Runtime error
Runtime error
<html> | |
<head lang="en"> | |
<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> | |
<script async src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// Used for Video players on Tropes | |
var tropes_videos_commands = tropes_videos_commands || []; | |
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; | |
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} | |
gtag('js', new Date()); | |
gtag('config', 'G-XPPLXMRF6Z'); | |
window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; | |
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<script type="text/javascript"> | |
var site_htl_settings = { | |
"adx" : "yes", // yes/no if we should include adx on page | |
"groupname" : "Recap", // track groupname in htl/gam | |
"is_testing" : "no", // yes/no if in testing mode | |
"split_testing" : "1", // 0/1, 0=control, 1=test, for a/b testing | |
"send_reports" : "false", // true/false if reports should be sent for logging in DataBricks | |
"report_url" : "", // Endpoint for logging (data stream) | |
"logging_turned_on": "1", // true/false if console logging should be turned on | |
"site_name" : "tvtropes", // Site name for display in logging | |
"sticky_slot_names": ["tvtropes_dt_sticky", "tvtropes_m_sticky"], // Possible slot names for the sticky slot | |
} | |
</script> | |
<script async src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
// Create the ad project | |
var ads_project = (function(sent_in_settings){ | |
var is_mobile = (document.innerWidth <= 768) ? true : false; | |
//default settings | |
var setting_defaults = { | |
"adx" : "yes", | |
"groupname" : "", | |
"is_testing" : "no", | |
"split_testing" : "0", | |
"send_reports" : "0", | |
"logging_turned_on": "false", | |
"site_name" : "site_name", | |
"report_url" : "", | |
"page_template" : "", | |
"sticky_slot_names": [] | |
} | |
// Combine defaults with sent in parameters | |
var project_settings = {...setting_defaults, ...sent_in_settings}; | |
/*************************************** | |
--------------- AD CODE --------------- | |
***************************************/ | |
// Variables for refresh logic (sticky) | |
var refresh = true; | |
var sticky_refresh_counter = 1; | |
var refresh_timer; | |
var global_ad_slot_name = ""; | |
var global_bidder_name = ""; | |
var last_refresh_time = ""; | |
var unfilled_count = 0; | |
window.htlbid = window.htlbid || {}; | |
htlbid.cmd = htlbid.cmd || []; | |
htlbid.cmd.push(function() { | |
htlbid.layout('universal'); | |
// Only set these if given in settings | |
if(project_settings.groupname != "") htlbid.setTargeting("groupname", project_settings.groupname); | |
if(project_settings.page_template != "") htlbid.setTargeting("page_template", project_settings.page_template); | |
htlbid.setTargeting("adx", project_settings.adx); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('is_testing', project_settings.is_testing); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('split_testing', project_settings.split_testing); | |
htlbid.setTargeting('website', project_settings.site_name); | |
// On slot rendering (or unfilled) | |
googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotRenderEnded', function(event){ | |
var slot_targeting = event.slot.getTargetingMap(); | |
var bidder_name, size = 0; | |
// If it's empty, no bids? | |
var cpm = (slot_targeting["hb_pb"]) ? slot_targeting["hb_pb"][0] : 0; | |
// In case there is no size from anywhere | |
if(event.size && event.size.length > 0) size = event.size[0]+"x"+event.size[1]; | |
// Either Amazon/ADX or Unfilled | |
if(event.advertiserId != 5280547887){ | |
if(event.advertiserId == 4467125037){ | |
bidder_name = "adx"; | |
if(cpm == 0) cpm = 0.11; | |
} | |
else if(event.advertiserId == 5279698200){ | |
bidder_name = "amazon"; | |
if(cpm == 0) cpm = 0.11; | |
} | |
else if(event.advertiserId == 5291323376) bidder_name = "house"; | |
else if(!event.advertiserId || event.isEmpty) bidder_name = "unfilled"; | |
else bidder_name = "unknown"; | |
if(bidder_name != "unknown" && bidder_name != "unfilled") output_logging("ADX/Amazon bid report"); | |
else output_logging("unknown/unfilled bid report"); | |
} | |
// Bidder won the auction | |
else{ | |
output_logging("Bidders bid report"); | |
bidder_name = (slot_targeting["hb_bidder"]) ? slot_targeting["hb_bidder"][0] : "unknown"; | |
} | |
var slot = { | |
"slotName" : validate_value(event.slot.getAdUnitPath().replace("/1026302/", ""), "string", 50), | |
