Runtime error
Runtime error
<html> | |
<head lang="en"> | |
<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> | |
<script async src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// Used for Video players on Tropes | |
var tropes_videos_commands = tropes_videos_commands || []; | |
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; | |
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} | |
gtag('js', new Date()); | |
gtag('config', 'G-XPPLXMRF6Z'); | |
window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; | |
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<script type="text/javascript"> | |
var site_htl_settings = { | |
"adx" : "yes", // yes/no if we should include adx on page | |
"groupname" : "Recap", // track groupname in htl/gam | |
"is_testing" : "no", // yes/no if in testing mode | |
"split_testing" : "1", // 0/1, 0=control, 1=test, for a/b testing | |
"send_reports" : "false", // true/false if reports should be sent for logging in DataBricks | |
"report_url" : "", // Endpoint for logging (data stream) | |
"logging_turned_on": "1", // true/false if console logging should be turned on | |
"site_name" : "tvtropes", // Site name for display in logging | |
"sticky_slot_names": ["tvtropes_dt_sticky", "tvtropes_m_sticky"], // Possible slot names for the sticky slot | |
} | |
</script> | |
<script async src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// Create the ad project | |
var ads_project = (function(sent_in_settings){ | |
var is_mobile = (document.innerWidth <= 768) ? true : false; | |
//default settings | |
var setting_defaults = { | |
"adx" : "yes", | |
"groupname" : "", | |
"is_testing" : "no", | |
"split_testing" : "0", | |
"send_reports" : "0", | |
"logging_turned_on": "false", | |
"site_name" : "site_name", | |
"report_url" : "", | |
"page_template" : "", | |
"sticky_slot_names": [] | |
} | |
// Combine defaults with sent in parameters | |
var project_settings = {...setting_defaults, ...sent_in_settings}; | |
/*************************************** | |
--------------- AD CODE --------------- | |
***************************************/ | |
// Variables for refresh logic (sticky) | |
var refresh = true; | |
var sticky_refresh_counter = 1; | |
var refresh_timer; | |
var global_ad_slot_name = ""; | |
var global_bidder_name = ""; | |
var last_refresh_time = ""; | |
var unfilled_count = 0; | |
window.htlbid = window.htlbid || {}; | |
htlbid.cmd = htlbid.cmd || []; | |
htlbid.cmd.push(function() { | |
htlbid.layout('universal'); | |
// Only set these if given in settings | |
if(project_settings.groupname != "") htlbid.setTargeting("groupname", project_settings.groupname); | |
if(project_settings.page_template != "") htlbid.setTargeting("page_template", project_settings.page_template); | |
htlbid.setTargeting("adx", project_settings.adx); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('is_testing', project_settings.is_testing); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('split_testing', project_settings.split_testing); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('website', project_settings.site_name); | |
// On slot rendering (or unfilled) | |
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event){ | |
var slot_targeting = event.slot.getTargetingMap(); | |
var bidder_name, size = 0; | |
// If it's empty, no bids? | |
var cpm = (slot_targeting["hb_pb"]) ? slot_targeting["hb_pb"][0] : 0; | |
// In case there is no size from anywhere | |
if(event.size && event.size.length > 0) size = event.size[0]+"x"+event.size[1]; | |
// Either Amazon/ADX or Unfilled | |
if(event.advertiserId != 5280547887){ | |
if(event.advertiserId == 4467125037){ | |
bidder_name = "adx"; | |
if(cpm == 0) cpm = 0.11; | |
} | |
else if(event.advertiserId == 5279698200){ | |
bidder_name = "amazon"; | |
if(cpm == 0) cpm = 0.11; | |
} | |
else if(event.advertiserId == 5291323376) bidder_name = "house"; | |
else if(!event.advertiserId || event.isEmpty) bidder_name = "unfilled"; | |
else bidder_name = "unknown"; | |
if(bidder_name != "unknown" && bidder_name != "unfilled") output_logging("ADX/Amazon bid report"); | |
else output_logging("unknown/unfilled bid report"); | |
} | |
// Bidder won the auction | |
else{ | |
output_logging("Bidders bid report"); | |
bidder_name = (slot_targeting["hb_bidder"]) ? slot_targeting["hb_bidder"][0] : "unknown"; | |
} | |
var slot = { | |
"slotName" : validate_value(event.slot.getAdUnitPath().replace("/1026302/", ""), "string", 50), | |
"cpm" : validate_value(parseFloat(cpm), "number"), | |
"bidder" : validate_value(bidder_name, "string", 50), | |
"size" : validate_value(size, "string", 50), | |
"adUnitCode": validate_value(event.slot.getSlotId().getDomId(), "string", 50), | |
"empty" : validate_value(event.isEmpty, "boolean") | |
}; | |
var slot_tracking = Object.assign({}, page_tracking_data); | |
// Override ad-unit with this ad unit to send reporting data | |
slot_tracking.ad_unit = slot; | |
// Loggin out bid report | |
output_logging(slot_tracking); | |
output_logging(slot_tracking.ad_unit.slotName + " "+ slot_tracking.ad_unit.bidder + ", "+ slot_tracking.ad_unit.cpm); | |
