import gradio as gr # create nnunet input types # run nnunet # export import os import pickle import subprocess from pathlib import Path from typing import Union import numpy as np import SimpleITK as sitk from evalutils import SegmentationAlgorithm from evalutils.validators import (UniqueImagesValidator, UniquePathIndicesValidator) from picai_baseline.nnunet.softmax_export import \ save_softmax_nifti_from_softmax from picai_prep import atomic_image_write from picai_prep.preprocessing import (PreprocessingSettings, Sample, resample_to_reference_scan) class MissingSequenceError(Exception): """Exception raised when a sequence is missing.""" def __init__(self, name, folder): message = f"Could not find scan for {name} in {folder} (files: {os.listdir(folder)})" super().__init__(message) class MultipleScansSameSequencesError(Exception): """Exception raised when multiple scans of the same sequences are provided.""" def __init__(self, name, folder): message = f"Found multiple scans for {name} in {folder} (files: {os.listdir(folder)})" super().__init__(message) def convert_to_original_extent(pred: np.ndarray, pkl_path: Union[Path, str], dst_path: Union[Path, str]): # convert to nnUNet's internal softmax format pred = np.array([1-pred, pred]) # read physical properties of current case with open(pkl_path, "rb") as fp: properties = pickle.load(fp) # let nnUNet resample to original physical space save_softmax_nifti_from_softmax( segmentation_softmax=pred, out_fname=str(dst_path), properties_dict=properties, ) def strip_metadata(img: sitk.Image) -> None: for key in img.GetMetaDataKeys(): img.EraseMetaData(key) def overwrite_affine(fixed_img: sitk.Image, moving_img: sitk.Image) -> sitk.Image: moving_img.SetOrigin(fixed_img.GetOrigin()) moving_img.SetDirection(fixed_img.GetDirection()) moving_img.SetSpacing(fixed_img.GetSpacing()) return moving_img class ProstateSegmentationAlgorithm(SegmentationAlgorithm): """ Wrapper to deploy trained prostate segmentation nnU-Net model from as a algorithm. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__( validators=dict( input_image=( UniqueImagesValidator(), UniquePathIndicesValidator(), ) ), ) # input / output paths for algorithm self.input_dirs = [ "/input/images/transverse-t2-prostate-mri" ] self.scan_paths = [] self.prostate_segmentation_path_pz = Path("/output/images/softmax-prostate-peripheral-zone-segmentation/prostate_gland_sm_pz.mha") self.prostate_segmentation_path_tz = Path("/output/images/softmax-prostate-central-gland-segmentation/prostate_gland_sm_tz.mha") self.prostate_segmentation_path = Path("/output/images/prostate-zonal-segmentation/prostate_gland.mha") # input / output paths for nnUNet self.nnunet_inp_dir = Path("/opt/algorithm/nnunet/input") self.nnunet_out_dir = Path("/opt/algorithm/nnunet/output") self.nnunet_results = Path("/opt/algorithm/results") # ensure required folders exist self.nnunet_inp_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.nnunet_out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) self.prostate_segmentation_path_pz.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # input validation for multiple inputs scan_glob_format = "*.mha" for folder in self.input_dirs: file_paths = list(Path(folder).glob(scan_glob_format)) if len(file_paths) == 0: raise MissingSequenceError(name=folder.split("/")[-1], folder=folder) elif len(file_paths) >= 2: raise MultipleScansSameSequencesError(name=folder.split("/")[-1], folder=folder) else: # append scan path to algorithm input paths self.scan_paths += [file_paths[0]] def preprocess_input(self): """Preprocess input images to nnUNet Raw Data Archive format""" # set up Sample sample = Sample( scans=[ sitk.ReadImage(str(path)) for path in [self.scan_paths[0]] ], settings=PreprocessingSettings( physical_size=[81.0, 192.0, 192.0], crop_only=True ) ) # perform preprocessing sample.preprocess() # write preprocessed scans to nnUNet input directory for i, scan in enumerate(sample.scans): path = self.nnunet_inp_dir / f"scan_{i:04d}.nii.gz" atomic_image_write(scan, path) # Note: need to overwrite process because of flexible inputs, which requires custom data loading def process(self): """ Load bpMRI scans and segment the prostate glands """ # perform preprocessing self.preprocess_input() # perform inference using nnUNet self.predict( task="Task848_experiment48", trainer="nnUNetTrainerV2_MMS", checkpoint="model_best", folds="0" ) pred_path_prostate = str(self.nnunet_out_dir / "scan.npz") sm_arr = np.load(pred_path_prostate)['softmax'] pz_arr = np.array(sm_arr[1, :, :, :]).astype('float32') tz_arr = np.array(sm_arr[2, :, :, :]).astype('float32') # read postprocessed prediction pred_path = str(self.nnunet_out_dir / "scan.nii.gz") pred_postprocessed: sitk.Image = sitk.ReadImage(pred_path) # remove metadata to get rid of SimpleITK warning strip_metadata(pred_postprocessed) # save postprocessed prediction to output atomic_image_write(pred_postprocessed, self.prostate_segmentation_path, mkdir=True) for pred, save_path in [ (pz_arr, self.prostate_segmentation_path_pz), (tz_arr, self.prostate_segmentation_path_tz), ]: # the prediction is currently at the size and location of the nnU-Net preprocessed # scan, so we need to convert it to the original extent before we continue convert_to_original_extent( pred=pred, pkl_path=self.nnunet_out_dir / "scan.pkl", dst_path=self.nnunet_out_dir / "softmax.nii.gz", ) # now each voxel in softmax.nii.gz corresponds to the same voxel in the reference scan pred = sitk.ReadImage(str(self.nnunet_out_dir / "softmax.nii.gz")) # convert prediction to a SimpleITK image and infuse the physical metadata of the reference scan reference_scan_original_path = str(self.scan_paths[0]) reference_scan = sitk.ReadImage(reference_scan_original_path) pred = resample_to_reference_scan(pred, reference_scan_original=reference_scan) # clip small values to 0 to save disk space arr = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(pred) arr[arr < 1e-3] = 0 pred_clipped = sitk.GetImageFromArray(arr) pred_clipped.CopyInformation(pred) # remove metadata to get rid of SimpleITK warning strip_metadata(pred_clipped) # save prediction to output folder atomic_image_write(pred_clipped, save_path, mkdir=True) def predict(self, task, trainer="nnUNetTrainerV2", network="3d_fullres", checkpoint="model_final_checkpoint", folds="0,1,2,3,4", store_probability_maps=True, disable_augmentation=False, disable_patch_overlap=False): """ Use trained nnUNet network to generate segmentation masks """ # Set environment variables os.environ['RESULTS_FOLDER'] = str(self.nnunet_results) # Run prediction script cmd = [ 'nnUNet_predict', '-t', task, '-i', str(self.nnunet_inp_dir), '-o', str(self.nnunet_out_dir), '-m', network, '-tr', trainer, '--num_threads_preprocessing', '2', '--num_threads_nifti_save', '1' ] if folds: cmd.append('-f') cmd.extend(folds.split(',')) if checkpoint: cmd.append('-chk') cmd.append(checkpoint) if store_probability_maps: cmd.append('--save_npz') if disable_augmentation: cmd.append('--disable_tta') if disable_patch_overlap: cmd.extend(['--step_size', '1']) subprocess.check_call(cmd) def predict(input_file): print("Making prediction") print(input_file) return input_file demo = gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=gr.File(file_count="single", file_types=[".mha", ".nii.gz", ".nii"]), outputs=( gr.File() ), cache_examples=False, , # outputs=gr.Label(num_top_classes=3), ) demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)