Runtime error
Runtime error
<html> | |
<head lang="en"> | |
<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> | |
<script async src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// Used for Video players on Tropes | |
var tropes_videos_commands = tropes_videos_commands || []; | |
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; | |
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} | |
gtag('js', new Date()); | |
gtag('config', 'G-XPPLXMRF6Z'); | |
window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; | |
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<script type="text/javascript"> | |
var site_htl_settings = { | |
"adx" : "yes", // yes/no if we should include adx on page | |
"groupname" : "Recap", // track groupname in htl/gam | |
"is_testing" : "no", // yes/no if in testing mode | |
"split_testing" : "1", // 0/1, 0=control, 1=test, for a/b testing | |
"send_reports" : "false", // true/false if reports should be sent for logging in DataBricks | |
"report_url" : "", // Endpoint for logging (data stream) | |
"logging_turned_on": "1", // true/false if console logging should be turned on | |
"site_name" : "tvtropes", // Site name for display in logging | |
"sticky_slot_names": ["tvtropes_dt_sticky", "tvtropes_m_sticky"], // Possible slot names for the sticky slot | |
} | |
</script> | |
<script async src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// Create the ad project | |
var ads_project = (function(sent_in_settings){ | |
var is_mobile = (document.innerWidth <= 768) ? true : false; | |
//default settings | |
var setting_defaults = { | |
"adx" : "yes", | |
"groupname" : "", | |
"is_testing" : "no", | |
"split_testing" : "0", | |
"send_reports" : "0", | |
"logging_turned_on": "false", | |
"site_name" : "site_name", | |
"report_url" : "", | |
"page_template" : "", | |
"sticky_slot_names": [] | |
} | |
// Combine defaults with sent in parameters | |
var project_settings = {...setting_defaults, ...sent_in_settings}; | |
/*************************************** | |
--------------- AD CODE --------------- | |
***************************************/ | |
// Variables for refresh logic (sticky) | |
var refresh = true; | |
var sticky_refresh_counter = 1; | |
var refresh_timer; | |
var global_ad_slot_name = ""; | |
var global_bidder_name = ""; | |
var last_refresh_time = ""; | |
var unfilled_count = 0; | |
window.htlbid = window.htlbid || {}; | |
htlbid.cmd = htlbid.cmd || []; | |
htlbid.cmd.push(function() { | |
htlbid.layout('universal'); | |
// Only set these if given in settings | |
if(project_settings.groupname != "") htlbid.setTargeting("groupname", project_settings.groupname); | |
if(project_settings.page_template != "") htlbid.setTargeting("page_template", project_settings.page_template); | |
htlbid.setTargeting("adx", project_settings.adx); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('is_testing', project_settings.is_testing); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('split_testing', project_settings.split_testing); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('website', project_settings.site_name); | |
// On slot rendering (or unfilled) | |
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event){ | |
var slot_targeting = event.slot.getTargetingMap(); | |
var bidder_name, size = 0; | |
// If it's empty, no bids? | |
var cpm = (slot_targeting["hb_pb"]) ? slot_targeting["hb_pb"][0] : 0; | |
// In case there is no size from anywhere | |
if(event.size && event.size.length > 0) size = event.size[0]+"x"+event.size[1]; | |
// Either Amazon/ADX or Unfilled | |
if(event.advertiserId != 5280547887){ | |
if(event.advertiserId == 4467125037){ | |
bidder_name = "adx"; | |
if(cpm == 0) cpm = 0.11; | |
} | |
else if(event.advertiserId == 5279698200){ | |
bidder_name = "amazon"; | |
if(cpm == 0) cpm = 0.11; | |
} | |
else if(event.advertiserId == 5291323376) bidder_name = "house"; | |
else if(!event.advertiserId || event.isEmpty) bidder_name = "unfilled"; | |
else bidder_name = "unknown"; | |
if(bidder_name != "unknown" && bidder_name != "unfilled") output_logging("ADX/Amazon bid report"); | |
else output_logging("unknown/unfilled bid report"); | |
} | |
// Bidder won the auction | |
else{ | |
output_logging("Bidders bid report"); | |
bidder_name = (slot_targeting["hb_bidder"]) ? slot_targeting["hb_bidder"][0] : "unknown"; | |
} | |
var slot = { | |
"slotName" : validate_value(event.slot.getAdUnitPath().replace("/1026302/", ""), "string", 50), | |
