import {on, once} from 'node:events'; import {PassThrough as PassThroughStream} from 'node:stream'; import {finished} from 'node:stream/promises'; export default function mergeStreams(streams) { if (!Array.isArray(streams)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected an array, got \`${typeof streams}\`.`); } for (const stream of streams) { validateStream(stream); } const objectMode = streams.some(({readableObjectMode}) => readableObjectMode); const highWaterMark = getHighWaterMark(streams, objectMode); const passThroughStream = new MergedStream({ objectMode, writableHighWaterMark: highWaterMark, readableHighWaterMark: highWaterMark, }); for (const stream of streams) { passThroughStream.add(stream); } if (streams.length === 0) { endStream(passThroughStream); } return passThroughStream; } const getHighWaterMark = (streams, objectMode) => { if (streams.length === 0) { // @todo Use `node:stream` `getDefaultHighWaterMark(objectMode)` in next major release return 16_384; } const highWaterMarks = streams .filter(({readableObjectMode}) => readableObjectMode === objectMode) .map(({readableHighWaterMark}) => readableHighWaterMark); return Math.max(...highWaterMarks); }; class MergedStream extends PassThroughStream { #streams = new Set([]); #ended = new Set([]); #aborted = new Set([]); #onFinished; add(stream) { validateStream(stream); if (this.#streams.has(stream)) { return; } this.#streams.add(stream); this.#onFinished ??= onMergedStreamFinished(this, this.#streams); endWhenStreamsDone({ passThroughStream: this, stream, streams: this.#streams, ended: this.#ended, aborted: this.#aborted, onFinished: this.#onFinished, }); stream.pipe(this, {end: false}); } remove(stream) { validateStream(stream); if (!this.#streams.has(stream)) { return false; } stream.unpipe(this); return true; } } const onMergedStreamFinished = async (passThroughStream, streams) => { updateMaxListeners(passThroughStream, PASSTHROUGH_LISTENERS_COUNT); const controller = new AbortController(); try { await Promise.race([ onMergedStreamEnd(passThroughStream, controller), onInputStreamsUnpipe(passThroughStream, streams, controller), ]); } finally { controller.abort(); updateMaxListeners(passThroughStream, -PASSTHROUGH_LISTENERS_COUNT); } }; const onMergedStreamEnd = async (passThroughStream, {signal}) => { await finished(passThroughStream, {signal, cleanup: true}); }; const onInputStreamsUnpipe = async (passThroughStream, streams, {signal}) => { for await (const [unpipedStream] of on(passThroughStream, 'unpipe', {signal})) { if (streams.has(unpipedStream)) { unpipedStream.emit(unpipeEvent); } } }; const validateStream = stream => { if (typeof stream?.pipe !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(`Expected a readable stream, got: \`${typeof stream}\`.`); } }; const endWhenStreamsDone = async ({passThroughStream, stream, streams, ended, aborted, onFinished}) => { updateMaxListeners(passThroughStream, PASSTHROUGH_LISTENERS_PER_STREAM); const controller = new AbortController(); try { await Promise.race([ afterMergedStreamFinished(onFinished, stream), onInputStreamEnd({passThroughStream, stream, streams, ended, aborted, controller}), onInputStreamUnpipe({stream, streams, ended, aborted, controller}), ]); } finally { controller.abort(); updateMaxListeners(passThroughStream, -PASSTHROUGH_LISTENERS_PER_STREAM); } if (streams.size === ended.size + aborted.size) { if (ended.size === 0 && aborted.size > 0) { abortStream(passThroughStream); } else { endStream(passThroughStream); } } }; // This is the error thrown by `finished()` on `stream.destroy()` const isAbortError = error => error?.code === 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE'; const afterMergedStreamFinished = async (onFinished, stream) => { try { await onFinished; abortStream(stream); } catch (error) { if (isAbortError(error)) { abortStream(stream); } else { errorStream(stream, error); } } }; const onInputStreamEnd = async ({passThroughStream, stream, streams, ended, aborted, controller: {signal}}) => { try { await finished(stream, {signal, cleanup: true, readable: true, writable: false}); if (streams.has(stream)) { ended.add(stream); } } catch (error) { if (signal.aborted || !streams.has(stream)) { return; } if (isAbortError(error)) { aborted.add(stream); } else { errorStream(passThroughStream, error); } } }; const onInputStreamUnpipe = async ({stream, streams, ended, aborted, controller: {signal}}) => { await once(stream, unpipeEvent, {signal}); streams.delete(stream); ended.delete(stream); aborted.delete(stream); }; const unpipeEvent = Symbol('unpipe'); const endStream = stream => { if (stream.writable) { stream.end(); } }; const abortStream = stream => { if (stream.readable || stream.writable) { stream.destroy(); } }; // `stream.destroy(error)` crashes the process with `uncaughtException` if no `error` event listener exists on `stream`. // We take care of error handling on user behalf, so we do not want this to happen. const errorStream = (stream, error) => { if (!stream.destroyed) { stream.once('error', noop); stream.destroy(error); } }; const noop = () => {}; const updateMaxListeners = (passThroughStream, increment) => { const maxListeners = passThroughStream.getMaxListeners(); if (maxListeners !== 0 && maxListeners !== Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { passThroughStream.setMaxListeners(maxListeners + increment); } }; // Number of times `passThroughStream.on()` is called regardless of streams: // - once due to `finished(passThroughStream)` // - once due to `on(passThroughStream)` const PASSTHROUGH_LISTENERS_COUNT = 2; // Number of times `passThroughStream.on()` is called per stream: // - once due to `stream.pipe(passThroughStream)` const PASSTHROUGH_LISTENERS_PER_STREAM = 1;