--- title: 'Open-LLM performances are plateauing, let’s make the leaderboard steep again' emoji: 🏔️ colorFrom: pink colorTo: red sdk: static pinned: false header: mini app_file: dist/index.html thumbnail: https://huggingface.co/spaces/open-llm-leaderboard/blog/resolve/main/assets/images/thumbnail.png --- ## How to update the blog - `npm install` - `npm run dev` - change in src, then `npm run build` - commit dist to propagate changes + assets/src to allow for easier local development ## Templating You can leverage the [handlebars](https://handlebarsjs.com/) templating engine to generate html files from a template. Only the `.html.handlebars` files are processed. Currently only variables based on the files in src/fragments are available. Thus if you want to substitute the content of a frament file use it's dashed name as a variable name (e.g. `{{saturation-html}}`). ## Colors consistency All `.json` files in /assets are subject of color transformation. The expected format of the transformed key:value is `[color|colorFrom|colorTo]:colorName opacity`. The colorName is they substitued by the named color defined in color.mjs. ## What would be nice 1) Not using static spaces and instead building the file on spaces directly. This way we don't have recommit the dist all the time