"cpm" : validate_value(parseFloat(cpm), "number"), | |
"bidder" : validate_value(bidder_name, "string", 50), | |
"size" : validate_value(size, "string", 50), | |
"adUnitCode": validate_value(event.slot.getSlotId().getDomId(), "string", 50), | |
"empty" : validate_value(event.isEmpty, "boolean") | |
}; | |
var slot_tracking = Object.assign({}, page_tracking_data); | |
// Override ad-unit with this ad unit to send reporting data | |
slot_tracking.ad_unit = slot; | |
// Loggin out bid report | |
output_logging(slot_tracking); | |
output_logging(slot_tracking.ad_unit.slotName + " "+ slot_tracking.ad_unit.bidder + ", "+ slot_tracking.ad_unit.cpm); | |
if(project_settings.send_reports == "1"){ | |
try{ | |
// Send actual bid report | |
send_bid_report(slot_tracking); | |
} | |
catch(e){ | |
output_logging("Bid report error"); | |
} | |
} | |
// Sticky changes | |
if(project_settings.sticky_slot_names.includes(slot_tracking.ad_unit.slotName)){ | |
// Check if the bidder is one of these bidders, if so, hide the sticky container | |
if(["gumgum", "kargo", "unknown", "unfilled"].includes(bidder_name)){ | |
document.getElementById("outer_sticky").style.display = "none"; | |
} | |
// All other bidders use our sticky container, show it | |
else{ | |
document.getElementById("outer_sticky").style.display = ""; | |
} | |
// Unfilled slot | |
if(bidder_name == "unfilled"){ | |
unfilled_count++; | |
// Stop refreshing after 3 unfilled impressions | |
if(unfilled_count >= 3){ | |
refresh = false; | |
console.log("Refreshed turned off after 3 unfilled impressions"); | |
} | |
} | |
// Reset unfilled count if it's not in a row | |
else if(bidder_name != "house") unfilled_count = 0; | |
// Start refresh check after every sticky ad has been filled (refreshed) | |
start_refresh(slot_tracking.ad_unit.adUnitCode, bidder_name); | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
// Functions for Refresh | |
function start_refresh(ad_slot_name, bidder_name){ | |
// Remove old listener before adding a new one | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
// Stop here if we don't need to refresh the sticky (or max number of refreshes has been reached) | |
if(!refresh || sticky_refresh_counter > 10){ | |
output_logging("no timer needed"); | |
refresh = false; | |
return; | |
} | |
global_ad_slot_name = ad_slot_name; | |
global_bidder_name = bidder_name; | |
document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
output_logging('refresh timer started'); | |
// Use 35 second tracker on mobile, 40 on desktop | |
if(is_mobile) refresh_timer = refresh_timer_tracker(35, refresh_sticky); | |
else refresh_timer = refresh_timer_tracker(40, refresh_sticky); | |
} | |
// Logic for visibility change | |
function visibility_change_logic(){ | |
// Pause refresh timer | |
if(document.hidden){ | |
refresh_timer.pause() | |
} | |
// Start refresh timer | |
else if(refresh){ | |
refresh_timer.resume(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Timer ended, do refresh | |
function refresh_sticky(){ | |
// If you aren't supposed to refresh | |
output_logging('refresh timer ended'); | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
// Kargo | |
if(global_bidder_name == "kargo"){ | |
//close if Kargo container exists, otherwise don't refresh (must have been manually closed) | |
if(window.Kargo) Kargo.CreativeRegister.getCreativesOfType('Hover')[0].destroy(); | |
else refresh = false; | |
} | |
// Gumgum | |
else if(global_bidder_name == "gumgum") { | |
//close if GumGum container exists, otherwise don't refresh (must have been manually closed) | |
if(document.getElementById("GG_PXS") && document.getElementById("GG_PXS").parentNode){ | |
document.getElementById("GG_PXS").parentNode.remove(); | |
} | |
else refresh = false; | |
} | |
// Ogury | |
else if(global_bidder_name == "ogury"){ | |
if(document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot")){ | | Event('ogy_hide')); | |
if(document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot")) document.getElementById("ogy-ad-slot").remove(); | |
} | |
else refresh=false; | |
} | |
// Refresh slot (if container wasn't manually closed) | |
if(refresh){ | |
sticky_refresh_counter++; | |
//safeguards (max refresh check, minimum time between refreshes) | |
if(sticky_refresh_counter > 12){ | |
refresh = false; | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
return; | |
} | |
if(last_refresh_time != ""){ | |
