import gradio as gr # Function to handle the logic of PDF viewing, test solving, and homework uploading def process_education(topic, test_solution, homework_file): # Here you would add the logic to display the PDF associated with the chosen topic, # check the test solution, and handle the homework file upload. # This is a placeholder for demonstration purposes. pdf_view = "PDF for topic: " + topic test_result = "Test result based on solution: " + test_solution return pdf_view, test_result # Create the Gradio interface iface = gr.Interface( process_education, [ gr.inputs.Dropdown(['Topic 1', 'Topic 2', 'Topic 3'], label="Choose Topic"), gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=2, label="Solve the Test"), gr.inputs.File(label="Upload Homework") ], [ gr.outputs.HTML(label="View PDF of Chosen Topic"), gr.outputs.Textbox(label="Your Test Result") ] ) # Launch the interface; when deploying to Hugging Face Spaces, this line is not needed # iface.launch() # Save the interface to be deployed on Hugging Face Spaces iface.save_to_huggingface_space("YOUR_HUGGINGFACE_USERNAME/YOUR_SPACE_NAME")