BuckLakeAI / app.py
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import os
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi.middleware.wsgi import WSGIMiddleware
from transformers import pipeline
app = FastAPI() # 创建 FastAPI 应用
# 定义请求模型
class TextRequest(BaseModel):
text: str
# 定义两个 API 路由处理函数
async def api_aaa_post(request: TextRequest):
result = request.text + 'aaa'
return {"result": result}
# 定义两个 API 路由处理函数
async def aaa(request: TextRequest):
result = request.text + 'aaa'
return {"result": result}
# 定义两个 API 路由处理函数
async def api_aaa_get(request: TextRequest):
result = request.text + 'aaa'
return {"result": result}
async def api_bbb(request: TextRequest):
result = request.text + 'bbb'
return {"result": result}
pipe_flan = pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-small")
def t5_get(input):
output = pipe_flan(input)
return {"output": output[0]["generated_text"]}
def t5_post(input):
output = pipe_flan(input)
return {"output": output[0]["generated_text"]}
async def root():
return {"message": "Welcome to the API. Use /api/aaa or /api/bbb for processing."}