if(project_settings.send_reports == "1"){ | |
try{ | |
// Send actual bid report | |
send_bid_report(slot_tracking); | |
} | |
catch(e){ | |
output_logging("Bid report error"); | |
} | |
} | |
// Sticky changes | |
if(project_settings.sticky_slot_names.includes(slot_tracking.ad_unit.slotName)){ | |
// Check if the bidder is one of these bidders, if so, hide the sticky container | |
if(["gumgum", "kargo", "unknown", "unfilled"].includes(bidder_name)){ | |
document.getElementById("outer_sticky").style.display = "none"; | |
} | |
// All other bidders use our sticky container, show it | |
else{ | |
document.getElementById("outer_sticky").style.display = ""; | |
} | |
// Unfilled slot | |
if(bidder_name == "unfilled"){ | |
unfilled_count++; | |
// Stop refreshing after 3 unfilled impressions | |
if(unfilled_count >= 3){ | |
refresh = false; | |
console.log("Refreshed turned off after 3 unfilled impressions"); | |
} | |
} | |
// Reset unfilled count if it's not in a row | |
else if(bidder_name != "house") unfilled_count = 0; | |
// Start refresh check after every sticky ad has been filled (refreshed) | |
start_refresh(slot_tracking.ad_unit.adUnitCode, bidder_name); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Functions for Refresh | |
function start_refresh(ad_slot_name, bidder_name){ | |
// Remove old listener before adding a new one | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
// Stop here if we don't need to refresh the sticky (or max number of refreshes has been reached) | |
if(!refresh || sticky_refresh_counter > 10){ | |
output_logging("no timer needed"); | |
refresh = false; | |
return; | |
} | |
global_ad_slot_name = ad_slot_name; | |
global_bidder_name = bidder_name; | |
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
output_logging('refresh timer started'); | |
// Use 35 second tracker on mobile, 40 on desktop | |
if(is_mobile) refresh_timer = refresh_timer_tracker(35, refresh_sticky); | |
else refresh_timer = refresh_timer_tracker(40, refresh_sticky); | |
} | |
// Logic for visibility change | |
function visibility_change_logic(){ | |
// Pause refresh timer | |
if(document.hidden){ | |
refresh_timer.pause() | |
} | |
// Start refresh timer | |
else if(refresh){ | |
refresh_timer.resume(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Timer ended, do refresh | |
function refresh_sticky(){ | |
// If you aren't supposed to refresh | |
output_logging('refresh timer ended'); | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
// Kargo | |
if(global_bidder_name == "kargo"){ | |
//close if Kargo container exists, otherwise don't refresh (must have been manually closed) | |
if(window.Kargo) Kargo.CreativeRegister.getCreativesOfType('Hover')[0].destroy(); | |
else refresh = false; | |
} | |
// Gumgum | |
else if(global_bidder_name == "gumgum") { | |
//close if GumGum container exists, otherwise don't refresh (must have been manually closed) | |
if(document.getElementById("GG_PXS") && document.getElementById("GG_PXS").parentNode){ | |
document.getElementById("GG_PXS").parentNode.remove(); | |
} | |
else refresh = false; | |
} | |
// Ogury | |
else if(global_bidder_name == "ogury"){ | |
if(document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot")){ | | Event('ogy_hide')); | |
if(document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot")) document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot").remove(); | |
} | |
else refresh=false; | |
} | |
// Refresh slot (if container wasn't manually closed) | |
if(refresh){ | |
sticky_refresh_counter++; | |
//safeguards (max refresh check, minimum time between refreshes) | |
if(sticky_refresh_counter > 12){ | |
refresh = false; | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
return; | |
} | |
if(last_refresh_time != ""){ | |
var current_time = new Date().getTime(); | |
var diff_time = current_time - last_refresh_time; | |
if(diff_time<(30*1000)){ | |
output_logging(diff_time + " less than 30 seconds since last refresh, something wrong with timer"); | |
refresh = false; | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
last_refresh_time = new Date().getTime(); | |
output_logging("slot "+global_ad_slot_name+" refreshed"); | |
var sticky_refresh_counter_display = (sticky_refresh_counter < 10) ? "0"+sticky_refresh_counter : sticky_refresh_counter; | |
if(document.getElementById('sticky_ad_container')) document.getElementById('sticky_ad_container').dataset.targeting="{\"sticky_refresh\":\""+sticky_refresh_counter_display+"\"}"; | |
htlbid.forceRefresh([global_ad_slot_name]); | |
} | |
else{ | |
output_logging('no refresh - container must have been closed') | |
} | |
} | |
// Force close sticky area | |
function close_sticky(){ | |
document.getElementById('outer_sticky').remove(); | |
refresh = false; | |
output_logging('refresh timer ended'); | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
} | |
/*************************************** | |
------------ REPORTING CODE ------------ | |
***************************************/ | |
// Get $_GET variables | |
var uri = decodeURIComponent('&'); | |
