BuckLakeAI / preprocess.py
parkerjj's picture
Daily Update, First Release for model 1012
history blame
20.1 kB
import re
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import time
# 如果使用 spaCy 进行 NLP 处理
import spacy
# 如果使用某种情感分析工具,比如 Hugging Face 的模型
from transformers import pipeline
# 还需要导入 pickle 模块(如果你在代码的其他部分使用了它来处理序列化/反序列化)
import pickle
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors
import akshare as ak
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from us_stock import *
# 强制使用 GPU
# 加载模型
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
# 检查是否使用 GPU
print("Is NPL GPU used Preprocessing.py:", spacy.prefer_gpu())
# 使用合适的模型和tokenizer
model_name = "ProsusAI/finbert" # 选择合适的预训练模型
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
sa_model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
# 初始化情感分析器
sentiment_analyzer = pipeline('sentiment-analysis', model=sa_model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
index_us_stock_index_INX = ak.index_us_stock_sina(symbol=".INX")
index_us_stock_index_DJI = ak.index_us_stock_sina(symbol=".DJI")
index_us_stock_index_IXIC = ak.index_us_stock_sina(symbol=".IXIC")
index_us_stock_index_NDX = ak.index_us_stock_sina(symbol=".NDX")
class LazyWord2Vec:
def __init__(self, model_path):
self.model_path = model_path
self._model = None
def model(self):
if self._model is None:
print("Loading Word2Vec model...")
self._model = KeyedVectors.load(self.model_path, mmap='r')
return self._model
def vector_size(self):
return self.model.vector_size # 现在你可以正确访问 vector_size 属性
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.model[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.model
# 加载预训练的 Google News Word2Vec 模型
# 定义路径列表
search_paths = ["/BuckLake/Model/",
# 获取当前文件所在目录的路径
current_directory = os.getcwd()
print(f"Current directory: {current_directory}")
current_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# 添加相对于当前项目的路径
# search_paths.insert(0, os.path.join(current_directory, 'model'))
search_paths.insert(1, os.path.join(current_directory, '..', 'Model'))
# 定义相对路径
filename = 'word2vec-google-news-300.model'
# 初始化word2vec_path为None
word2vec_path = None
# 遍历路径列表
for path in search_paths:
potential_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
if os.path.exists(potential_path):
word2vec_path = potential_path
print(f"{potential_path} not found.")
# 如果找到路径,加载模型
if word2vec_path:
print(f"Loading Word2Vec model from {word2vec_path}...")
word2vec_model = LazyWord2Vec(word2vec_path)
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{filename} not found in any of the search paths: {search_paths}")
def pos_tagging(text):
doc = nlp(text)
tokens, pos_tags, tags = [], [], []
for token in doc:
if token.is_punct or token.is_stop:
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in pos_tagging for text: {text[:50]}... Error: {str(e)}")
return "", "", ""
return tokens, pos_tags, tags
# 命名实体识别函数
def named_entity_recognition(text):
doc = nlp(text)
entities = [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents]
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in named_entity_recognition for text: {text[:50]}... Error: {str(e)}")
entities = []
return entities or [("", "")]
# 处理命名实体识别结果
def process_entities(entities):
entity_counts = defaultdict(int)
for entity in entities:
etype = entity[1] # 取出实体类型
entity_counts[etype] += 1 # 直接对实体类型进行计数
# 将字典转化为有序的数组
entity_types = sorted(entity_counts.keys())