"cpm" : validate_value(parseFloat(cpm), "number"), | |
"bidder" : validate_value(bidder_name, "string", 50), | |
"size" : validate_value(size, "string", 50), | |
"adUnitCode": validate_value(event.slot.getSlotId().getDomId(), "string", 50), | |
"empty" : validate_value(event.isEmpty, "boolean") | |
}; | |
var slot_tracking = Object.assign({}, page_tracking_data); | |
// Override ad-unit with this ad unit to send reporting data | |
slot_tracking.ad_unit = slot; | |
// Loggin out bid report | |
output_logging(slot_tracking); | |
output_logging(slot_tracking.ad_unit.slotName + " "+ slot_tracking.ad_unit.bidder + ", "+ slot_tracking.ad_unit.cpm); | |
if(project_settings.send_reports == "1"){ | |
try{ | |
// Send actual bid report | |
send_bid_report(slot_tracking); | |
} | |
catch(e){ | |
output_logging("Bid report error"); | |
} | |
} | |
// Sticky changes | |
if(project_settings.sticky_slot_names.includes(slot_tracking.ad_unit.slotName)){ | |
// Check if the bidder is one of these bidders, if so, hide the sticky container | |
if(["gumgum", "kargo", "unknown", "unfilled"].includes(bidder_name)){ | |
document.getElementById("outer_sticky").style.display = "none"; | |
} | |
// All other bidders use our sticky container, show it | |
else{ | |
document.getElementById("outer_sticky").style.display = ""; | |
} | |
// Unfilled slot | |
if(bidder_name == "unfilled"){ | |
unfilled_count++; | |
// Stop refreshing after 3 unfilled impressions | |
if(unfilled_count >= 3){ | |
refresh = false; | |
console.log("Refreshed turned off after 3 unfilled impressions"); | |
} | |
} | |
// Reset unfilled count if it's not in a row | |
else if(bidder_name != "house") unfilled_count = 0; | |
// Start refresh check after every sticky ad has been filled (refreshed) | |
start_refresh(slot_tracking.ad_unit.adUnitCode, bidder_name); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Functions for Refresh | |
function start_refresh(ad_slot_name, bidder_name){ | |
// Remove old listener before adding a new one | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
// Stop here if we don't need to refresh the sticky (or max number of refreshes has been reached) | |
if(!refresh || sticky_refresh_counter > 10){ | |
output_logging("no timer needed"); | |
refresh = false; | |
return; | |
} | |
global_ad_slot_name = ad_slot_name; | |
global_bidder_name = bidder_name; | |
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
output_logging('refresh timer started'); | |
// Use 35 second tracker on mobile, 40 on desktop | |
if(is_mobile) refresh_timer = refresh_timer_tracker(35, refresh_sticky); | |
else refresh_timer = refresh_timer_tracker(40, refresh_sticky); | |
} | |
// Logic for visibility change | |
function visibility_change_logic(){ | |
// Pause refresh timer | |
if(document.hidden){ | |
refresh_timer.pause() | |
} | |
// Start refresh timer | |
else if(refresh){ | |
refresh_timer.resume(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Timer ended, do refresh | |
function refresh_sticky(){ | |
// If you aren't supposed to refresh | |
output_logging('refresh timer ended'); | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
// Kargo | |
if(global_bidder_name == "kargo"){ | |
//close if Kargo container exists, otherwise don't refresh (must have been manually closed) | |
if(window.Kargo) Kargo.CreativeRegister.getCreativesOfType('Hover')[0].destroy(); | |
else refresh = false; | |
} | |
// Gumgum | |
else if(global_bidder_name == "gumgum") { | |
//close if GumGum container exists, otherwise don't refresh (must have been manually closed) | |
if(document.getElementById("GG_PXS") && document.getElementById("GG_PXS").parentNode){ | |
document.getElementById("GG_PXS").parentNode.remove(); | |
} | |
else refresh = false; | |
} | |
// Ogury | |
else if(global_bidder_name == "ogury"){ | |
if(document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot")){ | | Event('ogy_hide')); | |
if(document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot")) document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot").remove(); | |
} | |
else refresh=false; | |
} | |
// Refresh slot (if container wasn't manually closed) | |
if(refresh){ | |
sticky_refresh_counter++; | |
//safeguards (max refresh check, minimum time between refreshes) | |
if(sticky_refresh_counter > 12){ | |
refresh = false; | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
return; | |
} | |
if(last_refresh_time != ""){ | |
var current_time = new Date().getTime(); | |