var get_vars = {}; | |
for(var x = 0; x < uri.length; x++){ | |
var parts = uri[x].split('='); | |
get_vars[parts[0]] = parts[1]; | |
} | |
// UTM options we track | |
var utm_vars = [ | |
'utm_medium', | |
'utm_source', | |
'utm_campaign', | |
'utm_term', | |
'utm_content', | |
'utm_template', | |
'utm_referrer', | |
'utm_adset', | |
'utm_subid', | |
'gclid', | |
'fbclid' | |
]; | |
var utm_confirmed = {}, this_utm_var; | |
// See if any UTM variables are defined in the query parameters or session storage | |
utm_vars.forEach(function(utm_var){ | |
// (can be blank, so check for null (not set)) | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem(utm_var) !== null) this_utm_var = sessionStorage.getItem(utm_var); | |
else{ | |
this_utm_var = (typeof get_vars[utm_var] == 'undefined') ? "" : get_vars[utm_var]; | |
sessionStorage.setItem(utm_var, this_utm_var); | |
} | |
utm_confirmed[utm_var] = this_utm_var; | |
}); | |
// Determine browser | |
var browser = ''; | |
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) browser = 'iOS'; | |
else if(/Opera[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'opera'; | |
else if(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'MSIE'; | |
else if(/Navigator[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'netscape'; | |
else if(/Chrome[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'chrome'; | |
else if(/Safari[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'safari'; | |
else if(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'firefox'; | |
else browser = 'internet_explorer'; | |
var session_guid, session_referrer; | |
// Check for session guid in session storage | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("session_guid")) session_guid = sessionStorage.getItem("session_guid"); | |
else{ | |
session_guid = generate_uuid(); | |
sessionStorage.setItem("session_guid", session_guid); | |
} | |
// Check for referrer in session storage (can be blank, so check for null (not set)) | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("session_referrer") !== null) session_referrer = sessionStorage.getItem("session_referrer"); | |
else{ | |
session_referrer = document.referrer || ""; | |
sessionStorage.setItem("session_referrer", session_referrer); | |
} | |
var page_tracking_data = { | |
"referrer" : validate_value(session_referrer, "string"), | |
// UTM variables | |
"utm_variables" : { | |
"utm_source" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_source, "string", 100), | |
"utm_campaign" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_campaign, "string"), | |
"utm_medium" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_medium, "string", 100), | |
"utm_term" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_term, "string", 100), | |
"utm_content" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_content, "string", 100), | |
"utm_template" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_template, "string", 100), | |
"utm_referrer" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_referrer, "string", 100), | |
"utm_adset" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_adset, "string", 100), | |
"utm_subid" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_subid, "string", 100) | |
}, | |
// User information | |
"user" : { | |
"session_guid" : validate_value(session_guid, "string"), | |
"os" : validate_value(get_os(), "string", 50), | |
"browser" : validate_value(browser, "string", 50), | |
"device" : validate_value((is_mobile ? "mobile" : "desktop"), "string", 15), | |
"country" : "" | |
}, | |
// Page information | |
"page" : { | |
"page_guid" : validate_value(generate_uuid(), "string"), | |
"url" : validate_value(window.location.href, "string"), | |
"url_path" : validate_value(window.location.pathname, "string", 200) | |
// "editor" : validate_value(properPage.page_meta.editor, "string", 150), | |
// "writer" : validate_value(properPage.page_meta.writer, "string", 150) | |
}, | |
// Ad unit information | |
"ad_unit" : {} | |
// Not sure if we are going to use these, comment out for now | |
// "category" : validate_value(page_meta.category), | |
// "tags" : validate_value(page_meta.tags.join(",")), | |
// "website" : validate_value(site_name), | |
// "is_mobile" : validate_value(device_type), | |
// "is_isolated" : validate_value(isolated), | |
// "session_depth" : validate_value(sessionData.depth), | |
// "page_type" : validate_value(page_meta.page_type), | |
// "custom" : validateCustom(page_meta.custom), | |
// | |
// "use_ssl" : validate_value(use_ssl), | |
// "resolution_width" : validate_value(width), | |
// "resolution_height" : validate_value(height), | |
// "gclid" : validate_value(sessionData.gclid), | |
// "fbclid" : validate_value(sessionData.fbclid), | |
// "buyer" : validate_value(page_meta.buyer), | |
// "split" : validate_value(page_meta.split), | |
// "adblock" : validate_value(adblock.detected) | |
}; | |
// Logging | |
function output_logging(content){ | |
if(project_settings.logging_turned_on){ | |
if(typeof content == "string") console.log(project_settings.site_name + " Ads: " + content); | |