counts = np.array([entity_counts[etype] for etype in entity_types])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in process_entities: {str(e)}")
counts = np.zeros(len(entities))
entity_types = []
return counts, entity_types
# 处理词性标注结果
def process_pos_tags(pos_tags):
pos_counts = defaultdict(int)
for pos in pos_tags:
pos_counts[pos[1]] += 1 # 使用POS标签(如NN, VB等)
# 将字典转化为有序的数组
pos_types = sorted(pos_counts.keys())
counts = np.array([pos_counts[pos] for pos in pos_types])
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in process_pos_tags: {str(e)}")
counts = np.zeros(len(pos_tags))
pos_types = []
return counts, pos_types
# 函数:获取文档向量
def get_document_vector(words, model = word2vec_model):
# 获取每个词的词向量,如果词不在模型中则跳过
word_vectors = [model[word] for word in words if word in model]
# 对词向量进行平均,得到文档向量;如果没有词在模型中则返回零向量
document_vector = np.mean(word_vectors, axis=0) if word_vectors else np.zeros(model.vector_size)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in get_document_vector for words: {words[:5]}... Error: {str(e)}")
document_vector = np.zeros(model.vector_size)
return document_vector
# 函数:获取情感得分
def get_sentiment_score(text):
# 直接将原始文本传递给 sentiment_analyzer,它会自动处理 tokenization
result = sentiment_analyzer(text, truncation=True, max_length=512)[0]
score = result['score'] if result['label'] == 'positive' else -result['score']
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in get_sentiment_score for text: {text[:50]}... Error: {str(e)}")
score = 0.0
return score
def get_stock_info(stock_codes, history_days=30):
# 获取股票代码和新闻日期
stock_codes = stock_codes
news_date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
# print(f"Getting stock info for {stock_codes} on {news_date}")
previous_stock_history = []
following_stock_history = []
previous_stock_inx_index_history = []
previous_stock_dj_index_history = []
previous_stock_ixic_index_history = []
previous_stock_ndx_index_history = []
following_stock_inx_index_history = []
following_stock_dj_index_history = []
following_stock_ixic_index_history = []
following_stock_ndx_index_history = []
def process_history(stock_history, target_date, history_days=history_days, following_days = 3):
# 如果数据为空,创建一个空的 DataFrame 并填充为 0
if stock_history.empty:
empty_data_previous = pd.DataFrame({
'开盘': [-1] * history_days,
'收盘': [-1] * history_days,
'最高': [-1] * history_days,
'最低': [-1] * history_days,
'成交量': [-1] * history_days,
'成交额': [-1] * history_days
empty_data_following = pd.DataFrame({
'开盘': [-1] * following_days,
'收盘': [-1] * following_days,
'最高': [-1] * following_days,
'最低': [-1] * following_days,
'成交量': [-1] * following_days,
'成交额': [-1] * following_days
return empty_data_previous, empty_data_following
# 确保 'date' 列存在
if 'date' not in stock_history.columns:
print(f"'date' column not found in stock history. Returning empty data.")
return pd.DataFrame([[-1] * 6] * history_days), pd.DataFrame([[-1] * 6] * following_days)
# 将日期转换为 datetime 格式,便于比较
stock_history['date'] = pd.to_datetime(stock_history['date'])
target_date = pd.to_datetime(target_date)
# 找到目标日期的索引
target_row = stock_history[stock_history['date'] == target_date]
if target_row.empty:
# 如果目标日期找不到,找到离目标日期最近的日期
closest_date_index = (stock_history['date'] - target_date).abs().idxmin()
target_date = stock_history.loc[closest_date_index, 'date']
target_row = stock_history[stock_history['date'] == target_date]
# 确保找到的目标日期有数据
if target_row.empty:
return pd.DataFrame([[-1] * 6] * history_days), pd.DataFrame([[-1] * 6] * following_days)
target_index = target_row.index[0]