var current_time = new Date().getTime(); | |
var diff_time = current_time - last_refresh_time; | |
if(diff_time<(30*1000)){ | |
output_logging(diff_time + " less than 30 seconds since last refresh, something wrong with timer"); | |
refresh = false; | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", visibility_change_logic); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
last_refresh_time = new Date().getTime(); | |
output_logging("slot "+global_ad_slot_name+" refreshed"); | |
var sticky_refresh_counter_display = (sticky_refresh_counter < 10) ? "0"+sticky_refresh_counter : sticky_refresh_counter; | |
if(document.getElementById('sticky_ad_container')) document.getElementById('sticky_ad_container').dataset.targeting="{\"sticky_refresh\":\""+sticky_refresh_counter_display+"\"}"; | |
htlbid.forceRefresh([global_ad_slot_name]); | |
} | |
else{ | |
output_logging('no refresh - container must have been closed') | |
} | |
} | |
// Force close sticky area | |
function close_sticky(){ | |
document.getElementById('outer_sticky').remove(); | |
refresh = false; | |
output_logging('refresh timer ended'); | |
refresh_timer.delete(); | |
} | |
/*************************************** | |
------------ REPORTING CODE ------------ | |
***************************************/ | |
// Get $_GET variables | |
var uri = decodeURIComponent('&'); | |
var get_vars = {}; | |
for(var x = 0; x < uri.length; x++){ | |
var parts = uri[x].split('='); | |
get_vars[parts[0]] = parts[1]; | |
} | |
// UTM options we track | |
var utm_vars = [ | |
'utm_medium', | |
'utm_source', | |
'utm_campaign', | |
'utm_term', | |
'utm_content', | |
'utm_template', | |
'utm_referrer', | |
'utm_adset', | |
'utm_subid', | |
'gclid', | |
'fbclid' | |
]; | |
var utm_confirmed = {}, this_utm_var; | |
// See if any UTM variables are defined in the query parameters or session storage | |
utm_vars.forEach(function(utm_var){ | |
// (can be blank, so check for null (not set)) | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem(utm_var) !== null) this_utm_var = sessionStorage.getItem(utm_var); | |
else{ | |
this_utm_var = (typeof get_vars[utm_var] == 'undefined') ? "" : get_vars[utm_var]; | |
sessionStorage.setItem(utm_var, this_utm_var); | |
} | |
utm_confirmed[utm_var] = this_utm_var; | |
}); | |
// Determine browser | |
var browser = ''; | |
if(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) browser = 'iOS'; | |
else if(/Opera[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'opera'; | |
else if(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'MSIE'; | |
else if(/Navigator[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'netscape'; | |
else if(/Chrome[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'chrome'; | |
else if(/Safari[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'safari'; | |
else if(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)) browser = 'firefox'; | |
else browser = 'internet_explorer'; | |
var session_guid, session_referrer; | |
// Check for session guid in session storage | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("session_guid")) session_guid = sessionStorage.getItem("session_guid"); | |
else{ | |
session_guid = generate_uuid(); | |
sessionStorage.setItem("session_guid", session_guid); | |
} | |
// Check for referrer in session storage (can be blank, so check for null (not set)) | |
if(sessionStorage.getItem("session_referrer") !== null) session_referrer = sessionStorage.getItem("session_referrer"); | |
else{ | |
session_referrer = document.referrer || ""; | |
sessionStorage.setItem("session_referrer", session_referrer); | |
} | |
var page_tracking_data = { | |
"referrer" : validate_value(session_referrer, "string"), | |
// UTM variables | |
"utm_variables" : { | |
"utm_source" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_source, "string", 100), | |
"utm_campaign" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_campaign, "string"), | |
"utm_medium" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_medium, "string", 100), | |
"utm_term" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_term, "string", 100), | |
"utm_content" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_content, "string", 100), | |
"utm_template" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_template, "string", 100), | |
"utm_referrer" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_referrer, "string", 100), | |
"utm_adset" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_adset, "string", 100), | |
