import gradio as gr # Synonyms for each task category task_synonyms = { "Undergraduate level knowledge": ["undergraduate level knowledge", "MMLU"], "Graduate level reasoning": ["graduate level reasoning", "GPOA", "Diamond"], "Grade school math": ["grade school math", "GSM8K"], "Math problem-solving": ["math problem-solving", "MATH"], "Multilingual math": ["multilingual math", "MGSM"], "Code": ["code", "coding", "programming", "HumanEval"], "Reasoning over text": ["reasoning over text", "DROP", "F1 score"], "Mixed evaluations": ["mixed evaluations", "BIG-Bench-Hard"], "Knowledge Q&A": ["knowledge Q&A", "ARC-Challenge"], "Common Knowledge": ["common knowledge", "HellaSwag"], } # LLM performance data with scores performance_data = { "Undergraduate level knowledge": [("Claude 3 Opus", 86.8), ("GPT-4", 86.4), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 83.7)], "Graduate level reasoning": [("Claude 3 Opus", 50.4), ("Claude 3 Sonnet", 40.4), ("GPT-4", 35.7)], "Grade school math": [("Claude 3 Opus", 95.0), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 94.4), ("GPT-4", 92.0)], "Math problem-solving": [("Claude 3 Opus", 60.1), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 53.2), ("GPT-4", 52.9)], "Multilingual math": [("Claude 3 Opus", 90.7), ("Claude 3 Sonnet", 83.5), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 79.0)], "Code": [("Claude 3 Opus", 84.9), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 74.4), ("Claude 3 Haiku", 75.9)], "Reasoning over text": [("Claude 3 Opus", 83.1), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 82.4), ("GPT-4", 80.9)], "Mixed evaluations": [("Claude 3 Opus", 86.8), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 83.6), ("GPT-4", 83.1)], "Knowledge Q&A": [("Claude 3 Opus", 96.4), ("GPT-4", 96.3), ("Claude 3 Sonnet", 93.2)], "Common Knowledge": [("Claude 3 Opus", 95.4), ("GPT-4", 95.3), ("Gemini 1.0 Ultra", 87.8)], } def recommend_llm(task): # Normalize the input task to match against synonyms task_lower = task.lower() main_category = None for key, synonyms in task_synonyms.items(): if task_lower in map(str.lower, synonyms): main_category = key break if not main_category: return "No data available" recommendations = performance_data.get(main_category, []) recommendations_sorted = sorted(recommendations, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) result = f"For {task}, the recommended LLMs are:\n" for i, (model, score) in enumerate(recommendations_sorted): result += f"{i+1}. {model} with a score of {score}%\n" return result # Gradio interface interface = gr.Interface( fn=recommend_llm, inputs=gr.Textbox(label="Enter Task"), outputs=gr.Textbox(label="LLM Recommendations"), title="LLM Recommendation App", description="Enter a task to get recommendations for the best LLMs based on performance data. For example, you can enter 'coding', 'undergraduate level knowledge', etc." ) # Launch the app interface.launch()