var diff_time = current_time - last_refresh_time; | |
if(diff_time<(30*1000)){ | |
output_logging(diff_time + " less than 30 seconds since last refresh, something wrong with timer"); | |
refresh = false; | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
last_refresh_time = new Date().getTime(); | |
output_logging("slot "+global_ad_slot_name+" refreshed"); | |
var sticky_refresh_counter_display = (sticky_refresh_counter < 10) ? "0"+sticky_refresh_counter : sticky_refresh_counter; | |
if(document.getElementById('sticky_ad_container')) document.getElementById('sticky_ad_container').dataset.targeting="{\"sticky_refresh\":\""+sticky_refresh_counter_display+"\"}"; | |
htlbid.forceRefresh([global_ad_slot_name]); | |
} | |
else{ | |
output_logging('no refresh - container must have been closed') | |
} | |
} | |
// Force close sticky area | |
function close_sticky(){ | |
document.getElementById('outer_sticky').remove(); | |
refresh = false; | |
output_logging('refresh timer ended'); | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
} | |
/*************************************** | |
------------ REPORTING CODE ------------ | |
***************************************/ | |
// Get $_GET variables | |
var uri = decodeURIComponent('&'); | |
var get_vars = {}; | |
for(var x = 0; x < uri.length; x++){ | |
var parts = uri[x].split('='); | |
get_vars[parts[0]] = parts[1]; | |
} | |
// UTM options we track | |
var utm_vars = [ | |
'utm_medium', | |
'utm_source', | |
'utm_campaign', | |
'utm_term', | |
'utm_content', | |
'utm_template', | |
'utm_referrer', | |
'utm_adset', | |
'utm_subid', | |
'gclid', | |
'fbclid' | |
]; | |
var utm_confirmed = {}, this_utm_var; | |
// See if any UTM variables are defined in the query parameters or session storage | |
utm_vars.forEach(function(utm_var){ | |
// (can be blank, so check for null (not set)) | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem(utm_var) !== null) this_utm_var = sessionStorage.getItem(utm_var); | |
else{ | |
this_utm_var = (typeof get_vars[utm_var] == 'undefined') ? "" : get_vars[utm_var]; | |
sessionStorage.setItem(utm_var, this_utm_var); | |
} | |
utm_confirmed[utm_var] = this_utm_var; | |
}); | |
// Determine browser | |
var browser = ''; | |
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) browser = 'iOS'; | |
else if(/Opera[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'opera'; | |
else if(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'MSIE'; | |
else if(/Navigator[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'netscape'; | |
else if(/Chrome[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'chrome'; | |
else if(/Safari[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'safari'; | |
else if(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'firefox'; | |
else browser = 'internet_explorer'; | |
var session_guid, session_referrer; | |
// Check for session guid in session storage | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("session_guid")) session_guid = sessionStorage.getItem("session_guid"); | |
else{ | |
session_guid = generate_uuid(); | |
sessionStorage.setItem("session_guid", session_guid); | |
} | |
// Check for referrer in session storage (can be blank, so check for null (not set)) | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("session_referrer") !== null) session_referrer = sessionStorage.getItem("session_referrer"); | |
else{ | |
session_referrer = document.referrer || ""; | |
sessionStorage.setItem("session_referrer", session_referrer); | |
} | |
var page_tracking_data = { | |
"referrer" : validate_value(session_referrer, "string"), | |
// UTM variables | |
"utm_variables" : { | |
"utm_source" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_source, "string", 100), | |
"utm_campaign" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_campaign, "string"), | |
"utm_medium" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_medium, "string", 100), | |
"utm_term" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_term, "string", 100), | |
"utm_content" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_content, "string", 100), | |
"utm_template" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_template, "string", 100), | |
"utm_referrer" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_referrer, "string", 100), | |
"utm_adset" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_adset, "string", 100), | |
"utm_subid" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_subid, "string", 100) | |