"utm_subid" : validate_value(utm_confirmed.utm_subid, "string", 100) | |
}, | |
// User information | |
"user" : { | |
"session_guid" : validate_value(session_guid, "string"), | |
"os" : validate_value(get_os(), "string", 50), | |
"browser" : validate_value(browser, "string", 50), | |
"device" : validate_value((is_mobile ? "mobile" : "desktop"), "string", 15), | |
"country" : "" | |
}, | |
// Page information | |
"page" : { | |
"page_guid" : validate_value(generate_uuid(), "string"), | |
"url" : validate_value(window.location.href, "string"), | |
"url_path" : validate_value(window.location.pathname, "string", 200) | |
// "editor" : validate_value(properPage.page_meta.editor, "string", 150), | |
// "writer" : validate_value(properPage.page_meta.writer, "string", 150) | |
}, | |
// Ad unit information | |
"ad_unit" : {} | |
// Not sure if we are going to use these, comment out for now | |
// "category" : validate_value(page_meta.category), | |
// "tags" : validate_value(page_meta.tags.join(",")), | |
// "website" : validate_value(site_name), | |
// "is_mobile" : validate_value(device_type), | |
// "is_isolated" : validate_value(isolated), | |
// "session_depth" : validate_value(sessionData.depth), | |
// "page_type" : validate_value(page_meta.page_type), | |
// "custom" : validateCustom(page_meta.custom), | |
// | |
// "use_ssl" : validate_value(use_ssl), | |
// "resolution_width" : validate_value(width), | |
// "resolution_height" : validate_value(height), | |
// "gclid" : validate_value(sessionData.gclid), | |
// "fbclid" : validate_value(sessionData.fbclid), | |
// "buyer" : validate_value(page_meta.buyer), | |
// "split" : validate_value(page_meta.split), | |
// "adblock" : validate_value(adblock.detected) | |
}; | |
// Logging | |
function output_logging(content){ | |
if(project_settings.logging_turned_on){ | |
if(typeof content == "string") console.log(project_settings.site_name + " Ads: " + content); | |
else console.log(content); | |
} | |
} | |
// Get OS | |
function get_os(){ | |
var os = navigator.userAgent; | |
var return_os = ""; | |
if('Windows') !== -1) return_os = "Windows"; | |
else if('Mac') !== -1) return_os = "MacOS"; | |
else if('X11') !== -1 && !('Linux') !== -1)) return_os = "UNIX"; | |
else if('Linux') !== -1 &&'X11') !== -1) return_os = "Linux" | |
return return_os; | |
} | |
// Validate any value benig sent in reporting | |
function validate_value(value, type, max_length = 255){ | |
// Validate string logic | |
if(type == "string"){ | |
// Convert number to string | |
if(typeof value === 'number') value = value.toString(); | |
// If it's not a string, make it empty by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'string') value = ""; | |
// Trim max length | |
if(value.length > max_length) value = value.substring(0, max_length); | |
} | |
// Validate number logic | |
else if(type == "number"){ | |
// Convert string to number | |
if(typeof value === 'string') value = value.toString(); | |
// If it's not a number, make it 0 by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'number') value = 0; | |
} | |
// Validate boolean logic | |
else if(type == "boolean"){ | |
// Convert string to boolean | |
if(typeof value === 'string'){ | |
if(['false', '0'].includes(value)) value = false; | |
else if(['true', '1'].includes(value)) value = true; | |
} | |
// Convert number to boolean | |
else if(typeof value === 'number'){ | |
if(value == 0) value = false; | |
else if(value == 1) value = true; | |
} | |
// If it's not a boolean, make it false by default | |
if(typeof value !== 'boolean') value = false; | |
} | |
return value; | |
} | |
// Generate UUID (unique ID) | |
function generate_uuid(){ | |
var d = new Date().getTime(); | |
// Use high-precision timer if available (time on page) | |
if(window.performance && typeof === "function"){ | |
d +=; | |
} | |
var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { | |
var r = (d + Math.random()*16)%16 | 0; | |
d = Math.floor(d/16); | |
return (c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8)).toString(16); | |
}); | |
return uuid; | |
} | |
// Function to send Requests for data logging | |
function send_bid_report(data){ | |
// If there is no report endpoint | |
if(project_settings.report_url == "") return; | |
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |"post", project_settings.report_url, 1); | |
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8") | |