else console.log(content); | |
} | |
} | |
// Get OS | |
function get_os(){ | |
var os = navigator.userAgent; | |
var return_os = ""; | |
if('Windows') !== -1) return_os = "Windows"; | |
else if('Mac') !== -1) return_os = "MacOS"; | |
else if('X11') !== -1 && !('Linux') !== -1)) return_os = "UNIX"; | |
else if('Linux') !== -1 &&'X11') !== -1) return_os = "Linux" | |
return return_os; | |
} | |
// Validate any value benig sent in reporting | |
function validate_value(value, type, max_length = 255){ | |
// Validate string logic | |
if(type == "string"){ | |
// Convert number to string | |
if(typeof value === 'number') value = value.toString(); | |
// If it's not a string, make it empty by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'string') value = ""; | |
// Trim max length | |
if(value.length > max_length) value = value.substring(0, max_length); | |
} | |
// Validate number logic | |
else if(type == "number"){ | |
// Convert string to number | |
if(typeof value === 'string') value = value.toString(); | |
// If it's not a number, make it 0 by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'number') value = 0; | |
} | |
// Validate boolean logic | |
else if(type == "boolean"){ | |
// Convert string to boolean | |
if(typeof value === 'string'){ | |
if(['false', '0'].includes(value)) value = false; | |
else if(['true', '1'].includes(value)) value = true; | |
} | |
// Convert number to boolean | |
else if(typeof value === 'number'){ | |
if(value == 0) value = false; | |
else if(value == 1) value = true; | |
} | |
// If it's not a boolean, make it false by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'boolean') value = false; | |
} | |
return value; | |
} | |
// Generate UUID (unique ID) | |
function generate_uuid(){ | |
var d = new Date().getTime(); | |
// Use high-precision timer if available (time on page) | |
if(window.performance && typeof === "function"){ | |
d +=; | |
} | |
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { | |
var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0; | |
d = Math.floor(d/16); | |
return (c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16); | |
}); | |
return uuid; | |
} | |
// Function to send Requests for data logging | |
function send_bid_report(data){ | |
// If there is no report endpoint | |
if(project_settings.report_url == "") return; | |
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |"post", project_settings.report_url, 1); | |
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") | |
request.onload = function(){ | |
if(request.status == 200) output_logging("Bid Report sent"); | |
else output_logging("Failed to send bid report"); | |
} | |
request.send(JSON.stringify(data)); | |
} | |
// Timer for leaving the page and pausing refresh | |
function refresh_timer_tracker(seconds, oncomplete){ | |
console.log('refresh_timer_tracker: called'); | |
var timerId, start, remaining = parseInt(seconds)*1000; | |
this.pause = function() { | |
window.clearTimeout(timerId); | |
timerId = null; | |
remaining -= - start; | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: pause = '+remaining); | |
}; | |
this.resume = function() { | |
if (timerId) return; | |
start =; | |
timerId = window.setTimeout(oncomplete, remaining); | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: resume = '+remaining); | |
}; | |
this.delete = function(){ | |
if (!timerId) return; | |
clearInterval(timerId); | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: delete'); | |
} | |
this.resume(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
return { | |
data: page_tracking_data, | |
close_sticky: close_sticky | |
}; | |
})(site_htl_settings); </script> | |
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<meta property="og:description" content="Ted tries to hide his distress over his impending divorce, but Beard and Nate immediately notice that he is struggling. Rebecca informs Ted that Manchester City have asked about terminating Jamie's loan, but Ted tells her to let them know that he …" /> | |
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<p>Ted tries to hide his distress over his impending divorce, but Beard and Nate immediately notice that he is struggling. Rebecca informs Ted that Manchester City have asked about terminating Jamie's loan, but Ted tells her to let them know that he is not planning to bench Jamie. Jamie attempts a power play against Ted by refusing to practice, claiming to be injured. The plan backfires as Ted finally loses his temper with Jamie, angrily lecturing him in front of the rest of the team and destroying any influence Jamie still had over them. Ted, Beard, and Nate plan to whip Jamie into shape by filling his striker spot with a new player, Dani Rojas, who joined the team at the start of the season but has been out with an injury ever since. To everyone's surprise and delight, Dani turns out to be every bit as talented as Jamie, with the added bonus of being much friendlier and more supportive of his teammates. Meanwhile, Keeley alerts Rebecca that Rupert is now dating Bex, the young woman he left <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TedLassoS1E04ForTheChildren' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TedLassoS1E04ForTheChildren'>the charity gala</a> with.