}, | |
// User information | |
"user" : { | |
"session_guid" : validate_value(session_guid, "string"), | |
"os" : validate_value(get_os(), "string", 50), | |
"browser" : validate_value(browser, "string", 50), | |
"device" : validate_value((is_mobile ? "mobile" : "desktop"), "string", 15), | |
"country" : "" | |
}, | |
// Page information | |
"page" : { | |
"page_guid" : validate_value(generate_uuid(), "string"), | |
"url" : validate_value(window.location.href, "string"), | |
"url_path" : validate_value(window.location.pathname, "string", 200) | |
// "editor" : validate_value(properPage.page_meta.editor, "string", 150), | |
// "writer" : validate_value(properPage.page_meta.writer, "string", 150) | |
}, | |
// Ad unit information | |
"ad_unit" : {} | |
// Not sure if we are going to use these, comment out for now | |
// "category" : validate_value(page_meta.category), | |
// "tags" : validate_value(page_meta.tags.join(",")), | |
// "website" : validate_value(site_name), | |
// "is_mobile" : validate_value(device_type), | |
// "is_isolated" : validate_value(isolated), | |
// "session_depth" : validate_value(sessionData.depth), | |
// "page_type" : validate_value(page_meta.page_type), | |
// "custom" : validateCustom(page_meta.custom), | |
// | |
// "use_ssl" : validate_value(use_ssl), | |
// "resolution_width" : validate_value(width), | |
// "resolution_height" : validate_value(height), | |
// "gclid" : validate_value(sessionData.gclid), | |
// "fbclid" : validate_value(sessionData.fbclid), | |
// "buyer" : validate_value(page_meta.buyer), | |
// "split" : validate_value(page_meta.split), | |
// "adblock" : validate_value(adblock.detected) | |
}; | |
// Logging | |
function output_logging(content){ | |
if(project_settings.logging_turned_on){ | |
if(typeof content == "string") console.log(project_settings.site_name + " Ads: " + content); | |
else console.log(content); | |
} | |
} | |
// Get OS | |
function get_os(){ | |
var os = navigator.userAgent; | |
var return_os = ""; | |
if('Windows') !== -1) return_os = "Windows"; | |
else if('Mac') !== -1) return_os = "MacOS"; | |
else if('X11') !== -1 && !('Linux') !== -1)) return_os = "UNIX"; | |
else if('Linux') !== -1 &&'X11') !== -1) return_os = "Linux" | |
return return_os; | |
} | |
// Validate any value benig sent in reporting | |
function validate_value(value, type, max_length = 255){ | |
// Validate string logic | |
if(type == "string"){ | |
// Convert number to string | |
if(typeof value === 'number') value = value.toString(); | |
// If it's not a string, make it empty by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'string') value = ""; | |
// Trim max length | |
if(value.length > max_length) value = value.substring(0, max_length); | |
} | |
// Validate number logic | |
else if(type == "number"){ | |
// Convert string to number | |
if(typeof value === 'string') value = value.toString(); | |
// If it's not a number, make it 0 by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'number') value = 0; | |
} | |
// Validate boolean logic | |
else if(type == "boolean"){ | |
// Convert string to boolean | |
if(typeof value === 'string'){ | |
if(['false', '0'].includes(value)) value = false; | |
else if(['true', '1'].includes(value)) value = true; | |
} | |
// Convert number to boolean | |
else if(typeof value === 'number'){ | |
if(value == 0) value = false; | |
else if(value == 1) value = true; | |
} | |
// If it's not a boolean, make it false by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'boolean') value = false; | |
} | |
return value; | |
} | |
// Generate UUID (unique ID) | |
function generate_uuid(){ | |
var d = new Date().getTime(); | |
// Use high-precision timer if available (time on page) | |
if(window.performance && typeof === "function"){ | |
d +=; | |
} | |
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { | |
var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0; | |
d = Math.floor(d/16); | |
return (c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16); | |
}); | |
return uuid; | |
} | |
// Function to send Requests for data logging | |
function send_bid_report(data){ | |
// If there is no report endpoint | |
if(project_settings.report_url == "") return; | |
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |"post", project_settings.report_url, 1); | |
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") | |
request.onload = function(){ | |
if(request.status == 200) output_logging("Bid Report sent"); | |