request.onload = function(){ | |
if(request.status == 200) output_logging("Bid Report sent"); | |
else output_logging("Failed to send bid report"); | |
} | |
request.send(JSON.stringify(data)); | |
} | |
// Timer for leaving the page and pausing refresh | |
function refresh_timer_tracker(seconds, oncomplete){ | |
console.log('refresh_timer_tracker: called'); | |
var timerId, start, remaining = parseInt(seconds)*1000; | |
this.pause = function() { | |
window.clearTimeout(timerId); | |
timerId = null; | |
remaining -= - start; | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: pause = '+remaining); | |
}; | |
this.resume = function() { | |
if (timerId) return; | |
start =; | |
timerId = window.setTimeout(oncomplete, remaining); | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: resume = '+remaining); | |
}; | |
this.delete = function(){ | |
if (!timerId) return; | |
clearInterval(timerId); | |
output_logging('refresh_timer_tracker: delete'); | |
} | |
this.resume(); | |
return this; | |
} | |
return { | |
data: page_tracking_data, | |
close_sticky: close_sticky | |
}; | |
})(site_htl_settings); </script> | |
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<title>Ted Lasso S1 E07 "Make Rebecca Great Again" / Recap - TV Tropes</title> | |
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<meta property="og:description" content="Since Jamie's return to Manchester City, Richmond has not scored a single goal. The team unenthusiastically heads to Liverpool for a match against Everton, whom they have not won against in 60 years. Rebecca brings Keeley to Liverpool with her." /> | |
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<p>Since Jamie's return to Manchester City, Richmond has not scored a single goal. The team unenthusiastically heads to Liverpool for a match against Everton, whom they have not won against in 60 years. Rebecca brings Keeley to Liverpool with her. She admits that she is struggling because the next day is her wedding anniversary with Rupert, the first one since their divorce. Keeley comforts her, and they agree to enjoy the weekend and leave the past behind. The two of them are unexpectedly joined by Flo "Sassy" Collins, Rebecca's childhood best friend and the mother of Rebecca's goddaughter Nora, neither of whom Rebecca has spoken to in six years. The three women go to dinner, where Sassy tells Keeley that Rebecca's cold personality is an act, while the real Rebecca is warm, silly, and a beautiful singer.</p><p>Ted holds a movie night for the team, during which he talks strategy with Nate and Beard. He asks what Nate would tell the team if he were in Ted's shoes, but Nate is too timid to share his opinions with Ted. Before he can press Nate further, Ted is interrupted by a message from Michelle reminding him that he needs to sign and fax some paperwork she sent over in order to finalize their divorce. Ted goes to the front desk to ask if they have a fax machine, where he runs into Sassy. The two of them flirt, but do not realize that they both know Rebecca. In his room that night, Ted receives a text from Michelle's lawyer telling him that he can just scan the paperwork instead of faxing it. Nate writes down his thoughts on the team that Ted asked him for and tries to slip them under Ted's door, but Ted catches him and snaps at him to leave.</p><p>The next morning, Ted apologizes to Nate and says that the team needs to hear the things Nate wrote about them. To the players' surprise, Nate's pregame speech is actually a witty roast calling out their individual weaknesses, which fires them up and leads to them finally beating Everton. After the match, Rebecca, Sassy, and Keeley join the team in the locker room, where Ted and Sassy are delighted to see each other again. At Roy's urging, the entire team goes out to a karaoke bar to celebrate their victory. Sassy reveals to Rebecca that she deliberately tracked her down in order to support her on her wedding anniversary. Rebecca apologizes for abandoning her and Nora, blaming Rupert's influence; Sassy forgives her, but tells her that it wasn't just Rupert's fault and Rebecca made her own choices, too. Rebecca sings <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/Frozen2013' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/Frozen2013'>"Let It Go"</a>, dedicating the performance to Nora. During the song, Ted has a panic attack and flees the bar. Rebecca finds him outside and helps him calm down. Ted returns to the hotel and finally signs and scans the divorce paperwork.