS,MLT,MLC,C/S,VP/T,C/T,DC/C,DC/T,T/S,CT/T,CP/T,CP/C,CN/T,CN/C" | |
outputFile.write(fields+"\n") | |
#process text files in the directory one by one | |
for filename in glob.glob( os.path.join(directoryPath, '*.txt') ): | |
print("Processing "+filename+"...") | |
#Extract the name of the file being processed | |
output=filename.split('/')[-1] | |
#name a temporary file to hold the parse trees of the input file | |
parsedFile=filename+".parsed" | |
#parse the input file | |
command=parserPath + " " + filename + " > " + parsedFile | |
a=subprocess.getoutput(command).split('\n')[-1].split() | |
#list of counts of the patterns | |
patterncount=[] | |
#query the parse trees using the tregex patterns | |
for pattern in patternlist: | |
command = "./ " + pattern + " " + parsedFile + " -C -o" | |
count = subprocess.getoutput(command).split('\n')[-1] | |
patterncount.append(int(count)) | |
#update frequencies of complex nominals, clauses, and T-units | |
patterncount[7]=patterncount[-4]+patterncount[-5]+patterncount[-6] | |
patterncount[2]=patterncount[2]+patterncount[-3] | |
patterncount[3]=patterncount[3]+patterncount[-2] | |
patterncount[1]=patterncount[1]+patterncount[-1] | |
#word count | |
infile=open(parsedFile,"r") | | | |
w=len(re.findall("\([A-Z]+\$? [^\)\(]+\)",content)) | |
infile.close() | |
#add frequencies of words and other structures to output string | |
output+=","+str(w) #number of words | |
for count in patterncount[:8]: | |
output+=","+str(count) | |
#list of frequencies of structures other than words | |
[s,vp,c,t,dc,ct,cp,cn]=patterncount[:8] | |
#compute the 14 syntactic complexity indices | |
mls=division(w,s) | |
mlt=division(w,t) | |
mlc=division(w,c) | |
c_s=division(c,s) | |
vp_t=division(vp,t) | |
c_t=division(c,t) | |
dc_c=division(dc,c) | |
dc_t=division(dc,t) | |
t_s=division(t,s) | |
ct_t=division(ct,t) | |
cp_t=division(cp,t) | |
cp_c=division(cp,c) | |
cn_t=division(cn,t) | |
cn_c=division(cn,c) | |
#add syntactic complexity indices to output string | |
for ratio in [mls,mlt,mlc,c_s,vp_t,c_t,dc_c,dc_t,t_s,ct_t,cp_t,cp_c,cn_t,cn_c]: | |
output+=","+str("%.4F" % ratio) | |
#write output string to output file | |
outputFile.write(output+"\n") | |
#delete the temporary file holding the parse trees | |
command="rm "+parsedFile | |
os.popen(command) | |
outputFile.close() | |
print("Done. Output was saved to " + sys.argv[2] +".") | |