</p><p>After training, Jamie practices bouncing the ball off the goalposts. Dani joins him in the exercise and cheers him on as the two get into a friendly competition; Jamie loses, but is nevertheless begrudgingly won over by Dani's kindness and positivity. As Dani practices by himself later, however, he trips over nothing and re-injures his knee. Nate claims that this happened because Dani went into the treatment room before training that day, and according to team superstition, the training room is cursed. Ted gathers the team, minus Jamie, at The Crown and Anchor, where Mae and Higgins tell them the history of the training room: in 1914, hundreds of young men were convinced to enlist in the army after being lured to Nelson Road Stadium by the promise of open tryouts for AFC Richmond. After enlisting, their physical exams were performed in the stadium's treatment room. Most of the men who enlisted that day were killed in the war. Ted tells the team that they need to honor those men's sacrifice by each giving up something that they truly value, and that they will gather in the treatment room at midnight to perform the sacrifice. Jamie, having been filled in on the plan, tells Keeley about it and claims that he's not going to participate. Keeley tells him that he needs to stop fighting the people who want to help him. Sam invites Rebecca to the sacrifice, telling her that she is part of the team and the ceremony won't work unless the whole team is there. Rebecca acquiesces.</p><p>At midnight, the team gathers in the treatment room along with Ted, Beard, Nate, Higgins, and Rebecca, but without Jamie. Everyone steps forward and explains their sacrifice before placing it in a metal drum to be burned. Jamie arrives at the end of the ceremony and says that he would like to make a sacrifice, too: a pair of cleats given to him by his mother, who cared more about him being a good person than a good footballer. He confesses that he developed his tough, egotistical attitude because his father would mock him for being "soft" if he didn't aggressively dominate as an athlete. The team brings the drum full of sacrifices out onto the pitch to be burned, where Ted asks the spirits for a sign that the curse has been lifted. He is answered by the arrival of Dani, whose injury proved to be mild and will not prevent him from playing. Ted reveals to Rebecca that he actually knew that Dani was fine hours ago, but Higgins suggested waiting until after the ceremony to tell the players; Rebecca is annoyed at Higgins for supporting the team when he's supposed to be helping her undermine them. The entire team, finally united, celebrates together around the fire, but Rebecca declines to join them and leaves alone.</p><p>In the morning, Ted arrives at work overjoyed at having finally brought the team together, only to be informed by Beard that Jamie is gone. Ted angrily confronts Rebecca, who claims that Man City recalled Jamie and she was powerless to stop them. Despondent at having lost Jamie just after getting through to him, Ted returns to his office, where Dani comfortingly reminds him that <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CatchPhrase' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CatchPhrase'>"football is life."</a></p><p>This episode premiered on September 4, 2020.<hr /><h2>This episode provides examples of:</h2></p><p><ul ><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AutoErotica' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AutoErotica'>Auto Erotica</a>: It's mentioned that Keeley and Jamie used to have sex quite often in his car.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigStupidDoodooHead' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BigStupidDoodooHead'>Big, Stupid Doodoo-Head</a>: Ted's son Henry employs this sort of language when he throws a tantrum, and Ted threatens to copy him if the Richmond team doesn't stop speaking cryptically around him.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlatantLies'>Blatant Lies</a>: Roy doesn't believe that the training room is cursed, and he certainly isn't afraid of any spirits that reside there. Not that he's going to go inside the training room.<ul ><li> Jamie's not fooling anyone when he says he's hurt and has to miss practice, least of all Ted.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallBack' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CallBack'>Call-Back</a>: Higgins adds his cat's collar to the bin; she finally died.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidntThinkThisThrough' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DidntThinkThisThrough'>Didn't Think This Through</a>: During the bonfire ritual to get rid of the ghosts in the treatment room, Colin decides to give up the keys to his Lamborghini—as in, the car he <em>drives to work</em>. A baffled Coach Beard asks Colin how he's going to get home, and the look on Colin's face clearly shows he hadn't thought that far ahead.