</p><p>After leaving the karaoke bar, Sassy, Nate, and most of the players head to a pub to keep the party going. Keeley offers to stay with Rebecca if she's still struggling with her anniversary, but Rebecca assures her that she is fine and encourages her to walk back to the hotel with Roy, who did not go to the pub with the rest of the team. Roy walks Keeley back to her room and the two passionately kiss. Roy then tells her goodnight and leaves, much to Keeley's confusion. Later, Ted hears a knock on his hotel room door and opens it to find Sassy, who wordlessly steps inside.</p><p>This episode premiered on September 11, 2020.<hr /><h2>This episode provides examples of:</h2></p><p><ul ><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheBigDamnKiss' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheBigDamnKiss'>The Big Damn Kiss</a>: Between Keeley and Roy after half a season of sexual tension, when they walk back to their hotel after the post-win karaoke celebration.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrickJoke' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrickJoke'>Brick Joke</a>: When Rebecca and Keeley are in their hotel room, it's revealed that Keeley did some tourism promos for Liverpool early on in her modeling career, which despite being several years old are still shown on the hotel's TVs. Later on, after Richmond wins the match against Everton, Keeley re-adopts the same mannerisms she had in the tourism promos to recommend that they all go out for karaoke to celebrate their win.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrokenWinLossStreak' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrokenWinLossStreak'>Broken Win/Loss Streak</a>: After going sixty years without beating Everton at their home ground in Liverpool, Richmond finally snaps the streak thanks to Roy's performance.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Foreshadowing' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Foreshadowing'>Foreshadowing</a>:<ul ><li> Ted signs the divorce papers with his left hand, which becomes very important in the next episode.</li><li> Nate decides to inspire the team with a series of <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InspirationalInsult' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InspirationalInsult'>Inspirational Insults</a> rather than a traditional <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RousingSpeech' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RousingSpeech'>Rousing Speech</a>, hinting at how he doesn't have as much of a soft touch as Ted does when it comes to coaching.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GirlOnGirlIsHot' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GirlOnGirlIsHot'>Girl on Girl Is Hot</a>: <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InvokedTrope' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InvokedTrope'>Invoked</a> by Keeley when she tells a bellboy that she and Rebecca are going to have sex in their hotel suite, with her justification being that he'll treasure that mental image much more than a cash tip.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InspirationalInsult' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InspirationalInsult'>Inspirational Insult</a>: Nate roasts various players' weaknesses in the locker room just before the match, which motivates them to play, leading to Richmond beating Everton for the first time in sixty years.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManlyTears' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ManlyTears'>Manly Tears</a>: At night, for entertainment, Ted plays <em><a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheIronGiant' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheIronGiant'>The Iron Giant</a></em> for the team in a hotel ballroom and asks Coach Beard to "Keep an eye on these guys, 'cause around the 74 minute mark, there's gonna be a room full of grown men crying." Later, the scene cuts back to the ballroom right at the moment of the Giant's <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicSacrifice' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicSacrifice'>Heroic Sacrifice</a> and pans across the faces of Dani, Isaac, and Colin, all showing different degrees of tearing up. <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunnyBackgroundEvent' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FunnyBackgroundEvent'>Even Roy is seen wiping his face in the background</a>.