else output_logging("Failed to send bid report"); | |
} | |
request.send(JSON.stringify(data)); | |
} | |
// Timer for leaving the page and pausing refresh | |
function refresh_timer_tracker(seconds, oncomplete){ | |
console.log('refresh_timer_tracker: called'); | |
var timerId, start, remaining = parseInt(seconds)*1000; | |
this.pause = function() { | |
window.clearTimeout(timerId); | |
timerId = null; | |
remaining -= - start; | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: pause = '+remaining); | |
}; | |
this.resume = function() { | |
if (timerId) return; | |
start =; | |
timerId = window.setTimeout(oncomplete, remaining); | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: resume = '+remaining); | |
}; | |
this.delete = function(){ | |
if (!timerId) return; | |
clearInterval(timerId); | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: delete'); | |
} | |
this.resume(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
return { | |
data: page_tracking_data, | |
close_sticky: close_sticky | |
}; | |
})(site_htl_settings); </script> | |
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<meta property="og:description" content="Ted is excited for Michelle and Henry's arrival in London. During training, Ted tells Jamie that he needs to pass the ball to his teammates instead of always trying to be the star. Henry and Michelle arrive in the middle of Ted's lecture, and Ted …" /> | |
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<p>Ted is excited for Michelle and Henry's arrival in London. During training, Ted tells Jamie that he needs to pass the ball to his teammates instead of always trying to be the star. Henry and Michelle arrive in the middle of Ted's lecture, and Ted declares training canceled for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, Rebecca offers Keeley a job doing PR for the team, which Keeley accepts.</p><p>It soon becomes clear that distance has not helped Ted and Michelle's marriage. The morning of the match, Ted finds Michelle crying. She tells him that she wakes up every day hoping that she'll feel the way she did at the beginning of their relationship, and promises that she'll keep trying. Ted talks to Beard, Nate, and Higgins about the situation. Higgins advises him that "if you're with the right person, even the hard times are easy."</p><p>Before the game, Ted confronts Jamie about his attitude problem, but Jamie ignores him, saying that he is the only competent player on the team and doesn't care about being part of the group. They are interrupted by Henry, who asks Jamie to sign his jersey. Jamie does so and tells him that the next time he scores a goal, it will just be for himself and Henry. During the match, Sam is fouled by another player and appears to be injured, but Jamie does not ask him if he's okay even when Roy orders him to do so, leading to a fight almost breaking out between Jamie and Roy. Despite the fact that Jamie single-handedly scored both of Richmond's goals, Ted decides to bench Jamie, to the shock of the fans and commentators. Jamie storms off and goes home.</p><p>In the locker room at halftime, Ted tells the players that the current team environment is broken and needs to change. He gives a speech about how change can be scary, but it's a good thing and needs to be embraced. As he speaks, he realizes that the only way he can help Michelle be happy is by letting go of their marriage. In the final minutes of the game, Roy makes the extra pass to Sam, who scores and brings the team their first victory under Ted's leadership. After the game, Ted and Michelle mutually agree to divorce, and Michelle and Henry leave for the airport. Beard waits for Ted with two pints of beer, and the two of them drink together in supportive silence.</p><p>This episode premiered on August 28, 2020.<hr /><h2>This episode provides examples of:</h2></p><p><ul ><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BittersweetEnding' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BittersweetEnding'>Bittersweet Ending</a>: While the episode contains AFC Richmond's first win, Roy finally accepting Ted, and proof that Ted's strategy to make the team work more like a team instead of just giving the ball to Jaime works, it ends with Ted and his wife Michelle breaking up.