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisapprovingLook' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DisapprovingLook'>Disapproving Look</a>: Rebecca's face when Richard emotionally offers his supermodel sex sand to the sacrifice pile speaks volumes. Given the fact that she was married to a football official that constantly cheated on her with models, it's understandable.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DutchAngle' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DutchAngle'>Dutch Angle</a>: Used when Ted finally loses his temper at Jamie, both to illustrate how disconcerting it is to see Ted angry and to make Ted loom over Jamie.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EstablishingCharacterMoment' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EstablishingCharacterMoment'>Establishing Character Moment</a>: Dani Rojas comes running onto the field enthusiastically chanting his own name, high fives all of the other players, thanks the coaches for the opportunity to play and follows their instructions without hesitation, expertly dribbles, passes, and moves on the pitch before scoring a goal, and celebrates his goal by complimenting Sam on the excellent set up pass he made. This shows that he's a threat to Jamie because he's <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePollyanna' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ThePollyanna'>The Pollyanna</a> and just as talented.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GilliganCut' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GilliganCut'>Gilligan Cut</a>: Ted, Beard, and Nate worry that latecomer Dani Rojas will be overwhelmed joining the team. Cut to Dani sprinting onto the field, chanting his own name and thrilled beyond belief to be there.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Handwave' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Handwave'>Handwave</a>: When Ted <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging'>asks how he's only now learning that the team's treatment room is supposedly cursed after weeks of coaching the club</a>, Sam says it's because everyone is embarrassed to admit that they believe in such superstitions.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HauntedHeadquarters' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HauntedHeadquarters'>Haunted Headquarters</a>: The club's treatment room is considered cursed, so players do their best to avoid going inside. Ted eventually leads a ceremony to rid it of bad spirits.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelRealization' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelRealization'>Heel Realization</a>: Rebecca has a small one when Sam appeals to her, saying the de-haunting will only work if the whole team is there and "it's your team".</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InstantlyProvenWrong' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InstantlyProvenWrong'>Instantly Proven Wrong</a>: When Dani enthusiastically greets his new teammates, Jamie dismissively says that "chipper dickheads" like Dani don't have any real talent on the pitch. The very next scene shows that despite his overly upbeat attitude, Dani is definitely a talented player.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JerkassHasAPoint' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/JerkassHasAPoint'>Jerkass Has a Point</a>: When the other players start snickering as Roy recounts how scared he was about joining the Sunderland academy, Roy angrily reminds them he was <em>nine years old</em> when this happened and it's normal behavior for someone that age.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoodWhiplash' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MoodWhiplash'>Mood Whiplash</a>: Ted finally got through to Jamie and then he is told that Jamie left for Manchester City.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotSoAboveItAll' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NotSoAboveItAll'>Not So Above It All</a>: Despite claiming he doesn't believe in curses, Roy refuses to enter the haunted training room when Ted asks him to accompany him.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OOCIsSeriousBusiness' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OOCIsSeriousBusiness'>O.O.C. Is Serious Business</a>: Ted snaps and shouts at Jamie when the latter tries to get out of training with the rest of the team by claiming to be injured, which is <em>very</em> jarring considering the supportive and <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AFatherToHisMen' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AFatherToHisMen'>fatherly</a> approach Ted normally takes towards coaching. It's like seeing a puppy brutalize a kitten.