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MeaningfulBackgroundEvent' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MeaningfulBackgroundEvent'>Meaningful Background Event</a>:<ul ><li> After Isaac silently admonishes another player for checking his phone during <em><a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheIronGiant' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheIronGiant'>The Iron Giant</a></em>, the camera shifts focus to Roy sitting behind them, having watched the exchange. This serves to set up Roy naming Isaac his successor as captain in the season finale.</li><li> While the team celebrates their win, Colin and Isaac can briefly be seen doing shots with Nate at the bar and carrying him out when he's too drunk to walk, showing that they have genuinely turned over a new leaf.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OffscreenMomentOfAwesome' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OffscreenMomentOfAwesome'>Offscreen Moment of Awesome</a>: Richmond's match against Everton is completely skipped over, with the narrative jumping from Nate's pre-game "<a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrutalHonesty' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BrutalHonesty'>pep talk</a>" to Richmond celebrating their improbable victory (and Roy's match-winning goal) in the locker room.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OOCIsSeriousBusiness' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OOCIsSeriousBusiness'>O.O.C. Is Serious Business</a>:<ul ><li> The normally stoic Rebecca almost breaks down in tears admitting to Keeley that this is her first wedding anniversary since the divorce.</li><li> The normally cheerful, kind Ted when he snaps at Nate. His normally carefully groomed coif is a mess and he's a few mini-bottles in. Turns out, he wasn't handling his divorce as well as he'd hoped.</li><li> The team is at first stunned when shrinking violet Nate starts his roast, not realizing what he's doing, but then he and they lean into it, and it becomes awesome.</li></ul></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayingTheVictimCard' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PlayingTheVictimCard'>Playing the Victim Card</a>: Invoked by Sassy that this is what Rebecca is doing, but while she has a point on how bad Rupert was, Rebecca herself isn't blameless.<div class='indent'><strong>Rebecca</strong>: That man took so much from me.</div><div class='indent'><strong>Sassy</strong>: No. Rupert is a horrible man who built you an ivory tower to keep you captive in...But you climbed every single step of that tower on your own. You're the one who stopped coming home, stopped calling. You made a six-year-old girl wonder what she'd done wrong. I'll always be your biggest defender, but you have to own up to the part you played.</div></li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RunningGag' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RunningGag'>Running Gag</a>: KeeleyοΏ½s Liverpool tourist ad pops up a couple times. Roy later tells Keeley that she was on his mind because he kept seeing the ad. Not long after that the pair recreate it to help the team decide where to celebrate.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SurprisinglyRealisticOutcome'>Surprisingly Realistic Outcome</a>: Higgins took a small stand against Rebecca in the previous episode, supporting the team and helping them with the de-cursing. Rebecca punishes him this episode, having him stay behind while the team goes to Liverpool, doing "work that doesn't matter".</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UltimateJobSecurity' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UltimateJobSecurity'>Ultimate Job Security</a>: The waiter Rebecca hooks up with seems surprisingly confident about it, considering that sleeping with guests is a fireable offense in every respectable hotel.</li><li> <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VomitIndiscretionShot' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VomitIndiscretionShot'>Vomit Indiscretion Shot</a>: Ted pushes past a vomiting bar patron while having his panic attack.</li></ul></p><p><hr /></p></div> | |
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