import json import os import time import requests import yaml from commons.client import ApiClient ''' This client is a generic client for any Grobid application and sub-modules. At the moment, it supports only single document processing. Source: ''' class GrobidClientGeneric(ApiClient): def __init__(self, config_path=None, ping=False): self.config = None if config_path is not None: self.config = self.load_yaml_config_from_file(path=config_path) super().__init__(self.config['grobid']['server']) if ping: result = self.ping_grobid() if not result: raise Exception("Grobid is down.") os.environ['NO_PROXY'] = "" @staticmethod def load_json_config_from_file(self, path='./config.json', ping=False): """ Load the json configuration """ config = {} with open(path, 'r') as fp: config = json.load(fp) if ping: result = self.ping_grobid() if not result: raise Exception("Grobid is down.") return config def load_yaml_config_from_file(self, path='./config.yaml'): """ Load the YAML configuration """ config = {} try: with open(path, 'r') as the_file: raw_configuration = config = yaml.safe_load(raw_configuration) except Exception as e: print("Configuration could not be loaded: ", str(e)) exit(1) return config def set_config(self, config, ping=False): self.config = config if ping: try: result = self.ping_grobid() if not result: raise Exception("Grobid is down.") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Grobid is down or other problems were encountered. ", e) def ping_grobid(self): # test if the server is up and running... ping_url = self.get_grobid_url("ping") r = requests.get(ping_url) status = r.status_code if status != 200: print('GROBID server does not appear up and running ' + str(status)) return False else: print("GROBID server is up and running") return True def get_grobid_url(self, action): grobid_config = self.config['grobid'] base_url = grobid_config['server'] action_url = base_url + grobid_config['url_mapping'][action] return action_url def process_texts(self, input, method_name='superconductors', params={}, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}): files = { 'texts': input } the_url = self.get_grobid_url(method_name) params, the_url = self.get_params_from_url(the_url) res, status = url=the_url, files=files, data=params, headers=headers ) if status == 503: time.sleep(self.config['sleep_time']) return self.process_texts(input, method_name, params, headers) elif status != 200: print('Processing failed with error ' + str(status)) return status, None else: return status, json.loads(res.text) def process_text(self, input, method_name='superconductors', params={}, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}): files = { 'text': input } the_url = self.get_grobid_url(method_name) params, the_url = self.get_params_from_url(the_url) res, status = url=the_url, files=files, data=params, headers=headers ) if status == 503: time.sleep(self.config['sleep_time']) return self.process_text(input, method_name, params, headers) elif status != 200: print('Processing failed with error ' + str(status)) return status, None else: return status, json.loads(res.text) def process(self, form_data: dict, method_name='superconductors', params={}, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}): the_url = self.get_grobid_url(method_name) params, the_url = self.get_params_from_url(the_url) res, status = url=the_url, files=form_data, data=params, headers=headers ) if status == 503: time.sleep(self.config['sleep_time']) return self.process_text(input, method_name, params, headers) elif status != 200: print('Processing failed with error ' + str(status)) else: return res.text def process_pdf_batch(self, pdf_files, params={}): pass def process_pdf(self, pdf_file, method_name, params={}, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, verbose=False, retry=None): files = { 'input': ( pdf_file, open(pdf_file, 'rb'), 'application/pdf', {'Expires': '0'} ) } the_url = self.get_grobid_url(method_name) params, the_url = self.get_params_from_url(the_url) res, status = url=the_url, files=files, data=params, headers=headers ) if status == 503 or status == 429: if retry is None: retry = self.config['max_retry'] - 1 else: if retry - 1 == 0: if verbose: print("re-try exhausted. Aborting request") return None, status else: retry -= 1 sleep_time = self.config['sleep_time'] if verbose: print("Server is saturated, waiting", sleep_time, "seconds and trying again. ") time.sleep(sleep_time) return self.process_pdf(pdf_file, method_name, params, headers, verbose=verbose, retry=retry) elif status != 200: desc = None if res.content: c = json.loads(res.text) desc = c['description'] if 'description' in c else None return desc, status elif status == 204: # print('No content returned. Moving on. ') return None, status else: return res.text, status def get_params_from_url(self, the_url): params = {} if "?" in the_url: split = the_url.split("?") the_url = split[0] params = split[1] params = {param.split("=")[0]: param.split("=")[1] for param in params.split("&")} return params, the_url def process_json(self, text, method_name="processJson", params={}, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}, verbose=False): files = { 'input': ( None, text, 'application/json', {'Expires': '0'} ) } the_url = self.get_grobid_url(method_name) params, the_url = self.get_params_from_url(the_url) res, status = url=the_url, files=files, data=params, headers=headers ) if status == 503: time.sleep(self.config['sleep_time']) return self.process_json(text, method_name, params, headers), status elif status != 200: if verbose: print('Processing failed with error ', status) return None, status elif status == 204: if verbose: print('No content returned. Moving on. ') return None, status else: return res.text, status