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrizedPossessionGiveaway' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PrizedPossessionGiveaway'>Prized Possession Giveaway</a>: For the curse to get lifted, Ted has each team member incinerate an item with deep personal meaning. It becomes obvious that everyone interpreted the assignment differently, and the offerings range from prized childhood memorabilia to car foofaraw and women's panties.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RageBreakingPoint' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RageBreakingPoint'>Rage-Breaking Point</a>: Happens to Ted twice:<ul ><li> After the events of episode 5 (Jamie is benched and Ted and his wife agree to divorce) Jamie claims he cannot practice because <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayingSick' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayingSick'>he is injured</a>. Ted becomes visibly angry for the first time ever on the show, to the shock of everyone.</li><li> When Ted learns that Rebecca got rid of Jamie after Ted finally got through to him, he is absolutely <em>furious</em> and struggles to stop himself from berating her.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SecurityBlanket' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SecurityBlanket'>Security Blanket</a>: Roy's offering to the sacrifice pyre is a blanket he brought with him when his early football career first brought him away from his family.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShoutOut' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ShoutOut'>Shout-Out</a>: Ted's "practice" rant towards Jamie is taken from a famous press conference by Allen Iverson. For those familiar with Iverson's conference, it serves to make Jamie look even more childish: Iverson was dismissive of practice (and furious at the reporters who kept asking him about it) because of the recent passing of his best friend, while Jamie was simply because <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDiva' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDiva'>he got benched in their previous game.</a> Iverson missed because of something <em>more</em> important than practice, while Jamie was doing so <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItsAllAboutMe' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ItsAllAboutMe'>because he thought he was better than Ted/the team</a>.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperstitionEpisode' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SuperstitionEpisode'>Superstition Episode</a>: The episode revolves around the team lifting a curse from the stadium's treatment room.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeThat' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeThat'>Take That!</a>:<ul ><li> While trying to inspire the team that they can end the treatment room curse as <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/MartinScorsese' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/MartinScorsese'>Martin Scorsese</a> ended his losing streak at the Oscars, Ted gets off track and notes that <em><a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/TheDeparted' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/TheDeparted'>The Departed</a></em> is far from the director's best work.</li><li> During his conversation with Rebecca, Sam praises <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/JKRowling' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/JKRowling'>J. K. Rowling</a> for becoming wealthy through her creations that she gave to the world, unlike <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/UsefulNotes/ElizabethII' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/UsefulNotes/ElizabethII'>Queen Elizabeth</a> who is only wealthy because she was born into the royal family.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TragicKeepsake' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TragicKeepsake'>Tragic Keepsake</a>: The <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SecurityBlanket' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SecurityBlanket'>Security Blanket</a> Roy offers for the sacrifice pyre was given to him by his grandfather as a way to comfort him while he was away from their family attending the Sunderland academy. It wound up being the last gift Roy ever received from him as his grandfather died before he could return home during break.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YankTheDogsChain' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/YankTheDogsChain'>Yank the Dog's Chain</a>: Ted seems to have finally gotten through to Jamie, only for Jamie to suddenly be recalled back to Manchester City.</li></ul><hr /></p></div> | |
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<h1 id="overlay-title">Dani Rojas, Rojas!</h1> | |
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Male example. Dani's first scene immediately establishes him as a talented soccer player with a ton of energy. He's prone to running around, chanting his own name (or "Football is life!") and tackle-hugging the other players. </p> | |
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