target_pos = stock_history.index.get_loc(target_index)
# 取出目标日期及其前history_days条记录
previous_rows = stock_history.iloc[max(0, target_pos - history_days):target_pos + 1]
# 取出目标日期及其后3条记录
following_rows = stock_history.iloc[target_pos + 1:target_pos + 4]
# 删除日期列
previous_rows = previous_rows.drop(columns=['date'])
following_rows = following_rows.drop(columns=['date'])
# 如果 previous_rows 或 following_rows 的行数不足 history_days,则填充至 history_days 行
if len(previous_rows) < history_days:
previous_rows = previous_rows.reindex(range(history_days), fill_value=-1)
if len(following_rows) < 3:
following_rows = following_rows.reindex(range(3), fill_value=-1)
# 只返回前history_days行,并只返回前6列(开盘、收盘、最高、最低、成交量、成交额)
previous_rows = previous_rows.iloc[:history_days, :6]
following_rows = following_rows.iloc[:following_days, :6]
return previous_rows, following_rows
if not stock_codes or stock_codes == ['']:
# 如果 stock_codes 为空,直接获取并返回大盘数据
stock_index_ndx_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 1)
stock_index_dj_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 2)
stock_index_inx_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 3)
stock_index_ixic_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 4)
previous_ndx_rows, following_ndx_rows = process_history(stock_index_ndx_history, news_date, history_days)
previous_dj_rows, following_dj_rows = process_history(stock_index_dj_history, news_date, history_days)
previous_inx_rows, following_inx_rows = process_history(stock_index_inx_history, news_date, history_days)
previous_ixic_rows, following_ixic_rows = process_history(stock_index_ixic_history, news_date, history_days)
# 个股补零逻辑
previous_stock_history.append([[-1] * 6] * history_days)
following_stock_history.append([[-1] * 6] * 3)
for stock_code in stock_codes:
stock_code = stock_code.strip()
stock_history = get_stock_history(stock_code, news_date)
# 处理个股数据
previous_rows, following_rows = process_history(stock_history, news_date)
# 处理大盘数据
stock_index_ndx_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 1)
stock_index_dj_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 2)
stock_index_inx_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 3)
stock_index_ixic_history = get_stock_index_history("", news_date, 4)
previous_ndx_rows, following_ndx_rows = process_history(stock_index_ndx_history, news_date, history_days)
previous_dj_rows, following_dj_rows = process_history(stock_index_dj_history, news_date, history_days)
previous_inx_rows, following_inx_rows = process_history(stock_index_inx_history, news_date, history_days)
previous_ixic_rows, following_ixic_rows = process_history(stock_index_ixic_history, news_date, history_days)
# 只返回第一支股票的数据
return previous_stock_history, following_stock_history, \
previous_stock_inx_index_history, previous_stock_dj_index_history, previous_stock_ixic_index_history, previous_stock_ndx_index_history, \
following_stock_inx_index_history, following_stock_dj_index_history, following_stock_ixic_index_history, following_stock_ndx_index_history,
def lemmatized_entry(entry):
entry_start_time = time.time()
# Step 1 - 条目聚合
lemmatized_text = preprocessing_entry(entry)
return lemmatized_text
# 1. 数据清理
# 1.1 合并数据
# 1.2 去除噪声
# 1.3 大小写转换
# 1.4 去除停用词
# 1.5 词汇矫正与拼写检查
# 1.6 词干提取与词形还原
# 强制使用 GPU
# spacy.require_gpu()
# 加载模型
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
# 检查是否使用 GPU
print("Is NPL GPU used Lemmatized:", spacy.prefer_gpu())
def preprocessing_entry(news_entry):
text (str): preprocessing后的文本