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrickJoke' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrickJoke'>Brick Joke</a>: Ted brings Michelle and Henry to The Crown & Anchor and Henry runs off to play darts as Mae advises him to be careful about hitting anyone. Minutes later, Henry comes running back to the family's table and it's shown he missed the board and accidentally lodged a dart in Paul's arm.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DumbassHasAPoint' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DumbassHasAPoint'>Dumbass Has a Point</a>: Yes, Jamie was the one who scored two goals to keep Richmond tied, but Ted was right to remove him from the match because his selfish attitude was clearly demoralizing the other players and causing the team's overall performance to suffer. Without Jamie in the second half, the team plays better as a unit and wins the match.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EveryoneHasStandards' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EveryoneHasStandards'>Everyone Has Standards</a>:<ul ><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayedForLaughs' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayedForLaughs'>Played for Laughs</a> when Ted and his family arrive at The Crown & Anchor - the regulars are ready to subject Ted to their usual verbal abuse, until Ted introduces his wife, and they immediately pivot and proceed to act like perfect gentlemen.</li><li> Jamie's treatment of Sam after he goes down proves to be too awful for Isaac and Colin to accept and they lose all respect for him.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreezeFrameBonus' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FreezeFrameBonus'>Freeze-Frame Bonus</a>: We can see that Roy is carrying around the copy of <em>A Wrinkle in Time</em> that Ted gave him.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FriendshipMoment' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FriendshipMoment'>Friendship Moment</a>: Ted finally earns Roy's respect after he pulls Jamie out of the match for his poor treatment of the other Richmond players and gets his first win.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HuddleShot' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HuddleShot'>Huddle Shot</a>: There's one in the locker room when the team puts their hands in for a cheer before the match against Watford.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ICanStillFight' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ICanStillFight'>I Can Still Fight!</a>: Invoked. When Roy checks on Sam after scuffling with Jamie, Sam reveals he actually feels fine but has been on the ground this whole time because everyone was making such a fuss. Roy then instructs him to pretend to limp before gesturing that he can play through it because the crowd will love it.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItsAllAboutMe' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItsAllAboutMe'>It's All About Me</a>: Talent demonstrated by two goals for Richmond aside, Jamie's celebration of pointing at the back of his jersey and screaming "ME!", is the epitome of how his arrogance has hit truly childish levels in the episode.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InsultOfEndearment' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InsultOfEndearment'>Insult of Endearment</a>: After Ted manages to get a win, the fans' constant shout of "wanker" becomes this.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KickTheDog' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KickTheDog'>Kick the Dog</a>: Not only does Jamie not check on Sam after he appears to be injured, he actually <em>pushes</em> Sam away from the ball so he can take the free kick unobstructed. Roy is so enraged by this that he starts fighting him.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LamePunReaction' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LamePunReaction'>Lame Pun Reaction</a>: Jamie provides two puns at his beer promo shoot when he first poses as a "brewnicorn" and then cradling his "beerby". The press folks are not impressed.<div class='indent'><strong>Keeley:</strong> <em>(whispering)</em> Just drink the beer.</div></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OOCIsSeriousBusiness' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OOCIsSeriousBusiness'>O.O.C. Is Serious Business</a>: Roy instructs everyone to listen to Ted's halftime speech, showing that he's finally come to respect Ted and accept him as the team's manager.</li></ul><hr /></p></div> | |
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