[str]]: 词干提取后的String列表
# 1.1 合并数据
text = merge_text(news_entry)
# 1.2 去除噪声
text = disposal_noise(text)
# 1.3 大小写转换
text = text.lower()
# 1.4 去除停用词
text = remove_stopwords(text)
# 1.5 拼写检查
#text = correct_spelling(text)
#print(f"1.5 拼写检查后的文本:{text}")
# 1.6 词干提取与词形还原
lemmatized_text_list = lemmatize_text(text)
#print(f"1.6 词干提取与词形还原后的文本:{lemmatized_text_list}")
return lemmatized_text_list
# 1.1 合并数据
def merge_text(news_entry):
return news_entry
# 1.2 去除噪声
def disposal_noise(text):
# 移除HTML标签
text = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', text)
# 移除URLs
text = re.sub(r'http\S+|www\S+|https\S+', '', text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
# 移除方括号内的内容
# text = re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '', text)
# 移除标点符号
# text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', text)
# 移除多余的空格
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip()
# 或者选择性地过滤,例如移除表情符号
# text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s.,!?]', '', text)
# 移除换行符和制表符
text = re.sub(r'[\n\t\r]', ' ', text)
return text
# 1.4 去除停用词
def remove_stopwords(text):
# 使用 spaCy 处理文本
doc = nlp(text)
# 去除停用词,并且仅保留标识为“词”(Token.is_alpha)类型的标记
filtered_sentence = [token.text for token in doc if not token.is_stop and (token.is_alpha or token.like_num)]
return ' '.join(filtered_sentence)
# 1.5 拼写检查
# 该函数用于检查输入文本的拼写错误,并修正
# def correct_spelling(text):
# corrected_text = []
# doc = nlp(text)
# for token in doc:
# if token.is_alpha: # 仅检查字母构成的单词
# corrected_word = spell.correction(token.text)
# if corrected_word is None:
# # 如果拼写检查没有建议,保留原始单词
# corrected_word = token.text
# corrected_text.append(corrected_word)
# else:
# corrected_text.append(token.text)
# return " ".join(corrected_text)
# 1.6 词干提取与词形还原
# 该函数用于对输入文本进行词形还原,返回一个包含词形还原后单词
def lemmatize_text(text):
# 提取词干化后的词
lemmatized_words = []
doc = nlp(text) # 需要在这里处理输入文本
for token in doc:
# 忽略标点符号和空格
if not token.is_punct and not token.is_space and (token.is_alpha or token.like_num):
return lemmatized_words
# 2. 数据增强和特征提取
# 2.1 词性标注(Part-of-Speech Tagging)
# 为每个词标注其词性(如名词、动词、形容词等),这有助于后续的句法分析和信息提取。
# 工具:spaCy 或 NLTK
# 2.2 命名实体识别(NER)
# 识别文本中的命名实体,如人名、地名、组织机构等,提取出这些实体信息。
# 工具:spaCy 或 Stanford NER
# 2.3 句法分析与依存分析
# 分析句子结构,理解单词之间的关系(如主谓宾结构)。
# 工具:spaCy 或 NLTK
# 2 特征提取
# 强制使用 GPU
# 加载模型
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_md")
# 检查是否使用 GPU
print("Is NPL GPU used Enchance_text.py:", spacy.prefer_gpu())
# 2.3 句法分析与依存分析
def dependency_parsing(text):
doc = nlp(text)
dependencies = []
for token in doc:
# 过滤标点符号和停用词,或其他不需要的词性
if token.is_punct or token.is_stop:
# 可以进一步根据特定的依存关系类型过滤结果
# 常见的依存关系类型: 'nsubj' (名词主语), 'dobj' (直接宾语), 等等
# if token.dep_ not in {'nsubj', 'dobj', ...}:
# continue
dependencies.append((token.text, token.dep_, token.head.text))
return dependencies
def processing_entry(entry):
# print(f"processing_entry: {entry}")
lemmatized_entry = preprocessing_entry(entry)
# print(f"lemmatized_entry: {lemmatized_entry}")
cleaned_text = disposal_noise(entry)
# print(f"disposal_noise: {cleaned_text}")
pos_tag = pos_tagging(cleaned_text)
# print(f"pos_tagging: {db_pos_tag}")
ner = named_entity_recognition(cleaned_text)
# print(f"named_entity_recognition: {db_ner}")
dependency_parsed = dependency_parsing(cleaned_text)
# print(f"dependency_parsing: {db_dependency_parsing}")
sentiment_score = get_sentiment_score(cleaned_text)
# print(f"sentiment_score: {sentiment_score}")
return (lemmatized_entry, pos_tag, ner, dependency_parsed, sentiment_score)